Types and mestizos of Doberman. Which breed is smaller or stronger?

Breeders and kennel owners sometimes deliberately cross their dogs with representatives of other breeds so that the puppies inherit the best traits from their parents, both in appearance and in character. And often potential buyers are offered a cross between a shepherd and a Doberman, assuring them that they are reliable and faithful guards. What are such mestizos, and what is the disposition of these huge and menacing dogs at first glance?

German Shepherd and Doberman

German Shepherd and Doberman mix

Breeders and kennel owners sometimes deliberately cross their dogs with representatives of other breeds so that the puppies inherit the best traits from their parents, both in appearance and in character. And often potential buyers are offered a cross between a shepherd and a Doberman, assuring them that they are reliable and faithful guards. What are such mestizos, and what is the disposition of these huge and menacing dogs at first glance?

German Shepherd and Doberman

Accidental mating with a mongrel

In addition to crossing huskies with purebred dogs, there are options when unintentional crossing with outbred four-legged pets occurs. In most cases, it is impossible to predict the result of such a mating; this applies to the exterior of such a hybrid. In addition, there is a big risk in terms of getting a dog with a completely unpredictable temperament.

However, puppies born from such an accidental mating with a mongrel are distinguished by their endurance and extremely rarely have defects in appearance.

Such pets are actively used by humans to protect territory or homes; with skillful training, outbred mestizos will become good companions for humans.

What does a Shepherd-Doberman mix look like?

Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherds are quite similar in build; both breeds have a large, strong body and long, muscular legs. The hybrid, born from crossing these dogs, looks like a Doberman, but with a color characteristic of representatives of the German breed:

  • Mestizos are somewhat larger and taller than Germans. The body of dogs is slender, lean and lean;
  • paws are long, thin, but muscular;
  • the tail of adult hybrids is of medium length, with a pointed tip. But in most cases, puppies' tails are docked;
  • due to the pointed and elongated shape of the head, the animals are more reminiscent of Doberman Pinschers than German Shepherds;
  • The color of the dogs is jet black with red or light beige tan markings on the limbs, belly, neck and chest;
  • Mestizos have short, shiny, harsh hair.

Mixed breeds have the predominant color of the German Shepherd

Crossbreeding with miniature dogs

Pug and husky

The dog is not so common; in the animal’s external characteristics, heredity from the northern ancestor is not so clearly expressed. The body structure is similar to a pug, and the mestizo will also inherit a good-natured character from miniature four-legged pets.

The hybrid is not specially bred, so such animals appear exclusively through random crossing.

Mixed breed with Pomeranian Spitz

The second name for these hybrids is Pomsky. Animals obtained from such different parents not so long ago, however, are already in deserved demand among designer dogs. Pets stand out for their high cost. Hybrids are notable for their lively and good-natured disposition, have good contact with humans, and can become an excellent companion for children. The dogs are small, so they are suitable for keeping at home.

Mixed Welsh Corgi and Husky

Externally, the animal will resemble a mini-husky; the dog will have short limbs, but an elongated body. The color of dogs is predominantly black and white; the pet will inherit the eye color from its Siberian parent. The animal retains its friendly and playful attitude towards humans until old age, becomes strongly attached to the breeder, and is also distinguished by its well-developed intellect.

Jack Russell Terrier and Husky

The dog is extremely rare; its appearance is more similar to its English parents, however, the behavior shows the traits of both dogs crossed with each other. Pets are active and amenable to training. In addition to the above options for husky mixes with small dogs, there are also hybrids where one of the parents is a Yorkie or a Chihuahua.

German Shepherd and Doberman Mix: Distinctive Character Traits

Thanks to their impressive size and menacing appearance, Dobermans have undeservedly acquired a reputation as vicious and aggressive animals. But in fact, these large dogs are very friendly, loyal and sociable pets.

A mixed breed of a German and a Doberman has all the positive character traits that are inherent in these two breeds. Such hybrids have a calm, balanced and serious character; they are excellent protectors and watchmen.

A cross between a Noh and a Doberman makes very affectionate and friendly mestizos.

From the first minutes of his stay in the house, a hybrid puppy will take on the security functions of the territory and all household members, treating his work with complete dedication and responsibility. Metis is distrustful and wary of strangers, but will never harm a person if he came accompanied by the owner.

The puppy, like both his parents, is distinguished by his lively mind, insight and intelligence. Before taking any action, the pet will carefully examine the situation; it will not bark for no reason or rush at passers-by.

One of the important advantages of mixed breeds and Dobermans is their ability to learn quickly.

These good-natured and affectionate dogs get along well with children, but other animals in the house can become a problem. Like the Doberman, the mestizo is not very friendly towards other pets and may consider a cat or small dog to be its rightful prey. Therefore, if a cross between these two breeds lives in the house, it is advisable not to have other animals.

The owner will not have any problems with training and raising a hybrid puppy. Animals are easy to learn, quickly remember commands, they are obedient and will never question the authority of their owner.

Important: mestizos cannot stand loneliness and should not be left alone for a long time. These dogs consider everyone in the household to be members of their own pack and need attention and communication to make the animal feel needed and loved.

An excellent protector, a reliable watchman and a faithful companion, this is how one can characterize a mestizo, in whose veins the blood of Dobermans and German shepherds flows. This huge dog with a good-natured and calm disposition will become a devoted, reliable and loving friend for the whole family.


Photos of a popular type of mestizos and who is better

Currently, mixed breeds of various breeds are gaining popularity..

