Drathaar dog. Description, features, types, price and care of the Drathaar breed

Usage:gun dog
Color:black or coffee gray, gray and brown
Dimensions:height at withers 58-68 cm, 27-32 kg
Lifespan:14-16 years old

The Drathaar is a gun dog with excellent working characteristics. Every year these smart animals are gaining more and more popularity. Tireless helpers become faithful companions of many hunters. What is a drathaar: photo, its external characteristics and description of temperament - all information is presented in the article.

Breed standard

The Deutsch Drathaar is a strong, active, harmonious animal. The ideal height for males is 61-68 cm, for females - 57-64 cm. The weight of an adult dog is not specified in the standard - it usually ranges from 27-32 kg.

Official description of the breed (FCI drathaar standard No. 98):

  • the head is wedge-shaped, corresponding to the size of the animal;
  • the muzzle is long, with a pronounced stop. There is a small hump;
  • nose - with wide nostrils. The color of the lobe depends on the suit of the drathaar;
  • jaws are powerful. The incisors are tightly closed in a scissor bite;
  • eyes – preferably dark. The look is lively, attentive and a little philosophical, as can be seen in the photo of the Drathaar dog;
  • ears – hanging, triangular, with rounded edges;
  • The neck is athletic, slightly arched. With its help, hunting dogs can easily reach the ground with their nose;
  • the body looks square. The drathaar has a wide chest with a powerful front. The line of the back is slightly inclined towards the croup. The pelvis is massive;
  • the tail naturally continues the line of the top. When intact, it has the shape of a saber. Animals used for hunting have it docked;
  • limbs are placed parallel to each other. The shoulder blades and elbows fit tightly to the body, the pasterns are slightly tilted forward. The hips are wide. The fingers are closed, the pads are hard.

The color and texture of the coat is the main characteristic of the drathaar. It has coarse, wire-like fur that protects from rain, scratches and wounds. The literal translation of the breed's name is “wire hair.”

The length of the coat is from 2 to 4 cm. The dense and waterproof undercoat retains heat even in severe frosts. Drathaars are distinguished by specific eyebrows, mustaches and beards.

The German Pointer breed standard allows only 4 color options:

  • brown or black with gray hair. Possible stains;
  • coffee (may have a white mark on the chest);
  • gray-haired

Other colors are prohibited. The exterior features can be easily assessed from a photograph of a drathaar.

For a long time in Russia there were only brown dogs of the Drahthaar breed, photos of which are often found on the Internet. The black and piebald color was not recognized. However, now such animals participate in exhibitions on a general basis.

The Wirehaired Pointer moves energetically and expansively, but at the same time smoothly and harmoniously. Thanks to its strong limbs, the German pointer is an excellent jumper. Drathaar instantly picks up speed, and his voluminous chest allows him to run for a long time without losing his breath. Animals with obvious physical or mental abnormalities are disqualified.

Briefly about the main thing

Drathaar is represented by Germany. The official description of the Drathaara breed indicates the following data: the height at the withers reaches 61-67 and 56-64 centimeters in males and females, respectively. Weight fluctuates between 27-32 kilograms.

Life expectancy is 12-16 years. It was recognized as a separate breed in 1904. Closest relatives: Kurtshaars and Langhaars.


Strangers are frightened by the large size of the German cop. However, Drathaar dogs are balanced. They have a loyal, friendly, but slightly headstrong character. The German cop is not characterized by cowardice; she is not afraid of gunshots and other loud sounds.

Looking at the photo of the Drathaar, you get the feeling that this breed is very smart. Indeed, Wirehaired Pointers are easy to train, and the ability to make decisions independently often helps out when hunting.

Drathaar is affectionate, has a hard time with separation, and prefers to always be close to his owner. He is wary of strangers, but does not show obvious aggression.

You can see reviews from owners that describe the viciousness of the German cop. This behavior only appears as a result of improper upbringing or abuse.

