ZooRing cat food: reviews, composition analysis, price

Manufacturer and official website

Zooring eco-feed production lines are located in Russia and operate on the basis of the Agroacademy concern. The product itself is the result of many years of work by domestic experts in the field of breeding and feeding cats and dogs. The plant’s equipment is imported, and the raw materials, according to the manufacturer, are environmentally friendly and suitable for human consumption.

The official website of the company https://zooring-rus.ru/ provides complete information about the range of food and its composition, as well as reports on work at dog and cat shows. This is one of the key points in the work of the company, which states that the secret to the success of pet exhibition activities lies in proper nutrition.

You can also remotely purchase any product from the dry or wet series on the website.

ZooRing feed range (ZooRing)

The range of ZooRing food is very wide and consists of dry and wet premium and super premium products for dogs at different stages of development: from puppies to small and large adults. The physiological state of the animals and lifestyle are also taken into account; healthy supplements (glucosamine, prebiotics) and a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals are included in the diets.

All products are produced in packs of 700 g, as well as in bags of 2, 10 and 20 kg. Canned food is packaged in 100 gram trays.

Line Professional

The Professional line includes dry and wet diets for dogs, from puppies to adults. The company positions these foods as super premium, consisting only of high-quality ingredients and containing a high percentage of animal protein. There are 4 nutrition groups in the Professional line.

Adult mini-breed dogs, including the following diets:

  • ZooRing Mini Active Dog is food for active dogs of small breeds based on various protein raw materials (meat of young bulls, duck, turkey, salmon). The diets are enriched with probiotics and contain chonroprotectors. Suitable for small and medium breed dogs with sensitive digestion, allergy sufferers and pets prone to obesity (reduced fat formula).
  • ZooRing Mini Adult Dog – food for adult dogs of miniature breeds. The protein component is represented by salmon and turkey; the diets contain chondroprotectors and probiotics.
  • ZooRing Mini Lamb & Rice with lamb and rice. Does not contain wheat, suitable for feeding puppies and adult miniature breed dogs with sensitive digestion and allergies to food components. Has a small granule size.
  • ZooRing Mini Sensible Dog is a high protein food range for picky small to medium sized dogs. Contains probiotics and Yucca plant extract to reduce toilet odor. It has a high taste appeal.
  • ZooRing Mini Sensitive Adult Dog with Turkey and Rice is food for adult pets of miniature and medium breeds with sensitive digestion.
  • ZooRing Super Mini Active Dog with Turkey and Rice is a high protein food for the smallest pets. Small granules are adapted to the structure of the dental system of miniature dogs.


Cat owners are offered the following ZooRing brand products:

  • Kitten food, chicken

Food for kittens
The composition is described above. Manufacturers recommend that kittens be taught to eat dry food from 25 days of age. Nutrition is indicated for adult females who have been diagnosed with pregnancy. Feeding continues until lactation stops. The cost of packaging 10 kg is 2520 rubles.

  • Food for adult cats, with duck

Food for adult cats
The main components of the food are the same as in food for kittens. The description of the composition indicates poultry meat, only chicken was used for kittens, and duck for adults. We excluded hemoglobin and added apple and rowan as sources of substances that normalize digestion, support heart function and prevent the formation of urinary stones. The feed mixture contains proteins, fats, fiber in the amount of 32; 16; 2.11%. The cost of a package of eight packages of 350 g is 1040 rubles.

  • Food for beautiful coat and skin

Food for beautiful coat and skin
The manufacturer suggests using food for long-haired show cats. Nutritional components ensure healthy skin and beautiful coat. The main components of the feed mixture are the same as in kitten food. The ratio of vitamins and minerals was changed to suit the needs of adult animals.

Included rowan fruits for the prevention of urolithiasis. The feed mixture contains protein, fats, fiber in a concentration of 34; 18; 1.85%. The cost of a package of 8 packages of 0.35 kg is 1040 rubles.

  • Feed for castrates

Food for sterilized cats
Food for sterilized animals has the following features:

  • low calorie content. The effect is achieved by reducing the concentration of fats and increasing the amount of fiber;
  • the use of substances that prevent alkalization of urine and the formation of stones;
  • addition of probiotics - live lactic acid bacteria that normalize digestion in the large intestine.

The feed mixture contains proteins, fats, fiber in the amount of 30; 12; 3.4%. The cost of a set of 8 packages of 350 g is 1080 rubles.

  • Seafood Cocktail

Food with fish
Food is intended for adult animals. Feed mixture composition:

Feed composition

The cost of a set of 16 hundred-gram lamisters is 720 rubles.

  • Royal dinner for adult cats

Food with rabbit
The composition of the feed mixture is the same as in the Sea Cocktail diet. Only instead of fish they used rabbit meat. The cost of a set of 16 hundred-gram lamisters is 720 rubles.

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Composition of ZooRing food

Since the compositions of the products are not particularly diverse, their quality can be assessed using the example of one of the diets for adult dogs.

