The cat doesn't let you sleep at night - what should you do, how can you teach him to rest and not play and rage?

If a cat often does not sleep at night and deliberately meows, wakes up the owner, pushes objects, then most often this is due to lack of attention. The pet needs communication, he wants the owner to pay attention to him and make contact. The owner of the animal has a job, acquaintances, friends, recreation, hobbies, but the pet only has an apartment and the person who tamed it. Therefore, of course, the animal wants attention from those closest to it. If you don’t always have enough time to play, then you can talk to the animal after returning from work, or pet it and allow it to be nearby. It is necessary to take care of the cat, comb it, try to really contact him every day and let him know that he is not alone. You need to try to pay enough attention, then the pet will feel an emotional connection with the owner, and he will not be so lonely.

Kitten interferes with sleep

To prevent your cat from doing as he pleases while you're trying to sleep, try following these rules.
Plan some playtime with your cat throughout the evening. Use toys that can imitate the movement of mice and birds, such as those that dangle and wiggle. Games with ping pong ball, soft and fluffy balls, mouse toys are good for those furries who like to carry something. Play until your cat gets tired.

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It is best to give your cat a main meal before bed. Cats tend to go to bed after eating a lot. If your pet keeps waking you up at night for food, it may be worth investing in an automatic feeder that you can fill and set up so that your cat can feed herself once or twice during the night. If your cat feels hungry, very soon she will learn to wait for the feeder to go off rather than wake you when you are sleeping. Make sure you reduce portion sizes so your cat doesn't become overweight.

  • Come up with different activities that will keep your cat busy during the daytime. The more active she is during the day, the more likely she is to sleep at night.
  • If your pet socializes with other cats, you may want to consider adopting a second cat into the family. If two cats become friends, they will likely play together and leave you alone at night. However, their nocturnal play can disrupt your sleep just as much as if one cat were trying to wake you up!

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When getting a kitten, owners rarely expect problems. Unfortunately, they arise from time to time. It is not uncommon for a kitten to keep you awake at night. This phenomenon is especially unpleasant if there is a child in the house who, due to poor night sleep, becomes nervous and capricious. In addition, poor quality sleep has a negative impact on the development of the child.

what to give the cat so that he sleeps. the cat does not let him sleep at night, what to do. how to wean the cat from interfering with sleep.

Reasons why a cat doesn't sleep at night

1. The first reason to understand why a kitten does not sleep at night is nature. According to their natural characteristics, cats are predators, and they tend to hunt at night

If the owner allows it, the cat will calmly walk around the house at night, sometimes attracting attention to itself.

2. It is a known fact that cats spend 18 hours a day sleeping, and naturally, during the day they get enough sleep, and at night they are full of energy, therefore, they require attention and games.

3. If a kitten has just appeared in the house and does not let you sleep at night, then you need to be patient a little, because it needs time to adapt to the new environment.

And remember that until 3 months, kittens should be close to their mother cat.

4. If a cat is alone at home during the day, he experiences a lack of communication. He's just lonely. Naturally, he believes that night is the time when the owner could give him at least a little attention. The pet begins to invite him to play, demands affection and communication.

5. The kitten could be hungry.

6. Also, an unrealized sexual instinct pushes a teenage cat to such night wakefulness.


Excessively timid animals, sitting in a secluded place during the day due to the arrival of guests or the activity of another animal located next to it, begin to meow at night and attract attention to themselves.

8. Maybe something is bothering the cat, she may have health problems. After all, as you know, illnesses make themselves felt more strongly at night.

When a pet screams all night, doesn’t sleep and doesn’t let anyone do it, the caring owner wonders if something is bothering him. How to understand where he is healthy and asks for attention, and where he complains about his deplorable condition.

A sick animal, as a rule, meows with altered intonation. The pet begins to yelp or howl. He is always looking for a place, wants to climb somewhere, walks around the house and meows, cannot sit or lie down quietly.

When you bring a kitten to a new home, it is easy to encounter the problem that he will confuse day with night. The owners are sleeping, the new resident is trying to play or is worried out of habit. A kitten keeps you from sleeping at night: what can you do about it?

