Farmina cat food: reviews from veterinarians and owners, composition

Farmina for cats is an excellent quality food for animals of all ages, which is in great demand among cat lovers. A balanced composition, good digestibility, and the absence of artificial additives put it on par with the most popular brands of animal feed.

Farmina product range for animals

Farmina cat food review

Farmina cat food N&D is produced by Farmina Pet Food in Europe (Serbia, Italy) and South America (Brazil). The products of this company are of high quality. When developing it, all the needs of our pets were taken into account. 3/4 of the feed volume is high-quality meat. 1/4 comes from vegetables and healthy supplements - vitamins and microelements.

According to reviews from those who have switched their pets to this brand of food, the animals eat it with great pleasure and are distinguished by enviable health, as evidenced by the excellent condition of the coat and skin, the clear look of shiny, clean eyes, the absence of plaque, and a soft belly. It is also noteworthy that when switching from cheaper food to Farmina, the volume of cat excrement noticeably decreases - a typical sign that the food is digested almost without residue.

Premium food "Matisse"

Reviews of Farmina Matisse cat food are quite varied. Some owners claim that this food is an excellent replacement for more expensive analogues. “Matisse” saturates cats well and is not harmful to health.

However, veterinarians leave other reviews about Farmina Matisse cat food. Although the food consists of thirty-two percent dehydrated meat and twenty-five percent rice, it still contains corn. This food is good compared to other premium foods, but for your pet it is better to choose a higher quality line.

Product range

Farmina Pet Food company produces five lines of dry cat food. They contain different components, they have different effects on the health of animals, and their prices are also different. Only one thing remains constant – the highest quality.

Farmina Natural & Delicious

Elite holistic food. This category includes feed that fully satisfies the needs of animals for proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. In other words, if you feed your pet only holistic food, it does not require additional feeding.

Natural & Delicious food comes in:

  • grain-free;
  • with pumpkin seeds;
  • with quinoa (pseudo-grain – “golden grain”);
  • low grain.

The first three subtypes of food do not contain grains at all. The fourth contains some cereals. It is readily purchased by cat owners whose pets love porridge and do not feel completely full until they eat at least a spoonful of food containing cereals. Thanks to various formulas (with lamb, lamb or duck), your pet’s food will be tasty and varied, and the functioning of all vital organs and systems (digestive, genitourinary, cardiovascular and endocrine) will be absolutely healthy.

The best among elite foods are considered to be grain-free – those in which no grains are added at all. Our pets are typical predators; the best food for them is meat and fish. These components do not cause allergies in cats and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Grain-free food consists of 3/4 components of animal origin - fresh and dehydrated poultry and livestock meat, fish (usually herring), animal fat, eggs. It contains no by-products - an indispensable component of cheap feed - and meat and bone meal. The composition of grain-free food is enriched with vegetables, leafy greens and medicinal herbs that are healthy for cats - peas, carrots, spinach, alfalfa, calendula, as well as fruits and berries - in particular, oranges, blueberries, pomegranate seeds. About 8 percent of the total mass of feed is occupied by ash, a valuable source of microelements.

Farmina Cimiao

Super-premium food, dry biscuits for cats. Ideally balanced nutrition for animals of all ages - babies who are just starting to get acquainted with solid food, adult cats, older cats, as well as animals that have undergone the procedure of castration or sterilization.

Super-premium food does not consist only of meat, like elite holistic foods. They contain grains, and in greater quantities than low-grain Natural & Delicious. You should not immediately classify Cimiao as a second-rate food - this is an excellent food for cats, not much different from an elite one. The fact is that not all animals can appreciate grain-free food. If a cat has been eating only rice or buckwheat porridge with minced chicken for several years in a row, pure meat, no matter how tasty and nutritious it may be, will not make her feel full. Feeling uncomfortable after a delicious, but unusually devoid of “side dish” meal, the cat will lose interest in the new food, or may even refuse it altogether.

Cimiao has almost the same amount of meat (about 40 percent), dehydrated ingredients, fish and eggs, but adds small amounts of corn and corn meal. Thanks to the increased amount of fiber, which helps stimulate digestion, you can choose food for an animal of any age without resorting to additional feeding. 7 percent of ash does not impair the taste of the food, so this product is eaten with pleasure not only by adult cats, but also by babies.

