Varieties of Pugs: Different Species or Crossbreeds of Different Breeds?

There are all kinds of breeds... From the fragile toy terrier to the noble commander.

Among this variety, it is easy to get lost and confused about the choice of the breed of your new friend.

In this article we will look at a dog breed such as the pug and its varieties. And perhaps it is in his direction that you will make your choice.

Small pugs: mini and dwarfs (photo below)

The so-called sofa dogs, or pillow dogs, are loved by the public for their miniature size and ease of care. Mini and dwarf pugs also did not go unnoticed. Standard dogs are medium-sized breeds, but mini-pugs are shorter, with short legs.
Officially this variety does not exist. But in reality you can find such puppies. Most often they are born when there are too many in the litter. Then the mother, as a rule, herself discards weak puppies, which would hardly survive without outside help. The owners feed them from a pipette and nurse them. Often it is from these puppies that dwarf pugs grow up. They may be born completely healthy, but over time they can sometimes develop a genetic disease such as pituitary dwarfism. This is what causes the cessation of growth in puppies.

The appearance of a mini pug in a litter is a joy for breeders. After all, such a “toy” animal is more popular than its standard relatives. As a result of the transaction, everyone will win: the breeders will sell the puppy at a higher price, and the new owner will find the dog of his dreams.

Important! Mini and dwarf pugs live less than standard pugs.


Some, in search of a pet similar to a pug, pay attention not only to dogs, but also to cats. This is understandable, because cats are more self-sufficient and independent, which means they can easily tolerate separation from their owner while he is working.

Among cats there are also representatives with a flat face, an upturned nose and round eyes. For example, Persians and exotics.

They are sedate, lazy, moderately playful, and despite their strong, muscular and square body, they are graceful like a cat. An adult weighs from 4 to 7 kg. Life expectancy is about 15 years.

Pug and Chinese Crested mix

To create unusual dogs, different breeds are crossed. This breeding method was also used for pug varieties. For example, it was crossed with the Chinese Crested Dog. The result, as expected, was quite unusual. In general terms, the new representative looks like this: bald, in some areas of the body there is fur (tufts), and the skin in some places is very reminiscent of sandpaper.


There is no need to feed fatty foods in large quantities. It is better to limit its use altogether. Raw beef will do. You need to give it about 200 grams in the morning and evening. And during the daytime, the dog will feast on ready-made food, rich in substances important to him. Dry ones can be alternated with wet ones. Premium food is recommended (not lower).

Dogs of this breed will not refuse fruits, vegetables, butter or milk and dairy products. You can cook porridge with meat and vegetables. Cereals strengthen teeth.

The following are strictly prohibited in the diet:

  1. Sweets. In rare cases, limit yourself to one candy per 30 days;
  2. Rolled oats porridge is contraindicated;
  3. Products from the table. It is fraught with serious digestive problems.

To strengthen the skeleton, puppies are given cottage cheese every day. Remember: place a bowl of water next to your dog's food.

Interesting stories about the breed

Often, owners of unusual pets post photos of their pets on the Internet, or even create accounts with their name. Such pages on social networks are gaining popularity, and the animal becomes a universal favorite of the public.

The owner wrote about the dog, a cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested, on the Internet, where she talked about interesting things about her friend Boris.

Despite his rather unusual appearance, people fell in love with the pet. As the owner herself writes, she did not expect such a positive reaction in the comments. He loves pickles and a variety of vegetables. Therefore, for his addictions, the owner calls her pet a room gremlin and a “phytops.” The girl admits that at first she was afraid to approach him for about a month. But now it is a favorite of the whole family.

Shar Pei type

Another genetic deviation , passed off as a variety by some scammers. Hypertrophied folded skin is the result of a mutation in the HAS2 gene and has nothing to do with the new species. Puppies with such an unusual feature are born extremely rarely, and they are also found by an amateur.

The amazing thing about pugs is that no matter what anomaly happens to their offspring, humanity is ready to love these animals in any way, and for rare genetic failures they even line up and pay a lot of money.

Other varieties of the breed. Does the French Pug exist?

The pug was not only crossed with the Chinese Crested Dog. He was also crossed with a French bulldog, a Pekingese, a shepherd, a Spitz, a Chihuahua, a Shih Tzu and many other breeds.

Many people believe that there is such a variety in nature as the French pug. Actually this is not true. There is only a cross between a pug and a French bulldog. But such a breed does not exist.

You never know what result you will get by crossing two breeds. Such puppies will not resemble each other, they are unique and one of a kind. The result also depends on the color of the parents. And the coat of pugs comes in a variety of shades. Therefore, you can easily choose a pet with a color from soft cream to shiny black.

Important! Puppies in light colors (such as peach, beige and others) are calmer than black pugs. Therefore, older people, as well as people leading a calm and measured lifestyle, are recommended to have light-colored pugs.

Chops or chihuaps

The fantasies of breeders sometimes turn into a new breed, and sometimes into eccentricities. Chops will become one way or another, time will tell. This creature is a cross between our heroes and a Chihuahua. They have excellent health and a slightly distorted appearance.

