What pug puppies look like: features of newborns and development of pets up to one year

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The pug is a Chinese dog breed famous not only for its unusual appearance, but also for its good-natured and calm character.

The advantages of this breed are that pet owners include their non-aggression and the absence of the need to walk their pet for a long time. The main disadvantages are considered to be a tendency to obesity, problems with the eyes and respiratory system. Many people are also concerned about dog snoring and excessive salivation.

Owning a pug is not a cheap pleasure . In addition to material costs, this dog needs maximum attention every day.

Puppy cost

We know how to choose a pug puppy, all that remains is to find out the cost.

  • show class - 30,000-60,000 rubles;
  • breed class - 20,000 rubles and above;
  • pet class - 8000 - 15,000 rub.

1st class puppies , with whom you are going to conquer the rings, in well-known nurseries can cost up to 60 thousand rubles . Pugs without elite ancestors, but with a pedigree, cost half as much. Not every document makes it possible to take part in exhibitions, but it is a guarantee of the dog’s health, so it should not be neglected.

It’s hard to say how much a pug costs without documents. It all depends on where you are going to buy it. You can find a puppy on the market for 8 thousand rubles . On the Internet, you will have to pay over 10 thousand rubles for such a dog . However you decide to buy a pug, be sure to pay attention to its appearance. The condition of the eyes and coat will tell a lot about the content, and, accordingly, the health of the dog.

First vaccinations

One of the questions for a pug owner is when to give the puppy his first vaccination.

A suitable age is considered to be from 2 to 2.5 months.

Experienced dog breeders and breeders are unanimous in their opinion that vaccination is necessary. It helps reduce the risk of infectious diseases.

Before vaccinations, you need to consult a specialist and ask the breeder whether the puppies have received a deworming drug. This fact can be confirmed by proper veterinary documents.


If you are not sure, 10 days before the first vaccination, purchase Drontal Plus (a drug in the form of a suspension) from a veterinary pharmacy.

The product is given to the puppy once. It is advisable to do this procedure under the supervision of a specialist. It is necessary to get rid of worms before vaccination.

When the puppy looks lethargic or weakened and needs to receive the first vaccination, this should be done only after a week, when the dog has recovered.

There are a large number of vaccines on the veterinary drug market.

INTERVET (made in Holland), Nobivak brand:

  • NobivakDH - a drug against plague, hepatitis;
  • NobivakDHP - against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus;
  • NobivakDHPPI - against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza;
  • NobivakL - against leptospirosis;
  • NobivakLR - against rabies and leptospirosis;
  • NobivakPuppyDR - against plague and enteritis;
  • NobivakParvoC - against parvovirus infection;
  • NobivakRabies - for rabies;
  • NobivakSolvent is a sterile solvent.

The next vaccination is carried out after changing teeth, at approximately 8 months of age. And then according to the scheme drawn up individually for the puppy.

Vaccination calendar:

  • 8 weeks: 5 valent vaccine (against adenovirus, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus).
  • 12 weeks: 7 valence vaccine: against adenovirus, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and rabies and influenza para.
  • Every 4 months: deworming.
  • Per year: 7 valent vaccine: against adenovirus, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and rabies and influenza.

In general, after and before vaccination you must strictly adhere to these rules:

  • 10 days before the procedure and 10-15 days after it is better not to walk with the pug to protect it from contact with other dogs.
  • After about 15 days, walk the puppy, it is better to hold it in your arms.
  • You cannot vaccinate a pug if the puppy has not been wormed before.
  • If your puppy's baby teeth begin to change to molars, stop vaccination.

Where is the best place to buy

You can buy a pug puppy in three places: the market, the Internet and the nursery . Previously, the poultry market did not cause much criticism and was successful due to the low cost per animal. Today, in 90% of cases, for relatively little money on the market you can buy a puppy with hidden diseases or abnormalities. Unscrupulous traders often keep their pets in unsanitary conditions and do not give vaccinations required by age. If you are lucky in this regard, then do not be surprised if the dog, when it grows up, turns out to be not quite like a pug.

