Kennel of English bulldogs. English bulldog puppies, buy.

Description of the English Bulldog breed

Popularity 169th place among 263 dog breeds


7-10 years


about 40 cm

Country of origin:

Great Britain

Average price:

20-30 thousand rubles


males: 24-25 kg, females: 22-23 kg
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Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:
  • relatively small size, which allows you to keep dogs in an apartment;
  • a calm and even lazy character is suitable for people who do not like excessive activity;
  • sharp mind and insight;
  • love for older children.
  • Minuses:
  • they breathe noisily, and in their sleep they snore and sniffle;
  • prone to obesity, so you will have to control their diet and activity;
  • need warmth and dryness, which will make walking in bad weather difficult;
  • difficult to breed.

Key facts

The English Bulldog is a true representative of its country of origin. Very often he is called the “four-legged gentleman”, and not without reason. The characteristics of the English Bulldog breed say that the main qualities of the dog are dignified calm, coupled with slowness and an open heart.

The main point that is worth understanding before purchasing a funny, stocky Englishman is the peculiarities of his physique. The bulldog is brachycephalic, which means he will constantly make sounds: sniffle, grunt, snore. Due to their flattened muzzle, dogs are susceptible to colds - from a simple runny nose to serious pneumonia.

This must be taken into account when walking - bulldogs cannot tolerate extreme heat or humidity. In summer you should cover them from direct sunlight, and in winter you should wrap them up more thoroughly so that the poor thing doesn’t catch a cold.

The love of lying on the sofa is in the blood of “gentlemen”. Therefore, at the slightest overeating, dogs begin to rapidly gain weight. To avoid trouble, the owner needs to strictly monitor portion sizes and maintain sufficient, if not intense, activity.

You should not think that the bulldog is inactive - this is not entirely true. The animal loves to have fun with children and is ready to show amazing agility when participating in catch-up games. In general, children's company is ideal for English fatties. Their character is very childlike - simple, curious, inquisitive and very loyal.

If you pay enough attention to health, the life expectancy of an English Bulldog will be 10 years. This is not very old by human standards, but for a dog this age is considered advanced.

The description of the English Bulldog breed emphasizes that pets are stubborn - but funny, lazy - but playful, full of dignity - but value their owners above themselves. It’s safe to say that bulldogs are one of the most controversial and at the same time attractive dog breeds.

Breed standard

The English Bulldog breed is a small one. The appearance of its representatives is unusual, one might say, unique. Some people find it terrifying, while others find it funny and amusing. The dog has a powerful body, a wide back and a fairly deep chest. The body shape is square.

The most powerful muscles are on her paws. Hips are strong and powerful. It is interesting that a bulldog's front paws are stronger than its hind paws; usually the opposite is true. There is a second distinctive feature - they are slightly turned inward. A bulldog's hanging belly is considered a fault.

According to the standard, it should be well tightened. The dog's skin is thick, which is why the ribs on his stomach are not visible. The tail is thin, but a little thick at the base, set low. An individual is considered low-breed if its tail is above the level of its back.

Bulldogs have a very stubborn character

The neck of such a dog is very short, which makes it seem as if it is completely absent. The head is big. The forehead is flat. The English bulldog in the photo is depicted as a calm, peaceful dog with aristocratic manners. There is something self-centered in his appearance.

The peculiarity of the representative of the breed is the presence of a large and deep depression between the eyes. If it is not there, the individual is discarded. The bulldog's muzzle, like the pug's, is short and flattened. Well defined cheeks. Round eyes are low-set.

According to the standard, they should be planted deeply, but not stick out in any way. The dog's lips are thick and drooping. It is important that they are lowered down. There are many folds of dense skin on the muzzle. The nose is not convex, large.

A bulldog's lower jaw, which moves slightly forward, is not considered a deviation. He has a very powerful grip, and his grip with his long teeth is strong and tenacious. Even when the animal clenches its jaw tightly, teeth can be seen from its mouth. The front ones may be uneven, but this is not considered a defect.

