Is it worth getting a furry pet? Advantages and disadvantages of owning a cat

Is it worth getting a furry pet? It seems the answer is obvious. This is a small, fluffy bundle of happiness that purrs, runs after sunbeams and warms you in the cold winter. But even this sweetest animal has its drawbacks. We will tell you what advantages and disadvantages domestic cats bring. Perhaps, thanks to our story, a furry friend will appear in your home (but just don’t kick the cats out of your apartment after reading this article).

Solid advantages

They don't spend a lot of money. Unlike a dog, which you often cannot feed, even an adult cat will not cost you much money. Litter, food, water - that's all you need to make your furry friend happy.

  • Attachment. They say a dog is a man's friend. But cats also become very attached to their owners. They pick you up from work, sleep with you, come to “cuddle” you. It has been scientifically proven that stroking a cat can calm you down and relieve stress.
  • They entertain. It's fun to watch a kitten playing with a candy wrapper, a sunbeam or a laser. Even when they are sleeping, they are able to take a pose that will make you smile. And if you give your cat a drop of catnip or valerian, get ready to wipe away tears of laughter.
  • Protect from pests. If you live in your home, you have probably at least once encountered the problem of small pests. The presence of a cat reduces the number of annoying rodents and some insects. Remember how cats catch flies - that's hilarious!

  • Kittens are not only funny, but also cute. Their wide eyes and bushy tails will melt any heart. Of course, sooner or later kittens grow up, but their childhood is the most touching period.
  • They don't need much space. Many cats are happy to live in a small apartment. They usually like to sleep on a windowsill or, for example, on a nightstand. True, there are such cunning guys who fall apart on half the bed. And this is where you try to kick them out!
  • Unlike dogs, cats do not need to be walked and trained in commands. Just imagine: you won’t have to get up early in the morning and go outside in the cold.

Abandoned Angel

“We are responsible for those we have tamed” - this quote from “The Little Prince” is probably known to everyone. If you decide to get a cat, approach this issue seriously and thoughtfully.

Are you sure you're ready to become a boss? A cat is a living creature with its own character, habits and needs. She will have to devote time and attention, monitor her health and financially provide for her maintenance.

Don’t forget also that a cat can meow, run around the apartment, damage furniture, destroy your indoor plants... Before you make the final decision about bringing it into your home, think about all the nuances. Cats are beautiful and amazing creatures, they will give you a lot of positive emotions, but you need to remember that you cannot receive without giving something in return.

In what cases should you not get a cat:

- If you are unsure of your decision to adopt an animal. Actually, this is what is said above. Don't join the ranks of those soulless people who throw their annoying pet out onto the street!

— If anyone in your family is allergic to cats or has other medical contraindications. If you are 100% sure that you are allergic to cats and not to something else, it is not worth the risk. There are no hypoallergenic breeds!

— If you are not sure that your income will allow you to keep an animal. Remember, feeding “cheap and cheerful” is ruining your cat’s health. Many diseases may not be detected immediately, but often veterinary care later turns out to be much more expensive than initially properly caring for the pet. And this is with a favorable outcome, because everything could be much worse...

— If you live in a communal or rented apartment and your neighbors or landlord are against animals. Usually, when renting an apartment, it is stipulated whether pets are allowed. If you are not sure, it is better to clarify this question in advance so that you do not end up in a situation where you are asked to either move out or get rid of the cat.

- If someone in your family is categorically against animals. Maybe over time they will find a common language, or maybe not. A cat is a sensitive creature; it will be aware of a bad attitude towards it and live in constant stress. If she is offended, you risk encountering such phenomena as a puddle in a slipper and so on. Many animal shelters, including Abandoned Angel, always emphasize this point when interviewing a potential owner. After all, this is a risk for the cat to end up again, at best, in a shelter, and at worst, on the street.

— If you have a small child, this is not a good time to get an animal. You will most likely be torn between your pet and your baby, and the cat, of course, will be the one who will miss your attention. In addition, the child does not understand that a pet is not a toy. Both can get hurt, so it’s better to wait until the children are older.

— If you are not ready to devote enough time to your pet. Yes, a cat is not a dog that needs to be walked several times a day, but it also needs your attention and care. If you live alone and are away at work from morning until late at night, if you often travel or go on business trips, you probably shouldn’t get a cat. If there is someone to look after the animal in your absence, that’s, of course, great... Nowadays, pet hotels are also gaining popularity. However, with such a lifestyle, does it make sense to have a pet in principle? Remember that a change of place, unfamiliar people, separation from the owner - all this is stressful for a cat. Is it worth subjecting her to these tests?

