Estrus in a Yorkshire Terrier - at what age menstruation appears, signs of estrus in Yorkies, how many days it lasts

Despite the external diminutiveness of Yorkshire terriers, sooner or later they mature, enter the puberty phase and become ready for reproduction. Experienced breeders involved in breeding do not breed Yorkies during their first heat, since they are not physically and psychologically prepared for pregnancy and childbirth. During this period, dogs require additional attention from the owner so that the process takes place without complications and undesirable consequences. A dog breeder should know at what age a Yorkshire Terrier's first heat occurs, how long it lasts, how to care for a girl, and what methods exist to prevent menstruation.

Estrus phases

The Yorkshire Terrier's estrus consists of four phases:

  • proestrus (precursor);
  • estrus;
  • metaestrus;
  • anestrus.

At the first stage of estrus, the eric's loop swells, becomes tense, and bleeding appears. The bitch behaves nervously, does not listen to the owner, does not allow the male dog to approach her, and she urinates more often.

In the second phase (estrus, or heat), ovulation occurs, the discharge becomes lighter, turning from red to pink or yellowish. The loop increases in size and is no longer as tense as before. The Yorkshire terrier bitch is ready for mating and allows male dogs to approach her.

During metaestrus, the erka's sexual heat dies out. Menstruation becomes transparent, their number decreases significantly. The girl again shows aggression towards males.

The last phase (anestrus) is considered a period of rest between estrus. It is the longest, during which fertilization is impossible. The Yorkie's body is resting.

Symptoms and signs

The first thing that the owner of a Yorkshire Terrier bitch should know about are the symptoms of an approaching heat. The most important sign of this condition is considered to be a change in the dog’s behavior:

  • appearance of nervousness;
  • the animal stops obeying and following commands;
  • sometimes the dog begins to follow the owner everywhere and actively play with him;
  • Yorkie begins to mark territory, thereby attracting the attention of the opposite sex;
  • the animal makes attempts to escape from the owner.

In addition, the dog’s genitals become enlarged and bloody discharge begins. Sometimes the discharge is so small that the female manages to lick it off, which complicates the correct identification of her condition. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the presence of estrus, it is recommended to take a smear from the vagina, as well as a blood test.

If no bleeding is observed during this period, this indicates disturbances in the animal’s body. Therefore, in this case, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

In a situation where the owner does not want to breed puppies, a sterilization procedure is carried out. Males are also castrated. It is worth noting that castrated animals become less aggressive and stop marking their territory in the house. Spaying and neutering of the Yorkshire Terrier should be performed by a specialist. After the animal has been castrated, it needs careful care to avoid the development of complications.

When does a Yorkie girl's first heat occur?

The first heat in Yorkshire Terriers begins at the age of 10 months, but it happens that puberty occurs earlier or later than this by one to two months. All dogs are individual, the time of their first period depends on several factors:

  • heredity;
  • conditions of detention;
  • diet;
  • physical activity;
  • state of the body.

It is important for a dog breeder not to miss the first heat to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. In addition, early mating weakens the body of the Yorkshire Terrier and negatively affects the condition of the future offspring.

How to avoid mating

This question is most often asked by owners of dogs who do not plan to breed. But it is not alien to people who keep breeding dogs, because an unplanned mating will be an unpleasant surprise.

The main condition is to keep an eye on the dog while walking, do not let it off the leash and do not allow strangers to get too close.

You can purchase a special product at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores that eliminates the odor that attracts male dogs. It is used to treat the back of the pet’s body before each walk.

Signs of estrus, pet behavior

To independently determine the onset of heat in a Yorkshire Terrier, you need to carefully monitor the dog. Signs of sexual heat include:

  1. Change in Yorkie behavior - the female behaves restlessly, can be nervous and aggressive or, conversely, apathetic and indifferent to everything. The mood changes very quickly and often.
  2. Appetite - at first the Yorshik refuses to eat, and then, after the onset of menstruation, it begins to eat a lot.
  3. Urination becomes more frequent, the dog often “sits down”, leaves puddles behind, and marks the territory not only on the street, but also at home.
  4. The loop increases in size, swells, and the erk constantly licks it.
  5. Drops of blood can be seen on the litter.
  6. During a walk, the Yorkie tends to free himself from the leash and collar and run away.

