Why do dogs stick together when mating and is it normal?

The physiology of various species is determined by their structure and the natural necessity of certain processes. But that doesn’t stop it from looking funny or strange. And dogs have this feature that often causes confusion and questions when you first encounter it.

Sometimes after sexual intercourse, the dogs do not disperse in different directions, but stick together for a while, turning their sirloins towards each other and spend some time like this. The Internet is filled with funny videos of dogs pressing their butts together, but this is not a natural anomaly, but a completely natural development of events that completes the mating and makes it more likely to conceive healthy, strong puppies.

Many owners do not know about the normality of mating, about the reasons for the phenomenon and are frightened when they see this process with their own eyes for the first time; they try to intervene, often only interfering with the natural course of things and making things worse.

Physiology of dog mating

The dog has accompanied man since the beginning of civilization. Friend, protector, watchman, guide - she has many roles. People pay with gratitude - they feed, treat, care for. Little funny puppies are taken into the house. But 9-12 months pass, and the dog becomes sexually mature, ready to mate and give birth. In girls and small breed dogs, this period comes earlier.

Beautiful dogs

A female in heat does not allow every male dog. First, the animals get to know each other, sniff their partner for 4-5 minutes, and make sure they are ready to reproduce. If they like each other, the bitch takes a position convenient for crossing. The male jumps on her, wraps his paws around her, and searches for the vagina.

The reproductive organ comes out of the skin “sheath”, blood circulation in the penis increases, it increases in size by 3-4 times. The head of the genital organ (bulb) becomes thicker than the penis. The penis penetrates the partner's womb - copulation begins. The girl’s vaginal muscles tense, tightly grip the male’s penis, and “gluing” occurs.

Important! Dog handlers call this “lock” “gluing” (from the word “pincers”). The dogs stuck together - that’s physiology.

Coupling in dogs is successful due to its ability to stick together. The penis does not fall out of the vagina, the dogs continue to mate. When the bulb reaches its maximum size, ejaculation begins and lasts up to a minute.

The male's friction with the hips becomes intense, even rough. This is a crucial moment in fertilization, after which the male leans on the female’s back, relaxes and rests for 5-6 minutes. The partner shows concern, whines - her excitement has not yet subsided. The dog handlers controlling the process hold and calm the “bride” so that she does not lose her lover.


The male throws his legs over the bitch's back, and the dogs remain stuck together with their butts - the dogs are stuck together. At this moment, the couple is left alone, without trying to uncouple.

Process Features

The reproduction of new life is not called a miracle for nothing. Just think, from the waste products of two animals of different sexes, another living creature is obtained. In this case, the offspring inherits the DNA of their parents: appearance, character, abilities, diseases. One of the important components of breeding work is mating.

Any novice breeder should understand all the intricacies of this process. Let's figure out why dogs stick together when mating.

Dogs have accompanied humans for more than 10 thousand years, and every year the number of four-legged animals is only growing. Chaotic reproduction of stray animals is a separate and very complex issue, but we will talk about breeding work - obtaining offspring from dogs that have pedigree and breed value.

A novice breeder must understand that choosing a partner, planning a mating and the process of mating dogs itself are all little details. Berries will begin during gestation and after the puppies are born.

Be prepared to fully surrender to the process, cope with difficulties and dangers. Be prepared to stay awake at night and give all your strength and care to the mother dog and puppies.

If you are not ready for such sacrifices or think that this will not affect you, it is better not to get involved in breeding activities and sterilize your pet for its own good.

The average age at which a dog becomes sexually mature ranges from 9–17 months. However, some large and giant dogs are ready to mate only at 2–3 years of age.

Bitches are traditionally bred at the onset of their third full heat, and males at the age of 1–1.5 years.

The timing may vary, since mating is contraindicated for dogs whose bones or psyche are not fully formed.

Mating is possible only when the bitch is ready. The favorable period usually occurs on the 11th–12th day of estrus. It is advisable that the partners know each other, that is, the meeting at mating was not the first.

The male senses the female’s readiness for mating even before mutual sniffing.

During sniffing, both partners are convinced of their intentions, and the bitch finally decides whether the male is worthy to reproduce with her.

