How long do Yorkshire terriers live at home?

Yorkshire terriers owe their incredible popularity among dog breeders around the world not only to their pretty appearance, beautiful coat, cheerful disposition and friendliness, but also to their compact size.
Like other breeds, Yorkies have an official standard that dogs, especially those competing for participation in shows, must meet.

This article will discuss what size a Yorkshire Terrier can be, how much it weighs and what is considered a standard, as well as to what age these dogs grow.

About the life expectancy of the Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is a tiny dog ​​with a lion's heart. She is smart, cheerful, very active and, despite her decorative nature, has good health. The average lifespan of this breed is quite long - 14 years, despite the fact that, in general, dogs live from 11 to 13 years. And with proper and constant care, a Yorkie can even live up to 20 years.

Girl expecting offspring

Female terriers live 1-1.5 years longer than boys, this is due to the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs in boys

Basic principles

The principle of determining the age of a puppy or dog is based on the basic patterns of the eruption of baby teeth, their erasure, and then the appearance of permanent teeth and their erasure.
Newborn puppies, of course, do not have any teeth. In older individuals, teeth wear down differently, it all depends on the diet and health of the animal. In determining the age of a dog, the incisors play the most noticeable role - each such tooth (more precisely, its crown) protrudes with three points (fields, teeth, points). It is important to remember that in most cases, both lateral incisors wear down so much over time that they simply disappear


Yorkies retain the qualities of a true terrier - they are brave, inquisitive and active. They get along well with people and other animals and respond quickly to training. Yorkshire Terriers need attention, it is important for them to receive the owner's approval and play. They feel the mood of others and are able to adapt to it. To maintain health and increase life expectancy, high activity is a prerequisite for keeping Yorkies - games and walks in the open air are recommended.

By human standards

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Scientists cannot say with one hundred percent certainty how dog age is calculated, especially for small breeds. In recent years, it has become common to count the first year of life as 14 human years, the second year as 10 years, and the subsequent years as approximately 6 years.

You can calculate how many years Yorkies live by human standards using the table:

Dog ageAppropriate age of person
1 month6 months
2 months1 year 2 months
3 months2 years
4 months3
5 months4 years
6 months5 years
7 months7
8 months9
9 months10
10 months11
11 months13
1 year14 l
224 years
330 years
5 years42 years
647 years old
7 years52 years old
857 years old
962 years old
1067 years old
1172 years old
1277 years old
1381 years old
14 years85 years old

But 20 dog years is already approximately 97 human years. But these indicators are approximate, since life expectancy is influenced by environmental factors: nutrition, the presence of diseases, heredity, living conditions.

Elderly Yorkshire

Stages of maturity

  1. 3 weeks - At this age, a newborn Yorkie begins to open his eyes. They were given the first peak in the world! Where permitted, accepted and desired, the tail is docked soon after birth, so the puppy at this age is likely to have recovered.
  2. 4 weeks - The Yorkie puppy has mastered walking (he may still stumble a little at times), but he is quite active and enjoying exploring his new world. The transition from a liquid diet to a solid diet will begin.
  3. 8 weeks - At this age in most countries it is legal to give a Yorkie puppy to its new home. If training has not started, the puppy is ready! Additionally, your Yorkie puppy should be on a solid diet of regular puppy food and should be weaned from its mother.
  4. From 3 to 6 months - it is during this period that the Yorkie's ears begin to stand up. As you can see, the age at which Yorkies' ears go up varies greatly, and there is usually no need to worry if your dog goes through this phase a little later than average.
  5. 4 to 7 months - Any time during this period your Yorkie will begin teething.
  6. 5 Months – It is not uncommon for Yorkies to have a perfect bite and then at 5 months of age their bite may become off, sometimes in just a few days. A good bite is critical to proper chewing and digestion of dog food. Overlapping teeth can be an ideal place for bacteria to hide and multiply. Owners should be very aware of their Yorkie's bite behavior at this age.
  7. From 5 months to 9 months is when the female Yorkie usually goes into her first heat. It is highly recommended that you spay your female if you do not intend to breed her. This will significantly reduce her chances of developing ovarian and/or breast cancer.
  8. 1 year is the age when your puppy is considered an adult. Puppy food can be replaced with food for adult dogs.
  9. 8 years and older - The Yorkshire Terrier is now considered a senior dog, and care must be taken to change the dog's food and increase the number of vet visits, among other changes.

