Whippet or small English greyhound - faster than a hare

The Whippet or Small English Greyhound (English whippet, English Whippet, Snap dog) is a medium-sized greyhound native to Great Britain. Although it is considered a smaller version of the Greyhound, it is a unique breed in its own right. In terms of body size and speed, this is the fastest dog in the world (50-60 km/h), but there are breeds whose maximum speed is higher.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Origin:Great Britain
Conditions of detention:Apartment, house
Purpose:Hunting dog, companion dog
Color:Any color or combination
Wool length:Short
Adult dog size:The height of the female is 44-47 cm, the male is 47-51 cm, weight -7-12 kg
Average life expectancy:10-12 years
Walk:Walking twice a day is required
Physical activity needs:High physical activity needs (1.5-3 hours of active walking or training daily)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 10: Greyhounds, Section 3: Shorthaired Greyhounds
Puppy price:From 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. Without pedigree - up to 10,000 rubles, pet class - 10,000-15,000 rubles, breed class - 20,000 rubles, show class - 30,000 rubles

Historical reference

The homeland of whippets is England, but the exact origin of the breed is unknown today. It is believed that the ancestors of modern dogs were brought by Roman legionnaires around 55 BC. e., but the representatives acquired their modern appearance precisely in the British Isles. The word "wippet" literally translates as "hound", and the dog was originally used for hunting small game. The breed also has other names: English greyhound or small whippet greyhound.

The breed standard shows an image of a Whippet representative

Official recognition of the breed by the American Kennel Club happened back in 1888, while whippets received registration from the International Canine Federation only in 1955 with the assignment of standard No. 162. Today, the document’s edition from 2007 is valid, but it has not undergone any significant changes throughout its existence.

The first representatives of whippets appeared in Russia in 1988 - 10 puppies brought from Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia.

History of the origin of the species

“The poor man's Greyhound” is the name under which the Whippet is remembered in England. The fact is that Greyhounds are large dogs, many could not afford to feed and maintain them. Therefore, enthusiasts decided to try to breed a new breed that would be smaller in size, but would not lose its working qualities, in particular, speed.

The smallest Greyhounds were selected and crossed with Italian Greyhounds. To get long legs and a perky disposition, the Bedlington Terrier was mixed into the breed. Of course, the appearance of that Whippet was different from the modern one. He looked more like a mongrel. The dog acquired its graceful, elegant features only after the rich began breeding work.

According to some versions, the dogs were bred by miners who could not afford to purchase a hunting breed. It is believed that their pets helped them catch rats underground and hares on the surface.

Another opinion is that Whippets appeared before our era, as evidenced by figurines dating back to the period of Ancient Rome.

The name of the breed comes from the English word “ Whip” - whip, whip. The association was carried out at the speed of a dog . It can reach speeds of up to 64 km/h , although there are breeds that can move faster; the Whippet, with its small stature, is considered the record holder.

Dog racing is becoming popular in the country. While the rich use expensive tall dogs and live bait, the poor and middle class are content with their new breed and a plush patchwork rabbit for the dogs to run after. The dog becomes the real breadwinner of the family - the breadwinner during the hunt and the champion of competitions.

By the end of the 19th century, the nobility became interested in Whippets . The rich wanted to improve the pet's appearance. Around 1890, the dog developed its unique appearance. In 1891 a standard was drawn up and the breed was recognized by the English Club.

Psychological portrait of a whippet greyhound

The breed has a soft character and balanced behavior. The dog is obedient, understanding, unobtrusive. She will not rub herself at the feet if the owner is not in the mood. Friendly, lives in friendship with other four-legged animals in the apartment. Does not give preference to any member of the family - for her they are all one pack.

Everyone notes smart, attentive eyes with a deep gaze. When communicating with a silent friend, you can read a lot in his eyes.

According to reviews, he is a good security guard and nanny. He sits next to a sleeping child for hours, and when the baby wakes up, the dog runs after his mother.

Whippet - running along the path among the rapeseed fields. Photo credit: redeyesatdawn.

Distinctive features

Graceful, elegant dogs with a lightweight body and elegant shapes. Selection was not superfluous here, because it is thanks to it that dogs can develop high speed. The animals are small in height - 44-51 cm, weight - 7-12 kg. They are lean and give the impression of emaciated pets.

