Differences and similarities between the Boston Terrier and the French Bulldog

Boston - Terriers are not very popular in Russia and the CIS countries, and many people have never heard of them. Therefore, a person who sees this dog for the first time can easily be mistaken for a French bulldog. But the similarity between “Boston” and “French” is not as obvious as it might actually seem. And it is not without reason that one of them is called a terrier, while the second is a typical representative of bulldogs.


The main similarity in the comparison of the Boston Terrier and the French Bulldog is that these dogs have common ancestors and both, according to the ICF classification, belong to the Small Molossoids. There is also a similarity in size: representatives of these breeds weigh approximately 8 - 12 kg. They are also very similar in head structure: both the Boston and the French have rather large and convex skulls, and their muzzles are wide, upturned and greatly shortened. In addition, undercutting is also their characteristic natural feature, as are erect ears, slightly rounded at the ends, folds on the head, strong paws and short tails.

What these breeds have in common is that for the representatives of each of them, the brindle color, complemented by white markings, is considered standard. The Bulldog and the Boston Terrier have another common feature that some owners find cute, but other owners find annoying. The fact is that representatives of both breeds snore quite heavily in their sleep. This is due to the structure of their shortened muzzles, which is characteristic of all brachycephals.

Both breeds are similar not only in appearance, but also in character: both dogs are sociable, playful, friendly and energetic.

Boston Terrier.
They are equally devoted to their owners, get along well with children, are smart and train well.

However, the stubbornness inherent in both of these breeds also makes their representatives similar, as is the fact that both the bulldog and the Boston terrier require respectful treatment.

Such pets will become good guards, although aggression towards people is not inherent in bulldogs or Boston terriers by nature.

But both the French bulldog and the Boston terrier are distinguished by a unique sense of humor: they have very rich facial expressions, which seem to be able to express the whole gamut of emotions and feelings. Another important similarity is that caring for a Boston Terrier and a French Bulldog is not difficult, since they are both short-haired and very comfortable to keep in a house or apartment.


Pug and French bulldog: which one to choose?

The French Bulldog is whimsical when it comes to food. In addition, representatives of this breed are prone to developing allergic reactions and obesity. To prevent the development of problems, it is necessary to approach diet planning responsibly. You can feed your Frenchie both natural food and dry food.

If a dog similar to a French bulldog called a Boston Terrier lives in the house, he needs to be provided with two proper meals a day. However, you should not give your pet anything between feedings. Otherwise, feeding these two breeds is no different from each other.


  1. Origin. French bulldogs appeared in England, from where they came to France, and there the final formation of this breed took place. Boston Terriers are native to the United States, where they were bred in Massachusetts.
  2. Original purpose. “Frenchies” are descended from baiting dogs used in bullfighting, and “Bostons” are descendants of burrowing hunting dogs, which were originally bull terriers.
  3. Body type. The Boston Terrier is quite light-boned, slimmer and taller-legged than the squat, stocky French Bulldog. These dogs have a chest of different volume and shape: the “French” has a deep, barrel-shaped chest, while the “Boston” is lighter and not so rounded.
  4. Folding. French bulldogs have fairly deep wrinkles on their heads and faces. In the Boston Terrier, folds form only near the base of the muzzle and when the dog, alert, slightly wrinkles its forehead.
  5. Ear shape. The terrier has ears that are more pointed at the ends than those of the bulldog, and in general their set is wider than that of the “French”.
  6. Bostons have larger and rounder eyes than Bulldogs.
  7. Color. For French bulldogs, white, fawn and white-fawn colors are considered acceptable, but for Boston terriers it will be considered a breeding marriage. On the other hand, the black and white color found in terriers is completely unacceptable for the “French”. Their darkest coat color is black brindle, in which there are always reddish stripes on a black background.
  8. Location of marks. For French Bulldogs, large white markings in the form of a wide blaze on the forehead, a white muzzle, a full white “collar”, “shirt front” and “sock socks” are considered unacceptable.
  9. Temperament. The Boston Terrier is more active and mobile than the French Bulldog, and many of the representatives of this breed are generally hyperactive. The “French” is reasonable, calm and not fussy, unlike the temperamental and energetic “Boston”, like all terriers.
  10. Attitude towards other pets. Without early socialization, bulldogs can become aggressive towards other animals and start fights with other people's dogs. Boston - Terriers get along well with other pets in the house and are even able to be friends with them.
  11. Boston Terriers are distinguished by their good-natured, slightly frivolous and overly trusting character. This does not mean that they are less attached to their owners than the “Frenchies”. It's just that Bostons are more likely to trust outsiders than Bulldogs.
  12. Tendency to sabotage. French bulldogs almost never tend to spoil things when left alone, while a Boston terrier may start gnawing furniture out of boredom or peeling off the wallpaper in an apartment.
  13. Physical exercise and activity. Although French bulldogs love to run outside, they do not need long walks. Boston Terriers, on the other hand, require significant exercise.
  14. Price . Boston Terriers are considered a rarer and significantly more expensive breed.
  15. Predisposition to disease. Boston - Terriers are less susceptible to hereditary diseases than French bulldogs.