Everything you need to know about breeding Yorkies


Size classification

You may come across advertisements for a mini or maxi Yorkshire puppy for sale. Such a distinction in size will not come as a surprise only in Russia. Throughout the rest of the world, there are uniform standards and no mini or maxi simply exist. They are trying to sell you a dog, which according to standards should be considered defective.

As for growth, there are no restrictions, but in fact there is not much variation among different individuals. But in terms of weight, the minimum acceptable limit is two kilograms, three hundred grams. The maximum permissible limit is three kilograms and one hundred grams. Dogs that do not fit within the established limits simply do not take part in breeding and exhibitions. The tiniest female Yorkshire, named Sylvia, lived only two years. She was 6.3 centimeters tall at the withers and weighed only one hundred and thirteen grams.

Kleiber's Law

When determining the age of a pet, we must not forget about an important breed feature - the size and weight of the animal . In 1930, the Swiss biologist M. Kleiber formulated the “Metabolic Law of 3/4”. According to this law, the rate of metabolic processes in a living organism directly depends on the size of the animal (weight of the animal). Thus, the greater the mass of the animal, the longer it will live.

How are things really going? Yes, the law applies to warm-blooded animals from a tiny mouse to a giant elephant. However, this dependence is not observed among representatives of different breeds, only within the species.

For example, the life expectancy of a Great Dane, whose weight reaches 90 kg, rarely exceeds 7-8 years. But an Italian lapdog weighing 2.5-3 kg will please the owner for 15 years or more.

Life expectancy of representatives of popular breeds:

  • Welsh Corgi - 13/68 years old,
  • chihuahua – 14 / 72 years
  • Pomeranian Spitz - 15/76 years old,
  • miniature poodle – 15/76 years,
  • boxer -10.5/60 years,
  • King Charles Spaniel – 10/60 years,
  • Airedale Terrier -10 / 60 years
  • Dogue de Bordeaux - 7-8 / 56-64 years,
  • Bernese Mountain Dog - 8/64 years old,
  • Irish Wolfhound - 7 years / 56 years.

The reason for this discrepancy is not determined. Veterinarians believe that this is due to the level of a specific hormone that slows down the aging of the animal’s body.

Record breaking dogs

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Yorkshire terriers occupy a leading position in the list of longest-living record-breaking dogs. For example, Billy the York Terrier from Great Britain lived to be 22 years old and was listed in the Guinness Book. In old age, the record holder had almost no teeth left, and he was blind in one eye, but at the same time he always remained in good spirits, active and cheerful.

There was another purebred terrier named Max, who was born in the USA, Louisiana and lived for almost 30 years, only 3 months short of his anniversary. In his old age he was practically healthy, except for cataracts and slight arthritis.

Calculation formula

The very first and simplest calculation method is still popular among many owners.

The calculation method is that 1 year of a dog’s life is equivalent to 7 years of a person’s life . In order to calculate the age of a four-legged friend, you need to multiply the number of years he has lived by a coefficient equal to seven.

Where did this figure come from? Back in the middle of the 20th century, veterinarians compared the average human life expectancy of 70 years and the average life expectancy of dogs, 10-12 years. Based on these indicators, it was concluded that a person lives 7 times longer than a dog.

A significant drawback of the “seven-year theory” is the simplicity, even primitiveness, of calculations without taking into account the stages of the animal’s physical and mental development and breed indicators.

Interesting information

Many owners of Yorkshire terriers are interested in how old their dog is in human terms. This ratio will help pet owners in establishing proper care. Dogs of this breed are considered old at nine to ten years of age, since in human terms this is equal to approximately fifty-two to fifty-six years. Let's consider how exactly these parameters need to be calculated.

It is popularly believed that one dog year is equal to seven human years. But this is fundamentally wrong. When making this calculation, several nuances must be taken into account.

A dog develops most quickly during puppyhood, and in its development it catches up with a sixteen-year-old teenager. The process of rapid formation of an animal ends at about one and a half to two years, after which sharp maturation slows down. Accordingly, two years of a dog's life is equal to approximately twenty-four to twenty-five years of human life.

Yorkshire terriers, as representatives of small breeds, age slower than dogs of large breeds, so it is generally accepted that one year of their life is equal to approximately five human years.

