Husky weight and height by month - what they look like, husky size chart, how a puppy develops from birth to one year

The first year of any dog's life is very important. Indeed, during this period of life, behavior and basic character traits are formed. At this age, you can both strengthen the dog’s health and weaken it. All habits and important habits are established during puppyhood. Raising a Husky puppy can seem like a very difficult process. but with due patience, perseverance and free time, you can grow a handsome handsome man from a little fidget.

To what age do Hasyats grow?

Until six months of age, Khasenys usually grow at the same pace. And at six months, huskies of different sexes already begin to grow differently. So, girls actively develop and grow in height up to eight months, and then continue to gradually grow up to one year. The weight continues to increase until two years, until the dog finally becomes fully formed. At two years of age, the Husky's growth period finally ends. When a female comes into her first heat, she may grow a little slower. However, this is a temporary condition.

Males grow a little longer than females. Their active development and growth continues for up to nine months. The final growth of the dog is formed by one and a half years. A male husky becomes an adult, fully formed dog only at two or three years of age.


Usually the bitch is asked to be brought to the male, since the male feels much calmer in his territory and does not require more time to get used to. If the animals have not met each other before, then it is better to be present for some time to make sure that they get along. In general, “Chukche dogs,” guided by their instincts, cope without human intervention, unlike many other dogs. Sometimes the owner holds the female .

Some breeders still prefer to be present during the mating process - in this matter the decision is yours. Often, after the first time, a repeat visit is made, this prevents the possibility that not all eggs are fertilized. But this trip is already the choice of the expectant mother.

Do not make any decisions before 72 hours, this is when sperm is active. During this couple of days, it is recommended to observe your household, namely, the manifestation of activity towards male dogs. If the pet resists re-breeding, then you should not do this. Otherwise, another meeting is possible.

What affects the height and weight of puppies?

The weight and height of small dogs is influenced by many internal and external factors. The main ones:

  1. Heredity. This is one of the most important factors determining the intensity of development and growth of a puppy. In addition, it is heredity that influences the onset of the female’s first heat.
  2. Conditions of detention. If the puppy is kept outdoors (that is, lives in an enclosure in the local area), then they grow faster than indoor huskies. At the same time, the weight of the latter is usually greater, because when kept in an apartment the dog moves much less often and less.
  3. The quality of their maintenance and cultivation. If the breeder was conscientious about the care of the puppies and their pregnant mother, then by the time of sale they will have reached normal physiological parameters.
  4. Past illnesses. If a child suffered a severe infection or other illness in childhood, he may gain weight and height somewhat more slowly than his peers.
  5. Nutrition. In order for your baby to grow and develop normally, he needs to eat properly. If the owner provides his four-legged friend with all the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals, he will grow up to be a healthy and strong puppy. This can be achieved both with a natural diet and with feeding ready-made dry food. But, according to breeders’ notes, puppies raised on a natural diet always grow faster.
  6. Degree of physical activity. As mentioned earlier, “apartment” cats gain weight faster, but grow upward more slowly. Such a sedentary behavior in the puppy will affect its health in the future, so the owner must provide the pet with constant and long walks.

Of course, the pace and intensity of a dog’s development does not always depend on one of the reasons listed above. Each Khasenysh grows according to an individual scenario.

How much do husky puppies cost?

Prices vary from 20 to 80 thousand, depending on various factors.

How to choose?

You should choose for the soul, and not for external qualities. The puppy must suit your personality.

At what age should I take it?

A few days after the puppy becomes completely independent of its mother's milk. Usually this is 4–6 weeks.

How to determine age?

Based on a set of factors, such as height, weight, physique, behavior. From them you can roughly determine the age of the puppy.

Where is the best place to buy?

From trusted breeders on a personal visit. Where it is possible to determine living conditions, quality of food and treatment of animals. Find out more and see the puppy's mom and dad.

Who is better?

The best pet is the one that is loved. Girls are more active. They are more cunning and wayward than boys. Boys, on the contrary, are calmer and more devoted to their owner.

Price depending on type

There are only 5 types of huskies:

  • Alaskan Husky (25–50 thousand rubles);
  • Mini-husky (from 60 thousand rubles);
  • Sakhalin Husky (20-30 thousand rubles);
  • Siberian Husky (20-80 thousand rubles);
  • Japanese husky (from 70 thousand rubles).

Purity of the breed

Determined by the absence of any defects and full compliance with the standard.

How to determine whether a husky or a crossbreed?

A purebred dog can be easily identified by its build, eye color, coat color and pedigree traits. Such as ear placement, tail position, etc.

How much does a purebred puppy cost?

