Which litter box to choose for a cat - types, sizes, tips for choosing

Choosing a tray for a kitten is not a difficult task on the one hand, but it is better to approach it wisely. Today we have prepared for you an overview of all types of litter boxes for kittens with advantages and disadvantages. Domestic representatives of the cat breed have a tendency to wash themselves frequently and a certain disgust. Cats do not like dirty bowls with stale food and drink, as well as unclean and uncomfortable litter boxes. When protesting against poor care, they can show enviable obstinacy. Therefore, even a tray for kittens, like a filler, must be chosen after first thinking through various nuances.

How to choose?

How to choose the right litter box for a kitten? Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of popular models of cat litter boxes through experience, professional breeders offer their advice on choosing litter boxes for kittens.

Basic recommendations: first decide on the location of the toilet in order to choose a tray that is suitable in size, and also select a container that is convenient for your pet to visit:

  • The sides are neither high nor low, so that it is easy for him to climb in there and at the same time not relieve himself past the tray;
  • Sufficient space for free placement;
  • Open or closed toilet with a lid, depending on the nature and size of the kitten;
  • Do not buy very light open trays: they are easy to turn over;
  • Take care of your own convenience: choose a toilet that is easy to wash and clean;
  • Remember that the best litter boxes for your kitten don't have to be expensive, but don't expect much benefit from the cheap options either.

In pursuit of fashion trends and wanting to make caring for their animals easier, cat lovers are eager to purchase advertised self-cleaning trays with an automatic device. Experienced breeders recommend using such toilets carefully. Without paying special attention to cleaning them, it is easy to miss the occurrence of digestive problems in your kitten.

The harmony and cleanliness in the house, and most importantly, the good mood of your pet, largely depend on the correctly selected toilet and the place for its placement. Any model can be the best litter box for a kitten, regardless of price. It is important that neither you nor your little pet suffers from the consequences of your choice. Remember, the most important criteria when choosing are comfort and suitable size.

If the toilet seems uncomfortable to the little furry, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to accustom him to it. And the more you force him, the stronger the pet’s resistance may be. He will begin to look for a more comfortable place for his daily ritual. Pets, like their owners, are very picky and not every toilet can accommodate them. To accommodate a variety of preferences, several types of litter boxes have been developed for kittens.

Tips for choosing

There are two main categories into which we can roughly divide them all:

  • open;
  • closed.

And within these categories they are divided into those that have bars and those that do not, those that have sides and those that do not. There are disposable and reusable, as well as biotoilets. There are also portable ones that you can take with you when transporting an animal.

Let's talk about some aspects when choosing. Let's look at them below.

The undisputed leader in this list of criteria is the material. Often, trays are made of plastic. A product will be of high quality if the material is durable. There should be no crunching sounds at the moment when a cat enters it. Deformation should also not occur. Speaking about the material, let's talk about the smell. It should not exist, since its presence will have a negative impact. For example, the animal will refuse to go into this tray.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the design. It is selected individually for the cat. If your pet likes to stir up the contents or throw something out of it, then the choice in this case is obvious, and you need to buy the option with high sides

Well, for fairly calm “personalities”, you can purchase a classic version of an open tray

If your pet likes to stir up the contents or throw something out of it, then the choice in this case is obvious, and you need to buy the option with high sides. Well, for fairly calm “personalities”, you can purchase a classic version of an open tray.

The presence or absence of a grille. In fact, this is a very convenient thing that can even be called multifunctional. Firstly, the pet’s paws do not get dirty, and secondly, cleaning such a tray is much easier.

And a few more important criteria:

  1. Price. This is not to say that cheap trays are bad and expensive ones are good. The price should be commensurate with the material, functionality and design.
  2. Dimensions. This is an individual criterion. For example, for a large cat it would be impractical to buy a small tray. It simply won't fit there. This parameter must be observed especially when choosing a closed type.
  3. Weight. The lung will roll over as the animal digs.
  4. Care. The easier it is to clean, the better. There should be no hard-to-reach places.
  5. Design. It is advisable not to have bright colors.