Farmina Matisse

Premium food, one of the best in its category. It costs less than previous foods, the composition changes, but the quality still remains high. Matiss food no longer contains fresh meat, it is completely replaced by dehydrated meat, part of the volume is occupied by corn and rice, part of the proteins gives way to vegetable proteins, but there is still a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals, as in more expensive foods. There is no reason to doubt the quality of the composition - the manufacturing company stands for the complete naturalness of its products.

You can choose food for your pet that tastes like chicken with turkey or rice, or fish - herring and tuna. For small predators who are just about to taste the “game” from a rustling bag, we have developed our own line of food. If you do not have the opportunity to feed your pet natural food or buy more expensive food, offer your pet Matiss. He will definitely like this food!

Farmina Fun Cat

An economical option for cat food. Compared to analogues produced by competitors, it is not bad at all. You can feed it to foster animals, or, in case of temporary financial difficulties, to feed your own pet. However, you should not constantly give it to your animal, and if you have to limit yourself to this option, do not forget about the vitamin complex and sow grass for your pet in a flower pot.

However, cats love this food. And no wonder. The composition of meat and fish biscuits, despite the absence of natural meat and fish, contains a lot of protein meat and bone meal. The source of carbohydrates is cereal flour. The mixture of these components is flavored with chicken fat and mineral supplements. This is quite enough to satiate the animal, but one can argue about the usefulness of such a product.

Farmina Vet Life

Veterinary medicinal food that satisfies the dietary needs of animals suffering from any chronic illness or in need of a gentle diet. Recommended as a therapeutic food on an ongoing basis. This cat food reduces the risk of kidney stones, helps eliminate digestive problems, and helps with obesity and heart problems. Unfortunately, veterinarians do not know about it as well as about its analogues, despite the fact that its quality is much higher than that of Royal Canin.

In the line of this food you can find one that is suitable for diabetes, allergies, diseases of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. The natural, completely safe composition, varying depending on what the sick animal’s body needs, is enriched with vitamin and mineral supplements, corn gluten, plant fibers and grains. Each category of food is supplemented with medicinal components in accordance with the needs of the animal for a particular disease.

It is impossible not to mention Vit-Activ tablet supplements, which are suitable for all categories of cats - complexes of vitamins and minerals that are given to animals daily during feeding. These supplements compensate for the lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, prebiotics and probiotics, which improve the body's resistance and restore intestinal microflora. If you feed your pet exclusively premium or super-premium, this supplement will help maintain his health and physical activity into his old age.


After reading the reviews about Farmina cat food, you can start switching your pet to food from this company. But before you start giving your cat food, the owner should familiarize himself with some of the nuances of feeding dry food.

Reviews of Farmina cat food are varied: some are completely satisfied with the quality of the product, others are not. Don't forget that cats' reactions to food are individual. Some members of the cat family may be allergic to any of the ingredients used in the preparation of the food. But whatever the pet’s reaction to the food, the owners agree on one thing: the cat should always have access to water. Dry food is very concentrated and therefore causes extreme thirst.

Also, do not mix professional food and natural complementary foods. Cat owners must immediately decide what their pet will eat. In this matter, you should not rely on reviews of Farmina cat food. If you can feed your cat natural foods, then that’s great. But not everyone is able to prepare suitable natural food on time. Also, when feeding “natural” food, a number of problems may arise: cats cannot be given fish every day, milk is contraindicated for them, and so on. A huge list of recommendations can turn off many.

Feed composition

To familiarize readers with the composition of Farmina food, we decided to choose the most popular diet - N&D grain-free food containing chicken and pomegranate. This is a complete, balanced diet for animals over 1 year old, fully satisfying the cat’s needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Below is an overview of the composition of Farmina cat food.

The percentage of nutrients included in this food is as follows:

  • 44 percent protein;
  • 20 percent fats and oils;
  • 8.5 percent ash;
  • 1.8 percent fiber.

Everything is within normal limits. This is an ideally balanced food for an active, mobile, unsterilized cat with free access outside the apartment or house.

It should be noted that about 70 percent of this nutrition comes from meat and fish (fresh and dehydrated), while the remaining 30 percent is given to plant components no less useful than proteins - fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs. The presence of the latter component is extremely important for the health of the cat. Remember how your pet carefully and thoughtfully selects the only medicinal herbs known to her among the thickets of weeds and eats them with great pleasure. As for vegetables and fruits, Farmina food includes carrots (dried), apples, oranges, blueberries and black currants - everything your cat likes to eat.

