Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier - hairstyle options, scheme and technique for cutting a Yorkie

Yorkshire Terriers have a coat whose structure is similar to human hair. They do not have an undercoat, so caring for the coat is quite simple. The main thing is to wash, cut and comb regularly.

Regular grooming of Yorkshire terriers allows you to save time and effort on combing. If left untreated, the fur can grow to a length that is twice the dog's height.

The type of haircut depends on the hair type and gender of the pet. Also taken into account:

  • participation in exhibitions;
  • character and temperament;
  • wool growth rate;
  • how the hairstyle will change as it grows;
  • the time that the owner is willing to devote to care.

Do Yorkies need to be cut?

The coat of Yorkshire Terriers is extremely beautiful, but to maintain its shine and silkiness, it requires brushing several times a day. Otherwise, tangles will form, creating discomfort for the Yorkie; they have to be untangled and cut out. An excellent way out of this situation is a haircut, which allows you not only to give the pet a charming look, but also to realize the owner’s fantasies. There is no vital need for the procedure, but it makes the dog’s life easier and makes it easier for the owner to care for it.

Which haircut option to choose - in a salon or at home?

Both options have the right to exist, their pros and cons. The owner of a Yorkshire Terrier must decide for himself which one is right for him. A professional groomer works with the dog in the salon; the necessary conditions have been created and equipment is available. You can call a specialist to your home, but the service is not cheap, and it must be carried out regularly. The budget option includes cutting your hair yourself. Having a little hairdressing skills and familiarizing yourself with the instructions on how to cut a haircut correctly, the task is not difficult to cope with. It will take tools and time for Erik to get used to and calmly take hygiene procedures.

How to prepare a dog for a haircut?

From puppyhood, Yorkies are taught to bathe, comb, and clean their eyes, ears, and teeth. If this is not done, then the grooming procedure will seem like a mockery to the pet or even a punishment for wrongdoing. First, the fur is slightly trimmed and the claws are cut off. It is recommended to do your hair once every two months. To begin with, they simply correct the growth of hairs - they are shortened on the limbs, on the “skirt” and ears. The entire procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour, while a Yorkshire terrier will be served in a grooming salon for at least 45 minutes. At first, home hygienic haircuts should not be combined with washing the dog, so that it is in a stressful situation as little as possible.

Types of Yorkie haircuts

How to cut a Yorkshire Terrier's hair needs to be thought out in advance. You should take into account the gender of the pet, its temperament and character, participation in exhibitions and competitions. At events, the dog should look presentable; a haircut will help highlight its advantages and hide any shortcomings, if any. Among the most common types of hairstyles: model, cosmetic and hygienic.


This variety is the most common; it allows you to quickly tidy up the fur and appearance of your pet. It is necessary to trim the hair on the paws, legs, ears, anus and groin. The frequency of haircuts is once a month, performed at home or in a salon.

Before starting the procedure, the hair is combed and tangles are untangled. To trim a Yorkie, the tools must be sharp, so that the fur does not wrinkle, but is cut off. You need to act carefully, without causing damage to your pet or causing discomfort.


The type of haircut is regulated by the exhibition rules. Without it, the Yorkie is not allowed to participate in competitions. The coat is washed, combed, and long hair in the groin, ears, armpits and between the toes is removed. It is left as is on the body to preserve the natural appearance of the dog.


Model grooming of the Yorkshire Terrier is not used before participating in exhibitions. This creative option does not involve any prohibitions or restrictions. You can realize any fantasies and ideas - cut it like a chinchilla, Chinese crested, miniature schnauzer, in Korean or Asian style. But when implementing the most incredible ideas, one should not forget about the convenience of the Yorkie.

Preparing for grooming

Before cutting Yorkie dogs, be sure to watch videos, photographs, and become familiar with the tools. Inexperienced owners are better off consulting a groomer.

Before using scissors and clippers, wash your pet with shampoo and conditioner to make the hair smoother and less tangled. Before washing, only comb the head, without touching the mustache and beard, and remove tangles.

The coat is washed with shampoo twice, the first time to wash away dust and major impurities, and the second time it is washed with care shampoo. After shampoo, apply balm or conditioner; you can add a few drops of broccoli oil, which has a laminating effect. This entire mixture is lightly rubbed into the skin and kept for at least five minutes. After washing, the hair should be slightly slippery. Dry the wet dog with a terry towel and clean the ears, removing any remaining moisture from them.