An interesting point is that in the opinion of the pet owner, the toilet may be the most comfortable, convenient and multifunctional, but for the cat the opposite may be true. If you notice stiffness or uncertainty, then you should change the model.

And now, let's move on to a direct review of the best models.

Plastic tray with sides

The simplest and most popular litter box for a kitten is a durable, rectangular plastic container with sides.


  • Convenient for use by small kittens (suitable for toilet training, as it is easy for them to climb into it);
  • Low cost (if damaged and a stagnant, unremovable odor appears, it can be easily replaced with a new one);
  • Quick change of filler (low thin sides do not create obstacles when pouring contents into the toilet or bag);
  • Easy to clean (an open container does not need to be freed from unnecessary parts and washed separately);
  • Small size and weight (easy to carry and take on a trip).


  • Intensive burying of feces by a kitten leads to scattering of litter around the tray;
  • The appearance of scratches on the material over time, which are difficult to wash;
  • Mandatory use of filler;
  • Lack of odor retention properties.

A variation of a simple tray - a model with high sides curved inward is more practical. Thanks to this improvement, the filler does not spill outward. The disadvantages of the container are noticeable when washing - when shaking out the contents, granules and pieces get clogged under the sides.

How many accessories do you need for one cat?

One tray is enough for an adult. Let us remember that cats are conservative by nature and, as a rule, defecate in only one place. But under certain circumstances, the number of bathrooms can be increased.

  1. When accustoming a kitten to relieve its natural needs, the owner must determine which location will be preferable for his ward. To do this, you need to put several trays in the apartment where a new member of the household has already visited with certain intentions.
  2. When a cat changes its place of residence, its litter box also changes. To help the client choose, the owner can also place several trays in different areas of the apartment. And only when the cat decides, leave one attribute.

Plastic tray with mesh

The second copy of the kitten tray is an improved version of the first.


  • The presence of a strong and durable mesh placed on a tray (the kitten stands on it and relieves itself, moisture flows through the holes to the bottom of the tray, and solid feces remain on the grid - cleanliness is maintained);
  • Convenience for the owner when cleaning the toilet (the mesh, like the tray, can be easily washed under running water);
  • The filler is poured into a tray and is located under the grate - the kittens cannot reach it with their paws and cannot make a mess around the tray or taste the composition).


  • Without filler, the tray does not retain odor well;
  • It is necessary to wash the tray and mesh separately after each visit to the toilet by the cat;
  • When using a container with low sides, kittens often get dirty;
  • Not suitable for those who like to dig into the litter and bury feces.

Stages of training

The area where you plan to place the cat litter box should be prepared in advance, even before you bring your pet home. It is usually recommended to place new kittens in an area that is comfortable, safe, and isolated from other parts of the house. It should also be suitable for starting to train the animal to use the litter box.

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If you have a separate non-residential room, then this is the best place for beginners. Place bowls of food and drink on one side of the room and a tray as far away as possible in the opposite corner. Keep the kitten in the room for several days, or even weeks, until he feels comfortable in his new place. You can then let your pet explore the rest of the premises. If you are not at home, then it is better to return the kitten to a familiar environment.

After he has eaten or drunk something, it is better to put him in the tray. At first you should do this every time. If you see your kitten starting to sniff or scratch the floor somewhere else, immediately put him in the litter box. So gradually he will get used to the fact that all his “cat business” needs to be done in only one place.

If your kitten suddenly relieves himself on the floor and not in the tray, you need to carefully move him there. At the same time, you cannot punish the baby or scold him, since he may later associate this with his toilet. At the same time, praise him every time, stroking him when he sits in his tray.

Toilet for kittens with high sides

A toilet for kittens of different ages with high sides, which often come as a separate structure and are attached to it along the edges.


