Dog food Our Brand – reviews from veterinarians, product range

About the manufacturer

Our Brand feed is produced by JSC Gatchina KKZ - this is an agricultural holding company, which includes a plant for the production of various feeds for animals, fish and birds. His plant dates back more than 75 years, and in its activities it combines tradition and innovation. All feed undergoes strict quality control that meets international standards. The company also implements the ISO 14000 international management system, so products are supplied to other countries. In recent years, the holding has become popular thanks to the production of food for cats and dogs under the names “Our Brand”, “TerraCat” and “TerraPes”.

Only natural ingredients!

Dry food “Our Brand” for dogs is a daily balanced diet for your pet. The products contain only natural ingredients. The composition does not contain various harmful additives such as dyes, preservatives, and especially GMOs.

The packaging is sealed, made of metal foil, which guarantees complete preservation of the taste of the food, as well as a long shelf life. Buyers also note the convenient packaging: you can purchase packaging weighing 400 g, 500 g, 2 or 3 kg. And the largest box with food will weigh 15 kg.

Feed composition

The basis of all Our Brand food is cereals in the form of wheat and corn. They are a high-quality source of carbohydrates and rarely cause an allergic reaction. However, in pets with sensitive digestion, gastrointestinal upset and increased gas formation may occur. It is for this purpose that the manufacturer produces several foods with rice.

The protein used is chicken, lamb and salmon. All meat components are produced in-house and contain no GMOs, dyes or other synthetic additives. In addition, the granules contain production waste - offal, fish and meat and bone meal, as well as hydrolyzed chicken liver. All Our Brand food lines contain a balanced content of macro- and microelements and vitamins. The energy value is at least 334 kcal/100 g, which allows you to achieve a feeling of fullness between feedings with a minimum dosage.

"Our Mark" - food for cats with special sensitivity to foods

Many purebred animals are prone to allergic reactions. If your cat's skin itches and turns red after eating any food, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • Particular sensitivity to milk protein (when consuming dairy products, the animal also suffers from diarrhea and vomiting).
  • Poor tolerance to foods containing gluten (grain allergy).
  • Hypersensitivity to animal proteins (fatty meats).

If we talk about hypoallergenic components, “Our Brand” cat food is rated positively in reviews from veterinarians, because most often it does not cause intolerance in animals. In addition, this product has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth and claws, and increases the body's resistance to infections.

Advantages and disadvantages

Brand Our Brand has its advantages and disadvantages. Positive sides:

  • low price compared to analogues;
  • wide distribution of all lines;
  • balanced composition;
  • pleasant smell, variability in croquette sizes;
  • no GMOs or flavors.

When choosing a dry diet for your pet, you must take into account the disadvantages of a particular brand. The following disadvantages are noted in Nasha Brand food:

  • a large number of by-products;
  • source of carbohydrates – cereals, grain crops;
  • there are no additional components in the form of vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries.

Feed pellets have a high density, which is due to the peculiarities of production. This can cause difficulties in feeding dogs with problems with the jaw apparatus and older individuals.

History based on rich experience and scientific research

Our Brand food is produced at a plant in the city of Gatchina - an oasis in the Leningrad region, a center of the best environmental situation in the south-west of the second capital of Russia. Once upon a time it was a grand-ducal residence with an abundance of natural beauty and parks, therefore, the area is still protected as a historical memorial place. appeared in 2006 on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University under the guidance of the best specialists from the department of technology for the production of combined feed.

From the moment the new experimental project was formed, strict control was assigned to it. Resources were concentrated into the new industry, and testing was carried out regularly, the business justified itself and went uphill. At the moment, the plant has purchased the latest new equipment, and the quality of the products can compete on an equal footing for leadership with well-known global companies.

Why is this food better than others?

Despite the fact that the food belongs to the premium class, in its composition and characteristics it is close to economy food. Similar brands of dry food of the same level are Darling and Oscar, but they contain dyes, which adversely affects the health of the pet. The senior range contains less phosphorus than Pedigree or Chappi. In addition, the “Our Mark” assortment offers many options for different age groups, which makes this brand a leader in its price segment.

Kitten food

Small pets need a special diet. In order to grow normally and fully develop, they need to eat food enriched with vitamins and minerals. Products for kittens are available in the form of granules and canned food.

