At what age do cats start walking and for how long?

Cute and affectionate kittens are welcome guests in almost any home. You can watch their games and behavior endlessly. But as soon as the cats grow up a little, the fairy tale gradually begins to become scary. To save yourself from unpleasant surprises, you need to know exactly at what age cats begin to walk.

It should be noted that in these animals, depending on their sex, maturation occurs at different times. Girls, as a rule, reach the age of readiness to go out earlier than boys. If the former can demand “romance” already at six to seven months, then the latter begin to be interested in the opposite sex only at eight to ten months.

It is impossible to confuse the moment when a cat begins to walk for the first time, since the animal’s behavior changes dramatically.

Yesterday's kitten, upon entering childbearing age, stops cuddling and becomes aggressive and angry. The animal may begin to throw itself at its owners, scratch itself, and strive to leave the house, going for a walk in search of adventure outside the door.

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Manifestations of physical maturity

Once they reach puberty, cats begin to behave much more aggressively than male cats. This is expressed in loud screams at night, damage to furniture and wallpaper, and marks throughout the habitat of an animal that has reached a dangerous age. During the period of estrus, the urine of an animal acquires a very pungent and unpleasant odor , it is almost impossible to get rid of it - these are very clear signs of the cat’s puberty. In addition, the beast constantly updates its marks.

The behavior of an animal depends quite strongly on the presence of competitors near it. The more aggressors around, the more nervous the cat began to behave. He hisses and grumbles threateningly, his games resemble hunting.

A loud voice is one way to show rivals who is boss in the house, especially if two animals are in a one-on-one duel.

It should be noted that in addition to being a threat to competitors, cat cries may not be a very good sign. This behavior may be a consequence of the formation of kidney stones in the pet , and not because it has reached a certain age. The sharp edges painfully wound the animal from the inside, causing it to literally scream in pain. That is why any pet’s complaints should be treated carefully and not confuse estrus with a serious problem.

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Alternative ways to resolve the heat issue

Modern pharmacology can offer pet owners to discourage their animals from any desire to flirt with the opposite sex, preserving their reproductive function. In this case, it is proposed to use two types of drops:

  • Sedatives (in addition to ready-made pharmacy options, you can use folk methods in the form of chamomile or thyme decoctions);
  • Hormonal (they will calm a walking animal by adjusting the animal’s hormonal levels).

If the animal is not valuable as a breeder, it is better not to torture it and castrate the cat. Unlike people, animals do not grieve over the loss of the opportunity to bear offspring, so the pet will not receive any mental trauma, but only peace for itself and its owners.


If not hormones, then what?

Since hormonal drugs can be harmful, it is better to use more gentle options. For example, “Fitex” or “Cat Bayun”. These are herbal-based preparations, therefore they are the safest for cat health. “Palladium”, “Bromine” and “Ignacia” have also proven themselves well. These are homeopathic remedies that have a gentle effect on the body and do not cause side effects. In addition, the result is achieved almost immediately after use. Many veterinarians advise sterilization if the owner does not want the cat to give birth to kittens. After the operation, the pet will no longer walk and will not be able to get pregnant. The pills temporarily suppress her arousal. And besides, they can cause irreparable harm to health. It makes sense to use such drugs if mating is not planned now, but in the future the owner plans to breed a cat with a cat. What exactly to choose, sterilization or taking sedative hormonal drugs, it all depends on the decision of the pet owner, as well as the health and age of the animal.
Read more about the use of sedatives here. This article discussed how to understand that a cat wants a cat, when it is recommended to breed and how to do it correctly. Each cat has its own character and preferences. And it is important to learn to understand your pet. If the owner does not want the cat to give birth, it is better to undergo sterilization surgery. Of course, you can use various drugs to suppress your pet’s sexual arousal, but many of them, especially hormonal ones, can be harmful to health.


Mating cats

It is important to know how to properly match a cat with a cat so that the whole process is successful.
First you need to find a partner. It is advisable to do this in advance, and it is better to introduce the animals in advance. You can find a suitable cat in a cat club, by visiting an exhibition or by advertising in a newspaper or on the Internet. To prevent mating from causing harm, it should be carried out after reaching a certain age, and both animals should be checked for the presence of fungal, viral, infectious and other diseases. Also, before mating - 2 weeks - experts advise deworming. Before introducing a cat to a cat for the first time, it is recommended to trim its claws. This is necessary so that she does not cause injury during the mating process. You should not bathe the animal before mating. Because this can wash away the natural scent of the bride, which is so attractive to the cat. It is better to pair your pet with a male on the 3-5th day of estrus.

It happens that a cat does not allow the male to approach her. And this is not surprising, because these creatures are very capricious and capricious. If the situation or the male is not to your liking, problems with mating are guaranteed. There are also individuals that never allow males to approach them. Most likely the reason for this behavior lies in an incorrectly formed sexual instinct. But this may also be due to problems with the uterus or ovaries. If your pet likes the cat, it is better not to change it. After all, representatives of the cat family are monogamous. It is recommended that a cat give birth no more than 3 times every 2 years.

