Lovebirds: keeping at home, how long they live
Lovebirds: keeping at home, how long they live
All about lovebirds These are flocking birds, however, they treat birds of other species aggressively,
Falcon bird: description, interesting facts, types, what it eats, how long it lives, sizes, colors, types of birds of prey (90 photos)
Review author: “ZooVita” Bird of prey falcon - belongs to the falcon family and is one
The rarest birds: 12 representatives from the Red Book
10 Most Wanted Bird Species About Which Little Is Known
The fauna of the Earth is extremely diverse and never ceases to amaze and amaze the imagination even in our time.
Lovebirds in a cage
Small parrots: types, features, interesting facts
Among the many species of ornamental birds, small parrots are the most sought after. This popularity is not explained
Swift (50 photos): description of the bird, what it eats and where it lives
Swifts: description, what they eat, habitat, how long they live
Photo: At first glance, swifts resemble swallows, but in reality they do not
How long does a chicken incubate eggs? Rules for selecting hens and eggs to obtain high-quality young animals
2 328 no comments 3 Author: Rasskazov Pavel. Reading time: 3 minutes Best
The tundra swan is a rare but very vocal whooper
The small swan is a subspecies of the American swan, but is sometimes classified as an independent species. Refers to
eagle habitat
Eagle: description, types, what it eats, how long it lives, where it lives, photos, videos. A complete description from A to Z of a particularly large bird of prey, the eagle!
Where do eagles live? The habitat of eagles is extremely vast, and each representative of this family
Peacock - varieties, brief description, features, life cycles + 106 photos
When holding a competition, the most beautiful bird in the world, the peacock, would, without any doubt, take first place
Photo: Swallow
Swallow (50 photos): description of the bird, what it eats and where it lives
Origin of the species and description Photo: Swallow Author: Svetlana Medvedeva (@msvetlana012018) Swallow is a small bird,
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