Thrush Fieldfare - description of what it eats, where it winters

It is very difficult to imagine human life in the modern world without the presence of a huge variety of animals and birds. Despite the fact that a significant part of the population is moving to large cities and slightly smaller ones, there is still a place for wildlife even there, not to mention the suburbs and tiny villages. In any case, we are surrounded not only by objects of technological progress, but also by something familiar from distant times - natural objects.

Birds have always been and continue to be quite bright representatives of living creatures. Often in everyday life we ​​interact with small birds, and they, in turn, do not let us forget about where humanity comes from.

And one of such interesting and pleasant birds is the thrush. He has long settled not far from human lands and joyfully enjoys the benefits that people can provide him (often, not of his own free will). In return, it also performs some functions, without which a person would have a hard time. In any case, the thrush, or any other bird, is definitely worth attention and learning something more about it.

External characteristics of the thrush. What does he look like?

Blackbirds come in small and medium sizes, it depends on the species, the area in which they live, the quality of food and much more. But, all representatives have common external features by which this bird can be recognized.

The body length of an adult thrush can start at 13-14 centimeters for smaller species, and reach 30-33 centimeters for larger species. Accordingly, the weight of the bird also varies within a fairly wide range - from 21 to 175 grams. Another size-dependent trait is wingspan. For small-sized birds it is equal to 20 centimeters, and for medium-sized birds it can reach as much as 50 centimeters.

The gray-throated short-billed thrush is considered the most compact. Its body length does not exceed 16 centimeters and weighs 21 grams. This is a real baby in the world of blackbirds. On the other hand, the largest representative is the great blackbird.

Its body length starts at 28 centimeters and can reach all of 33 centimeters, and the weight of 128-175 grams is quite healthy for this bird.

Let's move on to consider the structure of the bird's body. The head is quite small compared to the size of the whole body. The eyes stand out with their impressive size and deep black color. Such features of the thrush are a consequence and legacy from ancestors who were nocturnal inhabitants. Almost all species have a thin featherless stripe around the eye, usually slightly lighter than the feathers. Most often, red, yellow and white shades predominate. It is also not uncommon for blackbirds to have light-colored crescent-shaped patterns under their eyes.

The beak of these birds is quite thin and elegant; it can be very short or of an impressive length. The beak is slightly convex, the nostrils are placed disproportionately wide. Some species have bristle feathers above the eyes and in the corners of the mouth.

Most blackbirds are quite slender and elegant looking. But there are species with a stocky build and short wings. The feathers on the wings are arranged so as to form a semicircle or an elongated semicircle. In almost all species, the upper and lower parts of the wing have different colors. The size of the wings (in accordance with the size of the body) very much depends on the degree of mobility of the representatives of the species. Those that live closer to humans lead a sedentary lifestyle and fly little - their wings are too small. Nomadic species and those that regularly travel long distances have wings of more impressive dimensions. The fieldfare is the fastest subspecies of thrushes, which can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour.

The tail of this bird comes in completely different shapes: sharp, rounded, fan-like. A blackbird can be identified not only by its external features; these birds have a special behavior that is characteristic only of these species. These birds simply love to sit with their wings lowered and relaxed, and at the same time swing their beautiful tail.

Almost all species of thrushes have fairly powerful, strong, long and well-built legs. There is a separate class of hermit subspecies of these birds; on the contrary, they have weak legs of short length. But they all have a common feature - they move not by steps, but by jumping.

The color of the plumage of blackbirds is very diverse. It can be roughly divided into camouflage color and bright color. Species with camouflage colors are characterized by gray, brown, red, gray-blue, olive and metallic shades. Bright colors can be blue, green, red, lilac tones. Each color type is quite beautiful and definitely worth attention. It is very interesting that there are species of blackbirds with black and white plumage - it looks very sophisticated. Feet of birds can also have completely different shades: yellow, pink, gray, brown, black.

It is worth paying attention to the appearance of the blackbird. Among the individuals there are albinos with white plumage and red eyes, as well as leucists - they have eyes of the usual color. Most often, such birds are found in areas where humans live, since the external environment is not so harsh on different birds.

Blackbirds are often adored because they sing incredibly and can make various pleasant sounds. These birds can even become on the same level as nightingales in the beauty and complexity of their songs.

