Red-eared turtle: maintenance, breeding, description, feeding, photo, video, care
Red-eared turtles have rightfully won the title of favorite pet. Quite a large number
Turtle - body structure, habitat, diet, house maintenance, reproduction, care + 80 photos
The turtle is a representative of the class of reptiles. The main feature of the animal is the presence of a shell. This element protects
Terrarium for a land turtle - what it should be
Shape and material required for a terrarium A terrarium is a wide and long closed box,
Hatteria is a reptile. Description, features, lifestyle and habitat of tuateria
9013 9014 9015 male 10920 male and female 10921 male and female 10922 female
Selection and installation of an ultraviolet lamp for red-eared and terrestrial turtles.
How to Choose an Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp for Red-Eared Sliders and Other Reptiles
For reptiles to feel good, their living conditions should be as close to natural as possible. This concerns
Round heads
Round-headed lizard. Lifestyle and habitat of the roundhead
Roundheads are a group of peculiar agamid lizards specialized for life in the desert. About 20 of them
Sea turtle at home: care, maintenance
Under normal conditions, with proper care, red-eared sliders can live up to 30 years. It often happens
Snakes of the Rostov region: Steppe viper
Snakes of Rostov and the Rostov region: poisonous and non-venomous
The Rostov region, unlike the Leningrad region, has a rather rich snake world. Total on site
Black-striped cichlasoma / Latin: Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum
Black-striped cichlasoma Amatitlania nigrofasciata The genus cichlasoma has approximately 100 species, but systematization and classification
A complete summary of the most ancient reptiles of Russia and Mongolia has been released
I received my first information about lizards from P.P. Bazhov’s tales “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain” and “Two
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