Is the weasel a cute miniature animal or a ruthless killer?

Weasel is a small predatory animal that belongs to the mustelidae family. It is related to minks, stoats and ferrets. The cute-looking animal does not live up to its name at all. This is a real monster that mercilessly attacks and kills rodents and birds.

Let's find out what a weasel looks like, where it is found, what kind of life it leads and whether it can be kept at home.

History of the origin of the species

The mustelid and canid families share a common ancestor. The division occurred about 35 million years ago. Zoologists even call them “alternative canine felines.” And about 20 million years ago, bears and seals emerged from the mustelid family.

Currently, mustelids are the most widespread family among predators.

In ancient Roman times, weasels and martens were kept as pets. The people who lived then understood that it was difficult to find the best hunter of field and house mice.

Later this role was given to cats and ferrets. The small, nimble animal never managed to take root in people’s homes, because it is almost impossible to tame it. In addition, he could not cope with the invasion of gray rats, which then literally filled the cities.

Mustelidae family

These petty farmland thieves are excellent hunters and love flesh: the two distinctive molars in the jaw, designed for cutting meat, speak for themselves. Raiding a nearby chicken coop is a piece of cake for them. Moreover, the methods they choose are not the most humane: a ferret, for example, climbs into a poultry house under the cover of darkness and, despite its small size - only 50 cm in length, can easily strangle a chicken or even a goose.

Predators of the mustelid family

Before you protect your pets, you should compile a detailed dossier on a representative of this huge family. Mustelids are a family very rich in various species, in the center of which is the European pine marten. Mink, grison, ferret, skunk, badger, wolverine, otter, weasel, ermine - this is not a complete list of these nimble and agile inhabitants of forests, fields and swamps. Russian farmers most often encounter weasel attacks.

Weasel exterior

Weasel exterior


Among predators, weasel is the smallest animal. There are several types of animals. They differ from each other in size, structure and color of fur.

Males of the common weasel, according to the description, weigh from 60 to 250 g, and females - from 53 to 120 g. The average body length of a male animal is 16-26 cm, and of an adult female - from 11.5 to 21 cm. Animal has an elongated narrow body, thin neck and short limbs. There are sharp claws on the toes.

The weasel's head is small, oblong, the muzzle is short, slightly pointed. The eyes are dark and shiny. The nose is quite large and forked. The ears are small and round in shape. The tail is slightly narrower and shorter than that of stoats. Its length can vary between 1.2-8.5 cm. At the base of the tail there are glands that contain a secretion with an unpleasant odor. With its help, the animal marks its territory.

Weasels have short, thick fur that fits tightly to the body. In the warm season it is brown. The head, neck, and outer parts of the limbs are covered with fur of this color. The fur on the chin, chest, abdomen and inner surfaces of the legs is white or milky. There is one brown spot in the cheek area on both sides of the muzzle.

In winter, the color of the fur changes - this is necessary to camouflage the weasel. Her fur turns snowy white. The density of fur is the same at different times of the year, but summer hairs are slightly thinner and shorter.


The common weasel is one of the varieties of these animals, but there are others. They live in different parts of the world and have some external differences:

  1. Long-tailed. This is a large animal weighing up to 340 g. The long-tailed variety is common on the North American continent.
  2. Amazonian. Found in Brazil and eastern Peru. The color of the animal is reddish-brown, the fur on the lower part of the body is light, and there is a black stripe along the chest and belly.
  3. Colombian. A miniature animal up to 22 cm long. Found in the mountainous areas of Colombia. The color of the upper body is chocolate.
  4. White striped. Lives in Indochina and Nepal. This is a chocolate-colored animal with a light stripe on its back and a fluffy tail.
  5. Holofoot. This species lives in southeast Asia. A distinctive feature of this animal is the absence of fur on its fingers. The color of the body is red, the head is light.
  6. North African. An animal weighing from 200 to 250 g with a black and white color. Found in Nigeria, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan.
  7. South African. From the name it becomes clear where this species of weasel lives. The animals living in South Africa are large, their weight reaches 350 g. The lower part of the animal’s body is painted black, with white stripes on the upper part.
  8. Patagonian. Distributed in South America. The color is light gray, the fur on the belly and chest is brown.

