Cocker spaniel - origin of the species, description of the breed, character traits, maintenance and care (82 photos + video)

Cockers are a wonderful breed of dog: active, cheerful and love to eat, and they will make anyone smile.

The English Cocker Spaniel, despite its roots as a hunter, is considered an excellent friend for the whole family. His cute face and dignified behavior are proof of this.

Those who want to have a pet often pay attention to this breed.

Origin of the English Cocker

The first spaniels were bred in the 19th century, but then there was no division into nationalities of dogs. Scientists suggest that the first spaniels got their start in Spain. In the future, people managed to create a separate category of dogs with hunter instincts.

The ancestor of the English spaniel is considered to be a dog named Obo. He left behind a significant number of heirs. And his son, with the same name, laid the foundation for American cockers.

At exhibitions these animals were called “field spaniel”, and among themselves people gave them the name “happy cockers”. Later, the official standard of English cockers was announced, and to this day four-legged dogs are bred according to its criteria.

In Russia this breed was not immediately recognized. On its territory, dogs of the Cocker Spaniel breed were not bred; there were very few of them. Subsequently, the popularity of these dogs began to grow.

Not only hunters, but also ordinary people who wanted to find a friend wanted to purchase such pets.


Such a dog will become not only a useful hunting assistant, but also a reliable and cheerful companion in everyday life. He makes a wonderful companion. The Russian Spaniel is very loyal. He sincerely becomes attached to the owner and remains devoted to him until the end of his life. From all family members, he chooses 1 owner who is involved in his upbringing.

The dog is inclined to obedience; destructive behavior of the spaniel is very rare. By nature he is vulnerable. Needs praise and affection. You should not ignore such a pet if he asks to spend time with him.

The presence of sociable inclinations in the animal makes it an excellent assistant not only for hunting, but also for fishing. No, he is unlikely to fish, but he will gladly keep company with a lover of this craft. If you take him with you to the forest or to a pond, you will certainly make him happy.

It's rare to find a healthy hunting dog who would rather have a peaceful nap during the day. This dog is full of energy and enjoys noisy companies with a lot of “spectators.” But even she is in a bad mood.

Like most representatives of medium-haired and long-haired breeds, the Russian spaniel does not tolerate heat well, which is why it is often sad in the summer. At this time of year, you can sit quietly next to him or even take a nap on the grass.

Without exception, all Russian spaniels adore bodies of water. They like to swim, dive, splash. It is not necessary to teach them to swim. Even if some individual is afraid of the depths, it will play on the shore with great joy, creating splashes. She will be very happy if you keep her company.

Such a pet is an ideal nanny. He truly loves children, especially those who are part of his family. Will never hurt kids. Treats them tenderly and reverently. He will be happy to spend time with children, especially if there are many of them. Nothing can provoke anger in an animal directed at them. It is peaceful in nature.

Also, the Russian spaniel will never conflict with other animals in the house. He will probably be able to get along with a cat, a rodent, a rabbit and even a canary. However, a dog that often hunts may show intolerance to these representatives of the fauna at home. But, even in this case, she will not attack them and cause harm; rather, she will simply distance herself and prefer not to notice.

In any situation, the dog can make his own decision. As a security guard, he is ineffective, but as a friend and comrade, he is very effective. If there is a threat, he will probably protect his loved ones, especially his owner.

However, the service potential of the Russian spaniel should not be overestimated. These are persistent and very affectionate animals that rarely get angry. They are obedient and completely adequate. They rarely show cowardice, as they are brave by nature.

Description of the breed

The standards of this breed must comply with the following standards:

  • the weight of a mature dog varies between 13.5-14.5 kg;
  • height of males – 39-41 cm at the withers;
  • The height of females is around 37-39 cm.

The coat color can be varied: red, black, brown, and mixed colors.

The dog's coat is long and very soft, reminiscent of velor. Dogs with curly hair and no undercoat are considered to be non-compliant.

The structure of the animal makes you pay attention to it. They have a toned, rational body. The head is flat, and the elongated muzzle shows a proud appearance.

Dogs have a powerful jaw and neck. Looking into the eyes of a four-legged animal, one can read its mental development; from them one can understand the emotions and well-being of the pet.

Shining eyes indicate good condition, while dull eyes indicate sadness or illness of the pet.

