How parrots see: budgies, lovebirds, cockatiels and all the others

Each pet perceives the world differently. Cats detect all shades of gray, dogs do not recognize red and orange, rats do not recognize yellow. How do parrots see? For them, vision is the main sense organ with which they navigate in space. Winged birds are excellent at noticing small details located at a far distance. You are unlikely to catch them by surprise.

Nuances of seeing wavy birds

Birds have eyes on the sides of their heads, so they have a unique viewing angle of 360 degrees.

Birds have monocular vision, so they see a separate picture with each eye.

Birds have the ability to move each eye separately. They can fix their gaze on two different objects that are located in opposite directions.

Therefore, if one object is moved, this often leads to fright. When establishing contact with your pet, it is not recommended to make sudden movements.

The wavy eye consists of the following parts:

  • eyeball;
  • eyelids;
  • tear ducts

A significant element of the eye is the lens, which allows the bird to focus on any object.


Many people believe, and we are often presented with them, that domestic artiodactyls react sharply to the color red. In fact, the eyes of these animals perceive the color palette in very fuzzy, blurry tones. Consequently, bulls and cows respond more to movement than to the color of your clothing or the color waving in front of their faces. I wonder who will like it if they start waving a rag in front of their nose and sticking a spear into the back of their neck?

But how do they see animals? Cows, judging by the structure of their eyes, are able to distinguish all colors: black and white, yellow and green, red and orange. But only weak and unclear. Interestingly, cows' vision is like a magnifying glass, and for this reason they often get scared when they see people approaching unexpectedly.

Color spectrum

Even experienced breeders sometimes do not know whether wavy cats can distinguish colors. Although the birds themselves have bright and unusual colors, this does not mean that they see all these colors.

The human eye consists of three cells that allow us to perceive a huge number of colors. Birds have 4 cells, so they distinguish about 3 times more colors and shades. A unique feature of wavy birds is that they can see perfectly under ultraviolet light.

The ability to see ultraviolet rays affects the health and mood of parrots. If they are not provided with enough light, this will lead to a deterioration in the bird’s well-being.

Therefore, experienced breeders use special ultraviolet lamps in winter, which are installed next to the cage. It is not recommended to point the lamp directly at the perch where the pet sits.

It is also useful to read: How to tame a budgie to your hands

How does a male see a female?

The amazing ability to see ultraviolet light helps parrots see a member of the opposite sex and form a pair for breeding offspring.

In many species of parrots, males are brighter in color than females. In those species where the color of both sexes is almost the same, the female is always duller than the male. There are species of birds that, to human eyes, have completely identical colors. However, even here, in 9 cases out of 10, birds unmistakably recognize an individual of the opposite sex by plumage, although for us there is visually no difference between a male and a female.

What can a parrot see?

Birds easily distinguish and focus on all surrounding objects. While flying around the room, they notice all the changes, and also easily build a route without hitting any elements.

In about 5 seconds, the bird determines the location of each person, pet or piece of furniture during its flight. Therefore, they can easily land on a picture, shelf or other element without knocking over foreign objects along the way.

Does a parrot bother you at night?

Not really

Why doesn't a dog have the visual acuity of a human?

Dogs, like all other mammals except monkeys and humans, lack the central fovea of ​​the retina (the area of ​​maximum visual acuity). Most dogs are slightly farsighted (farsightedness: +0.5 D), i.e. they can distinguish small objects or their details at a distance of at least 50-33 cm; all nearby objects appear blurry, in scattered circles. Cats are nearsighted in the sense that they also cannot see distant objects. The ability to see well up close is best suited for hunting prey. The horse has low visual acuity and is relatively nearsighted. Ferrets are nearsighted, which is undoubtedly a reaction to their adaptation to a burrowing lifestyle and searching for prey scents. Ferrets' myopic vision is as sharp as ours, and maybe even a little sharper.

horse20 / 30-20 / 60Timney
dog20 / 50-20 / 140Odom
cat20 / 100–20 / 180Belleville

So, the eagle has the sharpest vision, so in descending order: hawk, man, horse, dove, dog, cat, rabbit, cow, elephant, mouse.