Main symptoms of coronavirus

Light form

In approximately 83% of cases, Covid is mild or asymptomatic. The disease appears 3-10 days after infection. This period is called the incubation period: the virus multiplies intensively and spreads throughout the body, but there are no clinical symptoms yet.

The mild form is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Temperature not exceeding 38 degrees.
  • Intense cough, developing over time into coughing attacks.
  • General weakness, increased fatigue.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, diarrhea, etc.).

Moderate and severe form

15-17% of patients suffer from moderate and severe Covid. In this case, there is a loss of taste and/or smell, increased cough (in attacks 1 to 3 times a day), shortness of breath, accompanied by difficulty breathing.

A coronavirus test is prescribed if the patient:

  • Returned from a trip abroad.
  • Contacted a person who has a corresponding diagnosis confirmed by laboratory diagnostic methods.
  • A person over 65 years old complained
  • The patient has cardiovascular and other chronic diseases.

Where do blackbirds live?

Due to the wide variety of species, these birds live almost anywhere on the globe, except for glaciers and Antarctica.

Some representatives are widespread and live only in one area, while others constantly move and settle in new territories. Blackbirds, which live in harsher conditions with snowy, frosty winters, migrate to warmer areas, such as southern Europe, during the cold season. And with the onset of mild weather they return to their native lands.

Thrushes, which live in a temperate climate zone, most often fly to places with warmer temperatures during the winter. They remain in their area when there is enough food there even in the cold season. Those thrushes that live in the tropical climate zone prefer to lead a sedentary lifestyle, because they simply have no business flying from place to place.

The most preferred area for these birds should be filled with trees, tall bushes and various thickets. Mountain forests are not alien to them, but steppes, cliffs and other open areas are not at all in the mood of blackbirds. This is due to the fact that most species are very cautious and very secretive. And the other part of the species composition, on the contrary, appreciated and decided to take advantage of the presence of man and his resources, settling in parks and gardens.


Toys are very useful for the bird's mind, they develop its physical condition, and also allow you to sharpen its beak. Choose only those toys that do not harm the bird. You can also use other objects to attract the bird's attention. Some people like to tear rolls of toilet paper into pieces, they really like to peck corn on the cob, or pomegranates. Even if you place a branch with leaves next to the cage so that the bird drags them inside, it will be spared boredom.

Thrush feeding. The most suitable food

Blackbirds can adapt to any conditions and any food. For the most part, they are omnivores and do not hesitate to try new food in search of nutritious and suitable food. They find food for themselves on the ground, on bushes and on the bottom of trees. Sometimes they chase the prey and catch it in flight, but this is more the exception than the rule. The most preferred food for thrushes are insects, insect larvae, worms, spiders, various centipedes and other unsavory creatures. Another part of this bird’s diet is fruits, berries, flowers and plant buds. Such variety in the thrush's food allows it to remain in its favorite place both in summer and winter. By the way, in the warm season this bird prefers to look for insects, and in the cold season, on the contrary, it likes to feast on winter berries.

There is a rather bloody and daring species of thrush - the Tristan blackbird. Its diet may include carrion, bird eggs, and chicks of other birds. If a person lives nearby, he will eat table scraps without a twinge of conscience. But what is most shocking is that this species of thrush feeds on the blood of penguins and can kill a petrel to taste its meat.

Blackbirds can rightfully be considered one of the most active birds. Most prefer to be active during the daytime, namely in the early morning and late evening. Some species prefer night hours and rest during the day. Even though almost everyone leads a sedentary life, they still travel around their territories every day, covering an impressive mileage.

Drug therapy

There is no special drug for the treatment of Covid-19, so in mild cases the usual remedies are used:

  • antiviral drugs, for example, Arbidol;
  • antipyretic medications - at temperatures above 38°C, for example, Rinza;
  • means to activate the immune system, in particular, echinacea tincture;
  • means for the nasopharynx, for example, “Pinosol” and “Faryngosept”;
  • vitamin C, which improves general condition;
  • means that eliminate certain symptoms, for example, Citramon.

The role of the thrush in nature and in human life

Due to the fact that the lion's share of thrush nutrition consists of berries and fruits, these birds play a significant role in the dispersal and reproduction of various plants. Few people understand how important these birds are in order to maintain the required level of vegetation in the area where they live.