A safer place to buy animals is the Internet . The obvious advantage is that the little puppies are kept in a home environment rather than spending their days in a dirty market. In addition, you will have the seller's contact information. Through these types of advertisements, healthy and well-groomed pug puppies are sold, but without a pedigree. This fact is the reason for the low cost compared to the price of puppies in nurseries.

But it is best to purchase a dog from a specialized kennel . An experienced and conscientious breeder takes care of future offspring from the moment of conception. In addition, you will have the opportunity to see the parents, which will give you the opportunity to imagine what your dog will look like in the future. In the nursery you can find out in detail who a pug is and all the features of caring for this breed. You will be able to contact the breeder for advice in the future.

And most importantly, along with the puppy you will be given official documents that will allow you to participate in various exhibitions. But when choosing a nursery, be careful. And in this segment there are scammers who, under the guise of an elite nursery, hide a conveyor belt where bitches are bred at every heat, and puppies are kept in cramped cages, without much concern for the health of the dogs.

What do newborns look like?

Pugs are born completely blind, wet and helpless. It is necessary that puppies immediately begin to suck colostrum - in the first half hour.


As soon as the baby is born and begins to open its mouth, immediately connect it to the mother's nipple.

Newborn babies - quite active two or three days from birth - crawl, shaking their heads from side to side, trying to maintain balance.

They quickly freeze and, therefore, having just lost their mother, they begin to squeak, crawl in circles, and scream. As soon as the puppy finds its mother, it attaches itself to the nipple, begins to push it with its front paws, sucks milk, its tail rises perpendicularly upward.

Such pictures are simply touching.

Puppies are unusually voracious.

In the first month of life, puppies receive most of their care from their mother; she licks them, which helps them feel that she is nearby and everything is okay . In addition, this is a kind of massage that promotes urination and defecation.

What to pay attention to

If everything is more or less clear with the place of purchase, then it’s time to deal with the “product” itself. First of all, we note that pugs come in three classes: show, breed and pet .

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First class is the most expensive , but such dogs can take part in prestigious exhibitions. They usually have an elite pedigree and at least four generations of titled ancestors.

If you want to breed, then your choice is a girl or a boy of breeding class. Strong and healthy pugs will bring excellent offspring, for which you will definitely be able to find a buyer.

Do you just need a loyal friend and a cheerful partner? Then give preference to a pet-class pug, especially since you will have to pay much less for it than for puppies of the 1st and 2nd classes . Well, even if his ears are not quite standard and his tail is a ring, but he is an obedient and smart dog that your whole family will love.

Now you understand how to choose the right pug puppy according to the existing classification. Now let's look at the documents. When purchasing a baby, you must be given a “Puppy Metric”, which indicates:

  • floor;
  • Date of Birth;
  • parents' names;
  • pedigree numbers;
  • address and initials of the breeder;
  • the brand of the puppy (it must match the brand on the dog itself).

When considering the differences between a dog and a bitch, it is impossible to highlight the advantages of either gender. Therefore, whether a boy or a girl will move into your house is a purely personal decision. It is clear that a male dog may disobey his owner if another pug or a girl in heat passes by. But this is a disadvantage of all males. But a pug bitch will never exchange her owner for a male running past.

Also ask what birth date your chosen one was born in. The first puppies are usually healthier. With 8-month-old teenagers there will, of course, be less hassle, but at this age the dog should already be vaccinated and accustomed to using the toilet outside, but it is difficult to say how well the breeder has developed this skill in the puppy.

Preparing a place for a future pet

Before the dog settles in a new home, the owners need to create comfortable conditions for its stay - prepare a sleeping area and a feeding area. The right decision would be to immediately teach the baby to rest separately. This will save you from future problems with disciplining your pug. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for raising a pug in this article.