Within 4–5 minutes, if everything goes well, the bitch takes the optimal position for mating, and the male moisturizes the female’s vagina with a special lubricant. Mating will not be successful if the dog’s arousal is low, and this is possible if:

  • The female is not ready to mate or has no obvious scent.
  • The situation seems dangerous to the dogs.
  • The dog has health problems.

The first stage is over, then mating follows. The male's movements become sharper and rougher, he firmly holds the female with his front paws. The male penis quickly increases in size by about 4 times. When erect, the head is larger and wider than the penis itself.

When the penis is in a fully erect state, the female tenses the muscles of the vagina and, as it were, squeezes the male's penis. This ensures that the male's penis will not slip out at the most crucial moment.

This is how the second stage takes place, it is called gluing (from the word pincers).

Dogs stick together during third stage mating. The male ejaculates and lasts about a minute.

The success of mating and multiple pregnancy directly depends on the amount of seminal fluid received for its intended purpose. During ejaculation, the male experiences relaxation, and he hangs on the female.

Usually at this stage, inexperienced breeders become confused and do not know what to do. The only help you can provide is moral support.

Ideally, the dogs themselves should take the mating position - the male throws himself over the bitch and stands with his butt towards her. If this does not happen, the bitch is calmed down, and the dog is helped to take the desired position.

Next, it is better to make sure that the bitch and the dog do not twitch or try to come apart. This stage lasts up to 6–10 minutes and is called the lock.

Dogs do not mate for pleasure; mating has only one purpose - fertilization. The main stage of mating, on which its success depends, is ejaculation. The total volume of semen ranges from 2–3 ml. Such a small amount of seminal fluid contains up to 2,000 sperm.

To speed up the movement of seminal fluid to the eggs, a special secretion begins to be released from the male penis; this process takes 6–10 minutes.

In total, in addition to sperm, about 80 ml of prostate secretions are injected into the female’s vagina.

Locking or gluing is a natural process whose purpose is:

  • Successful fertilization.
  • A guarantee that the female will not be impregnated by another male.

Few people know, but if a female mates several times in a row with different males, her offspring may have different fathers; also, puppies may be born at different stages of term if the female bred for several days in a row. While in the female's vagina, the male's sperm can remain alive and mobile for up to 7 days.

In rare cases, mating does not result in a lock. Statistically, such a mating is considered unsuccessful, although the bitch can become pregnant.

The lock fails if:

  • A young female or male is mating - the reason is inexperience and stress.
  • Partners have pathologies, including the reproductive system.
  • The timing was wrong for mating.

The choice of the optimal time for mating depends on the individuality of the bitch, or more precisely, on her cycle. Mating occurs after the onset of the third heat, so the owner needs to calculate based on the following data:

  • The first two heats lasted 21–23 days, which means you need to breed from the 10th to 14th day of the heat.
  • The first two heats lasted 26–28 days, which means you need to breed from the 14th to 18th day of the heat.

The environment in which mating takes place plays a significant role. It is better that the mating takes place in the dog’s territory and without prying eyes. A bitch, especially a young one, will not allow herself to be impregnated if she feels danger or stress. A young male may give up if there are other males in the territory vying for mating.

The first mating is very stressful. Dog bonding can occur for two reasons - fertilization or fear. If the bitch is afraid, she is held and forced to mate, the lock will occur, but due to a strong spasm. Such mating is accompanied by severe pain, and both the bitch and the dog feel discomfort.

In this case, fertilization does not occur, although the dogs stand in the castle for quite a long time. In addition to unsuccessful mating, such an incident is fraught with fear of animals before subsequent matings.

Refusal to mate is more often observed in bitches who have experienced an unsuccessful first mating.

Dog mating is a whole science, but it can only be learned through experience. If you don't have any experience, it might be worth asking a stud instructor for help (yes, they exist).