If the owner does not plan to hunt with the drathaar, the animal needs to find another activity.

Raising and training the breed

From the first months of life, puppies are taught basic commands (“sit”, “fu”, “come”, etc.). During hunting training, the owner must teach the dog to properly respond to shots. To do this, it is recommended to contact professional specialists.

If an animal is afraid of hunting weapons, then it is not a purebred representative. Also, the dog should not take off at the next shot without the appropriate command from the owner.

The cop is often distracted by extraneous smells, sounds and movement, so he needs to be interested. For example, using finger snaps. If the dog turns away, focus attention on yourself.

To strengthen the bond with the animal, take regular walks in the forest or at a sports stadium. Such places are ideal for training.

Traditional prohibitions for pets:

  • having lunch with people;
  • obsessiveness and aggressiveness;
  • bullying towards other animals;
  • food aggression.


Drathaar is a hunting dog with an excellent sense of smell and acute hearing. With proper upbringing, your pet can turn out to be a first-class watchman or security guard.

Modern German cops take part in competitions in:

  • ski joring;
  • bike joring;
  • dryland.

Drathaars are often recruited to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Possible diseases

Drathaar is a dog of not very good health. Therefore, before getting a puppy, breeders recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of diseases characteristic of this breed. It should be added that this list is impressive and covers almost all organs of the animal. You should be especially careful about your eyes and skin.

Among ophthalmological diseases, dogs most often suffer from cataracts, entropion, and retinal atrophy. In the early stages, drug treatment can help, but if the disease is advanced, surgery cannot be avoided.

Drahthaar puppy

Among the skin diseases characteristic of the Drahthaar breed , there are various types of dermatitis, including such a rare one as interdigital (pododermatitis). Weeping eczema and licked granuloma, that is, inflammation, may occur. Slightly less common are mastocytomas - malignant tumors on the skin, as well as melanomas.

Since the Drathaar is considered a large animal, like other representatives of large breeds, it may have problems with joints. The most common is hip dysplasia.

Endocrine disorders are common, for example hypothyroidism, associated with insufficient thyroid function, as well as diabetes, which occurs due to malfunctions of the endocrine and immune systems.

Sometimes a dog may suffer from otitis media, an ear disease common to many breeds with floppy ears. From time to time the dog suffers from bloating, and sometimes even volvulus occurs. In this case, it is important to suspect the disease in time and call a doctor.


Drathaars are socialized at an early age - they are accustomed to new people, smells, sounds, and the company of other dogs. If this is not done, your German Pointer will have serious behavior problems in the future.

Drathaars do not like monotonous activities. An obedient pet can only be raised with praise, love and patience. Rough treatment breeds stubbornness and aggression.

The Drahthaar breed is suitable for large families with children. Energetic Wirehaired Pointers enjoy playing and playing pranks with kids: fetching a ball, running after a bicycle, swimming in the river, and in winter happily pulling a sled.

Properly socialized German cops get along in the same territory with other pets. In relation to cats and small rodents, the Drahthaar dog breed can exhibit a hunting instinct.

Temperament and psychology

Among lovers of the breed there are many who have an animal as a companion. The description of the Drathaar breed is of interest to athletic people accustomed to an active lifestyle. Energy and agility are harmoniously combined with the calm disposition of the animal.

  • Despite the dog’s complaisance and good nature, dog experts advise training your dog from puppyhood and paying a lot of attention to the process.
  • The dog is stubborn and willful; if it does not recognize its owner as a leader, it can become disobedient.
  • The breed has a tendency towards possessiveness and jealousy, which can also be corrected with a competent dog handler.

Despite the gentle, non-aggressive disposition, the pet is a wonderful watchman.

In a dog pack, the drathaar chooses leading positions and does not agree to put up with second roles. He gets along well with children and will be a great friend for a teenager.

How to choose a puppy

Before choosing a puppy, you should find out everything about the Wirehaired Pointer breed: what are the features of its maintenance, advantages and disadvantages. Drathaars will not be able to play the role of a “couch” pet - the animals need to be constantly busy with work.