Dry the dog with a powerful hairdryer that has temperature control. Drying is carried out with a strong air flow until it is slightly damp, after which combing begins. You can spray the animal with antistatic agent. Brush the dog with a massage brush from the tips to the roots; if there are tangled places, they are sorted out using a regular comb with rotating teeth.

When everything is combed, take the hairdryer again and dry it with a warm and cold stream of air alternately. At the same time, the strands are pulled back so that there is no wave. Do not dry against the grain. Gradually switch to only the cold flow of the hairdryer.

The pet must be well dried before cutting, otherwise the hair will become tangled. When everything is ready, you can proceed to the most important thing.

Short or long haircut?

In order to choose the length of your Yorkshire Terrier's haircut, you need to consider several factors:

  • Is there time for daily brushing?
  • how long the pet is outside;
  • what length of fur does the owner like best?

The short style is suitable for those who have little free time to care for the dog and if they are often outdoors. During play, the Yorkie's long coat can become dirty and tangled. You will still need to comb it daily and wash it often, but short hair will take much less time.

Yorkshire Terriers with long hair and a beautiful hairstyle look impressive and stylish. It demonstrates the excellent condition of the coat and the responsible attitude of the owner towards his pet.

Yorkshire Terrier Hairstyles

The cost of a stylish haircut from a groomer is quite high. If the owner can regularly visit the salon with his pet, he has the right to choose any of the hairstyles:

  • square;
  • under the schnauzer;
  • under the Chinese Crested;
  • Korean and others, more creative.

The option depends on the type of Yorkie coat. Smooth, soft and shiny are more capricious and require maximum care. It is difficult to come up with many interesting hairstyles from a coarse hairstyle; it is cut to medium length or short. The gender of the pet also affects the type of haircut.

For girls

The goal of the owners of Yorkie girls is to emphasize their beauty not only with a haircut, but also with fashionable accessories - ribbons, hairpins, bows. A beautifully designed appearance makes the dog look well-groomed. Erik girls look better with long hair, although they are charming with short hair. One of the most attractive hairstyles is the “skirt”, for which the back is cut and long hair is left on the sides and belly. Female Yorkshire terriers with bangs and straight strands of hair on the sides of the head look advantageous.

For boys

Although grooming Yorkies does not involve dividing haircuts into those intended for boys and girls, many select them according to gender. They try to create a classic look for Yorkshire dogs - short hair and no bows or ribbons. A trimmed mini terrier looks great with puppy, lion, mustache, and schnauzer hairstyles.

What determines the quality of the coat?

What kind of fur your pet will have depends on many factors. And if we have no control over natural data, then it is quite possible to correct other data in order to improve the quality of the pet’s hair.

Much depends on heredity. There is nothing you can do about genetics, so you must initially choose a puppy by looking at its parents. Luxurious fur from your closest relatives is the key to the beauty of your puppy in the future.

Environmental factors - direct sunlight, sea water, dry air - all this negatively affects the quality of the animal's hair. You should not bathe your dog in the sea or let him sleep near the radiator in winter.

Various physiological conditions and general health also directly affect the appearance of the coat: hair growth slows down during pregnancy, lactation, changing teeth, even with a common cold or stress. Along with this, poor nutrition can cause skin allergies, alopecia (baldness), and loss of pigmentation.

A lack or excess of vitamins can lead to various skin reactions, dandruff, inflammation of the sebaceous glands - even baldness. Therefore, it is important to monitor the terrier’s diet and ask the veterinarian for the exact prescription of all dietary supplements.

Haircuts for puppies

They begin to care for the puppy on the fifth day of life. His claws are treated, then his ears, then his eyes. At one and a half months, the hairs in the anus are removed, and in the fourth month the first hygienic grooming is carried out. From six months you can experiment with hairstyles, choosing the most suitable one.

The current opinion that Yorkie puppies cannot be cut until they are one year old is a wrong belief. This does not deteriorate the wool, but only improves it - tangles do not form, and care becomes easier.