Cat food "Our Mark" contains rice and poultry. These ingredients are well absorbed by small pets up to a year old.

The food also ensures normal development and good condition of teeth, claws and musculoskeletal tissue. Canned food for kittens is quite nutritious, rich in lipids and proteins necessary for the growth and well-being of animals.

Feed line

All Our Brand products can be divided into two large groups - food for adult dogs and puppies. The range does not include a veterinary diet or preventative formulations; the diet is only suitable for regular feeding of pets without chronic health problems. All options are available in a sealed bag weighing 500 g, 3, 12 and 18 kg.

For puppies

This series includes only three foods, among which you can choose food for a puppy of any breed and health condition.

For small breeds with chicken and rice

The basis is corn, the source of protein is poultry meal. The composition contains sunflower oil, as well as hydrolyzed poultry liver. An additional additive is linoleic acid, B vitamins that a growing dog needs for hair growth and maintaining healthy skin.

Hypoallergenic food with lamb and rice

This option from Our Brand is suitable for feeding puppies of any breed; the kibble is medium in size. The main components of the composition are corn, poultry meal, lamb liver and rice. The granules have a high calorie content, which allows them to satisfy the energy needs of a growing body. This brand has an increased content of vitamins D3 and A, necessary for the active development of skin and bones. Calorie content – ​​355 kcal/100 g.

For large puppies with chicken and rice

The food has an increased granule size and increased nutritional value necessary for the active growth of large breed and giant puppies. The key ingredients are corn, poultry meal and rice. Croquettes have a high content of phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for the development of bone and muscle tissue of the dog.

For adult and senior dogs

Our brand produces a wide range of food for adults. The product range has options for every breed at every stage of life. Separately, we can highlight food for older and active animals that need a special diet.

For active and working dogs

The composition of this food is enhanced with calf liver, which is a source of fatty acids and vitamins. The granules contain a balanced amount of fiber, which is important for optimal gastrointestinal function. Increased energy value allows you to maintain weight even during severe physical activity.

With rabbit and quails

Despite the name, poultry meal is the source of protein. Quail meat and hydrolyzed rabbit liver are only additional components. There are no dyes or flavors, the food is suitable for all breeds.

For small breeds with vegetables and chicken

The food has small granules that are optimal for feeding small pets. Source of carbohydrates: wheat, corn. The composition contains dry vegetables, as well as home-made chicken flour. The calorie content is at an average level, allowing you to avoid obesity if you follow feeding recommendations.

For large dogs with chicken

The optimal solution for feeding pets weighing more than 20 kg. The food is enriched not only with protein, but also with vitamin supplements. There is also glucosamine, which is necessary for maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system. The croquettes are also enriched with selenium and zinc to reduce the rate of aging.

For older dogs with rice and chicken

The food is recommended for feeding dogs over 7 years of age. It has a high content of vitamins and mineral supplements. This option has a minimum concentration of phosphorus, which is important in the presence of chronic diseases of the urinary system. The source of protein is poultry meal, the basis of the granules is corn.

For adult dogs with rice and chicken

This is a good solution for everyday feeding. The composition is balanced in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. There are all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The medium kibble size is suitable for most breeds.

With salmon and rice

This food contains not only poultry (chicken) meal, but also fish by-products. There is no pure salmon; the main source of carbohydrates is wheat and corn. The food is not suitable for pets with a tendency to allergies or food intolerance. The advantage is the increased content of phosphorus and calcium.

With lamb and rice

The food is hypoallergenic and suitable for feeding pets with hypersensitivity to traditional ingredients. However, the amount of lamb and rice is minimal; poultry meal is the source of protein. The granules are enriched with fiber, which is important for improving digestion.

Dog food “Our Mark”

Bookman, YOU feed your dog soy instead of meat ? Especially since it's so cheap - mmm.

If this would solve the allergy problem, why not????

Moreover, it is so cheap.

Only natural food, not industrially processed, can be better.

Knizhnik, Any plant proteins are, as a rule, poorly digested by DOGS,

Well, how long can you repeat the same thing without understanding the meaning of what is written?

