Mating dogs: rules and features of mating pets

How to prepare a bitch for breeding?

Puberty in dogs occurs between 8 and 10 months. At this time, the bitch goes into her first heat. The owner who plans to further prepare the animal for mating should from now on keep a diary, on the pages of which data regarding discharge, the condition of the “loop”, behavioral changes, appetite, and health of the dog will be recorded. The diary should describe the animal’s condition for several days before the discharge begins. This will help determine the start of the next heat.

Breeding dogs at an excessively early age is not recommended, since this process can negatively affect the health, psyche, and nervous system of pets. It is considered optimal to mate dogs over two years of age. The individual physiological characteristics of each dog play a large role in this issue. According to experienced dog handlers, the signal that an animal is ready for mating is the third heat. Based on detailed records of the first and second estrus, you can prepare your dog for mating.

Carrying out a comprehensive bacteriological analysis

In the period of 1.5 months preceding the onset of estrus, it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic for a comprehensive bacteriological analysis to identify staphylococcus, herpes virus, streptococcus, and other anaerobic infections. If an infection is detected based on the results of the analysis, the owner will be able to treat the pet in a timely manner to protect future offspring. Certificates with the results of this analysis are submitted by the owners of the bitch and the dog.

Treatment for skin parasites

1 month before estrus, a comprehensive preventive treatment of the animal against skin parasites (fleas, lice, subcutaneous mites) is carried out. For this purpose, use appropriate sprays and shampoos that do not contain toxic substances.

Deworming course

Several days after the preventive treatment of the pet, a course of deworming will be required. The most effective are drugs with a wide spectrum of action; prescription and dosage calculation are the prerogatives of the veterinarian.

Vaccination course

7 days after the deworming procedure, a course of vaccinations is recommended. The use of polyvalent vaccines that counteract the infection of animals with the most common infections has proven itself.

Carrying out the above measures before the onset of estrus helps ensure the health of the dog at the time of mating. In addition, you need to pay attention to the physiology of the individual. A bitch that is too thin or overfed, lethargic, and looks sickly can subsequently have a difficult pregnancy and give birth to weak offspring.

Tips and tricks

Experienced dog handlers advise adhering to the following recommendations on how to bring dogs together for the first time:

  • Before the procedure, the animals must be allowed to get to know each other, otherwise they may show aggression;
  • if the bitch was not mated, it is recommended to breed her only with an experienced male who has had experience of successful matings;
  • It is advisable that the bitch does not go to the toilet for the first time after fertilization;
  • After mating, the animals must be fed, as they will be tired.

It is possible to determine if a pet is pregnant no earlier than after 3-4 weeks. To do this, you can use special tests or do an ultrasound.

What indicates a dog's readiness for mating?

The planned mating of dogs takes place 12 - 15 from the beginning of estrus. The condition of her “loop” indicates the bitch’s readiness for mating. The dimensions of the “loop” are increased, it is soft to the touch. There is a presence of discharge with a yellow-pink tint. The bitch tries to actively flirt with the males, takes the appropriate pose, and moves her tail while touching the “loop”.

The listed factors indicate the beginning of the animal’s ovulation period and readiness for mating. As a rule, the duration of ovulation is 3 - 5 days. These dog breeding days are considered the most productive.

It is not advisable to breed an animal on the first day of ovulation due to the risk of producing fewer puppies. Also, mating on this day may cause pregnancy to not occur. To avoid such troubles, you can conduct a progesterone test in dogs for mating, which allows you to accurately determine the most suitable day of mating.

Please note that some dogs may have minimal or no discharge during estrus. Sometimes there is insufficient brightness of the color of the discharge. Often the “loop” of the animal remains rigid and does not change in size. There may also be increased aggression from the dog towards the “groom”. In such cases, the time of mating of dogs is determined based on the entries in the diary made by the owner.

On the day when mating is scheduled, feeding the bitch is not recommended. The best option is to plan mating in the morning, when the bitch's stomach is empty and the animal has had time to rest during the night. Thanks to morning exercise and a short walk, the dog perks up and empties its intestines. Experienced dog handlers are against the bitch receiving any physical activity at this time.

To knit or not to knit? How to solve the dilemma

Just “I want puppies” is clearly not enough. Selling children must be absolutely healthy, which means their parents must be healthy. If you plan to mate with inexperienced dogs, then the owner needs to thoroughly have information on how to help pets in the delicate issue of mating. In addition, you need to know how long this process takes, what difficulties there are and ways to solve it.

So, the knitting issue became an obsession. It's time to decide. First, a small test, the questions of which we answer as truthfully as possible:

  • The very first and most important , without which everything else will no longer make sense: are you financially and morally ready to support a pregnant dog, and then newborn puppies? Spent on increased nutrition, professional medical care, and endure the whims and inconveniences of unintelligent little ones?
  • Is your pet physically fit to bear puppies?
  • Are there any “dark spots” in your pet’s pedigree?
  • Does the area you own allow you to keep a dog and its litter?
  • Is there a guarantee that you will find reliable homes for grown-up puppies?