  • When the kitten digs it up, the filler does not reach the edges, and therefore the area around the toilet remains clean;
  • The tray is easy to clean;
  • The height of the container allows you to pour more filler, which slightly solves the problem with an unpleasant odor;
  • A separate design (additional sides) makes it possible to put a bag or film in the tray, pour filler inside and snap the sides on top; After visiting the toilet, the bag with its contents can be easily removed and thrown away.


  • Large size (takes up a lot of space);
  • Due to the high and bulky sides, it is not very convenient for use by a small kitten; it is more suitable for older pets.


Cat litter with high sides can be classified according to the type of model. They are produced without mesh and with lattice. Products of the first type require the use of filler, the composition of which will determine the frequency of removal and cleaning of the box. On average, you will have to change the granules once a week, provided that there is only one pet in the house.

As for analogues of the second type, they can be used without filler. Its main task is to eliminate unpleasant odors. It is for these purposes that it is placed on the bottom of the box so that it does not reach the grate by at least 2 cm.

The grill itself may be different, but it is always removable, which is important for ease of cleaning the tray. Wash it daily, as soon as the pet relieves its natural needs. The mesh may have holes of different sizes. The breeder, as a rule, chooses the option where they are the smallest, which eliminates the risk of getting caught by the cat’s paws.

As for the sides, their type can be traditional or removable. In modifications of the second type, they are held in place by reliable fasteners. Modifications of the first type are more convenient from a cleaning point of view, since such trays are easier to wash. The second products take longer to clean and in these cases more dirt has to be removed.

The sides may differ in the degree of streamlining. For example, in simple models they are a regular continuation of the box; in analogues with removable frames they can be semicircular. These options are convenient because they eliminate the possibility of excrement and urine getting outside the box. Other modifications have a horizontal side at the entrance to the tray and vertical ones on the other three sides.

Removable sides can be placed on a box with sides inclined inward. Of course, such trays are more difficult to clean, but they protect the space around the box from accidental entry of pet waste. In addition, products of this type are good for cats who like to throw litter around. Other models have removable sides of different widths that fit onto the sides.

Tray with ventilation


  • The presence of a tray with holes through which air penetrates;
  • Due to constant air circulation, the filler dries out quickly;
  • The smell is practically eliminated;
  • It is an economical version of a dry closet.


  • The kitten can pull the filler away on its paws;
  • Unlike an automatic dry closet, it needs to be cleaned by the owner.

Closed toilets (tray houses)

Closed toilets (tray houses) are suitable for zealous diggers and those who like to be alone. The choice of a model of such a tray must be taken very seriously. The kitten may even be scared of some of the options, or you may find them difficult to clean. Such toilets are produced in different sizes; the model can be selected for both a very small kitten and a healthy cat.


  • Ability to inhibit the spread of unpleasant odors;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • The filler does not spill out;
  • The toilet house is very popular with kittens that are shy or have recently settled with new owners.

Additional advantages of popular models:

  • Models with a transparent door have one advantage - it allows you to determine the time of changing the filler visually;
  • Some popular designs, called dry closets, have a carbon filter for air purification - the odor is completely concentrated inside and eliminated with the help of adsorbent wipes that absorb all emissions;
  • The original snail-shaped litter box has an easily removable top for easy cleaning and is equipped with rough steps that “clean” the cat’s paws from stuck granules and crumbs;
  • Corner models equipped with the necessary accessories are perfect for placement in small spaces;
  • An interesting version among cat litter boxes are trays built into bedside tables in a special way, which can be matched to the color and tone of the overall interior, and also store kitten care items on the top shelves.


  • “Decent” cost (not everyone can afford a replacement with a new model, so you need to approach the choice responsibly);
  • Kittens may be afraid of closed litter boxes for a long time or perceive them as a resting place;
  • In simpler models of such trays that are not equipped with a filter, the smell is concentrated inside and intensifies when the long-drying filler is rarely changed (the small pet will inhale fumes of stale air every time he visits the toilet, or will look for another latrine).