Yorkshire Terrier haircut pattern

When doing a haircut at home, you should remember that you always need to move from dangerous areas of the body to less safe ones (from the anus to the thighs, from the armpits to the abdomen). When grooming your Yorkie, stick to the following plan:

  1. A third of the ear is cut into a triangle, the edges are trimmed, and the hairs inside are removed.
  2. The back is shaved with a clipper with a 1 cm attachment, without going beyond the line of the ears.
  3. The hair on the neck is trimmed without touching the ears and head, leaving a length of at least 3 mm.
  4. The chest is passed through with a 7 mm nozzle using short, jerky movements.
  5. If there is a “skirt”, trim it.
  6. On the head, the hair is gathered into a ponytail on the top of the head, the lower edge is made oval, and the hair is aligned under the chin.
  7. Hair is removed from the armpits and under the tail.
  8. The Yorkshire's tail is cut based on the owner's preferences.

Before you begin the first procedure, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the haircutting technique of a master in a salon or by watching a video on the Internet.

How to cut your Yorkie's hair yourself - step-by-step instructions

The owner needs to prepare (disinfect) the instruments and put on a robe. It’s good if the dog takes all the procedures calmly, doesn’t get nervous, and doesn’t break out. Sometimes an assistant may be needed - preferably, it should be a person familiar to the dog, that is, a member of your family.

1. First of all, the body is decorated. To do this, make an even parting along the spine and comb the hair on both sides. From below, the strands are trimmed to the same length. The chest and neck are cut quite short to the lower jaw.

2. If a dog is being groomed, then you need to start from the tail. Do not shave beyond the ear line. Hair is removed from the front paws above the elbows. From the rear – up from about the middle of the thigh. The front neck is shaved from the shoulders to the throat, and the transition is shaped with scissors. With the summer hygienic option, only the paws remain slightly combed.

3. From the neck they move to the muzzle and shape the head. The most tangled areas - the groin, armpits, paws and fingers - are trimmed very short with a clipper, no longer than 5 mm. In fact, hair grows back quickly. When clipping your armpits, be very careful not to snag the thin skin.

4. Use rounded scissors to remove excess under the tail, around the anus. It is preferable to pluck the hairs in the ears or, as a last resort, remove them with a trimmer.

5. Long hair on the body is either trimmed only from the bottom (“pants”), or, in addition to this, the upper ⅔ of the length (“flares”) is removed.

6. Lastly, the paws are trimmed. The foot must be firmly fixed, otherwise your model may jerk it and get hurt. First, the claws are processed with a special nail clipper, and the sharp tips are filed with a file. It is convenient to trim the nails after washing, when they are softened, easier to cut and do not peel off.

7. When the claws are processed, use small rounded scissors to cut off the excess from the bottom of the paw and between the pads so that nothing gets tangled or interferes with walking. The top of the foot is given a neat rounded shape without protruding tufts.

8. At the end of the haircut, all shaved areas are once again passed over with a clipper.

By following these instructions, you will understand how to trim your Yorkie yourself, and you will see that there is nothing complicated or impossible in a hygienic hairstyle.

How often does a dog need to be trimmed?

The frequency of cutting a Yorkie depends on its individual characteristics. Different dogs have different hair growth rates. On average, the procedure is carried out once every one and a half to two months. If a Yorkie wears long hair, the ends are only occasionally trimmed and hygienically treated. For short hairstyles, the shape is updated more often.

Sometimes owners use seasonal haircuts for their Yorkshire dogs - short in summer to keep it cool, long in winter to keep warm. In this case, the groomer is visited only a few times a year.

At what age can a Yorkie be cut?

A perfect example of a haircut
First, you should find out when you can cut your Yorkie for the first time. Experts believe that a puppy should first visit an expert at the age of 6-8 months. But there are several features here.

On the one hand, the sooner your Yorkie starts going to the hairdresser, the easier it will get used to the difficult procedure, which means the likelihood of conflict will decrease.
On the other hand, not every puppy will be able to withstand an hour or two, standing almost motionless, and that is how long the haircut lasts. Therefore, it is quite difficult to say unequivocally at what age a Yorkie’s first haircut can be performed - this largely depends on the character and temperament of the dog. On a note! Yorkies have fluffy, coarse and silky fur. The optimal choice of haircut depends on this.

How to cut a Yorkshire Terrier at home?

If the owner of a Yorkshire Terrier intends to cut the pet's hair on his own, you need to purchase accessories and tools:

  1. Rubber mat - to prevent the Yorkie from sliding on the table surface.
  2. A clipper with a set of attachments - preferably metal, so that the hair does not become electrified and tangle.
  3. Trimmer – for treating ears, anus, muzzle.
  4. Steel combs.
  5. Scissors – straight and with rounded tips.
  6. Tangle cutter - for untangling matted wool.
  7. Nippers are a device for trimming nails.

