Brit Care food for cats: reviews, composition analysis, price

Castrated and sterilized cats are calm, affectionate and playful. They don't show aggression. At the same time, the level of physical activity in animals decreases, and they are prone to gaining excess weight. The likelihood of developing urolithiasis (UCD) increases. To prevent health problems, it is important to feed your pet properly. Veterinarians recommend ready-made diets, since such nutrition is completely balanced. A good choice is Brit for neutered cats. The product is manufactured in the Czech Republic by the family company VAFO Praha.


Cat food (Brit Kea) is represented by the following lines:


Crazy. This dry food for babies contains a high percentage of chicken meat - 38% (both fresh and dried); salmon oil (source of omega-3 and omega-6), prebiotics. Excellent composition for a growing body!

Lucky. Food for adult cats, capable of providing a living creature with the necessary minimum of nutrients. The list of ingredients is quite interesting, but if you look at it, some of the components have an imaginary advantage. For example, taurine and arginine - amino acids - are already found in meat. And psyllium, as a source of fiber, stimulates the movement of feces, not allowing them to linger in the intestines, but even without it, fiber is present in the food.

Tobby. Quite a high-calorie (390 kcal per 100 g) and fatty (17%) food for adult cats. The grains in it are replaced with yellow peas and potatoes (they do not provide any particular benefit and are added for volume, but this kind of food can be eaten by allergy sufferers). Chondroprotectors - chondroitin and glucosamine - protect cat joints from damage. This food is recommended for active cats that move around a lot, as Tobby can cause significant weight gain.

Angel. This type of food is designed for cats over 7 years old. The lumps are porous and are easy for older animals to chew, and the load on the teeth is minimal. The percentage of fat in the feed is low - only 12%, which means that the load on the gastrointestinal tract is low and the risk of disease is low. The percentage of minerals is also small (due to which the risk of developing urolithiasis is reduced). There is a lot of fiber: with increased sensitivity of the intestines, a cat may develop mucus and even blood in the stool.

Cocco. For a picky animal with a delicate stomach, Cocco food, prepared according to a special, grain-free recipe, is suitable. The main emphasis is on protein - duck and salmon meat. They are easily digestible and help provide your pet with all the essential amino acids. The pleasant aroma of fish increases the cat's appetite, and potatoes add nutritional value to the food. But if your cat is allergic to bird protein, you will have to choose something else.

Monty. This food is ideal for cats with long hair and heavy shedding. The sources of plant fiber contained in the composition break up hairballs and remove it from the stomach. The calorie content is low - 380 kcal per 100 grams - which means that your cat is not in danger of becoming obese.

Cheeky. Judging by reviews, this food is best suited for cats that spend a lot of time outside. Firstly, the food contains chondroprotectors, and secondly, sodium hexametaphosphate cleanses teeth of tartar and relieves inflammation in the dental cavity. But it is extremely high in calories: 100 g of pads contain as much as 420 kcal! Plus there is a lot of fat, so it is better not to feed lazy and inactive animals with this food.

Lilly. It was developed for animals with particularly sensitive digestion. It is not hypoallergenic (although the manufacturer claims the opposite), but it is valuable in composition: it contains lamb, salmon and chicken protein, as well as milk thistle. It helps the liver cope with stress.

Sunny. The manufacturer assures that this food improves the condition of the animal’s skin and coat. But, if you look in more detail, such a statement is doubtful. The main ingredient is salmon meal, and fish is indeed a source of acids and tocopherols, but the food does not contain fish fillet, but fish meal. What is hidden under this - whether it is only meat, or scales, bones, and other useless waste - we do not know.

Daisy. Distinctive feature: minimum fat (10%) and large amount of protein (40%). Thanks to this composition, the cat will not store fat, but will build muscle.

Missy. Veterinarians recommend this food for sterilized cats: it is not fatty (only 12%), it contains additional fiber (psyllium). From the “pros”: the food prevents the formation of kidney stones, from the “cons” - there is so little phosphorus and calcium that this threatens a deficiency of both. If your cat eats this food, get the appropriate tests every 3-4 months.


Brit Care Cat Kitten. Half of this food is meat, the rest is rice, cheese, water and others.

Brit Care Cat. This line includes both wet canned food and so-called pouches (food in small bags, which costs more than both dry and wet food in cans).

The composition is the same as the food described above, but there is modified starch. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of this: this is not GMO and not a dangerous additive, but just an additive for thickness.

Brit care brand food is well digestible, hypoallergenic and brings a lot of benefits to the animal: strengthens the immune system, makes teeth stronger and the coat thicker, and prevents the development of certain diseases. But there are no dyes, flavors or synthetic preservatives in the food!

