All about knitting. Part 2: At what age can a dog be bred, how to choose the day of mating

Canine breeding

  • Fact:
    It is better not to untie dogs that are not purebred, do not qualify for selection into the tribe, or do not meet any other criteria.
  • Fact 2:
    The female begins to come into heat for the first time between 6 and 10 months.
  • Fact 3:
    The optimal time for the first mating is the bitch’s third heat, when she is approximately 1.5-2 years old
  • Fact 4:
    In order for a bitch to become pregnant, it is not enough to simply pair her with a male. This should be day "X", the time when ovulation occurs

Reproduction is a process as natural as death. Mother Nature took care of this, providing living beings with a full set of necessary organs for conception, gestation and birth of offspring. As for dogs, they cope perfectly well with the required physiological aspects even without human control. But this is when it comes to unsystematic reproduction, so to speak, “by chance.”

This is out of the question for purebred dogs. The decision to breed puppies is a deliberate, well-planned act. They prepare for it, comprehend all available information regarding mating, learn to help pets if necessary. High-breed dogs are bred for a specific purpose - no one wants to sell weak, sick puppies. That is why they treat the appearance of canine offspring as if they were their own, with no less trepidation and seriousness.

To knit or not to knit? How to solve the dilemma

Just “I want puppies” is clearly not enough. Selling children must be absolutely healthy, which means their parents must be healthy. If you plan to mate with inexperienced dogs, then the owner needs to thoroughly have information on how to help pets in the delicate issue of mating. In addition, you need to know how long this process takes, what difficulties there are and ways to solve it.

So, the knitting issue became an obsession. It's time to decide. First, a small test, the questions of which we answer as truthfully as possible:

  • The very first and most important , without which everything else will no longer make sense: are you financially and morally ready to support a pregnant dog, and then newborn puppies? Spent on increased nutrition, professional medical care, and endure the whims and inconveniences of unintelligent little ones?
  • Is your pet physically fit to bear puppies?
  • Are there any “dark spots” in your pet’s pedigree?
  • Does the area you own allow you to keep a dog and its litter?
  • Is there a guarantee that you will find reliable homes for grown-up puppies?

Now attention! If at least one question caused you doubt or turned out to be negative, then this is a reason to seriously think about whether it is really necessary to untie the bitch? Tribal standards are sometimes very strict. Failure to comply with them leads to the appearance of offspring with defects hidden for the time being. And then, when shortcomings appear, “loving” owners without regret change the ward for another, more “suitable” one, and the army of homeless, disadvantaged animals is replenished with one more unfortunate one.

It is better not to untie dogs that are not purebred, do not qualify for selection into the tribe, or do not meet any other criteria. And to avoid health problems, perform an operation to sterilize your pet.

Choosing the right partner

Some clubs that practice linear breeding techniques can provide assistance in finding a partner, but only if the dog breeder and his pet are members. Sometimes the rules of the organization require mandatory breeding of registered dogs, aimed at preserving the purity of the breed. At the same time, the owner of the bitch has the privilege of choosing “gentlemen”, since caring for the animal during pregnancy and after childbirth falls on his shoulders.

You can also cooperate with private breeders, but here it is important not only to see the pedigree confirming that the partner is not an outbred mestizo, but also the applicant himself. This is necessary in order not to get a “pig in a poke” in the form of breeds that do not meet the standards. In addition, if both dogs have any minor defects, then they must be different so that the genes responsible for them do not appear in a dominant form in future offspring.

It is very important to pay attention to the partner’s owners, since it is with them that the deal will be concluded and the formalities will be settled. Breeders are required to provide a veterinary passport and pedigree of the pet, as well as draw up an agreement with specified conditions before breeding animals.

The services of purebred males that meet all breed standards are always paid. They usually cost the same as the sale price of the puppy, and the contract specifies how payment will be made. Sometimes puppies act as her.

