Service dogs. Description, features, training and breeds of service dogs

Historically, the “service dog” group has evolved over thousands of years. The first representatives of canids have been known for more than 33 thousand years. The taxonomization of K. Lineaeus made it possible to identify a separate branch of mammals in the “Canine” group. At the end of the twentieth century. the animals were classified as "Wolf".

Breeders have been constantly selecting the best qualities of breeds since the mid-19th century. Gradually, experience expanded; representatives of groups of service breeds appeared who work in the police, army, security, and medicine.

In Russia, a special canine service has been created for the education and training of dogs. The experience of rehabilitation of disabled people and persons with disabilities using canistherapy methods, assistance to the sick and elderly are becoming more and more widespread.


The second name of the breed is Central Asian Shepherd. This is one of the oldest and very large dogs, reaching 65-70 cm at the withers.

If anyone thinks that the Alabai was bred as a fighting dog, then he is completely wrong. This is a guard and herding dog, with a fairly calm disposition and independent character.

Its dimensions allow the Alabai to be a fearless dog, but it is not inclined to rush at anyone first. He will simply warn, and if this does not have an effect, measures will be taken.

All the legendary aggression of the breed is the fault of careless owners who place the priority not on the dog’s performance qualities, but on its capabilities. Also, the dog is very touchy and even vindictive, so punishing him is the same as cutting off the branch on which you are sitting.

Training must be approached wisely, since the Alabai will not follow orders like a robot: he needs to convey the need for certain actions. Therefore, training should begin almost from the very birth of the puppy. And if you cannot provide your dog with a decent upbringing, it is better to entrust it to a professional, since “three classes of parish” is not for such a serious breed.

Video: alabai


The Kuvasz was developed in Hungary, just like the Hungarian Shepherd. Initially, representatives of this breed were used by the ancient Magyars to protect their homes from robbers and predatory animals. Since then, the character of the Kuvasz has remained virtually unchanged - it is still endowed with devotion to its owners, and is used, thanks to its keen sense, as a bloodhound . This dog has powerful muscles, long hair, is brave, does not know fatigue and is able to survive in harsh weather conditions.

Alaskan Malamute

It is also a very ancient breed and is regularly confused with the Husky. But the Malamute has a completely different build and color. This is a very hardy sled dog, whose place is in the Far North. Height at the withers is 63-58 cm.

Up to three years old, Malamutes are little devils with horns. Their restless nature cannot calm down even after a very long walk with loads. and they, like huskies, selflessly dig holes. Therefore, the owner needs to constantly deal with it. And only after three years the dog becomes calmer.

Malamute is very sociable and good-natured. But at the same time, he is very independent, and sometimes decides for himself what to do. Such a dominant needs strict training. If a Malamute becomes swollen from boredom, it begins to destroy everything around it, so you need to give it a good physical load.

The breed gets along well with other domestic animals, but outside the home their hunting instinct awakens, and other animals often become the dog’s prey.

Malamutes also have an excellent memory. This is worth considering, especially if the pet has done something wrong and you want to punish it. The dog will definitely remember the insult, and if necessary, may even take revenge.

Video: Alaskan Malamute

Anatolian Shepherd

At one time, the Anatolian Shepherd lived in Asia Minor; it is an ancient breed of wolfhound. As a rule, such dogs are used to protect the herd from attacks by predators . The Anatolian Shepherd takes a responsible approach to its duties, especially in the absence of its owner. He has keen eyesight, so he likes to observe the territory from a hill.

This breed has strong jaws, so the shepherd's teeth are like a vice, it is difficult to unclench them until the dog itself wants it. The character is characterized by determination, agility, and quick reaction.

Read Short-legged dogs - top 20 breeds

American Staffordshire Terrier

The fame of this dog runs ahead of her. And all because Amstaffs can be both complacent, good-natured people and excellent companions, and warriors without fear or reproach.

The breed was bred to be a protector for the family , but its intelligence and physical characteristics were rated a little in the wrong direction. Therefore, Staffordshire is a frequent participant in dog fights. The staff rushes at the enemy instantly, practically without barking or growling, and few will be able to stop him.

By the way, staff is great for keeping in an apartment. Medium size and short hair usually do not cause owners much trouble. Well, except that his mobility can sometimes be confusing: how can you move so quickly with such a physique?

Amstaff training is not for amateurs. And although there are cases when a dog understands its owner without words, training such a serious dog requires a special approach. He should not be treated roughly and anger should not be cultivated in his character. At the same time, it is quite difficult to piss off a Staffordshire, but if this happens, it will not seem like much.

The American Staffordshire Terrier will gladly take part in all games; it gets along well with children, but it is still not worth leaving it with a very small child.

Video: American Staffordshire Terrier

TOP 60 service breeds

The following list describes the main characteristics of the most popular representatives of a large group called “service dogs”.

Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

The dog was selectively bred in the USA by crossing with different subbreeds of collie and Pyrenean Shepherd. Easily detects drugs. Suitable for keeping in the local area. Good-natured, easy to socialize.

Akita Inu

The Japanese dog breed was bred in the northern territories. It has a good undercoat and withstands bad weather conditions. Prone to aggression and attack, therefore, competent training and attentive upbringing are necessary. Requires long walks.

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)

People call it a “wolfhound dog”. A powerful torso, a developed jaw, a special disposition, which is emphasized by fearlessness - this is what characterizes the Alabaev. Does not get along well with other pets, and is devoted to a strict owner.

Alaskan Malamute

Sled dog for harness work. Symbol of the US state of Alaska. The body index is square, there is an external resemblance to huskies. The dog gets along well with other representatives of the Wolf family and works better in a pair or group.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Bred in England, USA. Smooth-haired, without undercoat. The body is muscular, the jaw is grasping and strong. The special landing makes it easy to make high jumps. The breed is prone to obesity and therefore requires long walks. The character is very complex.

English Mastiff

Refers to the old English mastiff dogs. Since ancient times it was considered the “enemy of thieves.” Used for guarding and baiting animals. The appearance is impressive. Large head, well-developed bones, pronounced muscles. Character with proper upbringing is good.

Dogo Argentino

The only breed bred in a South American country. At the beginning of the selection, it was intended for chasing large game in the jungle. Suitable for pack hunting of animals (puma, wild boar). Considered ideal for agility.

African Boerboel

A breed of dog from Africa of the mastiff group. Brought to South Africa and developed into a separate breed. It has an instant reaction and knocks you off your feet with lightning speed. Hunts an animal or follows a blood trail. They are recognized as particularly dangerous pets due to accidental attacks in the Russian Federation.

White Swiss Shepherd

Long-haired or short-haired representative of the “shepherd” group. Imported from the USA to Switzerland in 1966, received international recognition in 2003. All representatives of the breed are white in color with high-set ears. The character is accommodating.

Belgian Shepherd

They are considered reliable guards and shepherds. It is important to properly socialize to avoid aggression towards other pets. Can't stand being alone for long periods of time.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The dog was bred to transport goods and herd livestock. The color is typical with a combination of white, black and brown. Large body and head, muzzle is similar to a St. Bernard.


They appeared in Great Britain, where rodents and game were hunted. Initially, they belonged to the hounds, but thanks to their particularly developed sense of smell, they are accepted into service in the police and customs. Does not require careful grooming.


Known since the Middle Ages. Large, massive with a characteristic muzzle, distinguished by drooping ears and jowls. Excellent for police service in searching for objects and dangerous substances.


It is considered an Old English breed from Great Britain. The body format is square. Tolerates any weather conditions very well. Exercise and exercise are necessary to stay fit.


