How to wean a dog or puppy from jumping on its owner or on people it knows: advice from a dog handler

If you can’t stop your dog from jumping on people, tables, doors, cars, then read the article. It provides advice from dog handlers and effective recommendations that will help you raise your pet correctly.

When communicating with a pet, education and training are important. Moreover, one pressing question for dog owners is how to wean a puppy or an adult dog from jumping on their owners and familiar people. It would seem like a normal emotional display of affection.

Read an article on our website about 5 dog breeds with the most “monstrous” bite force . You will find out which breeds are considered the most dangerous.

However, there may be completely unobvious reasons for such behavior. And correcting the situation should begin at a young age, when the puppy is more amenable to training. How to stop a dog from behaving this way? What to do? Look for tips below, read on.

Why does a dog jump on its owner, passersby and people it knows: reasons

The dog jumps on the owner, passers-by and people he knows.
The reasons for the four-legged friend jumping on the owners, his friends, and other passers-by can be 3 main motivations:

High temperament:

  • It is explained by the strong excitability of the animal’s nervous system.
  • Animals, like humans, are divided into sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and choleric. So, excessive temperament is inherent specifically in choleric people.
  • They are strong, agile and lack mental balance.
  • The excitability of the nervous system is dominated by similar phenomena of inhibition.
  • This is why high emotionality manifests itself in the form of whining, sharp wagging of the tail, licking and jumping on everything that is at hand.

Demonstration to another “animal” of one’s superiority and dominance:

  • The second option is an aggressive variation of the first.
  • Here, when a pet shows joy, it tries to bite its owner’s hands or face, sometimes baring its teeth.
  • In this way, the dog tries to show its superiority and leadership.
  • Correction of this behavior is mandatory. Dogs are pack animals. And in the pack there must be an alpha male. In this case, it is the owner. He must have authority, and not vice versa.

Lack of education and training:

  • Quite common among owners.
  • Most often this occurs due to the fact that the puppies were allowed to jump on people and furnishings.
  • Moreover, this was reinforced by a positive emotional reaction of tenderness on the part of people.
  • The dog remembers that throwing is good. And he continues to do this in various joyful moments as an adult.
  • Correcting this behavior is the most time-consuming process, requiring enormous tolerance and financial expenditure.

Now you know why a dog jumps on people, and you can correct its behavioral skills. Read on.

Education comes first: preventing habit

You need to start raising a puppy from the very first days of his arrival in his new home. It is not necessary to overload a small dog with exercise every day, but it is necessary to instill the basics of good behavior. Preventing jumping on the owner is one of the basic skills. The most effective way to fight a habit is to use tricks. For example:

  1. Every time the puppy tries to jump on a person, he hears the order to “sit.” All he can do is sit down. The owner holds the baby in this position for several seconds, after which he encourages her.
  2. Any other order can also serve as a stop signal for termination, so a prudent study of the commands will serve as a good preventive measure. In any case, the puppy will happily rush to the door when he hears the owner, and he will greet the dog with a command that must be followed.
  3. Puppies jump on their owner for only one purpose - to lick his face. Therefore, another rule is to act proactively. A person entering an apartment quickly but calmly puts down his things and kneels down to give the dog the opportunity to lick his face. Many owners find this procedure unpleasant, but it is necessary to maintain a healthy dog’s psyche. Even the characteristics of some large breeds state that the puppy absolutely needs close contact with the owner.
  4. Most animals do not like to be grabbed by the paws - they tend to break free and return their limbs to the ground. A jumping puppy can be grabbed by its front paws. If a simple girth does not work, you can slightly squeeze the limbs in the pastern area. The dog will rush to break free and return its paws to the hard surface. If the habit is not yet fully ingrained, this method helps to correct the dog’s behavior well.
  5. It is important not to tease your puppy by offering him treats. So, the owner should not teach the baby to jump up in order to reach a tasty morsel. Otherwise, the puppy will begin to beg for food, jumping on the owner.
  6. After entering the apartment, the owner immediately puts his hand forward, which becomes an obstacle to the jump. The owner pets the puppy with his other hand.