Puppy Adida (1 month) from the nursery https://animavenator.com.ua

How to choose a puppy that will not only be an excellent hunter, but also a brilliant representative of the breed? A beginner should invite an expert who has already seen hundreds of drathaar babies.

You can use the “old-fashioned” method - throw a bunch of keys into the enclosure where small wire-haired pointers live. The one who got scared and hid is not a hunter.

In general, choosing a hunting dog puppy begins with meeting the parents. The higher the score in field diplomas, the greater the likelihood of getting a great partner.

In European nurseries with a good reputation, puppies under 3.5 months cannot be adopted. Until this time, the litter is culled.


Such an animal eats a lot, because it spends most of the day on the move, as befits a purposeful four-legged hunter. The normal dose of food for him is 600-700 grams. Adult representatives of the breed can be fed both natural food and professional food. But, the Drahthaar puppy needs to be given daily:

  • Boiled chicken eggs.
  • Buckwheat seasoned with butter.
  • Chopped meat.
  • Milk.
  • Puree of fruits and vegetables.
  • Soups and borscht (low-fat).

You should not feed your baby sweets, as this will cause him nausea and flatulence. It is just as undesirable to give him a lot of bones with streaks of meat, in fact, as it is for an adult. You can pamper your pet with a canine delicacy, such as dried bull penis. It is sold at zoological markets or pet supply stores.

Features of maintenance and care

The Wirehaired Pointer is an energetic, active and temperamental animal. A country house with a spacious garden plot is more suitable for him. And if there is a forest or lake nearby, then the drathaar will be simply happy. The German Pointer can live outside even in winter if she has a warm kennel.

Keeping a drathaar in an apartment poses certain difficulties. In a confined space, the Wirehaired Pointer gets bored - he has nowhere to throw out his accumulated energy.


If drathaars live outside, they molt twice a year. In the apartment, hair falls out constantly. To prevent fur from flying around the house, the animal is combed daily. For yard keeping, it is enough to do this 1-2 times a week.

Although the German Pointer is a wire-haired breed, trimming of the Drahthaar is not required. Some owners try to hide natural flaws in this way. But experts immediately see the catch - the animals are simply removed from exhibitions. However, in other countries, particularly in the USA, drathaar trimming is practiced quite often.

It is better not to cut the beard and mustache - wire-haired pointers will lose their original appearance.

Otherwise, the Drahthaar breed requires standard care:

  • eye examination, wiping off contaminants;
  • ear cleaning;
  • maintaining dental health with dental treats.

If the pointing drathaar does not grind its claws down on its own, they need to be trimmed periodically.


Drathaars have self-cleaning wool - it only needs to be washed once every six months. Due to frequent bathing, the fur of the German pointer loses its protective lubricant and becomes soft.


The Wirehaired Pointer needs daily walks lasting 2-3 hours. The pet should not just walk on a leash, but run freely. The optimal distance is 3 km. If you restrict a drathaar's movement, it may run away from home.

After walks, the Wirehaired Pointer is examined for burrs, scratches, abrasions and other damage.


The drathaar diet can be of three types:

  • natural food;
  • ready-made food (super-premium or holistic);
  • natural and dry food: one type in the morning, another in the evening.

The Wirehaired Pointer is not picky about food. However, proper feeding of the Drahthaar implies the presence of balanced food, which ensures high physical activity of the German pointer.

What to feed the drathaar:

  • 30-40% animal proteins;
  • 60-70% cereals, vegetables and fruits.

About once a week, kefir, cottage cheese, sea fish, and chicken eggs should appear in the dogs’ diet. In consultation with the veterinarian, vitamins and minerals are added to the drathaar's menu.

How many times a day food should be given depends on your Wirehaired Pointer's activity level. If a Drathaar dog works a lot - at least 2 times, if it is in an apartment - it is permissible to get by with one feeding.