You shouldn’t be surprised at the presence of such a component as brewer’s yeast in the food. They significantly improve the condition of the coat and skin, help cope with dandruff and make your pet’s coat thick, fluffy and shiny.

At the end of the list we see turmeric root, sodium chloride and chondroprotectors, the percentage of which is not indicated, but, as laboratory tests show, the content of these components does not exceed normal limits.

Cimiao super premium food

Farmina also produces super premium food. These include the Cimiao line. The food consists of thirty-four percent dehydrated chicken, twelve percent chicken fat and rice, and twelve percent corn.

Based on the composition, it can be noted that the meat content in the feed is still high. However, in terms of benefits for the animal’s body, they are significantly inferior to holistic ones.

Which food to choose?

In order for your pet to be perfectly healthy, cheerful and energetic, it is very important to provide him with proper nutrition. Offer your animal several brands of food in different price categories, observe how much of each food your pet eats per day, and calculate how much it will cost you. You will be very surprised to find that the difference between holistic and premium feeding is not that great. And considering that you will have to regularly buy nutritional supplements in order to compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements, this difference will be even less. If you are going to feed your pet budget food, add in the calculation the services of a veterinarian, which you, alas, cannot do without, and you will understand that, paradoxical as it may sound, the more expensive the food, the cheaper it costs.

Once you settle on a particular brand of food, try to stick with it for several months or even years. Each food line has different flavors, alternating which you will not let your pet get bored. At the same time, buy only the food that corresponds to the age, lifestyle and health status of the animal, and do not rush to immediately purchase a large package. This is, of course, cheaper, but if the new food is not suitable (this can be guessed by vomiting, loose stools and general depression, uncharacteristic of the animal), you will have to rack your brains over who to give the almost unfinished package to.

If your pet is an aristocrat of the bluest blood, most likely you discuss his diet with your veterinarian. Try to abstract yourself from the widely advertised brands imposed on you and direct the conversation in the direction you want: what exactly does your pet need - holistic food, a premium option or dietary food. And only after clarifying this issue, you can directly engage in the choice of food.

Feeding rate

In addition to reviews of Farmina coma for cats, owners need to familiarize themselves with feeding standards.

  • For kittens aged 1 to 3 months, the daily intake of dry food is only 30-50 grams.
  • From three to six months – 60-70 grams of food.
  • For kittens that have reached the age of 7-12 months, the dosage must be increased to 70-80 grams of food per day.

Next, the daily food intake is calculated not according to age, but relative to the weight of the cat.

  • For cats weighing 2 kilograms, 27 to 40 grams of food should be given per day.
  • For pets weighing three kilograms – 35-55 grams.
  • If a cat weighs four kilograms, then she needs 45-65 grams of food per day.
  • For cats that have reached the 5 kilogram mark - 50-80 grams.
  • Cats weighing 6 kilograms need 60-90 grams of food.

The amount of food for one weight category varies depending on the pet’s lifestyle. If an animal leads an active lifestyle, then it needs more food. And if the cat is lazy and moves little, then, accordingly, it needs much less food per day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Farmina, like other cat foods, has a lot of advantages, but it is not without some disadvantages. To make the right choice, you need to know about both.

  • Advantages

Among the impressive list of advantages of Farmina food, I would like to highlight the following:

Natural – you will not find artificial ingredients or GMOs in the diets of this brand, so you can safely give this food even to those pets who are allergic to certain types of foods.

Large assortment - the Farmina Pet Food company has taken care to provide food for all our pets, from babies who have yet to taste “real” food, to older cats who have experienced life. Among the products of this brand there is food for diabetic cats, obese sedate Britons and furry Persians, who often vomit due to hairballs that are inevitably swallowed when licking. But that is not all! Even if your pet is a big picky eater, he certainly won’t refuse such dishes as lamb with blueberries, boar with apple or chicken with pomegranate.

Vitamins and minerals - all categories of Farmina cat food, with the exception of economy class, contain a full range of nutrients necessary for the health of the cat. Thanks to vitamins and minerals, food digestion and absorption are significantly improved.