If you decide to cope on your own, you should listen to the advice of experienced breeders and dog handlers:

  • Don't rush - don't breed a female under 2.5 years old or a male dog under 1.5 years old. Early matings have a detrimental effect on the health of parents and puppies.
  • Carry out the first mating in autumn or winter - it will be easier for the dogs to cope with the load, and the litter will be stronger.
  • Take preventative measures before mating - the male and female dogs should be examined by a veterinarian and freed from fleas and worms 10–14 days before mating. The bitch must have all her vaccinations no later than 1 month before breeding.
  • Introduce the dogs - mating will be successful if the bitch and the dog have known each other for a long time and trust each other.
  • Do not interfere - even if mating is not followed by mating, you should not interfere. Most likely, the dogs will rest and get back to work.
  • If the female panics in the castle, calm her down and hold her, but in no case show your anxiety.
  • Carry out a control mating 1–2 days after the first mating.

If the mating was successful, after it the male loses sexual interest in the female, and the female looks tired and calm. Dogs should be placed on leashes, given water, calmed down, and given the opportunity to rest. After a short rest, it is better to isolate the bitch from the male, since after a few hours he will again show sexual interest.

During the mating process of dogs, the animals are in an unusual position for other pets: they stick together, pressing their genitals tightly against each other. If the dog gets stuck in the female, the animals will be in a helpless position. In this case, the owners will have to take some measures to free the couple.

First, let's find out why such gluing occurs. This condition is caused by the anatomical features of pets. In most cases, dogs disengage on their own. But there are often situations when intervention is simply necessary.

When the bitch's genitals join, the muscles may contract, causing spasms. At this time, blood penetrates into the lump-like formation on the dog’s penis. Because of this, the genital organ increases in size, the animals literally stick to each other.

As a result, even after the completion of sexual intercourse, they remain connected against their will. The unique physiology of four-legged friends plays a role here. The male, as a rule, tries to cross his hind legs, and the pair ends up with their backs facing each other. At this time, ejaculation is still ongoing. Sperm enters the female's reproductive tract to facilitate conception.

The role of mating in the fertilization of a bitch

Why does my dog's breath smell like rotten meat?

The time when dogs mate is physiologically divided into three stages. In each of them, the male genital organ secretes certain secretions:

  1. At the preliminary stage, the male secretes a colorless liquid without active sperm - lubricant. It helps the penis penetrate her friend’s vagina more easily.
  2. At the second, main stage, ejaculation occurs. Seminal fluid (ejaculate) with a volume of 2-3 ml contains up to 1800 million live sperm and is forcefully pushed into the female.
  3. The third stage is gluing. Wise nature made sure that the male’s seed passed reliably and quickly to the bitch’s uterus. At the final moment, the male prostate gland releases up to 80 ml of secretion, which drives sperm to the egg of the expectant mother.

Dogs can mate for 20-30 minutes. But breeders have observed cases when dogs could not disengage for 2-3 hours.

Mating in dogs does not always end with mating and fertilization. Reasons why animals cannot lock and stick:

  • poor health in dogs;
  • the age is not suitable - the partners are too young;
  • not the right time for mating.

A girl's cycle pattern can be 21-23 days, or 26-28 days. Days 10-14 of estrus, or, respectively, days 14-18, will be favorable.

Dog introduction

Types of unpleasant odors and what they mean

There are different types of foul smells that a dog owner can smell. The nature of the “aroma” will help determine the possible cause of halitosis.

Rotten smell

The explanation for why a dog's breath smells like rotten meat is problems with the teeth and oral mucosa. You need to independently study the animal: check the presence of caries, the integrity of the gums, the presence or absence of plaque.

Halitosis can cause kidney disease, especially in older dogs. Kidney failure is accompanied by constant trips to the toilet and thirst.

It happens that a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract is to blame. This is how incipient or chronic gastritis, intestinal obstruction, and feeding with low-quality food manifest themselves. It’s worth trying for a few weeks to give the animal natural food, and also walk it at least twice a day for thirty minutes.

Less commonly, a rotten odor occurs due to respiratory problems or the onset of diabetes mellitus

It is important not to hesitate and take the dog to a veterinary hospital for initial urine and blood tests.


Appears mainly in diabetes mellitus. It is accompanied by symptoms such as thirst, sudden weight gain/loss, lethargy and apathy, and itchy skin. If you see that small ulcers have appeared on the skin, and the animal has begun to drink a lot, then you should quickly take your pet to the hospital. The pet will need maintenance therapy throughout its life, as diabetes is incurable.

