Dog peeing at home: practical tips and tricks on how to wean

With the arrival of a puppy in the house, the owners begin a difficult period of life. While the dog is still very young and does not understand the rules of existence in a new family, it is very important to start raising him now. It is the owner who must explain to the new member of the small community what is good and what is bad. And of course, teach the puppy to go to the toilet only in designated areas.

What to do if the “criminal” is caught while committing his act?

But if he is caught committing a “crime”, the following actions are needed:

  • show the dog in a tone of voice that they are unhappy with him;
  • lightly hit the dog on the rump;
  • in a stern voice with a raised pitch, pronounce the command “No”, “You can’t” or “Fu”;
  • wipe the puddle with a rag and leave it in a visible place so that the dog can urinate on it next time;
  • treat the “crime scene” itself with a disinfectant solution and vinegar or spray it with Antigadin;
  • the next day, get up early, go outside with the dog and a rag;
  • let the dog urinate on this rag on the street;
  • throw the rag on the ground until the animal begins to urinate on the grass or on a post on its own;
  • After every “pee” on the street, praise your pet.


If the incident was a one-time occurrence, perhaps the dog ate something and drank a lot of water, could not stand it, and the result was a puddle on the carpet, then there is no particular reason for concern. But if this has already begun to recur, then you should have a good understanding of why the dog is peeing at home, establish the root causes and then eliminate them.

Next, we will consider the possible reasons for this behavior. We will also give recommendations on how to deal with the problem. One of the reasons that an adult dog pees at home may be a disease of the animal’s urinary organs, in particular the bladder, or unhealthy kidneys. Diabetes mellitus can also be a cause. The dog simply cannot stand it until his owner comes home from work. In addition, the fact that a dog begins to go to the toilet at home is accelerated by the fact that it hears the body odor of its owner, which comes from the carpet or blanket.

She associates this smell with walking, and walking for a dog, perhaps, first of all, is a toilet. If your dog is one year old and pees at home, then the cause may be hormonal imbalances. Bladder problems usually occur in older animals, but it can also occur in young ones. Of course, a trip to the veterinarian is mandatory here. If the tests show that everything is fine with the dog, then the reason that the dog is peeing at home lies elsewhere.

Desire to attract attention

When, in addition to the dog itself, another pet appears in the house (no matter who it is: a parrot, a hamster or a cat), competition arises, because in addition to the dog, attention is now paid to other living creatures. This causes jealousy, which the dog expresses by going to the toilet on the carpet. Thus, when a dog pees at home, it declares itself, marks its territory, trying to attract attention to its “person,” and seeks to show who is boss in the house. This is how the animal wants to protect itself. What solution will be effective in this case? Here you should strengthen the demonstration of your love, care and attention to the pet. It is very important, as soon as a dog’s “competitor” appears in the house, to show the owner that he still loves the dog, and no less than before.

The dog pees at home. The reason for this phenomenon is that the owner does not pay attention

Due to being very busy, the dog owner may not provide adequate attention to the pet. For example, if the owner is often delayed at work, the dog becomes bored. Dogs of working and hunting breeds are especially bored. Feelings such as sadness and melancholy lead to uncontrollable relaxation of the animal's bladder muscles. Boredom has a bad effect on a dog's behavior; it doesn't even want to endure it, and this often leads to an adult dog peeing at home. In Rostov-on-Don, dog handlers often cite this very reason for the animal’s inappropriate behavior. Perhaps, before this, a certain routine for walking the dog and emptying the bladder had already been established, and now, when the owner is absent for a long time, a malfunction occurs. This makes the problem even worse. In addition, urination can also be accelerated by the fact that the long-awaited moment of the owner’s arrival causes joy in the dog. This leads to relaxation of the corresponding muscles and causes the dog to urinate right in the house.

What will help in this case? The solution to the problem is very simple. Perhaps the owner will have to reconsider and, if possible, change his work schedule in order to spend more time with his pet. We must remember that this is not a toy bought so that, after playing enough, you will forget about it. Increasing your walking time will be helpful. If you diversify your time with your pet with all kinds of games, there will be no trace of dog boredom! It has been noticed that strict adherence to the dog’s walking routine quickly normalizes the frequency of going to the toilet, and the animal stops urinating on the carpet.

Physiological reasons

We should not forget that the cause is often health problems. Veterinarians remind us that people can shit at home:

  • Decorative breeds of dogs. The phenomenon is observed after a long walk in the cold season. If a dog makes puddles, then there is a high risk that he has a cold and needs the help of specialists to treat cystitis;
  • Aging animals suffer from urinary incontinence. In this case, the best solution would be to prepare a tray and train the dog to wear a diaper. After all, the owner is not always able to take her out for a walk upon request;
  • Toddlers who have not yet fully acquired the correct habits. A tray and gradual diaper training are also suitable for them;
  • Digestive problems. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract leads to diarrhea and the appearance of heaps in the house. The reason for this may be stale food, a sudden change in food, chronic diseases or other factors;
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system, or in common parlance - cystitis, is also a common cause of puddles in the apartment.
  • Worm infestation also often causes the development of bad habits;
  • The period of sexual hunting. In male dogs, the need to mark their territory sharply increases against the background of changed hormonal levels.