Young, playful cats up to a year old tend to be playful at night. During the day, the owners are at work, the children are at school, and the cats are sleeping. A cat’s “day” begins in the evening. Often kittens, having slept, tend to play. Manifestations are individual: they pester their owners in bed, bite, throw things on the floor, or meow loudly under the door.

You're probably being watched the same way :)

Features of training

The kitten does not want to sleep in its place - this is a complaint with which many owners turn to experienced breeders or veterinarians. The problem can occur for 3 reasons :

  • wrong location for the house;
  • kitten attention deficit;
  • incorrect accustoming to the place.

If the first 2 reasons are easy to eliminate, then problems arise with the last one. Few owners know all the intricacies of training a pet to a place. As a result, once in a new home, the baby simply cannot understand what they want from him .

As soon as the kitten is brought home, he needs to be shown where the bed is. In order for the pet to be interested in it, it needs to be laid on it and stroked. It would be a good idea to treat the bed with a special compound that attracts cats, which is sold in pet stores. It can be replaced with catnip (catnip) or valerian. The herbs need to be infused in boiling water and a little sprinkled on the bottom of the bed with the resulting mixture. You can wipe the bottom with an alcoholic tincture of valerian.

This treatment allows you to attract the baby and not worry about the kitten looking for its new place to sleep all night. The food and tray should be close to the sleeping area so that it is convenient for the pet to reach them.

Teaching a kitten to sleep in a sleeping place is quite difficult. Unlike dogs, cats are freedom-loving and consider the entire apartment to be theirs, but with enough patience you can achieve good results. You cannot beat or punish a kitten for sleeping in the wrong place. It is also unacceptable to lock a four-legged friend in a house where he should sleep. This will only scare your pet and make him nervous. In such a situation, the opportunity to accustom him to a place will be completely lost.

Hyperactive or too active?

Not every active animal can be classified as hyperactive. All healthy kittens are energetic and playful, and even if they bite and scratch while playing, there is no need to worry. Low physical activity and lack of interest in play are atypical for this group of cats. By playing and moving a lot, the baby develops, and by exploring the surrounding objects, he learns the world in which he will have to live without his mother.

Typically, cats become calmer as they get older. However, some of them remain playful and curious until the end of their lives. If an energetic animal rushes around the house all day, explores secluded corners, pesters the inhabitants of the home, inviting them to play with it, and at night, tired of an eventful day, sleeps soundly, then an overactive cat is excited regardless of the time of day.

His actions are not driven by the desire to play and expend accumulated energy. In the process of observing the constant movement of the four-legged whirlwind, one gets the impression that his movements do not have a specific purpose, he just needs to jump and run, which sometimes leads to unpredictable consequences.

Be sure to feed your cat at night

Check what time you feed your cat. He might be waking you up because he's hungry. It is recommended to feed cats 3-4 times a day with breaks of 6-8 hours. So that your cat can sleep peacefully for the allotted time and not wake up from hunger, feed her before you go to bed yourself.

An automatic feeder will also be useful. It will save you from the hassle of morning feeding, because it’s more pleasant to lie in bed on a day off than to run to the kitchen to feed a hungry cat. Automatic feeders can dispense food at a certain time, and the pet waiting for breakfast will hang around near it, and not near your bed.

What is not recommended to do?

Some owners believe that when a cat interferes with sleep at night, it should be locked in a separate room. In this way they show that the animal causes a lot of inconvenience with its behavior. However, after such harsh measures, most are surprised that the cat not only did not stop being active when dusk came, but his behavior became much worse. Others, in an attempt to accustom their pet to order and put them to sleep faster, spray the cat’s face with water. But the animal does not understand what they want from it, as a result, resentment towards the owner appears, and the behavior may worsen.

It is a mistaken belief that a pet should not be woken up during naps. But if a young cat sleeps all day, it is natural that he will want to frolic at night, because the cat has more than enough energy. Therefore, when there are obvious problems with falling asleep, it is better to wake up your pet during the day, force him to play and be active. Then at night he will have a strong, healthy, deep sleep.