If the puppy has already grown up, and along with it the habit of jumping on the owner has grown, it is too late to engage in prevention. You should start retraining your pet as soon as possible so that the dog’s addiction does not end badly.

The main principle of education is to clearly and clearly explain to the dog how it can behave and how it is strictly prohibited.

How to stop a dog from jumping and biting: raising a puppy, an adult dog

How to stop a dog from jumping and biting
There are basic training commands that all owners of four-legged pets should know. Moreover, they should be studied with dogs at an early puppy age. This applies to pets of any breed. So, how to stop a dog from jumping and biting? Here is a description of the process of raising a puppy and an adult dog:

Remember: There are 3 main commands: “Ugh”, “No”, “No” . These words need to be taught to your pet.

When training, it is prohibited to use physical force and thus punish. The puppy will only get stressed. The general rule when issuing a braking command is to use the expression only when necessary. Otherwise, there is a risk of deterioration in the functioning of the pet’s nervous system.

So, the training instructions:

  1. Start playing with your puppy.
  2. When the pet gets playful and starts gnawing, biting, jumping, you need to abruptly stop the entertainment and give a prohibiting command.
  3. Repeat the previous steps several times, reinforcing the result with positive non-verbal cues and treats.

Similar steps should be carried out when attempting to chew on shoes, clothing and furniture. Thus, the braking command (especially in combination with a jerk of the leash) makes it possible to control the pet and not bring emerging conflicts to the point of absurdity.

Methods of influencing a puppy

Childhood is the most optimal age for educational purposes. At this time, the owner is the greatest authority for the dog, and this greatly facilitates the solution of the problem in order to instill in the pet the necessary habits and eliminate those that cause inconvenience. Dog handlers advise that when taking measures to influence a puppy, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • As a child, the puppy shows his love with the help of tactile caresses: he leans on the owner’s leg, licks his hands, and tries to be closer. The owner reacts positively to this, since his furry friend does not cause him any discomfort. It is at this time that the seed of the future habit of jumping on the closest person is sown.
  • From 3-4 months you need to start actively training your puppy, teaching him such basic commands as “Place!”, “Near!”, “Sit!” Reinforce your pet with treats for obedience; this will perfectly motivate the dog and speed up its training.
  • If, upon arriving after work, the owner meets a tailed fidget in the hallway who wants to jump on his chest, then you just need to ignore this behavior. Take off your clothes and go into the house without calling out to the dog. Some may find this unnecessarily rude, but there is no other way. After a while, you can play with the puppy, so he will develop an understanding that active meetings are not for his owner, but he is not at all averse to having fun afterwards.
  • Do not swear under any circumstances. Loud screams frighten the pet and make it nervous. In addition, it responds much better to clear, short commands. There is no need to constantly call the dog by name for no reason, otherwise it will develop the habit of associating its name with dissatisfaction with the owner.
  • In early childhood, a puppy may not immediately obey a command. In this case, you need to say in a menacing voice: “You can’t!”, while looking intently into his eyes. If he continues to disobey and jumps on the owner, then it is permissible to gently grab him by the front paws and lower them to the floor, while strictly saying “Ugh!”
  • If your pet belongs to the category of dogs that frolic even more in response to orders and physical pressure, then the best remedy against them is silent ignorance. Play with your puppy only after he has completely calmed down. Let him associate the owner's affection and fun with exemplary and calm behavior from an early age.
  • Try not to walk your pet without a leash. Prefer quiet, secluded places for this. If your little friend jumps on a passerby, then don’t try to turn it into a joke. Be sure to use the commands “Come to me!”, “You can’t!” in such cases. and “Nearby!”
  • If the puppy belongs to a large breed of dog, then at the first sign of a habit such as jumping on people, you need to seek help from a dog handler. Qualified recommendations from specialists will save the owner from problems with it in the future.

As you can see, the above tips are not that difficult to implement. The main thing is to use them purposefully and without any concessions. In the next section we will try to figure out how to wean an adult dog from this habit.