To place the basket, choose a quiet corner of the apartment. There should be no radiators or heaters or drafts nearby, because temperature changes can weaken the dog’s immunity. The size of the sleeping place, convenient for the animal to rest, is 50 by 70 cm. According to hygienic requirements, it is better to protect the mattress of the bed with a cover.

The kitchen is suitable for organizing a feeding area. It is enough to select a small corner, which is covered with oilcloth. A bowl with a volume of 0.6-1 liters for food is placed on top of it. There is a bowl for water nearby. For older four-legged animals, the dishes are secured with a tripod.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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A pug bed should be placed in the living room, otherwise the puppy may feel abandoned. Therefore, you should not install the dog’s resting place in storage rooms, on balconies or in niches.

Costs of owning a pug

Every responsible owner should take it as an axiom that a pug puppy costs much less than raising it well. If a person is trying to buy a cheaper dog, this usually indicates that he will then begin to save on food, vaccines, vitamins and even basic dog utensils (bowls and drinking bowls).

Unfortunately, it is not the puppy who chooses its owner. He has to come to terms with the fact that from the moment you meet you begin to control his life, providing him with shelter and food, movement and medical care, love and constant attention. Only the dog owner decides how much he will allocate for the maintenance of the pet.

There are mandatory expenses that you can’t do without:

  • feed – from 2500 to 4500 rubles monthly;
  • vitamins (with natural food) – 250-1500 rubles per month;
  • treatment for external parasites – 600-2500 rubles per season;
  • anthelmintics – from 150 to 400 rubles (once a quarter);
  • vaccination – 800-2500 rubles annually.

If you need an obedient and well-trained dog, add on the fees for a trainer (2.5 thousand) and at least 1 thousand more for visiting each dog show . Pug care (including toothbrush and paste, shampoo, cotton swabs/discs and nail clippers) will lighten your pocket by 1000-3000 rubles.

In the one-time expenses column, you should include all the dog dowry that you purchase in advance:

  • rug - from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
  • cups – 400-3000 rubles;
  • leash with collar – from 500 to 2000 rubles;
  • toys – 300-1000 rubles;
  • clothes - from 1500 to 4000 rubles.

Don’t discount periodic trips to the veterinary clinic, which can result in the most unpredictable amount, ranging from a thousand to 20-30 thousand rubles (depending on the severity of the disease).

How to feed

If you have this cute dog at home, it is advisable to feed him mixed food, combining super-premium or premium food.

There should be a bowl of clean water next to this food; it is useful to give raw lean meat.

Pugs need treats - this could be a piece of cheese or fruit.

When eating natural foods, these rules must be taken into account:

  • Approximately 70% of the menu should consist of meat, this also includes fish, rabbit, and poultry.
  • Boiled chicken yolk 2 times a week
  • Fermented dairy products and vegetables daily. It is advisable to prepare cottage cheese yourself by adding calcium chloride. Per liter of milk 3 tbsp. calcium chloride. A puppy needs 50-70 g of cottage cheese at one time.
  • Porridge and dry food. For puppies, in addition to rolled oats, grind buckwheat and rice into flour and cook in milk.

Never feed your pug from the table.

For puppies up to 10 months, there are dry foods that reduce the risk of obesity - this is, for example, RoyalCaninJuhiorPug food, moreover, such food contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins that are useful for a growing body .

Pugs history

Back in the days of the Chinese Celestial Empire, these sneaks were assigned a special role. These cute fatties were constant companions and companions of high-ranking gentlemen. But one should not mistakenly assume that the function of the dogs was purely decorative. On the contrary, such closeness to the rulers of the Great Empire and the European bourgeoisie emphasizes the fact that in addition to a beautiful face, the dog is also a very good friend, companion and helper.

In ancient times, dogs lived in rich palaces, and their wrinkles on their faces, due to their resemblance to hieroglyphs, were a special imperial sign.