Obtained through selection in Germany. Belongs to the Molossoid group. A powerful chest, strong limbs, a typical muzzle with an underbite, a strong grip - this is what distinguishes the dog from other similar breeds. They are stately, energetic, active. The police use them as bodyguards and security guards. In medicine - like a guide dog.

Border Collie

Belongs to the “shepherd dog” group. The main feature is the equal length of the muzzle and forehead. Physical characteristics and a special fit help develop greater speed when running.


It is considered rare and not very common. It vaguely resembles a Doberman, but with a larger torso. Characterized by stubbornness and perseverance, late maturation.


One of the popular dogs that perform tasks of searching for people, serving in the police as a guard and stalker. Complaisant character and innate intelligence are suitable for the rehabilitation of disabled people and sports competitions.


Obtained by crossing a mastiff and a bulldog. There is a black mask on the muzzle. A powerfully developed sternum, long limbs with overall compactness create an impressive impression. Used as a guard or companion dog. The psyche is very stable, he trains well.

Bull Terrier

Brought out in the 19th century. In Great Britain. Parenting requires rigor and attentiveness. You should train “for yourself” from an early age, and not get carried away with commands to take prey, pursue him, or detain him.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

The herding dog is native to Wales. Known since the 10th century. The name "Corgi" comes from their small stature. With a long body, they have short limbs, which allows them to run at lightning speed, overcome small obstacles, and crawl into narrow spaces.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Unlike the corgi, it is slightly larger and more massive. Paws with pronounced angles, short. They run fast and require constant exercise. Shows security qualities and can block a criminal. Able to manifest itself while hunting small animals.

Hungarian Puli dog

Otherwise called “Hungarian water dog”. The appearance is similar to the commander. They are jokingly called “Rastafarians” because of the similarity with the hairstyles of representatives of the subculture. It is considered one of the most obedient herding breeds. As a service breed, it can search for explosives and dangerous substances.

East European Shepherd

The dog first appeared in the USSR to guard borders in the 30s. XX century The basis for selection was German Shepherds. They are distinguished by a more compact physique, less set limbs. Has a high degree of education and obedience.

Golden (golden) retriever

The breed was bred for the purpose of hunting game, following the blood trail of an animal. As breeding tasks expand, it is now suitable as a search dog, a guide dog, for medical purposes, and for detecting hazardous substances. There is no aggression in character, obedient, kind dogs with a beautiful golden color.


A stately, slender dog with well-developed muscles, strong limbs and smooth coat. Difficult to train. Capable of jumping high and covering long distances. Does not react to stimuli when properly raised.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

One of the ancient guard and herding breeds of the Caucasus. It is distinguished by its large size, thick undercoat with short center hairs, and capricious character. Can serve as a reliable defender of the territory. Shows aggression towards smaller animals.

Cane Corso

Representatives have been known since the times of gladiator fights. A powerful, strong, beautiful dog that goes fearlessly into battle. Copes with the tasks of defense and attack, grazing and guarding. The torso is developed, the coat is dense and smooth. Height up to 70 cm at the withers.

Kerry Blue Terrier

A breed of hunting dogs recognized as service dogs. Due to his advanced stalking skills, he can protect, search and track, which is used by the police and customs. Does not cause allergies. Hunting for rats and rodents is a natural instinct, which is emphasized by high intelligence.

Korean Jindo

High legs, dense coat with undercoat, medium size and excellent obedience distinguish this representative from other Asian breeds. It is not recommended to walk with others due to aggression. Loyal Chindos love their owner. They are not suitable for search work due to their curiosity and inability to concentrate on tasks.


The breed was bred for hunting, so the instincts of pursuit and scent are developed. They are considered weapon friendly and can withstand shots and explosions. Hardy and dexterous, they love water and swim well.

Labrador Retriever

A breed for hunting game. Gradually she gained popularity and became a companion dog. Works great in rehabilitation of disabled people, serves in medical care. They get along well with children, are friendly and responsible. A large, powerful torso helps withstand intense physical exertion. The height of the male dog is 57 cm.


They are considered guard and family pets with a rich undercoat. The size of an adult individual reaches 80 cm. Endurance helps to overcome any meteorological and geographical difficulties. They serve their family faithfully and are ready to attack.

Maremma Abruzzese Sheepdog

Italian Shepherd, bred for guarding and driving livestock. A distinctive feature is the similarity of the muzzle to a bear. The thick coat allows it to withstand weather conditions. The dog is very devoted to its owner. Tall growth (up to 70 cm) and developed limbs are adapted to overcome long distances.

Mastino napoletano

From the group of mastiffs with a height of up to 70 cm. Strong physique and leisurely behavior are expressed. Excellent security qualities are used for protection purposes. A serious dog that requires proper training and strictness.

Miniature Schnauzer

A medium-sized representative of the group of schnauzers that are suitable for hunting. It is considered a hypoallergenic, hunting, service dog. Can guard and pursue. Gets along well with other pets, obedient.

Moscow guard dog

Brought to the USSR for security purposes. The coat is thick, dense, with long awns and rich undercoat. Suitable as a protector for children and adults. The character is complex, but with proper training it performs excellent service.


The herding dog comes from Hungary and is somewhat reminiscent of the Siberian husky. A good sense of smell is a reason for service in customs, police, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Very energetic and resilient.

German Shepherd

One of the few who is distinguished by high intelligence. Bred in Germany for security and other service purposes. Well-developed muscles, typical posture suitable for attacking, jumping, and long pursuits. A faithful dog who is devoted to his owner and family. May show aggression.


Bred in Canada as a working pet for mountainous areas as a shepherd's assistant and livestock guard. In the Russian Federation the breed is called “diver”. The black, thick undercoat allows it to withstand bad weather. He listens to his owner and easily learns commands.

Pyrenean mountain dog

A breed with natural qualities as an excellent protector of home and territory. Amenable to training, but with persistence in education.


Hungarian companion dog, bred to accompany and guard livestock. Size is medium. The coat is very thick. The breed is naturally curly, so it is necessary to groom it. Can jump high and run fast, follows learned commands. Obedient and devoted.

Giant Schnauzer

In intelligence it is not inferior to the German Shepherd. Tall growth, docile nature, typical muzzle distinguishes it from other breeds. Well trained. Originally she was a shepherd dog. Today he performs security functions.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Appeared in Africa to hunt elephants and then to guard slaves. A strip of fur runs along the back, where the hair grows in the opposite direction. A hardy, strong large dog that quickly overcomes obstacles, hunts and protects its owner.


German service dog breed, bred specifically for protection. A very large torso and massive paws, quick reaction, and instant grip make her an excellent watchdog. Difficult to train.

Black Russian Terrier

Bred in the USSR by crossing different breeds of service dogs. The main task is security and protection. Very tall stature and long limbs make the pet capable of jumping, running and chasing. He trains well, serves in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and medicine.

Samoyed dog

An ancient (primitive) breed for harness racing, transporting goods and people. Hardy, powerful and strong with thick white fur. Friendly to people and children, affectionate with the owner.

Saint Bernard

They serve as guards and assist in rescue in difficult conditions. They are obedient, can withstand loads, and are devoted to their owner. They are easy to train and are determined to protect their territory. The breed is very large in size. The dog requires special care for its coat.

Siberian Husky

From the “sledding breeds” group, which can be used as a hunting breed. Nowadays it is “fashionable” for breeding due to its attractive external features. They are difficult to raise. Perseverance and patience in the owner's character are required.

Scottish Terrier

The Scottish Terrier is small in stature with a very courageous character. Originally bred for hunting small game. Due to the increased level of smell, it can quickly search for objects, pursue and seek out prey. Depends on the owner, the dog is ready to follow him everywhere.