Healing herbs - if your cat rarely goes outdoors, does not have the opportunity to breathe clean country air and eat fresh grass, this supplement will come in handy for him.

  • Flaws

Farmina cat food has virtually no disadvantages, except for the increased ash content, which negatively affects the taste of the product, and high cost.

Overall, this is one of the best cat foods - healthy, tasty and high quality.

Economy class food "Fan Cat"

A representative of the lowest class of food from Farmina is the economy class food “Fan Cat”. The food has a lower energy value and a large number of third-party additives.

The composition of the food is also not particularly impressive. “Fan Cat” consists of twenty-five percent meat flour, ten percent grain additives. Everything else is proteins, fats and flour of various origins.

Veterinarians do not recommend purchasing economy-class food for your pets. In this case, the price fully corresponds to the quality of the food.

Price and where to buy

You can purchase Farmina food on the official website, as well as from official representatives of the company. You can also look for them in stores, supermarkets and online marketplaces. Unfortunately, in this case there is a great risk of purchasing stale or even counterfeit goods.

Cost of Farmina feed:

  • Natural & Delicious – 1550 rubles;
  • Cimiao – 1100 rubles;
  • Matisse – 670 rubles;
  • Fun Cat – 3200 rubles;
  • Vet Life – 2000 rubles.

Owner reviews

Leonid, owner of the Scottish Fold cat


“My pet is a purebred Scotsman, and the doctor warned us that urolithiasis may develop with age - this is typical for this breed. Therefore, starting this year, they began to give STRUVITE FELINE from the FARMINA company as a preventative measure. The cat is already 5 years old, and so far everything is ok - we take tests regularly, all indicators are normal. We are pleased with the effect!”

Sveta, breeder of a mongrel cat:

“In her old age, our Musya began to have heart problems - the doctor said that heart failure had developed and she needed support for the heart muscle, and recommended CARDIAC food. We read reviews on the Internet and bought a pack. Well, what can I say - the doctor turned out to be right - VetLife cat food is something with something! Our beloved came to life, became active, although not as much as before, but it is understandable - the years take their toll. I hope we extended her life by a couple of years thanks to this miracle!”

Reviews of Farmina food for cats

Farmina N&D cat food, like all high-quality diets, does not require advertising. Perhaps that is why few people know about them. However, on some forums you can find reviews about this brand of food, the overwhelming majority of which are positive.

Reviews from veterinarians

Veterinarians speak favorably of Farmina food, noting its highest quality, rich assortment and excellent, 100% natural composition. Unfortunately, not all cats like it - especially those who previously ate cheap food. The taste enhancers contained in economy options act on the taste buds of cats in the same way as fast food on their owners, as a result of which the exquisite taste of natural meat does not make any impression on them.

Experts advise not to rush to suddenly switch animals from their usual diet to elite food. This should be done gradually, over 1-1.5 months, mixing a small amount of new food with the cat’s usual diet. When the animal gets used to its unusual taste, you can completely abandon the previous food.

Feedback from cat owners

Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to receive reviews about Farmina cat food in the comments, they will be useful to other users!

Snezhana, Milan

I dearly love cats of all breeds, but the Scottish Straights evoke the warmest feelings in me. For as long as I can remember, a cat and a female cat of this breed have always lived in my parents’ house. After getting married and moving to Europe, I remained faithful to the family tradition: I had a couple of equally handsome men. My mother prepares fresh food for her pets every day - chopped rabbit or turkey with the addition of carrots, boiled rice or buckwheat. I do things a little differently: I buy Farmina holistic food for my cats. I like that it consists almost entirely of meat, does not contain harmful additives, but is literally filled with vitamins and minerals. My cats gobble it up on both cheeks and look great and feel even better - they play and frolic all day long!

Emma, ​​Tomsk

My cat went through many sad days with me - he moved with me from apartment to apartment, he knew what loneliness and hunger were, how they kicked and kicked just because they caught your eye... When everything got better in my life, I I wanted to give the cat all the best. He immediately liked the dog cat and the scratching post; it took him a little longer to get used to the harness and leash, but he didn’t even sniff the food – Farmina, the best that was on sale. I cried, and persuaded him, and poked my nose at him - to no avail! Then a veterinarian I knew explained to me what was happening: cats, accustomed to cheap food, are reluctant to eat holistic foods - the smell and taste are not the same. Over time, however, he reconciled himself and began to eat, but he still doesn’t eat it in its pure form, even though he has to throw in a few of the old food.