A purebred puppy costs from 30 thousand rubles. and higher. The cost of a mixed breed usually does not exceed 20 thousand rubles.

Eye color

The breed is characterized by blue-eyed individuals. It is not uncommon to see dogs with different eyes . Also acceptable eye colors for the breed are amber, gray, and black.

Price with pedigree

The price tag for an individual with a pedigree starts from 50 thousand rubles, if there are titled parents. A puppy without documents will cost less than 20 thousand rubles .

average price

The average price for a representative of this breed in Russia is higher than abroad.

When choosing a husky, you should study in detail all the features of the breed, understand, first of all, for yourself, whether it suits your rhythm of life and whether you can satisfy all its needs, and not decide to take such a serious step just because of fashion.

Husky puppy height and weight chart by week and month

Below is a table showing the average height and weight for the Husky breed. Small deviations (up to 10%) from the dimensions indicated in the table are permissible.

Husky puppy ageHeight (in centimeters)Weight (in kilograms)
3 weeksup to 252
1 month25-303
1.5 monthsUp to 303-4
2 months32-335-6
3 months38-4210-12
4 months44-4612-15
5 months48-5013-18
6 months50-5515-21
7 months52-5616-24
8 months54-5717-25
9 months54-5818-27
10 months55-5820-27
11 monthsUp to 5821-27
1 yearUp to 5823-28

Signs of pregnancy

Huskies are great at hiding their pregnancy and presenting unexpected surprises in the form of puppies. It will not be easy for an inexperienced breeder to immediately understand that his pet is pregnant. But there are a number of external signs by which this can be calculated:

One of the simplest and most unambiguous methods. It is necessary to measure the girth of the chest and the so-called “hips”, when the second indicator exceeds the first - this is a clear sign that the bitch is pregnant. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not possible to quickly detect the presence of embryos in the womb, since the body at the anus does not immediately increase.

If the animal begins to behave relatively calmly towards the opposite sex, this is another factor. But many female representatives continue to pay attention to males even when they are already in position, although they resist mating.

Expectant mothers become less active. Stop running at full speed and independently reduce the load. But a husky is not a dog that will lie down; its mobility is still preserved. Sometimes the patient, like pregnant women, develops toxicosis; she may vomit and refuse certain foods.

Appetite may decrease in the early stages, which is often observed in females. There is no need to be scared or panic about this; after that, the frequency and meals will resume. A repeated decrease in appetite may occur before childbirth.

How to correctly measure a dog's parameters?

To measure the height of a Khasenysh, you need to place the dog on a flat and hard surface. For the reliability of the result, it is important that the pet stands completely still. If the baby is trained and knows how to stand in an exhibition stand, then there will be no problems with this. And if the puppy tries to run away, you need to attract his attention with a treat or toy. But you need to do this with an assistant, because it is quite difficult to hold the baby’s attention and measure his growth alone.

When your dog does not move, you need to take a measuring tape (or other measuring device) and apply it to the dog’s withers. Then pull its edge to the floor and see the final value. The readings should be written down in a notebook to make it easier to follow them.

It is better to measure three-month-old husky puppies on the floor, and for younger dogs - on a table. You need to make sure that your pet doesn’t fall out of there or jump onto the floor.


It is the most important condition for a good dog. It is the competent upbringing of the puppy that will determine in the future whether the dog will bring you only joy or vice versa.

How to educate correctly?

There is no single instruction on how to properly raise puppies. Everyone needs their own approach. It all depends on the character of the dog itself, and not on whether the desired object of education is a girl or a boy.

When to start?

The sooner you start training, the better for you and easier for the puppy. Conscious and more difficult commands or behaviors should begin to be taught after the pet learns its name.

What to teach before 3 months?

Within three months of birth, you can learn basic behavior with a husky puppy:

  • do not rush at the owner;
  • sleep at night and not wake up;
  • wait patiently for food;
  • run down the street at the feet of the owner;
  • start training the basic commands: “Ugh!”, “Come to me!”, “Sit!”.

What should a 4-month-old pet be able to do?

Must be trained in all of the above manners and unquestioningly follow the commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “You can!”.

How to stop a husky from littering the house?

Since it is not permissible to let puppies go outside until they are four months old, and you don’t want to put up with puddles, it is necessary to train them to a litter box. You need to understand that the puppy physically cannot endure it. Scolding and punishing a dog will achieve nothing, because all its actions occur at the level of reflexes.

REFERENCE. To calculate the frequency of puppy relief to the age (in months), add 1, the result in hours.

How to toilet train?