Interesting! The presence of large skin folds on the dog’s face is no coincidence. He needed them to fight the bull in the arena. Thanks to the folds, he maneuvered perfectly and protected his eye mucous membranes from getting the enemy’s blood on them.

It is difficult to call the physique of such a dog proportional. A large head does not harmonize well with a short neck and narrow pelvis. The average weight of the animal is 23-25 ​​kg, and the height at the withers is 37-40 cm. Representatives of the breed have a very soft coat. He's short. Popular color options:

  • Pure white.
  • White with beige or red spots.
  • Brindle.
  • Red-red.
  • Red and white.

Pure black or brown shades of bulldog fur are highly undesirable.

History of the origin of the English Bulldog

Small but stocky dogs belong to the Molossian group, which includes Great Danes, pugs, English mastiffs, and other bulldogs. In Tibet and Central Asia, Molossians were engaged in protecting homes and livestock, and in ancient Greece they were fighting dogs.

The ancestors of the bulldog family, along with the Romans, came to English soil. In the 15th century in England, they were not only watchdogs, but also participated in organizing bullfights, fighting in the arena. A distinctive feature was the ability to endure any pain. Often participation in battles and fights was a demonstration of rage and endurance. Of course, such ideas more often had a sad outcome.

In the mid-19th century, dog fighting was considered inhumane and was banned by law. The bulldog left “idle” was given the task: to eradicate his evil character and become an affectionate house dog.

The breeders did a great job - over 150 years of selecting only the friendliest representatives of the bulldog breed, they turned into sensitive, loyal and kind dogs. All that remained of their menacing appearance was their appearance, which betrayed them as a “former fighter.” But absolutely all countries have recognized that the English bulldog is a companion dog, and nothing else.

Description and features

All dogs of the bulldog group were originally bred to bait certain animals, especially large bulls. Many centuries ago, the people of England staged cattle races with these strong dogs. They enjoyed watching the carnage. Fortunately, such barbarism practically does not exist in the modern world.

The English Bulldog dog, although it has a fighting past, is nevertheless friendly and cheerful. She learns very quickly the simplest and complex commands, always relies on the owner and sincerely becomes attached to him.

There is long-standing information about the dog, according to which he was not only a fighter in the arena, but also an excellent boar hunter. Nevertheless, it was never in great demand. The reason is unattractive appearance. The appearance of the bulldog really scares some people, they especially don’t like his teeth, which stick out inaccurately from his mouth.

In fact, this exterior feature is not a genetic defect, but a working ability thought out by breeders. With the help of sharp long teeth, the bulldog tenaciously bit into the limb of his opponent, knocking him down.

It is worth noting that the representative of the breed in question is poorly suited for fighting with its own kind. He lacks flexibility, resourcefulness and lightness. He moves heavily, with jerks. Nowadays, bulldogs are more valued as home guards and companions. They are definitely not lacking in good nature.

Although these dogs were exploited for bloody fights, they are not at all evil by nature. Most owners treat such dogs as decorative ones, for example, as a Yorkshire terrier. They don’t mind at all, but happily accept advances from their loved ones.

Similar dog breeds

French Bulldog

American Bulldog

American Pit Bull Terrier

Appearance of an English Bulldog

Even in the photo, the English bulldog does not give the impression of danger - it is written on his touching face that he is exclusively a man’s friend. When the dog breathes with his mouth open, it seems that he is smiling very widely.

General impression

It’s hard to call a bulldog an intimidating dog – rather a tough cutie. It cannot be confused with any other bulldog - its square head and characteristic size make it the closest descendant of the Old English Bulldogs.


The head is noticeably larger than the body, resembling a square. Wide muzzle with folds. The nose and lips are black. The lower jaw is well defined, the jowls clearly hang down.

The teeth are large and even, often the front teeth look out. The bite is tight. The eyes are round in shape and brown, tinged with black. On the head are hanging triangular ears, standing high.