Unfortunately, there are cases when unscrupulous owners skip the formal stage and voice their conditions after mating. Naturally, their essence is a one-sided benefit, so you should avoid divorcers who postpone the official conclusion of the deal or offer to negotiate verbally.

Optimal age for mating

The female begins to estrus for the first time between 6 and 10 months. It depends on the breed, conditions of detention, and state of health. You cannot breed a dog during its first heat - this is the law. The young organism has not yet reached full sexual maturity. Dogs up to one year old are considered children, regardless of size. And children cannot bear children - this is unnatural. Early matings lead to genetic failures, diseases or death of the offspring.

According to experts, the optimal time for the first mating is the bitch’s third heat, when she is approximately 1.5-2 years old. Males are untied at the same age. Late first mating is also undesirable. If a dog is born at the age of five or more, this is already a serious threat to the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the health of the offspring.

How often to mate a dog to bear offspring, and up to what age the pet should do this, each owner decides independently. Similar topics exist in huge quantities on various “dog” forums and online clubs of interest. But the opinion of experts remains unchanged:

  • Mating of bitches is optimal when they are in heat for 5 years . Then problems with the health of the mother and offspring may begin. The body's capabilities are not limitless, it wears out, a dog is not an artificial incubator.
  • Males are able to impregnate a bitch with healthy heirs for about 10 years.

But now we have sorted out this issue. Your ward meets all the conditions, has reached the right age, and all that remains is to wait for the estrus period and move on to future offspring.

Possible problems

Even if you know how to breed dogs for the first time, you cannot exclude the possibility of certain difficulties arising:

  • the bitch behaves aggressively - the owner himself needs to hold the animal in the desired position and, if necessary, put on a muzzle;
  • the male does not show the required reaction - the animal needs to poke its nose into the female’s rear;
  • the male does not try to jump on the bitch - the owner needs to help the pet by placing his front paws on the female’s back.

After successful mating, it is recommended to monitor the bitch until the end of her heat. This is due to the fact that she can contact another male again, which will cause mixed offspring.

Happy family

On a note! Dogs are mated exclusively to produce purebred puppies. It is absolutely not worthwhile to carry out mating “for health”, since it will not bring any benefit.

How to tell if a dog is in heat

Inexperienced dog breeders may be puzzled, how can they tell if their bitch has started to leak? Believe me, this process will not go unnoticed. There are enough symptoms, and they are all quite characteristic:

  • While walking, all the males in the area are actively interested in your pet. Everyone tries to come up and sniff.
  • The dog's behavior undergoes dramatic changes. It is unreasonably aggressive or overly affectionate.
  • The nipples turn pink and soften to the touch.
  • The loop (external genital part) swells.
  • A bloody substance oozes from it.
  • If you press on the back, the dog instinctively raises its tail and bends (into a position convenient for sexual intercourse).

In order for a bitch to become pregnant, it is not enough to simply pair her with a male. This should be day "X", the time when ovulation occurs. To obtain reliable data, it is better to keep a special calendar, from the very first heat, marking the start and end days in it, this will help calculate the optimal day for conception in the future.

How long does ovulation last, on what day of heat can a bitch be bred

Typically, a female's estrus lasts for 28 days. Moreover, this entire period can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. Proestrus. The period preceding the estrus itself is when the genitals swell and the dog’s hormonal levels change.
  2. Estrus. The onset of ovulation, which usually occurs 9-15 days after the onset of proestrus.
  3. Metestrus. A specific active phase with the release of the corpus luteum and a special secretion.
  4. Anestrus. Rest period.

Important! The number of days in heat may depend on the age and breed of the pet; this must be taken into account when calculating.

By distinguishing all these phases, you can accurately determine when exactly you need to allow your pet to mate. In this case, you do not need to focus on the fact that the dog wants to mate - it is better to follow the exact instructions.

Determining the optimal mating day

Canine copulation is possible approximately 9-15 days after the female begins to discharge. This is the estrus phase. For some dogs, the timing may be slightly shifted, so it is worth checking the female’s readiness for intercourse.