Such dogs are cheaper, while containing the positive qualities of their parents. The German Shepherd did not escape a similar fate.

The following types of her mestizos are now popular::

  • Labrador mix;
  • Crossbreed with alabai;
  • Chow-chow cross;
  • Pug mix;
  • Husky mix;
  • Rottweiler mix;
  • Akita Inu mix;
  • A cross with a St. Bernard.

Mixed breeds are not a separate breed, so be wary of being overpriced and presented as a rare breed.

This mixed breed is called the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog because of the place where it first appeared. This is one of the few crosses that has been approved as a separate breed and received its own standard from the International Canine Federation.

This dog was the result of long attempts to cross a Carpathian wolf with a German shepherd.

The dog is suitable for guard and security service; he is an excellent tracker and hunter. The color of the breed has a zonal “wolf” color - from reddish-gray to silver-gray with a light mask.

Pros of the breed:

  • Devotion;
  • Courage;
  • Independence;
  • Endurance;
  • Distrust of strangers;
  • Friendliness;
  • Insight;
  • Sociability.
  • The dog obeys only the “leader”;
  • She needs a confident owner;
  • A beginner will not cope with training;
  • If not trained, instincts can take over;
  • It is still not clear how to feed correctly, which is why she is prone to various diseases.


The mixed breed of these breeds is called Malkhover. It has excellent security and watchdog qualities. The dog is muscular, calm, loyal, intelligent, confident and trainable.

This is a very large dog, its weight reaches 50 kg . He inherited the color of a Rottweiler, but the muzzle and ears of a Shepherd, so he looks more menacing.

  • Intellectually developed dog;
  • A good watchman and security guard;
  • Easy to learn;
  • Loyal to the owner;
  • In emergency situations, she remains calm, so her actions are clear and coordinated.
  • A dog that only a strong nature can handle;
  • She can be trained by an experienced dog handler or breeder;
  • Very strong, without education can be dangerous.


A hybrid of a German shepherd and a husky is a large and strong animal with good endurance, guard and riding skills..

They tend to run away because they have much more energy than their parents, therefore they need even more activity. They have the color of a husky, even blue eyes, but the arrangement of spots is the same as that of a shepherd dog.

  • Guard and hunting potential;
  • Can act as a sled dog;
  • Hardy, have great working qualities;
  • Serves man faithfully;
  • Has an even more sensitive sense of smell and hearing.
  • Willful and prone to escape;
  • Difficult to train;
  • May not listen to commands;
  • They bark loudly.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The dogs are very beautiful, they have a powerful physique, an intelligent and understanding look. Hybrids are more similar to Caucasians, but the characteristics of a German shepherd can be traced in their character and appearance.

They are not as heavy as Caucasian Shepherds , and are distinguished by greater grace in physique . At the withers they reach 70 cm and weigh more than 50 kg.

The coat is thick and long, the color appears as it grows up, it can be the same as both parents. Drop and erect ears are allowed.

These are very confident dogs, strong-willed and independent..

They always attack first, even if the opponent is superior in strength and number.

  • A good watchman and security guard;
  • Withstands high sub-zero temperatures;
  • Calm by nature;
  • Lightning-fast reaction;
  • Brave and loyal;
  • They get along well with children and other pets.
  • Not everyone can own such a dog;
  • Submits to a person with the same strong-willed and strong character;
  • Too large to be kept in an apartment;
  • If not trained they can be dangerous.


This is a large dog with a black or dark color. They are true companion dogs, while maintaining protective qualities too.

Have a positive attitude towards other pets.

  • A sociable dog, friendly and intelligent;
  • Gets along with children;
  • Submissive and easily trained disposition;
  • Sociable and watchdog qualities make a mixed breed a unique dog;
  • Insightful, distinguishes between people.
  • Prone to some hereditary diseases;
  • Does not tolerate loneliness well;
  • Becomes attached to the owner and suffers without him even in the family circle;
  • Despite the fact that he can live in an apartment, he needs physical activity.

Comparison of dogs by qualities

Dog breeders often compare dogs of different breeds with each other. They give the following criteria: who is stronger and who is smarter. In general terms, the Doberman is undoubtedly both a strong and intelligent dog. But in order to give an objective assessment of this breed, it is necessary to compare it according to the above criteria.

Who is stronger

Comparison with the German Shepherd

Given the example of a Doberman and a German Shepherd, it is difficult to say which of them is stronger. After all, both breeds have a strong body, they serve for protection and are ready to fight to the last drop of blood. However, according to the criteria of dominance, defense of its territory, and aggressiveness, the German Shepherd is the leader, since the Doberman is less aggressive. However, if you take into account resourcefulness, sharp teeth and intelligence, in a fight, most likely, victory will be given to the second.

Comparison with pit bull

And when comparing a Doberman and a pit bull, it is quite predictable that the pit bull wins the fight. This dog is famous for its aggressiveness and death grip. Probably the decisive factor is that the pit bull is always ready to defend, and the Doberman is characterized by restraint, loyalty and friendliness towards dogs of other breeds.

Comparison with Stafford

Just like in the example with the pit bull, when comparing a Doberman and a Stafford, in most cases the victory will be given to the second. Because the Doberman is not a fighting dog! The appearance and weight of the dogs also play a role. The Stafford is large, stocky, with pronounced muscles, in contrast to the slender, elegant representative of the other breed. The only condition for a Doberman to win is the fact of training and its mass.