Ingredient list and guaranteed analysis of the premium diet Active Dog Standard poultry mix and rice.


  • Protein – 25%
  • Fat – 13%
  • Fiber – 2.4%
  • Ash – 7.6%


Dehydrated poultry, rice, corn germ, wheat, hydrolyzed liver, oils and animal fat, dried beet pulp, fish oil, anhydrous yeast extract (source MOS), lysine monochlorohydrate, anhydrous brewer's yeast extract.

Composition analysis

We analyze the composition using the example of dry food for kittens:

Composition of ZooRing food

In the first position is dehydrated poultry meat. There are two varieties of ZooRing food for kittens - with duck and chicken. Second place was given to corn, for some reason calling it maize. Poultry fat is a standard component of premium and higher grade feeds. It is unclear what hydrolyzed meat proteins the manufacturer used. What kind of wheat fiber is is also unclear. Is it bran or powdered straw? What is anhydrous yeast concentrate?

The following is the composition of the complex of vitamins and minerals. The author of the text classified omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as vitamins. Instead of mineral additives, chemical elements are indicated. For some reason, there was hemoglobin in the feed mixture. Maybe this means some new feed additive unknown to specialists and consumers?

The food was enriched with amino acids, but for some reason methionine + cystine is indicated, although the feed preparation is called DL-methionine. The feed mixture contains a prebiotic, but which one is unclear. Yucca is a natural deodorant that binds ammonia and other foul-smelling fecal metabolites.

Laboratory analysis shows the high energy nutritional value of the feed and the optimal ratio of protein, fat and fiber for a growing organism. But it is impossible to classify food as a super premium class due to the fact that there is no reliable information about the composition of the feed mixture.

Advantages and disadvantages of ZooRing

In accordance with the information provided by the manufacturer and based on the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the composition of ZooRing food, the products of this brand can be characterized as corresponding to the premium category, despite the fact that the manufacturer’s portfolio officially includes professional food.

Advantages of ZooRing food:

  • availability in the sales network;
  • low price;
  • availability of canned food;
  • the use of dehydrated meat raw materials in the process of creating feed.


  • Despite the wide range, the composition of the products is the same in many groups.
  • The statement about the hypoallergenic nature of food is controversial: the presence of corn, wheat and protein raw materials of unknown origin does not give grounds to consider such food safe.
  • Almost all compositions are not specified in terms of protein and other raw materials (this is indicated by such general concepts as “meat”, “poultry” - it is impossible to say what exactly the manufacturer put in the extruder bowl and in what quantity).
  • There are too many carbohydrates in the food.
  • There are artificial additives in the diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cat owners note the following advantages of ZooRing nutrition:

  1. Wide range. In addition to dry food, there is wet canned food.
  2. There are more positive reviews than negative ones.

Disadvantages were also noted:

  • Incomprehensible description of the composition of the feed. Perhaps this is why nutrition does not inspire confidence among consumers and is not widely distributed.
  • Russian-made food is disguised as foreign food.
  • Small wholesale is imposed on cat owners. Dry food is sold in packs of 8 bags, canned food in packs of 16.

Conclusions about ZooRing dog food

Comparing all the facts, as well as relying on reviews from dog breeders, two main conclusions can be drawn about the products of the Russian company ZooRing:

  • This food corresponds to the premium class category and is suitable for feeding healthy animals that do not have allergic reactions to food components.
  • Feeding dogs with brand products involves supplementing with meat, due to the poor protein composition.

The manufacturer places considerable emphasis on the fact that its product will help maintain the appearance of dogs whose lives are closely connected with their exhibition career. The appearance of the dogs participating in the show requires significant investment, not only in terms of grooming, but also in terms of nutrition, which must be “on point” and meet the dogs’ needs for optimal energy levels.

Dog food ZooRing - reviews

Since dry food of this brand is not widespread, not many people feed it to their pets. Accordingly, reviews of ZooRing food for dogs are rare. We've shared a few of the ones we found below.

Reviews from veterinarians

We could not find direct reviews from veterinarians about ZooRing food. If there are any in the future, we will supplement this review with them.

Customer Reviews

Julia writes:

I first learned about ZooRing food at an exhibition, decided that I had to try it and took a 2 kg package. All the dogs liked it and ate the test portions with pleasure. Since there were no digestive disorders, I ordered a large 20 kg bag, the price is very good, less than 3800 rubles.

The pets also devoured the big bag; I didn’t notice any difference after switching from the previous food. The dogs' activity, coat condition, digestion - everything is fine. I’m very glad that I decided to try this food, it turned out to be good and didn’t cost a lot of money.

Oksana writes:

Almost finished the first 20 kg bag of ZooRing food with veal and rice. I can say that finally there is normal food from a domestic manufacturer! It’s just a pity that they are sold in few places; even in Moscow I had to go to quite a few pet stores to find this food.

If you have experience feeding your dog this food, don’t be lazy and leave your review by filling out the form below the review.

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