Why does a dog pee on the bed - reasons and ways to wean it off

Why does a dog pee right on the bed? Having encountered such problems, pet owners are perplexed. Especially if the conversation is not about a small puppy, but about an adult dog, for whom such behavior is unusual. Before you start scolding your pet, you should understand the situation, understand why it happened and how you can solve the problem.

Why does a dog pee on the bed?

The dog refuses to shit on the street

Often dog breeders are faced with a situation where, during a walk, the pet does not want to do anything, but bravely endures it until he comes home, where he happily runs to relieve himself in his usual place. In the described case, it will be possible to wean the dog from marking at home by following the recommendations:

First of all, you should give your dog long walks after eating. It is likely that after eating and drinking heavily, your dog will need to go to the toilet. The dog will begin to endure the entire walk, do not rush to finish. On the contrary, you should walk until the dog can’t stand it and goes to the toilet. After the correct action, the dog simply needs to be showered with praise and kind words, or better yet, rewarded with a treat. Subsequent procedures for defecation on the street are recommended to be reinforced with praise and encouragement, and similar actions on home territory - with lengthy moralizing conversations. It is useful to arrange active games for your pets during walks. In addition to improving physical condition, the process of socialization and getting used to the owner, the dog can easily be trained to use the toilet outside during this period. Physical activity requires emptying the intestines; after a short or, conversely, long game, the dog will do its work. It's easy to get rid of your pet's bad habits with water. How to stop a dog from peeing with water? After spending active time on a walk, the dog will want to freshen up; water and a bowl will come in handy. Of course, drinking plenty of water will bring positive results; your pet will quickly run to water the flowers

Don't forget about rewards after the procedure. Every creature strives to establish contacts with its own kind; it is important to introduce the baby to other dogs, with whom the dog will feel relaxed and begin to follow an example of behavior.

Science takes time, it won’t be possible to wean your dog off the house toilet right away, so don’t accumulate irritation

It is important to choose the right tactics and reward for completing the task. Of course, you need to punish your pet for toileting at home.

However, hitting, shouting, or showing aggression is unacceptable.

Long moralizing conversations in strict intonations and dissatisfied notes have an effective effect on dogs - dogs sense the emotional mood of a person well, and understand perfectly well in moments of teaching that they have done something very wrong.

Reward sometimes works better

Despite the effectiveness of punishment, positive motivation always works better than negative motivation. For this reason, do not forget to praise your pet after relieving itself outside. In addition to affection and kind words, treats work well.

You can consolidate the desired skill using a certain sequence: command - action - encouragement. As soon as the dog starts to sit down, tell him to “write” or any other code word. Having achieved success, give out a tasty treat as a reward and be sure to express your admiration.


Training begins from childhood.

Training your puppy will require a lot of patience and consistency. But only thanks to them will it be possible to raise a good pet that will delight the family.

You can teach your pet to shit on the street as follows:

  1. The puppy's desire to recover arises an hour and a half after eating. You need to guess the moment when the animal begins to prepare for the process.
  2. At this moment, distract the dog with a loud sound. The main thing is that the sound comes not from the owner, but from the outside, so that the dog does not associate a possible threat with the trainer.
  3. When the dog is distracted, pick it up and take it outside.

This will have to be done every time until the pet begins to ask to go outside to fulfill its needs.

If your pet refuses to shit on the street...

When a pet appears in the house, various problems often arise that are associated with care and feeding. Throughout the apartment you can find puddles and unpleasant piles, such surprises are especially unpleasant, for example, on the carpet or bed, even though it is old. If a dog starts shitting anywhere, you can’t let this matter take its course. You need to figure out the cause of this phenomenon and know what to do about it, how to train your furry friend to go outside.

Reasons for refusing to relieve yourself outside the home

According to reviews from owners, there may be several reasons why a dog craps at home:

  • if the pet could not be taught to pee on the street when it was a puppy;
  • when the gap between walks is too long, the animal simply cannot stand it and shits wherever it is comfortable, this could be a carpet, a sofa, a bed, etc.;
  • pet's revenge for insults or punishments that were often applied to him;
  • when the animal is sick;
  • stress experienced by the dog.

Often, owners take their pet out to go to the toilet, and he comes home and pees on his favorite carpet. In order for your dog to start doing his business on the street, you need to apply the following recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to take your pet outside after he has eaten a hearty meal and for a walk until he goes to the toilet.
  2. While walking, give the dog physical activity, which stimulates intestinal function. After active games, he will do his business.
  3. Water can teach your puppy to go to the toilet outside. After active jogging, your pet will want to drink, you need to have a bowl of water with you. Having drunk, he will run to pee on the bushes.
  4. Another dog can be an example of relieving himself on the street.