Comparison with a boxer

Boxers were developed in 1850 in Munich by crossing a mastiff with a bulldog. Mastiffs were then most often used for hunting bears, and bulldogs for fighting bulls. The Boxer is a very strong, dangerous and aggressive dog, so you can immediately say that it is stronger than the Doberman. Despite the fact that both dogs are hardy, the boxer is a real fighter. He tends to show his aggression towards dogs, unlike more friendly breeds.

Comparison with Great Dane

But in a fight between a Doberman and a Great Dane, it is difficult to say who is stronger. These breeds have a similar appearance and character. They have almost the same physical characteristics, so in this case, attention should be paid to the physical training of the dogs. Since in this case it occupies a key place in training.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the most important thing is training the dog. After all, if a pet trains as a puppy to defend and attack other dogs, it will be able to defeat an opponent whose size and weight exceed the size of a Doberman. That is, he has every chance of defeating even the most aggressive dog, whose nature has the function of attacking and attacking.

Who's smarter

And although in terms of physical characteristics the Doberman is inferior to fighting dogs, in terms of mental characteristics he is not going to give up his status as one of the smartest breeds .

Comparison with the Giant Schnauzer

When choosing who is smarter (Doberman or Giant Schnauzer), it is necessary to take into account the criteria of dog behavior. The first prevails in obedience, sociability and behavior in the family, while at the same time inferior in dominance, defense of its territory and concentration. In this case, it is necessary to take into account which factors are predominant.

Comparison with Labrador

It is worth noting here that both breeds are intelligent and charming. However, in terms of training, priority is given to the former, since he is more diligent and diligent than the Labrador.

Comparison with cocker

Comparing these dogs, it is difficult to say who is smarter, because the cocker is not a guard dog, so special attention is paid to the fact that this is one of the kindest dogs that can easily find a common language with people and other dog breeds. But regarding training, this process takes longer for them than training a Doberman. And in this case, training regarding the service use of dogs is taken into account - protection, attack and the opportunity to develop a sense of smell, the ability to follow the scent.

Comparison with the Doberman Pinscher

It is very difficult to come to a conclusion about who is smarter - a Doberman Pinscher or a Doberman Pinscher. After all, they are essentially the same breed, just in different sizes. Both breeds are prone to obedience, are often used for official purposes, and are easy to train.

Comparison with dachshund

And the last example would be: Doberman and Dachshund. Despite their height and rather unusual body shape, dachshunds are active, sociable, and sometimes more focused and aggressive than the former. And they are even used as guard dogs, and less often as bodyguards. But still, intelligence prevails among Dobermans, since the seriousness and responsibility of the dog will play a key role here.

Summarizing the above, we can come to the conclusion that the Doberman is a fairly smart, strong and noble breed of dog. He attracts attention with his appearance and intelligence. A huge plus is that this dog is an excellent guard and bodyguard, because it is hardy and loyal, and will protect its owner to the last drop of blood .

She is not afraid of dogs of other breeds, but is smart enough to have less conflicts with them. But along with the pros, there are also cons. For example, this dog is not suitable for families who lead a sedentary lifestyle; they require a lot of attention, the opportunity to walk outside longer, and the owner’s desire to play with them . But be that as it may, the Doberman is the dog that is ready to bear the proud title of “man’s best friend”!


Types of Dobermans

It is important to know that there are two types of Dobermans - American and European. But here the views of dog breeders differ, as some believe that the difference between American and European dogs is so great that it is necessary to divide them into two separate breeds.

American type

Dog breeders gave American Dobermans the nickname “Velcro”, which means “Velcro”. By temperament, these dogs are more affectionate and trusting than their counterparts of European origin. In general, the American representative is more sophisticated and elegant. However, they have less dark eyes and a smooth head line. But their neck is long with a subtle curve. Their bones are weaker than those of European types. The length of the body depends on the length of the lower back. But the color of American dogs is light, and they have wide light tan marks. American Dobermans are recognized as the most skillful and graceful.

The puggle dog breed is a purebred dog or mongrel.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the breed was not recognized then, and it is not recognized now. This is a designer decorative breed, which is classified as a hybrid of pugs and beagles. It is difficult to say offhand whose parental traits were more pronounced in the puggle phenotype. Due to the visual similarity of these charming mestizos with a touching face, they are often called “miniature mastiffs.”

Today there are not many representatives of this hybrid in the world. All of them are first generation mestizos. This does not make it possible to recognize puggles as an independent breed. The hybrid has not found recognition in any international canine organization. This type of selection is considered illiterate and does not meet the strict requirements that apply to this kind of genetic experiments.

Critics of this species argue their rejection of the interbreed species by the fact that designer selection was carried out to the detriment of the health of future generations of mixed-breed dogs. Of course, these are no longer yard dogs, because the blood of two purebred dogs flows in their veins: beagles and pugs. But the puppies from this couple cannot be called purebred and purebred.

Important: There are not many officially registered beagle and pug mixes in the world; in our country there are no more than two dozen individuals.

Features of the Doberman breed

It is only in action-packed action films that these four-legged animals are presented as ruthless killers, whose teeth grow in several rows, almost like sharks. In fact, the German Doberman Pinscher is a very smart, kind and loving dog that will find a common language not only with its adult owner, but also with his small child. But we should not forget that positive character traits can fade into the background, or even the tenth plan, if the dog is not trained and raised.

