Who is more dangerous, who is faster and who is stronger - a lion or a tiger?

a lion

Now lions are found only in Asia and Africa, although previously their habitat was much wider - from Europe to the Middle East. But over time, people pushed them aside, and now lions are found in the wild only in the south, east and west of Africa, as well as in India. African and Asiatic lions differ in their appearance and basic characteristics from each other: different habitats affect them.

These representatives of the cat family live in small groups - prides, the number of which ranges from four to thirty or more individuals. Usually a pride includes two or three males, one of which is dominant, and several females with offspring. Large dimensions do not prevent these animals from overcoming even a three-meter height. In general, jumping is their strong point. When hunting, a lion freezes in the grass, waiting for its prey, and then knocks it to the ground in one calculated leap. Although, by the way, the main breadwinner is the female, and the male is more responsible for protecting the pride territory from unwanted intrusions. It is quite easy to distinguish a lion from a lioness: the male has a lush mane, while the lioness does not.

Who is stronger

In ancient Rome, not only gladiator fights were held, but also battles between animals. When a tiger was pitted against a lion, the latter usually won.

Naturalist John Varty, who studied predators in their natural habitat, compared the fighting qualities of both animals and concluded that a lion could not defeat a tiger. The king of beasts, unlike his rival, is not able to break the shell of a large leopard tortoise, as if it were a piece of straw.

Representatives of the SCT Foundation, under whose care the Chinese tabby cats are, also doubt that the king of animals will be the winner. Lions for the most part are not so good at hunting, and are also inferior in size. The result will not be so obvious if the tiger is fought by a lone lion, which is forced to look for prey every day. And the striped member of the cat family is unlikely to be able to kill the king of beasts with his favorite technique, plunging his fangs into the carotid artery: his shaggy mane will get in the way.

Video: comparison of two predators

Theoretically, both predators have equal chances of winning. In practice, the triumph is usually celebrated by the tiger.


There are different subspecies: Amur, Bengal, Indochinese, Malay, Sumatran, Chinese. All names correspond to the habitat.

Tigers are solitary hunters. They do not live in a flock, but separately. The male occupies a territory of 700-800 square kilometers, and the female and her offspring need only 500 square kilometers.

Interesting data about the lynx

Let's look at some interesting information about the first predator:

  • The forest cat really doesn’t like foxes, feels great antagonism towards them and, as soon as the opportunity arises, tries to destroy these owners of fluffy red living gold. This behavior is explained simply: foxes love to steal other people's prey and treat themselves to it. Moreover, it has been noticed: the lynx kills the fox not for the sake of dinning on the enemy’s corpse, but simply to clean it.
  • The lynx has amazing hearing and can hear a person walking 3-4 kilometers away. Therefore, hunt this animal even if you beat your head.
  • By the way, about the person. These forest inhabitants have quite peaceful relations with people. A lynx can easily break the neck of an adult man, but such facts have not been recorded - wild cats avoid people in every possible way. There is a belief: a person who sees a lynx will always be lucky.
  • In Ancient Greece, animals were given mystical properties - it was believed that they could see something through objects. And amber was considered hardened lynx urine.

  • In fact, if someone has never seen a lynx, you can easily recognize it by the tassels decorating its ear. This gives some originality to the animal. And it was noticed: if you take away this decoration from a lynx, its hearing will noticeably decrease.
  • A lynx calf is born blind, its eyes open only after two weeks.
  • Lynx is an omnivore, but most of all it loves voles. For normal life, an animal requires at least 2 kilograms of meat per kalpa.
  • The lynx is very jumpy. Her giant leaps can reach up to four meters.
  • The sharpness of the claws is comparable to that of a razor blade. Again, just like teeth.
  • The lynx does not torture the victim, but kills at once.

To make the comparison of the lynx and the wolf more detailed, it makes sense to read the facts about the second predator.

Who is bigger - a tiger or a lion?

The weight of an adult lion ranges from 180 to 240 kg, and the body length reaches three meters. Females are slightly smaller: the average weight is 140 kg, and their body length is half a meter shorter.

The length of the body of an average adult tiger is not inferior to the length of the body of a lion; on the contrary, it is slightly longer. As for body weight, here too there is a difference of 50 kg in favor of the tiger. Representatives of the Amur subspecies are even heavier: their weight reaches 350 kg.

So, who is bigger - a lion or a tiger? It turns out that the striped representative of the cat family is slightly superior to its maned relative in size.

Who is stronger

In ancient Rome, not only gladiator fights were held, but also battles between animals. When a tiger was pitted against a lion, the latter usually won.

Naturalist John Varty, who studied predators in their natural habitat, compared the fighting qualities of both animals and concluded that a lion could not defeat a tiger. The king of beasts, unlike his rival, is not able to break the shell of a large leopard tortoise, as if it were a piece of straw.