If a dog craps at home, it is unlikely that you will be able to stop it from peeing on the bed or sofa right away. This process, according to reviews from owners, can take a long time and require patience from the owner.


A variety of factors contribute to such unwanted behavior in a pet. But it should be remembered that the dog will never relieve himself in the wrong place out of harm.

A dog and a person perceive waste products differently. For an animal, excrement is not something disgusting. Animals can eat each other's feces, smear themselves with it, and lick other people's marks. It would never even occur to them to leave such a “surprise” out of a desire to harm a person.

It is difficult for a puppy to realize that he is being punished for a natural physiological process. A dog's guilty look is not a sign of awareness of the wrongness of an action, but a reaction to the owner's dissatisfaction.


An understanding of the development of four-legged animals will help to understand why a puppy periodically shits on the sofa.

If the dog is healthy, then by 7 months he will learn to relieve himself on the street on his own. The wild ancestors of domestic animals did not allow puppies to urinate outside the den, so that predators would not find out about the presence of weak ones in the pack. For pets, an apartment is the same as a den, and they behave accordingly.

There are several physiological reasons:

  1. Sometimes a toilet slip is caused by the puppy’s instinctive desire to get rid of someone else’s smell (cat, other animal). The same can be said about the pet’s need to make new objects in the house (furniture, toys, etc.) “theirs.”
  2. Mature dogs mark territory, claiming rights to it, showing a dominant position. The pet pisses on the sofa, leaves surprises on the bed if it feels that its status in the pack (family) is decreasing. This happens when a new animal appears or a child begins to raise an adult.
  3. The dog attracts the attention of the opposite sex. This behavior is typical not only for males, but also for females during heat. Animals recognize each other's age, gender, and physiological state by smell.
  4. Up to two weeks, the mother stimulates the puppy to urinate by licking. For some, a similar reflex is preserved and transferred to humans. Therefore, an attempt to stroke the dog causes involuntary urination, which serves as a signal of submission.

This is interesting: Reasons for hostility between dogs and cats

This is interesting: Reasons for hostility between dogs and cats

An incorrectly developed reflex also contributes to the appearance of “little surprises.” For example, if a dog loves walks, and the owner brings it into the house in a hurry, as soon as it does its work, it will endure until the last. Involuntary defecation will occur already in the apartment.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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If the owner punishes the puppy for toilet mistakes too zealously, he will begin to shit in the corners - away from sight.

The dog is afraid of urinating on the street if something frightened it during the process (a firecracker exploded, someone shouted, etc.).


Before you stop your dog from shitting on the bed, you need to find out whether this behavior is a consequence of a negative psychological state.

The following situations can be stressful:

  1. Some dogs, due to lack of attention, begin to doubt their own strengths and capabilities. Therefore, they perceive themselves as weak puppies. Low self-esteem forces them to relieve themselves in the wrong place.
  2. For poorly socialized dogs, going outside causes extreme anxiety and anxiety. They cannot cope with their fears and refuse to relieve themselves outside the home.
  3. Syndrome of expulsion from the pack. If the dog feels less love, it seems to him that they want to kick him out, separate him from the pack (family). By marking territory, he strives to consolidate his social position.
  4. There are animals that are afraid of loneliness. Communication is vital for them. As a sign of protest, the puppies begin to pee on their owner's bed.

In the absence of the above factors, you should pay attention to the well-being of your four-legged friend.


If the owner of an adult dog is faced with a toilet problem, then the pet needs to be checked for the presence of diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • colitis;
  • binge eating.

To prevent illness or treat your dog in a timely manner, you need to show it to the veterinarian more often and take urine and feces tests. This is especially true for representatives of elite breeds.

Sometimes it is more convenient for a dog to go to the owner’s soft bed to relieve itself, because it has sore joints, and it cannot take the correct position for defecation and go for a walk painlessly.

The dog shits on the bed: what to do

If your dog pees on the bed, you definitely need to start training him. The commands “Ugh!”, “No”, “Place” will help to gradually wean her from climbing onto the sofa and the owner’s bed. You need to explain to your pet that he is not even supposed to sit or lie in these places. You always need to show who is boss in the house, otherwise the animal will urinate and shit wherever it wants, even just out of spite.