Can birds see in the dark?

Wavy animals living in the wild can easily navigate their surroundings not only during the day, but also at dusk. But they go completely blind in pitch darkness. Therefore, before nightfall, they find a safe place to sleep, where they will not have access from predators. Usually the tallest and thinnest branches on the trees are selected.

Wavys do not see in the dark, so if an untamed parrot accidentally flies out of its cage, you can easily catch it at night. To do this, you need to remember where it is, after which the artificial lighting is turned off.

The bird does not fly at night, so you can safely pick it up and put it in a cage. Even if the bird gets hungry at night, it will have difficulty finding access to the feeder. This is only possible at dusk, so it is recommended that your budgie has access to food throughout the day so he doesn't get hungry at night.

It’s also useful to read: DIY perches for parrots

Colors and subspecies of cockatiels

The wild cockatiel has a gray body with a yellow head, crest and orange cheek patch. Males have brighter head colors. The female has bars on the underside of her tail feathers.

Cockatiels bred in captivity for the poultry trade have developed several color mutations over the years. The most common options include:

  • Albino: lack of feather pigmentation.
  • Lutino: A white bird with a yellow mask, orange cheeks and red eyes.
  • Pied: The typical coloring of wild cockatiels is replaced by yellow or off-white.
  • Pearl, lace or opal: spots of different colors that form tiny “pearls” on the feathers.
  • Cinnamon, fawn or Isabelle: Gray feathers with brown or warm brown coloring.
  • Silver: Recessive silver and dominant silver cockatiel mutation; Recessives have cool gray feathers and red eyes; Dominants have a warmer gray tone and dark eyes

Other mutations include emerald, cream, pastel, white-faced and yellow-cheeked cockatiels.

The differences between males and females depend on coloration. These differences can sometimes be difficult to discern, especially in young birds.

To definitively determine gender, consider genetic testing.

Interesting facts about bird vision

Breeders are well aware of some unusual facts about wavy cats. These include:

  • they are represented by shy birds, so if they live in a room where they constantly scream very loudly or play music, then they are in a stressful state, which has a bad effect on their health and mood;

  • It is not recommended to move things in the room, as birds become very frightened if the situation changes suddenly;
  • immediately after the purchase, it is advisable not to constantly look the bird in the eyes, as this leads to severe fright, so it will be difficult to establish a trusting relationship;
  • if the wavy has already been tamed, then looking into the eyes is an expression of trust and love, so eye contact is required between the pet and the owner, as the bird begins to feel tenderness and attention;
  • during evolution, birds completely lost the ability to see at night, so they can look at objects exclusively during the day, and at night they prefer to sleep and rest;
  • the parrot has sharp and clear vision, so it reacts to any changes;
  • It is not recommended to suddenly turn on the light or shout loudly next to the bird, as this leads to severe fright, so the parrot begins to crest, tremble or run around the cage;
  • before turning on the light at night, it is recommended to cough quietly or say something so that your pet prepares for the changes;
  • The vision of any bird is the most important function, thanks to which the full existence of the pet is guaranteed, so it is important to take this point into account when organizing the surrounding space for the bird.

In order for the bird to feel good at home, it is important not only to provide it with proper nutrition, but also to arrange a room with a cage. It is not recommended to suddenly change the location of various objects, or to frighten the bird with loud sounds.

What kind of vision do parrots have?

Parrots are the most beautiful birds. It is not without reason that they have bright plumage, because... can easily recognize each other during the mating season. Even the human visual system is not capable of perceiving the entire range of colors that these pets capture.

What kind of vision do parrots have?

In the eyes of parrots there are 2 types of receptors - rods and cones. The former, which are responsible for night vision, are poorly developed, but the latter are able to recognize colors and function even better than in humans. Parrots see short wavelengths of color that extend into the ultraviolet range. The ability to perceive ultraviolet radiation plays an important role during the mating season. Birds show off their magnificent outfit in ultraviolet light.

Birds' cones increase the absorption of rays, due to which they capture many frames per second.