Dobermans are one of the most versatile breeds you can find. A properly trained animal can be a good helper for military, police and rescue workers. You can even make a nanny or nurse out of a Doberman. But the main purpose of the German Pinscher is still to serve its owner.

Important! Dogs of this breed have excellent physical shape. They are able to win victories in sports competitions and catch up with the attacker.

Who is stronger

To specifically answer the question: who is stronger than a Doberman or a German Shepherd, you need to compare specific dogs, and not breeds as a whole. Because everything will depend on what kind of physique and physical qualities this or that pet has.

It would seem that the Doberman is not small in size, it is taller and weighs more than the shepherd. However, if you do not exercise it and do not subject it to constant physical activity, a Doberman against a German Shepherd, which constantly walks and runs with the owner, performs various exercises, may turn out to be weaker and not be as hardy.

Therefore, it is difficult to answer this question objectively, based only on data about the breed.

In conclusion, we would like to add that before buying a dog of any breed, you should think carefully, read the information, and consult with dog handlers and amateur dog breeders. After all, a dog is a big responsibility and, like a child, it requires attention, love and care from its owner.

Comparison by quality

Dog breeders and dog handlers often compare the characteristics of different breeds. Dobermans are certainly strong and intelligent animals , but everything is learned in comparison.

Who is stronger than who?

Compared to the German Shepherd

Representatives of both breeds are distinguished by both strength and loyalty. It is difficult to compare them, since they serve their owner to the last drop of blood. However, German Shepherds are more irritable and aggressive compared to the Doberman Pinscher, so they are more suitable as a guard dog. In a fight, the Doberman will show agility due to its more graceful physique.

With a pit bull

In a fight, there is a high probability that the pit bull will win . They are more massive, they can crush a Doberman with their body weight, and a death grip on the throat will ensure victory for the pit bull. In addition, pit bulls are always ready to fight, while Dobermans are characterized by some restraint and loyalty.

With Stafford

In a fight, just as in the case of a pit bull, victory will most likely go to the Stafford, since both breeds, unlike the Doberman, are fighting breeds. Pronounced muscles and weight will not allow the Doberman to show its natural agility.

With a boxer

Boxers are fighting dogs, and in a fight with a Doberman, the latter is most likely to be the loser.
In addition, Boxers tend to show their aggression towards all dog breeds , unlike the patient Doberman. This breed was bred from mastiffs and bulldogs, intended for hunting very large animals - bears and wild bulls.

With a Great Dane

The breeds have almost the same physical characteristics and similar character, so it is difficult to say who will emerge victorious from such a fight. Everything will depend on the individual training of the animal.

Features of behavior

Belgian Shepherd Malinois: description of the breed, character

Both the Rottweiler and the German Shepherd have complex personalities. Dogs of these breeds require constant training with the owner and supervision by a dog handler. The dogs are trained not only in general training, but also in protective guard duty.

Malchover has absorbed the qualities of both parents

Rottweilers are fearless, self-confident and have a balanced character. A dog of this breed will perfectly guard the territory.

German Shepherds are more focused on cooperation with humans. This breed can be called one of the most important among service dogs. The dog will be pliable and easy to train.

Malkhover absorbed the character of both parents. The crossbreed has a high level of intelligence, obedience and intelligence. The puppy will demonstrate a balanced character.

Important! Negative qualities include obstinacy, pride and excessive independence.

At the same time, malchover shows activity and mobility. He will enjoy outdoor games, running and long walks. Metis will get real pleasure from joint activities.

The dog is very dependent on the owner and will suffer from long periods of loneliness. Therefore, malchover is not suitable for busy people. You need to constantly train your pet and spend long hours together.

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to compare different breeds, write down their pros and cons. This will give you an idea of ​​each dog. You should not rush to conclusions, since the pet will live for at least 10 years and you need to approach its choice responsibly.

Malkhover is able to withstand any physical activity. You can use it for cross-country running, obstacle courses, agility and other active sports.

Raising and training puggles

These nimble, active dogs can be outright manipulators and notorious lazy people. But, at the same time, they are smart, quick-witted and playful. Puppies must be trained systematically from the first day of life in their new home. You need to immediately stop all hooligan behavior and show your pet who’s boss in the house.

Training is built in a playful way, based on positive motivation. You cannot shout or physically punish dogs. Only praise, affection and a tasty treat can influence the animal. Classes should not be tedious or too long.

It is important to immediately and unconditionally stop all attempts by the puppy to show disrespect towards family members, biting, or barking loudly at people passing by. As punishment, you can use loud, sharp sounds, stern talking, or deprivation of treats.

The dog must learn his name and know several commands from the basic puppy training program: “no”, “near”, “sit”. Smart pets can expand their command set with signals: “voice”, “place”, “lie down”, “serve”, “give me a paw”.

If the puggle owner has little experience in raising puppies, you can seek help from a special kennel club. Take a training course together with other dogs in group training and master classes.

Pros and cons of breeds

In order to have sufficient knowledge, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each breed. First consider the Doberman.

Positive sidesNegative sides
  • Very active
  • Even a beginner who has not yet had sufficient experience in dog breeding can take care of him.
  • Almost no need to remove hair
  • Perfect for apartment living
  • Has a noble appearance and aristocratic bearing
  • May freeze while living outside
  • Has a wayward character
  • Requires constant training and attention

Now let's look at the pros and cons of the German Shepherd.

Positive sidesNegative sides
Can be kept outside in an enclosure or booth. Easy to train.