Now attention! If at least one question caused you doubt or turned out to be negative, then this is a reason to seriously think about whether it is really necessary to untie the bitch? Tribal standards are sometimes very strict. Failure to comply with them leads to the appearance of offspring with defects hidden for the time being. And then, when shortcomings appear, “loving” owners without regret change the ward for another, more “suitable” one, and the army of homeless, disadvantaged animals is replenished with one more unfortunate one.

It is better not to untie dogs that are not purebred, do not qualify for selection into the tribe, or do not meet any other criteria. And to avoid health problems, perform an operation to sterilize your pet.

What are the requirements for the mating location?

When solving the problem of what is needed to breed dogs, you should initially decide on the choice of territory for this process. The owners of four-legged pets will not go wrong if they prepare the mating site in advance.

It is considered more correct for the “bride” to visit the “groom”, since otherwise a male dog that finds itself in an unfamiliar place may show uncertainty, be nervous, and refuse to mate. This is of particular importance when dogs are mated for the first time or the “bride” behaves too aggressively, her smell is weak and not attractive enough for the “groom”.

The choice of mating location is made taking into account the size of the animals. Pets belonging to small and medium breeds can be provided with a spacious room.

For mating of large individuals, it is advisable to allocate an outdoor fenced area so that the partners have a certain amount of space.

Experienced dog handlers who know how dogs are mated strongly advise giving preference to a secluded place where the animals will not be disturbed by passers-by or other dogs. The covering of the mating area should be non-slip. If the meeting of the “groom” with the “bride” takes place indoors, linoleum or parquet flooring should be covered with carpet or carpet. In winter, the slippery icy ground outside is sprinkled with sand.

Pregnancy regimen for dogs

In the first four weeks, no special regime is required for a pregnant bitch. Long walks, at least 2 hours a day, are required. You should include more meat products in your diet, especially raw meat, as well as cottage cheese, cheese, two raw yolks per week, raw vegetables and fruits. From the first days of pregnancy, it is worth giving calcium gluconate and glycerophosphate (1-2 tablets per day), as well as gephefitin - dry brewer's yeast containing vitamin B complex (1 tablet per day). Raw chicken necks and shredded chicken feet are excellent sources of mineral salts.

It is important not to overfeed the puppy - give less cereals and completely eliminate pasta.

Raw meat should make up one third of your dog's total diet. It is better not to give raw fish - you can give boiled fish twice a week. You should not significantly increase the calorie content in your daily diet. In the future, and as the puppies grow, it is necessary to increase the content of protein products. Calorie needs per kg of body weight during pregnancy do not increase very sharply - from 100 to 130 calories per day, as the mother loses weight as the babies grow.

From the second half of pregnancy, the bitch is fed three times a day, and from the 45th day - four. However, make sure that your dog does not become obese.

Broth should not be given during this period. The bitch's diet should include: buckwheat porridge with butter and milk, you can add a little sugar or honey, soaked Hercules. If the dog is reluctant to eat this food, you can crumble a little boiled meat or chicken into it (no more than 20 g).

It is believed that the substance contained in wild raspberry leaves has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy in dogs and childbirth. The leaves should be dried and added a little to the food daily.

Beginning in the last quarter of pregnancy, most dogs experience a decrease in physical activity.

Dating procedure

The first to visit the mating place is the “lady”, who gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the surrounding space for 5-10 minutes, then the “gentleman” is released to her. An experienced dog will initially prefer to spend a little time courting a bitch.

The introduction of pets should take place under the supervision of their owners. Often you may need help when breeding dogs, especially when the dog is young and does not have the proper experience. In such cases, he may need to be “adjusted”, placed in the desired position. An overexcited dog is capable of performing incorrect mountings. To correct the situation, the owner should take his four-legged friend out and give him time to calm down a little.

The behavior of experienced male dogs may be different. Someone tries to growl at the “lady”, bite her lightly, and show his dominance. Quite often, “grooms” demonstrate polite behavior, try to flirt, lick the “noose” and “ears” of their “brides”. Often the behavior of an experienced male dog changes radically. This means that the owner will have to control his pet at all times.

In most cases, the reaction of an experienced bitch to a dog is calm. The “lady” is not against the advances of the “gentleman”. After a short game, the bitch takes a stance and withdraws her tail. Her pelvis is located in front of the male's front legs. The animal periodically tilts its head to the side, without looking at the partner, and may flatten its ears.

A young bitch is capable of showing fear, tucking her tail, and falling on her paws. If this is the first mating of dogs, the “bride” often snaps, and sometimes even tries to rush at the “groom”. This behavior is explained not only by youth and inexperience, but also by an error in calculating the day of mating. Another reason is the presence of abnormalities in the animal’s nervous system. The adequate reaction of the bitch, her acceptance of her partner’s advances, the absence of fear and aggression indicate the correct calculation of the time of mating, and the absence of unwanted physiological and nervous disorders in the individual.

