Recommendations for animal lovers: should you get a kitten or a cat?

Once upon a time, the first domesticated cats personified something divine and guarded sacred places and temples. They were a symbol of fertility, sun, joy and home. Modern four-legged pets are valued no less. After all, it’s not for nothing that it’s customary to let them into a new home. They are credited with healing properties, the ability to calm and relax, relieving stress, and also warn of natural disasters. But no matter how good pussies are, a person should weigh the pros and cons in advance before getting a purring friend. After all, any animal in the house is, first of all, a responsibility.

How important is your cat's activity to you?

As they say, you can’t run wild in an apartment, but many breeds can be extremely active, running and jumping all over the house. There are breeds that are much calmer, such as the British, Persian, Scots, Burmese, Russian Blues, Sphynxes and Exotics. They are not hasty, they like to frolic, but in moderation. But cats such as Siamese, Bengal, Abyssinian, Kurilian Bobtail are not suitable for living in a small space, as they are hyperactive by nature.

But even if you bought a kitten from a calm breed, don’t expect it to lie around like a soft toy all day. Every cat needs space to play. In addition, each animal has its own character, which the owner may not like; some of the animal’s habits will have to be tolerated, and some will have to be eradicated through educational measures. To prevent an unpleasant odor from appearing in the apartment, and to ensure that your favorite furniture remains intact, you need to take care of purchasing accessories for your pet.

First of all, you need a cat litter box, a scratching post, and a nail clipper.

The next most important activity is the equipment of the place where the animal will eat. Buy a feeder for food, and a separate bowl for water.

If you wish, you can equip a cat's place to relax; here you will need special houses, toys, beds, etc.

If you do not want your pet to bear offspring in the future, then go through the procedure of castration for cats and sterilization for cats. This procedure will help cats and kittens not to suffer in the future without a partner, will preserve their health and is completely safe for animals.

Communication with cats is useful for children

Scientists have proven that children who grow up next to cats are less likely to suffer from various manifestations of allergies, and they have better immunity (of course, this is constant training!). Therefore, children who have a cat at home are less likely to miss school due to illness - on average, nine days a year. In addition, communication with a four-legged animal helps children develop social skills, they cope better with stressful situations, and at the same time learn to take care of someone other than themselves.

To overpay or not to overpay?

This question is asked by many future owners who decide to choose a purebred cat - why is there such a wide range in prices for kittens of the same breed? Why are some quite nice and clearly not “fence-friendly” purrs given into good hands, while others, exactly the same, are asked for 15-20 thousand rubles?

The answer depends on several factors:

  • Reputation of the nursery selling the kitten. This is the same as why a gray T-shirt from Dior costs 20 times more than a similar one from the Vietnamese market - the company’s image speaks volumes! The nursery provides pedigree documents for the kitten, which provide a pass into the world of “big cat breeding.” Particularly high prices are for kittens of champion parents, winners of exhibitions - the so-called show class kittens. But if you just dream of a cute kitten, then you probably shouldn’t overpay for a “brand.”
  • Compliance with breed standards. For you, perhaps, a cute spot on the back or close, surprised eyes only adds charm to the kitten, but for specialists this is a defect, a deviation from the breed standard. Such a cat will never win an exhibition, so the price for it can be several times lower than that of its “correct” brothers and sisters.
  • Age. The optimal age for selling a kitten is 2-3 months. 4-5 month old kittens are already considered “grown up”, the owners try to give them a home as quickly as possible, and the price drops.
  • Health status. Sometimes a kitten is sick with something that is not visible at first glance, and the owners try at all costs to “kick” it away before the disease progresses. It is sometimes difficult even for a specialist to identify such a pitfall!

But there are often cases when you can get a healthy cat of the chosen breed for ridiculous money - according to an advertisement, at a bird market and in other “frivolous” places: once upon a time there was a cat, kittens were born, and the owners are dreaming of how to quickly adopt them!

If you are not applying for medals and regalia, then why not?

Superstitions, omens and evil eyes

All sorts of signs are associated with missing cats, which can be very easily refuted. We are used to dividing them into bad and good. And very often we involuntarily subject ourselves to self-hypnosis. As soon as a sign is associated with some negative situation, we begin to think about it more often and, as a result, attract it into our lives.

Very often, lonely, elderly people who get a pet to brighten up their lives suffer from the loss of a cat. They feel the loss of an animal so acutely that they worry for a long time.