During the first heat of the year, Yorkshire terriers have a hidden estrus - there are no visible periods, while the female is ready for mating. You can understand that she has entered the estrus phase using a test. The dog is pressed on the root of the tail. If she is ready for mating, she sits down on her forelimbs and moves her tail to the side.

Main stages and duration

The average duration is 21 days. The first heats are characterized by shorter duration and fewer symptoms. The estrus period in Yorkshire Terriers, like all dwarf breeds, goes through the following stages:

  1. Proestrus - it is characterized by bloody discharge and swelling of the loop. The dog behaves restlessly or apathetically and refuses to mate. In any case, the pet's behavior changes significantly.
  2. Estrus. The stage begins 10 days after the first. It is he who is considered the most successful for mating. The bitch is ready and allows the male to approach in order to mount.
  3. Meaestrus - ten days. The bitch is already losing interest in males, the discharge becomes transparent. And the number is decreasing. Behavior returns to normal.
  4. Anestrus is the resting stage between estrus. Lasts from 100 to 150 days.

If mating and pregnancy are not planned, you should pay special attention to the dog on the street. Males smell the peculiar smell of the bitch during this period, so they can cage very quickly. In addition, mating can occur with a street dog, which can infect a Yorkshire terrier girl with serious diseases.

How many days does a Yorkshire terrier, mini and standard, go into heat?

Each phase of sexual heat takes a certain time:

  • proestrus lasts from 7 to 10 days;
  • estrus – from 9 to 16 days;
  • metaestrus – 2-3 months;
  • anestrus - from 3 to 5 months.

It is generally accepted that estrus in dogs lasts 20-30 days. At this time, the first two phases are included, when all signs of sexual heat appear, mating, fertilization and pregnancy of the dog are possible. The first time the condition of the precursor may be shorter than the specified period and last no more than a week.

During the transition to the phase of matestrus and anestrus, the Yorkie becomes calm, eats as usual, does not allow males to approach him, therefore they are not directly included in estrus.

Stages of the cycle

This breed goes into heat for about 4 weeks. It consists of 3 stages, after which the fourth begins - a pause, during which the animal’s condition becomes more stable:

  • Proestrus lasts about weeks, accompanied by swelling of the genital loop and the appearance of bloody discharge. The bitch is disobedient, shows interest in other animals, but does not allow contact, especially with males. May fight or run away.
  • Estrus is ovulation, the dog is ready to conceive offspring. Lasts about a week, the discharge is without blood, scanty and transparent. The behavior is benevolent, aggression towards females remains, but it allows males, mating is possible.
  • Metaestrus lasts a little over a week. The discharge ends, the hormonal levels stabilize, the animal is calmer, but it stops letting males in.
  • Anestrus is a pause between cycles, which can take from five to seven months, on average - six months. Stable behavior, normal hormonal levels, no discharge.

All these stages take 3 and a half to 4 weeks. If the cycle is longer than a month, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian to check for inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. Cycle failures, too much or too little discharge are all reasons to visit a specialist.

How many times a year does a female dog have her period?

Typically, Yorkshire Terriers come into heat twice a year. Most often these periods occur in spring or autumn. The first occurs at 9-12 months, the next - after 8 months. There may be a delay. If the time interval exceeds 9-10 months, this is a deviation from the norm and the Yorkshire Terrier must be shown to a doctor.

The number of estruses per year depends on the health of the dog, the use of medications, the conditions of its maintenance and diet. If menstruation occurs 3-4 times a year, the Yorkie needs to be examined and the cause of the pathology is found out.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Estrus is a physiological state of a Yorkie caused by ovulation.
  2. The first estrus occurs at the age of 9-12 months.
  3. The duration of the cycle is 21 days, frequency is up to 2 times a year.
  4. Changes in the cycle depend on the physical and psychological state of the dog.
  5. The absence of menstruation indicates the presence of diseases or physiological causes.
  6. In some representatives of the breed (for example, mini), estrus can be bloodless.
  7. If your cycle is too frequent (more than 2 times a year), or there are no periods, you should consult a doctor.
  8. To prevent pregnancy and estrus, surgery can be performed: castration, sterilization.
  9. The use of hormonal drugs is not recommended or under strict medical supervision.

How is your Yorkie's heat going? Have any of our readers undergone spay or neuter surgery? Why was this decision made? Do you have experience using hormonal drugs? Share your experience in the comments, please.

How to care for a dog during menstruation?