Thai Ridgeback

The breed is completely hypoallergenic and does not require trimming or combing. Good-natured, friendly to children, does not try to dominate. He is highly intelligent and eager to learn new things. Size no more than 50 cm.

Tibetan mastiff

One of the most impressive and representative of dogs, whose size is enormous. For males, the height is 66 cm and above. Weight can exceed 80 kg. Bred as mountain dogs for guard purposes. They stay awake at night and are excellent watchdog and security pets.

Bouvier des Flanders

Bred for guarding and grazing livestock. The size is large. Due to their developed physical characteristics, they can travel long distances. They listen well and follow commands. Positively disposed to friendship with other pets.


Its height is up to 70 cm, its strong build, and its strong protective qualities make it irreplaceable as a companion dog. The breed is actively used in the police service to search for objects and people. The character is persistent.

Miniature Schnauzer

A small representative of the Schnauzer, which was bred for hunting. Now used as a search dog. The courageous nature and restless disposition are what make this breed attractive to those who love activity.


Well trained and easy to raise. Its small stature and beautiful coat captivates dog lovers. Extraordinarily light, playful, jumping and fast - an ideal breed for sports performances and rehabilitation.


Belgian representative of small watchdogs. This is a mini version of the Belgian Shepherd. High intelligence, loves to engage with the owner, obediently follows commands, stands up to protect the home and family.

Scottish Sheepdog (Collie)

Originally bred as a shepherd. Subsequently, security qualities, skills in searching for the missing, and following the trail began to develop. Today they are increasingly turning into a decorative breed due to their very beautiful, noble appearance.

Entlebucher Mountain Dog

A small representative of Sennenhunds with a characteristic color and smooth coat. An active, cheerful breed, quickly learns commands, can be trained, and performs in competitions. The average size allows you to keep it in an apartment.


The hair is hard, curly, with undercoat, which requires grooming. Strong, stately build. They serve as guards and are able to search and detect objects. He is well trained and ready for long walks.

English Mastiff

A real giant in its class. The height of dogs starts from 70-75 cm at the withers, but the breed is endowed with a very good-natured disposition; it is quite difficult to anger them. And this in no way fits with their glorious military past - mastiffs are not fools to lie on the sofa, and if they are together with their owner, it’s generally wonderful. Real imposingness of English aristocrats!

The most interesting thing is that mastiffs really love to be close to their owner. It can be a powerful Herculean hug, and sometimes the dog imagines itself as a kitten and tries to climb onto your lap. Need I say that the worst punishment for this dog is loneliness?

Strange, right? It seems to be a service dog, and not some kind of sissy. But in the good heart of a mastiff there is also room for mistrust of strangers. The dog is unlikely to be the first to attack, but driving the enemy into a corner is always welcome.

The mastiff exhibits such qualities when properly raised. If the owners instill kindness and affection in the dog, then that’s how it will be. But if you touch on your combat past, you will have a fearless legionnaire at your disposal. Are you the only one who needs a dog like this?

Despite the fact that the mastiff is an avid homebody, he still needs walks. He won’t rush around like crazy after a stick, but a leisurely, sedate step is just his gait.

But training will bring many surprises. Mastiffs are solid “C” students, but not because they lack intelligence. This is a large, self-sufficient and stubborn dog and with all its appearance: “Why do I need training, I’d rather lie on the sofa.” Therefore, you need to be persistent here.

You should not get a mastiff if the owners are away from home for a long time. And if there is a very small child in the family, it is better to think about a different breed, since the impressive carcass of a mastiff can become a source of injury.

Video: English Mastiff

Conventions of division and specialization

There is some discrepancy in terminology and the meaning put into the definition of service dogs. In Western countries, without taking into account the specific breed, dog handlers divide everyone into two groups:

  • working animals that can perform specific tasks for human needs;
  • pets kept primarily for the pleasure of their owners.

Animals live in families in different conditions and with different views on education. In order not to lose the inherent beneficial qualities, while maintaining the requirements of appearance, various exhibitions and tests are carried out among dogs. At these events, experienced judges evaluate participants for standards and inherited abilities.

In Russia, after the revolution during the formation of a young state, a slightly different division arose. All dogs were conditionally divided into three groups:

  • official;
  • hunting;
  • decorative.

The first ones fell under the control of law enforcement agencies - the army and the police. And these were the main areas of application of canine capabilities. Security, protection, search for criminals, suppression of illegal actions. Accordingly, breeds were selected that were capable of performing the assigned tasks as efficiently as possible. Large, strong, angry, with a developed sense of smell, hearing and an innate distrust of strangers.

Gradually, the list of jobs in the national economy that dogs could do well increased. The requirements for the animals themselves also changed. Size and aggressiveness became a hindrance in many cases. And the main selection criterion

Could perform:

  • mobility;
  • endurance;
  • controllability;
  • goodwill;
  • intelligence.

The definition of missals expanded. It included breeds from other groups, and new ones were developed that met specific requirements. Today, many hunters and some ornamental species can be counted among them. After all, regardless of the size, color and length of the coat or the shape of the body, some of the abilities of dogs are tens of times greater than those of humans. By and large, indoor breeds, or as they are often called, companion dogs, have their own special tasks. Being a person’s friend is also, to a certain extent, a job and a calling. And all our attempts to divide and classify are only an expression of a subjective view. And it does not always correspond to the actual state of affairs.

For example, the well-known Poodle. A kind of cheerful, fluffy and funny-haired “toy”. But few people realize that under the pretty face hides a superbly developed dental system that is in no way inferior to the German Shepherd. And for some time, poodles were used as a service dog to guard the state border of France.

There are different specialties of dogs. Each business requires special skills and abilities. And some breeds always cope with the task better than others - they have the best initial data for this. Their first tasks were to help with hunting and guard their homes. Accordingly, preference was given to individuals with sufficient strength and agility to fight large animals and resist predators. When herds of domesticated herbivores appeared, they also needed to be protected. Subsequently, guard qualities alone turned out to be insufficient. People wanted to put four-legged assistants and management processes on their shoulders - this is how shepherd dogs appeared. In the conditions of the north and long winters, specialization of riding animals arose and selection went in the direction of selecting the animals most suitable for this.

Wars, gladiator fights, hunting waterfowl, fast-running or burrowing animals. Fighting rats and helping fishermen in their difficult and dangerous fishery - the best canine representatives were selected for each job, and strict further selection for working qualities led to the formation of a separate breed with stably inherited traits.

As can be seen from the above, all representatives of the dog family, to one degree or another, serve people, performing the tasks assigned to them. But still, for many readers, the term Service Dogs implies animals trained to forcefully confront humans. These are special breeds that require competent treatment and education. Otherwise, from a friend and helper, they turn into a mortal danger to others, and sometimes to the owner. Now we will look at several of the most striking and famous breeds from this worthy category.

Belgian Shepherd

This is a beautiful and active service dog, whose height ranges from 55-60 cm. There are 4 subspecies of Belgians, and they all differ from each other, although in general one cannot help but notice the general similarity.


characterized by impulsiveness. His lively character requires constant communication with one owner of his choice. Whatever idea you propose to the dog, the idea will be picked up with all readiness.


quite polar.
Either they are cheerful and playful, or they can turn away with an absent look and lie down to rest. But if necessary, the dog shows excellent guard qualities, and if necessary, it boldly enters into battle. Laekenois needs exercised walks. Laekenois

They love communication with their owner, but at the same time they are distinguished by strict obedience among all Belgian Shepherds.
This is a very balanced dog for whom you will be the center of her universe. Malinois

It has remarkable watchdog and herding qualities. He loves his master without regard and is somewhat wary of strangers. like other Belgians, he needs regular exercise.