Representatives of the SCT Foundation, under whose care the Chinese tabby cats are, also doubt that the king of animals will be the winner. Lions for the most part are not so good at hunting, and are also inferior in size. The result will not be so obvious if the tiger is fought by a lone lion, which is forced to look for prey every day. And the striped member of the cat family is unlikely to be able to kill the king of beasts with his favorite technique, plunging his fangs into the carotid artery: his shaggy mane will get in the way.

Video: comparison of two predators

Theoretically, both predators have equal chances of winning. In practice, the triumph is usually celebrated by the tiger.

To answer the question of who is stronger, a lion or a tiger, you first need to know what these animals are capable of. What a tiger is capable of. The average weight of a Bengal tiger is 220 kg, while the Ussuri tiger reaches 300 kg. Occasionally larger individuals are also found. These animals are excellent hunters. Their most formidable weapon is the sharpest fangs, which they plunge into […]

Comparison of the strength of two predators

Who is stronger - a lion or a tiger? The answer is far from clear-cut. It depends on what is considered an indicator of strength: either the characteristics of the type, or the number of rounds won. The tiger's claws are sharper and longer (10 cm) than those of the lion (7 cm). Since a tiger is on average heavier than a lion, this means that it has more muscles. The force of compression of their jaws is approximately the same, and they kill the victim in a similar way: they dig their fangs into the neck. But the success of the fight depends not only on who is bigger - the tiger or the lion, but also on the tactics of the battle. For example, a lion's blow is more devastating. With one swing he kills a hyena or a zebra. If we take external characteristics, then the tiger is stronger than the lion. But if we take the specific results of the skirmishes of these two animals as a basis, then the king of beasts does not give up his positions and proves that he deservedly received such a title.


Is it possible to kill a tiger or a lion with your bare hands? I think this question is almost as interesting to many as the question - who is stronger, the tiger or the lion?

The question has an ancient history. Different peoples have many stories about people killing big cats without weapons. But what do they reflect? Maybe more like a dream? Or exaggerated exploits of real heroes? Or is it still sometimes possible for a person to kill a tiger with his bare hands?

Hard to say. There is no definite answer to this question, since most of these stories are devoid of details (and when details appear, it is often possible to figure out a lie). We do not have video recordings of such feats. Many data cast doubt on such stories. But, on the other hand, in some cases relatively realistic ways for a person to kill a big cat are described. Although, this also looks realistic only in theory. In practice, we have too little data on this issue to judge more specifically.

If we change the strength of a person in representatives of the genus Panthera (which includes: lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar), then the upper limit of a person can be called victory over a leopard. Higher achievements are not certain, or doubtful.

Here we will talk specifically about some kind of lion or tiger. Who is stronger: the strongest lion, or the strongest man, there is no question. Leo is stronger. As the Arabs say, “Allah gave a man the strength of a man, and a lion the strength of forty men.”

Who is more dangerous?

In terms of its behavior in a fight, a tiger seems more aggressive than a lion. He immediately rushes into battle, while the lion can enter the battle as if reluctantly. Sometimes it seems like he's playing first rather than trying to hit. It's all about their social nature. The tiger is used to fighting alone; he knows that he has no one to expect help from. And a lion, who mainly hunts with members of a pride, may habitually think that he has a support group behind him, ready to join in at any moment, and therefore behaves less intimidatingly than his opponent.

Bear vs lion

Who can win in a fight - a lion or a bear? Again, everything will depend on the type and condition of the animals. But still, let’s try to consider the average capabilities of both animals.

A bear is undoubtedly heavier than a lion, weighing about a ton, it can simply crush an opponent. The lion, although lighter, is more agile; the lightning speed of the attack can decide the outcome of the battle in an instant.

A bear is toothier than a lion, it has as many as 40 teeth, while a lion, like an ordinary cat, has only 30. But again, it is worth noting that if the lion is the first to grab the bear’s neck, then the clubfooted giant will collapse, and he will no longer need teeth.

The strength of the blow is of great importance in a fight. Scientists have proven that a bear with its huge paw with huge sharp claws can break the back of an elk with one blow. The lion can counter such force with the speed and range of its jump. The main thing for a huge red cat is to get to the enemy’s throat; a lion can instantly gnaw the neck of an antelope.

Who wins the conflict?

The answer to the question “who is stronger - a lion or a tiger” requires facts and documentary evidence, and not just unfounded reasoning. There are many real videos of the fight between the two titans. In a nutshell, the conclusion is this: the tiger is most likely the initiator of the conflict, but he retreats after the lion shows who is the master of the situation. The latter is more confident. And a lion has more fighting experience, because adult lions constantly fight for territory, and a tiger can only take part in a fight a couple of times in its entire life.