Lydia, Stavropol

I buy Farmina food for my cat. Most of all she likes boar with an apple - such is my ferocious predator! In fact, the food is excellent: my kisulya looked better on it, like a movie star - the fur shines like a mirror, it has become thicker and softer. Previously, as soon as she ate something inappropriate, she immediately vilified it. And since I switched to this food, my stomach problems have stopped; she goes to the potty once every two days. True, this kind of food is quite expensive here, but my son and daughter-in-law help me - they take care of cats, they also gave me my kitty cat, they feed their animals only Farmina and they say that they have never seen better food.

Oksana, Kaliningrad

From my late aunt I inherited an elderly tabby cat, Matvey, suffering from urolithiasis. He was operated on (very successfully), treated, but warned not to use any cheap food - not less than premium. I decided not to save money - I buy him Farmina with an orange, it goes with a bang! I've been on this food for a year now, I'm used to it, but ignores others. She feels fine, the urolithiasis does not return.

Dietary food "Vet Life"

Another high-quality food line that has received positive reviews is Farmina Vet Life cat food. This is a veterinary nutrition series aimed at combating a variety of problems and diseases in cats. The line consists of feed:

  • For cats with gastrointestinal diseases.
  • For cats suffering from liver failure.
  • Helping to dissolve uroliths.
  • For cats suffering from cystitis.
  • For pets with heart failure.
  • For overweight cats.
  • For diabetics and so on.

What other products for cats does it produce?

Under the VIT-ACTIVE brand, the company produces a number of vitamin complexes to maintain the health of pets. This series includes:

  1. “Cat Health Formula” is a vitamin and mineral complex that fully meets the needs of healthy and active pets;
  2. vitamins for neutered cats and female cats - contain substances aimed at preventing urolithiasis;
  3. complex for cats over seven years old;
  4. vitamins for kittens;
  5. vitamins for pregnant and lactating cats;
  6. the “Cat Hair Health” complex not only helps improve the condition of the skin and coat, but also ensures that physiological needs for vitamins and minerals are met.

If you feed your pet natural food, then it is necessary to add vitamins to the diet. In ready-made food, vitamins are already included in the composition and can be included separately in a cat’s diet only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Vitamin complexes should be given to your pet only after consultation with a veterinarian

Advantages and disadvantages of feed

The products cover almost the entire pet food market. Each brand is designed for its own buyer with its own level of requirements and income. But we can highlight the qualities inherent in the entire range.

Table: comparative characteristics of the company's feed

High quality componentsThe product appeared on the market not long ago, so it is not widely distributed in retail trade.
A large number of supplements and vitamins beneficial to the animal’s bodyRelatively high price of the product
Grains are completely excluded from grain-free foodWhen analyzing the composition of feed, a slightly underestimated fiber content is highlighted
Large selection of dietary foodsThe manufacturer does not always indicate the percentage of components, even for the main nutritional components

Veterinary line Vet Life

Separately, I would like to emphasize the very high-quality dietary food intended for animals undergoing treatment for some disease or suffering from chronic diseases. In our country, the Farmina veterinary line is not very widely known, since clinics usually recommend either Hills or Royal Canin (for which these companies, by the way, pay), but Vet Life is not inferior to them in quality and impact.

Of course, this does not mean that you can cure a cat’s diseased kidneys or stomach with this diet alone! It should be an addition to the course of treatment prescribed by the veterinarian.

Author of the article: Alena Oleynikova, artist and cat lover, especially for Kota Obormot

Video interview with Farmina veterinarian

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Review results

Food from the Italian company Farmina is recommended as the basis of a dog's diet - be it canned food or regular dry pads. Over thirty years of work, it has built a strong reputation as a strong brand. Dog breeders appreciate the rich composition of Farmina: it includes poultry or animal fillets, rare herbs in the spirit of quinoa and fruits, wild berries and cultivated vegetables. All diets from holistic to premium are low grain, which is why they are considered hypoallergenic or even dietary.

A gradation of food has been developed depending on the composition and age - there is food for adult dogs, for sterilized or old animals, puppies or sick dogs with sensitive digestion, for subspecies of different sizes - for small, medium, large breeds. The feeding chart suggests that any dog ​​will not consume much food. After all, the composition contains the components necessary for a full-fledged existence: meat, purified animal fats, vegetables, fruits and vitamins in their pure form.