You can now view current prices and buy a tray for your pet here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:

Comparison table of characteristics

For a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of product items, we have prepared a summary table:

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Dimensions (L/W/H), cmDesign FeaturesMaterialA countryPrice, rubles
SAVIC Aseo56x39x27.5High sides
PlasticBelgium829-1380 rubles.
Moderna Lift to Sift Jumbo56x42.7x27.3Open
High removable sides

2 replaceable trays

Intermediate tray with sieve grid

1958-2332 rubles.
TRIXIE Carlo43x31x14Open
With sides

With removable snap-on rim

PlasticGermany587-650 rubles.
MPS Netta54x39x40Closed
With handle and door

Mesh step for cleaning paws

Carbon filter

Spatula storage space

Anti-slip rubber pads

High strength plasticItaly1419-2236 rubles.
SAVIC Nestor56x39x38.5Closed
With door and built-in handle

The upper part is attached to the lower part using latches

Carbon filter

PlasticBelgium1299-1955 rubles.
Xiaomi Homerun Cat Litter Box Basic Version CLB10MB41x44x53Closed with door and window
Grate for cleaning paws on the roof of the tray

Pull-out 13-liter drawer for storing filler

Door lock

Sterilization system with microphones and infrared sensors

Synchronization with a smartphone in Bluetooth mode

Rechargeable battery for autonomous operation

Impact resistant thermo plasticChina7990 rubles.
Curver PET LIFE51x39x39Closed

With grill

Step for easy entry

Carbon filter

Pull-out tray

The upper part is fixed to the lower part with latches

Impact resistant plasticPoland4229-5492 rubles.

Automatic dry toilet

The automatic dry closet is an original self-cleaning design.

Complete elimination of strong odorsHigh price
Freeing the owner from the unpleasant moments of cleaning the trayThe kitten may get scared if it sees the cleansing process and stop going to the litter box
Self-disinfection that is safe for your kitten’s healthIt is necessary to ensure timely replacement of detergent cartridges
Can be used without fillerSome autonomous devices require connection not only to the water supply, but also to the sewerage system and the electrical network


Let's consider in order, from the simplest option to the automated one, what closed cat litter boxes the market provides us with.

For convenience, we have divided all the houses into two categories: with a retractable tray and automated.

Let's start with pull-out trays.

A simple plastic house. Consists of two parts: a plastic cover and a tray. The package includes a retractable pot. Comes with a handle for easy transportation. There is also a mobile door. In terms of cost, it is the most economical option.

When purchasing such a tray, pay attention to the attachment of the top part of the house to the bottom. Assembly should not be awkward or unreliable

When choosing this model, you need to take into account the cost of carbon filters and take several replacement units at once. Be sure to change filters after their expiration date, usually every 4-6 months.

The convenience of such a house lies in its practicality, because it can be used, among other things, to store various pet accessories (combs, toys, nail clippers and others).

To prevent bad odor from being absorbed into the material of the piece of furniture and into the things stored there, a mandatory component of such a house is its reliable interior decoration with water-repellent materials and timely, frequent cleaning.

Automated Models

Modern technologies have also reached the point of caring for pets: an automatic tray reduces the owner’s intervention in cleaning the tray to a minimum.

There are different types of this kind of toilet: some are fully automatic, others require periodic cleaning, which consists of changing the bag in which solid excrement is deposited.

State-of-the-art self-cleaning models (also called electronic) are connected to electricity, sewer and water supply. A special sensor detects the cat’s movements, and when the animal leaves the toilet, flushing and self-cleaning occurs: the used litter is removed along with the waste and a new one is added. Such a toilet house does not require the intervention of the owner, except for adding filler and, if desired, programming the number of cleanings per day.

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