This is why it is so important to find a good specialist for professional advice.

Urine smell

If you smell the aroma of urine from the dog’s mouth, then first of all you should suspect kidney problems. It could also be a liver problem.

It is important to avoid undesirable consequences - this will require thorough tests, including ultrasound and x-rays. A good doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and quickly eliminate the problem without it becoming chronic.

Metal or blood

If you smell an iron aroma, this cannot be normal. This is what blood usually smells like - small wounds in the mouth or larynx emit a specific aroma. Take care to find a canine dentist and make an appointment with him. If it is painful for an animal to eat or breathe, under no circumstances should you hesitate.

Puppies may bleed if they have difficulty changing teeth. If you have an adult dog, you will need to take several tests, including stool tests for blood.

Fishy smell

Sometimes the owner notices the smell of fish. This may be the result of eating food that is too flavorful (and often prohibited for dogs) or getting it stuck between the teeth.

A similar aroma can be a signal of gum and oral cavity disease. Examine the gums for inflammation and ulcers - in case of redness and especially suppuration, consult a doctor.

Some disruptions in the endocrine system lead to the appearance of halitosis. Here you cannot do without a lot of tests and the help of a good, experienced veterinarian.

Castle phenomenon

Your dog's eyes are watering: why and what to do

The purpose of an animal's existence is to give birth. Dogs do not mate for the sake of pleasure - a natural physiological process has the ultimate goal of prolongation of the species. Crossing and sticking together is a guarantee of fertilization and a successful outcome of intercourse.

Important! Dogs stuck together are pitiful and helpless. They are dependent on each other and vulnerable.

At this time, a serious process is underway in the female’s body - sperm tend to the uterus and end up deep in the womb. The risk of loss of material is eliminated - the female has every chance of becoming pregnant. Another important point is that when the lovers open up, the weakened partner will not have the strength for another contender. “Love Lock” is insurance for a male dog to conceive puppies from him.

This behavior and physiology is characteristic of many school animals. The pack is divided into alpha males and weak, unworthy competitors. Strong animals strive to be the first to cover the female. The “lock” phenomenon is observed in the closest relatives of dogs - wolves, as well as foxes and hyenas.

Advice for dog lovers

The process of breeding dogs requires complete control, because anything can happen between four-legged “lovers”. It is always safer for the veterinarian to be in touch if he was not present during the mating.

If you do not want your pet to reproduce, you still should not try to separate her from the male during an accidental or planned mating. It’s too late to correct the situation once a fixation has occurred—you’ll simply harm the animals.

It is better to untie beginning “brides” and “grooms” by the age of two. Premature matings do not bode well. An organism that has not reached sexual maturity is susceptible to physical disorders and is unable to produce healthy offspring. Veterinarians advise breeding in winter. This way there is a greater chance of getting a full litter.

Why do dogs stick together after mating?

The dog's hair is falling out: why and what to do

Veterinarians do not see anything terrible or abnormal in dogs sticking together. The mechanism is simple and gives an idea of ​​why dogs stick together when mating. Everything is explained by the anatomical features of animals.

The dog's genital organ is constructed in an unusual way - there is a bone at the base of the bulb (the cone-shaped head of the penis). It ends in cartilage. When dogs mate during mating, the penis becomes compressed by the vaginal muscles. The cylindrical bulb, overflowing with blood, gets stuck in her friend’s vagina for a long time.

Sexual intercourse, as such, has ended - ejaculation has occurred. Dogs can be separated. But the narrow vagina of the female does not allow the male to remove the penis - the dogs remain glued together against their will.

Why is this necessary?

However, why do dogs stick together after mating, why does nature put them in such a vulnerable position? It's actually quite simple. Despite the fact that animals at such a moment are indeed exposed to significant risk, they remain vulnerable and defenseless, this way the chances of successful conception increase. The sperm has time not only to enter the vagina, but also to pass through the genital tract without the risk of loss.

In addition, the position in the castle increases the male’s chances of producing offspring, taking into account the very characteristics of the dog’s “wedding”. Since one bitch in heat is usually courted by several males, and a whole flock often gathers around her, it is not surprising that the dog that has captured her attention needs to play it safe and stay with the chosen one as long as possible in order to keep other contenders away from her.