General characteristics and country of origin

The history of the appearance of the famous food originates in the first half of the 60s of the XX century, in Italy. It was then that a certain Baldassar Monge, the owner of a small private chicken production company, began to think about what to do with production waste.

He didn’t want to dispose of waste, and it’s not a matter of greed. He considered it blasphemous to throw away the remains of organic protein food, while a huge part of the African continent is starving, and less than two decades ago the world war ended.

Finding a buyer for such a unique product was also problematic. There was a lot of waste. And then Senor Monge had a brilliant idea: to make ready-made food for pets.

Did you know? A cat's sense of smell is 14 times stronger than a human's.

Several factors coincided, thanks to which the company soon redeveloped from a chicken producer into a leading supplier of pet food, and chicken production became secondary.

The fact is that until that moment, domestic dogs and cats were fed human food, which negatively affected their health. The idea of ​​​​creating animal feed was in the air. Thanks to a coincidence of circumstances, it was our hero who grabbed it first.

A cat remains a predator no matter where it lives: in the wild or in the house. Therefore, she needs an appropriate diet. The menu should contain a large amount of fresh animal protein, minerals and vitamins, and only a few carbohydrates.

Italian cat food "Monge" fully meets these requirements. Initially, the food contained only a meat component, enriched with vitamin E, taurine and carbohydrates.

This quality of food could not go unnoticed among nurseries and breeders. Thanks to them, ordinary animal lovers soon learned about the food. Ease of use and usefulness quickly gained popularity of the new brand.

Today the philosophy of the brand is the same. Monge produce super premium food, the main qualities of which are:

  • naturalness;
  • safety;
  • balance of composition.

The food is produced exclusively in an ecologically clean region of Italy

They use meat grown on their own farms, without the use of antibiotics and hormones. Important! A thoroughly cleaned bowl, especially if soap or detergent has been used, may repel the cat.

Table: comparison of Farmina brand economy class food with its analogue

BrandThe first 10 ingredients from the compositionApproximate cost 1 kgOverall rating
Farmina Fun Cat
  • chicken flour (25%);
  • wheat flour;
  • corn;
  • fishmeal (8%);
  • meat flour (5%);
  • chicken fat;
  • hydrolyzed animal proteins;
  • sugar beet pulp;
  • sodium chloride.
200 rub.For economy class, the food has a good composition: a lot of meat, the manufacturer indicates specific names of ingredients, and there is plant fiber.
  • Wheat flour;
  • animal flour (including chicken flour at least 4% in brown granules);
  • protein plant extracts;
  • rice;
  • animal fats and vegetable oils;
  • dried chicken and pork liver;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • vitamins and minerals.
200–250 rub.There is very little meat. There are anonymous ingredients. Wheat flour is in first place. The composition includes plant proteins that are only partially absorbed. The price is higher and the quality is lower.

Comparison of Vet Life line feeds

Vetlife veterinary food is available in packs of 400 g, bags of 2 kg and bags of 10 kg. Crickets are available in chicken (poultry), fish or pork flavors. Rice or cereals are included as side dishes.

