Shiba Inu puppies: development of pets by month to year and what care they need

Shiba Inu puppies are neat, friendly and very active.

In addition, they are smart, but sometimes they can be stubborn and obstinate.

From a young age, a pet is able to build relationships with all family members, and they will be different with each person.

Shiba Inu puppies are much more active than adult dogs, so they need special nutrition, exercise and discipline.

Rating of the 10 best dry food for Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu)

PlaceNameRatingPrice, rub.
1Acana Adult Dog Heritag 17 kg9.9 / 106 724
2Go Fit + Free salmon, duck, turkey, chicken 2.72 kg9.8 / 101 548
3Orijen Adult Dog Freeze-dried food 0.45 kg9.8 / 101 781
4Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Dermatosis 12 kg9.8 / 106 149
5Barking Heads with lamb and rice Dreams of lamb 12kg9.6 / 104 638
6Arden Grange Sensetiv Ocean White Fish and Potatoes 12kg9.6 / 105 341
7Applaws with chicken 7.5 kg9.5 / 103 683
8Proseries Holistic Feed with lamb and rice 12.9 kg9.4 / 105 500
9Royal canin medium adult 15 kg9.2 / 105 019
10Grandorf Duck with sweet potato all breeds 12 kg9.2 / 105 046

Dry dog ​​food is a complete nutritious diet for a pet, developed taking into account the physiology and characteristics of the animal. It contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and amino acids in a balanced state. When choosing, pay attention to the composition. The product must contain fats of animal and plant origin and natural ingredients. This is what dogs should receive to be healthy and cheerful.

Development from 1 to 12 months

The table below shows how the average size of a Shiba Inu changes as the puppy grows.

Age in monthsSizeWeightDescription
110-14400-600 gIn the first two weeks after birth, the puppy is completely helpless. After the second week of life, the baby can already see and hear. And by the end of the first month, he eats independently and masters the world around him.
216-182.3-3 kgThe baby is getting teeth, he is actively growing and socializing. During this period, the puppy is taken away from its mother.
318-223-4 kgSocialization and growth continues. At this age, leaders begin to emerge.
422-254.5-5.5 kgThe puppy enters adolescence, baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, and the formation of its own immune system occurs.
5-626-305.6-8.7 kgThe second stage of socialization, at this age dogs often fight for primacy and leadership. The reason is entering the puberty phase.
7-927-339-15 kgBitches begin their first heats and growth slows down. The dog does not gain weight so quickly and becomes like an adult dog.
10-1230-3515-25 kgThe end of puberty and character formation. Now she is a young adult dog.


The optimal ratio of nutrients in the diet: 30% protein, 20% fat, 50% carbohydrates.
Protein sources will be mainly fish. Preference is given to its white varieties (cod, hake, navaga, pollock). Take the Attention Test! Find 10 differences! (click right here!)

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Or it could be beef, lamb, offal. Shiba Inus are susceptible to allergies, so it is better to avoid formulations containing chicken and pork. Due to the predominance of sea fish in the feed, the need for healthy fats (Omega-3) will be met. The share of carbohydrates for this active dog will be provided by easily digestible foods (potatoes, rice) with a low glycemic index.

Seaweed, rich in vitamins A, B and others, is often used as a dietary supplement. Animals fed the correct diet will not need additional supplements.

Give preference to super premium food. Before purchasing, consultation with a veterinarian is required.

Character, relationships

All Nippon Inu (Japanese native breeds) have a similar disposition: independent, courageous, without a hint of servile worship. They accept only equal partnership and seem to provide a friendly service rather than obey commands.

“He’ll bring you the ball. But there will be a special reason for this” - a quote about the Akita Hachiko, perfectly describes the Shiba Inu. At first glance, he may seem stubborn, unsociable and gloomy. It's not like that at all!

They love the owner and the whole family. They highly value attention and respect from their family. They behave restlessly if you ignore your pet for a long time. However, violent manifestations of feelings are very rare. In their homeland they are compared to samurai - reserved, but endlessly loyal.

The “pack” is expected to treat itself in the same way. With rare exceptions, Shiba Inus do not tolerate intrusive, prolonged petting. Although, depending on the mood, the pet is happy to expose its tummy for scratches. They also play according to their mood, cheerfully indulging in fun without regard for their reserved character.

Relationships with children develop differently. If this is a schoolchild to whom the rules of communication have been clearly explained, the Shiba Inu will become a wonderful friend. Adult dogs are more patient with children. They may resort to “disciplining” a playful little one - without self-harm, but with a noticeable bite.