  • Most cats and kittens are lactose intolerant, so they do not respond well to drinking cow's milk. If you want to feed your kitten milk, it should be a milk product specifically designed for cats.
  • When training your cat, do not use any physical punishment. If you need to “punish” bad behavior, try grabbing him and not letting go, or forcing him to sit in his carrier (with the door open).

Sent by: Alina Mironova. 2017-11-12 13:02:59

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Common mistakes: what not to do?

It is important for the owner to remember that the animal should never be taken out of the house during daytime rest and night sleep. Young children should be prohibited from doing this, since such an act can forever push the cat away from his favorite place.

You need to call and wait until the animal leaves the house on its own.

If the kitten cries and wants to leave the litter and lie down with the owner, you should bring him back, stay with him and wait until he falls asleep. It is impossible to teach a baby to sleep in the master’s bed, because it is difficult to wean him from this habit in adulthood. With patience and love, you can accustom your mustachioed pet to its own corner without unnecessary stress.

The cat interferes with sleep at night - what to do?

So, having dealt with the popular reasons for cat nocturnal rampages, we move on to our original question: how to make a cat sleep at night? The answer to this question, in fact, is obvious - everything that the cat wants to get from you at night must be given to it during the day (well, or in the evening, in the end), and in excess.

Caress and play

Therefore, when you come home from work, pet the cat, let him sit on your shoulder or next to you on the table while you cook, and watch any of your actions.

Talk to him constantly. You can use this time to brush your cat. Be sure to play - at least chase the cat with a simple laser pointer.

Keep your cat busy with a toy

If you own a tablet, you should try cat video games. Yes, there are some. Either a mouse or some kind of spider bug is crawling across the tablet screen, which the cat is trying to catch. As soon as the cat's paw hits the object exactly, it disappears and the level is completed. At the next level, for example, there will be two spiders crawling around. And don’t laugh, many cats really like it.

Provide your cat with a tree of different heights, or a set of beds, secluded places and scratching posts. Perhaps your cat’s interest will be aroused by the hanging “mice” and “birds”, which often hang from these complexes on long elastic bands. The author’s cat, however, did not appreciate such a mouse, but the dog enjoyed pulling it back and shooting it like a slingshot.

Look for toys of this type in the pet store: you put a little dry food or treats inside, but in order for the food to spill out, the cat will have to roll and toss the toy for a while.

A cat may also like a toy with a hole for its paw and small objects inside that cannot be pulled out. Everything that moves on its own, is programmed by a timer, beeps and flashes colored lights, everything that is difficult to break and catch can be useful to you.

These include hanging toys, toys with springs, and stand-up toys. The cat should have many different toys, and they should be changed from time to time so that the cat does not lose interest in them. The most important thing is to check that they are safe for your pet.

Think about a playmate

It’s not bad if children play with the cat properly during the day - after getting mad, they will all sleep much better later. Or, if this is acceptable for your animal, get him a companion. Then they will entertain each other throughout the day, and they will have no time to sleep.

It is advisable that by the time you go to bed, the cat is very tired from playing and communicating with you, then you have a chance that he will not bother you at night. But if this still doesn’t happen, then just leave him a few “quiet”, non-clattering toys - and let him have fun to his health.

If you don't want your cat to come into your bedroom, then the only option is to never let him in. Then this territory will be foreign on his map, and the inability to patrol the room at night will not cause a loud and indignant protest.

Sterilization and castration

If you don't plan to breed your kitten when he grows up, have him spayed or neutered as soon as possible. Clinical Practice in Small Animal Practice has stated that kittens can be spayed or neutered from 6 weeks of age.

Fixing your kitten has a number of benefits. Firstly, it will make it easier to train your young cat. No kitten will ever receive a reward for attention. However, this procedure reduces the amount of active hormones in the body.

Spaying and neutering kittens is calming. Do not panic. Your kitten will not undergo any major personality changes. He will remain playful, mischievous and cute. It will just be more serene.