Determining a dog's readiness for intercourse

You need to stroke the female's back near the tail with your hand. If the dog raises its tail and lies on its front paws, then it is ready for mating. If the owner keeps a diary, then the period of readiness of the bitch can be accurately calculated, based on previous experience with her.

Place for mating

It is worth taking care of the place for mating in advance. In practice, it is the practice of breeders and dog handlers that mating must take place in a place that is well known to the male. This is done so that the dog does not feel uncertainty and fear and is able to do what is required of him.

If the dog is experienced, then it is better to hold meetings in the same place. But if this is impossible and you have to organize a meeting with the female, then this is quite acceptable. The main thing is that the “gentleman” has the opportunity to be in a new place, sniff and look around. Usually after this the dog calms down and begins to feel, if not at home, then quite peaceful.

Different breeds of dogs have their own requirements for the breeding site. For small and medium-sized pets, you should prepare a separate room in your house or apartment. Large dogs are best kept in a fenced outdoor area. In both cases, the place must meet certain standards:

  • There should be no strangers or other animals on the territory; their sudden appearance should be prevented;
  • the place should be spacious and have a non-slip surface to avoid injury to animals and slipping during the boarding process.

If the day and place are chosen, then all that remains is to introduce the two pets. The male is the first to enter the new territory. 10-15 minutes will be enough for him to get used to it. Then you can release the bitch. In most cases, the male does not immediately mount, but shows some signs of attention and courtship.

Should I untie my pet?

When deciding whether to untie a male, the owner must take into account the following fundamental points:

  1. After the first mating, you will have to perform regular matings. If the pet does not realize its desire, it will become uncontrollable, and training will be impossible. In addition, pathologies may develop.
  2. You cannot mate a dog with a disease. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination.
  3. You need to find a permanent partner. If there is no such sign, it is worth thinking about the advisability of mating at the moment.

Preparing the dog for mating

Preparation for mating begins long before the mating process itself. The first thing you should worry about is choosing a male dog. To ensure that your efforts and expectations do not go to waste, the father of the future offspring must be healthy, strong, and without breed defects. If your bitch is about to have her first mating, then it is advisable to have a partner with at least one mating experience. Finally the parent was found, an agreement was reached with the owners. By the way, it’s not bad if the dog comes from experienced breeders, or even better – from a specialized nursery. What's next?

Preparing the animal's body:

  • 2-3 months before the planned event, enrich the expectant mother’s diet with vitamin and mineral complexes. The menu must be strictly balanced and complete.
  • For 1.5-2 months, both parents undergo a preventive veterinary examination for the presence of infectious and other diseases, vaccinations and the necessary tests.
  • Not earlier than 1 month. but no later than 10 days in advance, antiparasitic measures are carried out to destroy fleas and internal helminths.

On the eve of mating day and immediately before it:

  • Do not tire your pets with active games, long walks, or an abundance of food.
  • Long-haired animals should be trimmed in the genital area.
  • Give the dog and male time to recover, urinate and empty the intestines.
  • The bitch's genitals must be prepared and clean before mating.

Mating process: control and assistance

The mating of a dog and a dog is a standard physiological act and usually takes place without difficulties. However, this does not exempt owners from having information about the conduct and rules of mating.


  • For dogs of any size, the best time for breeding is from the 10th to the 15th day of estrus. During this period, ovulation occurs and mating ends in pregnancy. For maximum reliability, it is better to repeat the mating again, the next day, if suddenly for some reason fertilization did not occur on the first day.
  • One of the partners must have experience in “love pleasures”. If both animals have not bred before, then there is no guarantee of successful mating, which means there are no offspring.
  • Animals are prepared for mating not only physically, but also psychologically. To do this, they are first given the opportunity to get acquainted, get used to it, and smell it. Acquaintance takes place on neutral sites, but mating takes place only on the territory of the male.
  • An inexperienced bitch can show aggression towards a dog. If the owner’s kind words and persuasion do not help her find peace of mind, then it is better to wear a muzzle. Otherwise, the dog will bite the potential groom.
  • If during the mating process the bitch tries to sit down or move away from the dog, then she can be held with a leash. If the size of the male is too large relative to the female, you can place a leg bent at the knee under the latter’s belly. This will ease the weight of the dog on her torso.
  • It is easy to recognize when a bitch is ready for mating: she moves her tail to the side, and freezes in a characteristic position.