Having “his own” place where the dog can retire helps to develop a confident, calm disposition. Especially if there are small children in the house or there are often guests.

They are wary or indifferent to strangers. They are reluctant to make contact, taking an observant position. Aggression towards the intrusive “alien” is possible. Growing up on the couch reinforces our innate tendency to keep our distance.

Among the representatives of the breed there are many dominant individuals who are aggressive towards other dogs of any gender. It is often written that the attitude towards cats is also hostile. But, according to reviews from the owners, Shibas get along well and are even friends with Murkas, provided they are properly raised.

Breeders strongly recommend choosing a nursery based on the conditions of the litter. If there are children in the family, then the Shiba Inu puppy should grow up surrounded by children from the first days. Are there cats at home? Look for a cattery where cats are allowed into the nursery with the puppies.

Acana Adult Dog Heritag 17 kg

Holistic class food without grains, allergic substances. Contains different types of meat, fish - 55%. It contains eggs, medicinal herbs, vegetables, fruits, fermentation products, vitamin and mineral supplements. Does not contain GMOs.


  • Suitable for any dogs;
  • It has useful composition and properties;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Rich in fiber;
  • Has good taste;
  • Has a low glycemic index;
  • Economical.
  • When eating, there are no problems with the skin, vision, joints, or gastrointestinal tract.


  • Sold in large packages;
  • Not all stores have it.
  • Contains legumes, which increases gas formation.

Coat and color

The Shiba is characterized by a double coat with elastic and hard guard hairs. The dense undercoat remains soft and has a felt-like character. The guard hair shafts are uniform throughout the body. In short, they are only about 5 cm on the muzzle and on the paws. More dense pubescence is characteristic of the tail, which is due to the raised location of the spine. There are different coat colors of the Shiba Inu:

  1. Ginger. The color is bright and rich.
  2. Bleached red. It ranges from a softened white color to light sand. Such shades are not desirable, but acceptable.
  3. Sesame (zone), or sesame. Involves dyeing the ends of the fur black, which should not account for more than half of the hairs. The rest is white.
  4. Red sesame (red sesame). With this color, the guard hair is red and the tips are black.
  5. Black sesame (black-sesame). In one area there is a mixture of white and black wool, but the latter predominates.

Go Fit + Free salmon, duck, turkey, chicken 2.72 kg

Holistic food without gluten. It contains more than 70% meat: turkey, chicken, duck, salmon fillet. Does not cause allergies. It is universal and designed for dogs of all breeds and ages.


  • Does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Enriched with nutrients, microelements, vitamins, oils, lactobacilli;
  • Available in different packages;
  • The package indicates the daily intake;
  • Optimal ratio of price and quality;
  • Does not contain by-products;


  • Poorly stored;
  • When opened, it becomes weathered and loses its beneficial substances and properties. For long-term storage, pour into a closed container;
  • Metabolism and the release of digestive products are enhanced.
  • Increases fecal mass.

Age aspects

After ten years of life, a pet significantly “slows down”: metabolism slows down, drive, excitement, and temper decrease. Energy consumption is minimized, the dog requires fewer calories. To harmonize the nutritional formula, maintain vitality and localize the problems of excess weight ( a fat Shiba Inu is simply terrible), a caring owner should transfer the pet to a low-calorie diet.

The daily portion, as well as the proportion of fat, decreases; older Shiba Inu are returned to three feedings a day.

As island huskies get old, their teeth wear off (fall out), so older pets are “put on” soft-moist food.

Orijen Adult Dog Freeze-dried food 0.45 kg

Belongs to the super premium class. Freeze-dried food, it can be given to dogs of all ages and breeds. Contains 80% meat and fish. The remaining percentages: eggs, legumes, liver, fruits, vegetables, herbs, microelements, lactobacilli. Does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors, GMOs. Produced fresh, without freezing ingredients.


  • Balanced and natural composition;
  • Does not contain grains;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Contains fiber;
  • Improves appetite, digestion;
  • It is used economically.
  • They are produced using a technology where, due to exposure to low temperatures, only moisture is removed from the ingredients of the composition. All nutrients and beneficial substances are preserved.
  • When consumed as food, the appearance and health of pets improves.


  • Increases feces and their output;
  • Increases gas production in dogs;
  • Not available in all stores;
  • Sometimes rancid and burnt pellets with a bad odor are encountered.

Leash training

The most difficult thing is to accustom a Shiba Inu to a leash, without which it is impossible to walk the dog: a puppy found on the street can rush off in an unknown direction. You need to start with a collar, which is put on the puppy for several days. After this, a leash is attached to it and the puppy is taken outside.