Walking the dog

Should I be strict?

There must be some rigor. Even from childhood, an animal should try to a reasonable extent to punish for offenses and praise for obedience. This is the only way to achieve trust on both sides. You should never stop training an adult dog and giving it some slack, otherwise it will begin to feel like the leader in the house, and then it will be very difficult to convince it of this. The owner's stern tone is enough, and the pet will understand that he has done something wrong.

You can take away, for example, a favorite toy from an animal for an offense, and give it back only when it defecates in the right place. There is an option to catch the dog by surprise. If you notice that an animal is shitting, you need to clap your hands loudly and throw something light at the pet to distract it from the act of urinating or defecating. As a rule, the dog will begin to understand that such behavior does not please the owner.

In addition to sharp sounds, voices or clapping, a loud rattle (homemade - nuts and bolts in a jar) is used to scare away. If the owner sees that the dog begins to walk where it is not necessary, then without hesitation he must grab the dog and take it to the right place.

Important! Under no circumstances should you hit or yell at the dog. This will only worsen the situation and make the dog even more disobedient.

He will begin to take revenge for the ill-treatment of him, by shitting or biting.

Traditional methods

A pet can be weaned from urinating and shitting where it is not supposed to. For this, there are special auxiliary methods, in addition to training:

  • on upholstered furniture and carpet, wipe the stain from feces with lemon juice, vinegar or mint essence, diluted with wormwood, eucalyptus or cinnamon. Animals do not like strong odors, so they will avoid such places;
  • Instead of the listed products, you can purchase a special spray for spraying at a pet store. Not only does it repel the dog, but it also gets rid of unpleasant odors. It is better to use it when it is not possible to use traditional methods on furniture that may be stained by the solution.

How to encourage

The owner should not forget to praise the dog for good behavior. For example, when a puppy goes to the toilet outside or in the litter box at home, then after that you need to pet the pet and give him a treat. In this case, you need to speak to him kindly and approvingly, since animals understand human intonation. You can use your dog's favorite toy as described above.

Rewarding the dog

Important! When the dog learns to go outside to defecate, the litter box and diaper in the house should be removed immediately. Thus, the animal must understand that there are no other places for urination and defecation except outside the apartment

Methods of punishment

If the dog does piss on the bed, adequate punishment should be applied.

It is useless to punish a dog if more than an hour has passed since the incident. It is advisable to catch the scoundrel at the crime scene.

The following sanctions can be applied:

  1. Take the puppy by the scruff of the neck (as a mother would do), shake it lightly but firmly and strictly say “no,” “no,” or “ugh.”
  2. Lightly slap a thin twig on the withers to express your dissatisfaction.
  3. Deprive the puppy of his favorite toy or stop the game if he is naughty.
  4. Point to his place (do not allow him to leave the mat) or briefly lock him in a room where no one is present.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Under no circumstances should you hit the dog, shout at it, or deprive it of food or water. Such measures can only aggravate the situation and also harm the health of the pet.

Corrected behavior in a timely manner will help raise an obedient and intelligent companion.

Psychological abnormalities

Particularly sensitive dogs may poop and pee in response to some kind of intra-family conflict. Any uncomfortable situation can cause stress for them, including:

  • lack of master's attention (left alone locked up);
  • change of scenery (we moved the dog to relatives, to a dog hotel, went to an exhibition);
  • the master's anger, which caused the animal's fear;
  • severe fear provoked by various external factors.

It is very difficult to understand the psyche of adult dogs taken from another owner (from a shelter) or from the street. They may have a bunch of phobias, the roots of which you will never know. You will have to act at random, armed with compassion, patience and affection.

Should I be strict?

If the dog starts peeing on the bed, then a reasonable question arises: will excessive severity be beneficial? Of course, raising your pet and not allowing it to do certain things is necessary from a very early age. But the problem is that troubles sometimes happen, and dog handlers do not advise punishing them too much. At the same time, it is especially useful to reward the dog for its obedience and neatness. If the puppy never hears praise, but only screams and threats, then he will be afraid of the owner, and urinating in the bed will become a kind of revenge. It often happens that out of fear the dog cannot restrain the urge and does “wet” things in the wrong place. Due to the fact that puddles on the floor are especially noticeable, a more comfortable place is chosen - the bed.

Basic recommendations

In order to wean puppies and adult dogs from going to the toilet in an unspecified place, a different approach must be used.