Not endowed with excessive activity

Hybrid health

The breed is very young; crossbreeds of pugs and beagles have not yet passed the test of time. Their genetic code is unstable. Dogs can be completely healthy or have hereditary problems inherited from two species.

Main types of diseases:

  • Obesity.
  • Articular dysplasia.
  • Food allergies.
  • Cardiac pathologies of various origins.
  • Eye problems: cataracts, glaucoma, third eyelid adenoma.
  • Nostril stenosis.

Features of German Shepherds

Shepherd dogs are the standard of service dog breeding. They are calm and self-possessed, but at the same time fearless and passionate. They are easy to raise and train, since the dog, which has the highest intelligence, is focused on unconditional obedience and service to its owner. It is shepherd dogs that are most often recruited to work in security agencies, social security agencies and special services. services

Important! The only canine craft that the shepherd dog could not fully master is hunting.

A shepherd can make an excellent companion and loyal friend. You can safely entrust her with the protection of your home and property. With such a pet you can let children go for a walk, leave elderly people in their company, or take them outside to places where other dogs walk. So you shouldn’t give up the idea of ​​having a shepherd in a family where small children are growing up and there are other pets.

German Shepherd and Doberman Mix: Distinctive Character Traits

Thanks to their impressive size and menacing appearance, Dobermans have undeservedly acquired a reputation as vicious and aggressive animals. But in fact, these large dogs are very friendly, loyal and sociable pets.

A mixed breed of a German and a Doberman has all the positive character traits that are inherent in these two breeds. Such hybrids have a calm, balanced and serious character; they are excellent protectors and watchmen.

A cross between a Noh and a Doberman makes very affectionate and friendly mestizos.

From the first minutes of his stay in the house, a hybrid puppy will take on the security functions of the territory and all household members, treating his work with complete dedication and responsibility. Metis is distrustful and wary of strangers, but will never harm a person if he came accompanied by the owner.

The puppy, like both his parents, is distinguished by his lively mind, insight and intelligence. Before taking any action, the pet will carefully examine the situation; it will not bark for no reason or rush at passers-by.

One of the important advantages of mixed breeds and Dobermans is their ability to learn quickly.

These good-natured and affectionate dogs get along well with children, but other animals in the house can become a problem. Like the Doberman, the mestizo is not very friendly towards other pets and may consider a cat or small dog to be its rightful prey. Therefore, if a cross between these two breeds lives in the house, it is advisable not to have other animals.

The owner will not have any problems with training and raising a hybrid puppy. Animals are easy to learn, quickly remember commands, they are obedient and will never question the authority of their owner.

Important: mestizos cannot stand loneliness and should not be left alone for a long time. These dogs consider everyone in the household to be members of their own pack and need attention and communication to make the animal feel needed and loved.

An excellent protector, a reliable watchman and a faithful companion, this is how one can characterize a mestizo, in whose veins the blood of Dobermans and German shepherds flows. This huge dog with a good-natured and calm disposition will become a devoted, reliable and loving friend for the whole family.

Doberman is one of the few dog breeds that received its name after the person who stood at its origins. Friedrich Louis Dobermann, a resident of the city of Apolda, who conceived the new breed and took the first steps towards its creation, was a versatile person. Active resident of Apolda. He was a tax collector, worked in the service for controlling the number of city dogs, was a night policeman, and in his free time he worked with dogs. He was haunted by the idea of ​​creating a breed of dog that could successfully accompany him in his work, performing police functions. These dogs had to be active, courageous, have a keen sense of smell, and be willing to fight with trespassers.

In order to understand what dogs could have been the ancestors of the first Dobermans, it is important to know what breeds existed in Germany at that time. It is known that mouse-gray primitive pinschers, butcher dogs - the ancestors of modern Rottweilers, blue mastiffs, short-haired hounds, as well as various shepherd dogs, the ancestors of the modern German shepherd, who worked with large and small livestock - took part in the breeding. Hunting dogs, whose blood is present in Dobermans, made this breed very popular among the poachers of that time. They used sensitive, fast dogs to hunt hares at night. Until now, some lines of Dobermans demonstrate hunting abilities and can help owners in this matter. Hence the exceptional search abilities of Dobermans, whose sense of smell is considered the most acute among working dogs.

Geller, one of the first Doberman breeders, reported that excellent black and tan butcher dogs from the surrounding villages were used for breeding, while Apolda's dogs had a distinct pinscher type or were close in appearance to shepherd dogs. Geller's dogs were more similar to butcher dogs and differed from them in slightly more elegant forms and cropped ears, as evidenced, for example, by Albert Ammon, who bought his first Doberman bitch from Geller in 1899.

In general, it can be said that among the related breeds of the Doberman are the Weimaraner, Beauceron, Rottweiler, Old German Pinscher, Manchester Black and Tan Terrier, Greyhound, Gordon Setter, Mastiff and Pointer.

It is interesting that the first Doberman breeders tried to establish bob-tailedness in the breed. However, this attempt did not lead to anything - few bob-tailed puppies were born and their quality did not always suit the owners, so after many years of unsuccessful attempts this idea was forgotten. Thus, among such puppies there were often wire-haired dogs with an excessively rough build.

Among the first Dobermans there were many dogs with white markings. It is believed that this property was brought to the breed by butcher dogs. At the same time, dogs with light hair behind the ears, on the forehead and back of the head were often encountered, which Dobermans inherited from pinscher crosses used in the early period of the breed’s formation.