How dogs fall apart

When the reason why the male’s organ is destined by nature to get stuck inside the female is clear, it is not difficult to understand the reverse mechanism. After ejaculation, the partners' tension subsides. The painful spasm in the female individual subsides, the muscles gradually relax.

Puppies are the result of a successful mating

In the male half, blood circulation is restored. Blood drains from the reproductive organ. This process takes a long time. But in the end, the dogs calmly and naturally come unglued.

Important! Immediately after intercourse, animals lick themselves intensively - this is normal behavior.

The bitch's sex drive decreases, but while remaining in heat, she is capable of mating with more than one male. If this happens, dog breeders have to see puppies of different breeds from the same litter.

Hormonal imbalance

Often the cause of sexual hyperactivity is the body's excessive or insufficient production of one or another hormone. You can talk for a long time about the influence of hormones on the behavior of male dogs, but such an educational program will be of little help to the average person. But who can help is a veterinarian. If, despite all efforts to re-educate the fidget, a male dog marks at home, behaves aggressively towards other animals, loses appetite and peace when a girl is in the neighborhood - take a test to determine the level of hormones in the blood. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid, pancreas, gonads and other glands is not only behavioral problems, but also a serious threat to the dog’s health. It may be necessary to castrate a male dog - do not refuse the operation only for moral and ethical reasons. When a veterinarian recommends castration, it is no longer about your views on the issue, but about the duration and quality of life of a living creature.

Should I intervene?

Not all breeders know what to do in a dog breeding situation. Should animals be posted? Dog handlers and veterinarians say a categorical “no.” Experienced breeders continue to observe and control the process.

Even if the knot in dogs does not weaken for more than half an hour, you cannot apply physical force to the couple. You need to help the female if she breaks out of the “lock”. The zealous “bride” is calmed down. Sometimes the loin is held to direct the flow of sperm to the uterus. This is necessary when the female is smaller than her lover. They also help a male dog if he is unable to stand with his back to his partner after ejaculation. The dogs are not allowed to twitch.

Important! Animals are not forcibly separated, even if mating is not planned. This is fraught with injury and loss of animal health.

Young ladies get scared, the spasm can intensify to unbearable pain. In the future, they are afraid of partners and intercourse. Sexual intercourse can take even longer.

During intercourse, owners create a calm environment for the dogs. Before mating, the female is fed moderately; it is better not to feed the male at all. The couple is given the opportunity to walk around and run around. The process is best done in the evening or early in the morning. The male feels more confident in his own territory, so the “brides” are brought to his home. It is better if the sacrament of conception occurs in silence. They watch him from the side, not trying to separate the couple.

The first mating is often carried out with a muzzle.

The first mating of a young bitch is especially important. She can be aggressive. Often the act is carried out wearing muzzles. The suitable age for dogs is 2-2.5 years. Matings earlier than this period lead to unhealthy litters, and the physical condition of the parents is also at risk. Bitches are bred after the third heat.

The best time for pets to crossbreed is late autumn and winter. Puppies are born healthier. The hormonal surge during early mating slows down the growth of dogs. The timing of puberty is individual and depends on the size of the individual, breed, and psychological state.

Important! If mating does not occur during intercourse, a repeat control mating is carried out after 2-3 days while the bitch is in heat.

Physiological causes of dog tears

Tears in dogs can be caused by both serious health problems and simple irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Some dog breeds are more prone to eye diseases (for example, pugs), so their owners need to more closely monitor the condition of their pets' visual system.

A veterinarian can determine exactly why a dog is crying.

If your dog's eyes are constantly watering, this means that he needs to be taken to the veterinarian to prevent the development of the disease or stop contact with the allergen.

Note! Regularly appearing tears in a dog's eyes should alert the owners, who simply must immediately contact a veterinarian - serious problems may be hidden behind this simple symptom


Dogs, like people, have individual allergens, so the cause of an allergy can be anything: from food to detergents.

A recently purchased new household aerosol or a change in powder may be the cause of your pet's tears. If the allergen cannot be found on its own, then it is better for dog owners to contact a veterinarian who will help find the irritant and eliminate it.

