Dog smell. What to do and how to get rid of it? The main reasons and ways to eliminate them

A dog is man's friend! Communication with a dog brings joy, warmth, peace and harmony. You always know that you are loved and long-awaited, because... your pet remembers to remind you of this every time you return home. These animals are very devoted and faithful, and are ready to protect us and wait around the clock. In return, they need our attention and time. But sometimes it happens that communication with your beloved pet begins to cause inconvenience, and this applies to the case when your dog or the house in which you live begins to “smell” unpleasantly, and sometimes unbearably disgusting. Yes, this happens, and now it’s your turn to show your devotion and care for your pet. In other words, you need to help your friend in this “trouble.” Experienced dog breeders know that there are dog breeds that do not stink, and there are also breeds that are very prone to this, so you need to keep this in mind when your beloved dog begins to smell unpleasant. But there are times when the dog did not stink and, suddenly, out of the blue, you began to notice that it began to differ in this way, that in your house there is also a smell, like in a kennel, and you begin to wonder “What is it?” case?"

Rotten foods

The smell of mustiness and mold can occur if the animal is experiencing fear and stress.

  • The cause of fear can be anything in the house, from household appliances to large soft toys.
  • Stress is very closely related to physical sensations; it often accompanies long-term pain.

It will be quite difficult to find out the specific cause; it is recommended to seek the help of a specialist.

Urine smell

The smell of urine from a dog can only come from two places, the groin area and the mouth. If it comes from the groin area, the dog may just need to be bathed.

  • If the smell of urine is clearly felt from the pet’s mouth, you should not hesitate.
  • Bad breath in a dog can signal uremia, this disease occurs when the dog's kidneys fail.
  • That is why you need to contact a professional veterinarian as soon as possible.

When to contact a veterinarian

So, the presence of a specific dog scent is a physiological norm. But owners of our smaller brothers are advised to know the general symptoms of dog diseases and when to contact a veterinarian:

  • A sharp unpleasant odor from the fur, ears, mouth, discharge from the anus, nose and loop.
  • Depression, lethargy.
  • Refusal of food.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Hair loss, alopecia, redness and scratching of the skin.
  • Discharge from the nose, eyes, ears.
  • Convulsions, loss of coordination.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, belching;
  • Cough, wheezing.

For any pathology, you should not self-medicate, as this can worsen the animal’s condition. Some diseases with an unpleasant odor can be fatal in the absence of timely therapeutic measures.

Fishy smell

There may be situations when your pet begins to smell like musty fish. In this case, there may also be several reasons. In the first case, it is a disease; a similar specific smell appears if there is an illness in the oral cavity.

  • These are diseases of the teeth, gums and gastrointestinal tract. Also, such a smell can appear from blockage of the anal glands, but it is not possible to find out the cause on your own.
  • Also, the cause of the odor may be due to poor nutrition. Not all food is suitable for dogs, and owners love to pamper their pet with food that is not suitable for him. As a result, the sebaceous glands work with double force, which causes an unpleasant odor.

We must not forget that dogs of all breeds need to brush their teeth regularly to remove food particles and prevent the formation of tartar.

Food must be selected carefully, for the specific breed and characteristics of the pet. To choose the best option, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian, he will advise on the issue of diet planning.

How to wash a dog so it doesn't smell like dog

Let's start with what you shouldn't wash your dog with - shampoo for the whole family. It is better to use real dog shampoo (good quality) or laundry soap. If you are the lucky owner of a particularly smelly breed, you can get a special shampoo that eliminates the unpleasant odor. After washing, it is recommended to rinse the wool with acidified water. Apple cider vinegar works great for this. To dry the wool, try not to use a hair dryer; let it dry on its own. If it’s still difficult to do without a hairdryer, turn on only the cold mode.

The smell of unkemptness

The most common reason why a dog smells unkempt is a lack of hygiene. This problem can be solved very simply, you need to bathe the dog with a special shampoo, special attention should be paid to the paws and hard-to-reach places; as a rule, they are poorly washed.

In a dog, the smell appears from under the tail, from the mouth, and can also come from the fur. It is worth paying attention to the behavior of the animal. If your pet itches regularly, and after swimming or getting wet in the rain, hair begins to come out, these are the first signs of a fungus. You need to take your dog to the vet so that he can accurately determine the cause of the odor and mange.

The natural smell of the animal is barely perceptible; it is felt only upon close contact. If it hits your nose hard, this is definitely a violation of your diet or hygiene.

Visit to the veterinarian

In order to exclude the occurrence of any serious health problems in your dog, it is recommended to regularly visit the veterinarian, carry out vaccinations on time and promptly treat all diseases.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that caring for a dog is not an easy task, but with the right approach, the pet will definitely thank its owners with excellent health, a cheerful disposition and, most importantly, a pleasant aroma.