Louis Doberman lived to be 60 years old and did not live to see his breed become popular. His work was continued by the Von Thuringen nursery of Otto Geller. He brought the breed to a new level, investing his whole life in this business. Among his associates were also Gozwin Tyshler (kennel "Von Grönland"), as well as Gustav Krumbhold (breeding prefix "Von Ilm-Aten"). In 1899, they founded a club for breed lovers, the Apolda Doberman Pinscher Club, which eventually became known as the First Club 1899. Representatives of the club were included in the “Commission of Delegates” - the highest canine body in Germany at that time.

In 1900, the world learned about the Doberman Pinscher breed. In 1949, the word “pinscher” was removed from the name of the breed as it did not correspond to the purpose and appearance of the dogs. The FCI standard No. 143 for the Doberman breed was published in 1960. The current edition was published in 1994, and the blue and tan color was eliminated. Germany, the USA, Norway, and Holland confidently hold the palm in breeding the breed. A strong population was collected in the USSR.

The ban on ear and tail docking, which placed docked dogs out of European exhibitions, left Doberman breeders with a number of new challenges. Some lines of dogs have ended up with excessively curled tails, and ears with dense cartilage that were ideal for docking have become undesirable as they can end up erect. Dramatic changes in appearance are accepted very slowly by owners and create problems with the sale of undocked puppies. However, I would like to hope that the breed will survive temporary difficulties and again take its place among the best working breeds in the world.

The Doberman, or Doberman Pinscher, is the embodiment of true aristocracy, high intelligence, fearlessness and vigilance. This is a faithful companion and reliable protector.

The concept of "mestizo"

In any breeding, the main type of crossing is purebred. The addition of other blood is permissible only in rare cases. But sometimes there is a need to get a dog that combines the characteristics of two breeds.

The breed was named Malkhover

  • The Caucasian Shepherd was crossed with the Saint Bernard. As a result, we managed to get a Moscow guard dog that had the appearance of a St. Bernard and the character of a Caucasian Shepherd.
  • The mixed breed of Alabai and Rottweiler was distinguished by a strong physique, powerful muscles and thick hair. These dogs were perfect for home guarding.
  • The Pitweiler is a mix of Pitbull and Rottweiler. Such pets are distinguished by fearlessness, endurance, and energy. The hybrid requires seriousness from the owner, since without constant training he goes crazy.
  • Sometimes you can find a cross between a mongrel and a Rottweiler. This combination is unpredictable. Such a dog can be unbalanced and aggressive.

Crossbreeding is very risky, as you can never be sure what qualities will be passed on to the litter. Hybrids may be healthier. Some small breeds have many problems due to close relationships.

Interesting! Infusion of other blood can correct the defects. However, such work should be done by experienced breeders.

Positive and negative sides

Both the Doberman and the German Shepherd have a number of positive and negative qualities and character traits. The advantages of the Doberman over its opponent include:

  • activity;
  • ease of care;
  • the wool sheds less and has virtually no odor;
  • the fact that it is suitable for keeping in a city apartment;
  • owner-oriented;
  • that it has an attractive appearance.
  • excessive independence;
  • the need for strict training;
  • lack of undercoat, which allows you not to freeze outside during the cold season.

The German Shepherd also has features that make it both better and worse than Dobermans. The positive aspects include:

  • activity when necessary;
  • the ability to establish contact with children, dogs and cats;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • the fact that even bad upbringing will not spoil a German Shepherd;
  • Possibility of keeping in an enclosure.

The only thing in which they are inferior to Dobermans is that in the house where they live, all the floors are literally strewn with wool. They shed profusely and for a long time. Dogs have to be brushed regularly and for a long time.

How to tell a purebred husky from a crossbreed?

In light of the active breeding of husky hybrids, it is extremely important for breeders when purchasing a puppy to have an understanding of how to distinguish a purebred dog from a mixed breed. Mixing of breeds can occur both in one generation and can be traced in several generations, since some matings are not at all planned by the owner.

When buying a four-legged friend, you should pay attention to its cost. As a rule, mixed breeds will be much cheaper than purebred dogs. Sometimes such animals without a pedigree can simply be offered as a gift. Such situations will help a potential buyer understand the situation. Metis, in light of the inheritance of many traits from different parents, can be distinguished by a rather complex character. Therefore, the breeder is recommended to observe the puppy he likes, and also, if possible, get to know the animal’s parents.

However, only a genetic test can reliably determine that a pet is purebred ; otherwise, the buyer can rely on the external characteristics of the animal, as well as the documentation provided by the nursery. The breeder should pay attention to the size of the animal, however, at an early age it will be quite difficult to determine whether the dog meets the standards. As a rule, a small puppy can grow into a big dog and vice versa.

The size of the animal’s limbs can be considered as a guide; however, this factor can be purely individual.

The main characteristics of the Husky breed are as follows.

  • Animals stand out among their relatives by their “voice.” So, it is typical for the breed not to bark, but to howl. Moreover, this applies to all emotions – both positive and negative.
  • Not all mestizos will have an innate love for children; huskies are excellent nannies, so they will try to accompany children everywhere, if there are any in the family.
  • Huskies are unlikely to be good guards; as for mixed breeds with outbred animals, they, as a rule, have this instinct more developed.
  • Purebred Siberian dogs do not have a specific odor. Because animals clean their fur on their own.
  • Since the breed is positioned as a sled dog, a feature of such dogs will be strong limbs. Mestizos may not have this exterior feature.
  • The main characteristic of the breed is eye color. Huskies are characterized by mirror-blue pupils.

