Brooksfield cat food: reviews, composition analysis, price

Brooksfield is a super premium dry cat food. The production of products is located in Italy, from where they enter the Russian market already packaged in packages of various sizes. According to the manufacturer, only fresh meat is used to produce the diets without the addition of allergenic grains (wheat, corn), soy, artificial antioxidants and GMO components. A more detailed analysis of the range and composition of products will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of the brand.

general information

The manufacturer presents Brooksfield diets as super-premium low-grain dry food. On store shelves, Brooksfield food packaging is hard to miss – all thanks to its bright, colorful design in the American pin-up style. Brooksfield cat food is sold in 400g, 2kg and 7.5kg packs.

The line includes 6 recipes of dry cat food. We will look at each separately; we will take the composition in Russian and English from the official website By the way, this site contains a lot of information about Brooksfield products. For example, on the page of each product there is an interesting table comparing Brooksfield food with food from popular brands.


This product is aimed at young cats up to one year old, as well as cats waiting for a new baby. In the first place are animal ingredients, represented by dehydrated and fresh chicken meat . There’s just a catch - in the English version of the composition there is no word meat, so in fact the food contains not only muscle tissue, but also cartilage, bones, subcutaneous fat, etc. The mass fraction of the first two animal components in this food is 58% - very good.

Next come the cereals: rice and barley . The food is declared as low grain, but the percentage of grains in the food, unfortunately, is not indicated, so the statement about the low grain content can be considered as a marketing ploy.

The fat component is chicken fat , a worthy source of linoleic acid and other essential fatty acids. Chicken fat is supplemented by valuable salmon oil , but unfortunately, it is almost at the very end of the list, therefore, its amount in the feed is very small.

After chicken fat, there are several carbohydrate components that provide a source of plant fiber: potatoes and beet pulp . Next comes an unknown natural flavor . In English it is designated as digest. One way or another, it is unknown from what raw materials this component was obtained.

The generalized components, called vitamins and minerals , are partially deciphered in the “additives” section, but in general the presence of veiled premixes in the feed is more a minus than a plus.

The following components are various auxiliary additives of varying degrees of usefulness: yeast (the manufacturer did not indicate whether brewer's yeast or ordinary baker's yeast), whole eggs , MOS and FOS , dehydrated vegetables , berries and fruits . All these ingredients are added in small quantities and do not have a significant effect on the composition of the feed.

As a technological additive, all Brooksfield feeds contain a complex of antioxidants - natural preservatives obtained from vegetable oils.

Hairball Control

This food is suitable for cats that have problems eliminating ingested hair from their bodies. As a rule, these are long-haired breeds, animals in the period of active molting and suffering from special fanaticism in terms of grooming. In fact, this food differs only in its increased content of plant fibers, which stimulate intestinal motility and help swallowed wool leave the body naturally.

The first two ingredients listed are fresh and dehydrated beef The share of the first two ingredients is 45% - already less than in the first food.

On average, the other components do not differ too much from the composition of the first food, except that the food contains more carbohydrate ingredients containing fiber: peas, Arbocel cellulose (a crude fiber concentrate based on lignocellulose), etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Natural flavors are used.
  • Antioxidants - a mixture of tocopherols from vegetable oils.
  • No corn, wheat, soy, by-products, gluten, GMOs, artificial colors or harmful chemical additives.
  • Convenient packaging made of thick material with a zip lock fastener (even large bags have this fastener).
  • Brooksfield foods are rich in fresh, clean meat.
  • No hypoallergenic recipes.
  • In Russia, food of this line appeared not so long ago and is still just gaining popularity.

Arbocel cellulose, as stated on the website, has a positive effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (by stimulating the functioning of intestinal villi), promotes proper metabolism and eliminates constipation. However, at the same time, it is known that such fiber is a complex carbohydrate that interferes with the absorption of nutrients, however, creating a feeling of satiety. The animal may begin to lose weight due to nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away with this kind of food.

Get to know interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia:

  • Cornish Rex;
  • Ragdoll;
  • British Longhair;
  • Javanese (Javanese);
  • Bambino.

Our verdict

Today we will break tradition a little and, when making a decision, we will start with the disadvantages of the Brooksfield product:

  • embellished composition in Russian;
  • the mass fraction is indicated only for the first two ingredients;
  • presence of grain;
  • the claim of low grain content is unsubstantiated;
  • the presence of an unknown flavor.

We also discovered the positive aspects of Brooksfield food:

  • very attractive packaging;
  • the range in principle allows you to choose food for any cat;
  • fairly high content of animal components;
  • the presence of useful supplements for the digestive system;
  • natural preservatives.

The editors at Kot Obormot have mixed feelings about the Brooksfield food review. On the one hand, ready-made diets are not the worst, moreover, manufactured at the famous Italian factory Befood SRL. On the other hand, the manufacturer pays too much attention to the external, marketing side of the product. Share your opinion about Brooksfield food, did you and your mustachioed pet like the food?

