How much does a Corgi puppy cost in Russia: in a kennel and second hand?

Welsh Corgis have become famous for their interesting appearance and friendly character. They look very touching, but in terms of courage and intelligence they are not inferior to German shepherds. However, the character of the corgi has its own characteristics.

The breed is not suitable for every person, despite many positive qualities. Therefore, before you get a charming Welsh Corgi, you should learn more about him and soberly evaluate all the pros and cons.

History of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed

The history of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed goes back centuries. While excavating at the site of a settlement that existed at the turn of the 8th-9th centuries in South Wales, scientists from Cardiff University, among other finds, discovered the bones of a small dog, very similar to parts of the skeleton of modern corgis.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Written references to the breed are first found in the code of laws of the Welsh king Hywel the Good, who ruled in these parts in the 10th century. According to the provisions of the law, for the murder of a corgi herding cattle, its owner had the right to demand a whole ox from the culprit as compensation for damages. It is interesting that for dogs of any other breed, even if they were the property of the king, no one gave more than a ram. The fact is that Welsh Corgis herded herds without human intervention, independently accompanied the herd, fearlessly defended it from wolves and robbers, that is, they worked both for themselves and for the owner. The death of such an assistant was indeed a very tangible loss.

According to one version, the ancestors of today's Pembrokes were brought to the islands of Foggy Albion by the Vikings. Perhaps these were Lundehunds, the similarity with which lies not only in size, but also in the special arrangement of the ears, which prevents sand and moisture from getting deep into the auricle. The corgi has a lot in common with another representative of the Spitz - the Swedish Vallhund.

The main function of these pets in those days was shepherding, and we are not just talking about flocks of sheep. Corgis also looked after herds of ponies superbly, and when a boom in poultry breeding (mainly geese and ducks) began in Wales, it was simply impossible to find a better assistant in accompanying these very capricious birds to city markets. Several dogs, working as a well-organized team, transported huge flocks of birds to their destination with almost no losses. It was also important that the representatives of the breed did their job without barking and did not irritate the bird.

Elizabeth II with her corgis

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi traces its origins to the Welsh county of Pembrokeshire. This area is separated by the Cumbrian Mountains from Cardiganshire, where the Cardigan Welsh Corgi originates. Despite the similarity of names, these are still different dogs. Due to their isolated existence in certain mountainous areas and, as a consequence, inbreeding, each breed has acquired characteristics unique to this type of dog.

As for the meaning of the words “Welsh Pembroke” or “Welsh Cardigan” in the name of the breed, everything is more or less clear. But the word “corgi” can be translated in different ways. Some believe that the word comes from the Welsh "cor" (observe, collect) plus "gi" (dog). Others interpret "corgi" to mean "mixed dog" or "evil dog." Still others translate “cor” as “gnome, dwarf.”

The official debut of the breed at exhibitions took place in England and dates back to 1925. Both species - the Pembroke and the Cardigan - were considered to be representatives of the same breed until 1934, when the Kennel Club of Great Britain recognized them as completely independent of each other. In the same 1934, for greater differentiation of types, it was decided to dock the Pembroke’s tails.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis have gained extreme popularity due to the fact that they are favorites of the British royal family. Back in 1933, the Duke of York, later King George VI, gave his daughters a small Pembroke. Since then, these wonderful dogs have become permanent residents of Buckingham Palace and even participate in official receptions, and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is rightfully considered the world's greatest fan and connoisseur of the breed.

Corgi puppy chasing butterflies

Appearance of a Welsh Corgi

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a squat, compact and strong dog. The length of the body (from the withers to the base of the tail) is approximately 40% greater than the height from the withers to the ground (25-30 cm).

The weight of the animal is proportional to its height and is up to 12.7 kg for females and no more than 13.6 kg for males.

Exhibition representatives of the breed should have less weight - about 11.4 kg and 12.4 kg, respectively.

Head and skull

The corgi's head is shaped like a fox's, the skull is quite wide and flat between the ears. The muzzle is proportional to the skull in a ratio of 3:5, tapering slightly towards the nose. The transition from forehead to muzzle is moderately pronounced. The nose is always black.