— If you are not ready to provide proper care for the animal. This applies, for example, to purebred cats, which due to the characteristics of the breed may require special care. The same is with cats, which due to some illnesses require increased attention in terms of health. Before adopting an animal, be sure to ask the breeder or shelter if there are any nuances for caring for the desired cat.

— If you cannot guarantee the safety of an animal’s life in your home. This includes both the notorious screens on windows (for more details, see the article CATS AND WINDOWS), as well as some of your hobbies that you do at home and that can harm your pet. For example: growing plants that are poisonous to cats, chemical experiments, painting with strong-smelling paints in a small room, and so on.

- If you are not sure that the other animals in your home will accept the newcomer. There are a few points worth mentioning here. Firstly, a cat needs its own personal space, so if you do not have enough living space so that several animals do not feel crowded, it is better not to get another pet. Secondly, sometimes you can say with confidence that your pet is a sole farmer. If your cat or dog has an extremely negative attitude towards guests, other animals with whom they may have come into contact, and so on, think about whether it’s worth tempting fate. There are, of course, different situations, but you must clearly understand that this is a risk, and you must take it consciously. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend your time, energy and nerves to make friends with your pets.

How to choose a cat

If you are determined to get a cat, you should think about which one in advance. It also happens, of course, that when you see an animal that does not at all correspond to your initial desires and ideas, you realize that this is it, YOUR animal. And yet, let's think about how to choose a cat and according to what parameters.

1. Kitten or adult cat

Of course, a baby is cute and adorable, so many people don’t even think that there is an alternative to adopting an older animal. The motivation for having a kitten is that people want to watch their pet grow up, and this desire is quite understandable. However, it is also worth keeping in mind that a kitten is a much greater responsibility. Kittens have a worse immune system, so you need to carefully monitor their health; they are usually more difficult to train to a litter box (if they are not already trained). A little mischievous animal is much more active, and therefore will require more of your time and attention than an adult animal. You need to play with him often, he is more likely to damage furniture, and his behavior is not always predictable. We will talk more about the advantages of taking home an adult cat in subsequent articles. Let's just say that this is a mentally more stable animal with a fully formed character, it will not require increased attention on your part, and is unlikely to gnaw and scratch everything around. And an adult pet, when it adapts, will be immensely grateful for its new home and will give you its love and adoration day after day.

2. Cat or cat

In fact, the idea that cats are more affectionate and cats are lazier are nothing more than stereotypes. From more or less reliable facts, it can be noted that male animals are initially determined to dominate the house (therefore, you immediately need to show that you are the owner of the house), and females are a little more clean. Overall, the choice is yours. Many people are confused by the fact that during puberty, cats can mark their territory and become aggressive. But cats can also be quite loud at this time, which will also get on your nerves. We'll talk about castration a little lower, but for now let's say that when you perform such an operation on your animal, then it will definitely not make a difference whether you have a cat or a male cat.

3. Pedigree or ordinary cat

With the current variety of breeds, there is a great temptation to get yourself just such an animal. We have already mentioned this point above, but we will repeat: keep in mind that a purebred cat may require special care. So-called outbred cats are less capricious and usually do not require any special measures to care for them.

4. Where to get an animal

This is a very important point that should not be ignored. If you decide to adopt a purebred animal, we strongly do not recommend purchasing it on sites like Avito, from strangers, or from dubious nurseries. An animal that is given away at too young an age and/or without documents is a sign of potential danger. Most often, such cats are sick, and not all diseases may appear immediately. It may well happen that treatment will cost much more than if you had originally purchased your pet from a reliable breeder. If you do not have enough money to purchase a purebred animal from a kennel, consider adopting a mongrel, for example, from a shelter. Shelters usually have a large selection of cats of different ages and colors; by the way, purebred ones can also be found. So make inquiries in your city! Another advantage of shelters is that you can usually come in advance to meet the animals and find out from the staff information about the character and characteristics of the cat you like. There is also the option of adopting a kitten from trusted friends or bringing it home from the street. In the latter case, you must be aware of the responsibility you take on, because taming a wild animal can be very difficult. But people often say that it is these rescued cats that later become the most affectionate and grateful, so if you are confident in your abilities, go for it!

5. Animal for breeding or for the soul

If you decide to adopt a purebred animal and want to create a nursery, that is, engage in breeding, participate in exhibitions - soberly assess your strength. Consider whether you have time for such activities. Consult with professionals, study literature and materials on the Internet. Don't become an unscrupulous breeder who will sell sick animals and animals with dubious pedigree for cheap without documents! If you are adopting a cat as a regular pet, neuter it! Don’t expect that it will be easy to place kittens and that they will certainly end up in good hands. Think about the fact that most stray cats were once domestic cats... Castration is humane and safe for the animal. Hormonal drugs have a very bad effect on the cat’s body and provoke the appearance of tumors, so if you value the life and health of your pet, it is better to have surgery once than to deal with the consequences of using pills in the future. In addition to the fact that castrated animals are less susceptible to disease and live longer, their character also improves - the level of aggression decreases, the pet becomes calmer and more flexible.