The neck should correspond to the body: semi-arched, full, strong and muscular. Gives the impression of great strength. Has a good, pronounced dewlap.


The body is strong, powerful, but compact. Stockier and heavier in males, more refined and graceful in females. The anterior (chest) part is significantly wider in bone than the pelvis.


The paws should be straight, spaced wide and parallel to each other. The shoulders are impressive and distinguished by well-developed muscles. Develops into strong and powerful paws and tightly clenched fingers.

Hind limbs

The hind legs are springy and should not be set as wide as the front legs. At the same time, the length of the hind legs is visually greater than that of the front legs. They have developed muscles and a moderately pronounced articular angle.


The tail is quite thick, tapering only to the very tip, and it should be raised up. It should not end in a circle or be broken.


Dogs of this breed move in a very unusual way: on their toes, taking short and frequent steps. At the same time, the gait should be confident and not swaying.


Coat quality is a hallmark of a healthy dog. It should be bright, clean, shiny and fit well on the body - without waves or curls. Its length is no more than 1.5 cm.


The preferred colors of the English Bulldog are all variations of brindle with a preference for reddish shades. Piebald and speckled are the least desirable and are rarely bred. Black color is a good reason for disqualifying an animal from an exhibition.


The size of the English Bulldog is small. This allows you to keep a pet in a relatively small city apartment. The height of an English Bulldog at the withers in adulthood is 36-41 cm for males, 30-36 cm for females.

The bulldog is a real weightlifter, but runs the risk of becoming a sumo wrestler. You need to protect your pet from obesity. The normal weight of a male English bulldog is 20-25 kg, and that of a female is 16-20 kg.

History of the breed

The ancestors of modern bulldogs lived in the territory of Ancient Greece and Egypt; they were used to hunt large animals and are known as the Molossian breed.

English bulldog on a walk in summer

This dog came to England with Phoenician traders, but under a different name, namely mastiff. In Foggy Albion, the mastiff was crossed with local breeds, resulting in a new breed of dog, the English bulldog.

The word bulldog itself is translated as “bull dog” and this name is not accidental, since in England at that time baiting large animals with the help of dogs was a very popular entertainment, and the bulldog was the best at this task.

The first written mention of this breed dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. In the mid-19th century, animal baiting was prohibited and English bulldogs began to quickly lose their popularity.

English bulldog age 5 months

Soon the breeders decided to retrain the dog, making it more good-natured, but at the same time maintaining fearlessness and iron endurance. This is how the modern English bulldog arose, in 1874 the first dog club of this breed was founded, and a year later they held an exhibition.

Character of the English Bulldog

These animals are quite docile and friendly. The pet gets along well with children: in winter he will be very happy to ride them on a sleigh and jump on snowdrifts. At home, the bulldog will become a participant in any children's fun. In essence, by becoming the owner of an Englishman, you are adopting another child. From time to time he will play pranks and spoil things, but then he will look with very big and sad eyes. In short, it’s very difficult to scold him!

The character of the English Bulldog is stubborn – good-natured and a little childish. If you suddenly decide to get such a dog, remember that you must be firmly confident in what you say. English Bulldogs are smart and always sense when they are being forced to do something they don't want to do.

You should not leave bulldogs unattended in the house for a long time. Otherwise, they may cause damage to your property. An adult dog is quite capable of turning the doorknob and leaving the room where he is locked. Missing its owner, the animal will destroy the entire apartment: it will gnaw off shoes and furniture, and the door frames and wallpaper may also be damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire a whole arsenal of toys for your four-legged friend.

Bulldogs get along quite peacefully with other animals. Male and male dogs can compete for territory, but not for long. And females will generally make friends with anyone - a cat, a bird, or another dog. The main thing is not to single out anyone from the entire four-legged brethren, otherwise the bulldog will be mortally offended by the lack of attention.

Education and training

Before raising and training an English Bulldog, you need to decide on your goals. It is very important during the training process to have patience, firmness in your decisions and consistency in actions. These are the three main rules that you should not forget about.