Unusual methods of training a dog when it jumps on the owner and bites: options

Unusual methods of training a dog when it jumps on its owner and bites
Often, many experts suggest a radical way to solve the problem of bites and emotional irritability in pets - taking various sedatives. But their influence and side effects on the body have not yet been thoroughly studied. But you can use unusual methods of training a dog when it jumps on its owner and bites. Such alternatives could be:

  1. Application of parfors . A prong collar is often used for large purebred dogs. For effective training, you should learn how to properly fix the parforce and not make strong jerks with it when training or exercising with the dog. But it can only be used under the strict supervision of dog handlers. And beginners are recommended to use a more gentle option - a snatch chain.
  2. Using a shock collar . Principle: applying electric current to an animal. Moreover, the intensity varies: from a weak warning vibration to a strong shock. This method can only be used for a certain pet’s temperament and under the strict supervision of canine service staff.
  3. A sharp shout or clap . Most often used in training young dogs, as they show interest in changes in the environment. Especially if these changes are sharp and sudden.

You can use a combination of 1 and 3 or 2 and 3 . Naturally, the effectiveness is determined experimentally in each specific case.

Unconventional measures to correct the behavior of a four-legged animal

For choleric animals, weaning from jumping on the owner may last indefinitely or even require the most drastic measures. Experts recommend using a more tangible negative impact on overly active dogs: ringing spanks, pushing away or strict parforce.

Basic rules for using a collar

Despite all the efforts made, it is very difficult for a dog to cope with excess emotions towards the owner, since the release of hormones is to blame for everything. One of the doctors from the American Veterinary Association found a way out. He suggested that owners of dogs with a choleric type of character give their pets drugs that can calm them down. This:

  • silicea (a single dose once a day during periods of noticeable emotional agitation);


  • brewed St. John's wort, 1 tbsp. powder per glass of boiling water (from 3 to 8 mg twice a day, give for about a week);

Brewed St. John's wort

  • phosphorus C 30 (1 dose is given daily, duration of administration is a week);

Phosphorus C 30

  • yeast (half a small spoon for an animal up to 14 kg, a whole spoon for an animal up to 50 kg); Consultation with a veterinarian is required as they may cause allergies.


Important! Medicines can only be purchased at a pharmacy and only on the recommendation of a specialist.

What training methods are best not to use when a dog is jumping: advice from a dog trainer

The dog is jumping
Many people believe that all methods are good in raising a pet. But that's not true. What training methods should you not use when your dog is jumping? All experts say that in education and numerous trainings, in no case should you use physical and other unacceptable measures of influence to achieve results. Here are tips from a dog trainer on what not to use when training:

  • Strong physical impacts leading to pain
  • Pet abuse
  • Constant use of an electric shock leash without a reason
  • A regular leash at home

Important to know: Strong physical punishment (hitting your pet in the chest, face, stomach) is strictly unacceptable! Otherwise, the owner will achieve the opposite effect.

The leash is prohibited for use at home. Because the four-legged animal associates it with the street and training. There will simply be no effect.

Why do we need to stop this behavior?

Licking and sniffing the leader upon meeting is characteristic of all pack animals. In this way, weaker individuals express their respect to the leader. Despite the naturalness of this process, it is better to stop it at home. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. Neglect. Not all dog lovers like being jumped on and slobbered on, let alone others. Most people prefer to limit affection to stroking and hugging.
  2. Hygiene. After a walk in rainy weather, your dog's paws can get your clothes very dirty. Such a prospect will not please random passers-by at all, or even the owner himself.
  3. High risk of injury. A large pet can easily knock down not only a child, but also an adult. In an unsuccessful fall, the victim can receive quite serious injuries.

Please note that not only those around you can suffer, but also the dog himself. With his jump, he can very much scare a stranger, provoking a response in the form of a blow.

Recommendations that will really work when a dog jumps on its owner

Training Your Puppy to Jump
Below are some more helpful tips. Here are recommendations that will really work when a dog jumps on its owner:

  • The ideal option is to teach your puppy all the basics.
  • Carry out your training in a gentle manner.
  • As for adult dogs, the basis of interaction is similar. The only thing you need to remember is that it will take time and patience for the dog to understand the owner’s friendly attitude.
  • The key to effective training: treats, praise and games.