What colors do parrots see the world in?

Feathered friends distinguish colors much more effectively than human visual receptors. We are familiar with millions of tones due to the brain's ability to analyze and absorb blue, red and green shades. Parrots also capture ultraviolet light very well.

Life through the eyes of a parrot

We can only suspect what these birds are admiring. Scientists have long compared the color perception of humans and cockatiels. They used an analogy with a tetrahedron, in which 1 side represents the capabilities of the human eyeball, and the entire tetrahedron represents the capabilities of the visual apparatus of birds. By this they showed the difference in color perception.

Remember! These domestic birds often develop various diseases that appear due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation in the proper amount.

Can budgies see in the dark?

When it gets dark, some pets become temporarily blind. Parrots are practically invisible in the evening. The dimmer the lighting in the room, the worse their vision. Therefore, every owner should monitor the light in the room and cover the cage with black cloth at twilight so that nothing can scare the pet at night.

Birds' eyes are very sensitive to light. You cannot suddenly turn on the switch in the room if the parrot is still sleeping. This will be very stressful for him. You must first make some noise to wake him up a little, and only then turn on the lighting.

About the vision of birds. SciShow

How does a male see a female?

Since birds, both lovebirds and cockatiels, wavy birds and others, can perceive ultraviolet radiation, the opposite sex looks very attractive and beautiful to them. Boys are brighter colored than girls. Females are usually darker. The human eye does not see this difference, but birds always do.

During the period of preparation for the reproduction of offspring, females look only at those males who show special signs of attention: they beautifully dance the courtship dance and care for them. As a rule, the choice always falls on colorful and attractive ones. During the nesting period they become inseparable.

Imaginary friend

Experienced breeders always make sure that the parrots spend their time having fun and usefully for development at a time when the owners are not at home. Most often, a small mirror is hung in the cage to attract the pet’s attention.

Budgerigar. All the most interesting things about the life of budgies.

The whole secret is that the bird peers into its reflection and sees not itself, but an imaginary friend with whom it can become friends.

A picture is often observed when a bird is talking to someone and cannot calm down. This hobby sometimes leads to a situation where parrots cease to be interested in their owner. And if a pet pays more attention to its imaginary friend, then it is unlikely that it will show itself in the company of its owners.

Advice from experienced breeders: after purchasing a parrot, it is recommended to devote more free time to it. When the bird gets used to it, you can hang a mirror, but we must not forget about proper care. You need to feed him often and talk to him from time to time, train him, teach him to talk.

Where to buy cockatiel

When choosing a bird, it is better to choose a hand-fed chick or a young bird that is regularly handled. Prices will vary depending on the color and the reputable breeder. A cared for chick can cost between $100 and $300.

Cockatiels are widely available in pet stores, but the history of these birds may be unknown. As a result, they may be older than their stated age, unaccustomed to people and hands, and more difficult to tame.

Look for a bird that is bright, alert and active. Avoid birds that sit quietly with puffy feathers; this could be bad. The bird's feathers should be smooth and shiny, lying flat on the body.

The feathers around the anus/cloaca (the opening through which the bird excretes feces and urine) should be clean, dry and free of feces. The scales on the feet should be smooth. Make sure its claws are in good condition and its beak is smooth and well shaped. The nostrils should be clean.

Selecting a carcass on the counter

Difference from chicken

It will be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to identify the difference between rooster and chicken.
At first glance, the carcasses are absolutely identical. But there is still a difference. You can distinguish a cockerel by the spurs on its paws. And the presence of testes in the form of beans, if the carcass is not gutted.

The male also has thinner skin and bluish-colored meat.

Meat quality

When choosing meat in a supermarket, you must smell it. If even a faint smell of foulbrood is felt, the carcass should not be taken.

Pay attention to the consistency of the meat. A quality product is dense. Doesn't come off in layers or break into pieces

Doesn't come off in layers or break into pieces.

You also need to look at the color. If young rooster carcasses are sold, the skin will be pink or yellow. 2-3 month old males have white meat. Adult males have deep yellow skin with a bluish tint.

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