The ears are the real pride of cockers; they are covered with curly hair. According to stereotypes, the auricle should be located at eye level. These dogs have a special grace; such dogs tend to gallop.


The Papillon or Papillon is a member of the Continental Toy Spaniel species. This is a miniature dog, rarely reaching 4 kg and a height of 28 cm with beautiful large erect ears in the form of triangles, similar to the wings of a butterfly - hence the name (Papillon is translated from French as butterfly). This breed is ancient, bred over a thousand years ago. However, even today it is considered rare.

Papillons are characterized by strong bones; thin, pointed muzzle, with a well-defined transition to the forehead; high-set, thin, curved neck; long, hare-like legs. The Papillon's coat is long and silky. There are three main colors: black and white, white and sable, tricolor (black, white and sable).

By purchasing such a puppy, you thereby acquire a loyal, friendly, very intelligent and trainable pet. Compact dimensions allow you to keep it even in a small apartment. These dogs get along well with children. However, they require early socialization and education , otherwise they can show aggression. Despite their mobility and playful nature, they easily adapt to the temperament and mood of the owner.

The average lifespan of Papillons is 13-15 years. The cost of these miniature spaniels is quite high - $500-1200.

Did you know? The Papillon took an honorable second place in intelligence development among decorative breeds (the poodle is in first place) and eighth place in the overall breed dog ranking.

Proper maintenance and care of spaniels

The British are big food lovers. The owner has several main missions: to prevent the dog from overeating and to provide it with proper exercise.

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Since the spaniel has quite long hair, it requires constant care. Regular haircuts, combing and trimming are required. From a young age, you need to teach your dog to sit quietly during such procedures.

Because of its long ears, the dog constantly smears them while eating. There are no problems with dry food, but if the dog eats natural food, it is necessary to tie up the ears or purchase a special oblong bowl, narrowed towards the top. This will protect the owner from frequent washing.


An energetic and active dog should consume a large amount of carbohydrates, at least 3000 calories per day. Puppies are fed small portions, but often, and adults - medium portions and less often.

You can purchase ready-made commercial diets for them - dry fortified food. It is not recommended to save on it. High-quality dry food is very useful for purebred dogs, it saturates them and enriches them with useful substances.

A Russian Hunting Spaniel puppy should eat raw chicken every day for up to 1 year of age. It is also permissible to eat offal (liver, hearts, lungs, offal). They should make up at least 50% of his daily menu. List of additional products:

  • Cottage cheese.
  • Eggs.
  • Potato and fruit puree.
  • Milk.
  • Boiled cereals.
  • Bone cartilage.
  • Steamed vegetables.
  • Fruits and berries.

The diet of a purebred hunting dog must be balanced. Only in this case will she become efficient and healthy. In order not to provoke gastritis or pancreatitis in your four-legged pet, under no circumstances include sweets in his menu, especially chocolate, fatty foods, too salty or smoked foods.

Correct haircut

It is necessary to cut your spaniel's hair from an early age to make further care for your pet easier. Many breeders hand over puppies already clipped.

Owners of show dogs remove the coat from the back to achieve the correct shape of the coat.

Experts have a negative attitude towards such experiments.

In order for the coat to lie according to standards, it is necessary to comb out the undercoat hairs. Grooming a Cocker Spaniel is quite a labor-intensive process and it is better to entrust this task to qualified specialists.


The breeder you work with to purchase a dog must have an impeccable reputation. You must be sure that you are purchasing a healthy and high-quality dog.

Important ! If you are planning to purchase such a dog for hunting, be sure to ask the breeder about their parents. They must be resilient and strong.

A representative of the breed in Russia is inexpensive. The price of a Russian hunting spaniel with documentation, including pedigree, is 15-20 thousand rubles. If you decide to save money, you can buy a dog cheaper, but without a pedigree, for 8-12 thousand rubles.

Photos of cocker spaniels


A native of England, the Field Spaniel is a very beautiful, noble, harmoniously built dog. She was bred to produce a spaniel with a pure black color and excellent hunting qualities. What the British managed to achieve 100%.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that it is better to keep such a dog outside the city , the apartment conditions will be detrimental to its character and temperament, because even the name of the variety is translated from English as field. When kept in an apartment, the dog should be provided with frequent trips to nature.

