Mating dogs: what is mating, how pets reproduce

Anyone who has a dog should know a lot of nuances regarding nutrition, walking, training and caring for the pet. Naturally, you need to inquire about how dogs reproduce, since this is a natural need of the animal. Often it is this stage of a pet’s life that can bring a lot of problems if you don’t know all the nuances. You need to decide right away: mating – what it is, when and how it happens.

Dog mating process

What is breeding or mating of dogs?

The first sign of an approaching dog hunt is a change in behavior. Bitches become anxious, active, and often angry. If the reproductive loop has become somewhat loose and pinkish discharge is observed from it, estrus begins.


When estrus occurs and if you want to get offspring, you need to urgently look for a mate for your pet. Since dogs reproduce only when the hunt begins. The sexual relationship between a bitch and a male is called mating.

There are some restrictions when breeding:

  • For a female, only one mating per year is allowed (exception for especially valuable or endangered breeds);
  • age of first mating 1.5 years and older;
  • excellent health.

When mating some breeds, you can take a psychological test.

Interesting! There are no restrictions on sexual intercourse for males.

On what day of heat should a dog be bred?

If the dog has entered her third heat, then it remains to determine exactly when to breed her. The entire cycle is divided into stages. The most favorable is estrus (sexual hunting). It occurs on days 11-15 of the menstrual cycle. Despite this, experienced breeders recommend not following patterns. Each pet needs an individual approach, as the schedule is constantly shifting.

A special diary will help you find out the favorable date. Fix in it the start and end dates of the cycle. Behavioral changes will also help. During estrus, the bitch becomes more loyal to males and takes a characteristic mating position when pressing on the tailbone.

Physiological changes also appear, indicating readiness for fertilization:

  • bleeding becomes a soft pink color or stops temporarily;
  • the loop becomes very soft and increases in size to its maximum.

With a male everything is much simpler. He is ready for fertilization at any time of the year.

How do dogs mate?

In dogs, mating begins with introductions. They sniff each other. If sympathy arises, the female takes a position convenient for mating. The male throws his front paws onto his girlfriend’s back and looks for an opportunity to get into his partner’s vagina. By this point, the size of his penis increases at least fourfold. The head is especially enlarged.

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With the penetration of the male's sexual organ into the female's vulva, the process of copulation begins. Within a minute, the male ejects seed with energetic movements. Then he rests without getting off the female for 4-5 minutes.

Need to know ! The female does not like her partner's rest period. She tries in every possible way to throw him off. At this time, you should calm her down and support her.

The entire fertilization process is divided into three parts. First preparatory. At this stage, the male secretes lubricant to facilitate penetration. The second stage is the ejaculation itself. The process is completed by mating with the release of a secret designed to ensure the effectiveness of sexual intercourse. There is no need to interfere with the gluing process. This stage is very important for successful fertilization. It would be better to help the bitch maintain her balance so as not to harm herself and her partner.

Important! In a calm, familiar environment, there may not be a castle. Even without him, the mating will be productive.

Cough when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract

As a rule, if a dog chokes or swallows something extra, it copes with the situation on its own by coughing up. At such a moment, the cough begins suddenly, sharply, accompanied by corresponding movements of the neck and head, and a characteristic posture.

There may be another situation: the animal choked on a sharp bone, an object that, due to its shape or size, got caught in the mucous membrane. Then the following symptoms may appear:

  • cough in fits and starts, prolonged, debilitating;
  • during the cough reflex, the pet tries to push the foreign body out of the throat;
  • wheezing;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • foam from nostrils;
  • cough with blood, foam;
  • refusal to drink and eat.

You cannot hope that the dog will cope on its own. Trying to pull out (or even see) what got into her throat is almost impossible without special tools. The animal needs to be taken to the clinic urgently. Delay threatens the development of emphysema, inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs, pleura and other complications.

Optimal period

There is no specific fertile period for bitches of all breeds. If we take the average indicators, then this is 11-12 days from the start of bleeding. The owner should be more attentive to the behavior of the pet so as not to make mistakes in the calculations, especially during the first mating. In subsequent times, the favorable days will be the same as the first time.

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As a guide, you need to remember that when:

  • in a cycle of 21-23 days, fertilization is possible from 10 to 14 days;
  • cycle of 26-28 days - from 14 to 18 days.

Attention! Regardless of the breed and size of the animal, conception can occur even on the eighth day of the cycle.