The relationship between man and blackbird can be called ambiguous. On the one hand, when the harvest of fruits and berries appears, these birds absolutely shamelessly fly in every day and feed on this resource. A flock of birds can completely destroy the harvest of one large tree in a week. On the other hand, in addition to plant food, these birds love to eat insects, which helps humans keep an acceptable amount of them on the site. Thus, the complete destruction of thrushes will do no more good than harm.

Owners of summer cottages know firsthand how difficult it can be to get rid of an excess of these birds on their lands. The fact is that they are very savvy and intelligent, and ordinary repellers simply do not work on them. The only thing that can help is a device that makes the sounds of falcons and hawks - these are the natural enemies of thrushes, which cause them fear. But even such a device will not be able to hold the birds for a long period of time; they quickly understand the catch without seeing the bird of prey.

The most effective method is still regular and regulated shooting of birds. In more ancient times, it was even competitive and entertaining in nature. In addition, the meat of blackbirds in the autumn-winter period has a pleasant taste and is still highly valued in cooking for its gastronomic features. In cold times, the bird switches mainly to plant food, which makes it such a tasty prey for gourmets.

Blackbirds are very useful birds that bring many benefits to humans. But at the same time, they are never shy about taking what they want.

Types of antibiotics

All types of drugs have a strong effect and include a wide range of effects on pathogenic microorganisms.


A complex drug that includes amoxicillin actively fights viral infection. The second component, clavulanic acid, inhibits bacterial synthesis.

The antibiotic is indicated for symptoms such as:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • lung abscess.

If the virus has entered the bloodstream, the medication will quickly help cope with sepsis.

Side effects may include:

  • jaundice, hepatitis, impaired stool formation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • candidiasis.


The drug contains triamphenicol. Used as inhalation and injection. The antibiotic has expectorant, mucolytic and bactericidal properties. When the patient has a moderate condition, he is prescribed inhalations with the drug.


An antibiotic is one of the most potent drugs. Produced in ampoules and tablets, it can be used both intravenously and intramuscularly. Actively affects bacterial cells by suppressing protein synthesis, reproduction, and enzymes. Effectively fights otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis.

The drug is indicated for identifying infectious pathologies caused by inflammation of the respiratory tract, and therefore can be used to treat coronavirus. There are a lot of side effects, however, they can be avoided if you follow the recommendations for use.


The drug has a strong effect on pathogenic microorganisms. When it enters the body, a bactericidal effect occurs, all bacteria are destroyed, which eliminates the risk of chronic diseases. The drug is usually prescribed during the complicated viral phase.

Side effects may include:

  • candidiasis;
  • allergic rash;
  • dyspepsia;
  • kidney inflammation.


The antibiotic can cope with gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria that are found in adults. For coronavirus, the medicine is used to treat pathogenic microbes. The patient is prescribed to take the drug when there are pronounced symptoms of pneumonia and bronchitis.

The toxicity of the antibiotic is average, it spreads throughout the body and can cause side effects in the following systems:

  • cardiovascular
  • immune;
  • musculoskeletal;
  • nervous.

All types of drugs should be used for no more than 10 days, otherwise resistance to superinfection and bacterial microflora may develop.

How do blackbirds reproduce?

Young blackbirds can begin their breeding season and sexual activity once they reach two years of age, although they mature as early as a year after birth. At this time, they are looking for a pair that will stay together for one season. Most thrushes prefer to be faithful to their partner during this time, although there are cases when some representatives prefer to have two or more partners. One season of sexual activity results in two clutches, from which chicks hatch.

It is not uncommon for a pair of blackbirds to lose all or part of their clutch. In this case, they make further attempts to form a large family and raise small birds. Because of this, chicks of different ages are quite often found in thrush nests: large, small, and unborn.

The start of nest construction depends entirely on where the birds live. Everyone is focusing on the period of warming after winter. The fieldfare, for example, begins nesting in April and this continues until September. Many people know how beautifully thrushes sing, and this is precisely why males attract females. Adults also sing to their chicks when they are preparing to fly out of the nest.

