TOP 11 most unpretentious aquarium fish: types, photos and contents

If you want to get into fishing, then this article is for you. This is because I am going to tell you about the 10 best aquarium fish for beginners.

If you are looking to buy fish for your new aquarium, you need to know which species are best for a beginner and why. This article will help you in this regard.

First, I'll tell you about the top 10 fish species to consider for new fish enthusiasts. After this, I will also give you some fish farming tips that may come in handy later.

Keep one thing in mind: the fish that I will tell you about are all types of freshwater fish. So, if you are looking to create an aquarium with sea life, this is not the list you are looking for.

Without further ado, let's start with the first type of fish that most people have in their aquariums:

gold fish

gold fish

Goldfish are a very popular fish breed that most new aquarium owners really enjoy purchasing. What makes them a good choice for beginners?

Goldfish usually don't require a lot of special knowledge other than the general things every aquarium owner should do regularly. For example, they need a regularly cleaned water environment and a good water filter.

This is a necessity for almost any type of fish. But goldfish are very sensitive to good water balance, so you must keep it at its best.

For a good nitrogen cycle, you should also buy a well-functioning water filter. Choose one that has a built-in biological filter system so you don't have to worry about setting it up yourself.


Unpretentious schooling catfish are optimal for a multi-species aquarium. To prevent teracatums from experiencing stress, the flock should consist of 3-6 individuals. The tank must be spacious, at least 200 liters, equipped with a high-quality filter and an aeration system. Teracatums love to rummage in the ground, looking for food particles, and often dig themselves under plants. Therefore, you should choose vegetation with a strong root system.

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Date: 01/21/2022.


Guppies are another popular fish breed that many beginners enjoy. They are a breed of tropical fish that require a warm, clean water environment to thrive.

You can find guppies at almost any pet store that sells fish for personal aquariums. They come in different shapes and colors, so all you have to do is choose the one you like.

When purchasing guppies, it is important to remember to always keep the water temperature at the optimal level. Typically 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit is a good water temperature for this type of fish.

But so that you make them feel absolutely comfortable. Keep the water at 78 degrees the entire time if you can. If you have an aquarium in a colder place, simply install a water heater. Don't forget to take care of this for the guppies.


Molly Fish

Molly is another tropical fish breed that many new aquarium owners enjoy. What makes them a good purchase for beginners? The most important aspect is the fact that they are easy to take care of. You don't need a lot of special knowledge.

But it is important to keep the water temperature at a higher level, as is the case with guppies. Water temperatures between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit are best for this breed.

Mollies can live up to 5 years if you take good care of them. The normal size they grow to is 4.5 inches long. They are omnivores, so feeding them won't be the hardest thing. You should not place aggressive fish among the mollies because they are very peaceful.

But don't forget that mollies do best in a fairly large aquarium.


A distinctive feature is the structure of the respiratory system. They breathe air and regenerate well. They do not need aeration. It is important to provide access to air. This is why they are often called fish that live without oxygen.


Aquarium fish up to 10 cm in length with a memorable appearance. Known as paradise fish. The caudal fin of the macropod fish is distinguished by its large size and pointed shape. The scales shimmer in the light, adding shine. Aggressive and cruel, but at the same time caring parents.


The species have multi-colored veil fins. Body length 6 cm. Demanding about the purity of water, otherwise unpretentious. Take care of compatibility with your neighbors. Betta fish are aggressive towards smaller fishmates, cichlids and other predators. Intraspecific conflicts between males are not uncommon.


Platy Fish

Braids are a great fish for beginners. Like the molly, this is another peaceful breed that doesn't require much experience to care for. Braids are smaller than molly. They only grow to 3 inches in length, but that doesn't make them look bad in any way.

To create a well-designed environment for this species, it is important that the aquarium has plenty of vegetation. Wickers really enjoy vegetation and plenty of places to live, which makes them happy and long-lived.

Most braids can live up to 3-5 years if the environment is well made. Additionally, a 10 liter water tank is the minimum, as is the case with molly. This will give them plenty of room to swim.

If you buy braids, make sure you buy a small group. This way they will feel much better in their new environment.



This species is very similar to the previous fish, as well as the guppies above. You can easily confuse swordfish with either of the two breeds mentioned.

Swordfish tails come in two different colors: red and green swordfish. For a better looking aquarium, you can buy both colors. They are a very peaceful species that live in groups, much like guppies.

But the swords get a little larger, up to 6.3 inches in length. Females grow big. Males are slightly smaller, about 5.5 inches long.