The Groenendael
Belgian can make friends with other pets if he has grown up with them from puppyhood. But even in this case, it is better to keep all rodents and even cats away.

I cannot recommend the Belgian to a beginner, because his thirst for freedom is too indomitable, and this requires a firm hand and considerable experience.

Video: Belgian Shepherd

Maintenance of service dogs

Dogs that perform service functions, but belong to a specific person, are kept at the owner's home. Home maintenance is divided into apartment and aviary. The structure of animal life in both cases does not cause difficulties.

To make the existence of animals enrolled in the staff of state institutions quite comfortable, they are placed in a service dog kennel , the arrangement of which is stipulated by departmental instructions. During non-working hours, dogs sleep and rest in enclosures. The area of ​​the structure is usually 9 - 10 square meters. m. This is enough to place a cabin (booth) measuring 2 by 1.8 m in the enclosure. The remaining part of the enclosure is considered a walking area.

Several enclosures are combined into a block. The number of blocks depends on the size of the canine center. All of them are installed in a protected area. There is also a kitchen and other utility rooms. The area with enclosures should not be located near busy highways or factories. That is, the place should be quiet, without industrial noises and smells.

Service dogs are fed twice a day. The dog's diet consists of freshly prepared food or dry ready-made food. The standards are established by departmental instructions. The approach to a dog's diet is strict. It must be balanced, the products must be fresh, prepared in proper conditions. Reusing uneaten food is strictly prohibited.

A dog that is supposed to stay in an enclosure can change housing. Service dogs can be kept at the dog handler’s place of residence. This requires permission from the canine authorities and the availability of suitable conditions. In such cases, budget money is allocated for feeding the dog.

Bernese Mountain Dog

It’s surprising how this breed was called a service dog, because it is a real “family” dog. Calm, calm and good-natured, she gets along with everyone! And he can be bosom friends with cats.

Berns will never ask for affection from their owner, but will readily accept any tenderness. This does not mean that they are wooden, just a little out of this world. This is just a gorgeous nanny for children that you can pull by the ears, pull out her tongue and pull her tail and fur. No one will ever expect any response! Zennen will simply look patronizingly at his tormentor and go his way.

However, the above does not mean at all that the Bernese Mountain Dog exists as consuming furniture. Although the animal is endowed with wisdom, it is not without protective qualities. The Bernese Mountain Dog is amazingly fearless. Sometimes in his actions you can not see the awareness of the situation - with such zeal he performs dangerous feats.

Training a Bernese Shepherd is not difficult. The dog quickly learns the material, although he is somewhat lazy. Bernese mature later than other breeds, and it is better to learn complex tricks after reaching the age of two.

Video: Bernese Mountain Dog

Labrador Retriever

Labradors have a reputation as a loving family dog, ideal for active people, especially teenage children. These are balanced, calm, intelligent and gifted dogs. They are affectionate and obedient, insightful and faithful.

In official work, the keen sense of smell of the Labrador Retriever is considered ideal for search work, especially for detecting explosives and narcotic substances. The retriever has a wide and slightly elongated muzzle, which makes it possible to take in a lot of air through the nose and make it easier to detect the desired smell.

To teach a dog a special job, it takes at least two years of hard work by a specialist dog handler.

The Labrador Retriever is muscular and proportionally built. The coat is short and thick, the undercoat is waterproof.

Life expectancy is 12-13 years. The height of a male is on average 56-57, and that of a female is 54-56 centimeters, weight, respectively, is 27-40 and 27-35 kilograms.

The Labrador Retriever has long been a city dog; it is not suitable for being kept on the street. Walking on a leash is not enough for the animal; it is necessary to provide physical activity, jogging in the park or in places designated for walking dogs.

Recommended for active families with teenage children. You can take your dog on trips. Labradors love to swim.


The German Boxer is a fearless dog with a balanced nervous system. And to call her only a security guard would be reckless. In the past, boxers have proven themselves well as postmen, scouts, shepherds, guide dogs and even circus performers.

The totality of abilities is, of course, impressive. But sometimes a dog's appearance is perceived as threatening. It's all because of her unusual face, behind which it is difficult to discern good nature. In general, this is a dexterous, kind and somewhat cunning dog , which, if it wants to play, will “box” in the air with its front paws.

Boxers make wonderful watchdogs; the dogs are highly trainable and do not really trust strangers. At the same time, the dog will willingly play with children and pay attention to other household members and pets.

Video: boxer dog

Black Russian Terrier

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by excellent health and physical strength. Distinctive features also include devotion to owners, good immunity and energy.

The Black Russian Terrier is highly trainable, able to quickly carry out any commands, and has a stable psyche. Such dogs are very observant and can notice something is wrong at a great distance; they never attack without warning - they initially take a fighting stance and emit a long roar. They do not trust strangers, have a quick reaction and are able to reach high speeds, and are used primarily in search and rescue services .


The Bullmstiff differs from the English Mastiff in its smaller stature, shorter muzzle and rather muscular body.

Mastiffs are quite large and menacing-looking dogs. And this is partly true. The breed is quite contradictory and combines protective qualities and anger with lazy relaxation and good nature, allowing them to lie around cuddling with cats.

There is no doubt about the guarding abilities of bullmastiffs. But the dog won’t blindly rush towards something unfriendly either. If an obvious threat arises, she will first ask the owner with a glance - is it worth getting involved with this small thing - and only then will she begin to act.

They begin to train a bullmastiff no earlier than he is six months old. The maturation of this dog is rather slow, so it is not worth demanding anything from it before the allotted time. And subsequently, the pet will not have the desire to work - well, except for a tasty treat.

At the same time, there is no need to develop protective qualities in the dog (if it is a domestic dog). The boule will protect the owner in case of danger without any effort or science. But if this is a service bullmastiff, then it should be handled by a professional, because the dog is quite complex.

Video: bullmastiff

Hungarian Shepherd

The Hungarian Shepherd is one of the largest dog breeds, most often used in guard duty . By nature, the Komondor (the second name of the breed) is endowed not only with intelligence, but also with cunning, so you definitely won’t get bored with such a dog.

Distinctive features include quick learning, vigilance, and the ability to immediately respond in a critical situation. The Hungarian Shepherd loves to periodically patrol the territory, because this is inherent in the dog at the genetic level.


If someone says that the Doberman is the most beautiful service dog, then I would probably agree. This breed surprisingly combines the strongest guarding qualities and intelligence with deer grace and strength.

If someone says that Dobermans are vicious and inadequate, then first of all you need to get to know their owners (or maybe not). The Doberman becomes angry and crazy when he is specially trained to do so. This absolutely cannot be done, since the dog’s high intelligence will evaluate the situation in its own way, and it will be difficult to cope with it.

With proper upbringing, the Dober makes a wonderful friend for adults and a caring nanny for children and other pets. The dog is easy to train (after all, it is one of the smartest breeds), but first the dog needs to see the alpha in its owner. Only then can unquestioning obedience be guaranteed.

The Doberman, especially the young one, is a mega-active dog. He needs long walks with good exercise. But sometimes, even if his tongue is on his shoulder from fatigue, when he hears the command “come to me,” and realizing that he will be led home, he rushes away as fast as he can. And it's quite difficult to catch him. To prevent such incidents from happening, regularly call him to you while walking. And this applies to all dogs with a hot temperament.

The Doberman is a wonderful companion and bodyguard who will vigilantly monitor the safety of you and your family.

Video: Doberman

Types of service dog breeds

In the general classification, 1/3 of all breeds belong to the “service” group. The list reaches more than 100 species of representatives.