You should go where the dog suggests you. It is necessary to train the puppy to follow its owner gradually, alternating his directions with yours. The character of the Shiba Inu Ulybaka dog is so independent that some individuals cannot be trained to a leash.

Shiba Inu remember commands very quickly, but most often carry them out according to their mood. It is quite difficult to find an animal of this breed that will obey all commands on demand. Most dogs that are, for example, chasing a cat or watching birds are unlikely to respond to the call of their owner calling them to him. However, if these animals are offered a game, the Shiba Inu will enthusiastically fulfill all the requirements.

Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Dermatosis 12 kg

Premium class dietary food. Used when the dog shows intolerance to something. This is often manifested by hair loss, areas of dermatitis, and digestive disorders. It contains fish extract, flour, beet pulp, potatoes, vitamins, and minerals.


  • Medicinal food;
  • Does not contain allergens;
  • Contains natural fiber;
  • Suitable for pets who are intolerant to beef or chicken;
  • Improves the health and appearance of dogs;
  • Does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors;
  • Convenient packaging for storage and use;
  • Medicinal food that should be given to dogs with hypersensitivity to allergens.


  • Strong fishy smell;
  • Do not use if the dog has hypersensitivity to fish and potatoes;
  • Animals experience an increase in thirst;
  • Overcharge.
  • If your dog has recovered, then you need to switch it to another food and monitor its health.

How to train correctly and what commands to teach?

The main aspect of raising a Shiba Inu is the inadmissibility of frequent rewards with treats, otherwise the dog will begin to cheat and beg for treats..

The second important aspect is the inadmissibility of shouting and corporal punishment. The dog must understand the intonation of the owner’s voice and gaze.

First of all, the puppy should be accustomed to its name, and then start giving commands.

The first command a dog should know is “place” . To teach this to your puppy, take him to his place every time he wants to sleep. At the same time, say the command loudly several times.

The next important command is “fu” . Whenever the puppy does something inappropriate, say the command sternly and loudly and distract the puppy with other actions.

The “come to me” command is also considered one of the main ones . Start learning at home. Call the baby by name and say loudly: “Come to me!”, while tapping your hand on your thigh.

When your pet follows the instructions, praise him or give him a treat. A little later, training continues on the street.

Barking Heads with lamb and rice Dreams of lamb 12kg

The food belongs to the premium class. Contains organic lamb meat, which was raised on natural products, vegetables, and medicinal herbs. Veterinarians recommend food for small and medium breeds. Ingredients: freeze-dried lamb meat - 20%, fresh meat - 30%, oats, rice, trout, potatoes, animal fats, a mixture of medicinal herbs, algae, vitamins, minerals.


  • Made from natural ingredients;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, coat and joints;
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • It has a good taste and smell.
  • Suitable for pets with sensitivity to allergens.


  • Overcharge.

What to consider when preparing your diet

  • hip dysplasia, patella dislocation, pathologies of the cervical spine;
  • allergies (to food, care products);
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • eye diseases (cataracts, entropion, retinal atrophy).

When preparing a diet for a Shiba Inu, you have to take into account that the dog was bred on sea islands. Her usual food in her homeland is seafood, seaweed, fish and rice. Many types of food common to continental dogs cause allergies in Shiba Inu.

15-20 minutes after feeding, the remains of uneaten food are removed and the dishes are washed. Food is served warm or at room temperature. The water in the bowl should always be fresh and in sufficient quantity.

It is important that your pet does not overeat. Excess weight leads to diseases of the spine and thyroid gland. Completely eaten food indicates that the portion size is correct. The volume of the daily diet varies depending on the physiological state of the dog, time of year, and physical activity:

Properly feeding an exotic breed dog is not an easy task. Taking into account food preferences in their native country, the Sib Inu menu includes:

Chicken eggs are replaced with quail eggs. As treats, sometimes the dog is given prunes, crackers, and pieces of low-fat cheese.

  • fresh baked goods, pasta;
  • River fish;
  • pork;
  • canned, smoked, salted, spicy foods;
  • barley, pearl barley, rolled oats;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • legumes;
  • sweets, chocolate.

Arden Grange Sensetiv Ocean White Fish and Potatoes 12kg

The food belongs to the super premium category. Contains the necessary natural ingredients for dogs: pieces of meat, fish oil. When consumed, dogs' endurance increases.