During the period of heat, the Yorkshire Terrier needs care and attention. The pet is protected from hypothermia and infections - they are not allowed to lie on a cold floor or ground, they are not allowed to walk with it outside in bad weather, and they are not allowed to swim in open bodies of water. You shouldn’t even wash it, so as not to cause inflammation of the loop. Yorshiks themselves maintain hygiene, carefully licking their genitals.

With heavy menstruation, the Yorkie can leave traces in the apartment. To avoid this, buy special underpants for dogs. They are also used during walks, which helps protect the bitch from unwanted matings and infection. Walk only on a leash. Despite the need for attention, Yorshiks should not be pampered or allowed to do too much. Otherwise, they will get used to permissiveness and begin to control the owner at their own discretion.

In order not to miss the moment of the onset of sexual heat, the dog breeder must keep a diary and record there all the changes that occur with the dog. This information will help you accurately determine the date of your period and the next cycle.


Caring for a Yorkie bitch during heat comes down to two main tasks. Prevent unwanted mating and protect the floor, walls and furniture in the house from contamination with bloody discharge. It is also necessary to ensure that the dog does not catch a cold or contract any infectious disease at this time. Estrus weakens the animal’s body, which is why diseases occur rapidly and in a more severe form.

It is categorically impossible to take a female dog into her first heat: the dog is still, in fact, still a puppy, bearing offspring and giving birth for her at this age is not an easy task, and perhaps even impossible. It is necessary to avoid unplanned mating even when the dog is going to be used for breeding. After all, if she mates with the yard “gentleman”, and then with the selected male sire, then the litter will be spoiled and at least one obvious mixed breed will be found, the puppies will not pass the graduation certification.

In addition, the male who breeds the dog may be too large for her, which can cause serious problems, even death, during pregnancy and childbirth. During estrus, from her very first day until the moment when the discharge completely stops, the bitch should only be taken outside on a leash, and during walks, be careful to ensure that males do not approach her.

It is advisable to stop training classes at this time.
Firstly, the dog, due to changes in behavior, will not be able to properly learn new commands.

And, secondly, a lot of dogs, including males, always gather at the training site. Coming there with a bitch in heat means increasing the likelihood of unwanted matings. The same applies to visiting exhibitions: you cannot bring a bitch in heat to them. In order to prevent contamination of the floor, walls, furniture and carpets, you should put on your pet special panties for bitches in heat or a diaper that suits her size.

If you plan to breed a dog in the future, then the first or second heat is an excellent opportunity to monitor the characteristics of its behavior during this period.

It is also possible to observe physiological changes regarding the color of the discharge and the condition of the loop, which will be useful for determining the date of mating during subsequent heats.

What to do if Yorkshire Terriers are not in heat for a long time?

The periodicity of the Yorkie's cycle is often disrupted. Your period may not come on time. It happens that the intervals between them increase or decrease.

The causes of failures are:

  • too young (under 6 months) or old (over 7 years) age;
  • gaining excess weight;
  • previous operations;
  • stressful situation;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • exhaustion.

Most often in these cases, the Yorkshire Terrier's cycle is restored after the root cause is eliminated. You should contact a veterinary clinic if there is no heat due to diseases:

  • hypothyroidism is a hereditary pathology, it is characterized by a lack of hormone production by the thyroid gland;
  • ovarian hypoplasia - appears with incomplete development of the Yorkshire Terrier;
  • vitamin deficiency – lack of vitamins and microelements in the body;
  • tumor - a neoplasm in the ovaries that increases in size and draws blood flow to itself;
  • vaginitis is inflammation and swelling of the external genitalia.

To find the real cause of the cycle disorder, it is necessary to examine the dog, make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment.

What to do?

Often the absence of estrus is confused with a condition when it occurs without red discharge, or it is so scanty and pale that the dog manages to lick it before the owner has time to notice. This is especially true for mini Yorkshire terriers. This condition is normal. The time frame for mating is calculated together with a specialist.

If stress is suspected as the cause of the absence of a cycle, the dog is kept quiet and observed. Other actions depend on the root cause:

  • if the dog was found on the street or was purchased as an adult, it may have undergone sterilization surgery;
  • the presence of a cyst - hormonal therapy or surgery;
  • oncology - radio and chemotherapy in the early stages of detection, surgery;
  • endometritis, purulent inflammation - antibiotics, antimicrobials;
  • pyometra - removal of the uterus and ovaries.

Important: any treatment, from hormonal to antibiotics, requires strict veterinary supervision.