Other signs of allergies include:

  • swelling,
  • rash,
  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • heat.

If you have one of them, you should inform your veterinarian, because detailed information will make it easier for the specialist to find the allergen.

Blocked tear ducts

As already mentioned, the tear ducts of dogs are different from those of humans. While in humans the tear ducts push fluid outward, in dogs they lead fluid toward the nose and throat.

External symptoms of blocked tear ducts resemble human crying. This discharge is called “epiphora” and has nothing to do with tears.

Epiphora is easily distinguished from other possible discharges by the fact that it causes irritation on the skin and turns the fur around the eyes brownish-red. If your pet exhibits symptoms of blockage, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Important! Blocked tear ducts can be easily identified by dark stripes of hair around the eye, stained with epiphora.


With an eye infection, the discharge from a dog's eyes is yellow or bloody and has a slimy texture.

Swelling and redness of the area around the eyes is also common. Having noticed one (or both) symptoms in a dog, the owners need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, before the animal’s vision and health are affected.

Foreign body in the eye

Another common cause of dog tears is a foreign body in the eye area. You can check for debris in your pet's eye by carefully lifting first the upper and then the lower eyelid.

To avoid causing irritation, any contact with the dog’s eye should be finished by rinsing with cold water or a special eye cleaning liquid.

If a foreign body in a dog’s eye is difficult to remove with your hands, there is no need to try to do it yourself; you need to apply a bandage to the dog’s head and take it to the doctor.

Note! On the way to the doctor, you should not allow your pet to touch the affected eye with its paw - it can damage it

Scratch on the cornea

This often happens with active and playful dogs that are in contact with their peers. During the game, animals can damage each other's eyes.

In such cases, the pet constantly cries and rubs its eye with its paw - it should be taken to the doctor to prevent complications and loss of vision.

Is there a negative side to gluing?

Immediately after disengagement, the couple loses interest in each other and falls into a state of apathy. The male is soon ready for a new feat. The female needs more time to recuperate.

The physiological process of mating in dogs is the result of evolution. It increases the efficiency of procreation and does not cause inconvenience or pain to animals. One thing that can be negative is when bonding occurs due to fear. The female may be very young, inexperienced or stressed. She is unable to control her body. It can cling with such force that spasms around the vaginal muscles cause severe pain. Psychological trauma remains for life.

Dogs mating during intercourse when they stand in the castle for a long time is a normal phenomenon. This moment is provided by nature to guarantee the fertilization of the female and the conception of puppies. You cannot worry or separate the animals.

What is this phenomenon

In simple terms, crossbreeding is the mating of two representatives of different breeds. This approach to breeding is used when there is a need to improve breed characteristics or breeders want to get a new one. The result of selection work is offspring that have greater strength, endurance, and also have a better ability to reproduce. The following characteristics are improved: vitality, endurance, working qualities, adaptation.

The increased endurance and vitality of some representatives and the poor similar performance of others can be explained by their biological nature. As a rule, long-term purebred breeding leads to a deterioration in breed characteristics over time. The best representatives of the offspring obtained as a result of this method are selected for breeding purebred individuals of the new breed. As a result of crossbreeding, the puppy receives mixed gene pairs: one from the father and one from the mother in each pair.

Ways to prevent eye sticking after visiting a bathhouse or swimming pool

The course of an infectious disease may worsen after bathing procedures. The reason for such manifestations is high temperature and high humidity of the environment. Thermal effects on the body and sudden changes in temperature expose the body to a certain load. Such procedures awaken pathogenic processes.

The main factors causing eye infections:

  • Using foreign cleaning products.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Corneal injury due to high temperature.
  • Already existing herpes or conjunctivitis.
  • Strengthening the work of the lacrimal glands as a protective reaction of the body.

If the body is prone to such manifestations, it is advisable to use antihistamine eye drops before visiting the bathhouse.

Use drops

Visiting the pool also in some cases causes inflammatory processes. The main irritant in a swimming pool is chlorinated water. If you have cosmetics on your face, then in combination with chlorine, your face is subject to an allergic reaction. If water purification is of poor quality, you are guaranteed to get infectious conjunctivitis. In order to avoid such manifestations, it is necessary to use swimming goggles.

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