Birds of “gold”: 10 expensive birds around the world

Some lovers of feathered pets begin to breed them not for themselves, but for sale. Of course, you can buy a parrot at almost any pet store, but exotic species are purchased only from professional breeders. In this case, the future owner is confident that the parrot is healthy and has a pedigree. The most popular species, for example, lovebirds, cost about several thousand rubles, and large representatives can cost several thousand dollars.

Blue Macaw

This species of parrot is not found in nature; its representatives are the most expensive in the world. The cost of a pet starts from fifty thousand dollars, there is practically no upper limit. At the same time, the parrot requires special care and special living conditions. It differs from other breeds in the blue color of its feathers.

The reason for the sale from the wild is the large number of poachers who hunt defenseless birds. Now you can buy this pet only in specialized nurseries. They are small in size - about half a meter in length and weigh up to half a kilogram.


The cost of a parrot is determined by many factors. Expensive specimens include birds that are very rare or have completely disappeared from wildlife and remain only in nature reserves or special nurseries. Also, the price is high for those species of birds that are very difficult or impossible to breed in captivity. Often, expensive or rare parrots are sold by poachers who deliberately lower prices for them, trying to sell them as quickly as possible, so when buying a pet, a thorough check of documents is required.

Description of the most expensive parrots

Orange-bellied parrot

Not the largest representative of parrots. The homeland of birds is Australia. The dimensions are not very different from the popular wavy ones, about twenty centimeters with a tail.

It has a bright plumage color - blue wings, yellow body, orange belly, which is why the corresponding name appeared. It is very difficult to teach words, but he sings very beautifully. The number of individuals in the wild decreases every month due to illegal fishing, so it is considered an endangered species.

Finding a specialized nursery to purchase a parrot of this breed is very difficult.

There is information on the Internet that you can buy a chick or an adult from poachers, and the cost is not the smallest - up to twenty thousand dollars. The Australian government is trying to actively prevent the illegal capture of these birds, but it is not very successful.

Golden-bellied parakeet

The golden-bellied parakeet is a rare bird native to Australia. There are only a few specimens left in nature. The body length of this parrot is 20 cm. The main color of the feathers is yellowish-green with a darker back. There is a small orange spot on the stomach. The tail is yellow, the wings are blue. There is a blue mark on the forehead.

Work to restore the numbers of this species is being carried out in zoos and nature reserves in Australia. In total, there are several hundred individuals of the golden-bellied parakeet in captivity. The free sale of these birds is prohibited.

Black palm cockatoo

The high cost of this breed of parrots is primarily due to the small number of individuals. The homeland of black palm cockatoos is Australia; it is impossible to meet the bird on other continents. Catching birds is prohibited by law, and selling them abroad is also prohibited. However, they are found as pets.

Black cockatoos differ from other representatives in their large body size - up to eighty centimeters. The color of the plumage is light black, although this makes the name not quite black. After changing feathers, red spots appear on the head.

Some representatives can weigh more than 1 kg.

The average price for a young individual is 10 thousand dollars. The bird has an extraordinary mind, thanks to which it can easily remember human speech. The beak is quite well developed; the bird is able to use it to break a wooden stick with a diameter of about 6 mm. For this reason, your pet should be taught good manners from childhood.

from 10 thousand dollars

Northern oriole – from $850

This yellow bird is the official symbol of the state of Maryland. Bright plumage and beautiful singing determine its high cost. Although she lives mainly in forests, she can often be found in city parks and courtyards - wherever there are feeders. Judging by the sightings of the Northern Oriole in Europe, Ireland and England, this little bird is quite an experienced traveler.

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Representatives of this species are rare in the world; the total number of representatives is about two hundred. The feathers are colored green, and near the beak they are gray. Birds very rarely fly; they prefer to move on their powerful legs, while allowing few people to approach them. Rarely purchased as pets, they are usually purchased by scientists who want to protect parrots from extinction.

The kakapo is native to New Zealand. It is extremely difficult to buy a young individual; to implement your plan you will have to set aside about ten thousand dollars. Birds are quite finicky and require care. They are rarely found as pets, primarily not because of the high cost, but because of their habit of making loud noise at night.


The huge colorful beak of the toucan will not leave anyone indifferent. They live in the tropical zone of the American continent. They belong to the order Woodpeckers. They are highly intelligent, so they are easily tamed by humans and feel good in their natural environment.

Toucans are often jokingly called "Amazonian clowns." They live in small flocks of 2 dozen individuals. They try to stick to their homes: flights are carried out extremely rarely. They are active only during the daytime. They have a friendly and flexible character.