In addition to speed, the Whippet has an incredibly high jump. From a standing position, this dog can jump over a fence measuring 2-2.5 m.

The standard was last published in 1998.

  • The head is small, dry, oblong, wide between the eyes. The stop is weakly expressed.
  • The muzzle is narrow, the bridge of the nose is straight. The jaws are full and strong. Scissor bite
  • The nose is black or brown (depending on the color: blue is allowed for blue fur, chocolate for brown, a light nose is considered a disadvantage for white and wheaten coats);
  • The eyes are medium-sized, oval, set high and wide. The iris is dark.
  • The ears are semi-erect, set high, standing on cartilage, thin.
  • The body is elegant and lightweight. The topline is long and straight, the loin is well arched, the withers are poorly defined. The chest is voluminous, well descended. The neck is muscular and long.
  • The tail is a continuation of the croup, set low and thin. The shape is sickle-shaped, carried lowered or raised no higher than the line of the back.
  • The limbs are straight, long, thin, and not widely set. The hindquarters are well extended beyond the line of the seat. The paws are small, neat, with collected toes and hard pads. The movements are spreading, free, fast.
  • The coat is short, fine, close-lying.
  • colors .


The diet of an English greyhound depends on its age. When a puppy is weaned from its mother, it is important to organize a systematic intake of calcium into its body. Until the age of six months, he should regularly drink milk, no matter what kind.

In addition, his daily menu should include: meat (chicken, beef, rabbit), stewed vegetables, soups, potatoes, fruits. Don't overfeed your dog! He can't get fat. In this case, the animal loses its hound potential and develops gastric dysfunction.

He should go to the bowl about 5-6 times a day. Portions should be small but filling. The main requirement for products is balance. The English greyhound's body must regularly absorb vitamins from different groups and microelements.

Be sure to feed your whippet puppy cottage cheese. This product will enrich it with phosphorus and calcium. It would also be a good idea to treat yourself to vegetable soup. If you are preparing liquid food for him, do not use bones or meat for cooking, as they will make the broth too fatty.

Don't forget about butter! Its regular use (in small portions) will have a positive effect on the condition of the animal’s coat and skin. You need to add it to porridge.

An adult whippet should be completely switched to dry food. The daily dose of the product is 400 grams. It is better to divide feeding into 2 times. This product contains the minerals necessary to maintain the dog’s energy and muscle mass, therefore, there is no point in feeding it with other food. But during the puppy’s growth period, this is necessary!

Photo of an adult dog

Popular greyhound varieties

The FCI recognizes only 13 varieties and includes them in group 10. Depending on the length and structure of the wool, they are divided into 3 sections:

  1. long-haired;
  2. wire-haired;
  3. shorthaired

Some of them are popular only in their homeland. There are also those who are well known in Russia, but are not recognized internationally. You can meet these animals below.


The sophisticated "Afghan" has a light satiny long coat and a regal bearing. Most modern representatives are used exclusively for decorative purposes. Because of this, the breed is gradually losing its working skills.

Unlike other species, Afghan dogs are much less trainable due to their stubborn and independent nature. It is also worth noting their pride. Almost any injustice can hurt such pets.

Russian canine

The Russian Borzoi is another long-haired representative. Their fur has virtually no odor as long as it remains dry. This feature allows you to hide your presence during a hunt.

The Russian Greyhound is very polite in communication. She shows her peaceful nature not only to all family members, but also to strangers. This makes the dog very easy to steal.


The last long-haired representative is the Saluki. Unlike the two dogs previously reviewed, the glamorous feathering only covers her limbs, tail and ears. The rest of the body is adorned with a short, silky dog.

Salukis are very reluctant to communicate with children, as they cannot stand leprosy. Their sensitive nervous system negatively perceives elevated tones. Children's screams frighten the Saluki, so in a house with a crowd of children the animal can turn into a twitchy neurotic.


Wirehaired Deerhounds are fierce and indomitable at work, but very calm and almost unnoticeable at home. Vastness is alien to them, which is very important when living in the city.

Despite the lack of aggression towards humans, these greyhounds are quite capable of protecting their owners. They quickly learn new commands, but cannot stand monotony. For this reason, classes with deerhounds are carried out often, but not for long and exclusively in a playful way.

