Detailed instructions for the use of Eleovit in veterinary medicine: treatment, prevention and more

Eleovit is a veterinary complex with a powerful healing effect. It is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with disorders of the immune system.

Instructions for use of this multivitamin complex are easy to master even for novice livestock breeders.

Trade name of the drug: Eleovit.

International nonproprietary name: vitamins A, D3, E, K3, B1, B2, B6, cyanocobalamin, biotin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, folic acid.

Purpose, indications for use

Prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies, xerophthalmia, rickets, osteomalacia, tetany, encephalomalacia, toxic liver dystrophy, dermatitis, poorly healing wounds and ulcers, catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes in mammals, as well as to increase their fertility and the viability of young animals.

The use of the Eleovit complex is indicated for domestic animals, birds, horses, cats, and cattle.

The drug prevents the formation of ulcerative skin lesions, accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane and open wounds.

Vitamins are indicated for calves in case of weakness to improve vital activity, as well as for piglets, lambs and foals. The drug Eleovit increases the reproductive function of females.


One of the most common diseases for which the drug is used is hypovitaminosis, which is a deficiency of vitamins in living organisms.

This disease is very common, the symptoms depend directly on the type of vitamin deficiency.

Detailed information is given in the table:


Vitamin deficiency is another unpleasant disease that has a lot of consequences; it is a more serious form of hypovitaminosis.

Manifestations depend primarily on the type of missing vitamin:

The most common lack of vitamin A in all types of animals , a special risk group is females in a state of pregnancy and nursing; young animals are also susceptible to this disease.

They manifest themselves as dry skin, problems with hair, dermatitis, and eczema. Vitamin A deficiency can also be determined if the animal has increased tear production, fear of light, or other eye problems.

Paralysis or poor coordination may occur in pigs and sheep. Animals lacking vitamin A have difficulty producing offspring due to miscarriages or infertility in females and poor spermogenesis in males.

Vitamin B deficiency is common in young pigs, horses and ruminants; adult animals synthesize the vitamin in the rumen and the disease is extremely rare among them.

Symptoms include problems with the nervous system, including ataxia, spasms and a high level of excitability. Problems with skin, coat and weight also appear.

Vitamin D deficiency is most common in piglets, lambs and kids and is most common in winter when there is a lack of sunlight.

It manifests itself as slow growth and lethargy, leading to thickening of the epiphyses and curvature of the spine and tubular bones. It becomes difficult to move and therefore the animals rarely move.

Problems with the reproductive system and metabolic processes usually appear due to a lack of vitamin E.

What effect does Eleovit have?

The drug Eliovit is considered low-hazard , therefore its use is permitted for various groups of animals from birth . These multivitamins are used both for farm animals and for pets living in our homes. If the functioning of the immune system is disrupted and the animal has a deficiency of vitamins and microelements in its body, Eleovit comes to the rescue. It will help in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • avitaminosis,
  • rickets,
  • tetany,
  • osteomalacia,
  • poorly healing wounds and ulcers,
  • dermatitis,
  • catarrhal inflammations.

Very often this tool is used to improve reproductive functions. And if we talk about its other effects on the body, then, first of all, I would like to say that the drug compensates for the lack of vitamins in the body. Eleovit for animals also strengthens bone and muscle tissue and stimulates growth . It has a positive effect on the restoration of skin and irritated mucous membranes .

These multivitamins have antiallergic effects . Another purpose of their use is the prevention of inflammatory and viral diseases . They also increase physical endurance .

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacotherapeutic group of the drug: combined vitamin preparation, multivitamins.

The multivitamins included in Eleovit have a synergistic effect:

  • Vitamin A regulates the function and regeneration of epithelial tissues, thereby increasing the protective function of the animal body.
  • Vitamin D3 is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus and has an antirachitic effect.
  • Vitamin E , being a strong antioxidant, regulates redox processes and enhances the effect of vitamins A and D.
  • B vitamins play an important role in normalizing metabolism and regulating nervous processes.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Eleovit is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007).

How to use Eleovit multivitamins for dogs and turtles

There is also nothing in the instructions regarding the use of this drug for pets such as turtles and dogs. However, this happens often in veterinary medicine.

First about turtles. They are prescribed this remedy only if they have hypovitaminosis A, and it is pronounced. Unlike other animals, the dosage for a turtle is calculated based on its exact weight down to the gram. The calculation is taken as follows - 0.8 ml per kilogram of turtle weight. You should not try to calculate the weight of a turtle by eye. This could backfire. Typically, the turtle is given one or two injections at intervals of two weeks. Depending on her condition. They prick it between the upper and lower shell in the area between the tail and hind paw. The turtle injection site is not treated with anything.

And now about the dogs. Instructions on how to use this remedy for these four-legged friends are difficult to find online. Reviews most often, on the contrary, say that it is not recommended for use on dogs. So if you think that your dog could benefit from Eleovit, consult your veterinarian about this.

Instructions for use in veterinary medicine

Eleovit is administered to animals intramuscularly in the hip or neck area, shifting the skin at the injection site to the side to avoid leakage of the solution.

In winter, before use, the medicine should be heated in a water bath to room temperature.