If anyone would like to share their experience or have any questions, you can discuss it below. Comments with photos are welcome.

The smell of dirty clothes

Sometimes your dog may smell like dirty clothes. This is an absolutely unusual smell for an animal, and it definitely indicates the onset of a disease.

  • This smell can appear if parasites have settled on the dog’s skin; they are the cause of concern.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the primary source of the appearance of these parasites can be anywhere, most likely it is in the house, because that is where the dog spends the most time.

After such a smell appears, you need to disinfect the entire house and things, and then show your pet to a veterinarian. He will determine the type of parasites and tell you where to look for the root cause of their occurrence.

Other reasons not related to diseases

  • Poor nutrition. If a dog receives an unbalanced diet and low-quality products, this will primarily affect the quality of the coat and skin.
  • When the coat becomes damp, the dog smells stronger than usual. This is especially noticeable after a walk in damp weather or when in winter a pet, after “bathing” in a snowdrift, comes home and the snow melts on its fur.
  • During a walk, the dog may roll in other people's feces or carrion.
  • Rare hygienic bathing of the pet or the use of shampoos of dubious quality.
  • Stage of the reproductive cycle - in a female during the period of estrus, the smell intensifies. This is how they attract males.

Most of these factors can be influenced by the animal owner. In some cases, training will be required, in others more careful and high-quality hygiene and adherence to a diet.


The appearance of any smell from a dog that hits the nose sharply even when the pet is at a distance of more than 1 meter, you need to find the cause of its occurrence. As a preventive measure, it is worth highlighting several rules that will help prevent the occurrence of diseases and illnesses:

  • First of all, you need to carefully monitor your pet’s hygiene, the dog must be clean, it needs to be bathed every day after walks, especially large breeds, because they sweat more. If the dog stays at home, it should be bathed no more than once a week; after bathing, the coat should be thoroughly dried
  • You should pay attention to the balance of the diet; it should consist only of those foods that are acceptable for dogs. In addition to natural feeding, you can use ready-made food, which is already balanced; the owner just needs to pour it into a bowl in portions
  • The coat needs to be combed thoroughly, this will help remove dead hairs, and also remove the undercoat, which interferes with normal body thermoregulation

When considering how to get rid of dog odor, you need to determine the appropriate type of care. There are a large number of shampoos and hygiene products that will help get rid of odor.

It is necessary to monitor the hygiene of not only the coat, mouth and eyes, but also the ears. Often they are the cause of unpleasant odors due to heavy contamination. It is recommended to clean your ears no more than once a week.

Before eliminating dog odor, you need to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, the measures taken may simply not give the desired result.


It is known that dogs practically do not sweat, so the smell of a dog should not be compared with the smell of sweat. Each animal has a set of scent glands that work as intended. In the animal world, individual odors are very important; they serve as a tool of communication and protection. The main sources of odor (not just dogs) are:

  • Cutaneous glands that secrete fur lubricant . The number and sensitivity of the glands determines whether the breed will be classified as smelly or non-smelling. Most dogs bred to work on water or in harsh climates have larger fat glands. The skin of dogs with very short hair is also protected only by oil, which is why most short-haired dogs have a strong odor. In four-legged animals without undercoat, fur lubricant is secreted more intensely, so their wet fur smells strongly.
  • Sweat glands located between the toes – dog sweat smells very differently. Some owners complain that their pet's paws smell like dirty socks, while others complain that the aroma is reminiscent of baked goods or popcorn. The reason for this range is that the smell of sweat is the smell of an individual footprint, and here everything is the same as in humans, because bipeds also smell differently. To eliminate paw odor, just wipe them after a walk. By the way, in winter and summer the smell from paws becomes stronger.

Note! Almost all healthy dogs do not have a strong odor if properly cared for, with the exception of four-legged dogs, for which this odor is a breed characteristic.

A dog's body is covered with thousands of hairs, each of which is associated with a hair follicle. Each follicle works in symbiosis with nerve endings and sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands have no effect on cooling or warming the dog, but through them the animal's body removes toxins. This property is especially noticeable if the dog is sick or undergoing aggressive treatment. Be that as it may, if a puppy smells like a dog or an adult, odorless dog suddenly begins to emit an unpleasant aroma, this is a reason to take blood tests and check whether the animal’s condition corresponds to the norm. If blood tests indicate obvious abnormalities, it is better to consult a doctor before deciding what to do.

Note! With the help of the sebaceous glands, the dog secretes a special secretion containing pheromones that attract animals of the opposite sex. In sterilized dogs, this feature practically does not appear.

In anticipation of, during and after the end of estrus, a very bright, unpleasant odor may emanate from the dog. This problem is partially solved by washing, since dried blood emits a rotting smell until it completely decomposes.

Photos of the best dog odor removers

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