The Field's body is medium in size, muscular, graceful with a pronounced sternum and tucked belly. Standard height at the withers is 51-58 cm, weight is 16-22 kg . The head is oval with an elongated muzzle. The ears are low set, drooping, medium in length and width, covered with wavy hair. The limbs are very strong and developed. Since the Field is a waterfowl species, there are webbed feet on its paws.

The coat of these dogs is long and slightly wavy. The standard color is black, but spots and other colors are also allowed. By nature, Fields are sociable, active, obedient, and friendly. Can only be used for active activities. They need human company and adapt well to their mood. They have excellent guard qualities.

The lifespan of Fields is 12-14 years. You can buy puppies of this variety for $500-600.


The Sussex Spaniel is a small dog that grows up to 38 cm . This variety was bred in England, in the county of Sussex, at the end of the 18th century. He is a descendant of the Clumber Spaniel.

These spaniels have a rectangular body, muscular and massive body. Their head is quite large. The ears are hanging, long, completely covered with long hair. Sussexes have a beautiful, thick, wavy coat of medium length. Its standard color is one - golden chocolate (liver).

The character of the Sussex, like most spaniels, is soft, flexible, and friendly. They love to become attached to one owner. However, other family members will also be treated with courtesy and kindness. They are easy to train and raise, but they can sometimes be stubborn.

On walks they are active, playful, and love to play. Suitable for both active and passive people. Can be used for hunting and for keeping in an apartment. These days they are actively used for police work (involved in drug searches).

Owners of dogs, especially long-haired ones, will find it useful to know what grooming is, a furminator and how to choose a clipper.

Sussexes live from 11 to 15 years. Their average cost reaches 500-700 dollars.


The ancient Dutch variety of the Kooikerhondje spaniel is a small, square-shaped dog that reaches 35-40 cm at the withers and weighs 9-11 kg . These dogs have an elongated body with a protruding chest. The stomach is well tucked. The head is proportional in size to the body. Carried on a high neck. The muzzle is elongated. The ears are medium and drooping.

Since initially the main purpose of the Kooikerhondje was water hunting, its wool is water- and dirt-repellent . It is medium in length and can be straight or wavy. The standard color is white and red.

By temperament, Kooikerhondjes are active, playful, and full of energy. At the same time, they are good-natured, kind, affectionate, and sociable. However, strangers are treated with suspicion. They are indifferent to children. If the child is too persistent in his squeezing, he will prefer to move away or bark loudly, but will not show aggression in the form of a bite .

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If you provide the animal with space, frequent walks in nature, swimming in a pond, and active physical activity, then it can live 12-14 years. Breeders value puppies at $600-$1000.


Another representative of the German Spaniel or Wachtelhund family. A fairly large dog, reaching 54 cm at the withers, it works mainly on waterfowl, in swampy and wooded areas. The breed is little known outside Germany.

Provided that the owners often go outdoors, it does not feel bad in urban conditions. In appearance it is a bit like a Scottish Setter, with wavy, long brown fur. Brown color is common. The character matches the breed.

Irish merman

The Irish Water Spaniel is a very large and heavy dog, presumably bred a long time ago in Ireland, but there is no exact data on the place and time of origin of the species today.

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The height at the withers of these dogs is from 51 to 59 cm, body weight is from 20 to 31 kg . They are considered to be the tallest spaniels. They have a proportional, dense, stocky build, a medium-sized head, an elongated muzzle and long, drooping ears, completely covered with hair. Sometimes there are individuals with a beard and forelock.

The wool is soft, with curls. The standard color is brown with a reddish tint. This variety should not be owned by people who are inexperienced in keeping dogs. They are active and need constant physical activity and an experienced trainer. Since they were bred for the purpose of hunting on land and in water, they simply, like air, need long walks in nature and swimming in open bodies of water.

In the family, the “Irish” are friendly, quiet and calm. Loyal and strongly attached to their owner . They are great with children, animals and strangers. However, of course, all this is possible only with proper education. Cowardice and aggression are considered breed defects.

Important! Raising and training a dog should begin from the very first days the puppy appears in your family. If you cannot cope with this task on your own, you should contact an experienced specialist who will help you find a common language with the animal.

If all the conditions necessary for the dog are met, it will live with you side by side for a long 10-12 years.
This breed is considered rare . Puppies can be purchased for $700-$1,300.

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