Depending on the purpose of use, they are divided into the following groups:

  • hunting, whose goals include hunting, stalking, following the blood trail of a wounded animal, searching for prey;
  • herding breeds help in grazing livestock under different terrain conditions;
  • security – perform tasks to protect objects and persons;
  • detectives - those who search for dangerous substances, drugs, prohibited items, hotspots of danger, missing people, pursuing criminals by scent or scent;
  • customs officers are dogs who, due to their highly developed sense of smell, can detect substances, objects, and money prohibited for transportation;
  • bodyguards who perform human security functions;
  • search and rescue - those who have certain skills for detection in extreme conditions;
  • guard dogs - dogs that serve to protect the state border and objects;
  • sledding vehicles, which are intended for transporting vehicles and persons in the Far North;
  • sappers, whose tasks include searching for explosives and clearing mines;
  • assistants for people with disabilities;
  • guides for blind or visually impaired persons;
  • rehabilitation dogs that help in rehabilitation after diseases using canistherapy methods;
  • therapeutic and protective, suitable for helping older people.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This is a breed of large guard and herding dogs that are the stuff of legends. Possessing a balanced psyche, the Caucasian is nevertheless quite stern, but loyal to the owner.

The dog can easily make friends with another animal, but on the condition that it is smaller than him. The Caucasian Shepherd will inevitably see a rival in a proportionate dog. And if you irritate the shepherd, then no one will find it enough.

Caucasians have a somewhat wary attitude towards strangers. Neither delicacies nor affection will help you achieve favor. This is truly the best defender! At the same time, shepherds often resemble hulks, especially when they good-naturedly tinker with children, participating in all their endeavors.

Since the Caucasian Shepherd is a late-maturing dog, it can be taught serious commands from the age of 6 months. But before this age, the dog must know basic commands and be fully socialized.

Some people believe that Caucasians are difficult to train. This is true, but training does not work out not because the dog is stupid, but because it is smart, stubborn and has its own mind. A well-trained Caucasian Shepherd is the result of the hard work of the owner, in whom the dog completely trusted. And to deserve such an attitude, a person needs to be appropriate: strong in spirit, kind, but fair.

Video: Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Service dog training

A dog handler preparing a dog for a particular type of activity must be a zoologist, animal psychologist, veterinarian, love dogs and thoroughly know the subject area in which the animal is being prepared for work. That is, a multifaceted educated specialist with decent work experience is involved in working with a dog.

Training service dogs is a more complex process than developing conditioned reflexes. When training a dog, the dog trainer relies not only on the animal’s physiology, but also on its character and intelligence. Therefore, the main methods of training - mechanical, taste-based, imitative - work, but not completely.

Complex skills are taught through a more subtle approach to dog training. When training dogs, not very complicated rules are usually followed. They increase the efficiency of the dog handler.

  • Observe the first principle of any training: from simple to complex.
  • Before the training process begins, you need to accustom the animal to yourself and feel the peculiarities of its behavior, find out its predominant reactions.
  • Before each lesson, its purpose is determined. During the lesson, the trainer achieves this goal.
  • The same action must be performed by the same command. The command cannot be changed, but the intonation of the given command may vary.
  • The dog should learn with pleasure. Training should not turn into torture for the animal and the handler.
  • The dog handler is strict but fair. This slogan can complete the general rules of training

Departmental documents regulate not only training methods and dog training programs, but also testing the knowledge and skills of the trainer himself. His talent and experience subsequently result in the successful completion of official tasks.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a large Italian mastiff whose history dates back to Ancient Rome and even Antiquity. Mastiffs are very versatile dogs that are used as guards, as shepherds, and they are no strangers to dog fighting.

In the house, the Cane Corso is an absolute protector of property and a very easy-going person, from whom even cats can twist ropes. A dog can show open aggression only if it feels threatened in its direction or on the orders of its owner.

There is complete mutual understanding with children; Italians even take care of the owner’s offspring. Perhaps the roots of this behavior originated from shepherd times, when dogs took care of calves and lambs and carried this feature through more than one millennium. In any case, you can leave the Cane Corso with the children and safely go about your business.

Dogs of this breed unconditionally love their owner, so they are easy to train, but they mature late. Therefore, socialization and basic commands come first, and serious training will not run away.

Video: Cane Corso

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are a prime example of dogs that can help a person out in almost any critical situation. Representatives of this breed have repeatedly risked their lives to save travelers in the Swiss Alps, who were literally buried under thick snow. Therefore, to this day, such dogs are used as rescuers.

Saint Bernards are one of the most devoted and faithful dogs, endowed with determination, perseverance, able to survive in harsh conditions, and also endure heavy loads. However, along with this, their character is not alien to good nature, cheerfulness and playfulness.


This rather unusual breed of shepherd dog comes from Hungary. The dogs are characterized by long white hair that rolls into “cords.” Color - only white. Black Komondors are mixed breeds and are not part of the breed.

At its core, this is a herding dog , but now it is bred as a guard dog and it copes with its task with five points. This is due to the fact that, while guarding sheep, Komondors were suspicious of any stranger who dared to show up near the flock.

The dog protects the house perfectly well, but with the owners, and let’s be honest, he behaves kindly with other pets and will never be the first to start a conflict. The owners' children can endlessly pull the Komondor's dreadlocks, ride him and put their little hands in his mouth - for the dog these are just stupid "lambs", so let them have fun.

Seeing such goodwill, some owners try to introduce their dog to the children of friends. But this should not be done, since the shepherd dog has a clear distinction between “friend and foe”.

What about training? You can and should teach a four-legged dog basic commands, but you shouldn’t tire him out with serious work. And not everyone will succeed. The reason is that the ancestors of the Komondor were left to their own devices for too long, they had to make their own decisions in order to find a way out of the current situation. And I must say, they succeeded in this.

If the Komondor did not comply with your order, this does not mean that it is time for him to see an ENT. This means that the dog “digested” the information, but did not consider it necessary to carry out the installation. Therefore, in order to raise an obedient dog, you will have to work hard and, of course, gain his trust.

Video: Komondor

Large breeds

Long-haired breeds are becoming popular. It's sad that some owners buy an animal for themselves as a cute toy. For many years, dogs accompanied people on hunting, fishing, rescued, helped herd sheep and cows, and served as guides.

Nowadays, only a few long-haired dog breeds perform service work; most of them are kept as pets.

Afghan Hound

Afghans are distinguished by their decent height - 63-74 cm with a weight of 20 to 30 kg, but at the same time they have an elegant and sophisticated appearance, are playful, and love communication with people.

Dogs are intended for hunting; previously, greyhounds were used for guarding and herding livestock. Hunting greyhounds have behavioral characteristics, acute vision, a streamlined body shape, and a keen sense of smell. Thanks to their long and tall legs, Afghans are adapted to running long distances.

Dog breeders recommend walking your Afghan more often and walking for at least an hour.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The breed has long been considered a guard dog, a cattle breeder and a draft breed. Now the Bernese Mountain Dog has a multi-purpose purpose.

Dogs are confident, balanced, attentive and fearless. They are also friendly and will never attack a stranger. The Bernese Shepherd is easy to train. Large dogs are not suitable for living in an apartment; they need freedom.

Due to the specific characteristics of the body, shepherd dogs need a special balanced diet.


The Bobtail or Old English Sheepdog breed was developed in Great Britain. average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

The dogs have a well-recognized appearance and large dimensions. They are very balanced in character and can make their own decisions. This is an important feature of the breed. They make good nannies.

Bobtails are suitable for keeping in an apartment, but idle time is unacceptable to them; the main thing for them is constant employment, since Old English Sheepdogs are born workers.


A large breed of dog whose weight can reach 70 kg. The height of an adult male is 71 centimeters, that of a female is 66 centimeters.