The approximate ratio of the life of a Yorkshire terrier to human life can be found in the following table:

The average life expectancy of a Yorkshire Terrier is twelve to sixteen years, but with proper care, good living conditions and excellent treatment, it can live much longer.

How old is your Yorkie? Have you ever had to determine the age of a dog?

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We know that smaller dogs live longer on average than larger breeds, and that larger dogs age metabolically faster than smaller pets.

Although there is a formula based on consistent chemical processes in both humans and dogs, it doesn't always ring true because there are many factors that contribute to aging in dogs:

  • The life your dog leads
  • How active are they?
  • Their surroundings
  • Their genetics
  • What are they eating
  • Their size and breed

To accurately determine your dog's age, it is best to use a calculator. Understanding dog and human years requires a little more than meets the eye; Still, it's not as simple as the seven-year rule!

Supported breeds:

This calculator supports the following dog breeds: Affenpinscher, Afghan Hound, Airedale Terrier, Akita, Alaskan Malamute, American Cocker Spaniel, American Eskimo Dog, American Foxhound, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Water Spaniel, Anatolian Shepherd, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, Australian Silky Terrier, Australian Terrier, Basenji, Basset Hound, Beagle, Bearded Collie, Beauceron, Belgian Shepherd, Bedlington Terrier, Belgian Malinois, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bichon Frize, Black and Tan Coonhound, Black Russian Terrier, Bloodhound, Blue Coonhound, Border Collie, Border Terrier, Greyhound, Boston Terrier, Briard, Bouvier de Flandres, Boxer, Boykin Spaniel, Brittany, Bull Terrier, Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Cairn Terrier, Canaan Dog, Cane Corso, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel , Chesky Terrier, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Chihuahua, Chinese Crested Dog, Chow Chow, Clumber Spaniel, Curly Coated Retriever, Dachshund, Dalmatian, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Dobe Dogue de Bordeaux, English Bulldog, English Cocker Spaniel, English Raccoon Dog, English Foxhound, English Mastiff, English Setter, English Springer Spaniel, Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Field Spaniel, Finnish Lapphund, Finnish Spitz, Flat-Coated Retriever, French Bulldog, German Pinscher, German Shepherd, German Shorthaired Pointer, German Wirehaired Pointer, Giant Schnauzer, Imaal Valley terrier , Golden Retriever, Gordon Setter, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Greyhound, Brussels Griffon, Harrier, Havanese, Ibizan Hound, Icelandic Sheepdog, Irish Red and White Setter, Irish Setter, Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Irish Terrier, Irish Water Spaniel, Irish Wolfhound, Italian Greyhound, Jack Russell Terrier, Japanese Chin, Keeshond, Kerry Blue Terrier, King Charles Spaniel, Komondor, Kuvasz, Labrador Retriever, Lakeland Terrier, Leonberger, Lhasa Apso, Lowchen, Maltese, Manchester Terrier , Mexican Hairless Dog, Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Sch nau zer, Neapolitan Mastiff, Newfoundland, Norfolk Terrier, Norwegian Buhund, Norwegian Elkhound, Norwegian Lundehound, Norwich Terrier, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Old English Sheepdog, Otterhound, Papillon, Parson -Russell Terrier, Peking Bassen Hound, Plotta Hound, Pointer, Polish Lowland Shepherd, Pomeranian, Poodle, Portuguese Water Dog, Pug, Puli, Iberian Shepherd, Red Raccoon Hound, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Rottweiler, Rough Terrier, Saluki, Samoyed, Schipperke, Scottish Dirham, Scottish Durham, Shar Pei, Shetland Sheepdog, Shiba Inu, Shih Tzu, Siberian Husky, Skye Terrier, Smooth Fox Terrier, Spinone Italiano, St. Bernard, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Standard Schnauzer, Sussex Spaniel, Swedish Vallhund, Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Spaniel Terrier, Toy Fox Terrier, Raccoon Hound, Tervuren, Vizsla, Weimaraner, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Whippet Terrier, Wire Fox Terrier, Wire Haired Pointing Griffon, Xoloitzcuintle and Yorkshire Terrier.

If you don't see a breed, write a comment indicating the missing breed. If you have information about where this information can be found, please provide it.