If there are prohibitions in your home, then you should not violate them under any circumstances. You can’t give in to “sad eyes” and so on. It’s impossible – it means it’s impossible! Otherwise, it will be completely impossible to retrain the dog later. Be calm and balanced in your demands on the animal. An uncompromising approach and respect are the key to success.

Be more decisive and persistent, especially when it comes to prohibitions - bulldogs are often very stubborn, and only with a strict approach will he become a trained and well-mannered dog. There are several tricks for training with a bulldog:

  1. Give commands with gestures and voice.
  2. Always pronounce the command the same way, do not change a single sound.
  3. Always follow the command.
  4. Encourage compliance with the command.
  5. Learning always happens through play - this is especially important for puppies.
  6. You cannot hit an animal or shout angrily at it.
  7. Skills are developed from simple to complex.
  8. Don't tire your dog out or give him overwhelming tasks.

Training a dog is a long and difficult process. Sometimes you have to use a trick to wean your child from a bad habit. For example, if your pet chews furniture or your favorite chair, limit his access to these places, switch him from furniture to more suitable objects for these purposes - bones, rubber toys.

Toilet training a baby is also not so easy. To convey to him that there is a specially designated place for these matters is the task that remains to be solved. To begin with, limit access to the street if you live in a private house. There is no need for him to relieve himself uncontrollably - this will not solve your problem.

Take your puppy outside at regular intervals so that he gets used to the routine and understands when to do his business. In any season! It doesn’t matter whether it’s winter, summer, autumn or spring outside the window. The puppy should get used to relieving itself only outside. Try to take your dog out in the morning after waking up, after eating and after active play. Through daily training, results are achieved.

Don’t forget to dress your dog according to the weather so that he doesn’t catch a cold. In inclement weather, he himself will not want to walk for a long time - the pet will quickly do his business and hurry home, under a cozy blanket.

English Bulldog Health and Diseases

The English Bulldog cannot be considered one of the healthiest breeds. But with proper care and regular checkups with a veterinarian, the animal will feel great.

Possible diseases

There are a number of diseases characteristic of dogs of this breed:

  1. Deafness

    . On one or both ears (one-sided or two-sided). Single-sided deafness will not interfere with the dog’s quality of life, but it is no longer suitable for further reproduction of offspring.

  2. Dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints

    . Symptoms of this disease are rapid fatigue and unsteady gait. Later, lameness is noticeable, the animal transfers the load to the other paws, squeezing the sore limb. Many owners aggravate the situation with an incorrect approach to feeding the animal. High-calorie foods and improper daily routine lead to rapid weight gain, adversely affect the general condition of the body, and lead to curvature of bones and deformation of joints.

  3. Flatulence and other gastrointestinal problems

    . The digestive system of bulldogs suffers greatly from improper and rough feeding. And flatulence manifests itself due to the special structure of the skull and the constant swallowing of air.

  4. Skin problems

    – Englishmen often suffer from dermatitis and rashes. Particular attention should be paid to the folds on the face and body - wipe them and clean them after eating so that diaper rash does not form.

Congenital defects are easy to notice in more or less mature puppies. If you have any doubts, ask the breeder for a certificate of health of the parents and their offspring. A conscientious nursery owner will provide such documents upon first request.

Reproductive health

The first heat of a female bulldog occurs at 7-10 months of her life. As a rule, estrus occurs 2 times a year. Some time before this, you can see some changes in the female’s condition - playfulness appears, while the lady becomes less obedient. Try to walk less - only take your pet out to relieve itself. At home, to protect furniture and carpets, it is recommended to wear special panties.

Childbirth in English bulldogs is a very difficult process. This is due to the fact that the puppies have a large head, and the mother’s pelvis is excessively narrow. Also, the phlegmatic nature of the mother affects muscle tone, which is not able to reach the necessary state to successfully push out the fetus. Therefore, bulldogs most often undergo a planned caesarean section.

Only a truly healthy and strong individual is capable of producing offspring. Experienced breeders can give birth on their own, since they are familiar first-hand with all the features of a given breed and a particular female.