Jaws and teeth

The Corgi's jaws are strong with a well-defined, regular scissor bite.


Small size, round. The color of the iris is brown, which harmonizes well with the color of the coat.


Muzzle of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Medium size, sharp, with slightly rounded tips. A conditional line drawn from the nose through the center of the eye should cross the tip of the ear or pass very close to it.


Average. The chest is round, slightly ovoid and of moderate length. The topline is level, with a possible slight depression at the withers.


Short. Options are available: docked or natural. If the Corgi's tail is not docked, then it should be positioned in line with the top, carried fairly low and in no case thrown over the back.


Corgi hind legs

The pasterns of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi's forelimbs are short and as straight as possible. The bones are wide right up to the paw, without narrowing. Elbows are close to the sides. The shoulders are harmoniously positioned and are at right angles to the forearms. The hind limbs are short and strong. The angles of the knee joints are good, the metatarsus are straight. The bones are strong.

The paws are oval in shape with strong toes, the two central ones are slightly pushed forward. The pads are dense and well filled. The claws are short.


Straight with a good dense undercoat. Never soft and wavy, nor wiry.

There can never be too many corgis

Black corgi puppy


The color of the Welsh Corgi is red, light red, black and tan with possible light markings on the chest, neck and paws (tri-color), sable. The breed standard allows white markings on the head and muzzle.

The disadvantages of the Welsh Corgi breed include:

  • incorrect tail position;
  • an overly deep chest that interferes with the animal’s movements, a barrel-shaped or flat chest shape;
  • high position of the dog’s hindquarters or, conversely, excessive sloping topline;
  • straight hocks, narrowly set limbs;
  • aggression or fearfulness in character;
  • any deviations from a free natural gait (mincing step, “prancing”, “waddling” step).

In male dogs, two normally developed testicles should be clearly visible, fully descended into the scrotum.

Basic moments

According to the classification of the International Canine Federation, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi belongs to the group of cattle and herding dogs. A representative of similar size is the Schipperke Shepherd Dog.

Corgis are similar to shepherds in many ways. Being a dwarf representative, it deftly maneuvers, dodging the animal’s hooves. Despite its size, the dog is powerful and strong. Short paws firmly and firmly hold their owner.

Pembroke is a developed, talented dog. He is able to become a guide for a person with limited abilities. He has successfully proven his ability to influence the recovery of patients within the walls of hospitals.

Photo of an adult Welsh Corgi

Personality of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

All owners of Pembroke Welsh Corgi dogs speak almost unanimously about the wonderful character of these little shepherds. Among the main features are the animal’s activity, its high intelligence and amazing friendliness towards representatives of the human race. If corgis can still allow themselves to show some wariness and aggressiveness towards other dogs, then they almost never growl or bark at a person.

I have a corgi and I'm very happy about it ^-^

Initially, Pembrokes were exclusively herding dogs. This is an activity that requires endurance, intelligence and the ability to work in a team. Many people are sincerely surprised by the very high activity of the corgi, who loves to run, frolic and even have fun fooling around, despite his seemingly not entirely conducive appearance to such a pastime. Neither his modest size nor his short legs hinder him in this activity.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are dogs that know how to sincerely enjoy life. It seems that these cute dogs simply do not know what the blues and bad mood are. Communication with the owner, walks and even work - everything gives the dogs pleasure. Their smiling face, full of enthusiasm and optimism, cannot leave anyone indifferent.

We still need to look for such a social creature as the Pembroke. They not only love their owner and strive to be near him. They want to be with their person always. Whatever you do, your favorite will be nearby. Dogs of this wonderful breed have one interesting feature - they love to touch their owner with their paws or nudge him with their nose. The Welsh Corgi sits down next to you and gently touches you several times in a row at short intervals, as if hinting that you simply cannot find a more interesting activity than chatting with such a highly attractive and intelligent dog. However, if you do not respond to these signs of attention, the animal will understand (not immediately) that it will have to wait. Fearing to miss the moment when the owner is free, the Pembroke will languish from loneliness and oblivion, lying down at your feet.