Unreasonable self-diagnosis and selection of medications on the Internet are the path to worsening your pet’s condition. Deaths are also possible.

When is the best time to breed girls?

You should not breed female Yorkshire Terriers during their first heat. They are not yet ready for pregnancy, childbirth and feeding their offspring, either physically or psychologically. The optimal age for breeding Yorkies is one and a half years, during the onset of the second or third heat. Earlier pregnancies have a negative impact on the health of the bitch and her babies.

To prevent mating from occurring earlier than planned, the dates of onset and completion of estrus should be noted in the diary. A female should be mated to a male on the 10th-14th day of heat. The girl is ready to mate if she allows males to approach her. You can check it using a test - run your finger along the loop or the skin of the perineum. The bitch stands with her legs spread wide and her tail moves back, which means she is ready for mating. Routine tests can be used to detect glucose in the urine. When vaginal discharge is applied to it, the strip turns green, which means the Yorkie is ready for fertilization.

Dog handlers advise allowing Yorkies whose weight is 2-3 kg to be mated. For smaller girls, pregnancy in most cases ends with a caesarean section. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the representatives of the breed. The first pregnancy must occur before the Yorkie reaches four years of age. There may be further complications.


If the purpose of breeding is to make a profit, you should make sure that the dog’s documents are properly prepared. The club in which the bitch is registered must obtain permission to breed. Otherwise, the puppies will not receive documentary confirmation of their breed.

The norm is for a Yorkie female to start estrus at 8-10 months. It may come earlier, but this does not mean that the bitch is ready to breed. The readiness of the bitch to give birth will determine the health of the newborn puppies. Signs of readiness:

  • The weight of the expectant mother should be 2-3 kg. A smaller weight (1.5 kg) is insufficient for pregnancy; the dog may die during childbirth. If you weigh between 1.5 and 2 kg, delivery by cesarean section will be required;
  • age threshold. The best moment for mating is the third heat. It usually occurs at the age of 2 years. At this point, the cycle has been established, the hormonal background is smooth, the dog is ready for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Absolute health - all age-appropriate vaccinations have been completed. Routine vaccination should be carried out no more than ten months before the start of the cycle and no less than one.

Important: it is better to plan your first birth before the age of 4 years, when the birth canal is elastic. The age limit is 8 years.

Breeding rules are considered the norm: one Yorkie female gives birth per year, no more than six in a lifetime.

Rules for mating:

  • all conditions must be agreed upon in advance: find a partner, discuss payment, how to get out of the situation when one baby is born, what to do if the mating does not work out;
  • The owner of a Yorkie bitch needs to be prepared for the fact that the dog may “refuse” mating for various reasons. We need a backup option;
  • About a month before the expected estrus, vaccinations are carried out. This will help the puppies get antibodies from their mother's milk;
  • carry out anti-parasitic treatment a month in advance;
  • get examined by a veterinarian;
  • 10 days before estrus, worm the bitch! Toy breed puppies infected with helminths from their mother may die in the first days of life;
  • 5 days before mating, wash the dog with a neutral-smelling product, trim the nails and hair near the genitals;
  • On the eve of mating, do not feed the bitch or give her a light dinner. It’s good to take a walk two hours before the event.

To be sure of the result of mating, it is worth consulting with the breeder about the peculiarities of the mother bitch’s cycle. According to general rules, readiness for mating occurs on days 7-14 of the cycle. Such readiness can be noticeable in the dog’s behavior. If your periods are bloodless, a progesterone test, which is carried out in the clinic, will help. It is done on the 7-10th billing day of the cycle.

Mating is always carried out on the territory of the dog. This will give him confidence. The room creates a calm environment without loud sounds, drafts and other distractions. Cover slippery floors with carpet to prevent dogs' paws from slipping. This may result in injury.

Important: if this is your first mating, it is better to invite an instructor.

An hour after mating, the dogs can be fed. To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, the procedure is repeated after a day or two. The bitch is carefully supervised for 2-3 days - during this time she can still become pregnant from other random males.

The result can be diagnosed on day 17; on day 25, the veterinarian will be able to determine the number of puppies using ultrasound. A Yorkie bitch's pregnancy lasts about nine weeks.

Ways to prevent estrus in Yorkies

Many lovers of decorative dogs buy puppies not for breeding, but as companions. In this case, the question arises of how to avoid estrus and unwanted pregnancies. There are several ways to stop sexual hunting in animals: the use of contraceptives, castration and sterilization.