Below are even more tips for different life situations. Read on.

Gentle training methods

If a puppy suffers from such intolerable behavior, then it is best to start with the gentlest and most loyal methods.

The first way is to limit activity

First, you should try to show the puppy how to behave correctly. To do this, after the puppy comes running to meet the owner at the threshold, you need to get ahead of the animal and press it with your knees, preventing it from jumping.

In this case, you need to show sympathy for your pet and praise him, but hold back his attempts to jump until the dog calms down. After this, you should squat down and pay attention to the dog, greeting him in your own way.

The second way is to ignore

The second method is no less effective. Its essence is to ignore the expression of the dog's emotions as they are and show him more correct behavior. Initially, every time the puppy tries to jump on the owner, showing his joy and attention, it is necessary to turn away from him.

If a dog jumps on its owner, ignore the behavior until it stops, then praise the dog.

The dog, not seeing the face of the object of his adoration, will repeat attempts to express his love to him, again looking into the face. The owner’s task is to turn his back on the pet again and again. You need to do this until the jumping stops, and then give the dog attention in a way that is acceptable.

Important: it is recommended to start training puppies with these methods; they are more susceptible to influence than older dogs.

How to stop a dog from jumping on a sofa or bed: tips

It is necessary to wean the dog from jumping on the sofa or bed.
The first advice that all experts give is: do not accustom the dog to the bed. Many problems are easier to prevent than to fix. So, how to stop a dog from jumping on the sofa or bed?

  • Right from the first days in the house, the dog should be accustomed to its own bed. If the pet has its own personal space, then there will be no desire to climb into the owner’s space.

This is the most effective advice. What to do if the dog still jumps? Here are more ways and tips:

Buy or sew the perfect bed from quality materials:

  • It must match the size of the dog.
  • Place your household item in it. After all, jumping on a bed or sofa often means your pet is bored. Dogs want to smell the scent of their loved one.
  • Therefore, the ideal option to prevent this would be the owner’s thing in the four-legged bed.

If the dog is preparing to jump under the supervision of the owner, then he can be distracted with his favorite toy or treat:

  • Just don't overdo it.
  • After all, the animal can remember a positive reaction and will repeat attempts to get a treat.

Prohibiting command “No!”:

  • Whenever you try to jump out, make a prohibition, and when it is completed, reinforce the result with a treat.

Restrict access to bed:

  • The most radical way.
  • If the dog does not see the bed for a long time, then the desire to jump on it disappears.
  • There is only one nuance here: you need to close the door and not succumb to provocations from the pet (whining, grinding at the door).
  • If there is a response, the “quest” is lost. The dog will understand that a lot can be achieved with manipulation.

Cause unpleasant associations with the bed:

  • An alternative option to the previous paragraph.
  • To do this, you just need to cover the pastel with rustling elements.
  • After several attempts and discomfort, the pet will stop jumping on the owner's bed.

Naturally, repeated repetition is required for the four-legged friend to better remember the described methods.

When all else fails: tough methods of fighting the habit

If training began in puppyhood, you can wean the puppy from jumping on its owner quickly and without any special consequences. But if, due to the owner’s busyness, the moment was missed or the dog appeared in the house as an adult, the behavior can be corrected using more severe methods. They will be as effective as possible and will not harm the pet.

The main rule that you need to remember when retraining a dog: it rushes at its owner not with malicious intent, but expresses its positive emotions. Therefore, punishing a four-legged animal for showing love would be stupid and cruel. For everything to work out, you should forget about irritation and be patient and persistent.

Remember: the main feeling that prompts a dog to jump on its owner is love for him.

Physical Methods for Adolescent Dogs

A six-month-old puppy should already know the basic commands “sit” and “place,” so the owner will no longer have to sit on the floor: just say the command and gesture to order the teenager to sit. If the use of commands does not produce the desired effect, you can use methods with influence.