I think I wrote it clearly

“However, soy protein must be fortified with methionine, of which it contains very little.”

Methionine is an essential amino acid. It is most found in beef and chicken meat, in beef liver and cod; it is found quite a lot in cottage cheese and chicken eggs; cereals (in descending order) rice, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, wheat, semolina; in peas...also present in beans, beans, lentils and soybeans.

Therefore, peas and soy are poorly digestible, even though they are rich in proteins. Those who are on a natural diet try not to feed these products, because the digestibility is low. In the production of dry industrial feed, soybeans undergo extrusion and other types of processing, which is not feasible at home.

Extrusion is based on three processes: temperature treatment of the feed product under pressure; mechanochemical deformation of the product: “explosion” of the product in the shock discharge front.

After heat treatment, the taste of the feed improves, as various aromatic substances are formed, etc., the activity of enzymes in the digestibility of feed increases significantly, as well as the neutralization of some toxins and the death of their producers.

The grain is processed in a press extruder at a pressure of up to 40 atmospheres and a temperature of up to 200 degrees C. After this, an expanded, porous product emerges from the extruder in the form of a rope (strands) with a diameter of 20-30 mm, with a volumetric mass of 100-120 g/cm3 and humidity about 7-9%.

Along with heat treatment, profound destructive changes in nutrients occur. This is how starch is broken down into dextrins and sugars, and proteins are denatured.

Denaturation of proteins, loss of natural properties (solubility, hydrophilicity, etc.) due to disruption of the spatial structure of their molecules.

For example, when boiling chicken eggs, denaturation of proteins occurs. As a result, the digestibility of boiled eggs is 91%, and that of raw eggs is 50%. Those who are on natural feeding know that it is better to give boiled eggs than raw ones.

Knizhnik, Now there are disputes between experts about the benefits and harms of soy for humans.

“..there are diametrically opposed opinions of experts regarding the effect of soy on human health. Of course, until all the circumstances are fully clarified, it is better not to abuse soy.

They have also been arguing for 40 years.

Scribe, Although periodic use of it apparently won’t cause much harm.”


Is this food likely to cause harm? Rather, the problem is the balance of this food in terms of mineral and vitamin composition.

Knizhnik, And the problem of keeping it in the daily diet of dogs NOT been studied.


You probably wanted to say carnivores (minks, foxes, arctic foxes)?

Of course it was studied

Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Council of Ministers of the USSR dated March 20, 1986 N 358...

The State Agricultural Industry of the USSR and the Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics should implement a set of measures to increase the production of vegetable protein and animal protein, ensuring by the end of the twelfth five-year plan a complete balance of feed.

In the West, by the way, they were already producing with all their might, but here, as always, it was 20 years late.
Modified on May 20, 2010 by Knizhnik


Many owners prefer to feed dogs regular food according to the principle “our pan is your pan,” but zoologists considered this to be wrong. In a world with highly developed technologies, environmental quality has decreased as a side effect. And this affected primarily the quality of the products. The human stomach is capable of “mutating” to suit a changing environment, but a dog’s stomach is more tender; it is not able to adequately respond to changes in nature at high speed. That is why scientists around the world have taken up the development of specialized feeds.

“Our brand” has gained popularity due to the composition and shape of the granules not by chance; the plant has installed high-tech units, including an extruder. This vacuum sprayer made it possible to change the density of the granules, evenly distributing all the necessary minerals, vitamins, fats, and other nutrients. As a result, the product has not only high-quality internal content, but also a pleasant appearance, which aesthetes were delighted with.

Our brand dog food is varied and natural; it does not contain a single chemical component. The ratio of ingredients necessary for a normal life was carefully calculated by animal nutritionists, so none of the varieties of the product causes obesity in dogs.

What's inside the beautiful packaging:

  • dehydrated natural meat - lamb or chicken;
  • vegetables;
  • fish;
  • only healthy grains - rice and corn;
  • complex of vitamins (A, B, C, E, D);
  • healing herbs;
  • fiber – for better digestion of food;
  • a little purified ash so that food is better absorbed;
  • useful minerals - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.

The packaging also compares favorably - the equipment made it possible to create a three-layer system with foil, which provides airtightness, complete protection from ultraviolet radiation and extends the shelf life three times.

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