If you are planning to buy some of these, you should know that fully grown swordtails require a 15 liter aquarium. But if you plan to add more species, you can get a larger aquarium.

They don't need any special treatment. But one thing you should watch out for is sudden drops in temperature in the aquarium. They don't like it, so make sure the temperature is always the same.


Panda Corydoras

The Corydoras fish, or Cory catfish, is a breed of tropical fish that is compatible with all other species. It is usually best to have 2 or 3 of the same species along with the Cory fish.

This look is also quite adaptable. For example, water temperature is not the biggest problem in this case. You can have a temperature from 68 degrees to 82 degrees.

What's interesting about this fish is that it makes the environment cleaner than others. This is something we can say about too many breeds. Corydoras are a good addition no matter what type of fish you have.

Mainly, the Cory catfish will stay at the bottom of the tank, sucking up the remaining food from the bottom. Basically, this is cleaning the aqua from solid food residues that others leave.


Small schooling fish, painted in different tones of silver, when moving quickly through the water, resemble scattered sparkles. Ternetias get along well with all non-aggressive species and willingly eat any food. The only nuance of the content is the need to maintain high-quality filtration and aeration.


Pleco Fish

If you are looking for a popular type of catfish, Pleco is a good choice. This is a freshwater catfish that lives in a calm environment.

Keep in mind, however, that this breed grows quite large, up to 24 inches in length if you give them the right conditions. So it is a good idea to buy a fairly large aquarium. You shouldn't buy anything smaller than a 30 gallon container.

You can put other fish in the same tank with Plecos, but not too many due to size restrictions. They are not the most sensitive fish, so this is a good species to start with.

Plus, if you're a beginner, you'd probably want a fish that lives a long time, right? You'll be happy to know that Pleco can live up to 15 years. Most easily reach the 10-year mark.

To make them feel at home, create an aquarium with lots of caves and driftwood. They like to hide in these places, so make sure you have them in your tank.


These are not schooling fish, so you don’t need to buy many individuals. With their miniature size and intense color, platies are unusually nimble, so when they move rapidly, the aquarium literally sparkles and shimmers in many shades.

Platies behave peacefully, benevolently, do not find fault with their neighbors in the aquarium, and do not show aggression during the breeding season. Feeding also does not cause problems; the fish readily absorb plant and animal food.

Betta Fish - cockerel

Betta Fish

Betta fish are a beautiful species that many people love to have in their aquariums. This is one of the most colorful fish you can buy for your aquarium. Bettas are quite minimalistic when it comes to caring for them.

They don't require special attention. For example, an important aspect is to purchase a 10-gallon aquarium that has enough space for swimming. This is not difficult to achieve.

Additionally, the temperature at which your Betta fish will thrive is between 75 and 82 degrees. As I mentioned above, for these temperatures you may need a heater to keep the water that way.

Betta fish are quite peaceful and you can put other breeds in the same tank with them. Betta fish will definitely make your aquarium special.

Neon Tetras

Neon Tetra (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The neon tetra has rightfully earned its name due to the vibrant colors it displays. You can get this fish in blue, red and translucent colors. This is one of the most basic fish and is quite popular among novice fish owners.

Like most of the previous species, the neon tetra is also very peaceful and likes to live in small groups. If you care for them properly, they can live up to 8 years. But they won't get too big. The normal size of a tetra is about 1.5 inches.

To make the aquarium best suited for your tetras, be sure to include plenty of plants. This is what their natural environment looks like.

Additionally, a 10-gallon tank is the minimum for this breed, especially if you plan to introduce other species.

The water temperature should be maintained between 70 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit.


Popular inhabitants of freshwater aquariums. Decorative natives of the carp family are selectively bred and are known for their varied appearance and adaptation to the conditions of an artificial reservoir.


The size of barbs does not exceed 10 cm. Energetic schooling fish are dangerous for small neighbors with long fins. They live in a spacious aquarium with similar temperamental neighbors. The most unpretentious aquarium fish are the Sumatran barb and the cherry barb.


Danios have a completely ordinary appearance, but they captivate with their activity and swiftness. The fish is schooling, but does not require much space; 8-10 individuals can live perfectly in a twenty-liter aquarium.


Small and, at first glance, not the most elegant pets, they are distinguished by bright fins. These are the most unpretentious fish for an unheated aquarium. Like the previous species, they are kept in a flock of 6 or more. The nature of the fish is peaceful and they live without problems together with other small peace-loving fish. Cardinals are just multiplying. They enliven the home pond and are appreciated not only by beginners, but also by professionals.