The nest of blackbirds is quite large and shaped like a bowl of medium depth. This bird does not particularly carefully hide its place of residence; it is not difficult to notice it. These birds take a responsible approach to the construction of their habitat, use high-quality materials and carefully lay out each layer. Most often, when building, thrushes use straw, thin twigs, bark, plant roots, moss, and reeds. These birds place their nest quite low, rarely when the height exceeds four meters. But, living close to humans, these birds prefer to nest higher - up to 25 meters. Considering that the place of residence of thrushes is located low and not very camouflaged, protection and supervision by adult individuals is carried out extremely carefully. As soon as the male notices a person or another enemy creature in his field of vision, he immediately makes noise, emits terrible screams and flies around his nest. By this, on the one hand, they scare off ill-wishers, and on the other hand, they give away the location of both themselves and their place of residence.

Most often, thrushes prefer to build their home in tree hollows, on rocky cliffs and cliffs, in human-built birdhouses, in the place of abandoned crow's nests, on bushes, on stumps and even on the ground. Thrushes are characterized by construction by one partner - the female, but there are often cases when the male also takes an active part in this process. To make the nest reliable, birds always use viscous materials, use them to fasten twigs and form a frame. Inside, everything should be soft and warm; for this, blackbirds find various dry leaves, moss, feathers, and young needles. It takes birds about a week to build such a high-quality habitat and another two days of waiting for everything to dry.

The clutch of a thrush contains from two to eight eggs of blue or turquoise shades, sometimes there are various green, red, purple, with dark inclusions. The shades and colors of the eggs depend entirely on the nesting site, and are needed in order to make them as inconspicuous as possible. Hatching lasts about two weeks, the female warms the eggs, and the male guards the nest. The chicks hatch almost naked, they only have a little fluff on the top of their heads. For the next 11-16 days, the little blackbirds will live in the nest, and the parents will bring them food, clean the place of residence from droppings and shells, and protect their offspring from predators and unfavorable natural conditions. After this time, the chicks crawl out of the nest and hide nearby for another seven days; the adult female and male continue to feed the grown feathered young. After this period has passed, little blackbirds begin to learn to fly. And when they can confidently stay in flight, they are ready to leave their parents and their nest.

Drugs for the treatment of coronavirus at home in an adult in mild form

According to the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health, Favipiravir should be prescribed for mild forms of the disease. This is the only drug that has the indication “coronavirus infection”.

Trade names of the drug:

  • Coronavirus,
  • Areplivir,
  • Avifavir.

Other drugs (except Favipiravir) recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation include:

  • Remdesivir
  • Umifenovir,
  • Hydroxychloroquine,
  • Interferon-alpha.

Attention! Favipiravir, remdesivir, umifenovir, hydroxychloroquine are contraindicated in pregnant women. Interferon-alpha remains the only acceptable drug for pregnant women.

For outpatient treatment, doctors recommend the following combination of drugs:

  • Bromhexine – 8 mg * 4 times a day
  • Spironolactone – 50 mg * 1 time per day
  • Rivaroxaban – 10 mg * 1 time per day OR Apixaban 2.5 mg * 2 times per day
  • Dipyridamole – 75 mg * 2 times on the first day, then 150 mg * 2 times a day

Attention! Before taking medications, you should consult your doctor.

Lifespan and relationships with other animals

Thrushes can hardly be called long-lived among birds, but some species and individual individuals actually live for quite a long period, as for small birds.

The average lifespan of these birds is from five to twenty years. The beautiful and vocal song thrush lives about fourteen years, but if kept in a cage, then only twelve. The White-browed Thrush lives to be nineteen years old, and the aforementioned Fieldfare Thrush lives to be eighteen.

Surprisingly enough, these friendly birds have a whole list of enemies and predators that hunt them. Most often these are larger carnivorous birds: crows, hawks, owls, besides them also woodpeckers and jays. These enemy organisms go on a real hunt for thrush eggs, unfeathered chicks, and even for those who have already crawled out of the nest, but have not learned to fly.

But not only various birds become a threat to thrushes. Even seemingly peaceful squirrels and hedgehogs create a constant level of threat for these birds. What can we say about martens or numerous snakes, domestic cats and dogs. They all love to destroy thrush nests, looking for eggs and young chicks. In addition, adult individuals are also not always completely safe; they are attacked by peregrine falcons and hobby falcons, as well as other huge birds of prey.