Newfoundlands are friendly, patient, obedient and calm. They are considered family dogs, as they quickly adapt to all family members and all animals living in the house. The breed is easy to train.

Newfoundlands have long hair, so when getting a dog you need to be prepared to brush it 4 times a week to avoid tangles.

Saint Bernard

St. Bernard dogs come in long-haired and short-haired varieties.

Height at the withers is 61-70 cm, life expectancy is 10-12 years, in one litter there are from 2 to 12 puppies.

These are brave pets who have become famous thanks to their heroism: saving people is their calling. The Saint Bernard is friendly, lively, gentle, alert, and a good companion.

Despite its weight of 90 kg, the pet has a calm disposition, it can be left with children without fear, it will be a good guard. The person next to him will feel safe. However, dogs are lazy, so they quickly get tired of training.

Tibetan mastiff

The greatest long-haired guard dog was first recorded at the end of the 19th century in Berlin.

She does not need to be trained in guarding; this feeling is in her blood and is inherited. Mastiffs will never waste their time. The dog has coarse, long hair with a thick undercoat. The coat color can be black, golden, brown or red. There is a white spot on the chest. The dogs are black.

Tibetan mastiffs have high immunity and rarely get sick. Long hair requires regular grooming. Dogs need to be walked for long periods of time.

South Russian Shepherd

A beautiful breed of dogs with long hair gained fame in the 18th century.

At first glance, the pet is a gray or white large snowdrift with long hair that half covers its eyes. The purpose of the shepherd is to perform shepherd or guard duty. Dogs are hardy, responsible, protect their owners and guard the territory, and are easy to train.

To prevent the shepherd's fur from keeping him in order, it needs to be trimmed regularly.

White dog breeds with photos and names.

Moscow watchdog

As the name implies, the breed belongs to the category of guard dogs. Her ancestors - Caucasian Shepherds and St. Bernards - cannot be called unbalanced, and the “Muscovite” is exactly the same.

However, the greater the proportion of St. Bernard blood, the calmer and more imposing the dog will be . Conversely, if the Caucasian Shepherd dog is dominant in the blood, the dog will be more vigilant and distrustful.

The watchdog gets along well with children and pets, and is at least indifferent to strangers, and at most disapproving. Since the dog is large, it should not be left with very young children, since their weight categories are incompatible.

Training of the Moscow watchdog should begin from the first days of its appearance in the house. Even a small puppy will not mind testing your authority, so you need to raise your dog in a strict “dos and don’ts” dimension and never deviate from the chosen course. Teenagers can show off and deliberately disobey commands. You need to prove your authority to the dog, otherwise the “Muscovite” will be the owner.

Video: Moscow watchdog

Pyrenean mountain dog

The Pyrenees Mountain Dog is a French breed; its ancestors are considered to be large dogs that in former times lived in Asia. Then this breed was used to guard gardens and protect livestock; currently the dog is actively used both for hunting and for monitoring herds on pastures .

The main character traits are autonomy, independence, and the ability to quickly respond to any changes in the situation. The movements convey elegance and pride.

German Shepherd

One of the most recognizable and popular breeds of service dogs. Germans are distinguished by their remarkable intelligence (they are included in the trio with a poodle and a border collie) and a stable psyche. They are easy to train and are not stubborn like mastiffs; a shepherd dog can be trained to do anything..

They are excellent companions, always patiently waiting for their owner to return. The dog will happily play with children and will readily make friends with other domestic animals .

But at the same time, the dog’s instincts have not gone away: a German will always be suspicious of strangers, and if one of them dares to set foot on his territory, the intruder will have a hard time.

German Shepherds are used in many industries: in the police, in search and rescue operations, at the border and customs, in the search service.

It should be noted that Germans reach maturity quite late . Therefore, even a two-year-old, seemingly adult dog, is still a puppy at heart, who definitely needs your love and approval.

Video: German Shepherd

Use of service dogs

At the initial stage of domestication, dogs were assigned hunting and herding tasks. With the advent of the era of ancient wars, dogs were adopted. In the Roman army, legionnaires stood in the first line, holding back the ferocious Molossians. These same dogs entered the arenas of city circuses to fight gladiators.

In our time, in fact, the use of service dogs has changed little. Although people began to use a dog's scent to a greater extent than fangs and malice. The most popular profession among dogs is the detective profession. Dogs find objects or people by smell. The most responsible service for animals working with explosives.

In army and police units, such dogs work in mine clearance units. Together with border guards and customs officers, animal detectors detect the illegal transportation of dangerous substances. Helping the security services, they find explosive devices made and planted by terrorists.

In the wars of the last century, experience has been gained not only in demining, but also in using a dog as a living mine. This is definitely cruelty to an animal. But sacrificing one's life for the sake of people's lives is a form of dog service. When talking about (unconscious) self-sacrifice, people usually remember not only the military, but also dogs who give their health and life to science.

It is unlikely that the inhabitants of dog kennels at various medical institutions, in particular at the Pavlov Institute, near St. Petersburg, are considered service dogs. But these medical and scientific centers are staffed by... They are used for the same purposes as military and police animals: to preserve human life.


The birthplace of the breed is the island of the same name, which belongs to Canada. It was there that it was formed, and later in England a selection was made and a standard was developed.

In the former USSR, they also did not ignore the beautiful dogs and tried to create their own breed called the diver. The idea failed: attempts to make the dog angry did not lead to anything good: the Newfies did not see the difference between someone else’s and their own and treated their owner aggressively. All that remains of the breed is its name, which is still in use.

The Newfoundland has a truly golden character : he is kind, loyal, patient and absolutely not prone to aggression. He readily serves people, devoting himself to the task without reserve.

Just like the Komondor, the Newf can sometimes ignore an order if it considers it inappropriate. Therefore, you should not jerk the diver without a good reason. But if a dog sees that a person is in trouble, then he will not need any instructions: he will make a decision on his own and act according to the situation.

This breed has a real passion for water . Therefore, trips to various bodies of water are real happiness for the dog. This breed will happily make friends with other pets from cats and rats to birds and reptiles.

Innate tact and super intelligence allows the diver to accurately understand the owner’s mood. And if a person is not inclined to communicate, the dog will not bother him.

Newfoundlands are sometimes called man-dogs. They also get offended and withdraw into themselves for a while until the offense goes away. Therefore, you should only punish a diver if there are compelling reasons, and sometimes you may not find them.

Training this good-natured bear is a fairly simple task. Just remember that there is no need to give orders without reason, for the sake of interest or in a raised voice. The Newfoundland is a highly intelligent dog and requires a calm and reasonable owner.

Video: Newfoundland

Kamchatka sled husky

The most durable and lightest breed, used as a sled dog. Animals reach speeds of 10-15 kilometers per hour. The team is led by a leader, whose training takes at least two years. He chooses the pace of movement, stops the team to rest depending on the condition of the working dogs, and monitors the full running of each ward along the way.

Laikas have good health and high performance. The animals' fur has a dense structure, retains heat at sub-zero temperatures and allows them to rest after racing outside, even in the snow.

Kamchatka sled dogs are suitable for living in harsh climatic conditions. This is not a couch dog. Keeping a Laika will require daily active physical activity.

Dogs do not have malice, but they are cautious when interacting with strangers. Laikas are always determined to work, smart, and independent. This is a kind, sympathetic and obedient pet.

The height of an adult male is 60-68, females - 54-64 centimeters, weight on average 30 kilograms.


One of the most famous and beautiful breeds of service dogs is the Rottweiler. This born watchman and bodyguard is categorically devoted to his master and his family. Changes of ownership are difficult to bear, they become depressed and display unmotivated aggression.