How to determine age

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If the dog was found on the street or adopted from a shelter, it becomes necessary to determine its age. And there are many reasons for this, for example:

  • It is necessary to obtain documents for the dog in order to transport it across the border when going on vacation.
  • For routine vaccination, which is performed depending on the age of the dog.
  • To determine the diet necessary for the dog, which varies depending on age.
  • To take into account the dog's puberty and the need for mating.

To determine the age of your pet, you should pay attention to its teeth. Indicators of changes in the appearance of teeth according to age are shown in the table:

up to 25 daysNo teeth yet
25-35 daysThe first teeth appear - two fangs at the top and two fangs at the bottom
35-60 daysIncisors and premolars appear
3-4 monthsTeeth begin to change
6-7 monthsFinish changing teeth
7-14 monthsThe incisors are white, unworn, and have three teeth.
15 monthsThe lower incisors begin to wear away
2 yearsThe lower incisors are gradually worn away, the upper ones are leveled
2-3 yearsPlaque deposits become noticeable and tartar may appear
4 yearsGradual wear of the upper incisors begins
5 yearsAll incisors are erased
6 yearsYellow plaque appears on all teeth, the bite becomes incorrect
7 yearsFangs become dull
10-12 yearsAlmost all tooth crowns are worn away, caries is present, and teeth may fall out

Other factors:

  • Muscle tone. A young dog is active and energetic, but with age, signs of obesity appear and the muscular system becomes weak.
  • Wool. Young terriers have a soft, silky coat. With age, it becomes tougher and ceases to be thick. Gray hairs appear at an early age, so a graying terrier does not mean old.
  • Eyes. The young dog has a cheerful and playful look, and his eyes are like shiny buttons. Over time, the look becomes reasonable and tired, the eyes become cloudy. Many people become blind in old age or suffer from other eye diseases.
  • Active, nimble puppies that do not sit in one place become less fast over time and prefer to take a nap in a warm corner. This is due to the fact that in old age calcium and phosphorus cease to be absorbed, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system occur.

Taking into account all the signs, you can accurately determine the age of your pet.

Yorkie puppies

What is it for

If the Yorkshire Terrier was purchased from a responsible breeder, in a good kennel or in an official club, then the owner should have been given all the necessary documents along with the puppy. Including the dog's birth certificate. In this case, the owner of the Yorkie will know exactly its age.

But what to do if the Yorkshire Terrier was picked up on the street or taken from a shelter? In such cases, there are no documents for the dog. Accordingly, it will not be possible to determine her exact age. But there is a way out. First of all, we will try to explain why it is necessary to determine the age of an animal in general.

This is necessary for proper care of your pet in order to prolong its life.

The living conditions for a puppy, a young and an old dog are completely different. The feeding ration also depends on the age of the animal. You can learn more about this from the articles “Care for the Yorkshire Terrier: Contents” and “Care for the Yorkshire Terrier: Nutrition.”

Routine vaccination is carried out according to the age of the dog, because being late or rushing in such an important matter is fraught with complications. For example, a dog may become seriously ill and die. Read about this in the article “Vaccination schedule for the Yorkshire Terrier.”

And with age, vaccination is carried out less and less so that it brings benefits and not harm. After all, the animal’s immunity gradually weakens and it is difficult for it to bear a heavy load.

It is also important to determine the age of the Yorkshire Terrier bitch in order to know when she will or has started to come into heat, this will help resolve issues related to mating. For example, mating too early can significantly undermine the health of the pet.

Some owners do not want to bother with offspring and spay or neuter their pets. Despite the fact that such an operation can be performed at any age, there is the most optimal period for both females and males.

Some kind people pick up an animal on the street, but not being able to keep a Yorkie at home, they give it to shelters or to a new family. It is important for new owners to know how many months or years old the found dog is, and whether they can afford to have a dog of that age.

In general, there are many reasons to be sure of at least the approximate age of your pet. Now let's look at how you can determine how long a dog has already lived.

Description of the breed

It doesn't really matter to what age Yorkies grow. The weight of an adult individual in any case will be about 3 kg.

The dogs have a small round head, a long narrowed muzzle and medium-sized crafty eyes. According to the standard, Yorkies have high-set small ears, a compact torso with straight parallel legs. The tail is slightly curled and set slightly higher than the back.