However, they may have a predisposition to cataracts, congenital subluxations of the joints of the limbs, congenital deafness, narrowing of the pylorus of the stomach and malignant neoplasms of the skin.

A “Frenchman” may try to dominate the family while growing up, while a Boston Terrier may not naturally have the desire for leadership.


Who doesn't know pugs? Everyone knows pugs. The breed's popularity is high on both sides of the Atlantic. However, with all due respect to the breed, it has already passed its peak and managed to stabilize. There are a huge number of offers for the sale of puppies, and accordingly, the pricing policy has also leveled out. Think about a pug, which will give you tons of positive emotions no worse than the “Frenchman”. The icing on the cake: of all the “brachycephalics,” pugs are the healthiest (although we understand that everything is relative). And please give your pet as much physical activity as possible and watch the diet. Many sweet pugs are overweight.


Boston is a terrier.

French Bulldog.

Difference in content and education

As a rule, most dogs of decorative breeds require special care, but this does not apply to the representatives discussed. For a full life, they need standard conditions where expensive procedures at pet salons are not needed. In general, the breeds are unpretentious, which significantly increases the demand for them and positions them as not picky pets.


It is best to brush the American Gentleman's coat daily using a stiff brush. Bathing with mild shampoo is allowed, but as little as possible. Periodic cleaning of ears and trimming of nails will prevent the growth of bacteria and subsequent infectious formations. Frequent inflammation of the eye mucosa must be prevented by daily rinsing with a warm infusion of chamomile flowers or a tea solution. Like all short-haired dogs, Bostons are prone to breathing problems, so running for long periods of time in the heat is strictly prohibited.

Brave bulldogs are endowed with original folds on the muzzle and back of the head, which require constant care. It is necessary to periodically wipe them with a damp cloth and lubricate them with baby cream. The place where a dog's tail fits tightly to its body should also not be ignored. They are processed in the same way as folds. This will relieve the dog from diaper rash and discomfort. Bath your pet rarely and use dry shampoo. Frequent water procedures damage the skin and negatively affect the condition of the coat. Once a week, the mouth is examined for inflammation and tartar. If you have any suspicions, you will have to take the dog to a canine dentist, otherwise the French bulldog will lose its teeth.


The stomach of an adult terrier is small, so an older terrier should be fed 2-3 times a day. From the age of 2 months, puppies eat 6-7 times a day, but by 9 months the dose is reduced and becomes equal to the norms of an older individual. If a dry menu is chosen for feeding, then the food purchased should be premium and super-premium class. This diet contains no preservatives, and the content of useless cereals is kept to a minimum. A balanced diet with minerals, vitamins and acids will ensure proper functioning of the body.

Natural food in the form of boiled fish, meat, eggs and vegetables is also suitable for this breed. But feeding low-quality food will lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, so you should also remember about prohibited foods:

  • tubular bones;
  • sweets (especially chocolate);
  • fatty, spicy, salty foods;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • bread.

Baby stocky bulldogs eat up to 8 times a day, and mature dogs 2 times a day. They eat almost any product, which, if the owner is unaware, leads to excessive obesity in the pet. A proper and measured diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can give industrial food of the Holistic class or hypoallergenic. The main advantage of such nutrition is the proper distribution of calories in the daily norm.

Natural products are optimal for a Frenchie, but meat should not predominate over the amount of vegetables. Junk food worsens your health and leads to slow metabolism, so it is strictly forbidden to give:

  • citrus;
  • flour products;
  • smoked, salty, sweet;
  • raw river fish;
  • grape.