  • Has a rich vitamin and mineral complex;
  • Does not contain GMOs, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Does not contain cereals;
  • Added antioxidants;
  • The label shows the feeding schedule;
  • Economically used;
  • Has a good smell and taste;
  • Improves pet's health.
  • With long-term use there is no addiction to the composition;
  • Suitable for dogs with a sedentary lifestyle and those in old age.


  • Some of its types contain corn, and this ingredient should not be in the super premium class.

What to consider when preparing your diet

  • hip dysplasia, patella dislocation, pathologies of the cervical spine;
  • allergies (to food, care products);
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • eye diseases (cataracts, entropion, retinal atrophy).

When preparing a diet for a Shiba Inu, you have to take into account that the dog was bred on sea islands. Her usual food in her homeland is seafood, seaweed, fish and rice. Many types of food common to continental dogs cause allergies in Shiba Inu.

15-20 minutes after feeding, the remains of uneaten food are removed and the dishes are washed. Food is served warm or at room temperature. The water in the bowl should always be fresh and in sufficient quantity.

It is important that your pet does not overeat. Excess weight leads to diseases of the spine and thyroid gland. Completely eaten food indicates that the portion size is correct. The volume of the daily diet varies depending on the physiological state of the dog, time of year, and physical activity:

Properly feeding an exotic breed dog is not an easy task. Taking into account food preferences in their native country, the Sib Inu menu includes:

Chicken eggs are replaced with quail eggs. As treats, sometimes the dog is given prunes, crackers, and pieces of low-fat cheese.

  • fresh baked goods, pasta;
  • River fish;
  • pork;
  • canned, smoked, salted, spicy foods;
  • barley, pearl barley, rolled oats;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • legumes;
  • sweets, chocolate.

Applaws with chicken 7.5 kg

Premium food that contains chicken, eggs, peas, potatoes, animals, vegetable fats, vegetables, and herbs in a balanced combination. Has a low glycemic index.


  • Does not contain grains;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Balanced composition;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • The product is suitable for a balanced diet so that there are no problems with the health, activity and appearance of the dog;
  • Veterinarians recommend this brand as a dietary one;
  • It has a good appearance, smell and taste.


  • Not available in all stores.

Natural nutrition

The main advantage of natural food over industrial food is the independent choice and purchase of products. A loving owner will not allow delays and will not purchase damaged goods. In addition, if any of the dishes did not suit you or you did not like, you can safely exclude it.

Feeding your Shiba Inu regular food requires careful selection of ingredients. The European table is not entirely optimal for the islanders, so it requires adjustments. If the dog is of elite blood, it is more difficult for her to get used to this type of feeding; for some, this never works out. But they adapt well to dry food.

Disadvantages of natural food: it takes time to buy and prepare dishes, and considerable financial expenses.

Authorized Products

When purchasing products, you need to pay attention to freshness and quality; it is better if they are purchased at a farmers market. Fish and meat are taken chilled and not frozen.

As already mentioned, Asians are prone to food allergies, so the selection is limited. Acceptable:

  1. Meat . Veal is recommended, less often beef. A rabbit or any bird except chicken will do. Steamed, boiled or served raw. By-products may be included.
  2. Fish . Only fillets of marine life are allowed, for example, pollock, hake, salmon, cod. Subject to heat treatment.
  3. Cereals . Porridge is cooked in water from rice or buckwheat. Supplemented with meat, vegetables, yogurt, kefir. In addition to the listed cereals, puppies are allowed well-boiled semolina. For kids, these dishes are prepared with milk.
  4. Vegetables . Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, and zucchini are suitable for Shiba Inu. Pre-shredded, boiled, stewed or simmered. Served in small portions, often used as an additive.
  5. Fruits . Apples, pears, bananas, and maybe berries are given in small quantities. The slices are used as a reward for your pet’s achievements or as a treat just to pamper him.
  6. Milk . Siba prefers cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt without sugar, and sometimes sour cream. Puppies can have milk, adults only sour milk. Products should not be greasy.

Eggs are allowed for Shiba Inu once a week. Preferably quail or guinea fowl; chicken is not recommended. Dried fruits, cheese, crackers are healthy treats.

The body of Japanese huskies needs fatty acids and probiotics, which in their homeland they get from seaweed. Veterinarians advise using dietary supplements based on them.

Prohibited Products

To prevent your dog from having health problems, you need to know not only the list of permitted foods, but also have information about what is unacceptable to feed your Shiba. Asians are unable to digest some foods that are not found in their homeland.

Foods that are harmful to Japanese huskies include:

  • pork, canned food, semi-finished products, smoked meat;
  • River fish;
  • soybeans, peas, beans;
  • sweets, chocolate, cookies;
  • bakery products;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • dairy products with a high proportion of fat;
  • pearl barley, rolled oats, barley, millet.