When the cold comes

The animals have a warm, fluffy, brown “fur coat” with long pile. The belly and neck are painted white. However, as soon as cold weather sets in, the animal changes its coat color from brown to white, becoming covered with even longer hair. This is not only a way to protect against the cold, but also good camouflage, because a white creature on white snow is much harder to notice.

Habits and behavior

Weasel is an agile and dexterous animal. Usually it moves in short jumps, and when it flees from larger predators, their length doubles and is approximately 50 cm. The animal covers a distance of about 2 km per day. It is not difficult for a weasel to climb a tree or swim across a small river.

The animal goes hunting at dusk, although it is active at any time of the day. During the day, it tries to stay close to its habitat so that if a threat is detected, it can quickly hide. The weasel attacks not only mice, but also animals that are much larger than it. Rabbits and small birds often become victims of the tireless hunter. When the animal lacks food in the wild, it moves closer to the countryside, where it enters chicken coops and destroys domestic chickens.

Natural enemies

Despite the courage and courage of the little weasel, almost all predators hunt it. But not all animals, having driven a weasel into a corner, decide to attack it. Hunters and naturalists tell stories of small and fearless animals tearing out the throats of birds of prey right in the air.

Natural enemies:

  • fox;
  • wolf;
  • lynx;
  • large snakes;
  • owls, eagle owls, tawny owls;
  • eagles, golden eagles, hawks;
  • martens, ferrets;
  • badgers;
  • wild and domestic dogs;
  • cats;
  • raccoon dogs.

It is almost impossible to take a weasel by surprise; the reaction speed of adult animals is simply amazing. Therefore, adults die quite rarely; usually babies, sick, weakened or old animals fall into the clutches of predators.

The main threat to the population comes from humans. Weasel fur and meat do not provide any commercial value, but constantly growing cities, fields and roads are reducing suitable habitat. Animals also often die in traps for larger game and are poisoned by rat and mouse poison.

Habitat and lifestyle

Small species of weasels, which are characterized by a dark color, are found mainly in forests in the Far East, Siberia, and also in North America. Larger animals with light fur are common in arid areas. These weasels are found on the African continent, South America and parts of Asia.

These animals sometimes form colonies, but more often live alone. They do not like proximity to their own kind, because it implies competition. The weasel prefers to settle in areas where there is plenty of natural shelter and plenty of food. With the help of an odorous secretion, the animal marks the boundaries of its territory. Its size can reach 1 hectare.

Animals make holes for themselves, but rarely dig them on their own. Most often, weasels use the homes of their victims - small rodents. With the help of sharp claws, the animal widens the passages and makes several exits. The weasel's home can be voids under stones and snags, or ruins. To maintain warmth inside, the animal lines the hole with leaves and dry grass.

Attention! Weasel is a thrifty animal. She drags the killed prey into her hole and puts it in a specially designated place. Such forethought helps to survive in snowy winters, when movement and hunting in open areas are difficult.

The average lifespan of weasels is 5 years. However, in the wild, an animal rarely manages to live longer than a year. He has many natural enemies:

  • marten;
  • badger;
  • raccoon dog;
  • fox;
  • wolf;
  • owl.

Some animals die in traps that farmers set to protect chicken coops and rabbit hutches. Weasels also die from disease.


In the wild, weasels eat field mice, shrews, hamsters and jerboas. This is their favorite treat. They do not disdain rabbits, moles, as well as amphibians - lizards, snakes, frogs. If there are few rodents left in the area, weasels feed on small birds and steal their eggs. Insects also sometimes serve as food for them.

Attention! A weasel can fight off even a large bird of prey. She digs into the attacker's throat with sharp teeth. This is only possible thanks to a lightning-fast reaction.

The small, nimble animal often eats its prey right at the site of the attack. First he eats the insides, and then he can feast on the rest of the carcass. The weasel takes small killed animals to its hole. It is capable of carrying a load commensurate with half its own weight.

Reproduction and offspring

Depending on their habitat and the amount of food in their territory, weasels can reproduce from 2 to 5 times a year. Interestingly, lack of nutrition affects not only the number of litters produced, but also leads to a decrease in the number of cubs in the brood. In regions with cold winters, the breeding season for weasels begins in March and ends in autumn.

Males go in search of females. They have to leave their burrows and travel long distances to find and fertilize several weasels. After completing their mission, they do not take any part in raising the cubs. Males do not guard nests and do not care about feeding the brood.