The fight itself at first looks as if the tiger is still inflicting more blows on the enemy, and this creates the illusion of his victory. But mostly these blows do not reach their target, because the lion manages to dodge in time. The tiger makes a lot of unnecessary movements, and this makes him tired faster. In battle, he stands on his two hind legs and tries to fight with his front legs, making it harder to maintain balance. In addition, his strategy is not well thought out: he tries to hit the neck, but the lion has a powerful mane that absorbs these blows, and they generally do not do much harm to the lion. The lion's blows are more calculated, and if he does hit, then in such a way that the tiger will surely fall. This predator strikes with one paw, standing on the other three, and tries to hit the unprotected neck or tear out a piece of skin from the sides or back, and it succeeds quite often. If the blow is strong, but not fatal, then the tiger shamefully runs away, whining like a little dog.

To be fair, it should be noted that there is also another side to the coin. Perhaps the tiger runs away not so much because he is tired or afraid, but because he is more afraid of wounds than the lion and does not see the need to fight to the death in an everyday showdown. After all, if a wounded lion needs to rest, then other members of the pride will take care of him, but the tiger can only rely on himself, and severe severe wounds doom him to hunger. Therefore, he may choose to retreat.

General conclusions

No credible cases of human killing an adult male lion or tiger have been found. However, there is some possibility that this is theoretically possible. I consider the most effective methods in this regard to be tearing out the predator’s tongue, possibly strangulation, and breaking the spine. However, all these methods are hardly feasible in practice (they would at least be shown on a stuffed lion). It is quite possible that the probability of this is so low that it can be compared with the probability of a chokehold being applied by an ordinary man to Fedor Emelianenko, that is, practically equal to zero. In general, we can say that there is surprisingly little information about the victories of people over predators. The fact that they had to be invented, that they had to pick up half-dead lions for exhibition fights, suggests that no super-strong man was confident of his victory over these predators. It is very possible that throughout history there have been no such cases (a man killed an adult lion with his bare hands). Most of all, people themselves advocate for this conclusion. After all, if it were, then there would be no need to invent anything. If it had happened once, there would also be some likelihood that other strongmen could repeat it. And there were always risky people. And then it would be part of ordinary shows in circuses and Roman arenas (and other similar places). In circuses they show other acts that involve great danger, but the Roman games frankly did not spare anyone.

However, it may be feasible. But it's very risky. And it is impossible to always count on success. That is, someone who killed a lion once cannot be at all sure that he will kill him another time, since for the most part such a victory requires the coincidence of thousands of little things in which a person must be lucky. The very next lion, lioness, or even leopard may have their own luck, and then... Actually, a person’s throat is not protected by anything, even from the teeth of a leopard...

Well, if they couldn’t do it before, and they can’t do it now, then they certainly won’t be able to do it in the future! Because, degradation.

Fights in Ancient Rome

Interestingly, the expression “king of beasts” was assigned to the lion during the times of Ancient Rome. The attitude towards him as the owner of enormous power is evidenced by many architectural monuments, where this majestic predator is depicted as a winner. The question of who is stronger, a lion or a tiger, also interested the ancient Romans. To please the spectators thirsty for bloody spectacles, various animals were pitted against each other. Very often it was the lions and tigers who had to measure their strength.

Who mostly won such fights? Almost all historical reports speak in favor of lions. For example, the preferential victories of these predators over tigers are recorded in Plato’s “Dialogues” and in the “Memoirs of Cleopatra.” Moreover, there is evidence that the lion even tore apart an elephant thanks to his grip and technique.

Another additional answer to the question of who is stronger - a lion or a tiger - are the architectural monuments of Ancient Rome. It is the lion that is depicted in the sculptures as a symbol of courage and strength. Consequently, eyewitnesses of animal fights also considered him this way. There are very few monuments where the tiger is immortalized.

Who is still stronger?

If we take into account only the size and weight of the body of a lion and a tiger, then it seems that the lion will easily defeat its opponent. However, it is also worth considering that lions hunt much less often, and therefore their muscles are weaker than tiger ones. However, there are solitary lions who hunt every day - they are in no way inferior to even the strongest representative of tigers. In addition, the neck of lions is protected by a thick mane - if the enemy intends to gnaw the carotid artery, he will not succeed.

On the other hand, the battles of Ancient Rome, in which big cats took part, speak in favor of tigers. Often it was the tigers who won.

In practice, the tiger is often stronger than the lion

It cannot be said that one of them is stronger, since both felines have remarkable endurance. Their chances can be equalized, since the lion has a weight advantage, and tigers are agile and fast from birth. In a fight, the strength of these felines will most likely be equal.