Under no circumstances should you give fried, spicy, smoked or salty food! It is not allowed to feed your Shiba Inu grains, as they can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

Proseries Holistic with lamb and rice 12.9 kg

Holistic class food. It has a composition suitable for feeding dogs of all ages and breeds. It does not contain ingredients that help cause allergies: soy, corn, wheat, chicken. Instead of meat, they included fish, animals, and vegetable fats, which are well absorbed by the pet’s body.


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Balanced composition of natural ingredients;
  • Strengthens the immune system, supports the animal’s musculoskeletal system;
  • Improves blood circulation and appearance of the pet;
  • Serves as a source of protein for dogs suffering from an allergic reaction to meat products;
  • It passed all tests in America and Canada and, according to their results, it was recognized as a complete, balanced product to ensure the health of dogs at any age;
  • The composition of the product is selected to pay maximum attention to the health of the dog.


  • Difficult to find in pet stores;
  • Strong fishy odor;
  • Contains grains.


Shiba Inu is a primitive breed of dog, previously used for hunting, belongs to the fifth group of the breed classification. Today it is increasingly being purchased as a companion. Operational tests are not carried out.

FCI breed standard: No. 257

The Shiba is a small, compact dog, balanced, with well-developed muscles. She moves easily and freely.

The Shiba Inu has a flat forehead, which runs distinctly into a nose with a straight back, tapering to a black nose. The muzzle is of moderate thickness, tapering only near the lobe. Tight lips cover strong jaws that meet in a scissor bite. The cheekbones are well defined and the muzzle looks full.

Triangular dark brown eyes are set straight, the outer corners are slightly raised. The ears are triangular, small, located at the top of the skull - the tips are rounded, and the ears themselves look forward. The neck is strong and muscular, in proportion to the body. The back is muscular, the lower back is wide, the stomach is tucked, and the chest, on the contrary, is deep. The thick tail is set high, the dog keeps it tightly curled into a ring, less often - unfolded into a sickle.

The limbs are straight and thick, quite long, with developed muscles. The fingers are collected and curved.

The most critical defects:

  • cowardice;
  • aggression;
  • “loose” or floppy ears;
  • hanging tail.

Shiba Inu breed: description of character and appearance, history of the breed

Dimensions, weight and height of the breed

Standard Shiba Inu sizes:

  • females – about 37 cm;
  • males - about 40 cm.

According to breeders, the weight of dogs ranges from 9-14 kg.

Possible colors

The coat of Shiba Inu dogs is thick, with a good soft undercoat that raises the guard hairs. On the tail the hair is longer and stands upright.

Possible colors:

  • red;
  • sesame – black, red or regular.

The usual sesame color is otherwise called sesame - it is a combination of white and black hair in equal quantities. Black sesame - the same combination, but with a predominant amount of black hair. Red sesame is a red color interspersed with black hair.

With any color, the urajiro effect is required - the presence of light hairs on the face.

Puppy weight by month

Shiba Inu puppies develop in leaps and bounds and at the age of eight months almost reach their maximum adult weight. Breeders do not provide data on the relationship between weight and age, but you can monitor the puppy’s fatness by feeling its sides in the area of ​​​​the last two ribs. If the ribs can be felt well, but do not stick out, it means that you are feeding the dog correctly and it is developing normally.


The life expectancy of a Shiba is 12-13 years, but there are cases when companions lived up to 15-16 years, remaining active and vigorous in old age. To increase life expectancy, regularly maintain your pet's health and fitness.


Shiba Inus do not emit a dog odor, but they shed a lot, which is why they can hardly be called hypoallergenic. Before purchasing a puppy, make sure there is no reaction by visiting an allergist and taking a PAST test.

Shiba Inu breed: description of character and appearance

Royal Canin medium adult 15 kg

Super premium food, created for a dog’s balanced nutrition and all its taste needs. Its composition: cereal flour, dehydrated pork, rice, fats of vegetable and animal origin, yeast. A vitamin and mineral complex has been added to the product.


  • Widely distributed throughout the Russian Federation;
  • Has good taste;
  • Well digested by the body;
  • When consumed, the immune system is strengthened and the appearance of the skin and coat improves;
  • The product has medicinal properties.


  • Contains grains;
  • Lots of crafts. The original is made in France.