I think I've found the best place in this house!

Corgis love children very much. They stoically endure all manifestations of children's delight and intense games. No matter how actively they are pushed, kissed, squeezed, the animal will never show even the slightest hint of aggression towards the child.

Welsh Corgis consider themselves obligated to be aware of all events happening around them. This dog will even try to choose a place to sleep in the middle of the room or right on the passage, so that if something happens, he will be right there.

Shepherd work has developed another characteristic feature of this breed - fearlessness. If the ancestors were not afraid to enter into battle with wolves, then your pet, without any doubt or hesitation, will rush into battle even with an enemy significantly larger than it.

Pembrokes are surprisingly talkative; they express their emotions not only by barking and whining. Corgis are good singers (though not all of them). If they are overwhelmed with positive feelings, then the peculiar roulades in different variations can continue for quite a long time. Those whom nature has deprived of vocal talents manifest themselves with the help of a variety of sounds: grunting, “grunting,” squealing and even muttering. They do this so expressively that the owner has no choice but to enter into a dialogue with his pet.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi with a cat

It is difficult to distinguish a Pembroke from a large dog by its voice. Welsh Corgis bark loudly and at low notes, which does not quite correlate with their small size.

The instincts of this dog require that all living beings around him be under control, organized and moving only in the right direction. This is where the habit of Pembrokes, especially young ones, comes from biting people on the back of the legs and heels. In the absence of geese or sheep, members of your family who will have to endure such manifestations of the breed’s character are assigned to the role of “wards”. It is not difficult to wean your pet from this habit; you just need to be consistent and persistent.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis love to eat. This is also genetic. Shepherd's work required a lot of energy, and it was possible to restore it only by having a hearty snack. Modern dogs have fewer worries, but their love for food has remained at the same level, so the Welsh Corgi will never refuse an extra piece. Another thing is that overeating in the absence of active work will negatively affect the dog’s health, primarily on the spine.

With all the common features, each pet has a number of individual characteristics. Some are calmer, some are more playful, some are more hooligan than their relatives. But no matter what kind of dog you get, you can be sure: your Pembroke will grow up to be a loyal, intelligent and brave friend!

I am smart, brave and incredibly beautiful!

Features of behavior

  • Not aggressive towards others. However, in the presence of negative situations, they can stand up for themselves and their owner.
  • Not cowardly.
  • They are friendly to their relatives and various pets, including cats.
  • They have an interesting feature of acting. They make faces, trying to make the owner laugh. They take unimaginable poses, for example, lying with their paws stretched back.

It is very difficult to fall into depression with such a pet.

Education and training

Looking at this small dog, it may seem strange to recommend turning to the literature on raising and training a German Shepherd. Experienced dog handlers claim that these breeds have very similar psychological portraits.

Before you bring your baby home, do the following:

  • put shoes out of reach of the puppy;
  • try to hide electrical wires, Internet and telephone cables behind furniture, pack them in boxes or under baseboards;
  • roll up the carpets, because it’s easier to remove a puddle or pile from the floor;
  • stock up on a sufficient number of toys and improvised materials that the dog can chew without harm to health.

Until the dog understands what is good and what is bad, some time will pass, and such precautions will not be superfluous.

The main principle in raising a Pembroke Welsh Corgi is categoricalness and consistency. Once something is prohibited, it should not be allowed later.

As for the rules of training, they are quite simple. No special technique was developed for these dogs, since they are naturally intelligent and quick-witted. First of all, the puppy must be taught to respond to its own name. Call your Pembroke to you more often, talk to him, calling him by name. All your household members should do the same.

Since the corgi perceives the training process as a game, the tone of communication with the puppy should be team-playful. It is very important to choose the right intonation coloring for a particular command.

"To me!" At first, it is pronounced only together with the dog’s name and is accompanied by patting the hand on the thigh or squatting. Do not give the command too abruptly; it is better to do it in a drawn-out manner.