The lion and the tiger are worthy representatives of the cat family. These animals are strong, dexterous and resilient, so in theory they can be compared for a long time, but the truth will never be established. In practice, tigers often defeat lions because they hunt more often and their muscles are more developed.

Skirmishes in zoos and circuses

In nature, separate fights would never take place, because the habitats of some subspecies do not overlap. For example, an Amur tiger or a lion living in Africa would never have the opportunity to measure their strength. It’s different in zoos, where they live in neighboring cages.

You can't argue with the numbers. In most fatal cases, the victims were tigers. When they and the lions are together in a confined space, for example in an enclosure or cage, the tigers become very panicky because they have nowhere to escape. They behave rather irrationally, and this is the main reason for their defeats. Leo, on the contrary, pushes his line to the end, and the final outcome is the death of the enemy.

One animal trainer described the case of a lion named Sultan the First. During one performance in the circus, he challenged all the tigers. They approached him in the arena, and he defeated them all in turn. Moreover, these were only large young and strong animals. Sultan the First, like an experienced boxer, delivered false blows, bluffed, causing the tigers to miss, and then delivered a crushing blow. The defeated tigers crawled around the arena, and the winner triumphantly finished them off. No one could take them away; all the tigers died. It was a cruel sight.

Having considered these facts, each reader can decide for himself who is better - a lion or a tiger - to prove himself in a fight. Although it would be much better if they never fought among themselves or attacked a person.

What usually happens

Some clarification is needed here. We do not clarify the question: who is stronger, man or tiger? Because it's obvious. We are only finding out whether any person can kill any adult tiger at any time?

For clarity, let's clarify what this means.

No one doubts that a boxer is stronger than a drunk or a drug addict. However, it was sometimes recorded that people who had no idea about boxing on the street broke the jaws of boxing masters (or famous karatekas).

There was a case where retired boxer Ray Mercer knocked out former two-time MMA champion Tim Sylvia, but that doesn't mean that boxers will always win in MMA?

Should people at least count on such exceptional cases in the fight against tigers?

What usually happens?

I want to draw the attention of readers to the existence of such a phenomenon as cannibalistic animals. If “man in general” were stronger than “tiger in general,” then there would be no man-eating tigers

There was a case when a tiger killed an Indian elephant. But, nevertheless, there are no elephant-eating tigers. Because despite the exception, tigers usually cannot cope with an elephant. But with a person, you know, they can! In the book about the cannibal lions of Tsavo, a case was described when a lion killed a man famous for his incredible strength. It didn't seem like there was any difference between him and other people =).

If people were stronger than lions, they would not need to invent weapons. Just like a gorilla is the strongest in its ecosystem, and is in no hurry to make a spear to fight a leopard. It was the vulnerability of the human body that forced him to invent ways to counteract the monstrous power of animals.


Let's pay attention to the demonstration games of antiquity (a la Ancient Rome). Confrontations between humans and animals were demonstrated here

But people were always armed, unless they were criminals sentenced to death. If even super-strong people could sometimes defeat lions and tigers without weapons, then why wasn’t this shown in Ancient Rome? This is interesting! And human life was not so valued there. This means that it was not considered wrestling, but simply feeding lions and tigers.

I would also like to draw attention to such a school as training large predators. It is never built on physical dominance of a person

If there were some strong men who were stronger than tigers, then why not trust them to train them? Why then invent ways to create the illusion of human superiority?

Since ancient times, all kinds of strongmen have performed in the circus, who “break chains with the movement of their shoulders.” But for some reason, it is not they who train lions and tigers, using their strength, but special trainers, using their knowledge.

And, by the way, the act “fighting a lion,” for example, has never been common in the circus. What does it mean? That the legendary circus strongmen are too little even against zoo animals

By the way, if such a fight was organized, it was with all the precautions (a half-dead old lion with its paws and mouth tied). After all, it is within the power of a person to choose a “convenient” lion, but it is not within the power of a lion to choose a convenient person! True, we can be sure of the outcome of the “struggle” of the second pair...

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Lion attack on Dave Selmoni

For example, the attack of the usual circus lion Bongo on Dave Salmoni. I don't think anyone can doubt that Salmoni is physically superior to the average male human (and certainly physically superior to some of his internet haters). While Bongo is an ordinary small circus lion (just like Vasya). And in this case, too, there was no talk of fighting. Salmoni had one task - to escape. And he himself said that he was on the verge of death. He needed psychological recovery from close “communication” with the fangs of a lion.

the average lion and tiger are stronger than the average man; they are stronger and very strong people; and in general, it seems that they are usually stronger than even super strong people

And outstanding lions are even capable of defeating crowds of people with firearms and knives!

That is why the title of the article is not “Who is stronger, man or tiger?”, but “Can man...?”

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