Contraceptive drugs

The range of modern contraceptive drugs is very wide. The action of some is aimed at preventing ovulation, others at reducing the odor from the female during the period of sexual heat, and still others at normalizing hormonal levels.

There are several forms of birth control:

  1. Injections - injections are used in emergency cases when it is necessary to interrupt estrus; the method has contraindications.
  2. Tablets - they contain artificially created hormones that can stop the activity of the ovaries; their use is effective only at the beginning of estrus.
  3. Drops on the tongue - can interrupt or delay ovulation, can only be used at the beginning of the cycle.
  4. Drops on the withers - not only interrupt ovulation at the first stage, but also remove aggression and nervousness of the Yorkshire Terrier.

Despite the convenience of using contraceptives, you cannot resort to their help without a veterinarian’s prescription. They have quite a lot of contraindications; it is unacceptable to use:

  • during the first heat, pregnancy or lactation;
  • if there are lumps in the breast, neoplasms on the body or tumors;
  • before the start of sexual hunting;
  • for diabetes;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

Uncontrolled use of contraceptives leads to a number of complications:

  • infertility;
  • inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • increased animal aggression.

Often complications are associated with non-compliance with the dosage of the drug. Yorkshire Terriers are small, and an overdose can result in an allergic reaction.


Sterilization refers to a surgical intervention in which a dog is deprived of the ability to reproduce, but the reproductive organs are retained. During the operation, the fallopian tubes of the Yorkshire Terrier are ligated. All instincts, behavior and reflexes are preserved.

If a female has her tubes tied, she cannot give birth to puppies, but she still leaves marks and remains aggressive during the heat period. The disadvantages of the procedure include an increased risk of pyometra (inflammation of the uterus), the development of cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Dogs are not sterilized in several cases:

  1. If the female is used for breeding and she is younger than 7-8 years.
  2. When diagnosing hemophilia.
  3. When there are anesthetic risks.

Sterilization has its advantages:

  • no need to place unwanted puppies;
  • the dog does not experience a false pregnancy;
  • reduced susceptibility to inflammatory diseases;
  • Neutered Yorkshire Terriers live longer.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • you will have to pay for the procedure;
  • recovery may be lengthy;
  • Eric will need post-operative care;
  • sterilized animals often suffer from obesity due to non-compliance with feeding rules and lack of physical activity.

If the operation is carried out in a veterinary clinic with a high rating, using endoscopic equipment, and then the doctor’s recommendations are strictly followed, then the dog recovers quickly and all the negative aspects are covered by obvious advantages.


Castration refers to the complete removal of a female dog's ovaries. As a result, the Yorkshire terrier not only does not have the opportunity to give birth to offspring, but also his sexual desire disappears and his behavior completely changes. Castration is carried out if the owner does not intend to breed the breed, and also, during estrus, the Yorkie behaves inappropriately. It should be remembered that nothing can be corrected after surgery, so you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages and make a decision.

The main advantages of castration include:

  • no problems with estrus;
  • you can safely walk with a Yorkshire – the bitch will not run away and the males will not attack her;
  • the girl will become more obedient and calm;
  • the risk of tumors of the reproductive organs, breast cancer and perineal hernia will be reduced;
  • The life expectancy of Yorkies increases.

There are not many disadvantages to castration:

  • the girl may gain excess weight;
  • in a long-haired Yorkshire terrier, the coat may begin to grow rapidly on the neck, limbs and sides;
  • there is a high probability of a problem with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is important to choose the right time for castration. This can be done before the first heat, at the age of 5-6 months, or after the cessation of lactation, if the bitch has given birth.

Delay and interruption of estrus

If you do not plan to produce offspring from your Yorkie, the best solution would be to sterilize the dog. The drugs are used in breeding bitches starting from the second heat. During the first estrus, contraceptives are contraindicated.


Yorkies are sterilized before the first estrus begins or 2 months after its end. Surgery is not recommended for children under 7 months of age.

Before the surgical procedure, your Yorkie will undergo a full examination, including hormone testing and vaginal swabs.

Sterilization of a non-breeding female will prevent the development of pathologies of the reproductive system, eliminate marks in the apartment and have a positive effect on the psychological health of the pet.

The disadvantages of castration include excess weight gain in Yorkies. The problem is solved by correcting the diet by switching the animal to food for sterilized dogs.


