What do parrots eat? What food, vegetables and supplements to give parrots
The food preferences of birds depend on the species and size. Large specimens that expend incomparably more energy
Wild ducks: types, description, distinctive features of drakes with photos
February 19, 2020 Miscellaneous Igitkhanyan Alevtina Determining the sex of a bird can be quite difficult, especially if
Duck breeds: names and photos (catalog)
Duck breeds - types, characteristics, nuances of keeping, care options and breeding features (120 photos and videos)
Photo: zen.yandex.ru Ducks are bred on farms for meat, eggs and for beauty. And all
Photo: Konoplyanka
Linnet bird. Linnet lifestyle and habitat
Wild animals >> Birds Many have not even heard of such a small bird as the linnet.
ibis bird
Ibis bird: description, species, habitat. The attitude of the ancient Egyptians to the long-legged bird
Egyptian sacred god named Djehuti, otherwise he was also called Thoth (sometimes Tut or
All about ostriches: is it a bird or animal, description, characteristics,
Lifestyle and habitat Giant birds are the original inhabitants of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania.
Marabou bird. Description, features, species, lifestyle and habitat of marabou
The African marabou is the largest member of the stork family. From the name it immediately becomes clear that
Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Great spotted woodpecker: description, habitat, photo
Not a single forest can do without this bird. Loud and rhythmic sounds of a woodpecker
Black cockatoos
Black cockatoo: appearance, abilities, maintenance features
The forests of Australia are home to one of the most mysterious and luxurious parrots - the black cockatoo.
Penguin - food, habitats, reproduction and life expectancy + 111 photos
The penguin is a rather unusual animal. This is a bird that cannot fly. There are several versions
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