The dogs' fur is straight, silky, without undercoat. Yorkies are one of the few dogs that have hair similar to humans.

What affects life expectancy

Many factors influence the lifespan of Yorkies. This includes the environment in which they live, their genetic predisposition, the trauma they have suffered, but most importantly, proper care.

Nutrition and care as a guarantee of long life

The dog should be given attention and constant care, then the Yorkshire Terrier will have a long, cheerful life.

A nutritious diet is one of the main factors of good health. The dog must receive protein (meat) in the required quantity, and in addition to this, the diet must include cereals, fruits, vegetables, a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Table food is not recommended for terriers; it can lead to excess weight and problems with the digestive system. It is better to choose high-quality food that contains all the necessary substances in the right quantity and proportion. In addition, the diet needs to be changed in accordance with the age of the dog.

Attention! Your dog should always have a bowl filled with clean drinking water.

Other longevity factors:

  • Vaccinations. One of the causes of death at a young age is infection. To prevent misfortune, it is important to vaccinate your pet on time.
  • Regular walks and exercise. They keep the muscular system in good shape and keep the cardiovascular system healthy.
  • A visit to the veterinarian should be regular: once a year for young terriers and 2 times a year for older dogs.

For nutrition it is optimal to use dry food

Parasites and life expectancy

Parasites can harm the health of the dog and, accordingly, lead to a shortening of the life of the four-legged friend. Therefore, preventive measures to combat parasites are necessary components of proper care.

Flea control should be carried out regularly by bathing the animal with anti-flea shampoo. You can also use a flea collar to prevent picking up small pests while walking. Another danger that lurks while walking is ticks. The terrier should be carefully examined after each run in the forest or in tall grass.

They fight worms with the help of antihelminthic tablets, carrying out a preventive course 2 times a year. More detailed methods and means of combating these and other parasites can be found in a veterinary clinic.

Bathing a dog is a mandatory procedure

Typical diseases of the breed

The University of Georgia has conducted research for 20 years to determine the causes of death in dogs, including Yorkshire terriers. Scientists have established the causes of death of Yorkshire Terriers, there are only two of them:

  • Infections (distemper, parvovirus, lentospirosis and others). Timely vaccinations will help you avoid infection.
  • Injury. Smart and small dogs often get into unpleasant situations and are injured. Some of the injuries sustained can be fatal.

The most common diseases for adult Yorkshire terriers are as follows:

  • Respiratory. As these studies showed, 16% of Yorkshire terriers died from respiratory diseases: pulmonary fibrosis, tracheal collapse and others.
  • Cancer. This disease in its various forms - skin, mammary gland, soft tissue and bones - interrupted the lives of 10% of terriers.
  • Injury. Both puppies and adults of Yorkshire Terriers (almost 11%) suffer and die from injuries caused by the fault or negligence of their owner. It is very common for dogs to be stepped on, tripped over, accidentally pushed or dropped from a height.

The most common congenital Yorkie condition is hepatic shunt, where there is insufficient blood flow to the liver. If diagnosed early, the dog can be cured. Also congenital diseases characteristic of Yorkies are hydrocephalus, luxation of the kneecap, and Perthes disease.

The main thing is to contact the veterinarian in time

An owner who loves his pet and carefully monitors and cares for him will have a terrier who will live long enough.

table of correspondence

The famous dog handler Gino Pugnetti has compiled a detailed table showing the correspondence between the age of a person and the approximate age of a dog.

Table 1. The ratio of the number of years lived by a pet and a person, taking into account the coefficients.

2 months714 months
6 months105-6 years
8 months12.59-10 years
1 year1414 years
1.5 years13.320 years
2 years1224 years
3 years1030 years
4 years936 years
5 years840 years
6 years742 years
7 years749 years old
8 years756 years old
9 years763 years old
10 years6.565 years old
11 years6.571 years old
12 years6.375 years old
13 years6.280 years old
14 years684 years old
15 years5.887 years old
16 years5.689 years old
21 years old4.8100 years

Each indicator is associated with a certain coefficient. This coefficient reflects the intensity of growth and development of a puppy, young or adult animal. As can be seen from the table, active growth and psycho-emotional development are observed in animals from 6 months to one and a half years. Further, the coefficient value rapidly decreases and is only 4.8.