Getting a kitten to sleep through the night can take days or even weeks of training. Remain patient and consistent during this period.

Article Author: Richard Parker I'm Richard, I have experience in all matters related to feline health, behavior, grooming techniques and general pet care. Richard graduated with a degree in journalism in 2008. He is the proud owner of 5 adult cats (all adopted stray breeds), including an older cat who is now 20 years old.

Why does a cat meow at night?

Mating season. It is typical for an unsterilized animal to meow at night. They start going out because of the hormones that wake up in them, and then they want to find a partner. Stress. Cats are very gentle animals, they experience any mood swings. Moving, changing the environment, swearing - all this can become a cause for concern. Diseases. The pet independently begins to signal to you that it feels bad. This manifests itself in pitiful meowing, following you around and feeling lethargic. Lack of affection. Cats are pets; owners are often at work during the day

Your furry gets lonely, then he shows that he needs attention through meowing. He especially does this at night, as he becomes very bored without you.


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Author: Pavel Chaika, editor-in-chief of Poznavaika magazine

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How to solve a problem

The main way to get a cat to sleep at night is to let it get tired during the day. Play with your cat during the day if you are at home. If you work, build or buy a playground for your cat. Regularly - every 3-4 days - offer your pet new toys: this way the entertainment will not get boring.

Cats need communication, so you should pay attention to your pet. Even if you come home late at night, chat with your pet: pet, talk, treat him with a treat.

Also arm yourself with knowledge of cat instincts: a cat will not look for food at night if it ate from its belly at night. And after a good dinner, the hunter needs to conserve resources. Move your main meal to the evening.

If your cat still makes noise at night, don’t fall for such tricks.

The pet is trying to attract attention and your reaction only reinforces this behavior. Control yourself and don't yell at the cat, even if it drops something.

Where to place the cat corner?

The decision on where to set up a cat corner should be made taking into account the spatial capabilities of the apartment. Sometimes you want to buy your pet a strong, covered home. However, it requires quite a lot of space. It is ideal to place the house in the corner of the room or on the balcony. The corner should be dry, warm, not walkable. Mold and drafts should be avoided.

If there is nowhere to place a covered house, a bed will help out, for which there is always a corner in the house. The bed can be placed on a wide and wind-free windowsill, chest of drawers, desktop, on the floor or rug near the radiator. To protect your pet from excessive attention from children, you should place the bed in a hard-to-reach place (for example, on a high shelf in a closet). The hallway, passage area, middle of the room is not the best option.

When choosing a place for a house and a lounger, you should take into account the cat's habits. You need to observe where she likes to sleep at night and place the bed in exactly that place. The main thing is that the animal has an overview and the ability to control everything that happens in the house.

Feed me!

For some pets, it is enough to eat twice a day, which is enough to suppress hunger. The unreasonable hunger of gluttonous cats forces them to turn to their owner at night to get another portion of food.

This behavior can be stopped by changing your eating habits. Change how and when you feed your animal. After making sure that the cat receives a sufficient amount of food, you need to divide this amount into several daily meals.

Automatic cat feeders, which can be synchronized at your discretion, work great in such cases. They are especially good if the pet is left alone all day.

Mental stimulation

In addition to encouraging your kitten to exercise, try to stimulate his mind. Kittens are constantly interested in the world around them. The more new experiences the kitten gets, the happier he will be.

Non-hunting games are another great way to stimulate your kitten's mind. Consider a treasure hunt. Hide food around the house so your kitten will have to smell it. This is especially effective if you are away from home during the day.

Pet stores will also have a variety of puzzles and games for cats. Often they remain focused on food. Your kitten will need to learn or remember the pattern in order to receive a reward. The more your kitten studies, the more tired he becomes and sleeps accordingly at night.

Talking to your kitten is also a good way to develop its intelligence. Many cats love to talk to their owners, especially kittens. Young cats are verbose. If the kitten talks to you, answer.


Often, kittens that are left alone and inactive for several hours every day, without active games with the breeder or brothers, begin to get bored.