Irish Wolfhound

Wirehaired Irish Wolfhounds take a long time to mature. They reach psychological maturity only by 2 years. Despite this, their training abilities are the highest.

The Irish are always kind and patient with children. Thanks to their impressive size, they can easily protect their little owners from intruders, which distinguishes them from most representatives. They are not suitable for the role of a security guard.


The Greyhound is the fastest representative. In terms of speed, it outperforms not only its closest relatives, but also other breeds. A record of 67.32 km/h was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, and the dog ranks 46th in the ranking of the smartest dogs.

Greyhounds' coat is thin and short. Due to the lack of undercoat, it does not warm them well in cold and hot weather. For this reason, greyhounds should not be kept outdoors, either in winter or summer.

Italian Greyhound

This short-haired greyhound is the smallest. The Italian Greyhound is playful and very sociable. Unlike most related species, it does not tolerate prolonged absence of close contact. Despite this, temporary loneliness still does not frighten her, although the behavior of an Italian greyhound when forced to part with the owner directly depends on the quality of the walk and the opportunity to hunt. A pet tired from hunting will rest peacefully on a chair, windowsill or bedside table.

The name greyhound comes from the French word lievre - “hare”. In the Middle Ages, this animal was the main object of hunting.


The graceful smooth-haired Whippet has virtually no fat layer. It does not tolerate frost well, so it is not recommended to keep it in an enclosure or walk it without clothes. Thanks to its modest dimensions, it is suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Whippets are very affectionate and loving. They love to follow their owner's tail, participating in all household chores. Their importunity is much higher than that of Italian Greyhounds. Long-term loneliness and lack of attention cause destructive behavior and mental disorders in whippets.


The first Horty were formed in Kievan Rus. Despite its fame, this greyhound is not recognized by the FCI.

Horts are smart and independent. These qualities help them during hunting, but often lead to escapes when free movement is limited.

Photos of puppies

Little-known greyhound dog breeds

Little-known but recognized hunting hounds include the Azawakh, Spanish Galgo, Magyar Agar, Polish Hart and Slugi. They are mainly distributed in their homeland, that is, in West Africa, Spain, Hungary, Poland and North Africa, respectively.

Not everyone knows and there are many unrecognized breeds. In contrast to hortoi, the Australian variety, bakhmul, tazy and taigan are in much less demand. They can be found in very remote corners of Australia, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, respectively.

Another 4 species of canids are classified as controversial greyhounds. These are Podenco Ibizanco (Ibizan), Pharaoh Hound, Podenco Canario (Canarian) and Cirneco del Etna (Sicilian). Despite the characteristic external signs, the ICF classifies these four-legged animals as primitive breeds.

Features of character and behavior

Whippets can be considered ideal pets. They are calm, unobtrusive, but at the same time loving, affectionate and devoted to their owners. Good mental abilities make these dogs excellent athletes and hunters, and their physical fitness allows them to develop high speed and work tirelessly.


The advantages of the breed include:

  1. Good nature, affection, devotion;
  2. Unobtrusiveness, calmness, a certain phlegmaticity;
  3. Activity, good physical shape;
  4. Acute sense of smell and hearing, obvious instincts of a hunter;
  5. Dogs get along well with children, watch them, never snap;
  6. They get along with pets without problems (troubles can only arise with rabbits or small fur-bearing animals);
  7. Lack of aggression, normal attitude towards strangers;
  8. Good mental abilities;
  9. Neatness and cleanliness.


The disadvantages of an animal depend on its upbringing. However, most often owners are faced with the following disadvantages:

  • Stubbornness, willfulness (with timely training, this behavior is quickly eradicated);
  • They can be destructive (hyperactivity is typical for dogs up to 9-10 months);
  • Shyness, fearfulness (with improper socialization);
  • Sometimes distrustful of people;
  • Intolerance of loneliness.


  • The dog is perfectly adapted to living in an apartment. At home they are calm and relaxed, but outside they should be able to run around.
  • Without socialization they can be timid and fearful.
  • They have a high hunting instinct and can rush off after their prey, forgetting about everything else. You must walk on a leash, letting him off only in safe places.
  • The Whippet has short hair and virtually no subcutaneous fat. He is uncomfortable sleeping on hard surfaces, gets cold easily, and his scars are clearly visible under his short fur.
  • These dogs should not live on the street, only in the house, with their family. It is important to spend time with them as they are attached to people and love them.
  • They love children and find a common language with them, but only if the child respects the dog.