In Europe, ladies from high society called pugs “boudoir dogs” and carried them with them everywhere. The forefathers of the modern pug were somewhat different, they were taller, and there were even fewer folds on the face and body

How to care?

Caring for a puppy takes some time.
It is especially necessary to pay attention to claws, fur, ears, eyes and skin folds. Train your pet to relieve itself in a designated area .

Trim your nails once every two weeks. The ears need to be tied up, the eyes should be wiped of mucus, and if necessary, use drops after consulting with a veterinarian.

Pugs are strictly forbidden to walk in tall grass and where it is very dusty . You need to walk your dog at least 2 times a day.

Folds need to be wiped regularly, you can use wet wipes. Be sure to protect them from hypothermia and overheating.

It is not advisable to bathe babies, but you can use a washcloth with wool products. From two months you can start water procedures.

After a walk, thoroughly wipe your paws, nose and tummy, wiping them dry with a clean towel..

Due to their narrow airways, dogs do not tolerate heat or cold well. This also causes problems with the cardiovascular system.

To warn them, you need to walk the dog for about half an hour, and make sure that he does not gain extra pounds.

Pugs are stubborn and need to be trained patiently ; they can be taught commands such as “fu”, “sit”, “lie down” and “next” .

They get accustomed to the toilet, their place.

Unusual appearance

This is where the secret of their increased popularity lies. The expressive gaze of dark eyes with a bright shine is hidden from clearly defined folds. The tail is curled. The body is supported by short limbs. The dog owes these data to the British, who worked on their selection for a long time.

In the process of crossing, they became the owners of a blunt nose and a square forehead. Their Chinese ancestors had a graceful physique, pointed shapes. There they were bred as hunters and guards. They were delivered to the forest lands on the imperial stretcher, emphasizing their sense of self-worth.

The pug is a rather strong and stocky baby with a compact square format. He has well-developed muscles, unless, of course, you feed the dog. With a height of 30-35 centimeters, a pug should weigh 6.5-8.5 kilograms , of course, according to the standard. But the maximum weight that breeders allow for males is 11 kilograms; females should be a little lighter.

The head of dogs of this breed is round, but not “apple-shaped”, and the muzzle is short and blunt with the presence of abundant wrinkles , the bite is a small undershot. Characteristic of the breed are large round eyes . The ears are small - “rose ” (folded over the head in the form of a rose petal) or “button” (laid forward with the edges tightly pressed). Button ears are preferred .

The body is stocky, the chest is wide, the limbs are strong. The tail is set high and tightly curled into a ring - preferably a double ring.

The coat is short. The color is light: fawn, apricot, silver or black . What is noteworthy is that light-colored dogs should have a black mask on their muzzle and ears, a black spot on their forehead - the figure resembles a diamond or a fingerprint, and also a dark line along the ridge.

How it develops from 1 to 12 months

Newborn puppies sleep up to 22 hours a day, closer to 2 months they sleep 18 hours.

At 1 month, the puppy weighs from 0.7 to 1 kg. At eight weeks, puppies weigh between 900 g and 1.8 kg.

From 3-4 months, pug pups begin to erupt permanent teeth. Their weight is from 1.5 to 2.2 kg.

At 4-6 months, young dogs begin puberty. During this period, pugs weigh from 3.17 to 7 kg.

At 9 months, growth slows down, and in some puppies it even stops. Weight between 6 and 9 kg.

1 year is the time for a pug to become an adult..

Their weight ranges from 6.5 to 9 kg. Height is from 26 to 28 cm at the withers for females, 29-31 cm for males.

Weight reaches its maximum value, excess weight gain is a signal for the owner, as this becomes a problem of obesity for the dog.

Distinctive features

Despite their toy appearance, they are loyal friends who have a strong attachment to their owner. In case of the slightest threat, they are ready to engage in a fierce battle with the enemy without any hesitation.

