How do cats see people? Life-like illustration from a children's book broke the hearts of cat lovers with its accuracy

2019 can rightfully be called the year of cats. The fact is that this year scientists took a closer look at our four-legged friends. It is difficult to say whether the attention of experts to cats is due to their incredible popularity on the Internet or the fact that cats have been recognized as an invasive species - this means that there are so many of them today that these animals pose a threat to birds and rodents. However, the fact is that for a long time we have greatly underestimated these amazing animals. Thus, the latest research shows that cats become attached to people like children.

Cats love their owners just like dogs

Cats and cats are absolute favorites

Owners of cats and dogs feel a significant difference in the behavior of animals. For a dog, a person is a being of a higher order. When communicating with their relatives, they use the same behavioral models, and most often bow down to humans.

Cats put themselves on the same line as people; for them, the owner is a companion, which means their rights and responsibilities are equal. These pets are not going to adapt and serve, they are who they are. The owner must come to terms with their whims and love without any conventions.

Many researchers believe that cats think that people are big cats. Cats do not distinguish humans as a separate species, but see them as an equal partner.


When an animal appears in a house, it spends a long time looking at its surroundings and the people with whom it will live. How does a cat choose its owner and is it true that it remains devoted to the same person for the rest of its life?

Beginning breeders would like to know how cats choose an owner, how to make the animal love itself. Everyone knows how loyal dogs can be. There are many stories about dog fidelity. Unfortunately, cats do not tend to experience such strong feelings. Experts assure that these animals become attached, first of all, to a place, and only then to a person or even several people living in the house.

When entering an apartment with a new owner, the cats are carefully examined and settled in. after some time they develop an attachment to this place. Animals' relationships with people can develop differently. Cats manage to fall in love with some, but begin to experience negative feelings towards others. What is the pet's motivation for doing this? Some people think that it’s all about food and the one who feeds him has a greater chance of becoming the cat’s main owner. But it is not so. Food is not the first priority for cats. It is also not very important who will care for the animal, take out the tray, change the litter in the cat litter, wash and scratch the pet.

It turns out that the way to a cat's heart is through psychological contact. An animal becomes attached to someone from whom it feels love and affection and who enjoys playing with it. Most often, this person is not the one who feeds and cares for the cat, but a completely different family member who has more free time to communicate.

Experts who study the life of representatives of the cat family assure that sympathies usually arise very quickly. Whoever manages to reach the animal’s heart first will be considered its master. Most often, one family member acts as the main cat friend, but it also happens that several people at once find themselves at approximately the same level for the pet.

How to understand who exactly the cat chose as its owner? To do this, just take a closer look at the behavior of the animal. Cats love to spend time around those people who are close to them. They constantly rub against their owner’s legs, watch him from the side, and try to always be nearby. Most often, cats are awake when the owner is not sleeping. Animals love to sit in your arms and at the same time love to purr, expressing their genuine delight. Often they themselves climb onto a person’s lap or even jump onto a person’s shoulders. By this they express their sincere love and genuine affection.

The cat and the owner usually immediately find a common language. If the relationship does not work out from the very beginning, it will be very difficult to build it. The breeder will have to make a lot of efforts to ensure that the pet sincerely loves him and begins to perceive him correctly.

For cats, psychological contact with humans plays a very important role. When they choose an owner, animals can sit near him for a long time and “talk” in a language that only they understand. If there is no contact, it is very difficult to keep the cat near you. Many people make the big mistake of holding an animal by force. This only prevents you from building relationships correctly. There is no need to stroking the cat vigorously if it is noticeable that she does not like it.

Representatives of the feline family love to sleep with their owner, jumping directly into bed or staying somewhere nearby. It is by this sign that one can judge which animal stands out from all the inhabitants of the house.

If a cat has tender feelings towards a person, it easily joins in the game proposed by him. Otherwise, all attempts to play with the animal and spend time with it may not end entirely successfully. Residents of private homes know that cats love to hunt. It is to the one whom they choose as their owner that the animals show their trophies. A cat can bring a caught mouse or even a candy wrapper.