Similar breeds

In appearance, but not in size, a breed similar to the Doberman is the German Doberman. It is believed that it was from this breed that Mr. Dobermann took an example for developing a new breed. In appearance it is closer to the American one, but the coloring is close to the European one. The German relative is medium in size, ideal for apartment living. There is also an even smaller breed - the miniature pinscher, or mini Doberman. This breed is absolutely identical to its brothers, and the main difference is only the size.

What popular types of Rottweiler mixes exist?

Doberman and Rottweiler mix

This mixed breed has adopted the same features of both breeds; these dogs are generally similar to each other, especially in puppyhood.

You can see a comparison of Doberman and Rottweiler here.

As they mature, they become stately dogs, with strong paws, stockier than purebred Rottweilers, with a characteristic color for both breeds - black and red tan.

Their head is more like the head of a Rottweiler - medium in size, with a clearly defined occipital protuberance, with wide-set ears. The muzzle is somewhat narrowed, the nostrils are widened and round.

Lobes, lips and eye rims are black . By nature, the mestizo will take the best from his parents and will be a brave dog.

Rottweiler and Shepherd mix

In Germany, this mestizo was called Malchover. In the middle of the last century, a group of German breeders set the goal of breeding a new breed of service dogs with strong physical characteristics and a balanced character and stable psyche.

German Shepherds were used for selection

The results were very worthy: they turned out to be hardy, well-trained dogs with good health.

Purpose of breeds

If we touch upon such a topic as the purpose of the creation and purpose of both breeds, you will notice that breeders began to breed both the German Shepherd and the Doberman for working breeding.

Initially, the German Shepherd excelled at herding flocks of sheep and guarding the house. By the way, they say that the Dobermann had ancestors among herding dogs, and this breed originated in the south of Germany in Thuringia. If we turn to history, the shepherd dog also appeared in Germany as a result of mixing the blood of herding dogs from Thuringia and Württemberg. The creator of the Doberman breed wanted the dog to have service qualities and perfectly protect people from attacks. These animals served in the police and were a kind of bodyguard. The German Shepherd can be an excellent guide and watchman. It is used in the army to protect the state border, as well as in the police for operational operations.

The breeds agree on one thing: they serve humans well and have fearlessness and devotion, reinforcing these qualities with a developed mind.


Let's look at what kind of mixed breeds exist and see in the photo what a cross between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd looks like, a mixture with a Labrador and other dog breeds.

German Shepherd mix

Malchover is a cross between a German and a Rottweiler. A muscular, calm, loyal, intelligent and self-confident dog has become a good friend to man. The weight of a large dog is 50 kg. He inherited the color from the Rottweiler, and the muzzle and ears from the German.

Metis has the following advantages:

  • good intelligence;
  • excellent watchdog qualities;
  • easy to learn;
  • devotion;
  • Ability to remain calm in emergency situations.

With Labrador

The mixed breed is called a labra-rotweil. This complex canine artifact inherited good intelligence, conformation and temperament from its parents. Dogs are little known to people, because obtaining an ideal heir can be achieved after long and painstaking work.

With a pit bull

This mestizo was called a pit bull terrier. The dog is different:

  • increased endurance;
  • energy;
  • fearlessness.

The color can be anything from solid black to black with brindle markings. The coat is smooth, short and shiny. The chest is wide and massive. The legs are of medium length and muscular.

The mixed breed is slightly smaller in size than a purebred Rottweiler. The weight of an adult is 30-40 kg.

Staffordshire Terrier

This is a cross between a Stafford and a Rottweiler. The dog has the following features:

  • the dog is large in size and has well-developed muscles;
  • endurance;
  • calm character;
  • loves to communicate with the owner and other dogs.

There are aggressive individuals who inherited a malicious character from their parents, were raised that way, or were kept in harsh conditions. For training to be productive, the owner should be patient and remember consistency.

Mongrel mix

The mestizo “nobleman” is not distinguished by his impeccable character. Requires increased attention and love from the owner. The dog's owners claim that it is difficult to train, and its most important trait is arrogance.

The dog has good intelligence. He can easily open any door, understands people, and gets along with other pets. Despite their attractive appearance and pretty face, dogs of this breed do not participate in exhibitions.

Other famous hybrids

There are several other breeds obtained by crossing the Rottweiler and other dogs. Here are some unique unions:

  1. Doberman and Rottweiler. Metis took all the traits from both breeds. This is a stately dog ​​with a strong character, courage and endurance. Usually the color is black with red tan.
  2. Husky and Rottweiler. The dog has a friendly character and affability. He chooses one master from the whole family, and obeys only him. The large dog reaches a height of 60 cm. The color can be pure black, or mixed with the colors of the husky’s parent.
  3. Alabai and Rottweiler. Metis reacts aggressively to unfamiliar people. However, he will always protect and love his family. The dog is large and can weigh up to 100 kg.

Still, selection is unpredictable. If some mestizos are ideal, then some have a disgusting character. Many dogs are prone to gluttony and laziness. It is difficult to force such animals to do anything, much less learn.

We show Doberman mixed breeds. What came of it.

Typically, Doberman breeders take their breeding and the cleanliness of their litter very seriously. But sometimes, there are still cases when Dobermans are crossed with other dog breeds. Such moments are not always purposeful; it can also be a consequence of not keeping an eye on your dog. As for me, purebred Dobermans are a worthy breed that has every chance of receiving the title of an ideal dog! Along with this, I suggest you familiarize yourself with what Doberman crosses with other breeds look like and how they are characterized.