Care and maintenance

This breed is definitely suitable only for active and free people. Its contents include long active walks: jogging, dog sports, hunting. The physical fitness of your pet needs to be taken care of from childhood.

Whippets can only live indoors. They have short hair, so they are not suitable for the outdoors: they freeze in winter and overheat in summer.

These dogs need to communicate with their family and owner, only then will they be happy.

Before buying a puppy, you need to equip the house, choose a place for bowls and a bed. The pet should sleep as close to the person as possible. It is worth purchasing a comfortable soft mattress in a cover, bowls on stands, toys and hygiene products.


Dogs of this breed can be fed both dry and natural food. The choice depends on the owner and the pet’s food tastes. Finished products have long been loved by breeders and dog breeders.

  • Firstly, they save time;
  • Secondly, they contain a complex of necessary substances;
  • Thirdly, they are easy to use. You can choose food based on your pet’s activity, weight, age and allergies. There are even separate lines for pregnant and lactating bitches.

Disadvantages include poor digestibility of some components and poor quality of cheap feeds..

The owner needs to study the composition well before giving the pet a new product. Whippets will benefit from premium food for medium active breeds with a high protein content.

Natural food is better digested because it is familiar to the dog. The owner will be confident in the products that the pet eats. But such feeding is more expensive and requires more time.

We recommend that you read a detailed article on the topic: “How and what to feed a dog: types and characteristics of nutrition.”

The diet should contain protein:

  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • kefir and cottage cheese.

In total, it should occupy about 40-50% of the daily menu . Dogs also need carbohydrates - grains, fruits and vegetables.

It is strictly forbidden to feed the animal from the table, to give it pork, butter, legumes, potatoes, flour and confectionery products, bones, fatty and fried foods. You cannot mix dry and natural food. If a transition is planned, then it is done gradually, through small complementary foods.

For an adult dog, 400-600 grams of food per day is enough. The serving size depends on the amount of training, the weight of the pet and the air temperature. In summer the amount of food is reduced, and in winter it is expanded.

If an animal spends most of its time outside, then it needs more food. Puppies up to 3 months are fed 5-6 times a day. Up to six months they are transferred to four meals a day, and by one year to two meals a day.

The dog must follow a drinking regime, especially in the summer. The bowl of water must be kept full. If the puppy does not drink on his own, he is given water from a pipette or syringe, teaching him to be independent. You should always take a water bottle with you on walks.


The breed is much healthier than the strongest dogs, such as mastiffs. Whippets have a large gene pool, so they have strong immunity and a low tendency to hereditary diseases. On average, pets live 12-15 years and remain active until old age.

The only problem with the breed is poor tolerance to anesthesia. Due to the small amount of subcutaneous fat, even a weak dose can ruin your pet’s health.


Whippets, like all dogs, need to be vaccinated on time. Vaccination begins at 2 months. The first year of a puppy’s life is especially busy with procedures. This is necessary for the development of strong immunity. Although vaccination does not provide complete protection against viruses, it guarantees that the animal will be able to recover and recover.

Unvaccinated pets do not survive exposure to infection.

There are two vaccinations necessary not only for the health of the pet, but also for paperwork, without which taking the dog abroad is prohibited:

  • Complex vaccination (carried out at 2, 2.5, 6, 12 months and repeated annually in the same month) against plague, parainfluenza, leptospirosis and other infectious diseases;
  • Rabies vaccination (done at 7 months and repeated annually).

Kennels are engaged in primary vaccination of dogs. They carry out all the necessary procedures before and after vaccination: deworming, registration of a veterinary passport. The future owner should discuss this issue with the breeder so as not to miss the next vaccination.

The pet must be absolutely healthy: temperature 37-39 °C, cheerful appearance. Pregnant and lactating females and males are not allowed after mating. The procedures are carried out by a veterinarian in special veterinary clinics.

Drug labels are pasted into the dog’s passport. The cost of vaccination is 400-1000 rubles, it depends on the weight of the pet and the clinic’s tax. If side effects or allergic reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Important article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about dog vaccinations.”