Sometimes bored animals resort to irritable behavior when they see their owner falling asleep. These cats live in despondency - they have no variety in their lives, and no one “communicates” with them. For this reason, pets resort to waking up their owners at night to get a portion of affection and attention.

Your pets also need a similar “entertainment program” as those felines who need to play at night. Install a vertical cat slide, buy toys, play and show affection to your cat daily, this will help keep the animal stimulated.

How to accustom your pet to its place?

Buying a house or bedding for a cat is half the battle. It can be much more difficult to accustom a kitten or an adult animal to it. First of all, care should be taken that the personal space of a mustachioed friend meets such criteria as stable construction, comfort, convenience, and free access. In this case, the animal will get used to it much easier.

It happens that a cat, having quickly examined a new house, immediately chooses it as its main place. However, this does not always happen, and to tame a pet you must resort to ingenuity. Among the basic techniques:

  • accustoming to a new corner;
  • the location of the house where the mustachioed friend likes to relax;
  • soft coercion.

Features of training a kitten

It is important to ensure that the pet's bed is ready on the first day of its stay in the new home. It should be convenient for the animal to enter it and rest comfortably

During the cold season, additional heating may be needed. The baby will explore the territory for a long time, and it is important to observe his actions. If he likes a certain corner for relaxation, you should move the bed to it.

Lodge training can be achieved through a daily ritual. You should play with the kitten near the bedding and put his favorite toys there. A child who is playing up will not miss the opportunity to visit again where he was interested and comfortable. Having noticed that the animal is resting in the house, it is worth praising it and rewarding it with a treat. At first, you can place a bed or a house next to the chair where the owner is resting. When the kitten gets used to being on its bed, you should move its bed to the pet’s permanent sleeping place.

Techniques for “persuading” an adult animal

How to accustom an adult cat to a new house after it has been settled or moved? Conservative animals often ignore the bed, preferring to live on their favorite upholstered furniture or window sill. First of all, you need to guess with the placement of the new place. Sometimes it is enough to move the bed to where the pet likes to be. For example, on the sofa. The cat will like to sleep on a softer bedding, and if there are toys in it, he will not want to leave. After the mustachioed friend gets used to the bed, it can be placed in the corner where the owner needs it.

You can get used to the house in the same way, placing it near the places where the animal likes to be. You can encourage your pet to visit with toys, treats, kind words and praise. If you can’t influence an adult cat, you can buy “Catnip” spray (or valerian infusion) at a pet store and treat the animal’s bed. The smell will attract your pet, and he will be able to appreciate the comfort of his place. You need to use the product for several days. You can do without scents by laying a bedding or blanket in the house, which the mustache loves.

What should a sun lounger be like?

In order for the kitten to want to sleep in its place, you need to provide it with a comfortable bed. You can't just lay a rug in the corner and think that's enough . The cat, like the owner, should have a comfortable, cozy sleeping place where he will feel safe.

To teach a kitten to sleep in a new place, they make a house for it from a box, a basket, or buy a ready-made one at a pet store. Some pets like their sleeping place to rock. A special hammock is suitable for them, which can even be attached to a battery. The lounger should always be kept clean and dry. To prevent the baby from freezing at night and waking up from it, he needs to put on a heating pad. It is placed on one edge of the bedding, but not on the entire bottom, so that the pet can cool down if desired. You can also lean the lounger against the radiator.

It is good if the bedding is located in the place that the cat chose itself. A kitten, once in a new home, goes to sleep where it is comfortable and calm, and its wishes must be taken into account whenever possible. It is unacceptable to arrange it on the aisle in a noisy and drafty place. A room in which the light is on for a long time is also not suitable, as it will wake up the baby.

Do they spend many hours alone during the day?

Related to the previous point, cats that spend many hours alone during the day and do not have proper environmental enrichment use sleep. This way, when night falls, they are completely rested and ready to enjoy your company, trying to play with you or, if they fail, running around the house, jumping, meowing...

On the other hand, as we said, lack of mental stimulation can also cause boredom in cats, in addition to stress and frustration. All this means not only that the cat is not sleeping at night, but also in a number of symptoms, such as the aforementioned destruction of furniture and even showing a certain aggressiveness.