Where the pet relieves itself, we put a newspaper in that place. After wetting it, we put it in a tray and put it in the place where the puppy did these things most often. We use absorbent diapers to place them in other popular places, and from week to week we reduce the number of diapers.

On the street

It is worth accustoming after 6 months. Take him out for walks an hour after eating and wait until the dog finishes all his work. It may not work the first time, and the puppy will endure it all the way home. Next time you should take soaked newspaper with you and increase the duration of your walk.

How to stop biting?

It is important to understand that biting the owner or family members on the legs in puppies under 4 months of age is normal behavior and will go away on its own over time. But you shouldn’t encourage him in this either. It is necessary to point out from an early age that he is not the leader here. If an animal shows aggression, demonstrate force, but under no circumstances hit. It is enough to pull the collar so that his muzzle is as close to the floor as possible, and hold in this position for several seconds. Then defiantly ignore the puppy for a few more minutes. Such procedures should be carried out regularly if circumstances so require.

Why does a puppy howl and how to wean it off?

For a husky, howling is a means of communication with the outside world, a way to convey emotions. He can howl both from grief and joy, or simply to attract attention. It is impossible to completely wean off this habit. You can only understand the reasons and reduce the frequency of these incidents.

We teach the kitten to talk

Not every individual can imitate human sounds. But such simple words as “mom”, “yum-yum” can be used by almost any pet. It is necessary to sing the sound, so the dog recognizes speech better, and train it with treats.

How to punish?

Punishment is a lack of praise. It is unacceptable to use physical force; it can have a detrimental effect on the puppy’s psyche. Not strong, but strict pats on the pelvis or clicks on the nose - this will be enough for an adequate dog to realize guilt. Stern voice and ignoring for the period of punishment.

At what age can you wear a harness?

There is no age limit for the harness. There are restrictions on the type of harness. For a husky puppy, only a walking harness is used.

Leash training

If you teach it from infancy, there shouldn’t be any serious problems. This breed has harnessing in its blood, so it takes a leash for granted. If the puppy rushes forward and pulls the leash, you should pull it back with one sharp movement and stop, and then continue moving.

Deviation from the norm in weight and height - what to do

It is necessary to take into account that the table of sizes of husky puppies by month shows the average height and weight of husky puppies. Therefore, they cannot be taken as the only reference point. If the puppy weighs or has a height that is 10% less or more than the figure indicated in the table, there is no need to panic. Such a deviation is quite acceptable and does not indicate health problems.

But in a situation where the Khasenysh is far behind the norm (with a deviation from the average values ​​of more than 10%), you need to find out the reason as quickly as possible. Sometimes such a lag is simply an individual characteristic of the baby or is associated with heredity. It also happens that one-month-old husky puppies grow in height so quickly that their body does not have time to gain weight. Such situations do not require the intervention of doctors; you just need to wait out the phase of active development of the dog.

If the Khasenysh’s body weight deficiency is associated with an incorrect diet, it is recommended to increase the protein and fat content in the menu (when feeding natural products) or change the brand of dry food to a more nutritious and high-calorie one. Additionally, it is worth giving your baby vitamin and mineral complexes, which will have a beneficial effect on the young body. But this can only be done after consultation with a veterinarian.

If underweight is observed in an adult husky, then the problem in most cases can be solved by increasing the frequency and duration of walks and increased physical activity.


Preparation is an important part of your participation in the pregnancy and maternity process of your pet, so you need to treat it with the utmost care. Read the necessary information in advance and select videos on the topic that suit you so that you know what exactly is ahead of you.

Stock up on everything you might need in advance:

  • Set up a nest and pen for the babies.
  • Discuss with your veterinarian in advance and purchase the necessary medications. These must include painkillers, antispasmodics and medications that stimulate contractions.
  • Sterile gloves.
  • Gauze napkins.
  • Silk threads disinfected in alcohol.
  • Warm heating pad.

The main thing is to prepare for the process mentally. Remember, the dog considers you higher in the hierarchy, which means it relies on you. If you show her that you are nervous or afraid, this will rub off on her.

From puppy to adult dog

The normal ratio of weight and height directly affects the health of the animal, its appearance and life expectancy. Obese Huskies are prone to heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, and joint dysplasia. Therefore, owners of dogs of this breed must know the standards in order to competently create a pet’s menu and calculate the physical activity required for it. But we must not forget that the average weight and height indicators are advisory in nature. Therefore, they cannot be taken as mandatory.