Diseases characteristic of the breed:

  1. Poor blood clotting;
  2. Deafness;
  3. Conjunctivitis.

If you follow the rules for keeping a dog, a vaccination schedule and a proper diet, the Whippet will delight its owners with its activity for a very long time.


Walking is mandatory for Whippets. Animals need to be active. This could be hunting, participating in a race, a simple run with the owner, or active games in nature. Dogs love contact with other pets and will happily have fun in the company of friends . All you need is 2 active walks for 2 hours a day.

They start walking dogs at 3 months, after the second vaccination. First, they are carried out in their arms and introduced to the area. After 3-4 days they are taken out on a leash. You can release it when the puppy learns basic commands. Socialization should take place gradually.

You cannot immediately take your dog to a crowded and noisy place, as this can make it timid.


The breed is short-haired and clean . These dogs do not shed and do not emit unpleasant odors. You need to comb them a couple of times a week with a soft mitten, massaging the skin. Bathing can be reduced to 2 times a year. After walks, a standard set of hygiene procedures is required: washing paws, wiping the body with a towel.

Claws are trimmed as they grow, if they do not grind down on the asphalt. Brush your teeth 2-3 times a week with toothpaste or chewable treats (to avoid tartar). Eyes and ears are inspected daily and, when dirty, wiped with a damp cloth or napkin.

In the warm season, flea and tick treatment is required. In cold weather - wear protective overalls.

Whippet diseases

Whippets live on average 12–15 years and are in good health. The breed has a long history and has always been used for hunting, so weak representatives and dogs with deviations were constantly culled. So, they practically do not have joint dysplasia (impaired joint formation), but other defects may occur:

  • Deafness. If there is no hearing from birth, nothing can be done; the dog can easily live without this feeling.
  • Heart disease, in particular mitral valve stenosis (narrowing of the left opening between the atrium and ventricle). In the initial stages, the problem does not have pronounced symptoms, but shortness of breath gradually appears, and the dog quickly gets tired. Treatment involves endoscopic surgery to install a special balloon to repair the hole in the valve. This procedure allows you to transfer the disease to the stage of insufficiency, which will subsequently be compensated by taking medications.
  • Corneal dystrophy is a congenital ophthalmological disease that involves damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. If your dog has a gray, white, or shiny cloudy appearance in his eye, you should see a doctor right away. Dystrophy can manifest itself both in puppyhood and in old age. To eliminate the problem, they resort to complex surgery.

Intolerance to anesthesia is one of the most serious problems most often encountered by owners of English Greyhounds. A minimal amount of adipose tissue significantly reduces resistance to drugs, so a standard dose of anesthesia can be fatal for a pet. If such manipulation is necessary, everything should be discussed with the veterinarian in advance.

Dogs often get injured in competitions

If a whippet participates in competitions, then injuries come to the fore - sprains, dislocations, cuts, fractures. This is due to the high speed that the dog develops and the general risk of such events.


Whipets are bred at 2-3 years of age , when the dogs reach full adulthood and are able to conceive and bear offspring. Puberty comes much earlier - at 8-10 months the female dog appears in her first heat. But it is advised to untie only on the third. On days 13-15, signs should appear:

  1. Loose soft loop;
  2. Light, sometimes bloody discharge;
  3. Playful or aggressive behavior.

In order for the mating to be official, you need to contact the nursery for a referral. There they will select a suitable stud dog. The owners will agree on a date and a price, which is usually equal to one puppy or a percentage of its value.

The dogs are walked together, given time to get to know each other and sniff. After that, they are brought to the male dog’s territory, where he will feel confident and relaxed. You can invite a specialist who will tell the owners how to properly perform sexual intercourse.

If the female is happy, then she will allow the cage to be made . If the girl doesn’t want to, then you can try the next day. The male will make several active pushes and freeze if he gets into the loop. To ensure everything goes well, the animals are held: the female under the belly and by the head, and the male by the back. The whole act lasts 10-20 minutes. If there is no lock, the girl may be fat, but it is better to repeat the mating after 2 days.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Reproduction and lifespan

These adorable dogs live from 13 to 15 years. But, in the absence of caring procedures, their service life to the owner may be reduced. Sick and malnourished English greyhounds rarely survive even to 10-11 years of age.