6. Color

There are a great variety of cat colors, especially when it comes to purebred animals. There are also many myths that certain character traits predominate with a certain color. This has not been scientifically proven, but if you are interested, you can look for such information on the Internet. In any case, the choice is yours!

Tell friends:

Small cons

  • Their fluffiness also has its drawback: your whole apartment will be covered in wool. Sofa, carpet, outerwear - you will have to clean it all regularly. Are you ready for this?
  • If you don't immediately wash the potty when your cat goes to the toilet, your apartment will smell terrible. Cat feces are already disgusting, but urine generally smells like ammonia. In addition, if you do not sterilize your cat in time, it may shit under your door or somewhere else.
  • They can tear the upholstery on furniture to shreds. Despite their small size, cats are still predators. And they need somewhere to sharpen their claws. If you don’t take care of installing the scratching post in time, be prepared for the “fluffy” to scratch your sofa.
  • Sometimes, after licking themselves with fur, cats suffer from bouts of vomiting. And it doesn’t matter to them where to do it. If they are on the bed, get ready to change the bed linen.

  • Cats don't really care about people who sleep cutely. If they want affection, games or food at 6 o'clock in the morning, they will definitely wake you up. One of the cats comes and pokes his wet nose, another cat just yells at the whole apartment.
  • If you go to the shower, let the cat into the bathroom, otherwise he will sit under the door and scream. But if you let him in, after a couple of minutes he will be screaming from inside for you to let him out. But this is more touching than infuriating.
  • Parasites. Do you like kissing cats? Aren't you afraid of getting infected with worms? What about fleas? Sometimes getting rid of them is very difficult and expensive.

Is it possible to talk about the difference in the character of females and males: pros and cons

All members of the cat family behave the same during childhood. They run, play, and explore the world around them with curiosity. Their pranks and attempts to climb onto the sofa or lap evoke a smile of tenderness. Babies accept affection with pleasure and allow themselves to be stroked. However, with age, the character of pets changes greatly - then the differences between male and female individuals become visible.


Affectionate creatures require increased attention from humans. They need to be close, to feel cared for and loved. Girls are able to subjugate not only people with one glance, but also other pets living in the neighborhood. Benefits of cats:

  • cleanliness;
  • pronounced hunting instinct;
  • flexible character;
  • lack of desire to mark territory.

However, against the backdrop of positive qualities, negative aspects should also be noted. For example, females love to sharpen their claws and use walls, furniture, and wallpaper for this. You can cope with this scourge using a special scratching post. It is necessary to trim nails from an early age so that the baby is completely accustomed to the procedure.

You should also remember about the rancor and touchiness of ladies. They can take sophisticated revenge on their offender, be it a family member, a guest or another four-legged friend.

On the physiological side, unsterilized females require mating, so the owner has to look for a mating partner and transport the bride to the groom’s territory. If the pregnancy occurred unplanned, then there is a need to place the grown-up babies in good hands.


Males are considered more independent animals compared to females. They do not climb into your hands, allowing themselves to be stroked only occasionally. Typically, friendly expressions are associated with the desire to get a treat or go for a walk.

The male loves to dominate, considering an apartment or house only his place. However, those who prefer a male to a female talk about many positive features of the mustache:

  • active lifestyle;
  • no problems with mating and placement of offspring;
  • independence in a good way.

Experienced cat owners note their increased curiosity. They want to look and smell everything.

Boys love to sit in the kitchen and beg for a tasty piece. However, begging can be corrected through proper education from childhood.

The main problem with keeping males is the strong natural odor and odorous marks left everywhere. Careful care and castration will help solve this problem.

Cons to think about

  • Allergy. A huge number of people are allergic to cat fur. The most annoying thing is that the disease can appear at any time. Just imagine: you live with a cat in perfect harmony for several years, and then you have a child with allergies. You don't have to choose. Think about it…
  • Constant control. Cats are like children - you need to watch them closely. If you open windows, keep your pets away from them. A bird might fly by, and boom, your cat is already outside. The same applies to the front door.
  • And the last minus, the most important one, which is hard to talk about: the average life expectancy of a cat is 15-17 years. Of course, everyone dies someday, but seeing off your furry on his “last journey” is unbearably difficult...