Another table that helps determine how long your four-legged friend has lived, but taking into account his body weight . Obviously, representatives of large and medium-sized breeds age faster than their miniature relatives.

Table 2. Life expectancy of a pet by human standards, taking into account the animal’s body weight

Dog age, yearSmall breeds Up to 10 kgMedium breeds 10-20 kgLarge breeds 20-50 kgGiant breeds Over 50 kg
How many years has a pet lived by human standards?

In the first 2-3 years, the indicators of breed groups do not differ much. However, at the age of 4, representatives of large and giant breeds begin to “give up.”

Thus, representatives of very large (giant) breeds age at 4-5 years, large breeds at 5-6 years, medium breeds at 6-7 years, small breeds at 7-8 years.

Moreover, in representatives of small breeds the aging process occurs much more slowly than in large relatives.

Symptoms of the disease

Knowing the character and habits of the breed, a person must constantly monitor the pet. At the first suspicious changes, you should contact your veterinarian. Signs of the disease are as follows:

  • the dog stops playing and having fun, while constantly lying down;
  • breathing becomes heavy;
  • nose dry, hot;
  • no appetite;
  • loses weight.
  • The fur is not shiny and looks matted.

This breed is characterized by excessive activity. This gives her strength, normalizes her health, keeps her body in good shape, strengthens her muscles, heart, and bone apparatus. Another factor that will prevent your Yorkie from getting sick is the constant presence of the owner. If the dog is often left alone for a long time, this will significantly shorten the years of existence.

To protect the animal from unwanted illnesses, it is necessary to ensure that it does not get close to huge dogs. The likelihood of this is high, since he is very courageous, brave and, in defense of his owner, will rush at any large, even stray dog, from which he may suffer.

Features of Mini Yorkies that affect life expectancy

Mini Yorkies are a type of Yorkshire Terrier that have the same activity and restlessness. They differ in weight, standard: from 1.6 to 2.2 kg and height (easily fit into a handbag or even in the palm of your hand).

The average lifespan of mini Yorkies, as well as baby-face varieties, is not so long and is 8-9 years. Life expectancy is reduced due to the size of the dog; all life processes are accelerated; in addition, minis have a number of congenital and breed-specific diseases:

  • ears;
  • oral cavity, tartar formation and abnormal tooth growth;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • injuries;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • reduced immunity.

In addition, due to the fact that they rarely walk and spend most of their time in the arms of their owner or in her purse, dogs often suffer from obesity.

Mini York

Possible impact on the lifespan of a Mini Yorkie

If you take into account all the factors that influence the life expectancy of a mini-York, and follow all the standards of care, as well as surround your pet with love, then it is possible to prolong his life, and besides this, make it carefree and joyful.

Dental system

The easiest and most proven way to find out how old a dog is is to check the condition of its teeth. Here is a simple correlation between the condition of the oral cavity and age:

  • Up to 25-27 days – no teeth;
  • By day 25, the upper and lower canines begin to emerge;
  • Around the 30-35th day of birth, the sacrum begins to appear;
  • At 3-4 months, teeth are replaced;
  • By 7 months, the change of teeth is completely completed. However, this may not be the case for a number of reasons. Which are characteristic of the Yorkshire Terrier;
  • At the age of 7-14 months, the teeth are completely white and dewy. The incisors are not yet worn and have three sides;
  • By about one and a half years, the lower teeth begin to wear off;
  • By the age of two, the upper incisors begin to wear off and become equal to the lower ones;
  • 3 years – dental plaque is noticeable, tartar may appear;
  • By the age of 4 years, significant wear of the upper and lower incisors appears;
  • By the age of 5, absolutely all incisors are worn out;
  • At the age of 6, the teeth become yellowish, as a rule, the incisors begin to bend inward and the correct bite is disrupted;
  • By the age of 7 years or more, the teeth become dull and teeth may begin to fall out, and caries is possible.

However, the above sequence should not be taken as an axiom. Each living individual is individual. Some people change their teeth earlier; passionate lovers of chewing furniture wear their teeth much earlier than those who like to jump playfully.

Balanced nutrition and animal care are of great importance for the formation and growth of teeth. It is also worth noting that a terrier’s teeth are one of their weak points, so they can begin to fall out as early as 6 years of age. This is especially true for females. Therefore, this method will not be very effective for owners of animals that were found on the street. After all, the food and living conditions of the poor animals were far from the best.