Brit Care cat food - reviews

Brit Care dry food has been on the Russian market for a long time, so there are a lot of reviews about it on the Internet. Below we've collected a few from cat owners and veterinarians. We will share reviews of canned food of this brand in a separate review (namely wet food).

Reviews from veterinarians

Maria, a veterinarian at a Moscow clinic, writes:

When a friend got a cat she asked which food was better to choose, 1st Choice or Brit Care. I looked for information about the ingredients, it turned out that both are approximately the same in quality. I couldn’t find any reasons not to recommend at least one of them. Many clients of our clinic feed their cats premium food, and there are no problems related to nutrition. And here both foods are super-premium.

Customer Reviews

Evgeniy writes:

I bought Urinari from the new Grain Free series (grain-free). The smell is more pleasant than usual, although it is similar to it. The cat drinks and urinates more, as always from high-sodium foods, and the quality of the coat is good. The difference from the usual Brit Kea is still small, but there is a better side, more meat... In principle, if you take food with a good composition, then Brit Kea and Bon Apetit are leaders in the price/quality ratio.

Asya writes:

We recently got a Sphynx kitten and were wondering what to feed. First we bought Royal Canin, but I didn’t really like its composition, or the results of feeding. Then I remembered that once upon a time, when we had a British cat, we fed her Brit Kare. Back then the packaging was completely different, and the line was different.

I studied the information about the updated line, everything was fine with the food for kittens - good composition, high calorie content, reasonable price. Calorie content, by the way, is very important for hairless cats, because due to the lack of hair, more energy is wasted. For testing, I bought the smallest package of 400 g, there are also packages of 2 kg and 7 kg. The last one is the most affordable.

The transition from Royal Canina to Brit Care was successful, our cat really liked the new product, she didn’t even let her free-fry the food easily)). Now we buy in large packages, they are very convenient - there is a zip lock on top, and a wide, durable handle on the side for carrying.

On the back of the package there is information about the composition, feeding rate, as well as about the rest of the food line - you can easily choose what your cat needs. There is no corn or wheat, the total meat content is as much as 47%, crude protein is 38%, and the ash content is only 5.5%. The supplement contains a lot of vitamins and minerals

The food itself does not have a strong or unpleasant smell, I would say even pleasant. The croquettes are neither small nor large, the size is just such that it is not difficult for a kitten to chew them. The shape of the mole is slightly oval and flattened, the color is dark brown. It should also be noted that they are not dry in appearance, which proves the high calorie content of the food.

In general, we are happy with the food, including the kitten) She looks excellent, her eyes and ears are fine, there is no excessive sweating, her stool is properly formed and regular. Moderately active, playful, affectionate. I won’t write about shiny wool, our Canadian doesn’t have it))

I recommend everyone to try this Czech food, both dry and wet (we also give it to the cat as a treat). Finally, a couple of photos:

Olya writes:

At first we fed the kitten Hills dry food, when he grew older, he was sterilized and began looking for new food for neutered cats. The choice fell on Brit Care, Missy for sterilized formula. I liked the good composition, despite the fact that the price is almost the same: 8 kg of Hills for neutered people costs 2,950 rubles, and 7 kg of Brit Kare for neutered ones costs 2,850 rubles. With promotions you can get it even cheaper.

It is also important that it is available at the nearest pet store, it is convenient. A large 7 kg bag is enough for 3 months, that is, less than 1000 rubles per month to feed a cat. By the way, he eats food very well, without whims. It looks good too, the fur is clean, soft and fluffy. So you can safely take this food and try it for your cats)


The food contains:

  • dehydrated turkey and chicken meat;
  • rice bran;
  • rice;
  • chicken fat;
  • dried apples;
  • beet pulp;
  • plantain;
  • sea ​​buckthorn pear-shaped;
  • salmon oil;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • prebiotics.

Most of the feed is protein, i.e. meat - 55%. There are 2 types of fat: salmon oil and chicken fat. They are indispensable for the cat’s body, as they saturate the body with important acids. At the same time, they are quickly absorbed. The source of carbohydrates is not grain crops, but potatoes. This is a “plus” of the food, since potatoes have a low glycemic index, and they cleanse the intestines well (due to starch).

The subtle aroma of mint stimulates the cat's appetite, sodium phosphate prevents tartar from sticking to the teeth, sea buckthorn is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

To prevent overeating, be sure to read the instructions on the package. An animal weighing no more than 5 kg and not sterilized should receive approximately 200 g of feed per day. If the animal is castrated, the portion can be increased to 250 g. A special calculation of the portion is also required if the cat is pregnant, or weakened, or old.

The opinion of veterinarians

Elena, 48 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

Brit Premium is worth the price/quality ratio. This diet contains reduced levels of magnesium. This is a good prevention of struvite (phosphorus and magnesium stones). However, if the cat had or has oxalates (calcium stones), it is better to avoid this food.