Pink cockatoo

A very beautiful species of bird, there is a small crest on the head, but the color of the plumage, on the contrary, is defiantly bright. This species was bred artificially by breeders; in the wild, cockatoos are not as rich in color. Life expectancy can reach forty years, size - slightly less than half a meter, body weight up to 500 grams, and loves human attention. The price is slightly lower than other representatives of this list - about one and a half thousand dollars per bird.

Post pigeon

A flock of 66 homing pigeons was sold through a Belgian breeder for $6 million. These birds were previously used to convey messages. Today they are usually called “sports pigeons”, because the birds have not been used for their intended purpose for a long time.

Several breeds of these birds can be distinguished. “Russians” are distinguished by their graceful head shape and sharp beak. The birds have long legs and variegated colors. The German breed is distinguished by its greater speed of movement and rapid growth. "English" pigeons are notable for their huge brown eyes.

Inca cockatoo

This type is one of the most expensive in the world. A distinctive feature is the color - white with a hint of pink. There is a pronounced crest on the head. The weight of an adult is usually about 800 grams, body length is up to 65 centimeters. With a caring owner, a bird can live for a very long time - up to 40 years. It is very difficult to meet a representative of the Inca cockatoo in the wild - most of them were caught by poachers.

The cost varies from 3 to 5 thousand dollars.

Some of the most expensive types

The most expensive parrots in the world are under threat of complete extinction. Their population can only be saved thanks to the great work carried out by security services. These individuals lay only one egg during one breeding season. Not all of their chicks survive to sexual maturity, which affects their natural numbers, given the natural dangers and endless hunting for them.

Hyacinth macaw

It is the largest (length 100 cm, weight 2 kg) and the most beautiful representative of the family. The lifespan of this bird in its natural habitat is about 70 years. The plumage is blue with a cobalt tint and yellow areas around the eyes and lower part of the beak, which are devoid of feathers.

One of the most expensive parrots is the hyacinth macaw.

These parrots make a lot of noise and require a lot of attention. They live in the forests of Brazil and Paraguay, nesting in tree hollows. Pairs are created for life, but often live in small groups (about 10 representatives). When maintaining a house, they require special conditions - a spacious enclosure with the ability to climb various devices and easily spread their wings. The feathered friend can easily destroy furniture and any equipment in the house.

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Hyacinth macaw parrot

Palm cockatoo

This is the largest Australian species (75 cm and 1 kg), which has a long life span (on average up to 90 years). The feathers are pitch-black in color and accumulate on the head in the form of a long crest raised upward. Another distinctive feature of the parrot is its complex and aggressive character. It is possible to raise such a bird only if it is born in captivity and has contact with humans from a very young age. At home, it requires a spacious enclosure with a concrete floor and very thick metal rods, since all other materials can easily be destroyed by its strong beak. In addition to such a spacious cage with several levels, the bird needs a pond for daily bathing.

Palm cockatoo is an expensive species of parrot

The basis of the diet of both representatives is grain mixtures with the addition of fruits, nuts and boiled eggs to meet protein needs. Favorite products:

  • berries;
  • unprocessed vegetables and fruits;
  • seeds and nuts.

Hyacinth macaw

A very popular breed of parrots that many bird lovers want to purchase. Hyacinth macaws are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence and almost canine fidelity. They especially attract attention due to their bright feathers. The plumage color is rich indigo.

A very large representative of parrots - the length of an individual individual can reach a meter, the weight reaches one and a half kilograms. In the wild they are found infrequently and mainly in South America - Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil. They can spend most of their life with their owner - among pets there are often individuals up to sixty years old, in the wild - about forty.

The cost of a young parrot is from $10,000. The price varies greatly from breeder to breeder, but the maximum cost is about 30 thousand.

Wyandotte chickens

The chickens got their name from an Indian tribe: their ritual colors can be found in the bird’s plumage. The compact build does not prevent you from gaining up to 4 kg of live weight. A rooster can be easily distinguished from a hen by its more powerful plumage. The color can be golden or blue. They are famous for their high productivity in terms of both eggs and meat.

They are distinguished by their accommodating and calm character. They get along well with birds of other breeds. With active communication with a person, they even begin to follow simple commands. This is why small children love them very much. Due to their high-quality plumage, chickens can easily winter in an unheated barn. However, drafts should not be allowed.

Vietnamese elephant chickens

This breed was bred specifically for cockfighting and is very popular in Europe. They also have a practical purpose - surprisingly thick legs are considered a delicacy.

They have a wheaten color and a nut-shaped comb. Many years ago, they were only available to members of the royal family and those close to their court. Today, one such chicken costs about a thousand dollars.

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