Trimming nails

Trimming the nails is also a mandatory procedure - since the nails, if not shortened, begin to crack and bleed, which causes your pet great suffering.

Just like human nails, your Yorkie's nails should be trimmed regularly.

If you hear your dog clicking while walking on the parquet floor, it means it’s time to trim his nails. Before trimming your Yorkie puppy's nails to cope with this procedure, stock up on the following:

  • nail clipper;
  • cotton buds;
  • nail scissors
  • nailfile;
  • dry potassium permanganate.

After cutting, the dog’s nails should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
Below are step-by-step recommendations on how to cut your Yorkie’s nails:

  • place your pet on your lap and secure it tightly;
  • move the hair from the finger you plan to process and lightly press it - the claw will extend and it will be more convenient to trim it;
  • at an angle of 45 degrees, trying not to touch the claw bed, trim the claw;
  • do not forget about the fifth fingers that are not visible;
  • if you accidentally hit the claw bed and blood comes out, treat the area with a cotton swab, dipping it in dry potassium permanganate;
  • a trimmed claw is too sharp - your pet can injure himself or someone else with it. Therefore, process it with a file;
  • Next, remove all the hair from the base of the paw - dried dirt accumulates there. Dogs love this procedure much more than the nail trimming that precedes it.

And finally, one more piece of advice - it is best to trim the nails after bathing, when they are as soft as possible and well processed. If you don’t have a nail clipper, it’s okay, you can easily do it with ordinary nail scissors.

Groom your Yorkshire Terrier yourself or from a groomer

You can get your Yorkie's hair done in a salon or at home. The owner can be sure that a dog groomed by a professional will look presentable; most often the specialist will find an approach to the animal and it will behave calmly. The groomer has high-quality tools, supplies and extensive experience.

After gaining basic knowledge and some skills, the owner can cut the Yorkie's hair on his own at home. Both options are quite acceptable if the necessary rules are followed.

Tool and workplace for cutting

If you are ready to constantly trim your Yorkie yourself, then you will need an arsenal of available tools, which will not be cheap for a one-time purchase, but if trimmed once every one and a half to two weeks, it will pay for itself.

List of tools:

  • Table

    – the most important element of a pet’s haircut. If space and finances allow, then you should decide to buy a professional grooming table. The dog is secured on such a table with a leash. You can also secure it with a special harness running under the belly. If the animal tolerates hairdressing procedures calmly enough, then you can get by with an ordinary table with a rubberized mat.

Advice! Pay close attention to your Yorkie's behavior during trimming. Communicate affectionately with him, give him a treat so that the animal is not afraid of this procedure.

  • Hairdressing scissors : straight and curved, medium or long (for cutting paws, muzzle and “skirt”), and small with rounded ends (for cutting areas that require a careful approach).
  • Grooming machine is an essential cutting tool that you must have. Human machines are not suitable. There should be several nozzles (7 mm, 5 mm, 3.2 mm, 2 mm, etc.).

  • Trimmer – for treating delicate areas (armpits, groin area).
  • Combs - with long metal teeth, but not too frequent, and with medium-length frequent teeth. Plastic ones are not suitable for these dogs.
  • A slicker brush is a rectangular comb with iron teeth (without plastic balls at the ends!), with the help of which tangles are combed out.

Important! A slicker brush cannot be used to comb out mats on show terriers. The tangles are untangled by hand.

  • Guillotine-type nail clipper - cut off overgrown claws.
  • A rubberized mat on which a dog stands during a hairdressing procedure to prevent it from slipping. You can take a bathroom rug.

Advice! You need to buy the entire list of tools presented so as not to injure the animal.

How to braid a Yorkshire Terrier?

If your Yorkie has a long coat, you can braid the hair. Use different options:

  1. Tail - collected at the back of the head and decorated with an elastic band with a bow; from medium-length wool, a “palm tree” is obtained, giving the Yorkie additional playfulness.
  2. Braids - they are woven along the back, on the head or along the spine.
  3. Onion - gather hair in a ponytail, form a bun and secure with a bow.

Jewelry and crab clips can be placed all over the body. The weaving should be done so that it is not tight and does not cause discomfort to the dog.