Pregnancy in weasels lasts 5 weeks. The female arranges a nest for the babies herself - she brings into the hole bedding from leaves, moss and other available materials. Weasel litters range from 3 to 10 babies. They are born with a body weight of several grams. The babies are blind, helpless and covered with the finest short white fluff.

Baby weasels grow quickly. After 2-3 weeks, their eyes open, and their body is gradually covered with fur, which has a summer color. At first, babies feed on mother's milk, and at the age of 3 weeks they gradually begin to try solid food. The female brings it into the hole and tears it into fragments.

By a month, little weasels learn to cut up mouse carcasses on their own, and after another 2-3 weeks they go on their first hunt. First, the mother introduces them to the nearby territory and shows them how to get their own food. After some time, the growing animals master the necessary skills and leave the nest. They go in search of free territory and settle there.

Interesting Facts

Weasels still have the status of not fully studied animals, as they lead a very secretive lifestyle. Every year information about animals is updated. And in little-studied areas, scientists find new species that are difficult to classify due to lack of data.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Weasels are the smallest members of the family of carnivorous mammals.
  2. Small animals are always hungry due to their increased metabolism. Gluttonous animals need to constantly eat in order not to lose weight.
  3. If weasels drive their prey “into a corner,” they perform a kind of dance, which consists of jumping, dashing and pouncing. This behavior distracts and exhausts the victim to the point that he cannot resist.
  4. Weasels are solitary animals and form pairs only during the mating season. But in areas with a rich food supply, animals can form colonies.
  5. Representatives of the family easily adapt to climate and other natural factors, so they can survive in almost any area. The main condition is a good food supply.
  6. Male weasels regularly walk around their property, which can reach 8 hectares, and drive out competitors.
  7. The animals are excellent at climbing trees and mountain slopes, and are also excellent swimmers.
  8. In search of food, weasels can travel two kilometers in one night.
  9. Small predators make supplies from killed mice.
  10. Surprisingly, weasels are quite silent. The only sounds are hissing during fights and quiet hooting during mating games and communication with babies.
  11. The more food, the more offspring. In well-fed years, females can produce 2 to 3 litters per season.
  12. Pregnancy may be delayed. During lean periods, an egg fertilized in early summer may delay development until the following spring.

The Greeks believed that snow-white caresses were unhappy brides who were betrayed at the altar. The appearance of an animal near the house was considered a bad omen. And in North American Indians they reacted to affection like Russians to a black cat. If an animal crossed a person’s path, then he was promised troubles and misfortunes.

Is it possible to keep a weasel at home?

Weasels are rarely kept at home. One of the reasons is the difficulty in taming the animal. A person can establish a relationship with an animal only if he takes it very young and replaces its mother. But even then you will have to make a lot of effort to win the favor of the animal.

Weasel can be kept in an apartment, in a private house or in a country house. She will need a spacious multi-level cage in which to place:

  • drinking bowl;
  • feeder;
  • small shelter;
  • several snags - the animal will climb on them.

It is better to give preference to a cage with a horizontal lattice. The distance between the rods should be small - from 0.5 to 1 cm. It is good if the structure is equipped with a pull-out tray for ease of cleaning. Bedding is placed at the bottom of the cage - soft hay or pressed sawdust.

If possible, you should feed your weasel the food it eats in nature. This is meat, fish, eggs. You can also offer your pet special mixtures for ferrets. A small animal should receive about 50 g of food per day.

Caring for an exotic animal includes regular cleaning of the cage - replacing bedding, washing and disinfecting equipment. When shedding begins, there is no need to comb your weasel. It is enough to collect the fallen hairs with a wet palm. Sometimes you can arrange bath days for the animal - let it swim in the bath. And of course, you need to pay attention to your pet every day, play with him so that he doesn’t lose the habit of being handled.

Not every person will decide to have a weasel as a pet. Its wild habits are quite difficult to eradicate. It is no less difficult to accustom an animal to handling, since it is accustomed to perceiving surrounding living creatures either as prey or as a threat. However, some people manage to establish contact with the predator and live peacefully with it under the same roof.

Strengthening the chicken coop from predators

It is not difficult to guess which path the little bandits choose for their bloody intervention. They use any available gap to enter the house. Cracks in the foundation, holes invisible to the eye - all this becomes a potential entrance to the chicken abode.

