What to feed your African hedgehog
African pygmy hedgehog: life expectancy, maintenance and care at home, what to feed, breeding
Diseases Usually, hedgehogs can suffer household injuries at home, so the owner must carefully
The red-eared turtle does not eat, is lethargic and sleeps at home: why it stopped eating, what to do, can it be forced, reasons for loss of appetite
The red-eared turtle does not eat, is lethargic and sleeps at home: why it stopped eating, what to do, can it be forced, reasons for loss of appetite
The red-eared slider is a popular pet. Bright color, unpretentious food and low price
unusual turtles
Land turtle - a general description of a large family of reptiles, characteristics and interesting facts about the animal
Most people associate turtles exclusively with slowness. However, these cute creatures are very interesting
Reptiles: names
Reptiles (EN: Reptiles) wallpapers, pictures, download 160 desktop wallpapers. Beautiful free photos of animals for your desktop
Reptiles, also known as reptiles, are a class of animals, typically terrestrial and vertebrate. IN
What snakes can you keep at home: tips and tricks
​From January 1, 2022, it was prohibited in Russia to own animals whose natural habitat
Poisonous labaria snake
African snakes: diversity of species, top 10 most poisonous, description, habitat, characteristics of species, reproduction, life cycle, characteristic features and features
Snakes of Africa are not just dangerous creatures that pose a certain threat to humans.
Photo: Vulture turtle
ALLIGATION TURTLE: The Alligator Turtle is an American water monster | Interesting facts about reptiles
Wildlife >> Reptiles The snapping turtle (Macroclemys temminckii) is the only representative of the genus Macroclemys. The
Siskin bird: lifestyle, where they live, what it looks like, size, enemies, habits, color, photos, interesting facts
In coniferous and mixed forests you can find a wide variety of representatives of the animal kingdom, but
What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator, caiman, and gharial? Who is the biggest, strongest and most dangerous?
Alligator conservation Photo: Big alligator Even if Chinese alligators disappear in nature, it will still
Triton at home
Aquarium newts: care, maintenance, description, reproduction, photo, video.
What animals are kept in houses and apartments? Yes, any! If only they fit in size.
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