For preventive purposes (under stress, during periods of intense stress, high productivity, pregnant animals, in case of reproductive dysfunction, retarded growth and development of young animals, during the period of vaccination, deworming, recovery from illnesses), Eleovit is administered once every 2-3 weeks.

For therapeutic purposes, the drug is administered once every 7-15 days in doses:

Eleovit is administered to pregnant sows 1.5-2.0 months before farrowing.

Symptoms of overdose when using the drug in accordance with the instructions were not identified.

The specific effects of the drug upon its first use and withdrawal have not been established.

Avoid skipping the next dose of the drug, as this may lead to a decrease in therapeutic effectiveness. If one dose is missed, the use of the drug is resumed at the same dosage and according to the same regimen.

For turtles

Note that the doses for domestic reptiles are very small; they need to be calculated accurately. The norm for small turtles is 0.4-0.6 ml/kg of weight.

For adults, take more - 0.8 ml/kg. An 80-gram baby will need only 0.048 ml of solution.

You can “catch” such a small dose using insulin syringes. But there is one nuance - they have different divisions and steps. The easiest way to work is with 0.3 and 0.5 ml syringes in increments of 5 (it’s easier to set the desired division on them).

Treatment involves 1, maximum 2 injections. A second injection is carried out after a 2-week break, and this ends the course. The injection site is not treated.

The solution is injected into the gluteal region, between the hind leg and tail, closer to the carapace. You need to get between the shields by driving the syringe shallowly (2 mm is enough).

When removing the needle, apply a little pressure to this area, thereby dulling the pain. It is advisable to gently massage this area for several minutes, which will calm the pet.

After some time, a ball may appear at the injection site. It's okay, it'll do.

Features of storage and use

The rules for working with the solution are standard. During the injection, do not smoke, drink or eat. After the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap. If the concentrate gets into the eyes/mucous membranes, rinse the affected area thoroughly with running water.

According to the instructions for use of Eleovit in veterinary medicine, the concentrate is stored in its original packaging, which is hermetically sealed. Choose a first aid kit as a storage location, located away from food and children. The product does not deteriorate at temperatures of +5...+25 ˚С. Following all these rules, the shelf life of the product will be 2 years.


According to customer reviews, the advantages of the drug include:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • acceptable price;
  • quality assurance;
  • unique composition;
  • convenient release form;
  • positive consumer reviews.

The only negative aspect can be considered that if there is an individual intolerance to certain components, the animal may experience an allergic reaction.

Description of the drug

The vitamin complex “Eleovit” is widely used in veterinary medicine for its therapeutic and preventive properties. Main indications for use:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • tetany;
  • weakened immunity;
  • rickets;
  • as a general tonic during pregnancy;
  • avitaminosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • strengthens bones and as a growth stimulant.

In addition to the above properties, a drug called “Eleovit” accelerates metabolic processes and helps to properly absorb proteins and fats.

The vitamin complex for animals includes the following components:

  1. cholecalciferol;
  2. retinol;
  3. vikasol;
  4. thiamine;
  5. tocopherol;
  6. nicotinamide;
  7. riboflavin;
  8. pyridoxine;
  9. cyanocobalamin;
  10. pantothenic acid;
  11. biotin;
  12. amino acids;
  13. folic acid.

Properly selected components allow the animal receiving Eleovit to increase fertility , improve health and nervous system.

It appears as an oily liquid, the color of which varies from pale yellow to light brown. Has a pungent odor.

Side effects and contraindications

When using the drug according to the instructions, no side effects or complications were identified. In some cases, a local reaction occurs, manifested by redness of the skin at the injection site. It usually disappears within two weeks.

Vitamins for animals in injections should not be administered to individuals with hypervitaminosis. In case of individual intolerance or allergic reactions, it should be discontinued and antihistamines prescribed.

Persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the product should avoid direct contact with it. If the product gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed with water. If allergic reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Standard Safety Precautions:

  1. The procedures are carried out with gloves and sterile syringes.
  2. The injection area is treated with an antiseptic.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the syringe is discarded and the hands are thoroughly washed.
  4. While working with the drug, do not eat, smoke or drink.
  5. Empty bottles are disposed of. When used for domestic purposes, they pose a danger.

Consequences of vitamin deficiency

A lack of useful microelements leads to vitamin deficiency. It causes growth retardation in calves and changes in body structure, poses a danger to cows during pregnancy and can be fatal.

Daily value for a calf:

VitaminAmount, IU/day

It is important to remember that the calf should gain 650-850 g in weight per day.

Release form of the drug and its composition

The medicine is sold in the form of a solution that is injected into the animal. It is suitable for both adult and newborn animals. The composition contains thiamine, riboflavin, retinol, pyridoxine, amino acids and many other elements. The container for the medicine is made in the form of a translucent dark-colored jar, which is hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers and additional aluminum caps. In addition to the bottle, the box must contain instructions with detailed information on how to use the product. Volumes from 5 to 100 ml are possible.

Using the drug after the expiration date, which is two years, is strictly prohibited, and it must be stored in a place without direct sunlight in a temperature range from 5 to 25 degrees Celsius. Externally, it looks like an oily liquid that is light yellow in color, possibly changing to light brown. There is also a specific smell.

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