When the moment of danger comes, adult thrushes behave extremely courageously and are ready to do anything to protect their offspring and home. First of all, males create a lot of noise and scary screams, which scare away some predators, but not all. Some thrush species live in communities, in which case the protection of nests is carried out jointly.

These birds have an interesting method of defense - dropping droppings on enemies, which glues the feathers of predators together. Quite often, these birds help smaller birds (finches, flycatchers) protect their property from squirrels and other small creatures.


Perches should be made only from natural tree branches that do not contain pesticides. This is necessary so that the bird sits comfortably in the cage. Some species of birds use their beaks to destroy poles for entertainment. Perches need to be replaced when they become worn, dirty, or damaged. Perches can be placed on opposite parts of the cage for those birds that fly or jump. If you have an agile parrot, you need a large number of perches. All items must be placed in such a way that the droppings do not fall into the water, the tail does not hit the walls of the cage, and does not fall into food plates.

Is it possible to keep a blackbird as a pet? How to properly feed a blackbird?

Blackbirds can live in captivity, and many people take advantage of this, since these birds sing extremely beautifully. The most suitable bird species for this are blackbirds and songbirds. Apart from their amazing songs, people also appreciate their elegant appearance.

The fieldfare is too large a bird to be kept in a cage, so it is very rarely chosen for this purpose. In addition, the melodiousness of this type of thrush does not represent any particular aesthetic pleasure, since the entire melody is a set of creaking sounds and various grinding sounds. On the other hand, it is quite unpretentious to conditions and very beautiful. It takes a long time to get used to human presence, but it gets used to it once and for all.

The thrush requires special treatment, a spacious cage and plenty of food.

If you decide to get a thrush and take care of it at home, then it makes sense to start catching it yourself. The most favorable time for this is spring and the beginning of the search for a mate by these birds. Then you can easily determine whether the bird in front of you is a female or a male, because only males can sing beautifully. To catch a bird, you need to lay out nets and bait in the place where the blackbird usually eats - this is quite simple to do, since these birds adhere to a certain regime and constant location. After covering the trap with leaves or other plant material, all that remains is to wait. The easiest prey in this case is fledglings (adulted blackbirds that have not yet learned to fly), but they will require special treatment, special nutrition, and you will have to devote much more time to them until they mature.

When a bird has already been purchased or caught, it is worth thinking about how to keep it. Blackbirds love wooden cages or those made of bamboo. It is very important to maintain the correct size of the feathered house, since a sufficient amount of space will ensure good health and mood for the feathered pet. In the cage it is worth installing several different perches, a feeder, a drinking bowl, a bath with water and a bath with sand, and, of course, a house - a place of solitude and rest for the bird. Blackbirds need daily bathing and plenty of alone time, so each item needs to be installed. It is important to know that every time after bathing, the water in the bath should be changed in order to prevent the appearance of diseases and infections in the bird’s body, because they will definitely try to drink from their bath.

If you do not care for the thrush carefully enough, it will quickly lose its chic appearance. When it is warm enough outside, the cage is exposed to fresh air, but be sure to be protected from direct sunlight.

What to put on the floor

As bedding in the cage, you can use newspapers, a variety of paper napkins, wood shavings, corn cobs that are pre-shredded, cat litter, and sand. All these materials will help keep the floor safe and sound, its appearance will be attractive, and all this will also help to collect droppings. Do not leave the mat for too long, as fungi and bacteria will begin to develop on it, which is why you need to change the mat frequently.

Interesting facts about a bird called thrush

Each bird is interesting in its own way, blackbirds are no exception. And here are a few facts about the most interesting curiosities of these birds:

  • Few people know, but fieldfare thrushes, in addition to their enormous body size, also have the largest paws. Having seen its tracks, one can hardly assume that they were left by a blackbird;
  • There are birds whose breed names include the word “thrush,” but they belong to a completely different genus—flycatchers. And they have nothing to do with blackbirds;
  • These birds are full of various interesting and unusual solutions for protection from enemies. For example, very often the female pretends to be weak or wounded in front of a predator. This move allows you to protect your chick or nest with eggs;
  • Blackbirds are a singing species of birds that have extremely beautiful melodies in their arsenal. But, besides this, this bird can also repeat the sounds of other creatures or objects. This could be the songs of birds, the voice of a person or animals, a car horn, a phone ringing, a door creaking and others;
  • Some species of blackbirds are migratory birds and migrate a couple of times a year. But bad weather conditions, or rather strong winds, can throw these birds off course and carry them far from their destination;
  • When blackbirds feed their chicks, they bring them various insects, beetles, worms, and more every day for food. They can make up to 150 trips a day to feed the younger generation.

