How to breed a Chihuahua: choosing a pair, preparing the dog and basic rules step by step

Due to their small size, breeding Chihuahuas can be challenging.

Most problems can be solved if you approach the issue of obtaining offspring as responsibly as possible.

But some difficulties cannot be avoided.

Therefore, people who decide to start breeding Chihuahuas need to be prepared for them.

What should a future breeder know and what will he have to face when he decides to get offspring from his miniature beauty?

Let's find out about everything in detail.

At what age can you knit?

It is recommended to untie a Chihuahua girl no earlier than one and a half years old.

Experts recommend breeding a female dog of this breed for the first time during her third heat.

A male dog can be untied no earlier than a year, but it is better, again, to postpone the first mating for a male Chihuahua until the age of 1.5 years, when the young dog’s hormonal levels have already stabilized.

You should absolutely not breed mini or, especially, micro bitches.

How to understand that your pet is ready

Signs that a bitch is ready for mating are an increase in the size of the loop and its softening, as well as how the dog behaves towards males.

If she snaps at them and drives them away, then this is a sign that the dog is not yet ready for mating . If he allows them to get closer and flirts with them, then this is one of the signs that the Chihuahua can already be bred.

Also, on a day favorable for mating, the color of the discharge changes from reddish to yellowish-pink.

How to choose a pair?

In order to choose a suitable partner for your bitch, you need to follow these rules::

  • The male must be good both in appearance and character.
  • Dogs should not be close relatives, as inbreeding can negatively affect the health and quality of future offspring.
  • The male must, at a minimum, have permission to breed.
  • It is not advisable to breed a Chihuahua girl with a partner who is much larger than her in size. Mating with a large-headed male is also not the best option, as this can lead to problems during childbirth.
  • The partner must be healthy and have all the necessary vaccinations.

In order to avoid the possibility of puppies being born with non-standard coat lengths, it is better not to breed short-haired dogs with long-haired ones.

If you have a boy

Of course, males will not bring as many problems to their owners as females. But there are some nuances here too.

Male Chihuahuas can only be bred after one year. Early mating can lead to uncontrollability of the boy's sexual desire. In this case, his behavior will become too excitable, which will cause huge problems when raising and training the dog.

Mating after a year will not affect the dog’s obedience - he will not run after the bitch during every surge of hormones. Patience in waiting and a mature appearance are the main symptoms of a competently knitted dog.

The first mating occurs for a male dog a year, during which he must learn all the necessary actions. It is advisable that this happens with an experienced partner.

It can be knitted a second time after four months. Afterwards, the male is treated no more than once a month, so that he does not become exhausted and can reproduce healthy offspring. A male dog can remain sexually active for up to ten years, and some individuals even more.

Preparing the dog

It is almost the same for representatives of different sexes. Both the dog and the bitch need to be wormed and vaccinated in a timely manner.

About two weeks before mating, it is necessary to increase the amount of foods containing calcium and vitamins in the girl’s diet .

At the same time, it is recommended for a male dog to increase the amount of protein foods in his diet within reasonable limits.


If dogs have problems associated with excess weight, then they need to be put on a diet.

You should not breed a female Chihuahua weighing less than 2 kg, as in this case the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth significantly increases.

From the history of the breed

The first mentions of the breed go back thousands of years. There are a great many hypotheses about the origin of the breed and the mysteries associated with it. The origin of this tiny creature is shrouded in an incredible number of legends - right up to its alien homeland.

Small figurines, rock and other images of a small dog similar to a modern Chihuahua, mummified bodies of a miniature dog, are found during excavations of ancient structures throughout Mexico. The dog was kept as a sacred animal in the houses of the nobility and priesthood of the Mayan, Aztec, and Toltec tribes. The name of the small pet was Techichi. With the arrival of the conquistadors and the fall of ancient civilizations, the little Techichi were forced to flee, to hide from humans. The wildest situation - the Spaniards enjoyed feasting on tender dog meat.

Since then, the dogs have gone into the forests and avoided human contact. However, almost three centuries later, European tourists visiting Mexico began to bring home tiny large-headed dogs purchased from the local population. This is how Chihuahuas came to Europe.

Basic rules step by step

  • It is better to prescribe mating in the morning, as it is carried out on an empty stomach. If this is not possible for any reason, then dogs should not be fed for 3-4 hours.
  • Immediately before mating, partners need to be taken for a walk.
  • It is recommended to carry out this procedure itself indoors, and the floor in the room should be covered with thick fabric in order to prevent dogs from sliding on parquet or laminate.
  • Before mating, it is better to wrap the bitch’s face with a bandage so that she cannot bite her partner.
  • The dogs are allowed into the room and given the opportunity to sniff each other and play a little.
  • If everything goes as it should, then at some point the bitch will stop and move her tail to the side, giving the male the opportunity to mount.
  • At this time, it is necessary to hold the girl with one hand under the collar, and with the other under her stomach, not allowing her to wriggle out.
  • As soon as the male manages to get into the loop, he begins to move his hind legs, as if dancing. At this time, the bitch may begin to squeal and try to escape, so you need to hold her tightly enough.
  • As soon as ejaculation occurs, a so-called “lock” is formed, which can last from a few minutes to an hour or even longer. All this time it is necessary to keep the bitch in place. As a rule, all this time the dogs stand either with their backs turned to each other, or standing in a “corner” position.
  • After the partners separate on their own, you need to give them something to drink and give them time to recover. At this time, the male may again show interest in the bitch, but one mating after another should not be allowed, as this is pointless. It is better to carry out a control mating after 1-2 days in order to have an additional opportunity to do everything as needed if the first time something went wrong and fertilization did not occur.