Mixed Doberman with a Shepherd.

It is believed that such a cross will produce an excellent service breed, combining the qualities of both breeds. But it is worth considering that the character of the shepherd plus the temperament of the Doberman, if improperly trained, can lead to unexpected behavior of the dog.

Mixed Doberman with Pitbull.

By crossing these two breeds, the result is an undeniable, but quite aggressive guard, since such a dog has the “death grip” of a pit bull and the attack power of an enemy Doberman. Such an “explosive” mixture is clearly not suitable for keeping at home.

Mixed Doberman with a mongrel.

Since mongrels are considered dogs with good immunity and are not so fussy about food and care, such a cross makes it possible to keep a yard. But with such crossing, the aristocracy inherent in Dobermans is certainly lost.

Although it is difficult to predict based on physical characteristics and immunity which side of the cross will prevail in the resulting result, in terms of mental abilities it is unlikely that any breed will be able to surpass a purebred Doberman.

Do not forget that when selectively creating a new breed, the number of genes is taken into account, depending on the functions for which a new type of breed is developed. And mestizos are the consequence of an arbitrary and chaotic mixing of different breeds, the result of which is almost impossible to foresee. Draw conclusions, take care of yourself and remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed. like

Let's compare both breeds

To get as close as possible to the answer: which of the two pets is stronger, we will analyze each breed separately and compare them with each other.


First, let's look at the external characteristics of both breeds.

  • The Doberman has a large and muscular build. The height at the withers is slightly greater than that of shepherd dogs - in females it reaches 68 centimeters, in males up to 72 centimeters.
  • The weight is also slightly different. Female Dobermans weigh up to 35 kilograms, and male Dobermans weigh up to 45 kilograms.
  • Their coat is quite short and does not contain undercoat. It is polished, has a rigid structure and does not curl.
  • The coat color is mainly charcoal, with small brown and red spots.
  • The muzzle of representatives of this breed is elongated, the eyes are dark and round in shape, the ears are erect, and they are often cropped.
  • The tail is also short due to docking. The back is straight, the sternum is wide.
  • The neck is elongated and thick.
  • The limbs are straight, parallel to each other.
  • The claws are long and dark in color.
  • The Shepherd also has a proportional build. The height of males reaches 65 centimeters at the withers, females - up to 60 centimeters. However, Dobermans are taller. Shepherd girls weigh up to 32 kilograms, boys - up to 40 kilograms.
  • The coat of German Shepherds can be short or long and has a pronounced undercoat. She is straight and tough.
  • The color of the fur coat can be of different shades: ranging from coal-black, saddle-back with red and gray spots to zone-red or zone-gray.
  • The mouth is slightly shorter than that of Dobermans, the nose is black. The muzzle itself is dark in color.
  • The eyes are oval and have brown or black shades.
  • The chest is wide and muscular.
  • The back is flat and often black.
  • The limbs are straight and parallel to each other.

The character of the Doberman is distinguished by playfulness and friendliness, and not anger, as everyone is accustomed to think.
The Doberman is a very sensitive and loyal animal with a peculiar disposition. They are independent, sometimes too independent. Such pets instantly react to the slightest manifestation of aggression and are able to rush into battle without sparing themselves. Representatives of the Doberman breed show aggression only if the owner or members of his family are in danger and someone is making an attempt on their life. However, they behave well with other pets and get along well with them. Dobermans are calm towards small children.

As for the German Shepherd, its character and behavior are slightly different. This animal cannot live without a person and his attention. The Shepherd has a calm disposition and a balanced psyche. If the dog notices that someone is trying to harm the owner, it will immediately begin to protect him.

In a family, she usually chooses one leader, listens to him unquestioningly and is faithful to the person until the end of her days. In addition, shepherd dogs are friendly towards small children and are able to play the role of a nanny for them. They treat cats calmly, but they may not get along with some dogs.

Attitude to training

Of course, any breed needs to be raised and trained. This is especially true for Dobermans. But when training these pets, you need to show ingenuity and a special approach. Sometimes Dobermans can be stubborn and play around without listening to their owner.

However, their learning abilities are very great. Of course, they need to be constantly improved. The Doberman, as mentioned above, is a very sensitive pet; it can sense the owner’s mood and mirror his behavior.

The German Shepherd behaves completely differently when trained. She carefully and easily follows commands and remembers them well. However, if you abandon training, the dog will forget everything completely, and training will need to start all over again.

Therefore, the shepherd’s brain requires constant mental work, and physical activity is required to maintain muscle tone. The Shepherd always unconditionally listens to the one he has chosen as an authoritative owner.


Sheds constantly, so you need to brush the coat regularly Requires attention and depends on the leader owner

With a husky

The most successful is the combination of genes from representatives of two northern breeds. Mestizos tend to inherit the appearance of one parent and the temperament of the other. As a result, a cross between a husky and a husky has qualities inherent in hunting and guard dogs.

The dog does not cause much trouble to his owners. The animal feels good outdoors at any time of the year. It is preferable to keep half-breeds in a private home. The pet should have constant access to clean drinking water, and in the heat a shaded resting place should be created for it.

Animals are distinguished by their devotion and attention to their owners. They treat small children with care. Owners note the calm, friendly disposition of the mixed-breed dogs.

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