Grandorf Duck with sweet potato all breeds 12 kg

The product belongs to the super premium class. It has the following ingredients in its balanced composition: duck, turkey, sweet potato, dried herbs, fruits and vegetables. Made using technology that preserves all the properties of the ingredients.


  • Made from natural ingredients;
  • Has good taste, smell, color;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Contains a digestive bioregulator;
  • Does not contain preservatives, GMOs, artificial colors;
  • Well absorbed by the body;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Has a good effect on the pet's health;
  • The food has a balanced composition and is suitable for daily nutrition of dogs of all breeds;
  • Can completely replace the dog’s need for meat food;
  • Ideal for pets with severe allergic sensitivities.


  • Difficult to find in veterinary stores;
  • Has a laxative effect on the pet.

Above are ten of the best dry foods for medium dogs. Choosing the right food for dogs is important; it takes into account the health characteristics of the pet and its preferences. Each of them is good, but out of all of them I will single out only two that are at the top positions of the rating and deserve increased attention: Acana Adult Dog Heritag and Go Fit + Free salmon, duck, turkey, chicken.

They both belong to the holistic class, are suitable for everyday nutrition, and have few disadvantages. The composition does not contain grains or products that contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction, which is often found among medium-sized dogs.

They contain a rich vitamin and mineral complex. By consuming these products, your pet will receive the necessary substances and will enjoy good health and longevity. These 2 high-quality products fully meet your pet's need for a healthy and balanced diet. Those who give these brands of food to animals are happy and do not want to look for new food.

Japanese Laika - distinctive features of the breed

There is another variant of the pronunciation of the breed - Shiba Inu. Although this breed is close to other Japanese breeds, it has its own unique characteristics and is not one of the miniature versions. Shiba Inus are owners who are greedy for the sofa, their toys and food. The same applies to the owner - the dog may not obey anyone else. Shiba Inu is often aggressive towards other animals. The advantage is the cleanliness of this breed, which can be compared to a cat. Among Japanese dogs, she is the smallest and at the same time bright.

Origin of the Shiba Inu

The Japanese Shiba Inu dog, according to genetic studies, is classified as one of the most ancient breeds. Its formation occurred naturally in the third century BC. The ancestors are the Mino, San-in, Shin-shu breeds. Shiba Inu refers to the Japanese Spitz, which is all the dogs in Japanese history that appeared before the 19th century. Small dogs were valuable due to their agility and ability to move in dense thickets. This helped Japanese hunters when hunting small game, wild boars and even bears. Several main stages in the development of this breed:

  • 20th century - several purebred Shiba Inu dogs were selected;
  • 1934 – approval of the breed standard;
  • 1936 – Shiba Inu received the status of national treasure of Japan;
  • mid-20th century - breed spread throughout the world;
  • 1992 – recognition of the breed by the American Kennel Club.

Purpose of the breed

The dog was bred in Japan on the island of Honshu as a hunting dog. For this reason, its main purpose was and is hunting. Hunting qualities such as courage and loyalty make Shiba Inus good guard dogs. Even with their miniature size, animals are able to rush to defend the territory or the owner, no matter how dangerous the situation he may be in. Thanks to their sensitivity to every suspicious sound, the dog can be left to guard the house even when leaving. The breed is also suitable for active families who often run or ride a bike.

Need for vitamins

Medium-sized dogs cover many breeds, from basset hounds to huskies. By their nature, they can be characterized by low mobility or be active. Pets of these species need vitamins in addition to their diet.

The daily need for supplements is determined by gender and age characteristics. It depends on the weight, breed, physical development, air temperature during maintenance. Organic substances are needed for normal growth and development, viable offspring, and good health. When starting to introduce elements into the diet, take into account the weight of the pet.

It is important to worry about the intake of vitamins into the body of animals when eating natural food or when consuming economy-class feed. To improve your pet's health, you will need prolonged courses of supplements once a month. Medium breed dogs kept on dry food should take a vitamin course at least once every six months. For aging animals, it is enough to take the course once a year, provided they are fed with food and natural food.