While the dogs are in the “lock”, you cannot pull them apart, spill water on them, or try to separate them in any other way..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Only healthy and mature dogs that are approved for breeding are allowed to be mated. At the same time, the weight of the bitch should not be less than two kilograms, as otherwise there may be problems during pregnancy and childbirth. During mating it should be quiet and calm: it is unacceptable to distract or, especially, frighten the dogs; it is also undesirable for many people to be present at the mating: the owner of the bitch, the owner of the dog and the instructor are enough. Regardless of whether the mating was successful or not, it is recommended to carry out a control mating after 24-48 hours.”

Best time

The day of convergence is an important event in the life of a person’s true friends, especially when it comes to the first procedure. icon-arrow-right
According to the regulations of the Russian Cynological Federation, at the age of at least fifteen months you can breed a Chihuahua. But breeders with many years of experience are inclined to a different opinion: two years is the optimal age for the first birth. Also note that dogs should not be groomed more than once during the year. Bitches can be bred up to eight years of age, but for cables the mating age is not limited, the main thing is that it is healthy.

Speaking about the size of bitches, it should be noted that representatives who weigh less than two kilograms mate on their own without any problems.

But if the dog weighs less, then there is a high probability of developing complications during pregnancy, which can result in a caesarean section.

Therefore, if you hear that a miniature dog weighing just over a kilogram gave birth on her own, know that she is incredibly lucky.


The next important question is how to determine the day. The most correct day to choose is nine to fourteen days after the start of estrus. However, this day is not universal for everyone.

Each dog has individual characteristics. Therefore, it is very important for each individual to determine which day is best for mating. It is also better to refuse control information after a few days; this can only harm the health of the expectant mother.

How to tell if your dog is pregnant

In the first month, you can only guess whether the bitch has conceived or not. After the thirtieth day, the first signs of pregnancy appear: the dog’s mammary glands swell and the volume of the abdomen increases.


The most reliable sign that a dog is pregnant is the movement of the puppies, which can be felt by placing your hand on the pet’s belly about a couple of weeks before giving birth.

You can also determine pregnancy using an ultrasound or a special test that is performed at a veterinary clinic..

Problems common when mating Chihuahuas

As a rule, any problem can be identified in advance and solutions can be found. To do this, do not neglect a visit to the veterinary clinic and examination by a veterinarian. Some of the common problems that owners face include:

  1. Chihuahuas are aggressive against each other. A male or female does not always accept a partner.
  2. Incorrect timing for mating.
  3. Physical pain in one of the dogs.
  4. Deviations in the development of the genital organs or in the functioning of the reproductive system of the Chihuahua.

How does pregnancy go and how long does it last?

Information can be found on the Internet, presented in the table:

  • 1-4 days. Fertilization occurs, but no changes in the physical condition of the pet have yet been observed.
  • 5-15 days. Embryos begin to develop. At this time, vaccinations and treatment against external or internal parasites are prohibited. The dog must be protected from stress and sudden changes in diet or living conditions, for example, you should not take the Chihuahua to the country house or start renovations in the house.
  • 16-22 days. The dog may experience nausea, lethargy, apathy, and changes in appetite. Also at this time, transparent discharge may be observed. At this time, you need to add one feeding, but at the same time reduce the portion.
  • 23-25 ​​days. The size of future puppies reaches approximately one and a half centimeters.
  • Day 26 It is necessary to limit the dog's activity. From this time on, running, jumping and too active games are contraindicated for the bitch.
  • 27-29 days. Embryos grow to 1.7 cm.
  • 30-34 days. The size of the fruit increases to 2-2.7 cm. The dog feels better, becomes calmer, and its belly begins to increase in size.
  • Day 35 Around this time, a pregnant Chihuahua develops a “brutal” appetite. Her diet should contain a lot of protein foods, but the dog should not be overfed.
  • Day 36 The size of the future offspring already reaches 3.5 cm.
  • 37-40 days. Puppies grow at an incredible speed and by the fortieth day their size is already 6.5 cm.
  • 41-44 days. By this time, the uterus with puppies occupies 2/3 of the volume of the bitch’s abdomen. The dog needs to be fed 5 times a day, dividing the daily diet into small portions. From now on, any physical exercise is prohibited.
  • 45-47 days. The size of the puppies is approximately 9 cm.
  • 48-49 days. The abdomen is very enlarged, the dog begins to look for a place for a den. It's time to start accustoming her to the birthing box.
  • Day 50 From this time on, the puppies' movements become visible. By this day, the bitch’s diet should be increased by one and a half times and amount to 150% of the usual norm. In this case, the increase should occur due to protein products.
  • 51-56 days. The abdomen is still enlarged, and colostrum appears. At this time, the bitch rests most of the time.
  • 57-72 days. These days the Chihuahua experiences physiological labor. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare everything you need in advance and be ready at any moment to provide assistance to your pet or her puppies at home.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to give the dog vitamin and mineral supplements for pregnant bitches..