Tiger Barb

Neon Tetra (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Tiger Barbus fish is instantly recognizable by the black stripes wrapped around its body. The Tiger Barb is the perfect fish for the new fish keeper.

Does not require special care other than normal optimization of temperature and pH levels. The temperature should be between 75 and 80 degrees, with a pH level of 6 or 7.

Keep in mind, however, that tiger spines are not the most peaceful fish. This is especially true if they are alone in the tank. You should keep at least 5 or 6 of them together in a small group to make them comfortable in your aquarium.

This breed loves to swim everywhere compared to other species. So, it is better to buy a larger aquarium if you plan to put Tiger Barbs in it. A 20 to 30 gallon tank should work just fine.

If you do everything right, which is not that difficult, your fish can live up to 10 years. But most of them easily live more than 5 years.

Nitrogen cycle

It is important to let your tank sit for a week before adding new fish. What does it mean? The water cycle generally refers to the nitrogen cycle, which must occur in any aquarium.

A good water filter will do the job. I briefly mentioned above that a water filter should also include biological filter media. It contains colonies of bacteria that are used to break down harmful substances that will disgust your fish.

Ammonia and nitrates are especially harmful. You must ensure that you have a biofilter installed before adding any new fish to your tank. Your fish, no matter what type, will inevitably produce waste that must be broken down to prevent them from getting sick.

This is what makes a good biofilter. Don't forget this step, otherwise you may damage the fish without even noticing the reason.

Avoid overfeeding

Overfeeding your fish is one of the leading causes of fish loss. For what? The first problem is that one day your fish won't be able to eat everything you give them.

All remaining products will be stored at the bottom of the aqua. This waste will break down into ammonia and all sorts of nitrates that are harmful to your fish. If you don't notice, even a biofilter will not be able to cope with the huge concentration of these substances.

Another problem that comes from overfeeding your fish is that all kinds of diseases can appear because they are eating too much. For example, a very common disease is fatty liver.

This will affect the liver functions and lead to premature death of the fish.

There are other bad results that come with overfeeding. The main idea is to know when enough is enough and strictly follow the rules. This way, you will be sure that nothing bad will happen to your fish in the aquarium due to excess food.

Danio rerio

Since zebrafish belong to schooling fish, the group formed in the aquarium should consist of 6 or more individuals. An elongated aquarium with a capacity of more than 30 liters is suitable for these active inhabitants. Despite their increased activity, zebrafish will not offend any of their neighbors. But they will be very “happy” to see living plants. These fish are most comfortable near the surface of the water.

Although the fish is a spawning fish, there is nothing complicated in the spawning procedure in this case. Even novice aquarists can handle it without hassle.

The “standard” coloration for these fish is considered to be striped. However, there are also individuals with a pronounced leopard pattern, and genetically modified representatives of the species (from the GLO series). It is customary to feed them flake-like dry food floating on the water surface.

Regular water changes

You may think that this is not difficult, but many people forget to change the water in their aquariums from time to time. Why is this so important? Even with a good water filter, the aquarium will get dirty over time.

This is why regular water changes are very important for a healthy fish community in your aquarium. Typically the water will vary depending on the aquarium you own. But it's good to know exactly when it's time to take this step.

To ensure a longer water replacement period, you should maintain your water filter regularly. Residue will fill the media inside the device and you must clean it to ensure good performance. This way, the filter will last a long time and you will have clean water all the time.

Selection of aqua assistants

I talked a little about this on some of the fish breeds above. However, it does not matter what species of fish you choose for the aquarium because you should always have helpers who are comfortable with the fish already in the aquarium.

For example, a fish that grows larger than others and is a carnivore may not be a good idea to place inside an aquarium among other, smaller, peaceful fish.

Additionally, you should not place breeds in the aquarium that could harm others. I mentioned above that tiger spines are not very peaceful unless you have 5 or 6 of them to live in a small group. If you buy just one, it will start hurting others.

Just like this species, others behave differently. So, do your research before purchasing any new fish.


This is perhaps the largest fish on the list; it grows about 15 cm, if the aquarium allows. But it has earned its popularity for its unusual appearance, for the fact that it cleans the aquarium and for its endurance. Ancistrus is a catfish, but it is an unusual catfish; in nature it lives by eating algae and fouling.

And his mouth turned into a suction cup, with which he scrapes it all off. In the aquarium, he is a cleaner of walls and decor.

Males have unusual growths on their heads that make them very distinctive. Peaceful, but can get into fights with other males. Vegetable nutrition is important for him; he needs to be fed with special tablets.

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