Step-by-step training video course “Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier”

Part 1. Paw pads

The haircut is standard with a skirt, i.e. We leave the skirt, pants and decorate the face beautifully. The owner's self-cut, the owners themselves cut off the face and a little of the skirt.

We will fix all this. We start with hygiene, we shave the paw pads. We use a Moser MAX45 machine and a 1 mm knife.

We take the paw and start shaving. We do not shave too much so that the slipper is shaped; between the large pad we can spread our toes so as not to hurt the dog, because The knife is very sharp and can cut.

We bend the front paw under the dog, NOT to the side! (the dog will be hurt).

Part 2. Shaving the ears with a clipper

And with a 1 mm nozzle we shave 1/3 of the ear. We carefully take the ear, carefully push the fur apart, i.e. The hair should be the one that is only on the ear (shorter). Place the ear on the palm of your hand (on four fingers) and shave 1/3 of the ear.

This is done according to the wool; we never cut the ear against the grain!

We should get a straight line.

Part 3. Haircut for hygiene (butt and genitals)

Next, change the knife to 3 mm and shave the butt. We put the dog on its paws. The fur grows in different directions, so it is better to try to shave against the fur with a clipper in different directions.

Shaving the genitals. We take the paw and tail and raise it so they don’t interfere. Braem. On both sides.

Part 4. Haircut of the back and body

We start shaving from the tail. We always shave against the grain.

Take the tail and retreat about a centimeter. Braem. The line of the skirt should go to the groin fold, diagonally. We hold the finger inside the inguinal fold to feel it and shave.

Next we lead the skirt to the front leg, i.e. just in a straight line from the inguinal fold. Shaving the body.

We see that on the second side of the skirt there is a little bit of wool missing, because... the owners cut off the matted wool. But we still draw a straight line to the front leg.

Let's move on to the front legs. There are two options here for how to trim this transition. Either a corner is made, or we bring it directly to the head (which is what we will do).

It is better to remove excess hair from the table, because it can get tangled in the dog’s fur and form tangles.

Part 5. Neck and chest

We put the dog on our palm to make it more comfortable. We shave the neck to the base of the head, you can use the skull as a guide.

Front (chest)

Since we have a skirt here, we also need to design a beautiful skirt in the front. From the paws we follow a line; we can focus on the chest bone (protrudes in the center of the chest). There should be a corner.

We continue to shave the front of the neck. Let's focus on the middle of the jaw. We shave the path. The fur here also grows in different directions; we try to shave against the grain with a clipper.

Shave the side of the neck. We remove excess hair by placing it on the dog’s nose and holding it. We also shave against the grain. Let's orient ourselves (shave) to the ear.

Part 6. Cleaning your ears

We pluck out excess hair. Hair can make your ear sick - otitis media and ear mites. For this we use powder from BIOGROOM. Pour a little into the ear, smear it and gently pluck the fur with your fingers. It doesn’t hurt the dog; it has been accustomed to this since childhood (it must be taught to this since childhood).

Part 7. Trimming the claws

We fix the dog, because... Not everyone enjoys cutting their claws. Nail clippers can be purchased at any dog ​​store. Just like we shaved the paws, we pull it back and carefully trim the claw. Vessels in dogs sprout in different ways; as soon as a vessel appears, you can’t cut it further (it will bleed).

It's better to cut a little bit at a time until you see the vessel. It looks like a dark dot in the claw. Or if the claw becomes soft at the place of cutting, then it is 100% a vessel and cannot be cut further.

If you touch a vessel on the claw and blood begins to flow, take a cotton swab, moisten it with potassium permanganate and cauterize the claw. You can only cauterize a claw with potassium permanganate! This should not be done on open wounds on the body (it will cause burns)!

Don't forget about the fifth toe on the front paws. It is usually very long. On this finger, the vessel does not grow throughout the entire claw, so we can safely cut off half! And then also to the beginning of the vessel.

Some dogs have claws that are not black, but light, translucent. In such claws you can see how a vessel grows.

It is necessary to cut the claws at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, diagonally, the way a dog naturally grinds its claws down.

Part 8. Brush the dog before washing

Be sure to do this before washing! Because after washing it will no longer be possible to comb the dog well. The wool will be rolled up, there will be tangles and it will be impossible to comb them through wet wool.

We use a slicker brush without “droplets” and a regular metal comb with fine and large teeth. First we take a slicker brush and start scratching the wool. Next, take a comb, go first with small teeth, then with large ones.