A six-month-old puppy should already know the basic commands “sit” and “place”

You can read how to teach basic commands to a puppy here.

This may be necessary because the older puppy becomes not only heavier, but also stronger. He easily climbs into his arms, and during a jump he can accidentally hit his owner on the head with his paw and scratch him with his stronger claws. At about 8-9 months, the dog begins to show leadership qualities and tries to assert itself through its behavior, which requires more decisive methods on the part of the owner.

So, effective measures with physical impact:

  1. The "place" command. Without waiting for the animal to decide to jump, the owner says the command “place” and takes him to the mat, holding him by the collar. If the pet returns to the owner, the procedure is repeated. If the puppy remains in his place while the owner undresses and unpacks grocery bags, you should approach him and praise him.
  2. Spray. A spray bottle or water pistol, previously prepared in the hallway, works similarly to stopping gestures. When trying to jump, the owner sprays the dog with a stream of water, which is not particularly pleasant for the animal. In addition, you can add aromatic oil or lemon juice to the liquid, but in this situation, aiming at the face is prohibited. Excessive concentrations of substances can spoil the dog’s keen sense of smell or damage the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.
  3. Ear tingling and nose clicking. Many owners of teenage dogs recommend pinching their dogs ears if they start jumping, or lightly flicking the bridge of the nose. It is important to remember that the owner’s actions should cause minor discomfort to the pet, and not severe pain.
  4. "Vise." After the dog has placed its paws on the owner, they need to be grabbed and squeezed so that the joints of both paws are pressed together. You should squeeze your paws firmly, but do not injure them. If the jumps are repeated, the pressure increases. However, physical pain is the last solution, which should be resorted to only if other options do not work.

If the owner enters the apartment with a child, he should immediately hide him behind his back. Dogs indiscriminately rush at any close person, not paying attention to his height, and can knock down or scratch the baby.

The nose is one of the most sensitive places on a dog's body.

As a rule, the final consolidation of commands occurs between six months and 8 months. At this time, the dog is full of energy, rushes to explore the whole world around and tries to find the owner’s weak points. The puppy may not obey, so the training process will be difficult. However, if the owner is persistent and patient, both parties will be able to calmly survive this period and remain good friends.

Important! A puppy that has become accustomed to not jumping on its owner usually stops jumping on strangers. But if the upbringing has not yet been completed, you should inform your friends who come to visit. Let them copy the behavior of the owner and do not encourage the dog to jump.

Raising an adult dog: tough methods

It also happens that all of the above methods do not help to cope with the unacceptable habit of a four-legged animal. In this case, it is worth using more stringent methods. But first, you need to slow down the training and find out why nothing is working: perhaps the pet does not understand what is being asked of it, or contact has not been established between the owner and the dog.

You should draw conclusions and remember:

  • whether the owner offended his dog;
  • does he pay enough attention to the pet;
  • whether the training was consistent and correct.

If the owner shows his irritation to the dog when it jumps on him, the effect will be completely opposite: the pet will strive to make amends and will begin to jump on the owner even more intensely.

The animal will respond to an evil owner in the same way.

Harsh parenting methods, which are described below, can only be used in extreme cases. Be sure to conduct them on a positive note and at the end praise and pet the dog so that training does not cause psychological trauma.

Table 2. Strict methods of dealing with an adult dog jumping on its owner.