Important! The simplest solution in this situation seems to be mating a male. However, this, unfortunately, does not save you for a long time. Moreover, an untied male strives for marks with much greater force.

One likely solution would be the use of sedatives. They normalize hormonal levels and allow the animal to feel calmer. The most radical method is castration of a male dog, but not all owners are ready for it.

If the dog begins to shit at home and this event was not preceded by any psychological trauma or stress, then you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Your pet may need professional help and treatment. Physical punishment in this case only aggravates the problem. After all, killing a sick animal is far from the most reasonable method of education.

Stressful situations

Stress can also be caused by the reasons listed above, but sudden changes can also be added to this. For example, this could be a change of residence. As a rule, the pet has a huge stress because it now has a different owner. These and other factors associated with the changes can greatly affect the animal's behavior, in particular, the pet will begin to urinate on the carpet or furniture. In this case, the owner's patient, caring attitude and love will help get rid of this problem. Walking and playing with your dog more will lead to him getting enough exercise. And frequent games with her will soften the stress associated with changes, and also dispel dog boredom. As a result, your pet will be much less likely to urinate in the house. If it is a puppy, actions must be careful. You should not rush to take your pet outside. Let him get used to his new owner, get used to the new environment.

When the toy terrier begins to mark.

The inappropriate behavior of your four-legged friend, expressed in the desire to leave your “mark,” can significantly exhaust your nervous system. This sin is mainly characteristic of male dogs. When a toy terrier begins to mark the wallpaper on the walls, the closet, the front door, then don’t put off adjusting his behavior.

There are more than enough reasons for a dog to apply its own marks:

  • hormonal problems. We put this problem in first place not because it is widespread. But because she is the only one that requires veterinary intervention. You are unlikely to be able to determine it yourself. And here you need the help of a dog doctor.
  • There are several representatives of the Toy Terrier breed living in your house, all of the same sex. Naturally, there will be a “fight” between males for territory. Marking furniture and walls is a way for doggies to take over space.
  • another dog visited you. And of course, your toy terrier will hasten to establish itself in its territory through “traces”.
  • There is a bitch living near you who is currently in heat. Your boyfriend is so ready to “love” that he takes his desire out on the apartment.
  • Stressful situations can trigger such things. As soon as the dog's nervous system returns to normal, the desire to mark will disappear.
  • and perhaps the most serious reason for a miniature terrier is the desire to dominate. This happens when your upbringing is not strict enough in terms of establishing leadership or you do not attach any importance to it. By applying marks in the apartment, the dog is trying to dominate you, to become the leader of your “pack”.

What measures should you take to wean him from an unworthy habit:

  • Punish only if you caught your pet at the scene of a crime.
  • walk more often and longer. Let him mark the street space, fortunately there is somewhere to roam.
  • You can use an enclosure to limit the space for obscenities.
  • After consulting with your veterinarian, start giving your pet sedatives.
  • let the dog know that you are the leader in the family, and he is just a member of the pack. To do this, re-mark its marks.

Above the place where the terrier placed the mark, leave your “trace”. It could be your toilet water, it could be a chlorine-containing substance. You can rub the area with your T-shirt or even socks that you have already worn. In any case, your smell must be higher than Toya. Thus, you claim your right to leadership. It will take you no more than two weeks to accustom your terrier to cleanliness. But it's worth it!

Punishment for misconduct

Paradoxically, it is often punishment that can cause an adult dog to pee at home. In Rostov, dog handlers say the following about this: the animal was probably punished for such an offense, and when there is someone at home, it does not allow itself to urinate on the carpet. But when no one is there, the dog sees no need to endure. You can ask, for example, the previous owners of the dog whether there were any incidents and whether “disciplinary measures” were taken. Redoubled attention to the pet with increased monitoring of it will help solve the problem.

What is absolutely forbidden to do?

  • Under no circumstances use insults or brute physical force towards the dog; if the dog is guilty, you can lightly spank him on the rump;
  • The dog began to shit at home for certain reasons. So consider why this might happen. Don't be impatient or dissatisfied;
  • Punish your pet only for those puddles that she made in your presence. If you find the matter later, the dog may not understand why you are yelling at him. But there really is no point in poking one’s nose. This may offend the pet. Then he will become even more naughty.