When combing your skirt, you can hold the skin on top so that it does not pull. Remove excess hair from the slicker immediately. Try not to press too hard when scratching with a slicker brush, because... The teeth are sharp and can cut your skin. We try to drive only on wool.

Part 9. How to remove tangles

If there are tangles, the hair is very tangled and the comb does not go through, it gets stuck. We find it, rake the fur, put it on our hand and carefully comb out this tangle with a slicker brush. Then comb it out with a fine-toothed comb and the mat will go away.

Part 10. Washing the dog

For washing we use a special shampoo. All shampoos are concentrated and are diluted differently, so read the instructions carefully. We use All System shampoo, it is diluted 1 to 10.

We wash the dog with warm, comfortable water. We carefully water the head so that water does not get into the ears.

You can soap your dog with a soft sponge or just your hand. We try not to confuse the wool. We rinse well between the fingers, it’s usually always dirty there. We wash it off.

Next, be sure to treat the dog with conditioner. All conditioners are diluted differently, just like shampoos, so read the instructions carefully. We have an All System air conditioner and it is diluted 1 to 10.

The conditioner must be diluted in hot water! But not in boiling water, but so as not to burn the dog.

Apply conditioner to the wool. After application, wait a couple of minutes for the conditioner to soften the coat.

We wash it off very carefully. If you don’t rinse it well, the dog’s hair will be greasy when drying.

We squeeze the dog out and blot it with a towel. Try not to rub, but just wet.

Part 11. Drying the dog

For small dogs, you can use a small professional hair dryer. Of course, such a hairdryer is not suitable for large dogs; there are dog drying compressors designed specifically for drying large dogs with thick hair.

We dry the dog using a slicker. We try to comb the fur upward on the tail, and on the paws we comb it downwards. We move the powder brush using the air flow.

When we dry our hair, we try not to drag the powder brush over the skin too much. We comb the wool in different directions to blow and straighten it as much as possible. Then we’ll start scratching from the ear to the head. We try to shape the cheeks towards the nose and finally the beard from below towards the nose.

Part 12. How to make Top Note.

The top note is the so-called bow on the head.

The fur is carefully selected from the outer corner of the eye with a comb and drawn approximately to the beginning of the ear. Those. We find the beginning of the ear and draw a straight line here. We tie a ponytail. We select the remaining part from behind. We try not to catch excess hair from the ear. Run a comb along the ear approximately the same way and collect the back part. We collect the remaining ponytail and tie it with an elastic band.

We cut off the tip of the tail. According to their wishes, some cut more, others cut less.

Part 13. Ear trimming

It is necessary to cut the hair on the ear along the contour. You can use small hairdressing scissors. Carefully cut the hair along the fur, trying not to catch the ear. Only by wool!

Next we need to decorate the fur that sticks out on the ears beautifully. We place the ear on 4 fingers, comb out the hair that was not combed in Top-not. And we cut, focusing on the line that you shaved at the very beginning. We cut the wool in a straight line, carefully so as not to cut off the ear.

Next, we trim the transition on the ears in front, on the muzzle.

Comb the fur on the cheeks down. Because the owner's self-cut - you need to trim it nicely to get a semicircular edging.

Part 14. Cutting the cheeks and nose

We use long straight scissors, or you can use rounded scissors. We cut, comb and cut again.

We trim the ear, combing back.

We cut our nose. You can do this with a trimmer, machine, or thinning scissors.

We will show you with thinning scissors. Carefully trim the hair from the nose, holding the scissors perpendicular to the dog's nose. We try not to point the blades at the eyes, because... The dog twitches and can be injured.

Part 15. We cut the tail, hind legs, skirt

We take the tail, comb it over ourselves, find the tip, pinch it so as not to cut it off and cut off the excess hair.

Next you need to form the feather. Comb the fur down. Using scissors we make a beautiful semicircular feather.

We cut the paw.

We comb the paw, you should get a round slipper without excess hair. We cut it carefully. To the fingers, to the claws. A simplified way to cut off this excess fur is to run your hand along the fur to the very bottom of the paw and lift the paw. Trim off excess hair.

We raise the paw and cut it roughly like a tail, i.e. in the shape of a semicircle, feather. We comb the skirt down and cut it straight.

We remove the steps on the paws with thinning scissors. We comb the wool towards ourselves and cut it with thinning scissors, obtaining smooth transitions.

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