JerkConducted with the participation of an assistant. The dog is put on a collar with spikes or an electric shock, to which a leash is attached. The assistant stands in a dark corner at the moment when the owner must enter the apartment, and holds the leash in his hand. When a dog lunges at its owner, the leash jerks sharply to the side with each attempt. At the same time, the owner behaves as usual - pets the dog and greets it.
Proof of LeadershipIf the reason for jumping on the owner is the dog’s need to prove the position of the dominant male, you need to take him by the withers and press him to the floor. Once the animal has completely calmed down, you can release it. The procedure is repeated as necessary.
Step on a pawDuring the jump, the owner carefully steps on the paw with his foot. The main thing in this method is to calculate the force so as not to injure the pet. The discomfort that such jumping causes the dog will quickly force him to return to his place and stop actively expressing his feelings.
Isolation from communicationIt happens that a dog stops jumping on its owner, but does not stop jumping on its guests. In this case, isolating the dog from people while receiving guests or using a strict leash will help.
Physical barrierWhen the owner notices that the dog intends to rush onto his chest, he bends his leg at the knee and blocks the animal’s path. The dog hits his knee. After colliding with an obstacle, the dog can repeat his attempt several more times, but soon he will get tired of it. You can also lightly hit your dog under the knee.
Obstacle for a small dogIf a blow to the owner's leg does not cause severe pain to a representative of a large breed, it can injure a small dog. In this case, you can use your hand as an obstacle. A blow to the owner’s open palm will also be perceived as a negative reaction, but not so painful.

As for the method with a physical barrier in the form of a knee, you need to be especially careful when performing it. You should not pretend that you are doing something at this moment. The owner should have a smile on his face and greet the dog affectionately verbally. In a dog, the appearance of pain should not be associated with the owner.

If the dog nevertheless understands that the owner is the source of the discomfort caused, he may be very offended. After all, the pet tried to show sincere feelings, rejoiced at its beloved owner, and in response he was hit. It will be difficult for a dog to forgive a person for such behavior.

Four-legged dog in a strict studded training collar

A dog jumps on a car and scratches: how to stop jumping on a car or under a car?

A dog jumps on a car and scratches
Why dogs react to vehicles, even professional zoologists and dog handlers cannot answer. Why does a dog jump on a car and scratch? There are several versions:

  • The dog sees a moving “living object” in the metal and the hunting instinct is triggered
  • Lots of loud noises are annoying
  • I don't like spinning wheels

In any case, the pet should be monitored. How to stop your pet from jumping on or under a car? Here are some tips:

  • Training in this case is no different from solving other similar problems.
  • Keep on a leash
  • When trying to jump: prohibiting command
  • Calling command
  • Positive feedback: praise and treats

After this you need to move on to another stage. There is no need to remove the leash right away. You can use tape instead. The actions are similar to those described above in the text. And only then practice free walks without control.

What not to do

You may have heard of methods for training a dog not to jump with this call for some form of punishment. For example, using a leash correction—pulling or yanking on the leash—to get your dog off of you.

This method has several problems:

  • If you correct your dog with the leash too harshly or incorrectly, you can seriously injure your dog.
  • Your dog can only learn not to jump when he is on a leash. Since most dogs are not on a leash 24/7, chances are your dog will have plenty of opportunities to jump off when off leash.

How to stop a dog from jumping on the table: tips

The dog jumps on the table.
The reasons may be an unbalanced diet, as a result - constant hunger. This behavior of the pet can also result from mistakes made by the owner’s family members in their behavior towards him. How to stop a dog from jumping on the table? Training in this case will be long.

Basic rules and tips:

  1. It is forbidden to encourage. Any begging should be ignored.
  2. You should not give your pet anything during breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  3. While eating, do not look at your pet or interact with them.
  4. When trying to climb onto a table, you need the command “Place!” .

It is also important to properly balance your four-legged friend’s diet. And after your meal, remove all food from the table so that there are no temptations. Reward your pet's correct behavior with praise and treats.

How to get rid of a bad habit

Small dogs are more energetic, fussy and sociable, and vigorously express their joy at meeting their owner. It is easier to teach a Doberman or a shepherd to sit quietly in place or express feelings by wagging its tail, but with lapdogs, Jack Russell terriers, Yorkies, and pugs, everything is much more complicated.

Small pets are just as smart, but they have less natural restraint; small dogs vigorously express their feelings, trying to show the owner how important he is to them. There are also “aristocrats”, “noble” dogs who consider themselves leaders in the pack (family), who do not seek to suck up to the owner, but such varieties are in the minority.

Important! The owner will have to show maximum patience and perseverance, strictly follow the rules, otherwise the result will not be achieved. If one time the owner forgets that he needs to be restrained, smiles, and another time scolds him for jumping to his feet, then the animal becomes even more confused and does not understand how to behave.