How to recognize that your pet is asking for a cat?

It is clear at what age cats begin to walk. But how to recognize this period? It's actually very simple. The owner will not be able to confuse this with anything else. The greatest sexual activity of cats is observed in the first months of the year: from February to April. But in October-November, the cat shows less pronounced readiness to mate. You can understand that a cat is asking for a cat based on certain signs.

  1. Often, representatives of the cat family have a decrease in appetite during this period. And some individuals completely lose interest in food. Of course, this may also indicate that the pet is sick. Therefore, this sign should not be considered separately as an indicator that the animal is walking. Estrus is necessarily accompanied by other symptoms.
  2. The pet begins to scream and meow loudly. At first it may look very unusual. Therefore, when a cat starts asking for a cat for the first time, it may seem strange to the owner. But this is all natural - the cat's instinct kicks in. Thus, the pet attracts a potential cat to mate.
  3. The animal begins to leave marks throughout the house. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether cats mark territory like cats is a resounding “yes.” During the period of estrus, the pet begins to have special discharge. Some people believe that a cat leaves marks on the floor involuntarily. Others are convinced that in this way she attracts a male. But there is also an opinion that a cat during estrus marks the boundaries in this way, fearing that the cats will lay claim to her territory. Regardless of the actual cause, discharge in a cat during heat is normal.
  4. The pet becomes overly affectionate: it purrs loudly and rubs against the owner’s legs. True, in some cases aggression may be observed in her behavior.
  5. The pet begins to go to the toilet often in small ways. But why did the cat start peeing anywhere during her heat? This is due to physiological changes in the body.
  6. The animal begins to take characteristic positions for mating: it lowers itself on its front legs, and raises the back of its body, moving its tail to the side. Thus, the cat makes it clear to the male that she is ready for mating.

Mr. Cat recommends: how to determine the onset of heat

The onset of puberty is marked by a combination of signs, including:

  • changes in behavior from affectionate to aggressive;
  • a shrill meow resembling a cry of pain;
  • frequent licking of the genitals;
  • increasing the frequency of trips to the toilet, marking the territory;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the desire to find a male in the house or outside it;
  • falling on the front paws and lifting the tail;
  • rolling on the floor, playfulness.

Before estrus, the cat begins to walk more, becomes gentle and demands affection.

If such symptoms are not detected until a year or later, the cause may be the so-called “erased estrus”, which is the basis for a trip to the veterinarian.

When does a cat start begging for the first time and how to understand it?

The cat is a mystical creature. People have long believed that these unique animals are capable of not only giving their owner warmth and love, but also protecting them from any negativity. When purchasing a fluffy cat, you need to remember that, as she grows up, she will begin to go for walks. Always affectionate and calm, one fine day she will begin to behave very strangely: meow loudly, calling for the cat. But after some time, the “cat concert” will pass, and the pet’s behavior will again be normal. This article will tell you at what age a cat begins to ask a cat, how to understand it and what to do.

About the average age of cat maturation

For the first time, the physiological need for male attention arises at 6-9 months, but in many long-haired and large breeds, such as the Maine Coon, this process drags on for up to a year. And vice versa, short-haired and outbred animals born in the fall can begin to walk by spring; this is inherent in their nature.

Cats can carry, give birth and raise viable offspring without complications only at actual maturity. Therefore, you should not start mating with a cat before 1-1.5 years of age, as this can cause serious health problems.

What to do

For the owner, there are the following ways to solve the problem of estrus in a pet:

  • Sterilize to protect against pregnancy forever. In this case, there is a risk of hormonal imbalance and suppuration of the sutures.
  • Use contraceptives. They will dull arousal, but there is a danger of harm to health from taking hormonal drugs.
  • Connect with a male. After the birth of kittens, the cat will become calmer and will walk less.
  • Distract from sensations during heat. Buy new toys, pay more attention.

If the owner is in doubt about what to do with the pet, it is worth contacting a veterinarian for advice. This will help avoid new health problems.

How many days does a cat walk?

One of the main questions that arises for cat owners is how long do they walk? There is no clear answer to this question, since many factors influence the duration of estrus .

The duration of the period depends on:

  • Age;
  • Time spent without a cat;
  • Living conditions;
  • Environment, weather, time of year;
  • Nutritional features;
  • The physical condition of the cat;
  • The nature of the pet's body.

In pets, estrus most often lasts from 5 to 10 days. The first estrus may be short-lived . With age, the duration increases, as the pet’s hormonal background forms and changes. In different breeds, a duration of up to 20 days can be observed.

Estrus requires constant monitoring by the breeder. You need to know how long your pet normally goes into heat.

If deviations occur and the heat lasts too long, this may indicate the presence of an ovarian cyst or tumor. A visit to the veterinarian is required to undergo an ultrasound examination.

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