The heart will thank you

Having a cat welcome you home and purr on your lap in the evening is a great way to reduce your daily stress levels. And where there is less stress, there is less stress on the heart and blood vessels.

In general, it is not surprising that the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases among owners of these tailed animals is significantly lower than among those who did not think of getting a cat.

Yes, scientists are quite categorical: they call the acquisition of a purring beast Cat ownership and the Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Diseases. Results from the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Study Mortality Follow-up Study is an excellent strategic solution for those concerned about heart health.

Are they fighting or grinding?

Don't confuse fighting with building a hierarchy. Accept that one of your cats will be alpha. The older member of the pack can growl at the younger one, hit him with his paw, demonstrate his superiority in every possible way, and this is not a conflict, but a form of communication.

Don't get involved in cat fights unless they are threatening. When a kitten appears in the house, the older cat accepts it almost immediately. You may not know this because the alpha will act very strict and distant. The kitten will pester the cat, bother her and eventually receive a well-deserved slap with her paw. In most cases, an older cat will not even use her claws because she needs a reason to use force.

If you see that there is going to be a fight, you can do the following:

  • Stomp or clap loudly - fear changes priorities.
  • Throwing a towel towards the cats is a sudden switch of attention.
  • Throw a blanket over both cats - when a cat suddenly finds itself in the dark, it instinctively presses itself to the floor.
  • Throwing water at cats is a distraction factor.

There is another method that owners do not use due to ignorance. Seeing that cats are going into conflict, freeze, stare at the aggressor and start hissing. Make sounds that are as close as possible to the hissing of your pets, usually a combination of “kh” and low “y” sounds, do not hesitate, growl and even scream like a cat.

What will you achieve? First, you will show who the main “cat” is in this house, and this is important. Secondly, even if the demonstration of your feline importance seems unconvincing to your pets, they will definitely be surprised by the screams

Take advantage of the surprise and stupor to isolate the new cat. This method should not be used on hybrid breeds, since the cat may become confused and attack you.

Muscles and bones will become stronger

No, no, for this you won’t have to carry the well-fed Vasily (or Murka) in your arms. Strong muscles and bones are attached to every cat, even the skinniest and smallest. All you have to do is pet the animal regularly to make it purr.

Purrs are sounds at a frequency of 20–140 Hz. Research proves Biomechanical stimulation therapy as physical treatment of arthrogenic venous insufficiency that frequencies in the range of 18–35 Hz improve the mobility of joints and muscles after injuries, and are also able to heal microtraumas and prevent muscle atrophy Why do cats purr? . This is called biomechanical stimulation therapy.

If you adopt a kitten, consider that you have acquired a device for effective physiotherapy. And he, the “device”, is happy with you.

Elevated structures

It is common for cats to constantly climb to some heights. Outdoor cats can often be seen climbing trees. The pet should also be given this opportunity. Cats love to sit comfortably on a hill and watch everything that happens from above.

In a private house or in an apartment with several tiers, where there is a staircase, you don’t have to think of anything additional, since the staircase will be ideal for this. But in a small apartment you will need to build something similar. Of course, you can purchase ready-made designs, which often combine a scratching post, shelves, and a house, but a shelving unit or regular bookshelves are perfect for these purposes.

When preparing such a design, the following rules should be taken into account:

  1. All elements must be well secured.
  2. The surface of the shelves must be covered with anti-slip material.
  3. There should not be any fragile objects in the cat's path.
  4. It should be convenient for the animal to both climb onto an elevated surface using such a structure and go back down.

The ideal option is if the cat has a place to rest on a hill.

You won't suffer from loneliness

Throughout our lives, each of us experiences periods of loneliness and social rejection. They may be associated, for example, with moving to an unfamiliar city or country, or the loss of loved ones and friends. The feeling of loneliness that arises is sometimes so great that you want to give up.

A pet is a creature that forces the owner to organize his life: take care of him, feed him, and clean the litter box on time. But in the end, a person feels How Pets Help Manage Depression that he is needed and continues to live, no matter what.

Respect for traditions

Gradually, cats revealed their other qualities; they began to be kept in homes not only for hunting rodents. They began to be considered one of the symbols of a warm home. Since ancient times, the belief has been preserved that the presence of such an animal protects the house from evil spirits.

The tradition of having a cat in the home is preserved in many families. Following it, people take a kitten without even thinking about the reasons. My great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother had such a pet, which means it should be present in my house. Otherwise, housing will be inferior.