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Characteristics and rating of Brooksfield Kitten Chicken & Rice food

To help you compare Brooksfield Kitten Chicken & Rice with other kitten food options, we've summarized its pros and cons. The advantages of the food include the following: the presence of more than half of the meat components (dehydrated and fresh chicken), useful additives for intestinal microflora, and a natural preservation system.

The disadvantages are the presence of grain (whatever one may say, even though the manufacturer claims that the food is low-grain, it is still present here), as well as an unknown flavor and the addition of the word “meat” when translating the names of sources of animal protein.

The diet scored 29 points out of a possible 55, its rating is quite average. It was calculated based on the scores of the first five components in the composition list. Brooksfield Kitten Chicken & Rice did not receive any bonus or penalty points in our rating.

Brooksfield for cats

I fed my cat Royal, but it has an incomprehensible composition and almost no meat, and I thought for a long time about what food to feed. The store suggested trying Brooksville. I read a lot of negative reviews. The composition of the food is good and the price is low. I decided to try this food anyway. So far I haven’t noticed anything bad in the cat’s behavior. Just as mobile. Maybe this food, like others, is not suitable for everyone. Mine eats well.

I bought this brand on the recommendation of a veterinarian, it was hard to find Brooksfield - it is not sold in small stores, I found it in the central pet market. Due to the fact that the food is not widespread, you have to take several packages in advance. The packaging is made in a retro style, there is a cute design on the front side, but there is no clasp. The composition is excellent, the only thing that confused me is that it contains a natural flavor, but it is not written what exactly acts as a flavor. The main components are dehydrated chicken meat (31%) and fresh chicken meat (20%). Externally, the food resembles barrels, has a distinct crunch, and is brown in color. I noticed the smell - the food does not smell specific. The cat responded to the change in food with appetite, crunching with a satisfied face. The allergic reaction after the previous diet has passed, the eyes have stopped watering, and now the coat is shiny and soft to the touch. The stool is fine, the cat drinks water regularly. The only caveat is that after a week she got tired of Brooksfield with the chicken flavor, she began to be capricious and demand something else, so I began to alternate different flavors - there were no more whims.

Brooksfield dog food reviews

Brooksfield dry food appeared recently, but thanks to its good composition and relatively low price, many people have already bought it for their pets. That’s why there are several dozen reviews on the Internet. We have shared some of them below.

Reviews from veterinarians

Customer Reviews

This time we tried Brooksfield dog food for dogs of all breeds with chicken for our dog to try. In general, I wanted to take it with beef, but it was not available, so I had to take what was available.

We have a 3 kg package, which is most convenient for us, but there are also 0.8 kg and 12 kg packages. What I didn’t like was the lack of a fastener; you have to clamp it with a clothespin, or you can put it in a special container. This volume is enough for our dog for about 2-3 weeks, depending on his appetite.

At the back there is information about the food, manufacturer, composition and feeding rates. For his 11 kg weight, our dog is entitled to 155 grams per day, but we don’t limit him and fill him up when the bowl is empty, because he’s not a very good eater and he doesn’t overeat.

The food granules are oval 1.7 cm by 1.4 cm, our dog easily chews them and eats them. The food smells normal. The composition of the food is very good, especially for such a low price.

Our dog, of course, did not attack the food, but he eats it normally, like all the other foods we tried. And the cat periodically steals from him. The dog is feeling good, there are no allergies and his stool is normal. The wool looks very good. So the food was quite suitable for our dog and we will take it again.

I recommend Brooksfield dog food for all breeds with chicken and rice.

I bought Brooksfield for adult dogs, with beef. Friends feed me this way, so I decided to try it. But my Labrador developed an allergy and his ears began to get dirty. This is individual, but still the food was not suitable.

Good day! A month ago my dream came true and I had a furry son ☺ - miniature schnauzer Rocky. Before Rocky came to me, I had been looking for dry food for a long time that would suit me with its composition and other things. Brooksfield became this food.

The 800 gram volume has a package with a zip fastener, while the 3 kg volume does not. You have to fasten it with a clothespin. The design is very fun and cute - Pin-up style drawings. Granule diameter 1 cm. Brown color. All granules are monochromatic, the same size, slightly fatty. No crumbs or broken granules.

The smell is moderate. I especially liked this. And the fact that the granules are low-fat. The composition is excellent - nothing superfluous, no ballast - only what is necessary. Of course, I would argue about the beet pulp - is it really necessary, but the composition is good. Much better than domestically produced royal. IMHO.

The dog eats food with great appetite. Stool is normal: no constipation or diarrhea. The volume is normal. Ears are in good condition, eyes are clean. The fur is fine too. Weight increases within normal limits. There is no unpleasant odor from the mouth. No allergies, can't scratch. I soak the granules before serving.