Optimal age for mating

The female begins to estrus for the first time between 6 and 10 months. It depends on the breed, conditions of detention, and state of health. You cannot breed a dog during its first heat - this is the law. The young organism has not yet reached full sexual maturity. Dogs up to one year old are considered children, regardless of size. And children cannot bear children - this is unnatural. Early matings lead to genetic failures, diseases or death of the offspring.

According to experts, the optimal time for the first mating is the bitch’s third heat, when she is approximately 1.5-2 years old. Males are untied at the same age. Late first mating is also undesirable. If a dog is born at the age of five or more, this is already a serious threat to the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the health of the offspring.

How often to mate a dog to bear offspring, and up to what age the pet should do this, each owner decides independently. Similar topics exist in huge quantities on various “dog” forums and online clubs of interest. But the opinion of experts remains unchanged:

  • Mating of bitches is optimal when they are in heat for 5 years . Then problems with the health of the mother and offspring may begin. The body's capabilities are not limitless, it wears out, a dog is not an artificial incubator.
  • Males are able to impregnate a bitch with healthy heirs for about 10 years.

But now we have sorted out this issue. Your ward meets all the conditions, has reached the right age, and all that remains is to wait for the estrus period and move on to future offspring.

Mating procedure

It is advisable to treat the “loop” of a bitch demonstrating readiness by taking a stance with baby cream or Vaseline. The owner should stand in front of the pet, holding it tightly by the collar. The owner of a male dog needs to carefully hold the female dog to the side in the abdominal area, directing her “loop” towards the male’s genitals during mounting.

The male tries to jump on the bitch, grasping it with his front paws, placing his hind limbs on the surface of the floor (ground). When making the first cages, the male tries to find the entrance to the “loop”, selects the best position, and the female tries to adapt to him.

Having assumed a comfortable position, the “groom” begins thrusting with a gradual increase in force in order to penetrate inside the “loop.” After inserting the penis into the vagina, the muscles of the vulva contract, due to which the male’s penis is compressed. This moment means a lock in dogs during mating, during which sperm quickly move into the uterus.

The onset of ejaculation may take only 5 minutes from the start of mounting, but the duration of the “lock” can be significantly delayed (10 - 60 minutes). Separating pets on your own is not recommended. You also need to prevent the “lady” from breaking out of the “gentleman’s embrace” ahead of time.

Sometimes there is a discrepancy in the size and structure of the genital organs of animals, which is why getting in and crossing can be problematic. To help their four-legged pets, the owners need to firmly press the dog, lift the dog, and lift the bitch’s pelvis. It is very important not to touch the genitals of animals.

When sexual intercourse is over, it is advisable not to give the bitch the opportunity to sit down or lie on her stomach. It will be very good if she doesn’t go to the toilet during the first few hours. At the end of mating, pets should be given rest and offered fresh drink. The feeding procedure can be carried out after two hours. The dog’s lethargic behavior after mating is often noted, so games and physical activity are not encouraged at this moment.

In the period after mating, the discharge from the bitch’s “loop” may stop altogether or may continue for some time and then disappear (this depends on the physiology of the dog).

What are the symptoms of a pregnant bitch?

Detection of an animal’s pregnancy after mating occurs only on days 28–30. This is evidenced by the swelling of the “loop,” a rounded tummy, and swollen nipples. An ultrasound examination is considered appropriate at 4-5 weeks after mating. You can read more about pregnancy symptoms in dogs here.

Agreement, act of mating dogs

In order to settle financial claims against each other, the owners of a dog or a bitch will need to draw up a dog mating agreement - RKF, which is drawn up and signed in advance.

This document stipulates: how much it costs to breed dogs, all the conditions are prescribed to resolve disputes between animal owners. The required sample of a dog mating agreement, as well as a dog mating act - RKF form can be obtained from the cynological society where the animals are registered. After the mating procedure, a dog mating certificate is drawn up - RKF, which certifies the event that occurred.

Having the information: what does mating dogs mean, the owners will be able to properly organize this process, surrounding their four-legged pets with attention and care. This will be the key to maintaining the health of animals and obtaining strong, healthy litters. Read the article: How long does a dog’s pregnancy last and how does it progress day by day?

How to tell if a dog is in heat

Inexperienced dog breeders may be puzzled, how can they tell if their bitch has started to leak? Believe me, this process will not go unnoticed. There are enough symptoms, and they are all quite characteristic:

  • While walking, all the males in the area are actively interested in your pet. Everyone tries to come up and sniff.
  • The dog's behavior undergoes dramatic changes. It is unreasonably aggressive or overly affectionate.
  • The nipples turn pink and soften to the touch.
  • The loop (external genital part) swells.
  • A bloody substance oozes from it.
  • If you press on the back, the dog instinctively raises its tail and bends (into a position convenient for sexual intercourse).

In order for a bitch to become pregnant, it is not enough to simply pair her with a male. This should be day "X", the time when ovulation occurs. To obtain reliable data, it is better to keep a special calendar, from the very first heat, marking the start and end days in it, this will help calculate the optimal day for conception in the future.

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