To read: Russian Cocker Spaniel breed: characteristics of a playful and hardy pet

There are no standards yet, the variety is under development, but Chihuaps have already got their first fans. Judging by the reviews, this is a very touching, affectionate and devoted creature. They are born with a disproportionately large head, which puts the mother at serious risk.

Dog Breeds Similar to Pugs

There are breeds that look like pugs to many people.

Dogs that can be easily confused with a pug:

  • English Mastiff. Dogs are similar to the pug by the presence of folds on the forehead, similar structure and size, as well as coat color.
  • French Bulldog. Externally, these two breeds are very similar, and they are easily confused by a non-specialist.
  • Pekingese. The Pekingese is similar to a pug, short in stature, short legs and slightly flattened face.

Still unsure about choosing the breed of your future friend? Let's compare the pug with other dog breeds, find out the pros and cons of the breed .

Advantages and disadvantages of pugs:


  1. The average size.

The fairly compact growth of this breed is a significant plus. Pugs may not be as compact as Chihuahuas or Toy Terriers, but they are less of a hassle to care for.

  1. Good-natured character.

Loyal to their master until the end of their days. Get along with other pets easily. They love children, will play with them with pleasure and will become their protectors. Dogs are usually good-natured and cheerful.

  1. Easy to care for.

The coat is coarse and short, making it easy to care for. It does not get tangled, does not get tangled, and is relatively easy to clean from various debris and dirt. Dogs do not need to be cut because their hair is short. If desired, it is easy to train your pet to go to the litter box from time to time.

  1. Not picky about food.

The breed's diet can consist of both dry food and natural ingredients.


  1. Snore.

Pugs often snore, which sometimes irritates their owners. Surely you have heard about this very unusual habit of the breed. They snore due to the unusual structure of the skull.

  1. Folds on the skin.

It is necessary to clean the dog's skin folds, as both dirt and food debris get there. Treatment of folds consists of wiping them with a swab soaked in chlorhexidine. This procedure should be carried out as soon as it gets dirty or once a month. But it's not that difficult if you keep your dog clean and hygienic from the start.

Important! Particularly noteworthy are the folds on the muzzle, which the ancient Chinese associated with hieroglyphs. This is where food debris, all kinds of garbage, dirt, etc. most often end up.

  1. Allergies.

This breed is not recommended for people who are allergic to wool.

Therefore, before getting a pet of this breed, carefully weigh all the pros and cons again.


Pugs have a bright appearance and a good-natured character, they are calm and do not cause much trouble to their owners, which is why representatives of this breed are often used for designer selection.

According to veterinarians and geneticists , mestizos acquire a number of positive qualities compared to their parents:

  • less prone to genetic diseases;
  • resistant to other diseases;
  • smarter and easier to train;
  • they have an unusual appearance.

Disadvantages of crossing breeds:

  • it is impossible to predict the size, appearance, character of the offspring;
  • possible nervousness and aggressiveness of mestizos.

The result is more or less predictable when breeds similar in quality and size are taken for crossing.

Here are some designer breeds that are created by crossing a Pug with other types of dogs.

Crossed with Husky

The dimensions of the husky are much larger: height 50 - 60 cm, weight 16 - 23 kg. The breeds are not very similar in appearance and character.

Huskies are not decorative dogs; they need physical activity and jogging.

Hug - this is the name given to a rare mestizo.

He was born to a mother, a Chinese pug, and a father, a Siberian husky. Dad gave the puppy color, blue eyes, good-natured character, mom gave him external features and body structure. These breeds are not specifically crossed.

Differences from dogs of other breeds: which one to choose

Let's compare the pug and the French bulldog as the two closest breeds.

Pug and French Bulldog: differences

Externally, the dogs are surprisingly similar. They even have similar diseases: obesity, breathing problems. Both have excellent appetites, which leads to excessive obesity.

Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you need to monitor your pet’s diet and periodically give your dog active walks and runs. Dogs are inactive, like to relax, lying on the sofa, but sometimes they also show so-called signs of activity.

Infections are most often associated with poor or insufficient care of folds on the body. Breathing problems may occur due to temperature changes.

French Bulldogs are often prone to conjunctivitis and back problems. The dogs' personalities are also very similar: they are not aggressive and both would make excellent family pets .

If a pug appears in your home, then rest assured that you will not be bored or sad. You will have fun playing with your new friend, and he will entertain you with his tricks and antics. You will look after him, and he will respond to you with boundless, pure and sincere love. Having made a choice in favor of it, you will never regret purchasing this breed.


The Pekingese belongs to the ancient ornamental breeds bred for the Japanese emperors. Unlike pugs, the animal has long hair, but the same flattened muzzle and button eyes. Representatives of the breed need constant attention and affection; in the family, the animal considers itself to be the main one and requires appropriate behavior. A peculiarity of the breed is considered to be a problem with the eyes, so special attention should be paid to caring for them from puppyhood.

Non-standard colors

Sometimes breeders deliberately try to achieve unusual colors in order to increase the price of puppies. But most often this is the result of incorrect crossing. Among the non-standard, unrecognized colors are albinos, steel-colored pets, chocolate, fawn and brindle. Such animals are popular only as pets.

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