Command training

Important details:

  • The dog must clearly know the “Sit” command. Until you understand that you need to freeze and immediately sit on your paws, you should not begin the next stage of weaning yourself from a bad habit;
  • as soon as the pet tries to jump on the owner when meeting, you need to strictly command “Sit” so that the dog stops;
  • It is important to speak in a calm, stern voice and not smile. You cannot shout or humiliate the dog;
  • If the pet complies with the command, you need to approach, stroke, and lovingly greet the animal. Dog handlers advise kneeling down so that the animal can lick its face as a sign of respect. Be sure to praise the pet for following the command, calmly go into the room, and communicate with the animal;
  • Every time you meet the dog and wants to jump, you need to repeat the “Sit” command. Over time, the animal will understand that there are other ways to express devotion.

Education methods

The pet must understand: the owner in the “pack” is the boss, he must obey. There is no need to be nervous and angry, you will have to be patient.

Proven method:

  • every time the dog wants to jump on the owner’s feet upon meeting, you need to put your knee forward so that the animal bumps into it;
  • Don’t smile, otherwise your pet will think it’s a game;
  • Every time a dog tries to jump, the first thing the dog should see is the knee. Gradually, the pet will understand that you need to show joy in a different way, and not by jumping on your feet and damaging things.

Another effective method:

  • dog handlers advise ignoring the dog when the pet tries to jump on the owner;
  • you just need to turn to the side, show with all your appearance: you won’t get attention that way. The animal will try to look into the face, but while the dog is jumping, you cannot show joy, praise the dog, smile, or look at the animal;
  • when the jumping stops, you need to turn to your pet, praise him for good behavior, cuddle him, and express the joy of meeting him in a convenient way;
  • Next time you need to repeat the steps if the dog jumps to its feet again. After a while, the animal will understand that the owner does not like this behavior and will greet the owner more calmly.

Third way:

  • when the dog sits on his paws in the hallway and tries to jump, you need to immediately press the puppy to your knees, not allowing him to attack his legs in joy;
  • you need to pet your pet, but jumping is prohibited;
  • Every time you meet, it is important to speak in a calm voice, not to rejoice too much, so as not to provoke a response. The dog must know: the owner first takes off his shoes and outerwear, only after these actions can he communicate and express his love;
  • The sooner you start training and raising small breed dogs, the higher the chance of success.

Look at the description of the Prague Rat dog breed, and also learn about keeping and raising the animal.

Read about how to make a dog bed with your own hands and what material is best to choose for your pet’s sleeping place at this address.

How to stop a dog from jumping on a door: tips

The dog jumps on the door
Many dogs jump on the door if someone rings or knocks. This is unpleasant and intimidating for guests who are standing on the other side of the entrance. How to stop a dog from jumping on a door? Here's a tip:

  • There is a special sound device - alarm.
  • As soon as the dog jumps on the door, you need to turn it on.
  • Because a sharp sound signal deafens and disorients the dog.
  • Therefore, after several repetitions, the pet will wean itself from jumping on the door.

Alternative: make some kind of trap to prevent jumping and grinding.

A little about animal psychology

The first thing you need to understand is that this is completely normal behavior for dogs. Why exactly the dog does this depends on his age. Animals jumping up is a way to greet each other, communicate, and there is also an application for leadership.

The habit is formed from puppyhood. This is how wild puppies and wolf cubs greet their mother when she returns from hunting. They put their paws on it and lick its lips, trying to make it burp the food it brought them. In puppies that grow up with people, their instincts never go away. They do exactly the same thing, and since people are taller, they have to jump more actively to their faces.

Later, when the puppy grows up, the meaning of jumping changes . Watch two dogs meet: the dominant animal jumps on the second, forcing him to submit.

This is the same instinct as with biting: at first the puppies playfully bite each other, but gradually the nature of their games changes, and they begin to find out who is more important . If the owner does not understand that by placing his paws on him, the animal is demonstrating its superiority, then the habit will become fixed.

