How long do toy terriers live at home: life expectancy

Toy terriers are famous for their affectionate and playful nature. These dogs become devoted and loyal friends, simply adoring their owners.

Each of the owners of these cute creatures wants their pet to be with him as long as possible.

The question of how long these dogs can live worries many future owners even at the stage of choosing a pet breed.

So how many years do Russians and other toy terriers live and what should be done to increase their life expectancy?

Life expectancy of toy terriers

Toy terriers are considered to be the longest-living dogs.
Toy terriers are small dogs. Their average height is 30 cm, and their weight does not exceed 3 kg. At the same time, animals have a fairly good life expectancy. How long do toy terriers live at home? In most cases, their lifespan is approximately 15 years, and sometimes longer.


These terriers are distinguished by their rather small size, because their height reaches 28 cm and weighs 3 kg. All this correlates with a miniature body, thin and fragile legs. A characteristic feature of the appearance of Russian Toys is their pointed muzzle, which has a clearly defined nose. These pets are distinguished by large eyes and the same erect ears. Representatives of long-haired breeds tend to have a fringe of hairs on the ears, as well as elongated hair on the head and paws. The color of the dog can be varied: from blue and Isabella to black and red, in various interpretations (with tan marks and plaques).

Dogs of this breed are created for living in city apartments. Here they feel protected, warm and comfortable. Small dimensions allow them to relieve their needs in the tray. This eliminates the need to walk your pet in case of bad weather. Their very living in the house can be compared to having a cat rather than a dog. But due to their physiological characteristics, the owner will have to adhere to some rules. It is not recommended to lift the dog high from the floor (maximum 40 cm); you need to keep it tightly on a leash, and also try to look at your feet. After all, you may not notice and accidentally step on a small pet.

What is special about the Russian Toy?

The most important feature of the Russian Toy is that it recovers quite quickly from any illness. However, for this it is necessary that the dog has a good immune system. Therefore, any owner of a dog of this breed is recommended to feed and care for the dog properly, vaccinate on time and, if necessary, immediately contact a veterinarian rather than self-medicate.

Toys require careful care and attention

Signs of aging

One of the most common signs of an aging dog, according to owners, is teeth falling out. However, in a Toy Terrier, the process of tooth loss is not associated with old age, but with genetics.

To understand that your pet is actually aging, you should know the following:

  • his vision and hearing are deteriorating;
  • he becomes lethargic and inactive;
  • gray hair appears on the coat;
  • the dog sleeps often.

If you notice any of the above in your toy, it means it’s time to take him to the veterinarian for checkups more often. And as a conclusion: love your pet, take care of it, and it will have a long life!

How to determine the age of a toy

Smooth-haired and long-haired toy terriers are small dogs, so it is not always possible to immediately determine their age.
At the same time, it can also be quite difficult to do this on the teeth, because premolars can fall out at too young an age. On a note! There are several stages of dog development - puppy, young dog, middle-aged dog, elderly dog.
Puppies are easily identified by their light and fragile build. In addition, they are very active and playful. Middle-aged dogs also have a lot of energy, but they have a stronger physique.

Advantages of a Yorkie

The advantage of the Yorkshire Terrier is its outfit - a shiny, long, silky, thin coat that hangs evenly on both sides of the body. The coat is usually blue-silver on the tail and body. The chest and head are golden tan in color, often turning golden cream. There are other colors where the predominant color is black rather than silver-blue. The fur looks expressive, where only rich fiery and black colors are combined. Small puppies are always black, with only small red spots on their paws and face. Over time, the color changes.

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What factors influence lifespan

The lifespan of a toy terrier is influenced by various factors. The main ones are:

  • bad hereditary factor;
  • various infections;
  • chronic pathologies of internal organs;
  • prone to damage and injury;
  • hypothermia and overheating;
  • poor quality nutrition;
  • poor care and living conditions;
  • weak immune system.

Dogs that show aggression are also at risk. Frequent fights with other animals cause various injuries and damages. Small dogs also have a rather vulnerable psyche, so they do not tolerate stress well and suffer from it. It is better to protect them from various negative reactions.

Dogs react very sharply to stress, so they should be protected from various shocks.

The lifespan of a Russian Toy Terrier is also affected by the gender of the dog. Girls live a couple of years longer than boys, especially if they are sterilized - they practically do not have diseases of the reproductive system. Experts recommend castrating males as well if breeding is not planned.