To prevent the weasel from sneaking in, the chicken coop must be as strong as a fortress

Thanks to their physiology and small size, even small holes become a door to gastronomic paradise for them. If the walls of the room do not contain holes, but have rotted under the influence of time and humidity, animals can easily gnaw through damp boards.

Since petty robbers have learned to use mouse holes as tunnels leading into the chicken coop, solving the problem of how to get rid of weasels in the yard becomes as paramount as ensuring the safety of the chicken coop itself. Even if there are no cracks or holes in the surrounding area, the weasel can penetrate through the ventilation system or, in extreme cases, make a dig on its own: the animal’s sharp fangs and claws allow this manipulation to be carried out in the shortest possible time.

There should be no conditions for predators to create hiding places in the area adjacent to the chicken coop.

For safety reasons, every square meter of the poultry house should be inspected and, if necessary, all holes should be patched and the ventilation system should be covered with mesh. When designing a house for birds, you should take into account the fact that the foundation must be made thick in order to prevent animals from entering through holes.

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It is not so difficult to catch poultry house robbers: knowing their habits and preferences, you can weaken their onslaught. For centuries, farmers have been using traps and other traps to catch small predators.

Mustelid trap

How to get rid of weasels - quite simple! To do this, you only need a few items that are always at hand.

Volume bucket Plastic bottle 2 l Bait

Setting up a homemade weasel trap

1It is necessary to cut off the bottom and top of the bottle.
2At one end of it you should install bait in the form of one of the mustelids' favorite foods: a piece of fresh lamb or pork will be an excellent bait, since they will not be able to help but react to the strong smell of blood emanating from it.
3A chair should be placed in the place where animal tracks were found.
4Place the bottle on the edge of the chair.
5You need to place a bucket under the chair, into which the animal tempted by the bait should fall. In this case, the lid should be secured so that it slams shut at the slightest vibration.

It is important not to miss the moment when the animal falls into the trap in order to have time to fix the bucket lid in a timely manner. Otherwise, the animal may get out of it and all efforts aimed at solving the problem: how to catch and get rid of a weasel in a chicken coop will be in vain.

Diagram of a homemade mesh trap

It does not matter how exactly the predator was captured, after capture it should be released away from its area.

mesh trap

The list of items that help in solving the question continues: what to do to prevent a weasel from getting into your chicken coop, a large mousetrap.

Mousetrap for catching rats

It is difficult to find an animal that would not find itself in a trap containing a delicious piece of meat. The Zürner rat trap is very popular among farmers.

Zürner's rat trap

Repellers and traps for birds and rodents

You can buy it in a store: the average market price is 1,200 rubles, or you can make it yourself. The manufacturing process is quite simple and does not require large financial costs. It is a small but capacious box made of boards. The peculiarity of this trap is the bridges connecting 2 windows located parallel to each other.

Scheme of operation of the Zürnenra rat trap


As a preventative measure, you can try to scare away the unwanted predator. An electronic repeller works well for this purpose and should be placed in the poultry house or in the area adjacent to it.

The electronic repeller does not take up much space and is quite easy to install

Electronic repeller

The device emits low-purity signals that provoke panic attacks in animals and a desire to get out of the area as quickly as possible.

As an alternative, you can install a light with a built-in motion sensor, which will respond to the approach of intruders with noise and sound warnings.

Traditional methods

Measures to protect yourself from a little robber can be quite simple. For example, tar is considered an effective remedy. Rural farmers believe that walls coated with this resinous product will emit a weasel-repellent odor. However, this method is rather dubious: the weasel can get into the chicken coop through the roof or dig a hole, thus not coming into contact with the walls.

It is believed that the smell of tar repels weasels

Chicken coops

If you don’t have the time and desire to purchase products that will tell you how to get rid of weasels in the chicken coop, you should turn the poultry house into an impregnable fortress and cover up any cracks and holes. It is also necessary to acquire good security: a competent, trained dog will be an excellent guard, protecting against any attacks from predators.

A dog is a good protector of birds.
If you take timely measures to protect and protect your pets, you can avoid significant losses of livestock and not have to deal with the need for contact with predatory representatives of the mustelid family.

Mustelid trap

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