What does it mean when a dog is ready for mating?

When mating animal dogs, only the readiness of the female matters. Males are ready all year round and around the clock; very rare dates have a bad effect on the character of the pet.

bitch in heat

The bitch’s attitude towards accepting her partner’s advances can be understood by:

  • clear discharge from the genital opening (vulva);
  • changing the appearance of the loop;
  • the pet’s reaction to touching its back - it bends;
  • pulling the tail to the side if you touch its base.

We must remember ! A dog ready to copulate is absolutely promiscuous. Any stray sexually mature male can become the father of future offspring.

Presser foot work

Training Corgis is a pleasure

Learning requires a treat, sex and a little patience. The step-by-step training instructions are quite simple; the dog will master the command in a few repetitions.

So, a delicacy is clutched in the owner's fist.

The tastier it smells, the sooner it will attract the dog's attention.

The owner sits the dog on the floor opposite him. After this, the pet is offered to sniff the hand with the treat. The animal, for some time, pokes its nose into the fist, tries to pull it out with its teeth; especially choleric pets may begin to whine or howl impatiently. The owner does not pay attention to “antics and jumps”, waiting for the main action. Namely, touching your fist with your paw.

As soon as the dog understands what needs to be done, he touches his hand with his paw, trying to “dig out” the treat, he is immediately praised and given the treat. In order for your pet to understand what is wanted from him, several approaches may be required. Soon it will be ingrained in the dog’s head: in order to give me a treat, I need to touch the owner with my paw.

When the pet has mastered the first stage of receiving a treat, you can move on to the second. Simultaneously with the dog’s paw touching his fist, the owner commands: “Give me your paw.” The dog is immediately praised and given a treat.

Praise needs to be fun and emotional. The dog must understand that the owner is pleased with its actions and want to continue to carry them out. The command - praise is as follows: “yes!”, “super!”, “well done!”, “bravo!”

How to prepare a bitch for breeding

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The process of sexual interaction between dogs is theoretically understandable. This is physiology. And preparing a pet for such an important task is the owner’s task. There are basic rules for preparation:

  • Obtain certificates of absence of diseases (especially sexually transmitted diseases), hereditary ailments, and various infections.
  • Carry out deworming (from fleas, worms, ticks). An infected female often does not carry the pregnancy to term or produces sick puppies.
  • Bath the female a week before mating. The male dog needs to be bathed the day before the date.
  • In shaggy dogs, the hair around the genitals should be trimmed.

Attention! Immediately before mating, you need to hold off on scheduled vaccinations. The acceptable period is 15-20 days before the meeting.

Place of mating

Mating of dogs should always take place in the male's territory. His task is more important, so he must be calm and confident. The meeting place is chosen depending on the size of the animals. Large breeds are found outdoors (enclosure, enclosed yard area), small breeds can be kept at home.


The mating of dogs itself takes place in the morning. It is better to skip breakfast on this day; water should be unlimited. It is recommended to introduce partners a couple of days in advance, that is, take a walk together. Sympathy or lack thereof will be noticeable already on this date.

Need to know ! Long games before mating are undesirable. They can cool down all the ardor of love.

Features of mating dogs of small and large breeds

How do dogs mate? The mating process for dogs begins with introductions. The gentleman gently bites and licks his friend’s face, ears, and withers. Doesn't ignore the genitals. A female ready for mating will enthusiastically accept signs of attention. Then everything will happen in accordance with natural instincts: mounting, ejaculation, mating, unsticking.

Depending on the breed, there are some mating features. For large dogs (shepherd dogs, Great Danes, mastiffs, etc.) this is a threat of injury to the female skeleton under the weight of the male. The owner is recommended to support the female's belly with his knee.

Small dogs are prevented from mating by size discrepancies. Males usually fail to reach their mate’s noose. You can help your pet by placing something under its hind legs.

How to properly take dogs for the first time

To obtain healthy offspring and maintain the health of the female, you should follow certain recommendations when mating. They are like this:

  • You cannot mate dogs younger than 1.5-2 years;
  • for the first mating, a bitch must be mated with an experienced male, a young male with an experienced female;
  • Close relatives cannot be crossed.

Dog Mating Stages

How dogs engage in mating can be described schematically. The process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Acquaintance;
  2. Mounting with the release of lubricant and penetration into the female genital organ;
  3. Mating itself with ejaculation;
  4. Gluing;
  5. Unsticking.