For this reason, you should not engage in independent breeding. It is best to spay and neuter if you are not prepared to regularly call a doctor for examination and delivery.

Possible diseases

Unfortunately, the English Bulldog dog breed cannot boast of good health; the animal can suffer from a number of congenital and acquired diseases, the most common types being:

  • Respiratory diseases, due to the specific structure of the skull, bulldogs are predisposed to this type of disease and therefore often breathe not through the nose, but through the mouth. For prevention, it is necessary to reduce the time the animal spends outside in cold and rainy weather.
  • Highly sensitive to hot weather, this breed of dog cannot cool its body using an outstretched tongue, so heatstroke is not uncommon for them. As a result, owners need to control the time their pets spend in the sun.
  • Various diseases of the genitourinary system, despite the fact that for most dog breeds such diseases are rare, in bulldogs these problems are common. Thus, candidiasis is common in females, and prostatitis is common in males.
  • Cardiovascular diseases are one of the main causes of early death of an animal; this can be congenital heart disease, pulmonary stenosis, etc.
  • Allergy. The bulldog has a predisposition to various types of allergies, to food, various household chemicals, etc.
  • Dermatitis, in bulldogs, if you do not take care of their skin folds, inflammation of the skin can begin; the area of ​​skin under the neck is most susceptible to inflammation.

Features of feeding and diet

The best option for bulldogs with sensitive digestion is super premium dry food. It includes the vitamin and mineral complex that your pet needs. Before choosing food, you need to consult with an experienced breeder, or better yet, a veterinarian. Perhaps not right away, but you will find the ideal product for your pet.

The possibility of natural feeding is not excluded. But here you will have to carefully work on creating a menu. Of course, every dog ​​has individual preferences, but there are some general recommendations for feeding an English Bulldog


  1. The diet should be balanced, so you should not feed the dog only meat - add vegetables and cereals.
  2. Bones do not provide any nutritional value, so they should be excluded from the diet.
  3. Any fatty food has a detrimental effect on the pancreas and liver; it is better to stick to lean poultry or beef.
  4. Food from your table is not a treat for your dog. Don't let children feed it to your dog, and don't give it human food yourself.

Up to 4 months, a puppy should be fed 5-6 times a day, reducing this figure to 3-4 times by six months. By nine months, the number of feedings decreases to 2-3 times a day. It is enough to feed an adult dog 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Avoid overfeeding the puppy and adult. This may have a detrimental effect on your future health.

Feeding should be at regular intervals. Discipline exists in everything, even in food.

The puppy is not fed at night - he must get used to the routine and be content with sleep. The first feeding can be no earlier than 7 am, and the last - no later than 23.00.

You should not give:

  • raw, river fish;
  • pork;
  • raw eggs;
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • fresh bread;
  • tubular bones;
  • ground meat.

Water for a dog, like for a person, should always be clean and fresh. If you suddenly have doubts about the quality of water, you should boil it. When getting ready for a trip, don’t forget to make sure your dog has something to drink. It is not recommended to drink from a puddle, ditch, or river on the street - this is fraught with infection by parasites, leptospirosis and other terrible diseases.


Due to the tendency to obesity, it is necessary to feed the English Bulldog with low-calorie food. You can feed the animal both dry food and homemade natural food, but you cannot mix food.

For dry food, you need to choose only a premium brand that contains natural ingredients. Feeding dry food to an animal is very convenient; it contains all the vitamins, minerals and special additives necessary for a dog; the only disadvantage of such food is its high price.

With natural food, the owner will spend more time preparing it, but its cost is much lower. A bulldog's diet must include foods such as chicken, beef, meat, dairy products, vegetables, various cereals, and eggs. Meat can be boiled or given raw, cereals are cooked only in water, eggs are given two per week. An adult dog should be fed twice a day without overfeeding.