In some situations, owners treat their animals like children who don't exist. And when pets disappear, they convince themselves that they “are not given the opportunity to have children.” But everything can be quite the opposite. Feeling that the young housewife will soon become a mother, the cat makes room for a new person.

There are people who believe that the cat disappeared due to the evil eye. Allegedly, they have ill-wishers who know how dear he is to his owners, that they will worry about him and deliberately provoke his disappearance.

Many people think about a persecution or a curse sent to the entire family. He is sent with the aim of destroying the entire human family and those close to him, even animals.

Advice! Having discovered a dying animal on the threshold of an apartment, people prepare for trouble. This is a clear sign indicating ill-wishers. The corpse is taken away and buried. After returning home, after thoroughly washing your hands, take an additional shower . At this time, they imagine themselves in a protective cocoon.

To overpay or not to overpay?

When purchasing a cat, you may come across different prices, and in different regions they differ significantly, so the question arises, why in some places they give purebred cats for absolutely nothing, and in other places they ask for fabulous money for them? This all depends on several factors:

Each nursery must maintain its own brand. It’s the same as with selling things: branded clothes are much more expensive than similar Chinese products

The nursery will provide you with documents for the kitten, which will indicate its pedigree, and this is very important if you want to reproduce the animal in the future. Of particular value are show-class kittens whose parents took prizes in shows and exhibitions.

If this is not important to you, then you shouldn’t overpay. Compliance with breed standards. Experts will immediately suspect incest in the kitten’s appearance. This is called a defect, a deviation from the breed. Sometimes such defects can occur in a kitten of purebred parents. But still, it is not suitable for exhibitions, unlike its successful brothers and sisters, and therefore its price will be much lower. The age of the kitten also plays a role. It is best to sell it at the age of 2-3 months. Older kittens are considered “grown up” and are cheaper. Sometimes it happens that a kitten is sick, and the owners try to sell it quickly while the disease is not noticeable. In this case, the price may also be low.

There are different cases, for example, at the poultry market, a purebred kitten can be bought for ridiculous prices. Owners sometimes don’t know how to quickly get rid of their offspring. If you are not interested in exhibitions, medals and regalia, then this is also a good option for purchasing a furry miracle. It’s up to you to choose which cat is best to have in your apartment.

They will tell you which cat is best to have in your apartment and select a pet for you, taking into account your interests. But it’s worth talking about your wishes in more detail so that there are no disappointments later.

For example, it is very important to know how long you will be away, since some breeds cannot tolerate being alone, it is also important whether you have enough time to care for the cat, this is important for long-haired breeds, whether you plan to have offspring, etc. Ragdoll has an easy character

A good breeder is also interested in ensuring that his kitten ends up in kind and caring hands. It may take time for you to choose the right option, but if your desires and capabilities coincide, you will gain a reliable friend for life.

Where do cats come from?

The question is not idle, and there are only three answers to it. You can:

a) pick up a cat on the street or in a shelter;

b) receive a kitten as a gift from friends;

c) purchase an animal in a so-called nursery.

In the first case, the cat will definitely have to be treated and fattened. True, solving these problems usually does not cause great difficulties. A kitten received from friends will most likely be well-fed, healthy and playful. The most difficult thing is to maintain relationships with cat breeders...

Start your acquaintance with the cattery website. If the resource is unaesthetic, crooked (the inscriptions overlap one another and on the pictures), has not been updated for a long time, and the photographs of champions at lunch are a hundred years old, this establishment is of no use to you.

A decent website provides a reason for a telephone conversation.

Reached an agreement quickly and easily? Find the opportunity to visit the cattery and get acquainted with the conditions in which the cats are kept. If you are warmly received, given comprehensive explanations and shown a standard package of documents for a kitten (and you like everything), pay a deposit and wait for a call.

Are you promised delivery? Request an introduction to the carrier. He will have to transport your future family member, and if, for the sake of economy, the carrier stuffs the cat with tranquilizers and keeps him in his bosom for two days, you will have to fight for the health and life of the animal.

If your cat comes from a cattery where breed characteristics are fixed by inbreeding, there is a non-zero probability of detecting genetically determined defects. But it depends...

Need for freedom

Not all cats crave to live in a calm and peaceful atmosphere next to loving and sometimes overly intrusive owners.

Among these proud animals there are many who prefer freedom to comfort. An energetic and inquisitive cat, confined within four walls, will feel sad from idleness. Especially if the owners are away most of the time, and after coming home they do not want to play with him.

If an adult cat was picked up on the street, where he felt quite comfortable, then life in a city apartment without access to fresh air will definitely not be to his liking.