  • The dog should clasp the dog's body from behind with his front legs and rest his hind legs on the floor. This is how the cage begins.
  • When the dog's penis is inserted into the dog's vagina, it compresses its muscles on the vulva and the shaft of the penis tightly closes. This action, called a “lock,” allows the male’s sperm to quickly reach its target – the bitch’s uterus.
  • If ejaculation occurs approximately 5 minutes after the start of sexual intercourse, then the “lock” can last 10-60 minutes, and sometimes more.
  • During the “lock,” the pet’s behavior must be strictly controlled. If she wants to free herself and jerk sharply, she can cause serious injuries to the dog’s genitals. It is unacceptable to try to unhook the animals yourself.
  • We need to help the dogs get into the “butt-to-butt” position. This will make it easier for them to endure the waiting period before uncoupling.

End of mating:

  • Do not let your dog sit or lie on its stomach. It’s good if she doesn’t go to the toilet for the first hours after mating.
  • Give the animals water immediately after mating and allow them to rest. After a couple of hours, you can feed him light and low-fat food.
  • Do not exercise, do not play active, outdoor games, do not take long walks until you regain strength.

Breed characteristics

For a successful mating, it is important to take into account not only the days of the female’s cycle and the characteristics of the male, but also the breed of the animal. The belonging of dogs to one or another variety can radically change the principle of mating.

Large breeds

Representatives of large breeds, for example, Caucasian Shepherds, Alabais, St. Bernards, Huskies, etc., should be adopted no earlier than one and a half years of age, ideally at 2 years. If you do this earlier, you can ruin the health and psyche of the wet-nosed ones. In a large female, you need to skip the first 2 heats and breed only on the 3rd.

It is important to take into account the size of the individuals: they should not be the same for a boy and a girl. Otherwise, half the litter will be born defective. It is imperative that one of the couple is larger. Usually boys are bigger.

When it comes to large quadrupeds, it is ideal if both or at least one of them is experienced. Something goes wrong - the owners will not be able to cope with their oversized comrades. It is advisable for both to wear muzzles so that they do not inadvertently bite either each other or their owners.

Medium breeds

These include pugs, Jack Russell terriers, cocker spaniels, dachshunds, sharpeis, etc. Usually, medium-sized dogs are not aggressive, so muzzles are rarely put on them. But the presence of a collar is mandatory - it will be convenient for the owner to hold the ward by it.

Small breeds

Small ones are a Chihuahua, a Yorkshire Terrier, a Russian Toy Terrier, a lapdog, etc. These kids require almost no help during the task, but this does not mean that they can be left alone without any control. It is convenient for small dogs to be placed on some elevated surface, for example, on a table.


After mating, all symptoms of estrus may disappear in the dog. This doesn't always happen. Don't worry if they continue for another couple of days. This is normal and depends solely on the individuality of the patient’s body.

You will become the happy owner of small touching lumps no earlier than 4-4.5 weeks after mating. Signs of pregnancy:

  • The dog's loop will swell and become loose in appearance.
  • On days 35-45, her belly will also increase.
  • The nipples will begin to swell.

4-5 weeks after mating, an ultrasound examination can be done, which will show or deny pregnancy.

If you feel that you are unable to cope with the task of mating on your own, then specialists in this field will be happy to help you. A specially trained instructor will take care of all the hassle of carrying out the delicate process without harming the physical and mental condition of the pet.

Everything worked out and your pet is waiting for the first litter to appear? Congratulations! New troubles and new challenges await you soon.

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