For puppies

A caring owner can tell by the puppy's behavior that he will soon pee or poop.

For kids, the main recommendations are:

  • When an animal begins to fuss strangely, look for a place, or simply rush to the place where it usually goes to the toilet, this means that you urgently need to get ready to go outside.
  • Walks should be organized according to a schedule at the same time at least 5 times a day.
  • You need to spend a sufficient amount of time outdoors, otherwise your pet will not have time to pee and poop.
  • The dog should be active, as exercise speeds up metabolism and stimulates bowel movements.
  • You need to take water with you and give it to the puppy more often. This will guarantee that he will pee.

We must remember that every time after waking up, eating or playing actively, the baby must go to the toilet. This time should be used to wean him from writing at home.

For adult dogs

In this matter, patience is very important, since intemperance and aggression on the part of a person can only get in the way. The main recommendations are:

  • If training was carried out incorrectly, you need to apply rules identical to the requirements for puppies.
  • If an animal tries to demonstrate dominance over its owner through disobedience, it should start with training.
  • Sprays for treating surfaces where the dog often goes to the toilet have proven themselves. They are harmless to people and their pets, do not leave stains, but discourage the desire to shit in unidentified places.


At the time of weaning, the main motivation for the dog can be praise when it has done everything right.

There can be several methods of encouragement:

  • speak good words when addressing your pet, praise him;
  • treat with delicacies;
  • clearly show your joy.

The owner can determine which method is more suitable for a particular animal by looking closely at the reactions of his pet.

Sometimes for training they successfully use a word that will be a command for the pet to go to the toilet. It is repeated loudly and clearly every time the dog has done everything as needed. After some time, it will become clear to the pet why this word is said.

How to punish correctly

To wean off a bad habit, it is very important to punish the animal correctly. You can’t ignore mistakes, but you shouldn’t be overly zealous with punishments either, since the dog will associate the owner exclusively with negative emotions

In order for your pet to understand that they are dissatisfied, you need to do the following:

make a stern voice, scold the animal; you should take your favorite toy, showing it and explaining, as far as possible, what caused it, and give it back only after the pet has coped and went to the toilet outside; it is important to teach the dog the commands “No!” or “Ugh!” so that he can quickly understand that they are dissatisfied with his actions.

What not to do

To stop a dog from fouling at home, it is very important to behave correctly. If a dog just can’t get used to peeing and pooping outside, it means the owner is making significant mistakes in training.

List of what not to do:

  • Hit your pet or poke your nose into a puddle or pile. Not only is this inhumane, but it can also aggravate the problem with new stress. Moreover, a frightened pet is further able to eat its own feces in order to hide the fact.
  • Scream loudly. This will make the animal understand that shitting in front of the owner is fraught with consequences, so it will continue to try to hide in order to do its business. Keeping the dog alone at such moments will make it difficult to explain what they want from him.
  • Be inconsistent. You need to adhere to a strict walking schedule, do not ignore “misses” and do not forget to praise if everything is done correctly.

The application of these simple rules will allow you to wean your animal from shitting or marking corners in the house.

It is important to remember that the key to success is patience and endurance. It won’t all work out quickly: each dog will need its own time, but eventually any animal can get used to using the toilet outside

  • Toilet for small breed dogs: how to choose
  • How to toilet train a dog in an apartment
  • How to train a dog to toilet outside

Caring for a bedridden patient with dementia

Senile dementia does not act selectively: it can overtake anyone, including a bedridden patient. In this case, it is even more difficult for relatives. In addition to the heavy physical exertion associated with caring for a bedridden patient, psychological problems arise. Being immobile, patients cease to control the natural processes of the body. Trips to the toilet become more frequent, and many manage to take off their diapers and smear waste products on the walls, beds, and get dirty themselves. If dementia reaches this level, home care becomes real torture for relatives. You need to be nearby around the clock and stop any attempts to remove the diaper.

Relatives are also required to carry out a number of mandatory measures: carrying out sanitary and hygienic procedures, preventing bedsores, administering medications, feeding from a spoon or through a tube (in case of impaired swallowing reflex). In this case, it is better to go to a boarding house for bedridden patients with dementia, where all the necessary care measures are performed daily and a general practitioner monitors the dynamics of the health status on a weekly basis.

Help of chemicals

When a dog begins to leave puddles on the furniture, carpet or floor, and cannot be retrained, you can use specially developed means for toilet training the animal. They are available in almost any pet store.