Care and maintenance

The English Bulldog does not require special care or maintenance - the dogs are quite unpretentious. Washing and water treatments for short-haired bulldogs are recommended no more than 2-3 times a year. You just need to wipe the face from accumulated drool, leftover food, and after a walk as needed.

Caring for your ears is also not difficult. It is enough to inspect and clean them once a week. For this you will need cotton pads and ear buds.

Brushing the coat is an important procedure for every dog, especially when shedding. This can be done with a special brush or rubber glove. The procedure brings great pleasure not only to the animal, but also to the owner.

Bulldogs' eyes often water, like many other animals, so it is necessary to wipe them daily with cotton pads.

We must not forget about the claws: they are not always ground down as much as necessary. Therefore, use pruning shears to trim nails once every 1.5-2 months.

Taking care of your teeth is extremely important. Oral hygiene is carried out at least 2 times a week with a special brush and veterinary paste. A dog trained from childhood will calmly accept all hygiene procedures.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

English bulldog
Activityin the house2
on the street2.3
Dominationin family1.8
over dogs3
Defending your territoryfrom people1.6
from dogs2.8
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers4.6
with dogs3.5
Concentrationin family1.1
in front of strangers1.3
with dogs2.3
Aggressivenessin family1.1
to strangers1.2
to the dogs2
to cats2.2
Family behaviorcalmness4.2
demand for affection4.6
excessive barking1.1
behavioral breakdowns1.9
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.1
over 4 years old4.3
Institutional usewatchman2.8

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: French Bulldog, German Boxer, Pug, Shar Pei, Doberman Pinscher.

The photographs show what English bulldogs look like:

English bulldog

English bulldogs

Tips for choosing a puppy

Choosing a puppy is not an easy task, you need to prepare for it. Think about who you want to take: a family friend and faithful comrade or a real champion? All these nuances will influence your choice.

If possible, contact a specialist - he will accompany you during your visit to the breeder and tell you which English bulldog puppy to get. He will also guide you on the feasibility of the price.

It is necessary to check all the documents for the puppy and make sure that there are no diseases not only in each baby, but also in their parents. Purebred bulldogs should be purchased from special kennels or from trusted breeders.

From one and a half to three months is the ideal age when you should adopt a puppy. Pay attention to his behavior when you first meet him. Shiny eyes and smooth bright fur, a moist nose and a playful look are signs of a healthy puppy that you can safely adopt and not be afraid of the consequences. If the puppy is cowardly or embittered, you should not take such a baby home - it is unlikely that he will be able to become a good friend.

Breed characteristics and character

Despite their rather menacing appearance, English bulldogs are quite balanced, calm and obedient animals, they even tend to be somewhat phlegmatic. An important feature of this breed is devotion to their owner, so they love to be close to him and please him in every possible way. The dog loves to be praised, and excessive severity towards the dog is undesirable, as it can become sad and depressed.

With proper training and upbringing, this four-legged pet will get along well with all family members, including children and the elderly. So the animal can play with the child all day long, and he will react calmly to various types of “bullying” from the child and will not show aggression.

English bulldog white color

This breed is also generally not aggressive towards strangers. With other pets, especially if the bulldog was adopted as a puppy, he will establish good relationships. A very important character trait of the English Bulldog is the fact that he can remain calm for a long time, but if he gets very angry, it is extremely difficult to stop the animal.

This breed prefers sleep to active walks, but if they do get out into the street, they usually move at a calm pace, only English Bulldog puppies are ready to run. A peculiarity of this species is the rather unpleasant sounds it makes, so they can often snore, sniffle and even grunt.

How much does an English bulldog cost?

The price of an English bulldog will range from 25-35 thousand rubles. If you are not particularly concerned about the pedigree and the dog will only be a family friend, then the price will be much lower - within 10 thousand rubles, depending on the kennel and the seller. But here you should be careful not to buy a sick individual.

If you want to raise a winner and champion of exhibitions, then you need to take a purebred dog - but then the price will increase to 40-60 thousand. There are also elite puppies, the cost of which soars above 100 thousand rubles.

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