The Russian Toy Terrier is famous for its irrepressible energy, which it strives to put into action. Try to walk and play more with your baby so that some of it dries up and you have an obedient pet in front of you. Such an ardent temperament must be learned to pacify from childhood, and this can only be done with the help of proper training. You may spend a lot of time and patience, but you will not encounter aggression from the dog.

You will also need good training when your baby encounters larger dogs. The character of Toys is so cocky that they certainly try to measure their strength with any dogs.

And there is no way to cope in such a situation without education. Remember that the Russian Toy Terrier cannot boast of a strong psyche, so you should not train him too harshly.

Being a very smart dog, he can quickly learn your lessons. Even a child can teach it. The dog will treat all family members with respect, but it is better to control its communication with a small child in order to avoid any incidents.

If you manage to raise your puppy correctly and gain his respect for you, the pet will always delight you with its complaisance and calmness.

In 1967, the second All-Union exhibition was held, where dog breeders exhibited more than a hundred Russified toy terriers. The restoration of the breed began in several cynological centers in Moscow, Irkutsk, Leningrad and Sverdlovsk. During the Soviet years, a number of breeds adopted their own standard, which had little in common with the generally accepted standard. This fate did not spare the terriers either. For example, according to the Soviet standard, Toy males had to be no more than 25 cm at the withers, and females - no more than 23 cm, with a rounded skull and a noticeable transition.

The color could be black or brown and tan, as well as red of any tone. The tail is docked. Thus, the political isolation of the USSR led to the fact that the country had its own terrier, which was noticeably different from the British representatives of the breed. The modern Russian Toy Terrier has all the features of the classic terrier, but supplemented with some features. In particular, modern representatives of the breed are tall, but not wide, have round eyes, flat cheekbones, etc., which gives the dog an original appearance. The Russian Toy Terrier is a worthy representative of the terrier breed both in origin and in its confident, energetic character.

Find out how much a puppy costs

Main causes of premature death

Unfortunately, it happens that a toy does not live a long life and dies earlier. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Hereditary factor. Toys often have a predisposition to various genetic diseases that shorten their lives. However, longevity can also be genetically transmitted to a puppy from its parents.
  • Infectious diseases. Any disease undermines the state of the baby’s immune system and health. As you age, your risk of developing chronic problems increases, which can negatively affect your life expectancy.
  • Chronic diseases. Such problems can be acquired or congenital. Often, in old dogs, due to a weakened immune system, chronic diseases become acute and undermine their health.
  • Accidents. Toys are very active and cocky, often getting into fights even with larger dogs. In addition, they may well fall from a height. Therefore, it is recommended to closely monitor such animals and not let them off the leash during walks.

Note! The cause of a pet's premature death can be the carelessness of the owners and poor care.

When walking in cold weather you need to wear special clothing


This variety appeared thanks to the larger Manchester Terriers, which made a great contribution to the development of the breed. They were known in England in the Victorian era, many bred them to hunt foxes and small rodents, and rat fights with their participation were also popular. The dog was placed in an enclosure with these creatures and had to defeat them as quickly as possible. Such training helped reduce the number of plague carriers, but over time they were banned, and pets began to compete only at exhibitions.

English terriers separated from Manchesters in 1920. At that time they were called miniature black tans, and they received this name only forty-two years later. Such individuals live an average of fifteen years if you follow all care recommendations and often take them out into the fresh air. Most of the diseases that threaten them are hereditary diseases, so be careful when choosing a puppy and carefully ask the breeder about its parents.

To read: History of the origin of the Old English Bulldog, reviews from owners

Proper nutrition

Toy terriers are not picky dogs, but you can’t feed them just anything - this will cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. An unbalanced diet often increases the risk of developing obesity, diabetes and other similar diseases.

Your pet's diet should be rich in all essential nutrients. The basis should be proteins - lean meat, fish. It is important that your diet includes porridge from a variety of cereals. In addition, your food must include vegetables and unsweetened fruits (in no case citrus fruits!).

Important! It is necessary to feed the dog strictly on time. The portion should be appropriate for the size of the dog. It is important to remember that puppies eat less, but more often, and adult animals - the opposite.