For the same reason, a dog needs a family within which peace and tranquility . If you often sort things out in a raised voice, and God forbid, throw something, then this dog is not for you. A Rottweiler in an atmosphere of constant stress will grow up nervous, with an unstable psyche and can pose a danger not only to others, but also to its own owners.

Training of this serious breed should begin from the first days of the puppy's presence in the house. Grown-up Rottweilers strive to dominate their owner, so don’t be surprised if the puppy growls at you and even “tests his teeth.” Punishment must follow immediately, but it cannot be brute physical force. You can drag the puppy by the scruff of the neck, hold its nose, etc. - everything that the dog’s mother would do in such cases.

Raising a Rottweiler should be done by a person who has already dealt with difficult dogs. Don’t let raising a puppy take its course, otherwise you won’t end up with problems later.

Video: Rottweiler

Main roles of service dogs

A service dog is a working animal specially trained to help a group of people with disabilities or unusual needs, such as becoming independent in lonely situations. However, the definition goes much deeper, especially in the eyes of the law. Service dogs are very different from police or search and rescue dogs.

They offer not only practical but also emotional support to individuals with physical or mental health problems. However, animals can be trained to correct a certain range of negative conditions, including anxiety and depression.

Owners with diabetes can benefit from having a service dog who can alert them to dangerous sugar levels. Such animals are capable of many actions that will help the psychology of the sufferer. The following list shows a variety of types of assistance.

Actions taken include:

  • calling someone to help an operator in trouble;
  • not allowing strangers to approach the owner;
  • calming yourself during an anxiety attack with a distraction, such as licking your face or hands;
  • providing pressure therapy to reassure the owner;
  • removing the phone in case of an anxiety attack;
  • reminder to take medications at certain times of the day;
  • conducting security checks on premises or turning on lights for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Interesting! Each dog receives an average of 600 hours of training, including veterinary care and boarding. Some people prefer to train them themselves, with the help of a certified trainer. This option is less expensive, but will require more expense.

However, some organizations help people find service dogs at little or no cost because they cover some or all of the costs through fundraising.

Samoyed dog

The Samoyed is a good-natured companion, his calling is to work in a team of equally cheerful and powerful dogs. Centuries-old cultivation of the breed reduced the aggressiveness of the Samoyed to almost nothing: he had to get along with numerous sled dogs. Therefore, do not expect protective qualities from this service dog.

The hunter from this polar bear is also so-so. His main calling is sledding and sports competitions. This is not a chain dog or even an aviary dog. The Samoyed should move freely in space and the area of ​​your house up to the fence will be quite enough.

The second name of the Samoyed is Arctic Spitz , which does not imply keeping the dog in warm regions. Unlike other breeds, Spitz are very fond of fish. And there is an explanation for this. In the Far North there was always a shortage of game and the owners stocked up on fish, which is found in abundance in the rivers. If they did it themselves, they also fed it to the dogs. Fresh or dried fish - it makes no difference to the Samoyed. He will happily eat both of them.

The Samoyed is not for you if you just want to get a beautiful dog, let it run around the perimeter of the property and forget about its needs. The dog will express its needs by throwing your life and property into chaos.

Like huskies and malamutes, representatives of this northern breed are real hooligans, especially in childhood and adolescence. They just need somewhere to channel the surging energy. Therefore, constant physical activity should become commonplace for the Samoyed and then he will be happy and flexible.

Video: Samoyed

Central asian shepherd dog

The protective qualities of the Central Asian Shepherd, which are transmitted at the genetic level, are in demand in professional activities.

Dogs are balanced. This breed tends to attack only as a last resort when the owner is threatened or a protected area is violated.

The animal has coarse, straight and hard-to-the-touch fur, with a thick undercoat. The height of an adult male dog is from 70 centimeters, females - from 65 with an average weight of 40-80 kilograms. Life expectancy is 12-15 years. Character depends on gender: if males are phlegmatic, then females are quite sociable and active.

To keep a Central Asian Shepherd Dog, a spacious enclosure in a private household is desirable.

The breed is recommended only for experienced dog breeders, since proper education of the obstinate leader and his timely socialization are of utmost importance.

Siberian Husky

Husky closes our list of the best working dog breeds. This is the closest relative of the Samoyed and Malamute. Just like them, the husky is distinguished by its irrepressible energy, ability to make independent decisions and beauty.

God forbid this is not a guard and especially not a hunter. The dog will still catch the prey, but will not bring it to the owner, but will eat it itself. Why? Yes, because in the old days, sled dogs were fed only in winter, when they worked in harness. In the warm season, the huskies were left to their own devices and obtained their own food.

The husky's remarkable working qualities make it an excellent sled dog and sporting dog. There is a reverent attitude towards children, and even unconscious pain caused by a child will never cause a response.

With all this, huskies are excellent draggers - it doesn’t cost them any effort to dig a hole. And if a dog digs a hole under the fence, it can even run away. Outside the house, the dog will hunt other animals. All this can become a real problem. Of course, it’s not a fact that your husky will be exactly like this, but you shouldn’t forget about his instincts.

Training should be done in a playful way. This breed is intelligent and quick-witted, but does not tolerate rude attitudes and a harsh voice. You cannot physically punish a naughty puppy. You need to instill in him from a young age that you are the alpha and not allow any concessions.

Video: husky

Types of training

Among representatives of service sports, the leading positions are rightfully occupied by shepherd dogs and giant schnauzers.
In sports education, it is required to demonstrate such abilities as the development of high speed, good endurance, and sufficient agility. In service training, developed prey skills are valued, i.e. following instincts, motivating the animal to protect the owner and his things. In training of such areas as detection and service, special requirements are placed on the dog regarding compliance and obedience. A high degree of contact between the dog and its owner is required. This is necessary to maintain complete control of the dog, since protection training is built based on the development of the instincts to attack the “victim” inherent in nature.

For successful performances, dog athletes must have a cheerful disposition, be oriented towards interaction with the owner, be willing to perform tricks and exercises, and have good learning ability.

Whatever type of training is chosen, first of all it should be based on the love of the dog and the owner. It is mutual sympathy and respect that make it possible to establish strong contact and receive satisfaction from the learning process.

Little ones

A small dog with long hair looks like a toy. Tiny pets not only have an attractive appearance, but also have a friendly character. Miniature pets are so small that they can be kept in an apartment.

On topic: small breed dogs

Australian Silky Terrier

The Silkie Terrier is an Australian toy breed of dog that was bred for home keeping.

There are pets with gray-blue fur with pronounced tan, and pure blue, sandy and red representatives of the family are no exception. The wool is soft, flowing, and pleasant to stroke.

The Terrier is a carefree, active and cheerful dog with a hot temperament and a gentle character. It is important to train puppies from birth, since spoiled pets will be difficult to retrain.


The Italian lapdog is a decorative breed, a companion dog. The cute pets received another name - French lapdogs.

The dogs have dark, expressive eyes, a gentle look, a charming muzzle, a huge cloud of white fur and a tail curled onto the back with an amazing hook. It is easy to travel with a lapdog, as it is miniature in size. The angelic appearance matches the inner character.

The representative is suitable for keeping in city apartments. Requires regular grooming.

Yorkshire Terrier

At the very beginning of the discovery of the breed, Yorkshire terriers were designed to catch rats. Then they began to be bred as pets.

Yorkies have a talent for charming and winning the attention of others. The dogs are easy to train and adore their owners. Their character is playful and perky.

The coat does not shed, making Yorkies ideal pets for people with allergies.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Another name is English Toy Spaniel.

The royal companion is a very cheerful, smart, beautiful, friendly dog. Representatives of the family become strongly attached to the owner.

The ancestors of the King Charles Spaniel were used only for hunting. A little later, the English nobility began to breed the breed for home keeping.