If you start training small, terriers will quickly learn their age, because... easy to train. But behavior in the home can remain a major problem for a long time. Damage to furniture is a common occurrence among active dogs. The situation can be improved by teaching the Boston Terrier to “sharpen its teeth” on special objects. They are purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

  • Boston Terrier

It is better to take control of the actions of confident bulldogs from the very beginning. A stubborn character slows down the education process, which forces you to go through the same lesson several times. If you leave everything to chance, the dog’s peculiar disposition will form its uncontrollable behavior.

Who is better to choose?

The decision about which breed is better to get a puppy - a French bulldog or a Boston terrier - should not be made under the influence of emotions. Puppies of both breeds are very cute and touching, but you need to take into account that they will grow up very quickly, and the characters of adult dogs of “Frenchies” and “Bostons” are different, as well as their temperament. Some people like to lead an active lifestyle and are not averse to playing sports with their pet; they can get a Boston Terrier: after all, he is more tireless and active than a French bulldog.

French Bulldog.

If the future owner of the dog does not have time for long walks and too active games with the pet, it is better for him to buy a “Frenchie”.

And, of course, the Boston Terrier cannot be considered a good choice for an elderly person.

He simply will not be able to keep track of a hyperactive and very temperamental dog.

A bulldog that does not have the habit of jumping on people is more suitable for families with small children. After all, a “Boston”, characterized by too much jumping and energy, can knock a child down by jumping or running into him. French bulldogs treat children much more delicately and carefully.

The issue of price also matters in many cases when it comes to purchasing a dog. Bulldogs are more popular in Russia, their population is much larger, and, therefore, their cost is lower than that of Boston terriers. Finally, a good Boston puppy, given the rarity of the breed, will have to wait much longer than a small Frenchie.

If there are no “contraindications” in the family in the form of elderly relatives or very young children, and the price does not matter, then you should take a representative of the breed that you like best.

Brief information about the French Bulldog breed

The dog's ears are erect, wide at the base, slightly tapering towards a rounded tip. The brow ridges, protruding above the eyes, are separated from each other by a deep groove.

The eyes are round and large, with dark rims.

The dog looks like a typical fighting dog, but of a small format - stocky, smooth-haired, powerful, muscular, with a short tail and muzzle.

The height of males is 27-35 cm, weight 9-14 kg.

Bitches have the following dimensions: height 24-32 cm, weight 8-13 kg.

The life expectancy
of this breed is 10-12 years .
Read a more detailed description of the breed here.


This is a companion dog, you can easily have fun with it - cheerful and active, at the same time it has a stable psyche and loves children.

Treats guests calmly.

This breed is balanced, trainable - brave, smart, friendly and has a good memory .

Dogs have developed reactions and muscles.

Dogs of this breed are not very suitable for the role of watchman and bodyguard.

It can show aggression towards other dogs and cats, attack larger breeds, but this depends on the individual qualities of the dog’s character.


The most important thing is to give this breed as much attention as possible. Without it, the dog will only show shortcomings - stubbornness and laziness.


The main coat colors are white with or without spots, white-brindle, fawn, black-brindle.

Characteristics of colors:

  • The brindle is characterized by frequent inclusions of red hair on black fur, or vice versa, black hair on red hair.
  • The spotted color is distinguished by the presence of variegated brindle spots on a white background. They are located on the ears, head, sides and back.
  • Fawn ranges from bright red to café au lait. A white blaze to the nose is allowed on the head of fawn dogs. Other spots on the head are considered defective.

Gray-blue color , blue brindle, chocolate, chocolate brindle, tricolor, fawn with blue mask, Isabella, merle, pure black are also considered color deviations .

At a glance

The main differences that you will find between the two breeds at first glance are that the Boston Terrier will be taller, lighter and easier to build, with shorter ears. The French Bulldog is more muscular and square-shaped, with large, pointed ears.

A dog that is black and white is almost certainly a Boston Terrier, while a dog whose coat is all the same color is more likely to be a French Bulldog.

Boston Terrier

This species was developed by crossing an English Terrier and an English Bulldog. Out of habit, you can really confuse him with the “French”, they seem similar, but they also have enough differences.

This breed is divided into three classes according to weight criteria:

  • Up to 7 kg.
  • 7-9 kg.
  • 9-11 kg.

The height at the withers is on average 37-45 cm. There are individuals of higher or lower stature, but they do not meet the standard adopted by the FCI.