You can start doing this as early as two weeks before mating.

Animal behavior

Two weeks after mating, the bitch’s behavior may change: she becomes lethargic and apathetic, and tries to spend more time in the company of her owner.

Subsequently, when her health improves, the Chihuahua again becomes active and mobile.

But as the volume of her belly increases, she becomes calmer and less active, and by the end of pregnancy she spends most of her time on the bed (shown in the photo).

Just before giving birth, the bitch begins to worry, run around the rooms and look for a place for the future den. At this time, she may begin to dig through the litter in order to build a “nest.”

How does childbirth go?

Before the birth process begins, body temperature drops to 36 degrees. The visible movements of the puppies stop, they seem to freeze.

The bitch develops slight muscle tremors and increased breathing.

As the contractions become more frequent and stronger, the cervix dilates, and eventually, pushing begins, which expels the first amniotic sac with the puppy inside. The bubble either bursts on its own or the bitch breaks it.

If the dog has strong attempts and there is no weakening of labor, then there should be no problems with the birth of puppies: they will be born on their own without any help.

If 3 hours or more have passed since the start of pushing, and the puppy has not yet been born, this is a sign that you need to call the veterinarian.

As soon as the puppy is born, the dog bites the umbilical cord and licks it, thereby stimulating respiratory activity.

A few minutes after the puppy is born, an afterbirth is released, which the bitch will intuitively strive to eat, but the dog should not be allowed to eat more than one afterbirth, as this can cause protein intoxication.

How many puppies are there usually in a litter?

Typically, Chihuahuas have 1-5 puppies per litter .

This depends both on the dog’s heredity and on the conditions of its feeding, maintenance and state of health.

Choosing a partner

When choosing a mate for your dog, you need to know the following:

  • what vaccinations your partner has had, for this it is better to ask for a veterinary passport;
  • pet's health status;
  • the female should not be much smaller than the male, otherwise he may injure her;
  • dogs should not be closely related.

In addition, it is desirable that the dogs are approximately the same age. The number of previous matings in both dogs does not affect the choice of partner.

What to feed after childbirth

Immediately after giving birth, it is best to give the dog warm milk, if she tolerates it well, or warm low-fat broth.

To prevent eclampsia, it is recommended to exclude meat from natural diet for at least a week .

False pregnancy - what is it and what to do

This pathological condition develops due to hormonal imbalance and mental disorders. The main causes of false pregnancy are hormonal imbalances, inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, and irregular matings.

A false pregnancy develops after about two months . In this case, symptoms such as anxiety, loss of appetite, apathy, enlarged nipples and the appearance of milk may be observed.

Some dogs may even experience an increase in abdominal volume and begin false labor at home, during which painful contractions of the uterine muscles occur.

If the dog’s condition is relatively normal and it tolerates a false pregnancy well, then the pet will not require any drug treatment.

It will be necessary to completely eliminate dairy products from her diet until the dog’s condition returns to normal. It is also useful to distract your pet with games and more frequent walks.

If milk stagnation begins or serious changes in behavior occur, then you need to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe hormonal and sedative medications to relieve the symptoms of false pregnancy.

Why is there no heat

For a female Chihuahua, estrus is an indicator of the health of the body. In girls from 4 to 7 years old, there is indeed stability in the duration and change of cycles, but the gap between them does not necessarily have to be 6 months.

As for young dogs, you should only sound the alarm if the girl is over 18 months old and has not started to come into heat. The psychological state of the Chihuahua, improper feeding, or poor heredity can disrupt the regime.

Suspension of the cycle in an adult dog is not a reason to panic. It is believed that the duration of the resting phases alternates: the long one occurs in the autumn-winter period, and the short one - in the spring-summer period.

Although dogs do not have a complete stop in their reproductive cycles, aging can affect the regularity of the processes. You still need to follow the schedule, but you should only worry about a prolonged resting phase if it lasts more than 12 months.

Important! Sometimes heat does not occur due to the fact that the Chihuahua feels the “hostility” of the environment. If a dog senses danger, sees unsuitable conditions or a tense psychological situation in the family, it itself can postpone the cycle, considering the time inappropriate for the birth of puppies.

But it happens that the absence of estrus is the cause of a hereditary pathology, which will not harm the Chihuahua’s health, but will also prevent it from conceiving and bearing puppies.


  • anostria - complete absence of sexual desire;
  • subacute - imperceptible occurrence of reproductive cycles.
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