They are very open and friendly , able to establish contact with both humans and other smaller brothers living with them in the same territory. They will definitely interfere in everything that interests them. They will not miss the opportunity to dangle underfoot. They will always announce their presence with a loud bark.

Interesting Facts

Pugs have always been the dog of noble people; they were loved, cherished, and treated like family members. Some representatives had their own servants and security. The folds on their muzzle were considered the sign of the emperor. A portrait by the French artist François Drouze has been preserved, where he depicted the French Princess Elizabeth in his arms with his pet pug.

Queen Victoria loved her dog so much that she issued a decree prohibiting ear cropping of this breed, which was common in those days. In the Moscow Pushkin Museum there is a painting depicting Grand Duchess Ekaterina Golitsyna with a pug lying on her lap. The work of the French court artist Charles Loa.

The family of Tsarevich Georgy Alexandrovich was photographed with a pug at their feet. In St. Petersburg, the museum preserves a gold snuff box, encrusted with diamonds, depicting a pug. Pugs were the favorite dogs of the Empress of France, Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. There are rumors that Napoleon himself suffered from Josephine's favorite when he first entered his wife's bedroom. The Hermitage exhibits the painting “Pug in a Chair” by Alfred Dedre, which is a parody of Hippolyte de Villemessant, a journalist for the newspaper “Le Figaro”.

Painting “Pug in a chair”

There is a funny story about a pug named Chester Ludlow, who received his master's degree and MBA through distance learning from Rochville University. Of course, the dog did not undergo any training in administration. The owner of Chester simply sent his student’s resume and tuition money ($499) to the address of the educational institution. A week later, he was already the proud owner of a financier’s diploma, which included his name, or rather nickname.

With the acquisition of a baby of this breed, a joyful, wrinkled creature appears in the house, which cannot leave anyone indifferent to its person. This baby will find an approach to all the inhabitants of the house: from children to older people, will be friendly towards dogs and cats, and will become a devoted friend to the owner.

*Prices are current as of January 2022.

Advantages of the breed

The most important of them is courage . Even large individuals will not stop the faithful guard. They never come into conflict until there is a real threat.

The tiny creature is always ready to defend its space and the people dear to it. In this case, the size of the enemy does not play a role.

Other advantages include the following:

  • love;
  • patience with small children;
  • the ability to coexist peacefully with others;
  • allow themselves to be caressed;
  • high intelligence;
  • compact dimensions;
  • ease of learning.

At the same time, they are not inclined to try to establish dominance over their owner, because they are very attached to him.

Pros and cons of black pugs

Like any other representatives of the breed, black pugs have their advantages and disadvantages. Among their advantages:

  • unique appearance;
  • Possibility of living in an apartment;
  • ease of care for short hair;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • optimistic and cheerful character;
  • endurance;
  • sociability and non-conflict;
  • love for children;
  • unpretentiousness in food.


  • without proper education they grow up to be selfish and stubborn;
  • prone to a number of diseases;
  • do not tolerate hot and cold weather well;
  • are indiscriminate in food and often suffer from obesity;
  • shed;
  • snore in their sleep due to the structural features of the nasopharynx;
  • difficult to train.

The character and behavior of a pug largely depends on the owner who is nearby. With persistence and affection, he can be trained to house, use the toilet, and follow commands.

Disadvantages of the breed

Even such an angelic character has its pitfalls. One of the most pronounced ones is stubbornness . Sometimes it is stronger than that of a donkey.

When something happens against their will, they show stubbornness until the person makes concessions to them. You will reach an agreement with your four-legged friend exclusively in a peaceful way. It is useless to break his nature.

They are also terrible beggars and gluttons rolled into one. At such moments it is difficult not to indulge them.

They are also too jealous, which pushes them to all sorts of meanness. The reason for this is the desire to always be in the center of attention, without recognizing the right of your patron to his personal life.

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