At first glance, it is very similar to the muzzle of the dog discussed earlier. It is massive, round in shape, flat. However, the Boston's eyes are more elongated , and their cheeks practically do not sag . The ears are similar, small in size and erect. The jaws are also strong, but inferior in strength to those of a bulldog.


Small, relatively elongated. Less muscular than the previous breed. In fact, the Boston is a crossbreed because it combines the body of a terrier with the head of a bulldog (not exactly the same, but similar).


The standard ones are:

  • Black and white.
  • Motley.
  • Sealskin.

Almost the entire back and the main part of the paws are the main color, and the belly, chest and neck are snow-white. There is a distinctive stripe running from the forehead to the neck. The areas around the nose are also white. Thus, the wool of one of the accepted shades forms a kind of “mask”.

Boston Terrier personality

Like the bulldog, this pet is very active, positive and gets along well with kids. There is nothing to add here, all the same excellent qualities. But, unlike the “Frenchies,” he is quite trainable.


The eyes are large, making them extremely vulnerable. They often suffer from allergies. There are some problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so you need to carefully follow the diet, especially for puppies.

In healthy Boston dogs, when the mouth is closed, the tongue and incisors are visible, as is the case in French bulldogs.

Disqualifying characteristics include:

  • Flesh nose.
  • Docked tail.
  • One of the recognized colors without light spots.

What are the disadvantages:

  • Raises his front paws too high due to his skeletal structure.
  • Straight knee joints.

Appearance: size, height, weight, structure of the muzzle, ears

Since childhood, a miniature puppy has a harmonious physique - this is something many dwarf breeds lack. The average height is 23-25 ​​cm, although in some cases there are giants of 30 cm.

It is very important to feed your pet correctly - the norm is a weight of 3 kg - a significant excess can be regarded as obesity. On a note! On cold winter days, it is better to let your pet “do all the work” on a specially placed diaper, rather than take him outside

On a note! On cold winter days, it is better to let your pet “do all the work” on a specially placed diaper, rather than take him outside.

The structure of the body and face may vary - after all, this is a mestizo, and not an independent breed. Therefore, in one litter, genes from different ancestors may dominate in different individuals.

History of the origin of the species

The breeding of breeds under the general name “Dog” began in the early Middle Ages. The ancestors are considered to be mastiffs born in the Tibetan mountains, distinguished by their large size, strong character, and fearlessness. They were domesticated by pastoral tribes. Subsequently, two large groups were formed: Great Danes and Asian Shepherds.

During migration, dogs showed themselves to be reliable human companions, capable of protecting themselves and others, and always being there. They were especially valued during the development of Mesopotamian civilization. They participated in the battles of the Greek army and Roman civilization.

Once in Europe, the genes of bulldogs and wild boar dogs were added to the blood. Initially, all strong, strong, hardy dogs were called this, and later a division into breeds appeared. Since ancient times, the Great Dane has been used:


Polina Semyonovna, 65 years old I have kept dogs all my life, as long as I can remember. In my old age, I wanted a wise, self-confident dog, with whom it would not be scary to live at the dacha, spend the night there, and receive guests. Friends suggested we look at the Great Dane puppies. I arrived and my heart melted as soon as I saw the mother of the dogs. Beautiful, calm, peaceful. Now our Sam is 3 years old. This is our pride. A stranger will definitely not come to the dacha, but the children and grandchildren will have freedom. He is always next to us, wherever we go. Hefty, stately, courageous. I learned everything, all the commands. I adore Samik and am ready to take the same one again. An extra incentive for me to move, take a walk, wander around.

Lyudmila, 32 years old I love Tom Hanks, especially the film with the Dogue de Bordeaux playing his partner, which was released back in 1989. Then I was a teenager and thought: “When I grow up, I will definitely buy myself such a dog.” I dreamed about him. My Hooch is already 6 years old. I'm afraid to imagine what will happen if my pet is gone. They don't live very long. We adopted him as a puppy at 2 months of age. I won't say there weren't problems. It’s good that then a young man appeared who took education into his own hands. He taught Hooch to commands and obedience. There were many acquaintances who fell in love with the “saffron milk cap” at first sight. Despite everything, this is the sweetest, beloved dog with whom there is no sadness. Even if there are problems, he will come, put his huge muzzle on my lap, wink and it becomes easier. It’s good with such a dog, reliable, interesting and funny.

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