Each bird species is of interest, benefits, and possibly harms human activities. Blackbirds definitely deserve attention and respect, as they do many things that help humanity deal with some of our global problems.

Caring for chicks

Proper care depends on the age, health, and specific species of thrush. A chick that has just found itself at home will eat more than one that is already accustomed to people.

The females of these birds have a huge appetite when laying eggs. They must be provided with plenty of animal food. This food should also be given when birds are sexually active.

In addition to the correct diet, it is very important to do special treatment against various parasites that attack the chicks while they are still in the nest. Special medications and solutions for parasites are sold in veterinary pharmacies.

Preventive treatment with special anti-parasitic solutions is not correct, as it can expose the chick to stress. If the small thrush does not yet have enough feathers, then you need to provide it with warmth and heat the room to 28 degrees. You can warm the chick with a heating pad wrapped in a clean, soft towel.


Fieldfare nests throughout almost all of Eurasia and Siberia. There are no nesting sites in Southern Europe, Spain, almost all of France, and England. On the territory of our country, fieldfare can nest everywhere in the European part, even in the tundra. When there is a good year for wild berries in central Europe, the thrush stays there for the winter.

In fertile years it is found in the northern regions of Russia, but by mid-winter, when food becomes scarce, it still flies to the south. Most often winters in Southern and Central Europe and Asia Minor.

It chooses the edges of coniferous or deciduous forests, settles in the city - in squares and parks, and is often found in garden plots. Previously, this thrush could rarely be seen in the city, but now it increasingly visits its favorite rowan bushes, which grow in abundance near people.

With the arrival of golden autumn, blackbirds began to arrive in large flocks and began to settle closer to cities. At first they were seen on the outskirts, but now these birds are also found in residential areas. The abundance of berries helps them survive the harsh winter cold.

In the wild forest, it settles in completely different places - near clearings, on the edge of the forest next to arable lands and floodplains, in groves among meadows and pastures. It is good to set up nesting sites in high forests next to meadows and arable lands because in short grass or grassy swamps it is easier to find damp soil for building a nest, as well as food.

Antibiotics for coronavirus from pneumonia - treatment regimens

Antibacterial drugs are used to treat moderate and severe forms of coronavirus infection. Antibiotics help eliminate changes in the lung tissue that occur against the background of lung damage by microbes, with pneumonia. According to established WHO guidelines, antibiotics are recommended for all critically ill patients undergoing invasive ventilation.

At the same time, the most popular antibiotic is Azithromycin, for coronavirus, the treatment regimen for which is as follows:

1. Average severity of the disease:

  • Mefloquine + Azithromycin + Baricitinib;
  • Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin + Olokizumab.

2. Severe coronavirus infection:

  • Mefloquine + Azithromycin + Tocilizumab/Sarilumab;
  • Lopinavir/Ritonavir + Hydroxychloroquine + Tocilizumab/Sarilumab.

The Importance of Blood Thinning

Coronavirus is dangerous due to complications for the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the treatment regimen for coronavirus in people with moderate or severe pathology necessarily includes Heparin.

After its use, the following pharmacological action is formed:

  • preventing the formation of clots from platelets and clotting factors;
  • blood flow stabilization;
  • no blockage of blood vessels or capillaries.

When a coronavirus infection develops, Heparin is injected into the abdominal area. This benefits the patient as the effect develops gradually and there is no risk of sudden bleeding. The effect of the drug is prolonged and fewer injections are required. The syringe is equipped with a thin, long needle, so pain during injection is reduced.

Heparin is used in a strict dosage, otherwise multiple side effects may develop, including intracavitary hemorrhage.

The drug should not be used with other anticoagulants, cardiac glycosides, tetracyclines, penicillins.

It is used in a strictly limited dosage and course of treatment. Typically, a decrease in blood clotting is observed within 12 hours, then a second injection is required.

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