Training without treats

This training method is suitable for older dogs and overly active puppies. In this case, treats are not used for training. You just need to calmly call the animal with the command “Come to me!”, then “Sit”, then take the dog’s paw in your hand, loudly and clearly say “Give me your paw!” The reward in this case is the owner’s praise. After a short break, the exercise must be repeated several times to consolidate it.

It has been proven that without treats, learning takes much longer. Therefore, the owner needs to be patient. But when using this type of training, the chances that the animal will manipulate the owner, begging for a treat and following commands just for this purpose, are significantly reduced.

Important! There is no need to raise the animal's paw too high. It is enough for the paw to be raised at a right angle.

How to help a male dog at the first mating

The first mating for a male dog is very important. If you don’t plan to mate your pet regularly, it’s better not to untie it at all. This way it will be calmer for both the dog and the owner. When deciding to untie a young male dog, you need to follow these rules:

  • carry out all cleaning measures (deworming);
  • redeem in the evening;
  • before the date, feed, walk;
  • wait for a date on your territory;

Help with knitting

  • Don't let them run around the area. To prevent the dog from becoming discouraged, it is better to keep him on a short leash;
  • after mounting, you should help the dog penetrate the bitch’s genitals;
  • encourage prolongation of mating before mating;
  • carefully lower the dog’s paws from the friend’s back so that they can calmly wait for the end of the adhesion;
  • provide rest after sexual intercourse.

Very important! For the first mating, a male dog should choose an adult, calm female.

Why is this command needed?

The ability to give a paw at the owner's request will help the pet subsequently learn other exercises that require the use of the forelimbs. And in general, this simple command disciplines the four-legged dog and forms an obedient and sociable character.

Mastering the command will be useful in everyday life, for example, when caring for claws, washing paws, putting on shoes, and will help strengthen the emotional contact between the owner and the pet.

To consolidate a skill, it must be repeated regularly. This is not difficult to do, since you do not need to go for a walk to carry out the command. Just remember to ask your pet for a paw, and then he will remember it for the rest of his life.

How long does the mating season last for dogs?

The duration of the mating season depends on the characteristics of each animal. The situation and preliminary preparation of the partners are also of no small importance. If everything is done correctly, the duration of sexual intercourse from 10 minutes to 1 hour is within normal limits. If fertilization does not occur the first time, a second attempt should be made a day later. Sometimes an attempt at mating after 2 days gives results. Everything is very individual.

A sure sign of continued hunting is the behavior of the bitch. If she still shows interest in male dogs and experiences the nervousness inherent in bitches in heat, mating is completely justified.

What are the possible difficulties and complications and how to avoid them?

Bringing dogs together is not always possible without complications. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, it is not possible to kill animals effectively. What if this fails? There are such possibilities:

  • resort to the services of a specialist;
  • repeat the ovulation test in the female;
  • find another male;
  • use artificial insemination.

Often it is enough to replace the male dog. Living organisms, after all. Without mutual sympathy, attraction may not work. Or your partner’s sperm quality is poor.

Bonding in dogs, what to do

The lock when mating dogs is a very important stage. It occurs due to strong contraction of the muscles of the female’s vagina and the enlargement of the male’s penis. The mating period provides an additional guarantee of a successful outcome of the event. But without this point, during the mating process, the bitch can also suffer.


When partners stick together, you should not try to force them apart. The process is natural for canines. It will be completed without the participation of outsiders. But you can help animals, that is, carefully hold them, gently calm them down.

Important! After mating, animals need complete rest and peace.

How dogs fall apart

The adhesion of sexual partners is a natural process. It lasts differently. Most often, dogs are tied up for 5-15 minutes, but they can stay for up to an hour. In any case, natural separation occurs only when the dog’s erection stops and the female’s vaginal muscles relax.

Internal bleeding in a dog

There are many causes of internal bleeding in a dog. This may be associated with neoplasms, various infectious diseases, developmental pathologies, mechanical trauma, and so on.

In the context of the mating process, spotting may be associated with the mating process, when mating in dogs occurs with disturbances:

  • You cannot mix a large male with a small female. There is a rupture of the genital tract, right up to the walls of the uterus.
  • Forced interruption of mating. Roughly removing a dog's erect penis can lead to rupture of the genital tract.