Let's go into history

The ancestors of our domestic cats (North African wild cat) preferred to lead a solitary lifestyle, leading a nocturnal or crepuscular lifestyle. These behavioral traits continue in many domestic cats today, affecting their sleep and activity habits.

Today's domestic cats are crepuscular, meaning they are most active in the hours just before sunrise and just after it disappears below the horizon each evening.

This means that it's completely normal for your cat to wake you up early in the morning or run around the house in the evening—but you can work with your cat to establish a sleep cycle that works for both of you.

Calming drops for cats during heat

cat Baiyun

The drug Kot Bayun is available in tablets and liquid form, which has a yellow-brown color. The liquid solution in veterinary medicine is found in glass bottles with hermetically sealed aluminum caps.


Motherwort, valerian, sweet clover, catnip, hawthorn, meadowsweet, peony, cudweed, hops, hodgepodge, oregano, thyme, St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, meadowsweet, nettle, motherwort, sterile water, various vitamins and biological additives.

Indications for use

It brings the nervous system into proper tone, acts as a pain reliever, strengthens the immune system, eliminates anxiety and fear and is an excellent sedative.

Instructions for use and dosage of Kota Bayun for cats

Prescribed after ten months of age, 2 ml. 3-4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals or an hour after. Place the drops into the mouth or dilute them and give them with water. Shake before use.

Bach drops

These drops are developed on a natural basis and do not contain chemical additives. Made according to the method of the English physician Bach, who used in his practice the essences of the herbs included in this preparation. No negative reactions were observed in cats after their use. They are convenient because the bottles are available in different dosages: 7, 10, 20 and 30 ml; and a faceted lid with a nozzle.


Alcohol – 27% (or glycerin with water), clematis, ornithischium umbelliferum, plum splayed (cherry plum), sunflower coin-leaved, impatiens.

Indications for use

They relax in a state of numbness, prevent loss of consciousness, protect against a state of fear and help the animal behave calmly in an uncontrollable situation.

Instructions for use

If necessary, spray onto tongue twice.

Fospasim for cats

Homeopathic medicine based on natural extracts. It is noteworthy that no contraindications are noted. In veterinary hospitals it is used in the form of injections. The medicine is also produced in tablets. Drops still find more practical applications.


Blue Acony, Siberian Kabagra, Henbane, Hyoscyamine, Passion Flower Extract, Passion Fruit, Platinum Compound (a form of precious metal), Vines, Purified Water and Glycerin.

Indications for use

Recommended if estrus is accompanied by too violent behavior of the pet. The drops help the animal adapt, as a result of which they become less aggressive and less fearful.

Application and dosage of Fospasim for cats

Twice a day - 10-15 drops in food. The duration of treatment is two weeks. It can be extended only on the recommendation of a veterinarian, since the medicine contains a large amount of alkaloids. For this reason, an overdose should never be allowed, so as not to kill the animal.

Benefits of herbal drops

The first positive factor is that to date, no side effects have been observed. The drops contain well-known herbs that have long been used by people to support the nervous system. Now such plants have found their use in official medicine. The preparation Kot Bayun includes peony. Peony evasive root is recommended for convulsions, muscle spasms, concussions, neuroses, and sleep disorders. In veterinary medicine, it is used not only for the preparation of contraceptives. It has a positive effect on the liver of animals, improves digestion and eliminates bloating. This is just one example of what these drugs contain. Other plants that are in drops are no less effective.

Cat behavior during heat

If the ward becomes aggressive, begins to meow loudly, and her gait has changed, then a period of change has begun in her life. You need to observe to notice discharge from the genitals. Some cats, on the contrary, become suspiciously affectionate. They have a way of seeking help from their mistress: they constantly rub against their legs and look with pitiful eyes. All this suggests that the female is undergoing dramatic changes in her body. Such physical and mental changes serve as a signal for mating. Follicles maturing in the ovaries is a process that makes itself felt. It is called estrus.

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