Aquarium for the red-eared slider read the article
Aquarium for the red-eared turtle: maintenance, care, photo, description.
In Russia, these exotic aquarium inhabitants are called red-eared, and in Germany - red-cheeked, and
Types of turtles. Description, features, names and photos of turtle species
Turtle: description, structure, characteristics. What does a turtle look like? How long do turtles live? Where do turtles live? What?
How long do crocodiles live?
Crocodile: description of the animal, photos, interesting facts, habitat, how long they live, what they eat
Crocodiles are ferocious creatures that are the full-fledged descendants of dinosaurs that successfully overcame global extinction and
Domestic hedgehog: rules for keeping it at home, tips for choosing an animal (120 photos)
Review author: “ZooVita” Until recently it was only possible to get to know charming hedgehogs better
lizard lays eggs
How and where does a lizard lay eggs? Lizard Reproduction
Lizards are perhaps the most common animal species on earth. They are found on all continents and
Small snakes - description of the main species, features and habits of small reptiles
Exotic pets Data left by users (City, cost) Malarita From 10 to 20 Today
How many years do red-eared turtles live at home?
The future owner of a red-eared turtle must understand that he is getting a little pet for himself almost
Spotted leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius)
The leopard gecko (lat. Eublepharis macularius) or spotted leopard gecko is a fairly large gecko, very popular
Central Asian tortoise
Central Asian tortoise: care and maintenance at home
Modern owners are not limited to only pets, and today in apartments you can find more
King snake. King snake lifestyle and habitat
Reptiles California kingsnake (Lampropeltis zonata) - Non-venomous snake of the colubrid family (
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