The downside is that it is not easy to find in pet stores.

Brooksfield - cat food

Brooksfield is a super premium dry cat food. The production of products is located in Italy, from where they enter the Russian market already packaged in packages of various sizes. According to the manufacturer, only fresh meat is used to produce the diets without the addition of allergenic grains (wheat, corn), soy, artificial antioxidants and GMO components. A more detailed analysis of the range and composition of products will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of the brand.

About the Brooksfield brand

The word Brooksfield is the oldest surname of Anglo-Saxon origin, the first bearers of which probably lived somewhere in a field, near a stream (English brook - “stream”, field - “field”). However, the Brooksfield food brand name does not originate from any specific family. According to the information indicated on the official website of the brand (, the brand name reflects the originality and attractiveness of the brand, and also recalls the traditions of production, when more attention was paid to the quality of products rather than their quantity.


The Brooksfield cat food range includes 6 options for low-grain, balanced diets:

  • Adult Cat in two flavors (beef or chicken) - for adults.
  • Kitten with chicken - for kittens 1-12 months, pregnant and lactating cats with a high content of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the period of active growth, pregnancy and lactation.
  • Light/Sterilized with chicken – for pets that are overweight or have undergone sterilization.
  • Indoor with turkey – for adult cats and cats living indoors.
  • Hairball Control with beef - to prevent the accumulation of hair in the stomach.

Rice (indicated in the name on the packaging) and barley (indicated in the composition) are used as grain additives in each product. The products are produced in soft packages of 400 g, 2 kg and 7.5 kg. The zip-lock lock on all types of packaging helps prevent the spillage of food and the spread of its smell in storage areas. The design of the food especially attracts attention - different images of girls in pin-up style, always next to a cat, which should still remind of the main consumer of such food.

Composition analysis

To evaluate the composition of Brooksfield food, take the Light/Sterilized chicken and rice diet as an example.

  • Proteins: dehydrated and fresh chicken (29% and 20% respectively). These components are listed at the top of the composition, which means they form the basis of the feed, which is an undoubted advantage. This also allows us to calculate that the bulk of the content indicated on the packaging at the level of 28% is of animal origin. But it should be borne in mind that chicken meat is one of the most common allergens.
  • Fats: chicken fat and salmon oil. The first component will be a source of essential omega-3 fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, the second will be a source of omega-3 acids, as well as a natural preservative.
  • Carbohydrates. Their sources are two cereals: rice and barley. The first contains a small amount of gluten, so it is suitable for animals with sensitive digestion and a tendency to allergies. Barley is considered one of the best options for cereal additives in industrial feeds, as it has a low glycemic index and high calorie content.
  • Supplements The 3rd place in the composition is tapioca - a starchy product from cassava roots, which is used as a filler and thickener, and also contains a small amount of vegetable protein, fats and fiber.


  1. Meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, duck.
  2. Chicken fat.
  3. Whole eggs.
  4. Oils: salmon, sunflower.
  5. Beneficial plant elements: dehydrated blueberries, yucca Schidigera, tomatoes, dehydrated alfalfa, apple, flax seeds, carrots, potatoes, barley, rice, beet pulp, peas, tapioca.
  6. Useful elements: chicory inulin, yeast, mannanoligosaccharides, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, methylsulfonylmethane.
  7. Other components: Arbocel cellulose and others.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Brooksfield cat food it is worth highlighting:

  • high proportion of meat components in the composition;
  • use of natural preservatives and antioxidants;
  • absence of allergenic grains;
  • balanced vitamin and mineral composition.

As for the shortcomings, the main ones can be considered the lack of information about the proportions of most components in the composition and the low prevalence of the brand in stores. Also for some, Brooksfield’s production specifically for the Russian market may be a disadvantage.

You can buy Brooksfield food mainly in online pet stores or in individual stationary retail outlets (mostly large ones). Approximate prices for feed of different packaging sizes:

  • 400 g – from 299 rub.
  • 2 kg – from 1112 rub.
  • 7.5 kg – from 3185 rub.

You can now view the current price of food and buy it right here:

Reviews from veterinarians

Kirill, veterinarian with 7 years of experience:

“Brooksfield cat food is a relatively new product for the Russian market. I am pleased with the composition based on natural meat and the absence of synthetic components. At first glance, it is quite a worthy representative of its class with an optimal price. Among the owners who switched to Brooksfield in feeding their cats, there were no complaints about health problems in their animals.”

Ivan, veterinarian at the state clinic:

“The main advantages of Brooksfield food are a large amount of animal protein, the absence of the most allergenic grains, and a balanced vitamin and mineral composition to maintain the health of cats. I recommend not to forget that chicken is also a potential allergen, although in practice I have not observed allergic reactions when feeding these foods. The manufacturer itself positions the products as standard diets for animals that do not suffer from allergies.”

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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