When the German Drahthaar hunting dog first appeared in the house, feeding the puppy should consist of food that is familiar to him. Nutritional features should be discussed with the breeder in advance. He will tell you what to feed your drathaar puppy and what foods are best to choose. The Wirehaired Pointer's menu from birth by month, as well as approximate weight and height, are shown in the table.

Age (month)Diet, weight and height
1The basis is fermented milk products. Weight up to 5 kg.
2Add some beef, cereals, and vegetables. The meat is lightly boiled or doused with boiling water. Weight up to 6 kg.
3The diet is gradually expanded. Be sure to give kefir and cottage cheese. Prohibited are garlic, pepper, fatty foods, and tubular bones. Weight up to 13.5 kg, height – 35 cm.
4Drathaar is fed 4 times a day. At this time, the puppy weighs about 15 kg, height reaches 40-45 cm.
5They continue to give food as before.
6Feeding the puppy is reduced to 3 times a day, but the portions are increased. Drathaar should not be loaded with work immediately after eating - problems with digestion will arise.
10Teenagers are transferred to two meals a day.
12The pet is fed food intended for adult animals. But they provide more food because the Wirehaired Pointer is still growing. If the dog regularly works in the field, the protein content in the food is increased by 1.5 times. At this age, a teenager is slightly smaller than an adult dog - height 55-60 cm, weight - approximately 25 kg. Drahthaar puppies are fully formed by the age of two years.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Drathaar is a beautiful and strong dog from a group of hunting cops. He has a strong immune system, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about his joints. Yes, these dogs often suffer from dysplasia. The reason for this is their regular mobility and complex maneuvers.

Doctors often diagnose four-legged hunters with dislocated or broken paws. In this case, their mobility should be limited. Surely the owner of the injured dog will have to take him to the clinic, where he will be given painkilling injections.

Representatives of the breed are also prone to diabetes, dermatitis, ear and eye diseases. Regular grooming of your dog will help minimize the risk of disease. For example, to prevent her ears from becoming inflamed, wipe them with wet cotton wool to remove wax. You also need to wash the animal’s face weekly to remove stains under its eyes.

Parasites such as fleas, ticks and worms significantly worsen the quality of life of an animal. You must always fight them. Fortunately, there are a lot of drugs that quickly destroy them. Before prescribing medications for your pet, we recommend consulting with your pet's veterinarian.


Drathaars are bred after full puberty - at 20-24 months. Ideal days are from 11 to 15 from the start of estrus. Wirehaired Pointers are introduced on neutral territory, after which the bitch is brought to the male.

Photo from the nursery https://animavenator.com.ua

Mating is carried out in a free manner. After 1-2 days it is better to do a control mating. Pregnancy lasts about 63 days, and childbirth is usually easy. Drathaar brings 5-8 puppies in a litter.

Pros and cons of the Drahthaar breed

Advantages of the Wirehaired Pointer:

  • quickly adapts to changes in weather conditions;
  • low fatigue;
  • distinguished by high intelligence;
  • has a friendly character.


  • excessive curiosity;
  • persistent character;
  • the owner must constantly supervise the dog;
  • high level of activity;
  • sometimes tries to get the better of the owner.

Drathaar is quite difficult to teach new commands; for this it is better to turn to professional trainers. Hunting practice begins with one type of game.

In addition, the dog shows the instincts of a hunter even without special training, therefore, when living in a private sector, it brings mice, squirrels or hamsters to the owner.

How much do German Drahthaar puppies cost?

How much a drathaar puppy costs depends on the nursery, the pedigree of the parents, and the number of exhibition regalia:

  • the price of a pet-class pet is 5 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of breed-class dogs is 10-20 thousand rubles;
  • show-class animals will cost more – from 25 thousand rubles.

Puppies from the nursery https://animavenator.com.ua
Adult, trained wire-haired pointers cost from 50 to 200 thousand rubles.

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