Excessive gentleness in education

The other extreme in pet dog breeding is that owners overindulge their beloved animal, allowing it to do almost everything. A complete lack of strictness leads to the same result - the dog pees at home. It is important to remember that it is not a person who lives with an animal, but an animal with a person. Therefore, the dog must clearly understand the following fact: it is not the master of the house, but the person. It is important to avoid this imbalance in attitude towards your pet. But if a mistake was made, you don’t need to think that everything is hopeless. The situation can be brought under control if gentle corrective measures are systematically introduced. The dog will quickly learn the lesson, and everything will fall into place. Soon, wet puddles on carpets will be a thing of the past.

Worth remembering

Urine stains on your favorite carpet or floor can be a little damaging to your relationship with your dog. Prevention is better than cure. Our tips that you have read previously have been verified. However, they cannot predict what is wrong with your dog from a distance. To be sure, contact a good specialist. It is worth choosing only proven animal psychologists and behaviorists. Avoid fire trainers who do not understand the needs of dogs. If someone offers you a 5-second solution in the form of electric collars or spikes. For the good of the dog - run!

Incorrect feeding regimen

An unregulated diet and drinking regime often leads to an adult dog peeing at home. It is important to remember that food is digested in approximately 30 - 40 minutes, and the absorption time of liquid is 15 - 20 minutes. Based on this, it will be easier to correctly set a schedule for feeding and watering the animal and coordinate the time of walking the pet with this. You should strive not to overfeed or overdose your dog. Experienced dog breeders note that strict adherence to feeding, watering and walking schedules for their pet helps prevent the dog from urinating in the house. Therefore, it would be useful to make sure that no one in the house feeds or waters the dog at an unspecified time.

A large time interval between evening and morning walking. This oversight by the owners leads to the dog peeing at home at night. During an evening walk, for example, because it was raining or the owner was in a hurry to go home, the pet did not have time to choose a suitable place for the toilet. As a result, the dog is not walked enough. If the dog woke up early and will only be walked in two hours, it is unlikely that he will wait until then. Here you need to change your walking schedule. It is better to take an evening walk as late as possible, and in the morning you should try to go out early.

Useful tips

Experts remind that there are several common mistakes that even experienced owners make:

  • An attempt to poke the dog's nose into the abandoned pile. This is done in order to remind the animal of why he is being punished. In some cases, the effect can be completely opposite. Fearing physical punishment, the dog will not stop shitting, but may begin to eat its own feces. On her part, this will be an attempt to erase traces of the crime if she was unable to wait until the usual walk time.
  • Purchasing a special metal cage gives good results. Its size should be enough to accommodate a soft mattress, drinking bowl and toy. The animal spends the entire period of absence of the owner in this cage. The dog is unlikely to shit on his own bed. And if this does happen, you should immediately show him to a veterinarian.

Most likely, the reason lies in physiological factors. But you shouldn’t force your dog there. The resulting stress can trigger the opposite effect. Try to accustom your pet to a crate while you are away. And immediately after returning home, reward him with a tasty treat and a long active walk.

Show as much attention and patience as possible to your pet. Use special preparations to eliminate odors in the apartment so that the dog does not perceive it as a latrine.

If the dog is not trained to toilet outside

In short, this problem occurs when the habitat of a four-legged friend changes.

Detailed description of the problem in different situations and ways to overcome it:

  1. The dog was simply picked up from the street. Usually puppies are picked up, although not always. For such a “new resident,” the concepts of “home” and “not home,” as well as “here you can go to the toilet, but not here,” are still unclear, so the adult dog pees at home. There are dog trainers in Moscow who can help you stop urinating in the house. What do we have to do? Patiently teach a new family member to use the toilet from scratch. As with a puppy, you can use a newspaper or diaper to first train him to urinate on it. It is better to remove carpets during training and spread newspapers throughout the apartment. It is important not to forget to praise your pet when he goes to the toilet in the right place. After the dog has thoroughly understood what the newspapers are for, you can move on to the next stage of training - teaching him to go to the toilet outside.
  2. Before the owners moved to a high-rise building, the dog lived in the yard, on a chain. It is clear that he never went for walks and relieved himself where he wanted and when he wanted, therefore, he is not toilet trained. After carefully observing the dog and noticing that he does not find a place for himself and sniffs at the corners of the furniture or apartment, you need to immediately take him outside and wait until the dog fulfills all his needs. After this, be sure to praise her and give her a tasty treat. It will be good if the dog does this more than once during a walk. There should be a reward after each time. This way your pet will understand that this is where you need to go to the toilet.
  3. Before moving to the high-rise building, the animal was kept in an enclosure. The ideal time for walking would be the time when the dog was released from the enclosure. Later, when the pet already understands that it will be walked and there is no point in enduring eating, it will be possible to choose a time for walks that is convenient for the owner.
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