To interrupt estrus, hormonal drugs are used to promote the extinction of reproductive instincts:

  • Ex-5;
  • Sex Barrier;
  • CounterSex;
  • SexControl;
  • Contrik.

Contraceptives reduce aggressiveness, increased excitability, and weaken the tendency to mark territory.

The drug should be given no later than the second day after the onset of the first symptoms of estrus. Duration of use – from 5 to 7 days.

Sex barrier products are contraindicated for Yorkies with pathologies of the reproductive system (metritis, pyometra, endometritis, etc.), neoplasms in the mammary glands, diabetes mellitus and urolithiasis.

Anti-estrus medications in dogs

There is such a solution as drug intervention. There are medications for dog estrus: hormonal ones disrupt the process, and non-hormonal ones reduce sexual arousal and desire.

Hormonal drugs against estrus

These products are designed to interrupt and prevent estrus. Uncontrolled use is unacceptable, as is constant use. Only a veterinarian prescribes such tablets according to a strict administration regimen.

After the cessation of action, the animal’s natural estrous cycle is restored. This approach cannot in any way be called an alternative to sterilization. The recommendations will definitely say about caution in the use of such medications, since there is always a risk of complications.

Hormonal medication is a reversible contraception, but this solution can only be used in certain cases. For example, the empty space occurs during a move or other unsuitable time for the owners. This is a convenient way of canine contraception when competitions or a long trip are coming up. The veterinarian also prescribes a hormonal drug for some medicinal purposes.

Attention, if estrus has already begun, then taking a hormonal drug is unacceptable

Now let's look at medications that prevent estrus:


(Netherlands). This is contraception in the form of injections, which is prescribed both to prevent pregnancy and to treat false pregnancy. It works due to the steroid hormone. The cost varies between 1850-2250 rubles.

Sex Control

(Russia). Tablets or drops act on the basis of the hormonal substance megestrol acetate. The remedy must be prescribed by a veterinarian, calculating the dosage and course of administration. Tablets cost about 130 rubles, and drops (5 ml) cost 100-120 rubles.

Sex Barrier

(Russia). Canine contraceptive in the form of drops or tablets to interrupt sexual heat and normalize the animal’s behavior. Tablets cost 160-175 rubles, and drops (3 ml) cost 240-255 rubles.

Stop Intimate
Api San
(Russia). Thanks to this drug in the form of tablets, the female's sexual desire is regulated. The medicine costs about 180-200 rubles.

CounterSex Neo

(Russia). The contraceptive is available in tablets and drops and is intended to suppress reproductive function and regulate sexual desire. Drops (2 ml) cost 130-140 rubles, tablets 75-85 rubles.

You should carefully read the instructions, especially the section with contraindications

Owners should understand that the hormonal drug can have a side effect: the mammary glands may swell, lethargy, apathy appear, appetite increases, obesity, and sexual pathologies occur.

Drugs that reduce sexual arousal

The drugs are not intended to stop estrus, but taking them significantly reduces the bitch's arousal. Thus, the empty space is transferred much easier and calmer.

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Hormone Balancer Flower Essence Drops

(Australia). A drug based on herbal ingredients costs about 2650-2720 rubles.

Da-ba Relax Plus

(Latvia). The product will calm the nervous system, preventing the dog from experiencing stress. The price is about 500 rubles per package.

Stop Stress Api San

(Russia). The drops reduce sexual arousal and cost 250-265 rubles.

There are products that neutralize the odor, which leads to a decrease in interest from male dogs. This is Canina Dog-Stop Spray (Germany), Anticobelin. (Russia), DOG STOP FORTE (Germany).

A folk remedy - a concentrated decoction of bay leaves - also neutralizes the smell of heat.

Neutering dogs is the most reliable method of birth control

Preventing your dog from getting pregnant is not as easy as it seems. Don't underestimate your dog's—or anyone else's—determination to reproduce. Special vigilance is required; Believe me, just because your yard is fenced doesn’t mean anything!

Neutering dogs, which involves removing the ovaries and/or uterus, is the most common and effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancies in dogs and reducing pet overpopulation.

Sterilization is permanent and irreversible.

From dog diapers to body wraps, there are many non-permanent ways to prevent pregnancy at home.

Avoid going to dog parks or other areas where dogs live while your dog is in heat. Also, if you decide to use a dog diaper, remember that it needs to be leak-proof, absorbent, comfortable, and most importantly, safe.

It should also be changed frequently.

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