Pet health items:

  1. Retinoids, including: vitamin A, vitamin A2, retinol and retinoic acid. Needed to reproduce healthy offspring. Without these vitamins, animals do not develop normal bone tissue, cartilage, and epithelium. Retinal is involved in the functioning of the visual organs. The element is needed to produce light-sensitive pigments for vision in the dark. When it is deficient, dogs develop “night blindness.”
  2. Thiamine (B1). A necessary element for the normal functioning of the nervous system. With a sufficient level of the substance, the pet will be balanced and calm. Supplements with it are needed for pets that are severely exhausted or stressed. A lack of the element thiamine causes disorders of the animal's digestive tract. Its deficiency leads to weight loss and lack of appetite. The element helps puppies grow, providing them with energy and vigor.
  3. Riboflabin (B2). The condition of the coat and skin depends on the normal concentration of the substance in the body. The vitamin strengthens the animal’s immunity and defense mechanisms, helps neutralize inflammatory processes. Vitamin B2 deficiency in a dog's body can cause muscle weakness, mucosal lesions, and conjunctivitis.
  4. Niacin (B3). The vitamin fights animal “bad” cholesterol, increases hemoglobin, and normalizes the metabolism of proteins and fats. After feeding the pet, nicotinic acid stimulates gastric juice and enzymes. Saturates the body with energy, helps to absorb protein from vegetables introduced into the diet. It is impossible to give vitamin B3 to an animal often. Its excess will cause disruption of the endocrine system and hair loss.

Origin of the breed

The island of Honshu (Japan) is home to 6 breeds of hunting dogs. Their name corresponds to the name of the province in which they originated. And only the Shiba Inu is named based on its external characteristics.

The ancient origins of Japanese hunting dogs are evidenced by finds discovered by archaeologist Angela Perry. In the scientific literature of Japan, she discovered descriptions of burials of hunting dogs similar to the Shiba Inu.

More than 9,000 years ago, hunters in Honshu honored dogs by burying them with the hunters. The dogs were laid down as if the dog was sleeping peacefully, curled up. Next to the dog were funeral bracelets and belts inlaid with deer antlers. These burials indicate that the ancient Japanese honored their assistants on a par with the hunters who obtained food for the tribe.

In addition to 110 burials dating back to before 300 BC, Perry discovered a 2,500-year-old bronze bell depicting scenes of a wild boar hunt with Shiba Inu-like dogs. Beginning with the Jomon period (16,000-24,000 years ago), the Japanese selected dogs for desirable traits.

After the arrival of Korean settlers on the island, the crossing of indigenous breeds with emigrant dogs took place, and in the 18th-19th centuries. with other European breeds. Island breeds are on the verge of extinction. Thanks to the efforts of NIPPO, the Society for the Preservation of Aboriginal Dog Breeds, they were restored.

4 nuances worth knowing

The Shiba Inu is the smallest native Japanese dog. It is preceded by such breeds as Akita Inu, Kai, Hokkaido, Kishu and Shikoka. At one time there were seven breeds. But the seventh - kosi - is considered completely lost today. Listed below are four interesting facts about the Dwarf Japanese Husky that provide a colorful addition to the breed's history.

  1. Miniature dwarf. The size of an adult Shiba Inu should be at least 36.5 cm. But in Japan there are still miniature Shibas, whose height at the withers ranges from 19 cm to 30 cm. The breed standard does not recognize such individuals, however, small dogs are no less loved and revered in their homeland.
  2. Very rare. The rarest are the Shibas, which have a pure white coat. As a rule, the price of such puppies is frighteningly high. But even an acquired pet is exclusive in its purest form.
  3. On the verge of extinction. The Second World War almost wiped the breed off the face of the earth. And only in the late 40s of the last century, with the support of the state, Nippo began to restore the population. For this purpose, a group of surviving dogs that were closest to the standard was selected.
  4. Features of national breeding. Officially, three organizations are involved in breeding Shiba in the Land of the Rising Sun. One of them is Nippo. The other two are Shibaho and the Japanese Kennel Club. It is noteworthy that Shibaho includes white Shiba Inus in the standard, but colleagues from Nippo and the Kennel Club do not.

Proper feeding of puppies

With the correct diet, the puppy will be strong, his immunity will resist any diseases. In order for the anatomical and functional systems to form correctly, the pet needs high-quality products and a complex of vitamins.

A selection of nutrients and microelements is contained in dry food. At the same time, up to six months, puppies of medium breeds can be given balanced food for small breeds. After six months - dry food for large dogs.

For puppies from 3 months old, super premium food is suitable. Grain-free food contains fresh and boiled meat, fruits and vegetables. This diet does not contain hormonal drugs or by-products.

For puppies suffering from allergies or gastrointestinal disorders, select holistic-grade food. Complete dry food will ensure the safety of digestion and the balance of the puppy’s intestinal microflora. Satisfies the high energy needs of medium breed babies during a short period of their growth.

For two-week-old puppies, you can add porridge to their diet. From one and a half months, feed dry croquettes with a high calorie content. For the first few days, soak the granules in milk or warm water. Start switching to this food with 12-16 grains per day. Monitor the condition of the puppy, and in case of a negative reaction, stop feeding granules. If your puppy's skin regularly scratches and peels after eating kibble, give your baby water to drink frequently.