Evgeniy, 42 years old, Moscow

Brit Premium is a worthy product from a Czech manufacturer. The results of tests on cats prove that this diet has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. It is important to ensure that your pet drinks plenty of water. Normally, he should consume 3 times more fluid than he eats food, i.e. if the feeding rate is 60 g per day, then 180 ml of water per day is needed.

Alexander, 39 years old, St. Petersburg

Brit Premium for castrated animals contains only chicken as animal protein. It happens that pets refuse to eat it. In this case, you can try food for castrates based on chicken and turkey from the Brit Care line. It is more expensive, but has an improved composition (does not contain soy, grains and corn).

Anna, 36 years old, Izhevsk

Finding food after sterilization can be problematic. Some pets initially refuse ready-made dry diets. In this case, premium British canned goods are suitable. However, they are more expensive. In my veterinary practice, I often encountered cats who refused dry Brit. This may be due to the lack of flavorings and flavor enhancers.

Dmitry, 41 years old, Lipetsk

Dry Brit Premium is a good prevention of urolithiasis. If you compare it with similar products from other manufacturers, you can be convinced of the lowest percentage of magnesium (the mineral that most often contributes to the formation of stones). This food is suitable for both castrated and non-castrated animals with a history of predisposition to urolithiasis.

All information posted on the site is provided in accordance with the User Agreement and is not a direct instruction to action. We strongly recommend that before using any product, you must obtain a face-to-face consultation at an accredited veterinary clinic.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • It contains natural ingredients, beneficial vitamins, minerals, and natural preservatives.
  • If you compare Brit Care food with other foods of the same class, you will notice a significant difference in price: Brit Care is much more affordable and is sold in almost all pet stores.
  • The assortment is large: there is food for both adults (healthy, weakened, with health problems) and for kittens, both dry food and wet pates.
  • The composition is balanced, thanks to which the animals become stronger and look more attractive.
  • Some types contain corn flour, and this is a rather difficult product for cat digestion, often causing allergies.
  • The brewer's yeast contained in the composition makes cats' fur strong and shiny, but can also cause allergies.
  • The phrase “dehydrated chicken” can include not only chicken meat, but also offal.
  • The food granules are quite large, and not every cat will have “teeth.”

You can buy Brit care food both in a pet store and online. Food for sterilized cats is slightly cheaper than for regular cats: approximately 260 rubles per 400 grams.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: American Shorthair, Siberian, LaPerm.


The feeding rate for 2-month-old kittens with Brit Premium dry food is 35 g. By 4 months, it increases to 50 g, by 6 months – 85 g, at 12 – 115 g.

The norm for adult cats living permanently at home is 50 g per 2 kg, 84 g - 4 kg, 113 - 6 kg, 141 - 8 kg.

Brit Carey feed requires slightly less. So, for cats living at home, 2-3 kg of weight requires 40-50 g, 3-5 kg ​​- 50-80 g, 5-7 kg - 80-100 g.

The specified norm is fed in 2 doses, in the morning and in the evening.

The dosage of canned food per day is 25 g/kg of weight

Manufacturer information

The company that produces Brit dog food is called VAFO PRAHA sro, registered in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1994 and currently employs more than 350 employees. Today, exports are carried out to more than seven dozen countries, the list includes countries of different continents, including North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa and Australia, and the islands of Oceania.

The price of Brit dog food reflects the philosophy of VAFO PRAHA sro: it strives to create economical products that will meet all ISO 9001 and HACCP standards. The manufacturer respects the well-being of four-legged friends, so the food is not tested on laboratory animals even at the development stage. When making food for dogs, the Czech company uses exclusively natural ingredients (but, as analysis of the composition shows, they cannot always be called high-quality), avoids GMOs and the use of soy.

What are the advantages: the opinion of veterinarians

Veterinarians often mention this food and recommend it for purchase. Positive reviews are based on research, as well as some advantages that experts highlight:

  • a wide range of;
  • availability of wet and dry food;
  • natural ingredients in the composition;
  • suitable for different categories of pets;
  • low cost.

In addition, the products taste great and are suitable for almost all pets.

Attention! Regular use of this product leads to an improvement in the appearance of fur and a decrease in shedding. Cats' teeth, bones and joints become stronger.

Feeding recommendations

Each package of the finished product contains information about its composition, shelf life and method of storage. In addition, there is always a table with recommendations for determining the daily food intake. The serving size varies depending on the weight and age of the animal.

Attention! If after feeding your pet regularly has uneaten food left in his bowl, it is recommended to reduce the serving size. In the case when an animal demands food throughout the day, absorbing its quota without a trace, it should be checked for the presence of parasites.

- I am hungry.

On average, the daily requirement for an adult cat weighing 4-5 kg ​​is 60-70 g of Premium food or 50-60 g of Super-Premium food.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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