China is considered the homeland of the Pekingese. These miniature creatures, up to 23 cm tall, weigh only 3-6 kg.

Originally, the royal breed was intended to decorate the knees of the king and queen during a feast. And even now Pekingese do not want to acquire a different status, so they are bred as decorative dogs, although many of them are conscientious guards.

The miniature bundle combines such traits as self-esteem, high intelligence, and pride. Dogs are sure that they are irresistible.

The only drawback of the breed is considered to be loud, constant sneezing and yapping.

Pomeranian Spitz

The breed was bred in Germany. Representatives have straight, long, harsh hair. There are black, chocolate, red, cream, blue, sand, dark brown, and white coat colors.

It looks like an attractive, soft and fluffy toy. Pomeranians are affectionate, smart, self-confident, and sometimes daring animals.

The pet needs constant attention, so people who spend most of their time working are not recommended to have a Pomeranian as a pet.


At first glance, she is a timid dog, but she is only taking a closer look at the new environment in order to show her owners who is boss. Sometimes the dog is called a “little tyrant” who imagines himself to be a huge dog.

The Chihuahua is a friendly pet, prefers friendly company, and cannot stand loneliness. However, children need to be careful with the animal, as it does not understand jokes and can seriously scratch.

You shouldn’t shower the dog all the time and carry it in your arms – it is quite capable of covering long distances while walking with its owner.

Read more about the Chihuahua breed

Shih Tzu

The oldest decorative breed bred in China.

The “toy” appearance attracts attention. The luxurious and cute face of the Shih Tzu causes a lot of delight in children. The character is balanced, kids love to frolic, they are very mischievous.

Shih Tzus can get along with everyone: both their owners and other pets, since they are friendly by nature. Due to its small stature, it is suitable for keeping in urban environments.

The coat requires daily care. To keep long hair out of your Shih Tzu's eyes, it is important to tie bows on it. Read on: the pros and cons of the Shih Tzu breed.

Shetland Sheepdog or Sheltie

Homeland: Shetland Islands. The Sheltie is a herding breed. Thick wool helps to withstand harsh climates. Long and hard wool is dyed in 3 colors:

  • black and white;
  • blue merle;
  • red-black.

The silhouette of a strong, agile Sheltie is symmetrical, the body is proportional. They are not prone to wandering, so they will always be around. It is noteworthy that the Shetland Sheepdog is a sports representative; it is recommended to participate in the following sports with the Sheltie, such as flyball and agility.

Japanese Chin

An elegant and graceful decorative breed is recognized by existing canine organizations. In ancient times, only emperors owned chins.

Until the 20th century, the Japanese Chin or the Sacred Lion of Buddha became widespread only within Japan, and only at the beginning of the 20th century did it spread throughout our planet. Breeds of Japanese dogs.

The Japanese Chin has a white coat with red or black spots. Pets are smart, quick-witted and balanced. They love communication and value their owner’s friendship.

Long-haired dogs are a large group of breeds, which includes representatives for various purposes. Among them you can find herding breeds, draft breeds, herd breeds, and sled breeds. There are companions. When choosing a pet, it is important to ensure that it suits its purpose and is not chosen as a pet toy.

Read more: Dog breeds with photos and names

Medium size

Among the representatives of medium-sized dog breeds, you can find both active and cheerful animals, as well as passive ones leading a sedentary lifestyle.

For representatives of medium-sized dogs, the only common indicator is weight, hair length, and height have differences.

What are the remarkable breeds?

American Cocker Spaniel

This is the standard of a companion dog.

His character is calm, but there is no timidity in his eyes. The pet is obedient, loves to play games, and leads an active lifestyle. He gets along well with children and is friendly with all animals in the house. The Cocker Spaniel's luxurious coat requires regular grooming, especially its long ears.

It is recommended for keeping in an apartment, however, owners should often walk the dog for a long time, since a sedentary lifestyle can cause the Cocker Spaniel to gain excess weight.

Interesting: Breeds of medium-sized dogs with photographs

English Spinger Spaniel


The spaniel never gets tired of running, jumping and other exercises; he persistently overcomes obstacles and achieves his goal. He loves to fool around with children and follows their lead.

When kept in an apartment, it gets tired quickly and cannot tolerate four walls, so it is recommended to keep the breed in an area near the house. Need space. Needs constant cleaning of the coat, as regular walks pollute it.

Longhaired dachshund

Hunting dog breed.

The Dachshund is considered an amazing breed because it is constantly on the move and is characterized by excessive playfulness and activity. Quickly gets used to a person.

Character loyal, even. The breed was bred for the purpose of hunting beavers, foxes, otters, and badgers in burrows. A dachshund, hunting in the forest, keeps animals in a hole until the hunter arrives. Particularly daring dachshunds grab their prey by the scruff of the neck and pull it out of the hole.

According to the standard, the weight of a dachshund is equal to 9 kg, while its height is 25-28 cm.


The Keeshond is a calm, affectionate and loving pet, making an excellent family companion.

A distinctive feature of the Keeshond is the ability to smile. The dog does not like loneliness and may become depressed. She is accommodating and friendly, easily finding a common language with other pets.

The dog must be constantly in motion to have a good shape, medium build. The Keeshond loves to play with children and prefers to constantly run and frolic rather than sit or lie down.

Collie or Scottish Sheepdog

The first mention of a dog was in the 14th century. Distributed in Scotland and England.

Adult pets are of medium height and light build. Males are taller than females and reach a height of 60 cm, females - 55 cm. Adult representatives weigh approximately 30 kg.

The rich, luxurious wool comes in three colors: red, light sable and marble. In a pure breed, the tip of the tail, paws and collar are painted white.

Collie is a smart dog, listens carefully to the requests of its owners, family is the main thing for it. Often used as a guide for blind people.

Lhasa apso

Stubborn, but independent, extremely energetic, hardy and courageous breed.

Does not trust strangers, so it is advisable to protect visitors from contact with the pet. A sensitive watchman, has a keen sense of smell and a loud, impressive voice. Gets along easily with other animals, but shows clear superiority.

The Lhasa Apso loves to be brushed. It is recommended to trim the coat to keep the dog looking charming. The pet needs constant walking and vigorous training.


Long-haired breed of light build. During the Second World War it was on the verge of extinction. Now the numbers have been restored and the breed has become very popular in European countries. Her homeland is the Netherlands.

Schapendus is a tall, fast and jumping dog. Such characteristics correspond to its purpose - it is a herding and herding dog.

Pets of this breed are devoid of aggression, therefore they are considered docile companions when playing with children and walking along the street. Animals love affectionate treatment and do not tolerate rudeness. The more kindly you treat them, the more loyal the dog behaves and the faster it learns commands.

Chow chow

The history of the appearance of the breed goes back 3000 years. Our ancestors considered the Chow Chow to be a sacred dog, so pets were used to guard temples. Later they went hunting with Chow Chows and sometimes used them as draft dogs.

Distinctive features of the Chow Chow:

  • unnatural, original gait;
  • the tongue is colored blue;
  • the wool looks like a bear fur coat;
  • lionlike appearance.

The Chow Chow is a passive and teddy bear, so the presented breed is recommended for breeding and keeping in city apartments.

Puli or Hungarian Shepherd

A herding breed of dog with an unusual appearance. Its fur is original and looks like cords intertwined.

Initially, the Hungarian Shepherd was intended for herding sheep, but is now bred for home keeping. As a result of numerous selections, it was still possible to preserve endurance, hard work and ingenuity.

Puli is of medium size, strong build, slightly lean but well muscled. There are black, fawn with a black mask, white representatives and animals with red fur.

Puli is an inquisitive and sociable dog, easily attached to people.

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