Toys should not be overfed, but lack of food will also negatively affect the pet’s condition. If you plan to use ready-made dry food for feeding, you should consult with your veterinarian in advance and choose the most suitable option.

You cannot feed your dog food from the table. Sweets, baked goods, smoked meats and fried foods are excluded from the diet. As a treat, you can give your dog a small piece of cheese or fruit.

It is important to treat your dog against blood-sucking insects in a timely manner.

What to do to improve your life and increase its duration

To increase your pet's life expectancy, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Watch your diet. It should be nutritious and balanced. It is advisable to purchase premium dry food.
  • Do not feed the animal “from the table”. The food that a person eats is completely unhealthful for a small dog.
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly for examinations, vaccinations and deworming. The observing veterinarian will select the necessary vaccine himself.

Owners should not forget about pet hygiene. A toy terrier needs to have its nails trimmed, its eyes and ears cleaned, and its fur combed out from time to time.

Proper nutrition is essential for a healthy dog

Regular veterinary care

When purchasing a puppy, the breeder must provide information about how many vaccinations have already been given (often this is the standard). After this, it is important to carry out all vaccinations yourself on time and bring the dog for examinations.

It is also necessary to regularly treat your dog against parasites, fleas, and ticks. After walks, it is important to examine the dog to prevent bites from harmful insects. Deworming must be done carefully. In small animals, parasites spread quite quickly. However, due to their size, medications also act much faster.

It is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • Do not let her pick up anything from the ground.
  • Preparations for anthelmintic treatment should be selected by a specialist.
  • The recommended drug must be divided into two doses, mixed with activated carbon and given to the dog. Charcoal will help quickly cleanse the body of toxic substances.
  • Treatment for worms must be carried out up to 4 times a year (one of them is carried out before mandatory annual vaccination).

A healthy pet is taken for examination a couple of times a year. When the dog is over 7 years old, it is recommended to visit the doctor more often.

Note! It is necessary to carefully follow all hygiene rules - comb the dog on time, trim its claws, clean its eyes and ears.

On the street it is better not to let him off the leash

Quality content

Caring for the coat of the Smooth-haired Toy Terrier is very simple - you only need to brush it once a week. A long-haired pet should be combed regularly with a comb, making sure that the hair does not get tangled.

Dogs of this breed should be bathed only if they are very dirty; in all other cases, it is better to limit yourself to washing their paws after a walk.

It is also better not to touch the eyes and ears unless necessary. They need to be inspected every day, but cleaned only when dirty.

Nails are trimmed once a month for adult animals and once every 2 weeks for puppies.


Toy terriers' teeth require special attention, as tartar easily forms on them and there is a tendency for them to fall out early.

To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly let your toy terrier chew on soft cartilage or special toys purchased in the store. If necessary, teeth can be cleaned with a brush and toothpaste for dogs.

Caring for an older dog

Caring for an elderly dog ​​at home is practically no different from caring for a young pet. However, it is recommended to remember that an old toy terrier needs to be given more attention as it ages.

You should also comb, wash, and care for your dog. However, in adulthood, all actions must be carried out more carefully and carefully. You need to visit a veterinarian more often, and if unpleasant signs appear, contact a doctor without delay.

Additional Information. An elderly toy must be protected from drafts and overheating; for walks, if necessary, the pet is dressed in suitable clothing. It is recommended to reduce the load, because older dogs often develop diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Longevity records

Toy terriers are long-lived dog breeds. Their life expectancy is quite long, especially compared to large animals. Toys reach old age at different ages; officially, this period is considered to be 8 years or more.

Dogs, like people, have their own longevity. The maximum lifespan of a mini toy terrier is 8 years, sometimes less. Larger dogs live up to 17 years, and sometimes up to 20. Cases have been recorded of toy terriers living even up to 30 years, but such dogs are very few.

In the Russian Federation, the longest-living dog was Funtik, who lived a little over 18 years and was included in the Russian Book of Records.

Older dogs need less exercise and more rest

Toy terriers are cute dogs that can live quite a long life. There are many reasons that can lead to its shortening. However, if desired, they can be easily dealt with. It is important to provide the dog with appropriate care - proper nutrition, hygiene, and carry out all necessary vaccinations and treatments on time. Unfortunately, in some cases there may be diseases that are congenital. However, if desired, their effect on the body can be reduced and the dog can be given the opportunity to live a long and happy life.

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