Unlike adult pets, medium breed puppies should be fed more often:

  • From 2 to 4 months - 6 times;
  • From 3 to six months - 4 times;
  • From five to 10 months - 3 times.

How it develops day by day in the first month

Age (days)Baby development
1-5At this age, the puppy is completely dependent on its mother. All he can do is suck, squeak and crawl around. A newborn puppy lacks vision, hearing and thermoregulation.
6-8During this period, the pet is actively gaining weight. By the end of the first week, the dog weighs approximately 2 times more.
9-10In the second week of life, the baby not only increases in weight, but also in strength. Now you can easily identify stronger and weaker individuals.
15Starting from this period, the puppy's eyes gradually open. He reacts to light, but does not yet know how to navigate in space. The baby begins to develop its own thermoregulation, vision and hearing. Dependence on the mother becomes less.
16-18The puppy already sees and hears well.
19-22The first teeth are erupting.
23-24Interest in solid food appears, the puppy learns to bite and chew. During this period, he begins the first stage of socialization.
25-30The puppy is much less dependent on its mother, eats solid food, shows interest in its surroundings, and actively plays with its brothers and sisters.

Diseases and health problems from food

Owners of bull terriers, bulldogs, basset hounds and retrievers often face the problem of excess weight in their animals. Obesity develops due to little physical activity and a lack of fresh, unprocessed plant foods in the diet. Due to an increase in body weight due to adipose tissue, pathologies develop:

  • Increased glucose levels and metabolic disorders;
  • Congestive heart failure;
  • Violation of the rhythm and depth of breathing, lack of air;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Hemarthrosis;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Synovitis;
  • Osteoarthritis.

If you suspect one of the diseases, exclude food with high calorie content from the diet, do not feed fatty meat and baked goods. Replace high-calorie foods with natural feed mixtures with a reduced amount of fat. Switching to lightweight granules will burn extra calories while retaining all the beneficial substances in the body.

Often counterfeit food does not contain meat products and necessary elements, but cereals and stabilizers. Due to the poor quality of this food, the animal may develop:

  • Allergic reaction;
  • Inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the gastric mucosa;
  • Esophagitis of the esophagus;
  • Inflammatory process in the pancreas;
  • Manifestation of urolithiasis;
  • Frequent bowel movements with the release of liquid stool.

If signs of pathologies appear, the animal must be urgently transferred to holistic food and plenty of fluids with the addition of rehydron.

Feeding pregnant dogs

After a successful mating, the bitch’s body changes, adapting to future babies. Natural reflexes and instincts work in the interests of the dog's health. Unpleasant exceptions often occur. If there is a lack of necessary elements in the body, the bitch aborts.

In the last days of pregnancy, babies take away all the beneficial substances from their mother. This leads to bad consequences in the bitch’s body after giving birth. The main danger is calcium deficiency. A lack of the substance in a pregnant bitch can cause a severe form of gestosis. Due to an imbalance of potassium-calcium balance, the animal’s blood pressure increases greatly, leading to a risk of pregnancy. Along with calcium, a pregnant pet needs magnesium, which is involved in the functioning of the central nervous system.

The bitch's diet when carrying puppies must be of good quality. Proper feeding during the entire period of pregnancy greatly influences its progress and the development of the fetus. Add chicken yolks mashed with cottage cheese to your pet’s diet 2 times a week. When carrying puppies, you need proteins that will help the babies develop properly.

Until five weeks of pregnancy, the animal does not need additional nutrients. If the dog is given more food during this period, it will gain weight, but the risk of complications during childbirth will increase. She should be switched to an enhanced diet on day 35. There is no need to be alarmed if your pet doesn’t eat more. When carrying one or two fruits, she does not need to increase the dose of food. She needs to be given vitamins.

How to toilet train?

The first thing to start with is daily walks . As already mentioned, you need to walk your Shiba Inu puppy 3 times a day for 3-40 minutes.

During this time, the baby will definitely want to go to the toilet. When this happens, focus your attention on it, praise it, play with it, or give your baby a treat.

At the same time, when the dog is in the apartment, observe his behavior . How does he behave when he wants to go to the toilet? He may be getting restless, looking for a seat or sitting down. As soon as you notice such signs, immediately take your dog outside.

A proper feeding schedule can also help with toilet training . If the dog eats at the same time, then it will also defecate. In this case, you will easily notice the characteristic signs and be able to react in time.

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