Team "Place!" assumes a clear intonation with a hint of threat. The dog’s name must also be pronounced, and the puppy must be delivered to a certain place, which should be chosen in advance and not changed during the training process.

The command “Come to me!” can only be served some time after the command “Place!”

Pembrokes very quickly master the command “Bring it!” Hold the puppy by the collar, throw his toy, give the command and release the puppy. He must definitely give you the item. To achieve this, show your animal his favorite treat while holding it in your hand. At first, the corgi will perceive this as a mutually beneficial exchange, but very soon it will begin to obey the command simply for the sake of pleasure.

Be sure to praise your pet, even if at first he doesn’t succeed. Patience, perseverance and love are the components of success.

Specialized training courses, if necessary, make sense to start when the corgi reaches four months of age. It is better if a professional helps you with this.

Vaccination schedule

Welsh Corgi puppies are vaccinated according to the standard schedule:

  • at 8-10 weeks: complex vaccination against leptospirosis, parainfluenza, distemper, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, adenovirus;
  • at 12-13 weeks: vaccination against the same diseases + against rabies (by decision of the veterinarian, vaccination against rabies can be postponed until after the change of teeth);
  • at 6-7 months (after changing teeth): comprehensive vaccination;
  • at 12 months: comprehensive vaccination.

In the future, Welsh Corgis are revaccinated annually. The most commonly used vaccines are Nobivak.

For your information. At first, vaccinated puppies may feel unwell. If symptoms persist, you should contact your veterinarian.

Care and maintenance

Despite the fact that the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a fairly expensive breed, you will not find any particularly complex requirements for caring for it. There is practically no characteristic odor from these dogs, so you won’t need to bathe them often. However, given that the dog has short legs, it will not be possible to avoid water procedures in rainy weather. For bathing, use only special high-quality shampoos and do not forget to thoroughly rinse off any remaining detergents from the coat. To make the corgi less dirty, many owners buy special overalls.

As part of hygiene procedures, it is important not to forget to trim your pet’s nails at a certain frequency (at least once a week). During manipulations, do not forget to trim the hair between the toes. Also keep your dog's ears clean and clean them as they become dirty.

Grooming is extremely simple. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi sheds twice a year, during which time try to thoroughly brush the dog every day. In other periods, it is enough to occasionally brush the dog.

As for the diet, many breeders suggest opting for premium dry food. If you decide to give preference to natural products, then you should remember that the main task is to provide your pet with balanced nutrition. The diet must include meat products (with the exception of poultry), cereal porridges, eggs (at least twice a week), and low-fat cottage cheese. It is better not to use legumes (lentils, peas) and pearl barley when feeding your corgi. Don't forget to include vegetables in your pet's diet. It is unnecessary to remind about the constant availability of clean water.

Animals quickly get used to any living conditions, be it a small apartment or a country house. They have a nice thick undercoat that protects them from cold in winter and heat in summer, but this does not mean that you can keep a Pembroke Welsh Corgi in a kennel outside. This is still more of an indoor breed of dog, and it is better for it to be in the house.

Combing a Welsh Corgi's fur

If you live in a city apartment, try to provide your pet with good physical activity.

Setting up a dog area is not difficult. Any unnecessary pillow is suitable for this; you can put a pillowcase on it and change it when it gets dirty. If this option does not suit you, purchase a special house for your pet at the pet store.

Keeping in mind the corgi's natural activity, buy your pet a sufficient number of toys.

When buying a Pembroke, be prepared to give him as much of your time as possible - because he needs it so much.

Health and disease of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke cannot be classified as a pampered breed suffering from numerous diseases. This is a strong working hardy dog. If you vaccinate your pet in a timely and complete manner and regularly visit the veterinarian, then no special health problems will arise.

However, animals still have a number of “weak links”. Dogs of this breed often develop problems with the eyes and ears, so preventive visits to the doctor are necessary. During childhood, Pembroke Welsh Corgis sometimes suffer from narcolepsy. This is a rare disease that manifests itself in the fact that the dog suddenly falls asleep for no reason. The main thing at this moment is to protect the baby from sudden loud sounds.