Table: comparison of Vetlife feeds

NameMain castGuaranteed performanceEnergy valuePrice (400 g)
ProteinCrude fatCelluloseRaw ashCalciumPhosphorus
  • dehydrated chicken meat;
  • oats, peas (10%), animal fat;
  • gluten, fish components;
  • rice, flax seed, beets;
  • egg ingredients;
  • vegetable oil, plantain (1.5%), prebiotics, yeast;
  • minerals, calendula extract.
34,0%15,0%8,0%7,60%1,15%0,95%3495 kcal (14.6 MJ/kg)From 315 rubles
  • dehydrated chicken meat;
  • cereals, peas (10%), animal fat;
  • gluten-free, dehydrated pork;
  • fish components, flax seed;
  • beets, spelled, eggs;
  • vegetable oil, plantain;
  • prebiotics, taurine, inulin, yeast;
  • minerals, calendula extract.
46,0%13,0%4,60%7,90%1,20%0,98%3503 kcal (14.7 MJ/kg)From 385 rubles
Gastrointestinal (“Gastrointestinal”)
  • dehydrated chicken meat;
  • cereals, peas, animal fat;
  • gluten, fish components;
  • flax seed, beets, spelled;
  • eggs, vegetable oil;
  • plantain, prebiotics (12%);
  • taurine, inulin (0.6%), yeast;
  • minerals, calendula extract.
33,0%21,50%1,70%7,30%1,0%0,90%4050kcal (17 MJ/kg)From 410 rubles
Neutered Male
  • dehydrated chicken meat;
  • cereals, peas, animal fat, gluten;
  • fish components, flax seed, beets;
  • spelled, eggs, vegetable oil;
  • plantain, amino acids;
  • soy extract, brewer's yeast, minerals, calendula extract.
37,0%10,0%6,50%7,80%1,20%1,10%3290 kcal (13.8 MJ/kg)From 320 rubles
Neutered Female
  • dehydrated chicken meat;
  • cereals, peas, gluten, spelled;
  • dehydrated pork, beets;
  • fish components, animal fat;
  • eggs, flax seed, minerals, inulin;
  • vegetable oil, prebiotics, plantain, glucosamine;
  • calendula extract.
33,0%6,40%7,60%1,0%0,90%3300 kcal (13.8 MJ/kg)
  • dehydrated chicken meat;
  • cereals, peas, gluten, spelled;
  • dehydrated pork, beets;
  • fish components, animal fat;
  • eggs, flax seed, vegetable oil;
  • prebiotics, psyllium, glucosamine;
  • minerals, inulin, calendula extract.
43,0%9,0%10,0%7,50%1,10%0,95%3128 kcal (13.1 MJ/kg)From 380 rubles
Renal ("Renal")
  • rice, gluten, dehydrated chicken meat, animal fat, eggs;
  • minerals, fish components;
  • vegetable oil, inulin;
  • calendula extract;
  • prebiotics, glucosamine (500 mg/kg).
24,5%20%0,90%5,30%0,60%0,40%4073 kcal (17.1 MJ/kg)From 404 rubles
  • gluten, rice;
  • dehydrated chicken meat;
  • cereals, animal fats, eggs;
  • fish components, minerals;
  • vegetable oil, inulin;
  • prebiotics, calendula extract;
  • DL-methionine (7 g/kg);
  • calcium sulfate dihydrate (5 g/kg).
34,0%16,0%1,20%5,90%0,80%0,60%3842 kcal (16.0 MJ/kg)From 370 rubles
Struvite Management
  • gluten, rice;
  • dehydrated chicken meat;
  • cereals, animal fats, eggs;
  • fish processing products, minerals;
  • vegetable oil, prebiotics;
  • glucosamine, extracts;
  • ammonium chloride (3.5 g/kg);
  • DL-methionine (2.5 g/kg).
33,0%16,50%6,60%0,85%0,70%3842 kcal (16.1 MJ/kg)
UltraHypo (“UltraHypo”)
  • fish protein hydrolysate;
  • rice starch, fish oil;
  • minerals, fructooligosaccharides (0.6%), calendula extract.
28,0%11,0%1,80%7,10%1,0%0,80%3530 kcal (14.8 MJ/kg)From 465 rubles
  • spelled, corn gluten;
  • hydrolyzed protein (fish) cereals;
  • animal and fish oil, minerals;
  • dehydrated chicken meat;
  • flax seed, rice starch, beets;
  • prebiotics, brewer's yeast, calendula extract.
26,0%20,00%2,20%6,90%0,85%0,65%3972 kcal (16.6 MJ/kg)From 404 rubles
Cardiac (“Cardiac”)
  • spelled, gluten, animal fats;
  • dehydrated chicken meat, oats;
  • fish oil, eggs, minerals;
  • flaxseed, peas, sugar beets, prebiotics;
  • yeast, calendula extract.
27,0%21,00%2,40%4015 kcal (16.8 MJ/kg)

Photo gallery: Vet Life feeds

The recommended daily amount of food is indicated in the table (on the back of the package) and may vary depending on the breed, living conditions and physical activity

The manufacturer claims that Vetlife food is produced 18 months before the expiration date indicated on the packaging

The daily amount of food can be divided into two or more feedings, but the cat should always have access to drinking water

If your cat is overweight, Farmina experts recommend reducing the daily feeding rate by 15–40%

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