Cat - pros and cons

If you do not plan to become a breeder and babysit kittens, then a cat is a completely acceptable option.

They are smart and love their home and their owners.

Cats love to control everything that happens. Therefore, when you get a cat, be prepared that he will follow you and “control” you. He will definitely need to sit with you at the computer, watch TV, accompany you when you leave and check your bags when you return.

In terms of cleanliness, cats are slightly inferior to cats. However, with proper care, you will not feel this.

A significant disadvantage of keeping a cat in an apartment is the habit of an adult animal to mark its territory. Therefore, if you do not have a super purebred cat, with whom they will pay money for mating, it is better to castrate him. This operation is painless and will not harm your pet.

Cats help you cope with a breakup

Divorce, separation - for some it’s like a little death. The stress can be so intense that a person is unable to leave the house for weeks. Cats have been proven to help make it easier to survive such a situation. Cat owners cry less and generally cope with their loss more quickly. Cat people say they talk to their pets to sort out their feelings. After all, it’s easier to talk with someone who won’t interrupt or even answer – the cat certainly won’t judge you. This is psychological support.

Cat tuning

Many people consider it necessary to change the structure of the cat's body in accordance with their own ideas. Not all improvements are created equal.

Sterilization is an excellent solution for apartment cats. But if your pet has to build relationships with the street community of four-legged animals, castration will definitely prevent it from taking its rightful place in the local hierarchy.

Surgical declawing. A barbaric operation that irreversibly worsens the animal’s relationship with its owner. The cat will never get used to the absence of claws and will experience stress for the rest of its life. “Anti-scratch” - silicone caps for claws - are less harmful to the limbs, but just as traumatic for the animal’s psyche.

Haircut to prevent overheating. It can help, but it can also harm. Typically, cats spontaneously shed excess fur as the warm season approaches. In addition, wool protects the animal's skin from burns resulting from contact with direct sunlight.

We have touched only on some aspects of a cat’s life with a person. In future publications we will continue to introduce readers to the features of keeping cats.

They are great comrades

It is generally accepted that dogs are more affectionate than cats. Not really. Austrian scientists conducted a study in 2003 that showed that a cat gives its owners emotions similar to light love. Cats remember shown kindness and always respond kindly to it - sometimes not immediately. Seals have also learned to make special sounds when communicating with people: something between a purr and a child’s whimper. And since our brains are programmed to always respond to children's needs, we can never deny a cat what it wants.

Pros and cons of choosing cats




Cunning. Unlike straightforward cats, cats tend to demonstrate their character on the sly. One minute she purrs under her owner’s hand, and then, a moment later, the cat tears this hand with her claws only because, in her opinion, the caresses have gone on too long.


Cats are better hunters than cats and are better at catching mice. But what good does that do you, unless you live in an area infested with rodents? In this case, there is no doubt who to choose: a cat or a cat - only a cat, only hardcore!


If a cat is not sterilized, then sexual heat completely unsettles it. The animal can neither sleep nor eat, leading itself to exhaustion and even, in some cases, to madness.


It is impossible to answer unequivocally who is more affectionate, a cat or a cat. To do this, you need to get a cat and conduct a long-term experiment on yourself.

You can continue this list ad infinitum. But experience shows that often, having chosen a female kitten, the owners get a notorious pirate instead of a timid creature, and a courageous kitten grows into a timid cat.

It is quite difficult to guess what a kitten will grow into, but if you have already decided on the gender, then just remember that any disadvantages, like those very pitfalls, can be avoided if you take appropriate measures in time.

Cat or cat - it doesn't matter. It is important that they are loved

After all, when they give you their love, believe me, they don’t look at whether you are a boy or a girl.

Main advantages

Undoubtedly, purchasing a kitten has many advantages:

  1. The best companion . Many people suffer from loneliness, so a cute fluffy pet will help brighten up the gray days; you can have a heart-to-heart talk with him. This is the best company for single women and senior citizens.
  2. Subtle psychologist . Often, when a loved one is lost, the owner, experiencing mental anguish, is not ready to communicate with the people around him. And a cat, sitting comfortably on your lap and quietly purring, gives you peace of mind, a feeling of warmth and care.
  3. Excellent "warmer" . The fur of cats is pleasant, silky, soft to the touch, several times warmer than a blanket, rug, or heating appliances. That is why, sitting on the sofa next to your pet and stroking it, it is impossible to freeze.
  4. "Anti-dust" . The mustachioed tabby, moving over all pieces of furniture, collects dust from the surface, so it does not have time to accumulate. So, cleanliness in the house is another reason to get a cat.
  5. Acupuncture abilities . The fact is that cats, trampling on the owner’s body, often dig into the skin with their claws. This works as a kind of acupuncture massage. So why pay for something that is given for free?
  6. No alarm clock! If a cat has settled in the house, the owner does not have to worry about it oversleeping. From the very morning he will be awakened by a purring “bell” poking his face, demanding attention, affection and food.
  7. Life extension . According to research, a “cat person” lives at least 10 years longer.
  8. Way to earn money . Many people love to take pictures of their pets and post their photos, which get a lot of likes. You can make great money from this.
  9. Doctor. In diseases of the heart and nervous system, the ability of cats to alleviate the condition has been clinically proven.

How to properly bring a cat into the house

When settling into a new home, the first thing a cat does is sniff it, and if she is in no hurry to cross the threshold of a new home, then she should not be dragged or pushed over the threshold by force. The animal needs time to feel and pass through all the information received, and only then adapt to a new place. When a cat moves, it also experiences stress; gradually it will calm down and decide which areas of the house it likes and which it doesn’t.

For those who do not have cats, figurines and paintings depicting cats are brought in before the owners enter. At the end of the move, they are located near the front door to protect against evil spirits. Some cities already offer a cat rental service for those moving to a new home.

Cats help you find new love

Photo: Westend61/Getty Images
Checkmate, dog lovers. British entertainers conducted a survey among women, which showed that 90 percent of respondents would be more willing to go on a date with a guy if he has a pet at home. Cat. Girls are more willing to trust such a young man. So a photo with your favorite on your Tinder profile will certainly help you meet someone cute.

Are they fighting or grinding?

Don't confuse fighting with building a hierarchy. Accept that one of your cats will be alpha. The older member of the pack can growl at the younger one, hit him with his paw, demonstrate his superiority in every possible way, and this is not a conflict, but a form of communication.

Don't get involved in cat fights unless they are threatening. When a kitten appears in the house, the older cat accepts it almost immediately. You may not know this because the alpha will act very strict and distant. The kitten will pester the cat, bother her and eventually receive a well-deserved slap with her paw. In most cases, an older cat will not even use her claws because she needs a reason to use force.

If you see that there is going to be a fight, you can do the following:

  • Stomp or clap loudly - fear changes priorities.
  • Throwing a towel towards the cats is a sudden switch of attention.
  • Throw a blanket over both cats - when a cat suddenly finds itself in the dark, it instinctively presses itself to the floor.
  • Throwing water at cats is a distraction factor.

There is another method that owners do not use due to ignorance. Seeing that cats are going into conflict, freeze, stare at the aggressor and start hissing. Make sounds that are as close as possible to the hissing of your pets, usually a combination of “kh” and low “y” sounds, do not hesitate, growl and even scream like a cat.

What will you achieve? First, you will show who the main “cat” is in this house, and this is important. Secondly, even if the demonstration of your feline importance seems unconvincing to your pets, they will definitely be surprised by the screams

Take advantage of the surprise and stupor to isolate the new cat. This method should not be used on hybrid breeds, since the cat may become confused and attack you.

Historical reference

It is widely believed that cats were domesticated by the Egyptians.
It was refuted by an interesting discovery by scientists at the beginning of the 21st century: a burial dating back to 9500 BC was discovered in the Middle East. e., in which a cat was buried along with a man. Despite this discovery, the idea of ​​a deep and long-standing connection between cats and the Egyptians still lingers in the mind. The ancestor of the pet is considered to be the steppe cat, which to this day lives in some areas of Africa, Asia, India and the Caucasus.

Over time, the genome of the steppe cat changed, resulting in the appearance of domestic cats. The first attempts to domesticate the steppe cat occurred around 10,000-9,000 BC. e. An interesting version is that the wild animal itself showed interest in humans.

Noticing that rodents often appeared near food, the cats came to the conclusion that it was better to be friends with people. Starting from 4000-3200 BC. e. cats began to spread everywhere, but given the fact that they are not big fans of traveling and changing their place of residence, we can conclude that there was human intervention in their settlement.

Damage from a cat in an apartment

The cat's sharp claws will leave scratches not only on the owner's hands, but also on the furniture. In a house where there is a cat, it is necessary to carefully and thoughtfully approach the choice of furniture. For example, it is better to refuse an expensive leather sofa.