Another risk area is the back. Corgi is a dog with short legs and quite long legs, so problems with intervertebral discs are possible. Try not to let your pet jump from a height to the ground. And in general, any jumping is not for this dog. His element is running.

Pembrokes love to eat. To avoid any health complications due to obesity, monitor your Corgi's diet and exercise control.

Another problem typical for Welsh dogs is hip dysplasia. This disease is inherited, so you need to monitor the condition of your joints starting from an early age.

Best friend solidarity

Sample menu for the week

The indicative menu for the week presented in the table will help you create the right diet for your Welsh Corgi puppy.

Day of the weekEatingProducts
1BreakfastKefir/cottage cheese
DinnerBuckwheat porridge with offal
DinnerBoiled sea fish
2BreakfastCurdled milk/kefir
DinnerOatmeal with meat
DinnerStewed cabbage with meat
3BreakfastCottage cheese/yogurt
DinnerRice porridge with meat
DinnerStewed beets with meat
4BreakfastLike 1 day
5BreakfastFruits with cottage cheese, egg
DinnerRice porridge with meat
DinnerCurdled milk/kefir
6BreakfastLike on day 2
7BreakfastCottage cheese/yogurt
DinnerRice porridge with meat
DinnerBuckwheat porridge with stewed carrots

Welsh Corgis are trained to eat food within 15 minutes. Then the bowl is removed, even if the puppy has not finished eating. Over time, he will get used to the regime.

How to choose a puppy

If you have chosen the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed, then in order to buy a healthy and strong puppy that meets the breed standard, follow the basic rules.

I will save this city!

Buying a pet at a poultry market is a priori a failure. Purchasing a Welsh dog via the Internet is an equally dubious undertaking. There is only one way out - contact a well-known breeder or nursery that breeds this particular breed.

Keeping in mind that the Pembroke is a dog breed where the puppy receives 75-80% of hereditary traits (health, character, appearance) from its mother, buy a small corgi from a well-proven bitch.

Be sure to pay attention to the baby’s temperament and character. The puppy should be cheerful, curious and even somewhat intrusive; he should be interested in everything.

A purebred dog must have a puppy card indicating the organization under whose jurisdiction the breeder or nursery selling the animal to you falls. In addition, there must be a veterinary passport with notes on all vaccinations performed.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the conditions in which its parents are kept, ask about their achievements in their exhibition career, their lifestyle (apartment or country house).

It is better to purchase a baby who was born as a result of a planned mating.

As for external signs, then:

  • You should not be embarrassed that the ears of a one and a half month old corgi may not yet be erect - they will definitely take a vertical position after some time;
  • the eyes of a Pembroke baby are always dark in color and round in shape;
  • the expression of the muzzle should be mischievous and cunning – “fox-like”, which is highly valued in the breed;
  • in male dogs, especially if they are planned for breeding, at the age of 45 days both testes are already clearly visible in the scrotum.

Another pressing question is who to choose - a boy or a girl? In terms of character, temperament and intelligence, you will not find any difference. Physiological differences will require over time from you a different approach to the conditions of keeping a bitch or a dog.

When you first meet a Corgi, you should feel that this is your puppy. And even if he is the last of the litter, buy him without a doubt. He is the last not because he is bad, but because he was waiting for you.

What does the price depend on?

In Russia, corgi puppies are sold for different prices. The formation of value is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Age of the animal.
  2. Color.
  3. Breed class.
  4. Place of purchase.
  5. Purebred.
  6. Health status.
  7. Availability of veterinary documents (passports, cards).
  8. Number of required vaccinations given.
  9. Having titled parents.
  10. Sales region.

In the capital, such a puppy is sold at a higher price than on the outskirts of the city. Purebred representatives are more expensive than a cross between a purebred dog and a mongrel. Having titled parents, pedigree and veterinary documentation makes the puppy more valuable. A completely healthy and vaccinated animal costs more than one that has some health problems.

Photos of Welsh Corgi puppies

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