Breed varieties

The term “husky” is usually used to refer to sled breeds common in various regions. The dogs were bred in various territories, thanks to which they received their names:

  • Alaskan Husky. There is speculation that they were bred by crossing shepherds, malamutes and even border collies. They have short hair, despite which they feel great even in the most severe cold. Dogs have a balanced, calm character. Can be used as nannies for babies.
  • Klee-kai. The variety was developed in America in the 70s and is considered a mini version. An adult reaches no more than 40 cm at the withers and weighs approximately 7 kg. The dogs are quite mobile, active, friendly and smart. Despite its small size, the husky has good health and can boast of longevity.
  • Siberian Husky. This is practically the oldest primitive breed. The Chukchi bred them as sled dogs, but rarely used them as hunters. The height at the withers is 50-60 cm. The dogs are incredibly hardy, capable of running hundreds of kilometers, moving small loads.
  • Sakhalin Husky. The dog is large in size, hardy, powerful. The height at the withers can reach 70 cm. A distinctive feature is the “collar” around the neck made of rich wool. The Sakhalin representative has a long coat. People rarely choose him as a pet, even despite his love and good nature.

Questions and answers

How much should a husky puppy weigh from 1 month to a year?
At 1 month, a hasyat weighs 3 kg, a two-month-old husky weighs 5-6 kg. Every month their weight steadily increases by several kg. So, at six months the puppy already weighs 15-21 kg, at 9 - 18-27 kg, and at one year - 23-28 kg.

To what age do Hasyats grow?

Until six months of age, Khasenys usually grow at the same pace. And then females and males begin to develop differently. Girls actively grow in height until they are eight months old, and then continue to grow gradually until they are one year old. Weight continues to increase until two years of age. Males grow up to nine months. The final growth of a male dog is formed by one and a half years. He becomes an adult only at two or three years of age.

Hygienic care

The breed does not require specific care. Huskies themselves are quite clean. Inconveniences may occur during the molting period. If a dog lives on the street, it sheds twice a year. Apartment individuals shed old fur in small quantities all year round.

Regular brushing will help fight hair. Ears and eyes should be examined and, if necessary, cleaned with a cotton pad.

It is recommended to wash no more than twice a year. Exhibition representatives of the breed are bathed more often.

The nails of dogs that lead an active lifestyle wear down on their own.


About a day before the birth of the offspring, the mother stops eating and looks for a suitable place. This is usually a secluded, semi-enclosed space. The dog sometimes brings his own bedding or blanket there.

But the place chosen by the animal is not always convenient for the breeder, so he must arrange and provide a secluded corner with his own hands. For those who don’t like to “bother too much,” so-called “maternity boxes” are available for sale.

It is better to lay a foam bedding inside, so that it would be more convenient for future newborns to cling to when they look for their mother. Before labor itself begins, prepare a box containing a heating pad covered with a towel. You will also need to keep a basin of hot water and a clean towel ready.

When the process has begun, you need to be present, be close to the bitch and “keep your finger on the pulse of events.” Excessive excitement and panic are not appropriate here; you must be collected and control the situation. Fruits can appear at different intervals, either every 15 minutes or an hour.

The pet, having given birth to a baby, gnaws the umbilical cord itself and gets rid of the placenta by eating it. You become witnesses to that exciting moment when puppies open their eyes, looking at this world for the first time.

Place newborns in a prepared box with a warm heating pad, as they are not yet able to maintain their own body temperature and cool quickly. If the animal pushes for more than two hours, it is necessary to call a veterinarian, since the lives of both the female and her children are in possible danger. As soon as you are convinced that the woman in labor has completely whelped, the bitch should, perhaps even forcefully, be taken out for a short walk so that she can defecate, and subsequently, she and her offspring should be shown to the veterinarian.

The babies will need to be wiped with a towel, dipped in water prepared in advance, and carefully clean their eyes, and then returned to the mother. You should not take puppies away from your husky and interfere too often; she may not like it. But the pleasant worries do not end there; many more joys and troubles await you as the little representatives of this breed grow up.



Puppies are gestated for about 9 weeks; a significant decrease or increase in this period is a reason to consult a specialist. In general, pregnancy proceeds calmly and does not require any additional care or special nutrition.

On the contrary, it is recommended not to change your pet’s diet, as this may harm her, but it is worth adding foods containing protein to it, and after a month spent in pregnancy, increase the portion by 10%. Another important point is mobility.

Many owners limit the bitch in this or, on the contrary, do not change the degree of load, leaving it the same as it was before mating, but this cannot be done. A four-legged animal needs movement, but not to the same extent as before.

On average, a husky has about 10 babies for the first time, but no one can tell you exactly how many puppies are born to a husky, since this is individual for each individual. Experience shows that individuals of this breed have from 1 to 15 babies. If you want to know the number of offspring more accurately, it is better to contact a specialist and perform an ultrasound.

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