What does a cat think about and how does it perceive us, people. Do we know anything?

Experts have not been able to fully study the thought processes occurring in the brain of pets.

What is known is that cats and dogs living in the wild are forced to come up with different options for survival.

Anywhere an animal can be in danger. Therefore, a cat, taught by experience and conclusions drawn on this basis, can think through further options for its actions.

Cats think people are big cats

There is an opinion that cats represent people in their understanding as a big cat. They perceive a person as a mother who takes care of them from birth. Therefore, for them, the owner is a large cat without fur, capable of indulging all the whims of the animal, cherishing and pampering.

Sometimes it seems that cats can dream

Cats have memories

Cats can remember information and store many memories. If a cat burns his paw on the stove, he will avoid it for a long time. If you put your pet on it, it will immediately jump off and run away. This happens because the cat remembers that the stove can hurt him.

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Cats remember information associated with negative emotions best. They need this to survive. Cats learn from experience, and their brains store information that helps them stay safe.

What do cats think about their owners?

How cats thank their owners

Cute pets by nature are freedom-loving animals and have their own cat’s den, so they believe that the owner’s home is their territory where a person has settled.

Cats happily sit next to their owner when he is busy with something.

Researchers of cat behavior express the opinion that cats think that they are the masters of humans. Accordingly, they are obliged to please them and satisfy their food requests. That is, the owner for them is the provider of food.

Cats dream too

Interestingly, cats can dream too. When it comes to them, their brain works on the same principle as a human's. He, as it were, “views” the events of the day, storing the received information in memory clusters. All this produces dreams, due to which cats can smack their lips, twitch their paws and even meow in their sleep.

But cats are not able to project themselves into their future. This means they cannot make long-term plans. They do not understand that they will be punished for the flower that they again threw off the windowsill. There is no point in scolding them for this, because cats will still not be able to draw the right conclusions.

A cat's entire thought process works to protect it from potential dangers. Her instincts encourage her to eat delicious food, sleep a lot, and avoid predators in every possible way.

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When the owner returned with purchases

Why does a cat eat its kittens: natural and pathological reasons

Do cats know how to think? This question is of interest to many loving owners. Cats are not only playful, purring creatures, they are able to understand many things from human life and often manipulate people by learning simple rules.

Interesting! To understand how cats think, it is worth considering that pets quickly learn the behavior of people and their gestures.

For example, they remember a person's actions prior to going shopping. Accordingly, the pet will begin to wait for the breadwinner to return from the store, because various goodies in addition to food are often bought for him.

It’s not uncommon for owners to show what they bought for their pet and offer to look into the bag. In this way, the animal remembers the meaning of the ritual. If a person takes the same bag, the cat already believes that his owner is coming to get food for him. After this, how can you not believe whether cats have thoughts?

Relationship between mother and child

Scientists compared the behavior of cats throughout life and realized that cats think of people as parents. The wild ancestors of cats were solitary animals with their own territory. To protect possessions, strong-willed qualities are required; there is no place for tenderness. However, when surrounded by family, cats are very affectionate and friendly. For this behavior and cheerful disposition, the pet is also appreciated by its owners.

Even in adulthood, when you need to get something from the owner, the obstinate pet turns into a small kitten. The meowing becomes plaintive, at higher frequencies, like that of a kitten. The animal makes eye contact. Now the owner is disarmed and ready to fulfill all requests.

Cats consider humans their equals and agree to take care of themselves. It warms us to think that we are on the same level with them, and not lower. Don't disappoint your pets and you will receive gratitude.

When a cat purrs or how to “start a mini-motor”

The purring of cats is truly fascinating. It calms. But what does pet purring mean, and how do they do it? These issues certainly need to be considered in more detail.

Cats purr to express their love.

Today it is not yet known for certain how cats reproduce such sounds. Although there are claims that purring is formed due to the contraction of muscles subtly connected to the hyoid bones located near the vocal cords, which cause vibration. An interesting thing is that the mouth and nose of cats are also involved in the process of purring, while the vibration passes through the entire body of the pet.

Interesting! Purring is often caused by a muscle contraction signal sent to the brain, such as when stroking a pet. Accordingly, he is pleased and with his purring expresses gratitude to the owner for the affection.

To start a “mini-motor”, it is enough to know a number of simple secrets:

  • Cats may begin to purr when communicating between their brothers, explaining that there is no reason to worry, because the interlocutor does not intend to show aggression.
  • Pets use their purring to relax themselves after some stressful situation or after a frightening circumstance has occurred. This way they calm themselves down.
  • You can hear purring when an animal, after a hearty meal, expresses gratitude for the delicious food provided.

Cats can purr when a person pets them, because cats undoubtedly like it. This is their way of saying that they are incredibly pleased with the attention they receive.

Cats are great manipulators

In this regard, cats and children use similar techniques. A sweet and carefree appearance, tenderness and affection, but at the same time cunning techniques on how to achieve your goal with minimal effort.