Like any living creature, a cat has its own needs, which require small but constant material costs - for food, litter, a carrier bag, toys, vaccinations, medicine in case the cat gets sick.

Leaving home for a long time for cat owners is accompanied by a search for a special hotel for pets or someone who can look after them during this period. Moreover, we must remember that the cat is very attached to the house where it lives, so any move, and especially staying in a foreign place, is a huge stress for it.

A cat can be a carrier of diseases such as toxoplasmosis (which is especially dangerous for pregnant women), “cat scratch disease,” worms, and lichen.

Still, the idea of ​​having a cat at home is a double-edged sword. Gone are the days when a cat protected the house from rodents and the advantage of having it in the house was undeniable. In the modern world, cats are owned for various reasons - to brighten up one’s loneliness, to instill in a child a sense of responsibility, or simply because they love cats.

It is impossible to say for sure what is more in the above list - advantages or disadvantages. For some, one minus can cancel out all the pluses. And for true cat lovers, there are no problems associated with keeping a cat in the house. They enjoy everything related to their pet.

5/5 (4)

You have decided to take a fluffy, purring little ball into your home. And if you have not yet had experience keeping cats in the house, or you are simply in doubt - a cat or a cat, approach the choice seriously, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Video on the topic

Folk signs about cats in the video:

Some people are skeptical about cats. They consider it irrational to have a pet that needs care, food, and therefore requires additional expenses.

Such people really should not have a kitten, because the animal is very sensitive to how it is treated. But, if you are capable of sincere affection for a furry, purring lump, then goodness will return to you with health, well-being and prosperity in your home.

Feeding the cat

The cat is a predator, and meat is its food. The cat receives a full range of nutrients by eating the whole prey - along with bones, intestines, brains and skin. It is unlikely that you will buy sterile mice from a pet store for your pet. It is best to purchase holistic-grade dry food and plant lawn grass in a bowl - fescue, ryegrass, meadow bluegrass.

Experienced cat breeders prefer to keep cats on natural feeding. If you know how to calculate the balance of BZHU and know how to supply the animal with the proper amount of taurine it needs, as well as vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances, your cat will live long and happily.

Sometimes cats show a surprising love of eating grass. Your cat needs this to get rid of hairballs more effectively.

Cats fed an unbalanced diet may develop an addiction to eating foods that are unfamiliar to them. A small amount of cucumber, melon or black bread will not harm the animal. But do not experiment with human dishes! Cats do not know how to complain about being unwell, and ask for help only in the most extreme cases...

The fugitive has returned home

What if the cat left home, and after some time reappeared on its own doorstep? Didn't they bring with them the bad things they took away? No and no again! According to tradition, this event... means absolutely nothing! Just be glad that your favorite furry has found his way to you.

And even if you are mystically inclined, think about this: if the cat really disappeared, taking trouble away from you, would it come back, dragging it back on its tail? Of course not. Most likely, the reason for your pet’s spree was spring and ardent feelings for an animal of the opposite sex.

Elevated structures

It is common for cats to constantly climb to some heights. Outdoor cats can often be seen climbing trees. The pet should also be given this opportunity. Cats love to sit comfortably on a hill and watch everything that happens from above.

In a private house or in an apartment with several tiers, where there is a staircase, you don’t have to think of anything additional, since the staircase will be ideal for this. But in a small apartment you will need to build something similar. Of course, you can purchase ready-made designs, which often combine a scratching post, shelves, and a house, but a shelving unit or regular bookshelves are perfect for these purposes.

When preparing such a design, the following rules should be taken into account:

  1. All elements must be well secured.
  2. The surface of the shelves must be covered with anti-slip material.
  3. There should not be any fragile objects in the cat's path.
  4. It should be convenient for the animal to both climb onto an elevated surface using such a structure and go back down.

The ideal option is if the cat has a place to rest on a hill.

If your pet starts shitting anywhere

A cat will never behave this way by accident. The owner should try to find out the reason for this behavior of the animal. Perhaps your pet is just jealous or something is bothering him. In any case, you should not punish your pet without understanding what is going on.

It often happens that cats feel negative energy in a certain place or from a specific object . They try to inform the owner about this, attracting his attention.

Numerous stories of cats shitting near a closet with a bad item or ruining the shoes of a guest who did not have the best intentions confirm their ability to sense things that are inaccessible to human perception.

These furry creatures live in parallel in two worlds: our real and astral, the so-called other world. They see what is inaccessible to humans, so people can only trust their pets.

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