The Whippet is a small dog and comes into heat earlier. Bitches become sexually mature by the age of 7 months. Her first heat occurs in the age range of 1-1.5 years. Usually, it begins unexpectedly, without previous symptoms.

The main sign of a bitch in heat is purple spotting. They can be plentiful. A sexually mature female should be mated with a male during her second menstruation. In the first days of this period, she can become aggressive, therefore, it is not worth taking her to the male dog’s territory.

The maturation and release of the dog's egg into the fallopian tube occurs from the 4th day of estrus. Mating at this stage is most effective, since the probability of conception is high. Three factors indicate pregnancy:

  1. Character change. The bitch becomes gentle and more attentive.
  2. Increased appetite.
  3. Rounding of the abdomen.

The average duration of gestation in dogs is 68 days.

Key points in training

Training this breed is not a difficult task. Dogs are smart and obedient, learn easily and quickly, and can even jump through hoops and walk on their hind legs. They show remarkable results in agility and other dog sports.

Whippets are not stubborn; they love cleanliness and order. Raising them is not difficult, but you need to start from early childhood. The puppy needs to remember the rules of behavior in the family and on the street, learn the daily routine: feeding and walking.

In addition, it is important to know the basic commands: “near”, “place”, “sit”, “not allowed”. The animal must get used to walking on a leash and without it, and follow commands flawlessly, especially during a hunt.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

If you really need a pet as a hunting dog, then it is best to give it to knowledgeable people for training. They will teach the dog to correctly fetch game, listen to instincts, and monitor the actions of the owner.

Raising and training a whippet

The Whippet is an amazingly capable dog , quickly grasping everything on the fly. Under no circumstances should physical punishment be used during education.

It is important to start training your puppy as early as possible. As soon as the puppy arrives in the house, be sure to organize his personal space, feeding area, and personal toys.

Establish procedures and rules immediately. The whippet must unquestioningly follow basic commands:

  • "Ugh!"
  • "It is forbidden!"
  • "To me!"
  • "Near!"
  • "Sit!"
  • "Lie!"
  • "Stand!"
  • "Give!"
  • "Place!"

Classes should be:

  • regular;
  • no longer than 2 hours ;
  • repeat instructions 1-2 times ;
  • start training by learning new commands .

It is important to give your pet short rest between exercises. The order of learned commands is changed so that the dog confidently distinguishes them, and does not memorize a constant sequence. Be sure to reward for success. Gradually reduce the number of treats for learned commands so that the whippet unquestioningly follows orders without culinary motivation.

How to choose a puppy

The Whippet is an inexpensive but rare breed. It will be difficult to purchase it from a private person. Purchasing from an official nursery will guarantee the health, purebred and adequacy of the pet. The breeder will share information about the parents, litter, breed diseases, and disadvantages. He will help you make a choice and give advice on maintenance and upbringing.

The kennel always has the right to refuse to sell a dog. If management decides that the potential owner is not suitable for this role, does not have the necessary moral qualities or financial means, then the pet will not be sold. Good breeders value their animals and care about them and their future.

Puppies will be energetic, clean, active. Healthy dogs should not have obvious pathologies or deviations from the standard. The cost of such a pet depends on its class.

  • Pet class - puppies with minor flaws that do not prevent them from being pets - their price is 10-15 thousand rubles.
  • Breeding class - pedigree dogs suitable for further breeding - their cost starts from 20 thousand rubles .
  • Show class – exhibition animals costing from 30 thousand rubles .

Buying a dog is a decision for the whole family.
You cannot entrust the care of a puppy to just one person. Before getting a pet, you need to discuss all aspects of keeping and upbringing, and think about whether this particular breed is needed. Whippets make a wonderful pet for active families or hunters. 4.5 / 5 ( 2 votes)

Where to buy and price

The average price of representatives of the breed is 25-35 thousand rubles. The Small English Greyhound dog is of average popularity in our country. You can buy it in the nurseries “Love Story”, “Volar Black Shark”, and others.

If you decide to purchase a Whippet, you will get an amazingly graceful dog with a unique appearance. Of all greyhounds, representatives of this species are distinguished by their strong attachment to their owner, good attitude towards children, and companionship skills. However, hunting instincts require proper education and timely training.

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