The same thing happens with guests and strangers. The free entrance to the home, according to the animal, should be protected by the strongest member in the pack, the same thing with hunting grounds.

Take a closer look : if your dog runs towards guests, jumping on them, and on the street he does not rush at everyone, but as if looking for a threat, this is bad. This means that you will have to restore the correct hierarchy, explaining to your pet that you are still the master of the house.

How to stop a dog from jumping on other dogs?

A dog jumps on other dogs.
The same rules apply here as with people. How to stop a dog from jumping on other dogs? The above text described training methods when a pet jumps on people. But in this case it is better to use a combination of several methods.

The pet must also communicate with other dogs. Don't forbid him to do this. After all, this is how he can socialize in the animal world.

Teach your dog to sit

If you teach your dog to sit, then the problem of jumping will basically go away, since the animal will follow your command when you and guests arrive. However, all dogs have different personalities and some may require additional training.

When guests arrive, have your dog sit. While she's sitting, ask your friend to say hello to her. If your dog gets up, ask your friend to turn around and ignore the dog. Have your dog sit again and repeat the procedure until he sits throughout the entire greeting.

Photo: depositphotos

Oleg Kozlovsky

Copywriter, illustrator and freelance photographer, engaged in tourism, fishing and hunting, traveling around the world and Russia, fishing and hunting.

How to stop a dog from jumping over a fence?

A dog jumps over a fence.
The motivation is quite simple: curiosity. Something behind the fence is of interest. And no additional innovation will help here: the height of the fence, barbed wire. Dogs operate on the principle: I see the goal - there are no obstacles. How to stop a dog from jumping over a fence?

In this case, first of all, you should take care of the safety of your beloved creature:

  • Implanting a chip is not a very reliable method, since many clinics do not have the technical equipment to read information from such devices.
  • Be sure to wear a luminous collar and an address card with a GPS tracker.

Only the owner can wean him off with the help of a prohibiting command and distraction with games when trying to escape. However, in the absence of the owner, the pet will want to resume its antics. For such cases, special traps should be installed.

In extreme cases, reconstruction will have to be done:

  • Remove all available materials
  • Remove visible irritants from the dog’s view
  • Place a solid fence with a canopy inside the yard
  • At the top, instead of barbed wire, make an electric edge. A weak charge will not harm the animal, but will prevent it from escaping.

The reasons for jumping can be varied. In any case, regardless of the breed, training and behavior correction of a four-legged pet should begin in puppyhood. Older dogs require greater moral and financial costs, and the result is not achieved immediately and not always. Good luck!

Psychological conflict

A person sometimes forgets that a dog thinks differently from him. She sits at home all day, eagerly waiting for her beloved owner. And if he appears on the doorstep of the apartment at approximately the same time, biochemical processes begin in the dog’s body, as a result of which hormones responsible for the feeling of delight and happiness are released.

The dog sits at home all day, eagerly waiting for his beloved owner

This theory was developed by a Polish psychologist who experimented with experimental dogs. The scientist served food to the animals' bowls once every 10 minutes, turning on a bright light before doing so. It was possible to reveal that after some time, salivation in dogs begins to intensify before food is served, even without flashes of light. The psychologist said that a constant reaction to pleasant stimuli causes the animals' bodies to hallucinate.

And at the moment when the dog is morally and biochemically determined to meet its owner, instead of the long-awaited pleasant communication, it receives a scream, a blow or a slap. This causes an internal psychological conflict: the dog is simply not able to understand why the owner behaves this way. You can extinguish this nuisance with affection after the animal has performed the action correctly.

A beloved owner awakens the same happiness hormones in a dog’s body as a bowl of delicious food

Show who's boss

Dogs have a herd instinct, and as you know, every pack has a leader. So, for your pet, you should become the leader. If gentle pressure does not have the desired effect, you must demonstrate your authority to the dog. When the dog tries to jump on you, lean towards him, grab him by the withers and press him to the floor. This should be done so that the dog feels pressure, but in no case pain. Even if the animal resists, you should not release it immediately.

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