Cough prevention

Treatment of cough as an independent syndrome or a sign of a disease requires a lot of physical and time expenditure. Some diseases can be cured in 2-4 weeks, others cannot be completely cured.

It is much easier to prevent coughing by following general recommendations for protecting your dog's health:

Regular inspection

The animal must be periodically examined for the presence of certain signs characterizing health:

  1. Mucous.
  2. Wool.
  3. Condition of the skin.
  4. General activity.
  5. Motor skills of body movements and musculoskeletal limbs.

It is necessary to visit the veterinarian periodically

Attention! If at least one of the parameters is not normal, you should consult a doctor.

Visit to the veterinarian

Regular visits to a specialist are a normal preventative measure for dog owners, since it is sometimes impossible to independently determine the disease.

The minimum time to visit a veterinary clinic is twice a year, the optimal time is once a season.


Most diseases can be avoided by regularly vaccinating your animal. Vaccines will help protect your pet from the following cough diseases:

  1. Parasitic.
  2. Fungal.
  3. Diseases of the central nervous system.

Vaccinations must be carried out regularly

In some cases, vaccination can be carried out at home independently, but the corresponding entry must appear in the dog’s passport.

How to understand that fertilization has occurred

A positive mating result in dogs can only be determined by ultrasound examination. True, you will have to wait about 1.5 months for this. You can donate blood for relaxin.

Pregnant bitch

To prevent the mating from being empty, it is recommended to re-mate the bitch in heat. The meeting is held with the same male, but no later than 1-2 days after the first one. Double mating also makes it possible to increase future offspring if fertilization has taken place for the first time.

Need to know! During one heat, a bitch can be effectively mated several times and even with several males. Therefore, after mating, she should be isolated until the end of the dangerous period.

Independent determination of a pet’s pregnancy is possible by the end of the first month from the date of mating. Signs appear:

  • strong appetite awakens;
  • there is caution in behavior;
  • drowsiness increases;
  • mammary glands become more noticeable;
  • colostrum may be released.

During multiple pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeably rounder. A week before giving birth, there is no longer any doubt. Puppies can be easily palpated. Their movement is quite active.

Training with treats

Teaching a dog to follow a command can be done with the help of the animal’s favorite treat. It is desirable that this be a healthy treat. You can use a small piece of dried meat (it should not be salted or peppered), not a saltine cracker without flavoring.

Next, the owner holds the chosen type of treat tightly in the palm of his hand, calls the animal to him and gives the command “Sit.” After the pet has completed the first two commands, the clasped palm with the treat is brought closer to the “student’s” nose, which will allow the dog to catch the aroma of the treat in the palm.

As soon as the pet shows interest and tries to lick your hand, you need to move the clasped palm a short distance. In order to knock out the treat, the dog will most likely try to touch the clenched palm with its paw. At this moment, the owner’s task is to hold the raised paw, clearly saying the command “Give me your paw!” You need to repeat this trick several times a day.

Every time the dog successfully repeats a command, you need to praise the pet.

It is necessary to repeat the training until the dogs begin to follow the command even without reward in the form of food.

Agreement and act of mating dogs

Documenting dog copulation makes life a lot easier. There are no financial claims - they are written down in the contract before the event. All rights and obligations of the parties are stated there.


The act of mating guarantees the health, including reproductive health, of the mating participants. The document is issued to dog owners, one copy is kept in the club. He is certified by the canine organization. The act notes the planned nature of the mating with a description of the pedigree of the male and female. Then, based on the act, a pedigree document is issued to all puppies in the litter. When they grow up, they will also look for partners and arrange matings.

The dog has been man's friend since ancient times. In their natural environment, dogs mate completely independently and do not require human intervention in the reproduction process. Unfortunately, in our time, bred breeds act as pets. Their immunity is reduced. Already the owner has to accompany all aspects of the pet’s life, including studying the issue of how to breed dogs. Therefore, it will be correct to master it, relying on the experience and knowledge of dog kennel specialists.

Cough caused by the presence of parasites

No less dangerous is a cough as if the dog is choking and cannot clear its throat. What to do with such a symptom is not always clear, because often the cause of such a cough is the existence of worms in the arteries of the heart. This phenomenon is called “dirofilariasis” and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath;
  • fainting;
  • severe hoarse cough;
  • swelling of the animal's limbs.

Home therapy cannot get rid of parasites, so you need to visit a doctor and follow his recommendations.

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