There are standards that apply to all varieties of Yorkies:

  • the dog's growth is not limited,
  • weight is limited to three kilograms and one hundred grams, as the maximum possible,
  • The wool should fall down in even threads. Fluffiness, wavyness, curliness,
  • the color can be described as steel-blue. The fur on the chest and muzzle is light brown. Some varieties may have different colors. Newly born babies are black in color
  • the tail is located low, at the level of the spine. In some countries, it is forbidden to dock a Yorkie's tail; then it is left at its natural length,
  • the ears act as small, standing triangles.

How to extend the life of a pet

It is possible to prolong the life of a pet only through careful and attentive care and a rational, balanced diet, which should always be in the bowl in quantities that meet the standards. If your Mini Yorkie is not given food in time, he may faint or even fall into a coma.

Yorkies need companionship, play and love. By giving all this to your pet, you can extend his life. The dog will thank you a hundredfold, loving and protecting its owner.


To protect your Yorkshire Terrier from viruses and infections, you need to give him vaccinations. Only absolutely healthy terriers can be vaccinated; vaccinations are contraindicated during pregnancy or nursing.

Vaccinations are given against the following diseases:

  • rabies;
  • hepatitis;
  • parvovirus gastroenteritis;
  • plague;
  • leptospirosis and many others.

Almost all vaccinations must be performed before the age of six months, and repeated after a year. Some vaccinations need to be repeated every few years, while others need to be repeated annually. The exact vaccination schedule and the names of the best drugs must be found in the veterinary clinic, where all vaccinations will be given and the owner will also be provided with a vaccination card.

Vaccination is the key to health

Features of feeding and caring for your Yorkie

Food for Yorkies is practically no different from food for other small decorative dogs. As for natural food, it is necessary that the pet’s diet is rich in vitamins and nutrients. To maintain good wool quality, ground flax grains and a little sulfur powder can be added to the main food. Flax will make your pet's fur shiny and silky, and sulfur will prevent hair loss.

Caring for a Yorkie involves purchasing things necessary for the dog’s comfortable existence. The pet’s “dowry” should include a bed, at least two bowls, a leash and collar (or harness), and toys. For convenience, you can purchase a special toilet tray and several diapers.

The coat, the main asset of doggies, must be well-groomed. To do this, your Yorkie must be combed at least once a day, washed with special shampoos, and taken to a groomer salon for trimming and treatment of nails.

It doesn’t matter to what age Yorkie girls and boys grow. The main thing is how they feel in the home of a caring owner.

What do breeders advise?

It is not worth buying a Yorkshire puppy from your own hands; it is better to use the services of a large nursery or an experienced breeder. A conscientious specialist will select a healthy puppy; moreover, there will be no doubts about heredity, and diseases transmitted along the genetic line will not arise.

You can find out how many years Yorkshire terriers, his ancestors, live. The breeder will recommend a good veterinarian, who will subsequently monitor the development and health of the dog. He will tell you about the requirements for caring for your dog and little tricks that contribute to a long and healthy life for the Yorkshire Terrier.

Funny and loyal friend

By following all the recommendations of veterinarians and the requirements for caring for your dog, you can extend its life and raise another record-breaking terrier. And if you surround your pet with attention, walk with him, play, communicate and love, then you can make this life happy and joyful.


There is no owner who would not try to find out how many years his beloved pet has lived by human standards. Pets, just like people, are born, learn about the world, grow up and grow old. You can't argue with nature. It is obvious that a dog's life span is much shorter than a human's.

Modern dog breeds sometimes have weak immunity and a predisposition to serious diseases. Faced with such problems, many strive to choose a breed that will not cause much trouble and will live a long, active and happy life. Therefore, before adopting a pet, you should find out how long Yorkshire terriers live.

Developmental defects

Deviations from the parameters are considered a disadvantage for the dog. Disqualification from exhibitions or exclusion from participation:

  1. Cryptorchid is the non-descent of the testicles into the scrotum in male dogs.
  2. Overshot or undershot, any other defect of the bite and jaw.
  3. Not erect and large ears.
  4. Color mismatch.
  5. Health problems, the bitch is in heat, bad coat, bad behavior in the ring.
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