It is advisable to use them in combination:

Deterrent drugs. Problem areas are treated, the smell of the products does not allow the puppy to get closer, and therefore protects from unwanted puddles. Simple table vinegar has the same property.

It’s important not to overdo it here—pure essence can destroy a dog’s sense of smell. Mix a few drops of the product in water and wipe the desired surface. Attractive preparations (powders, sprays, wipes)

They are added to the tray filler, dogs like the smell - they relieve themselves in the right place.

As a last resort, you can use special absorbent wipes. Place them around the perimeter and throw them away after use.

Insufficient education

Many owners overestimate their pets, believing that the dog understands everything, but for some reason does not want to obey. There are such situations, but more often the dog owner was simply not consistent enough and the pet did not fully learn the “lesson”. The fact that a dog looks guilty after making a puddle does not mean that he is aware of exactly where he should relieve himself. The dog may understand that a puddle on the floor leads to punishment. But the main thing is different - you need to explain to the pet that only and only in this place you need to “get things done.” Give up shouting and physical punishment, pay more attention to encouragement and praise. If the reason is insufficient education, then the answer to the question: “How to stop a dog from shitting anywhere?” is given in the article “Training an adult dog to use the toilet.”

What to do to prevent a male dog from marking territory

There are 2 options: the first radical one is castration of the male dog. The procedure involves removing the reproductive organs (testicles). The pet loses sex drive and desire to mate.

The second option is the use of sex barriers. These are a kind of contraceptive drugs. They completely discourage sexual desire. These are StopIntim tablets, SexControl or CounterSex drops. It is better to coordinate the dosage and administration details with your veterinarian.

A dog urinates on the bed for a number of reasons. These include physiological factors, stress, and health problems. This problem requires a competent approach. Be sure to get examined by a veterinarian and eliminate the risk of disease. If no pathologies are found, re-education of the dog is required.

How to toilet train a puppy

If you are a fanatic of sterile cleanliness, a dog in an apartment will drive you crazy: until the age of 4 months (until the necessary vaccinations have been completed), it is better not to let it out of the house.

During this period, please be patient and have dog diapers (newspapers) to place in the most “dangerous” places. By the way, for lovers of fleecy floor coverings and carpets, in particular, it is better to get rid of them - remove them or roll them up. A few puppy “streams” will turn your carpet into a source of persistent, specific aroma.

Please note that the cub's intestines and bladder are not yet strong: it is difficult for him to withstand long intervals between walks. As soon as the quarantine ends, take the puppy outside after each meal.

If this is not possible, toilet train the animal.

First way

  1. Observe where the baby most often relieves himself and place a large (dog) tray there, covered with newspapers.
  2. After sleeping and eating, place your pet in the tray, gently massaging the tummy.
  3. Accompany this action with the words “do business” while holding the puppy until he defecates.
  4. Keep an eye on him during play so you can get him to the tray when needed.

Thanks to this method, the puppy learns not to dirty the apartment and at the same time relieve itself on command. To be on the safe side, place several diapers in different corners: your pet will urinate on them if he does not have time to reach the tray.

Second way

It is suitable for those who are extremely busy at work or lazy people. The puppy gets a separate room at its disposal, the floor of which is completely covered with film. A layer of old newspapers is placed on top. Access to other rooms is blocked, and the baby gets used to going to the toilet using a newspaper. Over time, the number of newspapers is reduced to a minimum. If the puppy makes a mistake, there will be a little more newspaper again. As a result, only one newspaper/diaper remains where it is convenient for the owner.

If you are interested in your dog learning to eliminate outside, take a diaper with you for a while. When the animal gets used to unusual conditions, you can forget about the diaper.

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The dog goes to the toilet throughout the house whenever and wherever it pleases - this may be caused by various whitening of the dog. Also, the animal may simply not understand why you walk it every day.

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Diseases that cause incontinence in dogs:

1. Pyometra 2. Inflammation of the bladder 3. Disorders of the body's metabolic functions 4. Disorders of the hormonal system 5. Brain injuries 6. Damage to the spinal cord

It is imperative to draw conclusions on your own and treat the animal. By such actions, you endanger your pet and can cause harm. To detect and prescribe adequate treatment for animals, there are veterinarians. If there is a suspicion that your dog’s health is impaired, then contact a specialist. When the dog undergoes treatment, you will notice: the animal does not urinate in the apartment. The disease provoked involuntary urination - now the dog is healthy, so the pet can control itself.

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