Cats know their owner’s weaknesses and what actions have already led to results. Animals use these methods without feeling remorse. Now they no longer scold the pet, they handed him a treat and took him in his arms. The operation was carried out brilliantly!

How to learn to recognize the thoughts of cats by their tail and face

To understand your own pet, or rather, what cats and cats think about, first of all you need to take a close look at their habits. After all, cats demonstrate their mood in various ways, but not all owners can understand what their pet currently wants.

Pinned ears indicate readiness to attack

What does the tail say?

It is worth taking into account the characteristics of cats’ habits presented by experts:

  • If cats see a person who is unfamiliar and for some reason unpleasant to them, they can express their dissatisfaction with their quivering tail raised up. This option may also indicate that the cat, in the presence of kittens, is trying to say that she is afraid for her offspring.
  • When a cat's tail is held in a straight position, but its tip is bent in the form of a question mark, this means that the animal is thinking. Most likely, your pet is in a good and cheerful mood. But his thoughts are busy with his own affairs, and he does not want to be disturbed.
  • When a pet is poorly cared for, constantly yelled at, and hit frequently, it may express its fear by arching its back and tucking its tail under itself. Sometimes a pet shows its fear by fluffing its tail.
  • If the fifth point is lowered, this indicates that the animal is sad.
  • Twitching of the tail may mean the animal is worried due to an unusual course of affairs. A similar manifestation occurs, for example, due to moving to a new place of residence. Collecting things causes the pet to not understand what is happening and why they cannot stay in the same place.
  • If a cat begins to flick its tail, shake, and meow nervously, it means that someone or something is causing them fear. Don’t forget that cats have excellent eyesight, and they can see things that are invisible to humans at first glance. In this case, it is necessary to understand what kind of object provoked this behavior of the pet.

Important! When a family expresses universal love for a pet, its tail is always raised up and can often easily wobble in different directions.

Facial expression

Determining the mood of a cat by its face is a more difficult task. But recognizing what an animal is currently feeling is a completely feasible task, for which a scientific approach should be applied. .

When a cat is alert, its whiskers move forward slightly

Particular attention should be paid to the eyes, because they can be much more eloquent:

  • When a cat is currently in an aggressive mood, she looks straight at her, without looking away, and her pupils constrict. In addition, the mustache begins to protrude forward, and the ears are pressed to the head.
  • If the animal is ready to attack, at this moment its mouth opens slightly, where teeth and gums become visible.
  • If the pet is frightened, then its pupils dilate to almost the entire size of the eyes.
  • When the cat is at rest, the eyes close slightly.

You can find out what mood a cat is in by listening to its ears. In a state of tension, the animal presses its ears to the sides, thus warning the person about its bad mood. If the ears are pressed back, then the pet is frightened by something. But if a cat moves her ears left and right, this may mean that she is interested in something. If she is not disturbed, she will sit and carefully study the object or object that has attracted her attention.

When a cat is very interested in something, it moves its ears slightly

If the cat has arched its back, stretched out on its paws and its tail is erect, it notifies the ill-wisher not to approach him. Sometimes a similar picture can be observed when a cat sees itself in the mirror , but this is simply out of surprise. If a pet caresses and rubs against its legs, this indicates that it needs something. For example, he is hungry or wants attention.

Pets can express their thoughts, desires and moods through body gestures. By learning these gestures, it will be easier to understand your cat.

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Cats can be sad and feel depressed

Despite their expressed indifference, cats experience a whole range of feelings and can even feel sad. Scientists know little about animal mental health. But cats definitely feel depressed. Its signs are difficult to determine with the naked eye. When a cat feels unhappy, it sits still and does not show any activity. It is very difficult to recognize her depression if usually the animal is also always calm and indifferent.

People expect an upset cat to hiss and act aggressively. This is not true: cats behave this way only when someone encroaches on their safety. How to recognize cat sadness? Pay attention to changes in behavior. If your cat has become restless and disoriented, there is something that may be upsetting him. Monitor your pet's changing eating habits and stools. They also directly influence his mood.

Why then do they bring us prey?

Yes, that’s right, many cats drag strangled mice and birds into the house, and sometimes (oh, horror!) put them in their owners’ beds . However, make no mistake: they are not doing this at all to treat us. Don't forget, they are predators! The cat brings its prey to a safe place to eat it later. He probably guesses that we don’t eat that kind of stuff.

Again, there are cases where completely domestic cats hid meat stolen from the kitchen in secluded corners. Believe me, they had no intention of sharing it!

Cats are susceptible to stress

But what struck the researcher most was how strongly some cat diseases are linked to stress. For example, he found that cystitis and dermatological problems can be solved without any drug treatment if two cats that do not get along with each other are moved to different places in the house.

In this regard, Bradshaw warns: if you want to take home another cat, try to do it very carefully and be prepared that you will have to part with the second pet if he does not get along with the old-timer. A cat is a much less sociable creature than a dog, and it is much more difficult for her to make friends.

Larisa Solodovnikova

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