Another sign that a cat has tender feelings towards a certain person is patience. A pet can sit on its owner's lap for a long time while it is scratched, nails trimmed, or ears cleaned. At the same time, the animal immediately runs away from other people. In this way, it demonstrates its boundless trust only in those who, in its opinion, deserve it.

How can you become the closest to your pet? Unfortunately, no one can guarantee who exactly the cat will love. But you can still do something to establish contact. This requires spending as much time as possible with the new family member and talking to him. You can try to bribe the cat with something tasty. Each animal has certain food preferences, and the task of an attentive breeder is to determine in time what the cat likes most. From time to time you can pamper your animal with your favorite treats. Walking with a cat is not at all necessary if we are talking about keeping it in a city apartment. Cats do not feel the need for walks and feel quite comfortable at home, in a familiar environment. Changing their place of residence or even just going outside can be a real stress for them. As a rule, animals express their negative emotions.

The cat and the owner may not see each other for a very long time, but as time passes, the animal will definitely remember the one who was so close to him. Breeders should not worry about leaving a pet with relatives during a long trip.

Cats are quite freedom-loving animals and sometimes their behavior can be unpredictable. When choosing a host, they take into account how comfortable they are with that person. Emotional contact is very important, but sometimes the choice of an animal comes as a complete surprise to everyone.


Felines are very observant animals

The hunter's instinct lies dormant in every cat. They value the house as their territory and possessions. Nothing here should escape the observant eye. Pets sense the psychological situation and changes in the owner’s behavior. The well-being of the cat depends on this person.

Animals often copy the behavior of the owner and are subject to the mood of a person. Cats think that a person is a big cat whom they allowed to take care of them. Often cats show tenderness and affection towards their owner, this is a kind of gratitude for their care.

Who's the boss in the house?

In the wild, cats only survive if they are successful hunters and have a safe and secure habitat and territory. Consequently, cats tend to be wary and become very tense if their territory is invaded.

This is interesting! Cats are especially jealous of their own territory at dusk and dawn! This is due to the ancient instincts of wild cats.

Once in the house, the kitten begins to explore the territory. Depending on its character, a cat can claim territorial primacy or immediately take the place of “beta”.

Cats are great manipulators

In this regard, cats and children use similar techniques. A sweet and carefree appearance, tenderness and affection, but at the same time cunning techniques on how to achieve your goal with minimal effort.

Cats know their owner’s weaknesses and what actions have already led to results. Animals use these methods without feeling remorse. Now they no longer scold the pet, they handed him a treat and took him in his arms. The operation was carried out brilliantly!

Relationship between mother and child

Scientists compared the behavior of cats throughout life and realized that cats think of people as parents. The wild ancestors of cats were solitary animals with their own territory. To protect possessions, strong-willed qualities are required; there is no place for tenderness. However, when surrounded by family, cats are very affectionate and friendly. For this behavior and cheerful disposition, the pet is also appreciated by its owners.

Even in adulthood, when you need to get something from the owner, the obstinate pet turns into a small kitten. The meowing becomes plaintive, at higher frequencies, like that of a kitten. The animal makes eye contact. Now the owner is disarmed and ready to fulfill all requests.

Cats consider humans their equals and agree to take care of themselves. It warms us to think that we are on the same level with them, and not lower. Don't disappoint your pets and you will receive gratitude.

Scientific tests?.. That's nonsense

In general, a cat’s thinking is a dark forest. Or a magician's black box. The editor of the online magazine “Science”, David Grimm, in one of his articles describes the research of the Italian scientist Christian Agrillo. According to Agrillo, studying the cognitive abilities of fish is even easier than that of cats!

This was manifested in a test of the so-called “digital competence”, during which three dots are drawn on a desired object (for example, a bowl or feeder with food), and two on an undesirable object (an empty bowl). During the experiment, the animal (Agrillo worked, among other things, with monkeys and birds) must learn to make an informed choice.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?), the cats failed the test completely. In laboratory conditions, most of the selected cats were very worried and could not participate in the experiment, and the four that behaved more or less loyally reacted very weakly to the proposed playing conditions.

True, in the end it was possible to establish that cats pay more attention to the size of the dots, and not to their number - when hunting, the size of the prey is fundamentally important, and you cannot catch two birds at once. What's the point of counting them?

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