Unpretentious and disease-resistant chickens of the Moscow Black breed

As a result of breeding work, a productive breed of chicken was developed, which was registered under the name Moscow Black. The official presentation of the first individuals took place in 1980, after which they aroused unusual interest among farmers and private breeders. Before breeding livestock, you need to evaluate the appearance of the Moscow black breed of chickens, description, photos and reviews of other poultry farmers.

Moscow black rooster.

How the breed was obtained

Specialists from the Moscow Agricultural Academy and the Brattseva Poultry Farm worked on developing the breed. They were guided by the desire to obtain universal meat-egg birds that would normally adapt to harsh climate conditions.

Representatives of the following breeds were used for selection:

  1. New Hampshire.
  2. Yurlovskaya vociferous.
  3. Italian partridge.

From New Hampshire hens, Moscow individuals received large body sizes and high-quality meat, and from Italian laying hens - good egg production. Yurlov's vocal chickens influenced adaptability.

Appearance of black Moscow

The description of the appearance of the Moscow breed mentions a massive body and contrasting color. Moreover, such characteristics are characteristic of both males and females. The black plumage with a glossy sheen is dense and dense, so birds can easily withstand harsh climatic conditions.

How to tell the sex of a chicken

It is almost impossible to determine the sex of a chicken under 1.5 months old. The birds are almost completely black. The first sexual signs appear 6-7 weeks after birth. During adolescence, it can be determined that the limbs of females are darker than those of males.

Exterior and acceptable color

Chickens of the Moscow Black breed have several distinctive features in the exterior:

  1. A rooster weighs 3.5 kg, and a chicken weighs 2.5 kg.
  2. On the large head there is a sharp-toothed comb in the shape of a leaf with a red color.
  3. The neck has a slight bend.
  4. The eyes have a brown or orange iris.
  5. The short beak is black.
  6. The earlobes are white or red in color.
  7. The massive body is slightly pushed forward.
  8. The back is wide, with a straight fit.
  9. The paws have no feathers, but are quite powerful.
  10. The wings are well developed and pressed to the body.
  11. The tail is of medium length and low set.

Moscow chickens have an elongated shape and massive muscles. They have dense feather cover with gold or copper colored markings. The largest number of inclusions is present on the mane, lower back and shoulders.

There are 2 types of colors:

  1. Golden yellow.
  2. Copper red.

Possible flaws

Birds with yellow beaks and limbs are culled. A slight greenish tint is not a reason for rejection. The feather cover may contain several white wings, but as they grow older they disappear.

Black Moscow chicken breed.


The Moscow black chicken has an extremely poorly developed brooding instinct, which has a good effect on the egg production of individuals. Offspring are usually bred using the incubation method.

To form a healthy breed, eggs for incubation should be carefully selected. Deformed eggs with a displaced oxygen chamber, two yolks and without yolks, with a thin shell and a porous surface are screened out. Only fresh eggs no older than 4 days are suitable for incubation.

Table of temperature and humidity modes

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