And you'll sleep better

Surveys among patients suffering from sleep disorders give an interesting result: if a pet - the same cat - is in the bedroom or even bed, sleep becomes calmer, deeper and more peaceful. This is indicated by more than 40% of respondents. Are Pets in the Bedroom a Problem? .

Should your pets sleep in the bed with you? A new study's surprising answers, from Mayo Clinic sleep specialist Lois Krahn, say cats are akin to an effective and completely harmless sedative that can be prescribed to almost anyone.

What you need to do after you get a cat

These simple recommendations will make your pet's life (and yours too!) even more comfortable and safe.

  • be prepared to give him at least a little attention;
  • give your cat the necessary vaccinations;
  • organize a high-quality toilet with good filling;
  • stock up on cat toys - mice, bows, ropes;
  • buy a scratching post;
  • insure the animal;
  • Don’t forget about hygiene procedures - bathe the cat, comb the fur.

“Life isn’t the same without a cat,” those who have long had furry pets (and not only cats without fur) are sure. Our advice will be useful to those who are just about to check how true this saying is.

And your life - with a cat or without? Share in the comments!

Feeding the cat

The cat is a predator, and meat is its food. The cat receives a full range of nutrients by eating the whole prey - along with bones, intestines, brains and skin. It is unlikely that you will buy sterile mice from a pet store for your pet. It is best to purchase holistic-grade dry food and plant lawn grass in a bowl - fescue, ryegrass, meadow bluegrass.

Experienced cat breeders prefer to keep cats on natural feeding. If you know how to calculate the balance of BZHU and know how to supply the animal with the proper amount of taurine it needs, as well as vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances, your cat will live long and happily.

Sometimes cats show a surprising love of eating grass. Your cat needs this to get rid of hairballs more effectively.

Cats fed an unbalanced diet may develop an addiction to eating foods that are unfamiliar to them. A small amount of cucumber, melon or black bread will not harm the animal. But do not experiment with human dishes! Cats do not know how to complain about being unwell, and ask for help only in the most extreme cases...

Source of income

Breeders can easily answer the question of why cats are needed in the house. For them, animals are a source of income. Breeding these pets does not require much trouble. But owners of representatives of valuable breeds make a substantial profit from the sale of elite kittens. In itself, such an activity should not be condemned. Breeders help people make their dream of a beloved pet come true. But discarded kittens, adult animals, unable to fulfill their purpose due to age, often join the army of stray cats.

Satisfying a child's request

One of the popular reasons for the appearance of a kitten in the house is the desire of the parents to satisfy the child’s request and make his dream come true. Most children want to have some kind of pet. A cat is the best option. She does not need to be walked like a dog, there is no need to spend time cleaning cages. In addition, such an animal can bring joy to the whole family.

The cat is an excellent teacher. This pet will be able to instill in a child a sense of kindness, teach him responsibility, and help him learn the rules of communicating with animals.

Your cat may not lie on your lap and be affectionate

Not all cats like to be touched, picked up or even stroked.

Sometimes it's a matter of trust. As your cat learns to trust, she will begin to enjoy your attention.

But keep in mind that for some cats this may never happen. They will enjoy your love from a distance.

This doesn't mean that the connection between you will be weaker - just that it will manifest itself differently.

Cats have many ways to show that they love you.

Practical reasons for having a cat in the house

The ancestors who decided to domesticate the wild cat in time immemorial had good reasons for this. Felines ideally protected warehouses and barns from rodent invasions, literally saving the harvest, preventing the risk of famine. For many centuries, in most countries, cats were highly valued. For example, Empress Elizabeth had pets brought from Kazan to protect the treasures of the Winter Palace from mice and rats, since these cats were considered the best hunters. And now in almost every house in rural areas there is at least one cat, which allows the owners not to suffer from rats and mice, to protect them from attacks on poultry, food, etc.

Features of the cat family

Is it even worth getting a cat, expecting exemplary behavior and obedience from your furry pet? They are very curious and reckless by nature, so you need to be prepared for anything. You should not throw clothes and important things in the wrong place, as this will be great entertainment for the animal. However, this factor depends on the breed, some are very quiet and lazy, others are constantly looking for adventure.

Some objects or places can be very dangerous for a cat. Many people feel an irresistible urge to chew on live wires or drop something on the floor. It is advisable to store glass, fragile or sharp objects in a protected place so that the cat does not get injured by fragments or a needle after the next raid. Also, in search of food, she can jump on a table or a working stove, so you should wean her from such actions in time.

Almost all cat breeds have fur, which often causes discomfort to residents. By accustoming your beloved furry to one sleeping place, you don’t have to worry about things that would otherwise be a cat bed. It is also necessary to periodically clean carpets, upholstered furniture and beds from accumulation of wool.

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